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Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 5059

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Journal of Food Engineering

! o u r n a l " o # e $ a g e % & & & ' e ls e v i e r ' c o # ( l o c a t e ( ! f o o d e n g

)on*linear cree$*recover+ #easure#ents as a tool for evaluating t"e viscoelastic $ro$erties of &"eat ,our doug"
Fili$ -an .oc/staele a0b00 1ngrid
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5niversit+ College 6"ent0 Facult+ of .iosciences and 2andsca$e 7rc"itecture0 e$art#ent of Food Science and 8ec"nolog+0 Sc"oon#eersstraat 520 9000 6"ent0 .elgiu# 6"ent 5niversit+0 e$art#ent of Food 9ualit+ and Food Safet+0 2aborator+ of Food 8ec"nolog+ and Engineering0 Cou$ure 2in/s :5;0 9000 6"ent0 .elgiu#

a r t i c l e

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a b s t r a c t
Cree$*recover+ #easure#ents &ere used to anal+?e t"e non*linear viscoelastic $ro$erties of &"eat ,our' First t"e effect of cree$ ti#e0 recover+ ti#e and s"ear stress &as investigated on t"e non*linear viscoelas* tic $ro$erties of .ussard doug"' 8"e .urgers #odel &as @tted to t"e cree$ and recover+ curves' 7 linear increase of #aAi#u# cree$ co#$liance &as observed &it" increasing cree$ ti#e' =n t"e ot"er "and0 #aAi#u# recover+ co#$liance re#ained constant but an increase of t"e retardation ti#e &as observed &"ic" indicates a slo&er recover+' 7 recover+ ti#e of 10 #in see#ed to be suf@cient to obtain #ost of t"e recover+' 3aAi#u# cree$ co#$liance increased $ro$ortionall+ &it" increasing s"ear stress until a $lateau &as reac"ed' 3aAi#u# recover+ &as constant bet&een 100 and 500 Ba but t"e s$eed of t"e recover+ increased as s"ear stress increased' Finall+0 t"e o$ti#ised cree$*recover+ #et"odolog+ &as used to anal+?e t"e non*linear viscoelastic $ro$erties of 17 $ure &"eat cultivars' .+ a$$l+ing $rinci$al co#$onent anal+sis0 it &as $ossible to identif+ t"ree grou$s of &"eat cultivars &it" si#ilar r"eological $ro$erties and bread volu#es' 2011 Elsevier 2td' 7ll rig"ts reserved'

7rticle "istor+% <eceived 5 =ctober 2010 <eceived in revised for# ;1 3a+ 2011 7cce$ted 2 June 2011 7vailable online 12 June 2011 4e+&ords% Cree$*recover+ )on*linear >"eat ,our .read volu#e oug" r"eolog+ .urgers #odel

1' 1ntroduction <"eological $ro$erties of bread doug" are of substantial i#$or* tance because t"e+ in,uence t"e #ac"inabilit+ of t"e doug"0 t"e gas "olding ca$acit+ and eventuall+ t"e Cualit+ of t"e ba/ed bread' 8o anal+?e t"e viscoelastic $ro$erties of doug"0 #an+ different #et"ods are available &"ic" var+ in sa#$le si?e0 #easuring geo#* etr+ and t+$e and si?e of t"e a$$lied defor#ation ( obras?c?+/ and 3orgenstern0 200;)' =ne co##on #et"od to stud+ viscoelastic $ro$erties is cree$* recover+' Cree$*recover+ is a static r"eological #et"od in &"ic" an instantaneous stress is a$$lied to t"e sa#$le and t"e c"ange in strain is #easured over ti#e' 7 cree$ $"ase is usuall+ follo&ed b+ a recover+ $"ase in &"ic" t"e a$$lied stress is re#oved' -isco* elastic #aterials eA"ibit a non*linear res$onse and0 due to t"eir abilit+ to recover so#e structure b+ storing energ+0 s"o& a $er#a* nent defor#ation &"ic" is less t"an t"e total defor#ation a$$lied to t"e sa#$le (Steffe0 199:)' Cree$*recover+ #easure#ents can be $erfor#ed in co#$ression0 uniaAial tension or s"ear0 of &"ic" t"e latter is t"e #ost co##on' 3ostl+0 cree$*recover+ #easure#ents are carried out in t"e lin* ear viscoelastic region (2-<)' Do&ever0 cree$*recover+ can also be
Corres$onding aut"or at% 5niversit+ College 6"ent0 Facult+ of .iosciences and 2andsca$e 7rc"itecture0 e$art#ent of Food Science and 8ec"nolog+0 Sc"oo* n#eersstraat 520 9000 6"ent0 .elgiu#' 8el'% E;2 9 2FG GG 71H faA% E;2 9 2F2 F2 79'
E*#ail address% @li$'vanboc/staeleI"ogent'be (F' -an .oc/staele)' 02:0*G77F(K * see front #atter 2011 Elsevier 2td' 7ll rig"ts reserved' doi%10'101:(!'!foodeng'2011'0:'001

used to deter#ine t"e non*linear be"aviour of doug" (.lo/s#a0 19:2H Dibberd and Bar/er0 1979H 2efebvre0 200:0 2009H <ouille et al'0 2005)' 8"is #a+ be interesting for bread doug" because dur* ing $rocessing doug" is sub!ected to large strains and s"ear rates &"ic" fall be+ond t"e linear do#ain (2efebvre0 200:)' 7$$l+ing lar* ger stresses (4"at/ar and Sc"o@eld0 2002) or strains (Safari*7rdi and B"an*8"ien0 199G) outside t"e 2-< could be useful for $redict* ing bread#a/ing $otential' )on*linear cree$ also $roved to be able to ran/ duru# &"eat cultivars according to eA$ected doug" strengt" (Ed&ards et al'0 1999)' Do&ever0 studies concerning t"e non*linear be"aviour of &"eat ,our doug" in s"ear are li#ited and are usuall+ $erfor#ed at a single value of s"ear strain0 stress or rate &"ic" are often arbitraril+ c"osen (2efebvre and 3a"#oudi0 2007)' 1n t"e last decade0 cree$*recover+ "as been eAtensivel+ used to deter#ine t"e viscoelastic $ro$erties of different cereal based $roducts0 es$eciall+ several t+$es of doug" s+ste#s0 suc" as duru# &"eat doug" (Ed&ards et al'0 19990 2001)0 &"eat sourdoug" (Clar/e et al'0 200FH Sc"ober et al'0 200;)0 biscuit doug" (Bedersen et al'0 200F)0 #oc"i (C"uang and Je"0 200:)0 c"estnut ,our doug" (3oreira et al'0 2010)0 a#arant" doug" (Douben et al'0 2010)0 eA* truded dis$ersions of ,aAseed and #ai?e (>u et al'0 2010)0 rice $asta doug" (So?er0 2009) and gluten*free batters or doug"s (2a?aridou et al'0 2007H )unes et al'0 2009H =n+ango et al'0 20100 2009)' 7lso0 several aut"ors "ave tried to $redict &"eat ,our func* tionalit+ in bread#a/ing b+ #easuring t"e viscoelastic $ro$erties b+ cree$*recover+ #easure#ents on &"eat gluten (8rons#o

F' -an .oc/staele et al' ( Journal of Food Engineering 107 (2011) 5059


et al'0 200;a0b)0 s$elt gluten (Sc"ober et al'0 2002)0 &"eat doug" (4a&ai et al'0 200:H >ang and Sun0 2002) and undevelo$ed doug" (Ca#$os et al'0 1997H Sto!ces/a et al'0 2007)' 6lutens fro# good bread#a/ing Cualit+ ,our "ad "ig"er relative elastic recover+ (8rons#o et al'0 200;b)0 but no relation &as found &it" bread volu#e' 7 good correlation &as found bet&een #aAi#u# recover+ strain and bread volu#e for co##ercial &"eat ,our (>ang and Sun0 2002) and $ure &"eat cultivars (-an .oc/staele et al'0 200G) differing in Cualit+' )o relation &as found bet&een cree$*recover+ $ara#eters fro# undevelo$ed doug" sa#$les and bread volu#e (Sto!ces/a et al'0 2007)' 1n t"is $a$er0 @rst t"e effect of s"ear stress0 s"ear and recov* er+ ti#e on t"e cree$*recover+ $ara#eters of .ussard ,our &ater doug" &ill be discussed' 8"e ai# is to obtain a $ractical cree$*recover+ #et"odolog+ &"ic" can be a$$lied in Cualit+ control of &"eat ,our' Secondl+0 t"e non*linear viscoelastic $ro$erties of 17 $ure &"eat cultivars &ill be eAa#ined' 8"ese &"eat cultivars "ave alread+ been eAtensivel+ c"aracteri?ed for ,our and ba/ing Cualit+ in a $revious $a$er (-an .oc/staele et al'0 200G)'

