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In general, information available as of 1 January, 2004 was used in the preparation of The World Fa tboo!


This page was last updated on 10 February, 200#



Field %isting

&an! 'rder


Saudi Arabia
Top of (age

In 1902, ABD AL-AZIZ bin Abd al-Rahman Al Saud captured Riyadh and set ut n a !0-year campai"n t uni#y the Arabian $eninsula% & day, the m narchy is ruled by a s n # ABD AL-AZIZ, and the c untry's Basic La( stipulates that the thr ne shall remain in the hands # the a"in" s ns and "rands ns # the )in"d m's # under% * ll (in" Ira+'s in,asi n # -u(ait in 1990, Saudi Arabia accepted the -u(aiti r yal #amily and .00,000 re#u"ees (hile all (in" /estern and Arab tr ps t depl y n its s il # r the liberati n # -u(ait the # ll (in" year% &he c ntinuin" presence # # rei"n tr ps n Saudi s il a#ter 0perati n Desert St rm remained a s urce # tensi n bet(een the r yal #amily and the public until the 1S military's near-c mplete (ithdra(al t nei"hb rin" 2atar in 200!% &he #irst ma3 r terr rist attac)s in Saudi Arabia in se,eral years, (hich ccurred in 4ay and 5 ,ember 200!, pr mpted rene(ed e## rts n the part # the Saudi " ,ernment t c unter d mestic terr rism and e6tremism, (hich als c incided (ith a sli"ht upsur"e in media #reed m and ann uncement # " ,ernment plans t phase in partial p litical representati n% A bur"e nin" p pulati n, a+ui#er depleti n, and an ec n my lar"ely dependent n petr leum utput and prices are all n" in" " ,ernmental c ncerns% Geography

Saudi Arabia
Top of (age

4iddle 7ast, b rderin" the $ersian 8ul# and the Red Sea, n rth # 9emen
Geographic coordinates:

2: 00 5, .: 00 7
Map references:
)iddle *ast


total: 1,9;0,:<2 s+ )m land: 1,9;0,:<2 s+ )m water: 0 s+ )m

Area - comparative:

sli"htly m re than ne-#i#th the si=e # the 1S

Land boundaries:

total: .,.!1 )m border countries: Ira+ <1. )m, > rdan ?.. )m, -u(ait 222 )m, 0man ;?; )m, 2atar ;0 )m, 1A7 .:? )m, 9emen 1,.:< )m
Coast ine:

2,;.0 )m
Maritime c aims:

territorial sea: 12 nm contiguous zone: 1< nm continental shelf: n t speci#ied

C imate:

harsh, dry desert (ith "reat temperature e6tremes


m stly uninhabited, sandy desert

" evation e#tremes:

lowest point: $ersian 8ul# 0 m

highest point: >abal Sa(da' !,1!! m

$atura resources:

petr leum, natural "as, ir n re, " ld, c pper

Land use:

arable land: 1%;?@ permanent crops: 0%09@ other: 9<%2.@ A2001B

Irrigated and:

1;,200 s+ )m A199< est%B

$atura ha%ards:

#re+uent sand and dust st rms

"nvironment - current issues:

deserti#icati nC depleti n # under"r und (ater res urcesC the lac) # perennial ri,ers r permanent (ater b dies has pr mpted the de,el pment # e6tensi,e sea(ater desalinati n #acilitiesC c astal p lluti n #r m il spills party to: Bi di,ersity, Dlimate Dhan"e, Deserti#icati n, 7ndan"ered Species, Ea=ard us /astes, La( # the Sea, 0= ne Layer $r tecti n signed, but not ratified: n ne # the selected a"reements e6tensi,e c astlines n $ersian 8ul# and Red Sea pr ,ide "reat le,era"e n shippin" Aespecially crude ilB thr u"h $ersian 8ul# and Sue= Danal

"nvironment - internationa agreements:

Geography - note:

&eop e
&opu ation:

Saudi Arabia
Top of (age

2:,?9:,9!< note: includes :,:?;,0?; n n-nati nals A>uly 200. est%B

Age structure:

