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NYCs Canada geese need your help! The U.S.D.A. will be in N.Y.C.

during June and July to kill Canada geese across the city. Please help us document the round ups. HOW YOU CAN
HELP: . !e"o#e a $%ooseWa&"h$er ' help #on(&or a par) *y d(s&r(*u&(ng +lyers, re"ord(ng &he nu#*er o+ geese, and #on(&or(ng +or &he USDA -(&h a "a#era and "ell phone. USDA #(gh& "o#e a& any &(#e dur(ng &he #orn(ng hours o+ .une and .uly. /+ you "an see a par) -(&h geese +ro# your ho#e or l(0e near*y, -e NEED you! 1. .o(n &he e#ergen"y response &ea#. %ooseWa&"h -(ll send a #ass phone "all and &e2& #essage &o aler& (+ a round'up (s (n progress. 3e2& NY%OOSE &o 445'67. 8. $l()e$ %ooseWa&"h NYC on 9a"e*oo) and +ollo- us on 3-(&&er :%ooseWa&"hNYC, and help us spread &he -ord. Facebook - %ooseWa&"hNYC ; Twitter - :%ooseWa&"hNYC

; Email:


CANADA EE!E are beauti"ul# emotionally intelligent birds who mate "or li"e# "iercely $rotect their eggs and young# and dis$lay loyalty "or other members o" their "lock. %et they are ruthlessly targeted in New %ork City. !ince the landing o" &! Airways "light '()* in the +udson in January o" ,--*# more than .#,-- resident Canada eese and their innocent goslings ha/e been slaughtered in the N%C area. The &!DA killings are conducted in secret and without any community noti"ication. 3h(s (s *e"ause s"(en"e, #oral(&y, and &he pu*l(" pre+eren"e o+ #os& Ne- Yor)ers (s no& on &he(r s(de. The &!DA contract with the City o" New %ork is a waste o" ta0$ayer money. The &!DA has taken geese "rom the same $arks year a"ter year# demonstrating that killing geese is not only inhumane# but also ine""ecti/e. 1hen you remo/e geese "rom a desirable habitat# others will sim$ly take the $lace o" those you kill. N%C Audubon declared that the slaughters are 2not su$$orted by sound scienti"ic research.2 3illing geese can ne/er eliminate the risk o" collisions with migratory birds# and can cause new migrations to $rime habitats when current $o$ulations are wi$ed out. 3illing Canada eese does nothing to im$ro/e airline sa"ety. N%C is situated on the Atlantic Flyway# a ma4or migration route "or millions o" birds. %ou cannot sto$ thousands o" years o" e/olution. 3he slaugh&er (s s"(en&(+("ally unsound and +(s"ally -as&e+ul, a ser(ous *l(gh& on &h(s C(&y$s re"ord and repu&a&(on &ha& adds &o NYC$s already poor h(s&ory o+ (nhu#ane &rea&#en& o+ an(#als. 5ost airline crashes stem "rom $ilot error# weather conditions or technical mal"unctions. Air$lanes are built to withstand collisions with birds# and i" they are in good working condition they do 4ust that. 6i"e-threatening collisions with birds and other animals are incredibly rare. The indiscriminate slaughter o" innocent creatures cannot be 4usti"ied by that minuscule and a/oidable $ossibility. Just two days be"ore Flight '()* went down o/er the +udson# that air$lane re$orted serious e7ui$ment $roblems. Ca$tain !ullenberger has stated that budget slashes and cutbacks 8including air$lane maintenance9 are at the root o" air sa"ety $roblems. :ilot error is cited as the number-one cause o" "atalities# o"ten caused by under$aid# o/erworked $ilots making "aulty decisions. =(ll(ng -(ldl(+e does no& #a)e planes s&ronger or #ore dura*le. When hu#ans )(ll -(ld an(#als &ha& (n"on0en(en"e us, -e perpe&ua&e and "ondone (n&oleran"e +or ALL l(+e, (n"lud(ng our +ello- hu#ans. Only a 0ery s#all per"en&age o+ &he na&ural ha*(&a& &ha& on"e e2(s&ed (n NYC +or #(gra&ory *(rds s&(ll re#a(ns. Can& a huge "(&y o+ #ore &han 7 #(ll(on people l(0e -(&h a +e- hundred pea"e+ul, (nsp(r(ngly *eau&(+ul *(rds> And re+ra(n +ro# )(ll(ng &he#>