2' 3aterials and #et"ods 2'1' >"eat ,our 8"e @rst ai# of t"is researc" &as to develo$ a cree$*recover+ $rotocol (s"ear stress0 cree$ ti#e and recover+ ti#es) to anal+?e doug" viscoelastic $ro$erties of $ure &"eat cultivars obtained fro# eA$eri#ental &"eat gro&ing @elds' For develo$ing t"e cree$*recover+ $rotocol a larger a#ount of &"eat ,our fro# one &"eat cultivar &as needed t"an could be obtained fro# t"e eA$er* i#ental @elds0 fro# &"ic" t"e sa#$le si?es are generall+ onl+ suf* @cient to $erfor# standard Cualit+ control tests and a ba/ing test' So0 for t"is $ur$ose a larger a#ount of &"eat ,our of &"eat variet+ .ussard &as obtained fro# an industrial $artner (Bani,o&er0 6"ent0 .elgiu#)' >"eat cultivar .ussard is a 6er#an &"eat culti* var belonging to &"eat class E &"ic" is /no&n for its eAcellent ba/ing Cualit+' =nce t"e cree$*recover+ #et"odolog+ &as o$ti#ised0 t"e #et"od &as also a$$lied on ,our&ater doug"s $re$ared fro# &"eat ,our obtained fro# siAteen ot"er $ure &"eat cultivars &"ic" &ere "arvested at t"e eA$eri#ental far# of 5niversit+ Col* lege 6"ent' 8"ose &"eat sa#$les &ere cleaned0 te#$ered over* nig"t to a #oisture content of 15'5L and #illed on a .M"ler laborator+ #ill' 7ll sa#$les &ere stored at 20 C' 8"e #a!or Cualit+ c"aracteristics of all t"e &"eat ,ours are listed in 8able 1' 8"e $resented values are t"e #ean of at least t"ree re$etitions' 7 #ore eAtensive Cualit+ evaluation of t"e &"eat ,ours and discussion on t"is to$ic "as been $rovided b+ -an .oc/staele et al' (200G)' Brotein content and Nelen+ sedi#entation value of t"e ,our sa#$les &ere deter#ined according to 1CC stan* dard #et"ods 105(1 and 11:0 res$ectivel+ (1CC0 2005)' a#aged starc" &as deter#ined according to 77CC of@cial #et"od 7:*;1 (7CCC0 1990)' >ater absor$tion (>7)0 doug" develo$#ent ti#e ( 8) and doug" stabilit+ during #iAing (S87.) &ere #easured in a ;00 g farinogra$" (.rabender =D60 6er#an+) according to 1CC standard #et"od 115 (1CC0 2005)' 8enacit+ or resistance to eAtension (B)0 doug" eAtensibilit+ (2) and defor#ation energ+ (>) &ere obtained fro# t"e alveogra$" )6 (C"o$in0 France) according to 1CC standard #et"od 121 (1CC0 2005)' 8"e co#$osi* tion of t"e "ig" #olecular &eig"t glutenin subunits (D3>*6S) &as deter#ined and a score for 6lu*1 Cualit+ &as calculated (Ba+ne et al'0 19G7)' 7 straig"t doug" ba/ing #et"od0 based on 1CC standard #et"od 1;1 (1CC0 2005)0 &as used for evaluating t"e bread#a/ing $otential

of t"e &"eat ,ours0 #easured as bread volu#e' 8"e standard reci$e and bread#a/ing $rocess &ere constant0 eAce$t for &ater and #alt addition' 8"e bread for#ula contained &"eat ,our (2 /g0 1FL #oisture)0 dr+ instant +east (1L)0 salt (1'5L)0 ascorbic acid (25 $$#)0 ta$ &ater and #alt ,our' 8"e a#ount of #alt ,our &as ada$ted in order to obtain a falling nu#ber of 250' 8"e a#ount of &ater &as based on t"e farinogra$" &ater absor$tion of &"ic" onl+ 95L &as added to t"e ,our to i#$rove t"e $rocess* abilit+ of t"e doug"' Salt and ascorbic acid &ere dissolved in t"e &ater0 &"ile #alt ,our and +east &ere blended &it" t"e ,our' 8"e doug" &as $re$ared b+ #iAing in a s$iral #iAer (t+$e e ani* elli 1S'0:) for 7 #in' 8"e te#$erature of t"e doug" after #iAing &as 2:'527'5 C b+ ad!usting t"e te#$erature of t"e added &ater' 7fter #iAing0 t"e doug" &as $laced in t"e fer#entation cabinet (;0 C G5L r") for 10 #in' Follo&ing t"is resting $eriod0 t"e doug" &as divided into siA $ieces of F00 g0 t"e doug" $ieces &ere rounded &it" a .rabender rounder and $laced in t"e fer#entation cabinet for ;0 #in' Follo&ing t"e @rst fer#entation $eriod0 t"e doug" $ieces &ere $unc"ed0 #oulded0 $laced into ba/ing $ans and fer#ented for anot"er :5 #in' 8"e loaves &ere ba/ed in t"e oven for ;0 #in &it" stea# in!ection at t"e start of t"e ba/ing $ro* gra# (2F0 #2 &ater in 2 #in)' 8"e te#$erature $rogra# during ba/ing consisted of t"ree consecutive $"ases% 1F #in at 2;0 C0 1; #in at 200 C and ; #in at 190 C during &"ic" t"e stea# valve &as o$ened' .reads &ere cooled do&n to roo# te#$erature before t"e volu#e &as #easured b+ t"e ra$eseed dis$lace#ent #et"od' 8"e re$orted ba/ing volu#es (recalculated to 100 g ,our) are t"e average of at least @ve bread volu#es corres$onding &it" one ba/* ing test' 2'2' <"eolog+ 2'2'1' oug" $re$aration and sa#$le loading 8"e doug" for#ula for r"eological testing consisted of &"eat ,our (250 g 1FL #oisture) and an a#ount of deionised &ater corres$onding to 95L of t"e farinogra$" &ater absor$tion of t"e &"eat ,our0 &"ic" is si#ilar to t"e a#ount of &ater used in t"e ba/ing test' oug"s &ere $re$ared in t"e #iAing bo&l of an alveogra$" b+ #iAing for 5 #in' 8"is #iAing $rocedure en* abled t"e $roduction of doug"s at a s#all scale of &"ic" t"e doug" develo$#ent closel+ rese#bled t"at of t"e doug" in t"e ba/ing test in &"ic" also a constant #iAing ti#e &as a$* $lied' 7fter #iAing0 t"e doug" &as rested for 10 #in in a closed container at roo# te#$erature' 7 doug" sa#$le in t"e r"eo#* eter &as sub!ected to onl+ one cree$*recover+ #easure#ent' <e$eated #easure#ents &ere $erfor#ed on fres"l+ #iAed doug"s' Cree$*recover+ eA$eri#ents &ere $erfor#ed on a 7<2000 con* trolled stress r"eo#eter (87 1nstru#ents0 .russels0 .elgiu#) eCui$$ed &it" a cross "atc"ed $arallel $late geo#etr+ (F0 ## dia#eter)' 7 s#all $iece &as ta/en fro# t"e inner $art of t"e doug"0 loaded bet&een t"e $arallel $lates of t"e r"eo#eter and co#$ressed to obtain a ga$ of 2 ##' 8"e eAcess edges of t"e sa#* $le &ere tri##ed0 so#e &ater dro$s &ere $laced around t"e sa#* $le and a solvent tra$ &as $laced to $revent sa#$le dr+ing out' 8"e te#$erature of t"e doug" &as /e$t constant at 20 C' 7fter sa#$le loading0 a ti#e s&ee$ oscillation eA$eri#ent &as started' 8i#e s&ee$s &ere $erfor#ed using a freCuenc+ of F 1 D? and a strain of 10 ' 8"is guaranteed defor#ation conditions &it"in t"e linear viscoelastic region (:10 ;)0 &"ic" &as deter#ined b+ strain s&ee$ eA$eri#ents (0'0015L strain at 1 D?)' 8"e ti#e s&ee$ allo&ed to follo& u$ sa#$le relaAation after loading b+ #onitoring t"e nor#al force until eCuilibriu# &as reac"ed as de* scribed $reviousl+ (-an .oc/staele et al'0 200G)' >"en t"e nor#al force "ad reac"ed eCuilibriu# conditions0 a cree$*recover+ eA$eri#ent &as started' ata $oints &ere collected &it" t"e Ofast