0-14 years: !<%!@ Amale :,0!9,:?<C #emale .,<.:,9!?B 15-64 years: :9%!@ Amale <,<10,?0:C #emale ;,.9.,??0B 65 years and over: 2%!@ Amale !2?,0.?C #emale 2??,901B A200. est%B
Median age:

total: 21%2 years male: 22%< years female: 19%1 years A200. est%B
&opu ation gro'th rate:

2%..@ A200. est%B

Birth rate:

29%?. birthsF1,000 p pulati n A200. est%B

(eath rate:

2%;; deathsF1,000 p pulati n A200. est%B

$et migration rate:

-2%?1 mi"rantAsBF1,000 p pulati n A200. est%B

Se# ratio:

at birth: 1%0: maleAsBF#emale under 15 years: 1%0. maleAsBF#emale 15-64 years: 1%!; maleAsBF#emale 65 years and over: 1%1< maleAsBF#emale total population: 1%22 maleAsBF#emale A200. est%B
Infant morta ity rate:

total: 1!%? deathsF1,000 li,e births

male: 1:%?2 deathsF1,000 li,e births female: 11%:< deathsF1,000 li,e births A200. est%B
Life e#pectancy at birth:

total population: ?:%2! years male: ?!%2; years female: ??%! years A200. est%B
!ota ferti ity rate:

.%11 children b rnF( man A200. est%B

)I*+AI(S - adu t preva ence rate: )I*+AI(S - peop e iving 'ith )I*+AI(S: )I*+AI(S - deaths:

0%01@ A2001 est%B 5A 5A

$ationa ity:

noun: SaudiAsB ad ective: Saudi r Saudi Arabian

"thnic groups:

Arab 90@, A#r -Asian 10@

,e igions:

4uslim 100@


definition: a"e 1: and ,er can read and (rite total population: ?<%<@ male: <.%?@ female: ?0%<@ A200! est%B Government
Country name:

Saudi Arabia
Top of (age

conventional long form: -in"d m # Saudi Arabia conventional short form: Saudi Arabia local long form: Al 4amla)ah al Arabiyah as Suudiyah local short form: Al Arabiyah as Suudiyah
Government type:

m narchy
Capita :

Administrative divisions:

1! pr ,inces Aminta+at, sin"ular - minta+ahBC Al Bahah, Al Eudud ash Shamaliyah, Al >a(#, Al 4adinah, Al 2asim, Ar Riyad, Ash Shar+iyah A7astern $r ,inceB, 'Asir, Ea'il, >i=an, 4a))ah, 5a3ran, &abu)

2! September 19!2 Auni#icati n # the )in"d mB

$ationa ho iday:

1ni#icati n # the -in"d m, 2! September A19!2B


" ,erned acc rdin" t Shari'a AIslamic la(BC the Basic La( that articulates the " ,ernment's ri"hts and resp nsibilities (as intr duced in 199!
Lega system:

based n Islamic la(, se,eral secular c des ha,e been intr ducedC

c mmercial disputes handled by special c mmitteesC has n t accepted c mpuls ry ID> 3urisdicti n

n ne adult male citi=ens a"e 21 r lder note: , ter re"istrati n be"an in 5 ,ember 200. # r partial municipal c uncil electi ns scheduled nati n(ide # r *ebruary thr u"h April 200:
"#ecutive branch:

chief of state: -in" and $rime 4inister *AED bin Abd al-A=i= Al Saud Asince 1! >une 19<2, but lar"ely incapacitated since late 199:BC Dr (n $rince and *irst Deputy $rime 4inister ABDALLAE bin Abd al-A=i= Al Saud since 1! >une 19<2, als Saudi Arabian 5ati nal 8uard D mmander since 19;! and de #act ruler since early 199;C n te - the m narch is b th the chie# # state and head # " ,ernment head of government: -in" and $rime 4inister *AED bin Abd al-A=i= Al Saud Asince 1! >une 19<2, but lar"ely incapacitated since late 199:BC Dr (n $rince and *irst Deputy $rime 4inister ABDALLAE bin Abd alA=i= Al Saud since 1! >une 19<2, als Saudi Arabian 5ati nal 8uard D mmander since 19;! and de #act ruler since early 199;C n te - the m narch is b th the chie# # state and head # " ,ernment cabinet: D uncil # 4inisters is app inted by the m narch and includes many r yal #amily members elections: n te - in 0ct ber 200!, D uncil # 4inisters ann unced its intent t intr duce electi ns # r hal# # the members # l cal and pr ,incial assemblies and a third # the members # the nati nal D nsultati,e D uncil r 4a3lis al-Shura, incrementally ,er a peri d # # ur t #i,e yearsC in 5 ,ember 200., the 4inistry # 4unicipal and Rural A##airs initiated , ter re"istrati n # r partial municipal c uncil electi ns scheduled nati n(ide # r *ebruary thr u"h April 200:
Legis ative branch:

D nsultati,e D uncil r 4a3lis al-Shura A120 members and a chairman app inted by the m narch # r # ur-year termsB
-udicia branch:

Supreme D uncil # >ustice

&o itica parties and eaders: &o itica pressure groups and eaders: Internationa organi%ation participation:

n ne n ne AB7DA, A#DB, A*7SD, A4*, BIS, *A0, 8-??, 8DD, IA7A, IBRD, IDA0, IDD, IDR4, IDA, IDB, I*AD, I*D, I*RDS, IL0, I4*, I40, Interp l, I0D, IS0, I&1, LAS, 4I8A, 5A4, 0A$7D, 0AS A bser,erB, 0ID, 0$D/, 0$7D, $DA, 15, 15D&AD, 157SD0, 15ID0, 1$1, /D0, /*&1, /E0, /I$0, /40, /& 0, /&r0 A bser,erB chief of mission: Ambassad r BA5DAR bin Sultan bin Abd al-A=i= Al Saud chancery: ;01 5e( Eampshire A,enue 5/, /ashin"t n, DD 200!? telephone: G1H A202B !.2-!<00 consulate!s" general: E ust n, L s An"eles, and 5e( 9 r) chief of mission: Ambassad r >ames Durtis 0B7R/7&&7R embassy: D llect r R ad 4, Dipl matic 2uarter, Riyadh mailing address: American 7mbassy Riyadh, 1nit ;1!0?, A$0 A7

(ip omatic representation in the .S:

(ip omatic representation from the .S:

09<0!-1!0?C Internati nal 4ailI $% 0% B 6 9.!09, Riyadh 11;9! telephone: G9;;H A1B .<<-!<00 #$%: G9;;H A1B .<<-!9<9 consulate!s" general: Dhahran, >iddah A>eddahB
/ ag description:

"reen, a traditi nal c l r in Islamic #la"s, (ith the Shahada r 4uslim creed in lar"e (hite Arabic script Atranslated as J&here is n " d but 8 dC 4uhammad is the 4essen"er # 8 dJB ab ,e a (hite h ri= ntal saber Athe tip p ints t the h ist sideBC desi"n dates t the early t(entieth century and is cl sely ass ciated (ith the Al Saud #amily (hich established the )in"d m in 19!2 "conomy
"conomy - overvie':

Saudi Arabia
Top of (age

&his is an il-based ec n my (ith str n" " ,ernment c ntr ls ,er ma3 r ec n mic acti,ities% Saudi Arabia has the lar"est reser,es # petr leum in the ( rld A2:@ # the pr ,ed reser,esB, ran)s as the lar"est e6p rter # petr leum, and plays a leadin" r le in 0$7D% &he petr leum sect r acc unts # r r u"hly ?:@ # bud"et re,enues, .:@ # 8D$, and 90@ # e6p rt earnin"s% Ab ut .0@ # 8D$ c mes #r m the pri,ate sect r% R u"hly #i,e and a hal# milli n # rei"n ( r)ers play an imp rtant r le in the Saudi ec n my, # r e6ample, in the il and ser,ice sect rs% &he " ,ernment in 1999 ann unced plans t be"in pri,ati=in" the electricity c mpanies, (hich # ll (s the n" in" pri,ati=ati n # the telec mmunicati ns c mpany% &he " ,ernment is enc ura"in" pri,ate sect r "r (th t lessen the )in"d m's dependence n il and increase empl yment pp rtunities # r the s(ellin" Saudi p pulati n% $ri rities # r " ,ernment spendin" in the sh rt term include additi nal #unds # r educati n and # r the (ater and se(a"e systems% 7c n mic re# rms pr ceed cauti usly because # deep-r ted p litical and s cial c nser,atism%

purchasin" p (er parity - K2<?%< billi n A200! est%B

G(& - rea gro'th rate:

:%!@ A200! est%B

G(& - per capita:

purchasin" p (er parity - K11,<00 A200! est%B

G(& - composition by sector:

agriculture: .%?@ industry: :<%<@ services: !;%:@ A200! est%B 1<@ # 8D$ A200!B

Investment 0gross fi#ed1:

&opu ation be o' poverty ine: )ouseho d income or consumption by percentage share:

5A lowest 10&: 5A highest 10&: 5A 0%:@ A200! est%B ;%.! milli n note: m re than !:@ # the p pulati n in the 1:-;. a"e "r up is n n-

Inf ation rate 0consumer prices1: Labor force:

nati nal A200!B

Labor force - by occupation: .nemp oyment rate:

a"riculture 12@, industry 2:@, ser,ices ;!@ A1999 est%B 2:@ A200!B


revenues: K?<%?? billi n e'penditures: K;;%?; billi n, includin" capital e6penditures # 5A A200! est%B
&ub ic debt:

9.%;@ # 8D$ A200!B

Agricu ture - products:

(heat, barley, t mat es, mel ns, dates, citrusC mutt n, chic)ens, e""s, mil)

crude il pr ducti n, petr leum re#inin", basic petr chemicals, cement, c nstructi n, #ertili=er, plastics
Industria production gro'th rate: " ectricity - production:

?%?@ A200! est%B 122%. billi n )/h A2001B

" ectricity - consumption:

11!%< billi n )/h A2001B

" ectricity - e#ports:

0 )/h A2001B
" ectricity - imports:

0 )/h A2001B
2i - production:

<%?11 milli n bblFday A2001 est%B

2i - consumption:

1%.:2 milli n bblFday A2001 est%B

2i - e#ports:

?%92 milli n bblFday A200!B

2i - imports:

0 bblFday A200!B
2i - proved reserves:

2;1%? billi n bbl A1 >anuary 2002B

$atura gas - production:

:!%;9 billi n cu m A2001 est%B

$atura gas - consumption:

:!%;9 billi n cu m A2001 est%B

$atura gas - e#ports:

0 cu m A2001 est%B
$atura gas - imports:

0 cu m A2001 est%B
$atura gas - proved reserves: Current account ba ance:

;%!!9 trilli n cu m A1 >anuary 2002B K22%2? billi n A200!B


K<;%:! billi n #% %b% A200! est%B

"#ports - commodities:

petr leum and petr leum pr ducts 90@

"#ports - partners:

1S 20%;@, >apan 1:%.@, S uth - rea 9%<@, Dhina :%:@, &ai(an .%:@, Sin"ap re .%1@ A200!B

K!0%!< billi n #% %b% A200! est%B

Imports - commodities:

machinery and e+uipment, #

Imports - partners:

dstu##s, chemicals, m t r ,ehicles, te6tiles

1S 9%.@, >apan ?%?@, 8ermany ?%!@, 1- ;%2@, Dhina .%.@, *rance .%1@ A200!B
,eserves of foreign e#change 3 go d: (ebt - e#terna :

K22%<; billi n A200!B K!9%1; billi n A200!B

"conomic aid - donor:

pled"ed K100 milli n in 199! t #und rec nstructi n # Leban nC since 2000, Saudi Arabia has c mmitted K!0? milli n # r assistance t the $alestiniansC pled"ed K2.0 milli n t de,el pment in A#"hanistanC pled"ed K1 billi n in e6p rt "uarantees and s #t l ans t Ira+

Saudi riyal ASARB

Currency code:

"#change rates:

Saudi riyals per 1S d llar - !%?.: A200!B, !%?.: A2002B, !%?.: A2001B, !%?.: A2000B, !%?.: A1999B
/isca year:

calendar year Communications Saudi Arabia

Top of (age

!e ephones - main ines in use: !e ephones - mobi e ce u ar: !e ephone system:

!,:02,;00 A200!B ?,2!<,200 A200!B general assessment: m dern system domestic: e6tensi,e micr (a,e radi relay, c a6ial cable, and #iber- ptic cable systems international: c untry c de - 9;;C micr (a,e radi relay t Bahrain, > rdan, -u(ait, 2atar, 1A7, 9emen, and SudanC c a6ial cable t -u(ait and > rdanC submarine cable t D3ib uti, 7"ypt and BahrainC satellite earth stati ns - : Intelsat A! Atlantic 0cean and 2 Indian 0ceanB, 1 Arabsat, and 1 Inmarsat AIndian 0cean re"i nB

,adio broadcast stations:

A4 .!, *4 !1, sh rt(a,e 2 A199<B

!e evision broadcast stations: Internet country code:

11? A199?B %sa

Internet hosts:

1:,9!1 A200.B
Internet users:

1%: milli n A200!B !ransportation

,ai 'ays:

Saudi Arabia
Top of (age

total: 1,!92 )m standard gauge: 1,!92 )m 1%.!:-m "au"e A(ith branch lines and sidin"sB A200!B

total: 1:1,.?0 )m paved: .:,:92 )m unpaved: 10:,<?< )m A1999B

&ipe ines:

c ndensate 212 )mC "as 1,?<0 )mC li+uid petr leum "as 1,191 )mC il :,0;< )mC re#ined pr ducts 1,1;2 )m A200.B
&orts and harbors:

Ad Dammam, Al >ubayl, Duba, >iddah, >i=an, Rabi"h, Ra's al -ha#3i, 4ishab, Ras &anura, 9anbu' al Bahr, 4adinat 9anbu' al Sinaiyah
Merchant marine:

total: ;; ships A1,000 8R& r ,erB 1,!0;,?0; 8R&F1,9;!,191 D/& by type: car" :, chemical tan)er 11, c ntainer ., li,est c) carrier 2, passen"er 1, petr leum tan)er 2!, re#ri"erated car" ., r ll nFr ll ## 10, sh rt-seaFpassen"er ; foreign-owned: 7"ypt !, 8reece ., 5 r(ay 2, Sudan 1, 1nited -in"d m ! registered in other countries: :. A200. est%B

20. A200! est%B

Airports - 'ith paved run'ays:

total: ?2 over (,04) m: !2 *,4(+ to (,04) m: 1! 1,5*4 to *,4() m: 2! ,14 to 1,5*( m: 2 under ,14 m: 2 A200. est%B total: 129 over (04) m: 1 *,4(+ to (,04) m: : 1,5*4 to *,4() m: ?2 ,14 to 1,5*( m: !9 under ,14 m: 12 A200. est%B : A200! est%B

Airports - 'ith unpaved run'ays:

)e iports:

Mi itary
Mi itary branches:

Saudi Arabia
Top of (age

Land * rce AArmyB, 5a,y, Air * rce, Air De#ense * rce, 5ati nal 8uard, 4inistry # Interi r * rces AparamilitaryB
Mi itary manpo'er mi itary age and ob igation: Mi itary manpo'er avai abi ity:

1< years # a"e Aest%BC n c nscripti n A200.B males age 15-4,: <,2.0,?1. A200. est%B

Mi itary manpo'er - fit for mi itary service:

males age 15-4,: .,?2:,:1. A200. est%B

Mi itary manpo'er reaching mi itary age annua y: Mi itary e#penditures do ar figure: Mi itary e#penditures percent of G(&:

males: 2.;,!.! A200. est%B K1< billi n A2002B 10@ A2002B Saudi Arabia
Top of (age

!ransnationa Issues
(isputes - internationa :

n madic "r ups n b rder re"i n (ith 9emen resist demarcati n # b undaryC 9emen pr tests Saudi erecti n # a c ncrete-#illed pipe as a security barrier in 200. t stem ille"al cr ss-b rder acti,ities in secti ns # the b undaryC -u(ait and Saudi Arabia c ntinue discussi ns n a maritime b undary (ith IranC because the treaties ha,e n t been made public, the e6act ali"nment # the b undary (ith the 1A7 is still un)n (n and labeled appr 6imate
,efugees and interna y disp aced persons: I icit drugs:

refugees !country of origin": 2.0,000 A$alestinian &errit riesB A200.B death penalty # r tra##ic)ersC increasin" c nsumpti n # her in, c caine, and hashishC n t a ma3 r m ney-launderin" center, impr ,in" antim ney-launderin" le"islati n
This page was last updated on 10 February, 200#

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