3he USDA p(")s .une &o )(ll Canada %eese *e"ause &he geese are a& &he(r #os& 0ulnera*le and "anno& +ly, and &hey ha0e *a*(es ?gosl(ngs@ -ho are "o#ple&ely de+enseless. /& (s "ruel, (& (s (nhu#ane and (& (s un-arran&ed. The killing must be e0$osed and sto$$ed. 1e $lan to *e &here when the &!DA comes back to N%C this summer.
Please help us pro&e"& &hese *(rds. 3he &(#e o+ &he desp("a*le annual roundups (s dra-(ng "lose.

NYCs Canada geese need your help! The U.S.D.A. will be in N.Y.C. during June and July to kill Canada geese across the city. Please help us document the round ups. HOW YOU CAN
HELP: . !e"o#e a $%ooseWa&"h$er A help #on(&or a par) *y d(s&r(*u&(ng +lyers, re"ord(ng &he nu#*er o+ geese, and #on(&or(ng +or &he USDA -(&h a "a#era and "ell phone. USDA #(gh& "o#e a& any &(#e dur(ng &he #orn(ng hours o+ .une and .uly. /+ you "an see a par) -(&h geese +ro# your ho#e or l(0e near*y, -e NEED you! 1. .o(n &he e#ergen"y response &ea#. %ooseWa&"h -(ll send a #ass phone "all and &e2& #essage &o aler& (+ a round'up (s (n progress. 3e2& NY%OOSE &o 44567. 8. $l()e$ %ooseWa&"h NYC on 9a"e*oo) and +ollo- us on 3-(&&er :%ooseWa&"hNYC, and help us spread &he -ord.

The &!DA $icks June to kill Canada eese because the geese are at their most /ulnerable and cannot "ly# and they ha/e babies 8goslings9 who are com$letely de"enseless. ;t is cruel# it is inhumane and it is unwarranted. The killing must be e0$osed and sto$$ed. 1e $lan to *e &here when the &!DA comes back to N%C this s$ring.

Facebook - %ooseWa&"hNYC ; Twitter - :%ooseWa&"hNYC

; Email:



NYCs Canada geese need your help! The U.S.D.A. will be in N.Y.C. during June and July to kill Canada geese across the city. Please help us document the round ups. HOW YOU CAN
HELP: . !e"o#e a $%ooseWa&"h$er A help #on(&or a par) *y d(s&r(*u&(ng +lyers, re"ord(ng &he nu#*er o+ geese, and #on(&or(ng +or &he USDA -(&h a "a#era and "ell phone. USDA #(gh& "o#e a& any &(#e dur(ng &he #orn(ng hours o+ .une and .uly. /+ you "an see a par) -(&h geese +ro# your ho#e or l(0e near*y, -e NEED you! 1. .o(n &he e#ergen"y response &ea#. %ooseWa&"h -(ll send a #ass phone "all and &e2& #essage &o aler& (+ a round'up (s (n progress. 3e2& NY%OOSE &o 44567. 8. $l()e$ %ooseWa&"h NYC on 9a"e*oo) and +ollo- us on 3-(&&er :%ooseWa&"hNYC, and help us spread &he -ord.

The &!DA $icks June to kill Canada eese because the geese are at their most /ulnerable and cannot "ly# and they ha/e babies 8goslings9 who are com$letely de"enseless. ;t is cruel# it is inhumane and it is unwarranted. The killing must be e0$osed and sto$$ed. 1e $lan to *e &here when the &!DA comes back to N%C this s$ring.