8able 1 a Flour Cualit+ evaluation of t"e 17 $ure &"eat ,ours' Cultivar 7/teur 7ltos 7nt"us 7stuce .ussard Constance inosor Enor# E$"oros 4odeA 3el/ior 9uebon <osario <ustic Sa#urai So/rates 8uareg
a b

>"eat b class E E 7 . E C 7 E 7 . . 7 C . . 7 7

Brotein (Ld#) 1:'9 1;'; 1;'7 11': 15'G 12'7 1;'; 1F': 1;'0 1F'F 12'1 1F'1 1;'F 1F'7 12'; 1F'1 12'0

Nelen+ (#2) 57 55 F1 ;7 70 ;F 51 :F F; 50 FG 5: FG 55 ;9 50 F;

a#aged starc" (L) F'75 :'0F 5'G1 ;':1 5'75 F'1: 5';G 5'72 5'F; 5'9: :';2 5'99 5';G 5'G7 F'12 5'50 5'F:

>7 (L) 5G'G :;'; 5G'G 50'1 :;'7 51'1 5F'5 5G'9 5G'7 :0'G 59'; :2'0 5G'5 :0'1 5F'7 5G'2 5F';

8 (#in) :': ;': F': 1'9 7'F :'; 2'5 5'; F'7 5'F G'G :'0 F'9 F'0 ;'9 :'G ;'2

S87. (#in) 11'9 10'2 5'G 12': 11'F 12'; 1G'1 1:'F :'F 11'5 1F'F 9'0 7'0 12'0 5': 11'F 1;';

B( ) :;'; 125'G 71'G F2'5 :7'7 F7'7 7F'0 9F'; 70'7 99'7 99'; 99'0 59'2 11F'5 F7': G0'G 59'0

2 (##) 159'; 7F'0 97'7 11G'; 1G7'2 12F'; 115'7 122'; 101'; 7G'; 9F'; 97'7 1F1'7 7G'1 1:0'; 99'7 129'0

> (10


6lu*1 score 9 G 5 10 9 10 G G 7 7 G 7 G : 5 G 7

.a/ing volu#e (c# ( 100 g ,our) 591 5;0 5F1 F29 :;2 F50 F55 5GF 5;1 5;; F59 :F1 5;: 50: FG; 557 50G

2G5'7 ;1G'F 1G:'2 1:2'; ;11'F 1:;'7 2F;'7 ;52'7 1GG'5 251'7 ;0;'; 295'; 20;'G ;11'G 1:F'0 2:7'0 21:'7

3ean values of at least t"ree re$etitions are re$orted' 7ccording to t"e 6er#an classi@cation'

sa#$lingP o$tion of t"e r"eo#eter &"ic" allo&ed gat"ering ver+ detailed infor#ation in t"e cree$ start*u$ $"ase' Compliance (10-3 Pa-1) 2'2'2' Cree$*recover+ #easure#ents 1n a cree$*recover+ eA$eri#ent0 a s"ear stress is i#$osed on a doug" sa#$le and t"e sa#$lePs defor#ation or strain is recorded in function of t"e cree$ ti#e' 8"e results are eA$ressed as co#$li* ance Q1(BaR0 &"ic" corres$onds to t"e strain divided b+ t"e i#* $osed s"ear stress' 1n t"e recover+ $"ase0 t"e s"ear stress is re#oved and t"e sa#$le is allo&ed to recover t"e elastic (instan* taneous and retarded) $art of t"e defor#ation' For a cree$* recover+ eA$eri#ent0 t"ree variables "ave to be c"osen0 #ore $recisel+ t"e lengt" of t"e cree$ $"ase0 t"e s"ear stress a$$lied during cree$ and t"e lengt" of t"e recover+ $"ase' So0 for t"is $ur$ose t"e effect of cree$ ti#e0 s"ear stress and recover+ ti#e on cree$*recover+ $ara#eters of .ussard ,our&ater doug" &as studied in #ore detail' First0 t"e a#ount of recover+ ti#e necessar+ to obtain t"e #a!orit+ of t"e recover+ co#$liance &as deter#ined' 8"erefore t&o eA$eri#ents &ere eAecuted on .ussard ,our&ater doug"s in &"ic" a cree$ $"ase of 5 #in at 100 or 500 Ba s"ear stress &as follo&ed b+ a recover+ $"ase of ; "' 8"e recover+ co#$liance after 10 #in &as co#$ared to t"e recover+ co#$liance at 10 2 and ; "' Furt"er0 for evaluating t"e effect of cree$ ti#e on t"e r"eolog* ical $ro$erties0 a s"ear stress of 100 Ba &as set on .ussard ,our &ater doug" sa#$les for 50 100 15 and 20 #in' 8"e cree$ $"ase &as follo&ed b+ a recover+ $"ase of 10 #in' .ussard ,our&ater doug" sa#$les &ere also sub!ected to s"ear stresses of 100 1000 2500 500 and 1000 Ba during 5 #in' Finall+0 cree$*recover+ eA$eri#ents &ere $erfor#ed on ,our &ater doug"s of t"e 1: ot"er $ure &"eat cultivars at a s"ear stress of 100 and 250 Ba for 5 #in follo&ed b+ a recover+ $"ase of 10 #in' <e$orted values are t"e average of t"ree inde$endent re$* licates of &"ic" eac" re$licate re$resents a se$aratel+ $re$ared doug"' 2'2';' .urgers #odel Bara#eters readil+ available fro# t"e cree$*recover+ curves are t"e #aAi#u# cree$ co#$liance Jc0#aA and t"e #aAi#u# recover+ co#$liance Jr0#aA0 #easured at t"e end of t"e cree$ and recover+ $"ase0 res$ectivel+' 7n eAa#$le of a cree$*recover+ curve is s"o&n in Fig' 1' 8"e cree$

Jc, max D Jr, max

defor#ation itself is a co#bination of t"ree t+$es of defor#ation% instantaneous elastic0


Time (s)



Fig' 1' EAa#$le of a cree$*recover+ #easure#ent' 8"e cree$ $"ase consists of instantaneous elastic (7)0 retarded elastic (.) and viscous (C) defor#ation' 8"e recover+ $"ase can be divided into instantaneous elastic recover+ ( ) and retarded elastic recover+ (E)' Jc0#aA and Jr0#aA are t"e #aAi#u# co#$liance reac"ed in cree$ or recover+ $"ase0 res$ectivel+'

retarded elastic and viscous defor#ation' >"en co#$liance in* creases linearl+ &it" ti#e0 t"e region of stead+ state ,o& is reac"ed' 8"e recover+ $"ase can be divided into instantaneous elastic recover+ and retarded elastic recover+ (Fig' 1)' 8"e differ* ent t+$es of defor#ation can be Cuanti@ed b+ a$$l+ing t"e .ur* gers #odel on t"e cree$*recover+ data (Steffe0 199:)' 8"e .urgers #odel is t"e #at"e#atical eA$ression of t"e co#bina* tion of #ec"anical analogues (s$rings and das"$ots) &"ic" re$* resent t"e viscoelastic be"aviour' 8"e .urgers #odel is originall+ designed for t"e #odelling of linear viscoelastic $ro$erties0 but t"e #odel is also an interesting tool for eAa#ining cree$* recover+ curves &"ic" &ere obtained outside t"e 2-< (2a?aridou et al'0 2007H 3oreira et al'0 2010H S/endi et al'0 2010)0 alt"oug" t"is re#ains an e#$irical a$$roac"' 1n literature0 bot" t"e F* $ara#eter (4a&ai et al'0 200:H 2a?aridou et al'0 2007H 3oreira et al'0 2010H =n+ango et al'0 20090 2010H S/endi et al'0 2010H >u et al'0 2010) and t"e :*$ara#eter (Ca#$os et al'0 1997H C"uang and Je"0 200:H Ed&ards et al'0 200;0 2001H Beressini et al'0 200GH So?er0 2009H 8rons#o et al'0 200;a0b) .urgers #odel "ave been used to #odel t"e cree$ data' 8"e F* and :*$ara#eter .urgers #odels for describing t"e cree$ data are given b+%

J c S f TtU S J 0 V J 1 1


t r1 t r1 V

eA$ t r2 V t


;' <esults and discussion ;'1' 3odel selection

J c S f TtU S J 0 V J 1 1


V J2 1



1n t"ese eCuations Jc(t) stands for t"e cree$ co#$liance0 J0 is t"e instantaneous co#$liance0 J1 and J2 are t"e retarded elastic co#$li* ances0 r1 and r2 are t"e retardation ti#es and l0 gives infor#ation about t"e stead+ state viscosit+' 1n case of t"e .urgers #odel0 stea* d+ state co#$liance is t"e su# of J00 J1 and J2 (Steffe0 199:)' >"en a recover+ curve is recorded0 si#ilar eCuations eAist for t"e recover+ co#$liance Jr(t)' 7s t"ere is no viscous ,o& in t"e recover+ $"ase0 t"e eCuations consist onl+ of ;* or 5*$ara#eters describing t"e elastic res$onse after re#oval of t"e s"ear stress%

Jr S f TtU S J 0 V J1 1


t r1 t r1 t r2


7 statistical F*test &as used to decide &"et"er to use a F* or :* $ara#eter .urgers #odel to @t t"e cree$ data and a si#ilar ;* or 5* $ara#eter #odel to @t t"e recover+ data' 8o @nd t"e best #odel to describe t"e cree$*recover+ data0 t"ree OreferenceP cree$*recover+ curves for .ussard ,our&ater doug" differing in cree$ ti#e and a$$lied s"ear stress &ere selected to &"ic" t"e different #odels &ere @tted (Fig' 2)' 8"e #odels &ere @tted to t"e data and t"e ob* tained SS< values and t"e calculated F statistic are su##ari?ed in 8able 2' For all t"e OreferenceP cree$*recover+ curves t"e #ore co#* $licated #odel &as found to describe t"e data signi@cantl+ better as Fcalculated W Ftabulated' 8"e #ore co#$leA #odel caused a clear de* crease in SS< values indicating a better @t of t"e original data' 8"e :* and 5*$ara#eter #odel &ill t"us be used to @t t"e cree$ and recover+ data0 res$ectivel+' Fig' ; illustrates t"e abilit+ of t"e dif* ferent #odels to describe t"e original data' Es$eciall+ t"e @t to t"e recover+ data is i#$roved b+ using t"e #ore co#$leA #odel' ;'2' Effect of cree$ ti#e Cree$*recover+ curves of .ussard ,our&ater doug" &ere re* corded at different cree$ ti#es ranging fro# 5 to 20 #in' 8&o eAa#$le curves (7.) are s"o&n in Fig' 2' 8"e $ur$ose &as to investigate &"en t"e doug" reac"es stead+ state defor#ation dur* ing cree$' Stead+ state defor#ation is reac"ed &"en t"e cree$ defor#ation is #ainl+ governed b+ viscous ,o& &"ic" is seen as a linear increase of t"e cree$ curve' 7lso0 t"e viscous ,o& defor#a* t"e $rinci$al co#$onents t"e #ost (Foubert et al'0 200F)' 8"e score $lot s"o&s t"e values for t"e @rst t&o $rinci$al co#$o* nents for eac" of t"e &"eat cultivars'

Jr S f TtU S J 0 V J1 1


V J2 1



7ll #odelling &as $erfor#ed &it" Sig#aBlot2000 (SBSS0 1nc')' 8o decide &"et"er to use t"e F* or :*$ara#eter .urgers #odel to describe t"e cree$ data and t"e ;* or 5*$ara#eter #odel to de* scribe t"e recover+ data0 a statistical F*test &as used as given b+

F& S

T SS<i

SS<! UXTnB! n$! U

nB i U T5U

SS<! XT)d

8"e statistical F*test is $robabl+ t"e #ost freCuentl+ a$$lied #et"od to decide &"et"er t"e #ore co#$leA #odel ! is signi@* cantl+ (&it" a signi@cance level a) better t"an #odel i' 8"e test sta* tistic is calculated &it" t"e su# of t"e sCuared residuals (SS<)0 t"e nu#ber of $ara#eters in t"e res$ective #odel (n$) and t"e nu#ber of data $oints ()d)' 8"e obtained value of t"e test statistic "as to be co#$ared &it" tabulated values for F a Tn$! n$i H ) d n$! U (Foubert et al'0 2002)' a &as set to 0'05' 7s an eAa#$le0 t"e test statistics &ere calculated for t"ree Oref* erenceP cree$*recover+ curves &it" cree$ $"ases of 5 #in at 100 Ba0 20 #in at 100 Ba and 5 #in at 500 Ba' 7ll recover+ $"ases lasted for 10 #in'

2';' Statistical anal+sis 7ll statistical anal+sis &as $erfor#ed &it" SBSS for >indo&s 17'0'1 (SBSS0 1nc')' Signi@cant differences &ere deter#ined b+ one*&a+ 7nova (a X 0'05) &it" 8uc/e+ as $ost "oc test' 8o grou$ &"eat cultivars according to si#ilar r"eological $ro$erties0 $rin* ci$al co#$onent anal+sis (BC7) &as $erfor#ed on t"e results obtained fro# t"e .urgers #odel' BC7 is a #at"e#atical $roce* dure t"at transfor#s a nu#ber of ($ossibl+) correlated variables into a nu#ber of uncorrelated variables called $rinci$al co#$o* nents' 8"e ob!ective of BC7 is to reduce t"e di#ensionalit+ (nu#ber of variables) of t"e data set &"ile retaining #ost of t"e original variabilit+ in t"e data set' BC7 &as $erfor#ed on t"e standardi?ed variables and $rinci$al co#$onents &it" an eigenvalue above 1 &ere retained' Fro# t"e BC70 t&o gra$"s can be created0 #ore $recisel+ a loading $lot and a score $lot' 8"e loadings are t"e coef@cients t"at are used to co#$ute t"e $rinci$al co#$onents fro# t"e original data' 7 loading $lot t"us s"o&s &"ic" of t"e original variables deter#ine t"e values of

tion cannot be recovered in t"e recover+ $"ase' For t"is $ur$ose t"e #aAi#u# cree$ co#$liance (Jc0#aA) and t"e #aAi#u# recov* er+ co#$liance (Jr0#aA) obtained at t"e end of t"e cree$ and recov* er+ $"ase0 res$ectivel+0 &ere #easured and co#$ared' 8"e effect of increasing cree$ ti#e on t"e #aAi#u# cree$ (Jc0#aA) and recov* er+ (Jr0#aA) co#$liance0 for .ussard doug"s $ut under a s"ear stress of 100 Ba0 is $resented in Fig' F' 1t can be seen t"at Jc0#aA increases linearl+ &it" increasing cree$ ti#e &"ic" suggests t"at stead+ state s"ear conditions are alread+ reac"ed at a cree$ ti#e as s"ort as 5 #in' Si#ilar results "ave alread+ been re$orted for duru# &"eat doug"s (Ed&ards et al'0 1999) and biscuit doug"s (Bedersen et al'0 200F)' =n t"e ot"er "and0 2efebvre (200:) stated t"at stead+ state in cree$ reCuires several "ours to be establis"ed' 1t is also s"o&n t"at an increase in cree$ ti#e does not affect t"e a#ount of recoverable co#$liance observed during t"e recover+ $"ase'