Facebook - %ooseWa&"hNYC ; Twitter - :%ooseWa&"hNYC

; Email:



CANADA EE!E are beauti"ul# emotionally intelligent birds who mate "or li"e# "iercely $rotect their eggs and young# and dis$lay loyalty "or other members o" their "lock. %et they are ruthlessly targeted in New %ork City. !ince the landing o" &! Airways "light '()* in the +udson in January o" ,--*# more than .#,-- resident Canada eese and their innocent goslings ha/e been slaughtered in the N%C area. The &!DA killings are conducted in secret and without any community noti"ication. 3h(s (s *e"ause s"(en"e, #oral(&y, and &he pu*l(" pre+eren"e o+ #os& Ne- Yor)ers (s no& on &he(r s(de. The &!DA contract with the City o" New %ork is a waste o" ta0$ayer money. The &!DA has taken geese "rom the same $arks year a"ter year# demonstrating that killing geese is not only inhumane# but also ine""ecti/e. 1hen you remo/e geese "rom a desirable habitat# others will sim$ly take the $lace o" those you kill. N%C Audubon declared that the slaughters are 2not su$$orted by sound scienti"ic research.2 3illing geese can ne/er eliminate the risk o" collisions with migratory birds# and can cause new migrations to $rime habitats when current $o$ulations are wi$ed out. 3illing Canada eese does nothing to im$ro/e airline sa"ety. N%C is situated on the Atlantic Flyway# a ma4or migration route "or millions o" birds. %ou cannot sto$ thousands o" years o" e/olution. 3he slaugh&er (s s"(en&(+("ally unsound and +(s"ally -as&e+ul, a ser(ous *l(gh& on &h(s C(&y$s re"ord and repu&a&(on &ha& adds &o NYC$s already poor h(s&ory o+ (nhu#ane &rea&#en& o+ an(#als. 5ost airline crashes stem "rom $ilot error# weather conditions or technical mal"unctions. Air$lanes are built to withstand collisions with birds# and i" they are in good working condition they do 4ust that. 6i"e-threatening collisions with birds and other animals are incredibly rare. The indiscriminate slaughter o" innocent creatures cannot be 4usti"ied by that minuscule and a/oidable $ossibility. Just two days be"ore Flight '()* went down o/er the +udson# that air$lane re$orted serious e7ui$ment $roblems. Ca$tain !ullenberger has stated that budget slashes and cutbacks 8including air$lane maintenance9 are at the root o" air sa"ety $roblems. :ilot error is cited as the number-one cause o" "atalities# o"ten caused by under$aid# o/erworked $ilots making "aulty decisions. =(ll(ng -(ldl(+e does no& #a)e planes s&ronger or #ore dura*le. When hu#ans )(ll -(ld an(#als &ha& (n"on0en(en"e us, -e perpe&ua&e and "ondone (n&oleran"e +or ALL l(+e, (n"lud(ng our +ello- hu#ans. Only a 0ery s#all per"en&age o+ &he na&ural ha*(&a& &ha& on"e e2(s&ed (n NYC +or #(gra&ory *(rds s&(ll re#a(ns. Can& a huge "(&y o+ #ore &han 7 #(ll(on people l(0e -(&h a +e- hundred pea"e+ul, (nsp(r(ngly *eau&(+ul *(rds> And re+ra(n +ro# )(ll(ng &he#>

3he USDA p(")s .une &o )(ll Canada %eese *e"ause &he geese are a& &he(r #os& 0ulnera*le and "anno& +ly, and &hey ha0e *a*(es ?gosl(ngs@ -ho are "o#ple&ely de+enseless. /& (s "ruel, (& (s (nhu#ane and (& (s un-arran&ed. The killing must be e0$osed and sto$$ed. 1e $lan to *e &here when the &!DA comes back to N%C this summer.
Please help us pro&e"& &hese *(rds. 3he &(#e o+ &he desp("a*le annual roundups (s dra-(ng "lose.