C 10
500 Ba

B 5 A
100 Ba





Time (s)
Fig' 2' 8"ree eAa#$le cree$*recover+ curves for .ussard ,our&ater doug" obtained at different cree$ ti#es and s"ear stresses during t"e cree$ $"ase% (7) s"ear stress 100 Ba during 5 #inH (.) s"ear stress 100 Ba during 20 #inH (C) s"ear stress 500 Ba during 5 #in' 7n arro& indicates t"e $oint of release of t"e s"ear stress after &"ic" t"e recover+ is recorded during 10 #in'

Compliance (10 Pa )



8able 2 3odel selection based on a statistical F*test'

. 7'0:E*0: G';1E*07 2200 ;'01 :$ 9'75E*0: 1'02E*0: 2;F1 ;'01 5$ C 1';9E*05 1';;E*0: 2;9: ;'01 :$ 7'70E*0: 9'F0E*07 1970 ;'01 5$


SS< (F$*#odel) SS< (:$*#odel) Fcalculated Ftabulated 3odel selected SS< (;$*#odel) SS< (5$*#odel) Fcalculated Ftabulated 3odel selected

2'95E*0: ;'1GE*07 2101 ;'01 :$ G'5:E*0: 9'G;E*07 2112 ;'01 5$

Compliance (10-3 Pa-1)


G : F 2 0


Creep time (min)





Fig' F' 3aAi#u# cree$ (Jc0#aAH )) and recover+ (Jr0#aAH !) co#$liance in function of t"e a$$lied cree$ ti#e of a s"ear stress of 100 Ba for .ussard doug"' Jr0#aA recorded 10 #in after re#oval of t"e s"ear stress' Error bars indicate standard deviation'

fro# t"e Jc (10-3 Pa -1)


ata B red icted d ata * F$ #od el B red icted d ata * :$ #od el


Time (s)



Jr (10-3 Pa -1)

ata B red icted d ata * ;$ #od el B red icted d ata * 5$ #od el




Time (s)
Fig' ;' Bredicted values obtained b+ a$$lication of t"e different .urgers #odels in co#$arison &it" t"e original data for describing t"e cree$ (Jc) or recover+ (Jr) co#$liance (data corres$ond to reference curve 7)'

8"is indicates t"at t"e elastic res$onse (instantaneous and re* tarded) is not c"anged &"en t"e doug" is $ut under t"is stress for a longer ti#e and t"e eAtra defor#ation obtained after longer cree$ ti#e can be assigned as viscous defor#ation' 8o get #ore insig"t on t"e effect of cree$ ti#e on t"e instanta* neous elastic0 retarded elastic and viscous defor#ation0 a siA* $ara#eter .urgers #odel &as a$$lied to t"e cree$*recover+ curves (8able ;)' 1ncreasing t"e cree$ ti#e0 "as a $ronounced effect on t"e #odelled $ara#eters of t"e cree$ $"ase' Es$eciall+ t"e retardation ti#es (r10 r2) and stead+ state viscosit+ l0 are affected' Ed&ards et al' (200;) also noted t"at t"e ter#s fro# t"e .urgers #odel are a function of ti#e and onl+ reac" a stead+*state after long ti#e' So0 in contrast to t"e linear increase of Jc0#aA &"ic" indicates stead+ state0 t"e $ara#eters of t"e .urgers #odel eAtracted

cree$ $"ase are not +et constant' 8rons#o et al' (200;a) alread+ #entioned t"at alt"oug" stead+*state #a+ not be reac"ed co#* $letel+ and obtained $ara#eters li/e stead+*state viscosit+ #a+ not be t"e true funda#ental values0 t"e+ #a+ be useful in distin* guis"ing bet&een different sa#$les' For t"e recover+ $"ase0 no signi@cant c"anges in co#$liance values (J00 J1 and J2) occur but t"e retardation ti#es0 es$eciall+ r20 s"o& an increase &it" increasing cree$ ti#e' 1t see#s t"at cree$ ti#e does not affect t"e a#ount of elastic recover+ but in,uences t"e s$eed of t"e recover+ since "ig"er retardation ti#es indicate a slo&er retarded elastic res$onse' 8"is indicates t"at b+ eAtending t"e cree$ ti#e0 elastic bonds are stretc"ed furt"er but are not bro* /en as t"is &ould negativel+ affect total recover+' ;';' Effect of recover+ ti#e 7fter re#oving t"e s"ear stress0 t"e doug" sa#$les are able to recover fro# t"e defor#ation in t"e recover+ $"ase' 1n literature0 recover+ ti#es "ave been re$orted fro# :0 s (Sasa/i et al'0 200G) u$ to 12 " (2efebvre0 2009H <ouille et al'0 2005)' 8o decide on t"e a$$ro$riate lengt" of t"e recover+ $"ase t&o cree$ eA$eri#ents (5 #in cree$ &it" a s"ear stress of 100 and 500 Ba) &ere follo&ed b+ a recover+ $"ase &"ic" lasted for ; "' 8"e a#ount of recover* able co#$liance recorded after 10 #in recover+ &as co#$ared to t"e recoverable co#$liance found after 10 2 and ; " of recover+ (8able F)' For t"e cree$ eA$eri#ent at 100 Ba s"ear stress0 t"e recoverable co#$liance obtained after 10 #in re$resents 90L and GGL of t"e total recoverable co#$liance recorded after 1 and ; "0 res$ectivel+' So0 #ost of t"e recover+ ta/es $lace in t"e @rst 10 #in' For t"e eA$eri#ent at a s"ear stress of 500 Ba0 sur$risingl+0 a decrease &as found for t"e recoverable co#$liance &it" increasing recover+ ti#e' So0 t"e #aAi#u# value for recoverable co#$liance could be obtained after 10 #in0 after &"ic" $art of t"e recovered co#$li* ance is lost again' 8"e reason for t"is is not full+ clear' 7$$l+ing suc" a "ig" s"ear stress0 induces a large s"ear strain (u$ to 700L) &"ic" is t"oug"t to da#age doug" structure in suc" a &a+ t"at elastic bonds are da#aged and recover+ is lost again' ;'F' Effect of s"ear stress 8"e effect of different s"ear stresses (100 1000 2500 500 and 1000 Ba) on t"e cree$*recover+ defor#ation of .ussard ,our &ater doug" &as investigated' S"ear stresses u$ to 1000 Ba "ave been used b+ ot"ers (2efebvre0 2009)' 7 cree$ and recover+ $"ase of0 res$ectivel+ 5 and 10 #in &ere used as $reviousl+ deter#ined' Fig' 5 s"o&s t"e cree$*recover+ curves $erfor#ed at different

8able ; Y0YY Effect of cree$ ti#e on cree$*recover+ #odel $ara#eters for .ussard doug" at a s"ear stress of 100 Ba' Cree$ ti#e Cree$ $"ase 5 10 15 20 <ecover+ $"ase 5 10 15 20

J0 (10 1'27 1'F2 1'F9 1'52 1':9 1'7; 1'72 1':5 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z