CANADA EE!E are beauti"ul# emotionally intelligent birds who mate "or li"e# "iercely $rotect their eggs and young# and dis$lay loyalty "or other members o" their "lock. %et they are ruthlessly targeted in New %ork City. !ince the landing o" &! Airways "light '()* in the +udson in January o" ,--*# more than .#,-- resident Canada eese and their innocent goslings ha/e been slaughtered in the N%C area. The &!DA killings are conducted in secret and without any community noti"ication. 3h(s (s *e"ause s"(en"e, #oral(&y, and &he pu*l(" pre+eren"e o+ #os& Ne- Yor)ers (s no& on &he(r s(de. The &!DA contract with the City o" New %ork is a waste o" ta0$ayer money. The &!DA has taken geese "rom the same $arks year a"ter year# demonstrating that killing geese is not only inhumane# but also ine""ecti/e. 1hen you remo/e geese "rom a desirable habitat# others will sim$ly take the $lace o" those you kill. N%C Audubon declared that the slaughters are 2not su$$orted by sound scienti"ic research.2 3illing geese can ne/er eliminate the risk o" collisions with migratory birds# and can cause new migrations to $rime habitats when current $o$ulations are wi$ed out. 3illing Canada eese does nothing to im$ro/e airline sa"ety. N%C is situated on the Atlantic Flyway# a ma4or migration route "or millions o" birds. %ou cannot sto$ thousands o" years o" e/olution. 3he slaugh&er (s s"(en&(+("ally unsound and +(s"ally -as&e+ul, a ser(ous *l(gh& on &h(s C(&y$s re"ord and repu&a&(on &ha& adds &o NYC$s already poor h(s&ory o+ (nhu#ane &rea&#en& o+ an(#als. 5ost airline crashes stem "rom $ilot error# weather conditions or technical mal"unctions. Air$lanes are built to withstand collisions with birds# and i" they are in good working condition they do 4ust that. 6i"e-threatening collisions with birds and other animals are incredibly rare. The indiscriminate slaughter o" innocent creatures cannot be 4usti"ied by that minuscule and a/oidable $ossibility. Just two days be"ore Flight '()* went down o/er the +udson# that air$lane re$orted serious e7ui$ment $roblems. Ca$tain !ullenberger has stated that budget slashes and cutbacks 8including air$lane maintenance9 are at the root o" air sa"ety $roblems. :ilot error is cited as the number-one cause o" "atalities# o"ten caused by under$aid# o/erworked $ilots making "aulty decisions. =(ll(ng -(ldl(+e does no& #a)e planes s&ronger or #ore dura*le. When hu#ans )(ll -(ld an(#als &ha& (n"on0en(en"e us, -e perpe&ua&e and "ondone (n&oleran"e +or ALL l(+e, (n"lud(ng our +ello- hu#ans. Only a 0ery s#all per"en&age o+ &he na&ural ha*(&a& &ha& on"e e2(s&ed (n NYC +or #(gra&ory *(rds s&(ll re#a(ns. Can& a huge "(&y o+ #ore &han 7 #(ll(on people l(0e -(&h a +e- hundred pea"e+ul, (nsp(r(ngly *eau&(+ul *(rds> And re+ra(n +ro# )(ll(ng &he#>

3he USDA p(")s .une &o )(ll Canada %eese *e"ause &he geese are a& &he(r #os& 0ulnera*le and "anno& +ly, and &hey ha0e *a*(es ?gosl(ngs@ -ho are "o#ple&ely de+enseless. /& (s "ruel, (& (s (nhu#ane and (& (s un-arran&ed. The killing must be e0$osed and sto$$ed. 1e $lan to *e &here when the &!DA comes back to N%C this summer.
Please help us pro&e"& &hese *(rds. 3he &(#e o+ &he desp("a*le annual roundups (s dra-(ng "lose.

Needs your help protecting [Name of] Parks Canada Geese

The U.S.D.A. will be in N.Y.C. during June and July to conduct round u$s across the city. We need your help to document the round ups for the world to see if USDA comes to [name of] Park to take the geese.


. !e"o#e a $%ooseWa&"h$er ' help #on(&or a par) *y d(s&r(*u&(ng +lyers, re"ord(ng &he nu#*er o+ geese, and #on(&or(ng +or &he USDA -(&h a "a#era and "ell phone. USDA #(gh& "o#e a& any &(#e dur(ng &he #orn(ng hours o+ .une and .uly. /+ you l(0e near a par) -(&h geese, -e NEED you! 1. .o(n &he e#ergen"y response &ea#. %ooseWa&"h -(ll send a #ass phone "all and &e2& #essage &o aler& (+ a round'up (s (n progress. 3e2& NY%OOSE &o 445'67. 8. $l()e$ %ooseWa&"h NYC on 9a"e*oo) and +ollo- us on 3-(&&er :%ooseWa&"hNYC, and help us spread &he -ord:

Call or e#a(l &o Bo(n: '456'NY'%OOSE

Facebook - %ooseWa&"hNYC ; Twitter - :%ooseWa&"hNYC Email: goose-a&"h(ng:g#a(l."o# ; Te0t 5essage <NY%OOSE= to 44567


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