J1 (10 F'12 Z F':0 Z F'9; Z 5';0 Z :'2G :'22 :';F :'00 Z Z Z Z


J2 (10 0'92 0'97 1'0: 1'19 0'99 1'01 1'0G 1'0: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z


r1 (s) 1'1F 1':: 2'1G 2'9; 2'F; 2':; 2'G5 2'97 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 0'0G b 0'11 c 0'09 d 0'02 0'12 a 0'12 b 0'11 b 0'07
a a

r2 (s) 29'02 Z 51'01 Z 72'29 Z 105'9 Z 1'79 b 2';7 c 2'19 d 1'11

a a

l0 (105 Ba
1'11 1'5: 1':1 1'9F Z Z Z Z


0'05 b 0'07 b 0'02 b 0'02 0'07 a 0'0G a 0'0; a 0'05


0'17 a0b 0'FG b 0'F: b 0'1G 0'2G a 0'51 a 0'19 a 0'19


0'07 a 0'12 a0b 0'11 b 0'0: 0'0; a 0'09 a 0'0; a 0'0F


0'0: b 0'25 b0c 0'12 c 0'17

71'92 Z 1'G0 b G9'7G Z 1'G9 c 100'27 Z 1'F7 d 107';7 Z ;'19

J0% instantaneous co#$lianceH J10 J2% retarded elastic co#$liancesH r10 r2% retardation ti#esH l0% stead+ state viscosit+' 3ean and standard deviation based on at least t"ree re$etitions' ata in t"e sa#e colu#n for cree$ or recover+ $"ase0 indicated &it" a different letter are signi@cantl+ different (a X 0'05)' YYY <ecover+ recorded during 10 #in after t"e end of t"e cree$ $"ase'

8able F <ecoverable co#$liance (Jr) in function of increasing recover+ ti#e after a cree$ ti#e of 5 #in at a s"ear stress of 100 and 500 Ba' <ecover+ ti#e 10 :0 120 1G0 Jr (100 Ba) (10 2'0: 2'29 2';; 2';5


Jr (500 Ba) (10 1'92 1'G7 1'79 1'7;


s"ear stresses during t"e cree$ $"ase' 7s t"e co#$liance increases &it" increasing s"ear stress0 it is obvious t"at t"e #easure#ents are #ade outside t"e 2-<' 3easure#ents #ade bet&een 0'1 and 10 Ba $rovided evidence t"at 10 Ba &as still situated inside t"e 2-<' Jc0#aA increases $ro$ortionall+ &it" t"e a$$lied s"ear stress u$ to 500 Ba after &"ic" a $lateau see#s to be reac"ed' 8"e .urgers #odel &as also @tted to t"e cree$*recover+ curves obtained at t"e different s"ear stresses' 8"e results are su##a* ri?ed in 8able 5' S"ear stress clearl+ in,uences t"e s"a$e of t"e cree$ curves &"ic" is also re,ected in t"e #odel $ara#eters since J00 J10 J2 and r1 increase signi@cantl+ &it" increasing s"ear stress (8able 5)' <e#ar/abl+0 no increase in Jc0#aA &as observed &"en t"e s"ear stress &as increased fro# 500 to 1000 Ba' <etardation ti#e r2 s"o&s an increase u$ to 250 Ba and t"an decreases again' Stead+ state viscosit+ l0 decreases &it" increasing s"ear stress and reac"es a constant value at a s"ear stress of 250 Ba' 1ncreasing t"e s"ear stress0 induces a "ig"er defor#ation of t"e doug" sa#$le &"ic" results in a lo&er doug" viscosit+'

1n t"e recover+ $"ase0 total recover+ @rst signi@cantl+ increases to reac" a $lateau bet&een 100 and 500 Ba and t"en decreases again &"en a stress of 1000 Ba is a$$lied' 8"e $lateau in total recover+ bet&een 100 and 500 Ba is also seen in t"e #odel $ara#* eters as J00 J10 J2 sta+ relativel+ constant' For t"e retardation ti#es r1 and r20 a signi@cant decrease is observed &it" increasing s"ear stress' 8"is #eans t"at retarded elastic recover+ ta/es $lace faster &"en t"e sa#$le is sub!ected to a "ig"er s"ear stress in cree$' .ased on t"e discussed results0 a $ractical #et"od &as designed to evaluate t"e 17 $ure &"eat cultivars for t"eir viscoelastic $ro$* erties' 7s cree$ ti#e didnPt in,uence t"e a#ount of elastic recover+ ver+ #uc"0 a cree$ ti#e of 5 #in &as selected' 7 recover+ ti#e of 10 #in also see#ed suf@cient to retain t"e #a!or $art of t"e elastic recover+' Cree$ tests at 100 and 250 Ba &ere considered #ost a$$ro$riate as "ig"er s"ear stresses &ould evo/e "ig" strain val* ues and elastic res$onse #a+ be lost as alread+ seen for .ussard doug"s at 500 and 1000 Ba' 8"e $ara#eters obtained fro# t"e @t* ting t"e .urgers #odel0 &ill onl+ be used in an e#$irical &a+ for co#$aring and grou$ing t"e &"eat sa#$les according to t"eir vis* coelastic $ro$erties' ;'5' >"eat cultivars Seventeen $ure &"eat cultivars &ere anal+?ed for t"eir non* linear viscoelastic doug" $ro$erties t"roug" cree$*recover+ #ea* sure#ents at 100 and 250 Ba' 7n eAtensive ,our Cualit+ evaluation of t"e &"eat cultivars is alread+ given in a $revious $a$er (-an

End cree$ $"ase 500 Ba

Compliance (10-3 Pa-1)


1000 Ba

250 Ba

100 Ba 10 Ba
0 ;00 :00 900

Time (s)
Fig' 5' Cree$*recover+ curves of .ussard doug" $erfor#ed at different s"ear stresses (10 Ba ( )0 100 Ba (Q )0 250 Ba ( $resented as t"e #ean of at least t"ree inde$endent #easure#ents' )0 500 Ba ( )0 1000 Ba ( ))' Curves are

8able 5 Y0YY Effect of s"ear stress on cree$*recover+ #odel $ara#eters of .ussard doug"' S"ear stress Cree$ $"ase 10 100 250 500 1000 <ecover+ $"ase 10 100 250 500 1000

J#aA (10 1':G Z F'07 Z G'12 Z 1;':9 Z 12'F1 Z 1'12 1'G7 2'02 1'95 1'F7 Z Z Z Z Z


J0 (10 0'GG 1'27 1'F9 2'00 2'29 1'2; 1':9 1':9 1':G 1'5F Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z


J1 (10 1'95 F'12 5':; 9'17 1G'0G ;'10 :'2G :'G5 :'F1 5'22


J2 (10 0';9 Z 0'92 Z 1'9G Z F'72 Z F'F7 Z 0':F 0'99 1'07 0'95 0'75 Z Z Z Z Z


r1 (s) 0'7; Z 1'1F Z 1'F; Z 2'12 Z 2'7; Z 2'F: 2'F; 2'27 1':2 1'19 Z Z Z Z Z 0'0: b 0'0G c 0'02 d 0'12 e 0'19 0'2; a 0'12 a 0'02 b 0'0G c 0'1;
a a

r2 (s) 2;':9 Z 29'02 Z F2'5G Z F0'2G Z 2F'2G Z 9G'7F Z 71'92 Z 5:';; Z ;7'25 Z 29';; Z 1'7G b 1'79 c 0'2G c 2'50 a 1'F: 5':F b 1'G0 c 0'52 d ;'2: d ;'7:
a a

l0 (105 Ba
2'G7 1'11 0'5F 0'FF 0'F9


0'1; b 0'22 c 0'1; d 1'17 d 0';; 0'0: b 0'09 b 0'05 b 0'11 c 0'01

0'0; b 0'05 c 0'0F d 0'20 e 0'0; 0'02 b 0'07 b 0'0; b0c 0'0G c 0'0;


0'0G b 0'17 b 0'15 c 1'G: d 1'0F 0'1G b 0'2G b 0'1G b 0'F0 c 0'02

0'0F b 0'07 c 0'0: d 0':1 d 0'12 0'05 b0c 0'0; b 0'0; c 0'0: d 0'02

Z 0'2: b Z 0'0: c Z 0'01 c Z 0'0F c Z 0'0;

J#aA% #aAi#u# co#$liance in cree$ or recover+ $"aseH J0% instantaneous co#$lianceH J10 J2% retarded elastic co#$liancesH r10 r2% retardation ti#esH l0% stead+ state viscosit+' 3ean and standard deviation based on at least t"ree re$etitions' ata in t"e sa#e colu#n for cree$ or recover+ $"ase0 indicated &it" a different letter are signi@cantl+ different (a X 0'05)' YYY <ecover+ recorded during 10 #in after t"e end of t"e cree$ $"ase'

.oc/staele et al'0 200G)' 8"e .urgers #odel &as a$$lied on t"e cree$ and t"e recover+ curves' 1n a $revious $a$er0 it &as alread+ discussed t"at total recover+ Jr0#aA at a s"ear stress of 250 Ba could $redict :2L of t"e variation in bread volu#e in t"is set of cultivars (-an .oc/staele et al'0 200G)' Fro# t"e .urgers #odel $ara#eters

onl+ t"e instantaneous co#$liance of t"e recover+ $"ase at 250 Ba could give a better $rediction of t"e bread volu#e (<2 X 0'::)' 8"is #eans t"at &"eat ,our of &"ic" t"e ,our&ater




Fig' :' 2oading (7) and score (.) $lots of t"e @rst t&o $rinci$al co#$onents (BC) based on $ara#eters obtained fro# #odelling of t"e cree$*recover+ curves (100 Ba) of 17 &"eat cultivars' Bara#eters s"o&n in t"e loading $lot are labelled &it" [c or [r if t"e+ are derived fro# cree$ or recover+ data0 res$ectivel+' )u#bers in t"e score $lot corres$ond to t"e &"eat cultivars as listed in 8able :'

Fig' 7' 2oading (7) and score (.) $lots of t"e @rst t&o $rinci$al co#$onents (BC) based on $ara#eters obtained fro# #odelling of t"e cree$*recover+ curves (250 Ba) of 17 &"eat cultivars' Bara#eters s"o&n in t"e loading $lot are labelled &it" [c or [r if t"e+ are derived fro# cree$ or recover+ data0 res$ectivel+' )u#bers in t"e score $lot corres$ond to t"e &"eat cultivars as listed in 8able :' otted lines indicate t"ree grou$s of &"eat cultivars &it" si#ilar viscoelastic $ro$erties (10 11 and 111)'

doug" s"o&s a "ig"er instantaneous elastic recover+ co#$liance0 &ill give "ig"er bread volu#es in t"e ba/ing test' 8o get a better overvie& on t"e results and to c"aracteri?e sa#* $les &it" si#ilar r"eological $ro$erties0 a BC7 &as $erfor#ed on t"e #odel $ara#eters obtained fro# t"e cree$* recover+ curves at 100 and 250 Ba se$aratel+' For t"e results at 100 Ba0 score and loading $lot are s"o&n in Fig' :' BC1 and BC2 eA$lain GF':L and G'GL of t"e total variance0 res$ectivel+' Fro# t"e loading $lot it can be seen t"at BC1 #ainl+ is deter#ined b+ instantaneous and retarded co#$liances0 of bot" cree$ and recover+0 and stead+ state viscosit+' 1t see#s t"at instantaneous and retarded co#$liances contain si#ilar infor#ation as t"e+ are $laced toget"er on t"e loading $lot' 1t &as also observed t"at instantaneous and retarded co#$liances &ere "ig"l+ correlated &it" t"e #aAi#u# cree$ and recover+ co#$liance' -an .oc/staele et al' (200G) alread+ con* cluded t"at #aAi#u# cree$ and recover+ co#$liances &ere "ig"l+ correlated0 even bet&een #easure#ents #ade at different s"ear stress' BC2 #ainl+ contains infor#ation fro# t"e retardation ti#es0 es$eciall+ retardation ti#e r2 fro# t"e recover+ curve' Do&* ever0 in t"e score $lot no clear se$aration can be observed a#ong t"e &"eat sa#$les as t"e+ are scattered rat"er regularl+ around t"e centre $oint of t"e score $lot' 7 si#ilar a$$roac" &as a$$lied to t"e results obtained fro# t"e cree$*recover+ curves at 250 Ba (Fig' 7)' BC1 and BC2 eA$lain G0':L and 10'GL of t"e total variance0 res$ectivel+' 1nfor#ation in BC1 is #ainl+ deter#ined b+ instantaneous and retarded co#$liances of cree$ and recover+0 toget"er &it" t"e cree$ retardation ti#es and t"e stead+ state viscosit+' <ecover+ retardation ti#es0 es$eciall+ r20 control t"e infor#ation in BC2' >"en loo/ing at t"e score $lot (Fig' 7.)0 t"ree grou$s of &"eat cultivars can be observed &it" si#* ilar viscoelastic $ro$erties' >"eat cultivars in grou$ 1 s"o& lo& to #ediu# defor#abilit+ under s"ear (lo& co#$liances and "ig" stead+ state viscosit+) and lo&er values for r2' 6rou$ 11 gat"ers sa#$les &it" #ediu# defor#ation $ro$erties and "ig"er r2' Culti* vars fro# grou$ 111 es$eciall+ s"o& a ver+ large defor#abilit+ and "ave r2 values co#$arable to 6rou$ 1' 8"us it see#s t"at a suf@* cientl+ "ig" s"ear stress &"ic" causes defor#ations outside t"e linear viscoelastic region is able to classif+ &"eat sa#$les accord* ing to si#ilar viscoelastic $ro$erties' 1n 8able : t"e #a!or Cualit+ c"aracteristics of t"e t"ree grou$s of &"eat cultivars are listed' 1t is clear t"at t"e classi@cation

according to t"e viscoelastic $ro$erties deviates fro# t"e &"eat class labels as &"eat cultivars of lo&0 good and eAcellent ba/ing Cualit+ are s$read out over t"e t"ree grou$s' =n t"e ot"er "and0 t"e classi@cation re,ects Cuite &ell t"e ba/ing results as $resented b+ ba/ing volu#e' >"eat ,our sa#$les &"ic" resulted in t"e lo&* est ba/ing volu#es are $redo#inant in 6rou$ 1' 8"is corres$onds to t"e lo&er values found for $rotein content0 Nelen+ sedi#enta* tion value and farinogra$" &ater absor$tion (all belo& :0L)' 8"e ,our&ater doug"s of t"ese sa#$les s"o& a lo& defor#ation and "ig" stead+ state viscosit+ under s"ear at "ig" s"ear stress &"ic" see#s to be lin/ed to li#ited doug" eA$ansion during bread#a/ing' =n t"e ot"er side0 good to eAcellent bread volu#es are found in bot" grou$ 11 and 111' >"eat sa#$les in t"ese grou$s generall+ "ave "ig"er $rotein content0 Nelen+ sedi#entation value and farino* gra$" &ater absor$tion' 8"is results in &"eat sa#$les &it" #ed* iu# or standard (grou$ 11) and "ig" (grou$ 111) defor#abilit+ under s"ear' Do&ever eAcellent ba/ing volu#es occur in bot" grou$s0 t"e+ differ in t"eir r"eological $ro$erties and t"is #a+ be i#$ortant as different be"aviour during doug" $rocessing (divid* ing0 $unc"ing0 #oulding or s"eeting) #a+ be eA$ected' 8"e ,our&ater doug"s in t"is stud+ &ere $re$ared according to t"e farinogra$" &ater absor$tion &"ic" nor#all+ guarantees a constant consistenc+ of t"e doug" s+ste#' Do&ever0 t"e cree$* recover+ #easure#ents revealed large differences in doug" be"av* iour under cree$' 8"is &as clearl+ re,ected in t"e grou$ing of t"e &"eat cultivars and t"e resulting bread volu#es' 1t see#s t"at cree$*recover+ #easure#ents are a better #easure for t"e overall doug" consistenc+ as deter#ined b+ t"e inter$la+ bet&een &ater absor$tion0 $rotein content and ot"er ,our constituents' 7lt"oug" BC2 onl+ eA$lains 10'GL of t"e total variance of t"e re* sults at 250 Ba0 recover+ retardations ti#es r1 and r2 are crucial in grou$ing t"e &"eat cultivars &it" si#ilar r"eological $ro$erties' Es$eciall+ r2 see#s to be an interesting $ara#eter &"ic" #a+ con* tain infor#ation regarding t"e viscoelastic $ro$erties t"at relate to ba/ing Cualit+' 8rons#o et al' (200;b) re$orted signi@cantl+ lo&er retardation ti#es for strong (D3>*6S 5 E 10) &"eat cultivars co#$ared to t"e &ea/ (D3>*6S 2 E 12) cultivars' 8"is indicates t"at stronger glutens s"o& a faster recover+ after cree$' Do&ever0 no relation &it" bread volu#e &as re$orted' 1n our case0 a relation* s"i$ bet&een retardation ti#e of t"e ,our(&ater doug"s and

8able : Y0YY 9ualit+ c"aracteristics of t"e &"eat cultivars divided in t"ree grou$s according to t"e $rinci$al co#$onent anal+sis based on t"eir viscoelastic $ro$erties' >"eat cultivar 6rou$ F : 7 11 15 1: 17 6rou$ 2 ; G 9 10 12 1F 6rou$ 1 5 1;

>"eat class . C 7 . . 7 7 E 7 E 7 . 7 . E E C


Brotein (Ld#) 11': Z 12'7 Z 1;'; Z 12'1 Z 12'; Z 1F'1 Z 12'0 Z 1;'; Z 1;'7 Z 1F': Z 1;'0 Z 1F'F Z 1F'1 Z 1F'7 Z 0'; 0'2 0'2 0'2 0'1 0'1 0'2 0'1 0'1 0'; 0'2 0'1 0'1 0'2

Nelen+ (#2) ;7 ;F 51 FG ;9 50 F; 55 F1 :F F; 50 5: 55 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 0'0 0': 0': 0': 0'0 0'0 0'0 1'0 0': 0'; 0'0 0'0 0': 1'2

6lu*1 score 10 10 G G 5 G 7 G 5 G 7 7 7 : 9 9 G

>7 (L) 50'1 51'1 5F'5 59'; 5F'7 5G'2 5F'; :;'; 5G'G 5G'9 5G'7 :0'G :2'0 :0'1 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 0'F 0'1 0'1 0'0 0'2 0'; 0'2 0'; 0'0 0'2 0'2 0'; 0'1 0';

.a/ing volu#e (c# (100 g ,our) F29 F50 F55 F59 FG; 557 50G 5;0 5F1 5GF 5;1 5;; :F1 50: Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 7 : : 7 G 9 2 11 7 15 G 1; 5 12

l0 (105 Ba
9'95 Z 5'51 Z ;'F5 Z :'01 Z 2'27 Z 2'50 Z ;'51 Z 2'0G Z 1'09 Z 2'12 Z 1'77 Z 2'21 Z 1'95 Z ;'GG Z


r2 (s) 59'0 Z 57'9 Z 5F'G Z 55': Z 5:'5 Z 52'5 Z 5F'2 Z :5'2 Z :1'1 Z :F'; Z :1'F Z :2'F Z :2': Z :;'0 Z 0': 0'1 0'2 0'1 0'7 0': 1': 0'2 0'; 0'; 0'5 0'2 0'G 0'5

1 7stuce Constance inosor 3el/ior Sa#urai So/rates 8uareg 11 7ltos 7nt"us Enor# E$"oros 4odeA 9uebon <ustic 111 7cteur .ussard <osario

0'57 0'27 0';0 0'02 0'0G 0'10 0'15 0'10 0'05 0'09 0'05 0'1: 0'0G 0'0G

1:'9 Z 0'1 15'G Z 0'1 1;'F Z 0'1

57 Z 1'5 70 Z 0': FG Z 0'0

5G'G Z 0'F :;'7 Z 0'1 5G'5 Z 0';

591 Z 12 :;2 Z 1G 5;: Z :

0'7F Z 0'02 0'5F Z 0'01 0'99 Z 0'0;

5G': Z 0'5 5:'; Z 0'5 57'1 Z 0'F

l0 and r2

3ean and standard deviation of at least ; re$etitions' obtained fro# cree$*recover+ tests at a s"ear stress of 250 Ba'

7ccording to t"e 6er#an &"eat classi@cation% E X elite (best Cualit+)H 7 X good Cualit+H . X lo&er Cualit+H C X feed &"eat'

D3>*6S co#$osition &as not found' 7lso0 no correlation bet&een r2 and bread volu#e could be establis"ed' =n t"e ot"er "and0 &"en loo/ing at 6rou$ 1 (lo& bread volu#es) and 6rou$ 11 (good to eAcellent bread volu#es)0 r2 is a relativel+ good $ara#eter for clas* sif+ing t"e &"eat cultivars according to t"eir bread volu#e $oten* tial' 1t t"en see#s t"at "ig"er bread volu#es are obtained fro# doug"s &"ic" s"o& a "ig"er retardation ti#e r2 and t"us de#on* strate a slo&er recover+' 1n contrast0 4a&ai et al' (200:) found a in* verse relations"i$ of retardation ti#e &it" bread volu#e' Do&ever0 onl+ t"ree &"eat cultivars at different &ater contents &ere studied' 8"e fact t"at &"eat cultivars of 6rou$ 111 also eA"ibit lo&er retarda* tion ti#es #a+ be due to t"e large defor#ations obtained for t"ose sa#$les' 1t &as alread+ s"o&n t"at recover+ retardation ti#es are ver+ sensitive to conditions of t"e cree$*recover+ #easure#ent as duration of t"e cree$ $"ase (8able ;) and a$$lied s"ear stress (8able 5)' For .ussard doug"s0 increasing s"ear stress0 leads to an increase of defor#ation and a decrease in retardation ti#es' F' Conclusion 1n t"is $a$er0 @rst t"e effect of t"e cree$*recover+ #et"odolog+ on non*linear viscoelastic $ro$erties of .ussard doug" &as inves* tigated' Cree$ ti#e and s"ear stress "ig"l+ in,uenced t"e .urgers #odel $ara#eters' <e#ar/abl+0 t"e total a#ount of recover+ &as not affected #uc" b+ cree$ ti#e or s"ear stress' Do&ever0 t"e s$eed of t"e recover+0 #easured as retardation ti#e0 signi@cantl+ c"anged &it" increasing cree$ ti#e (slo&er recover+) and increas* ing s"ear stress (faster recover+)' 1n cree$*recover+ testing0 t"e #agnitude and duration of t"e a$$lied s"ear stress s"ould t"us be &ell considered' Secondl+0 t"e non*linear viscoelastic $ro$erties of 17 $ure &"eat cultivars &ere eAa#ined' 1t can be concluded t"at cree$* recover+ #easure#ents &"ic" are $erfor#ed outside t"e 2-<0 are able to grou$ &"eat ,ours &it" si#ilar viscoelastic $ro$erties' 1t &as de#onstrated t"at t"e a$$lied s"ear stress in cree$ s"ould be suf@cientl+ "ig" to adeCuatel+ se$arate t"e &"eat ,ours' BC7 $erfor#ed on t"e cree$*recover+ $ara#eters obtained at a s"ear stress of 250 Ba divided t"e &"eat cultivars in t"ree grou$s0 based on t"e defor#ation be"aviour (co#$liance and stead+ state viscos* it+) and t"e s$eed of t"e recover+ (retardation ti#e) of t"e ,our &ater doug"s' Furt"er#ore0 t"e grou$ing of t"e cultivars according to t"eir viscoelastic $ro$erties also greatl+ corres$onded to t"eir bread volu#e $otential' So0 t"e r"eological $ro$erties of ,our &ater doug"s deter#ined b+ cree$*recover+ can give an indication on t"e bread volu#e $otential of t"e ,our and on "o& t"e doug" &ill be"ave during $rocessing' 7c/no&ledge#ents 8"e researc" fund of 5niversit+ College 6"ent is t"an/ed for t"e @nancial su$$ort' Bani,o&er (6"ent0 .elgiu#) is ac/no&ledged for $roviding t"e ,our of &"eat cultivar .ussard' 8"is researc" "as been $erfor#ed &it"in t"e fra#e&or/ of t"e association researc" grou$ Ofood sciencesP of t"e 6"ent 5niversit+ 7ssociation' <eferences
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