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Dicta Hodierna
Ad astra per aspera - To the stars through difficulties
Alea iacta est. - The die is cast. (attr. to Caesar)
Amantes sunt amentes. - o!ers are lunatics.
Amor omnia !incit. - o!e con"uers all.
Arma placent miseris. - Ta#ing up arms suits the desperate.
Ars artis gratia - Art for art$s sa#e
Ars longa% !ita &re!is. - Art is long% life is short.
Aut disce aut discede. - 'ither learn or lea!e.
(ar&arus hic ego sum% "uia non intelligor ullis (ar&arus hic ego sum% "uia non intelligor ullis et
rident stolidi !er&a atina. - )$m the &ar&arian here% since no one understands me and these
fools laugh at m* atin. (+!id)
(ene nati% &ene !estiti% et mediocriter docti - ,ell &orn% -ell dressed% and onl* moderatel*
(eneficium accipere li&ertatem est !endere. - To accept a fa!or is to sell one$s freedom.
(ona prudentiae pars est nosse stultas !ulgi cupiditates et a&surdas opiniones. - A good part of
prudence is -hat are /ust the foolish desires and a&surd &eliefs of the general
pu&lic. ('rasmus)
(onum certamen certa!i% cursum consumma!i% fidem ser!a!i. - )$!e fought the good fight% )$!e run
m* course% )$!e #ept the faith.
(onitas non est pessimis esse meliorem. - (eing good is not /ust &eing &etter than the -orst.
Carpe diem% "uam minimum credula postero. - 0ei.e the da*% trust as little as possi&le in
tomorro-. (1orace)
Ca!eat emptor. - et the &u*er &e-are.
Cetera "uis nescit2 - The rest% -ho doesn$t #no-2
Cogito ergo sum. - ) thin# therefore ) am. (Descartes)
cum grano salis - -ith a grain of salt
Cum tacent% clamant. - 0ince the*$re silent% the*$re shouting. (Cicero)
Da&it deus his "uo"ue finem. - This too shall pass. (3ergil)
Damnant "uod non intelligunt. - The* condemn -hat the* don$t understand.
De gusti&us non est disputandum. - +ne must not argue a&out tastes.
De mortuis nil nisi &onum. - 0pea# onl* good of the dead.
Degeneres animos timor arguit. - 4ear e5poses co-ardl* hearts.
Deo !olente - 6od -illing
dies irae - /udgment da* (Dies irae % dies illa / 0ol!et saeclum in fa!illa)
Docendo discitur. - +ne learns &* teaching.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. - )t is s-eet and fitting to die for one$s countr*.
Dulce est desipere in loco. - )t$s good to cut loose e!er* no- and then.
Dum spiro spero. - ,hile ) &reathe ) hope.
Dum !i!imus !i!amus. - et$s li!e -hile -e$re ali!e.
Du5 femina facti - A -oman -as the leader of the deed. (3ergil)
'go primum tollo% nominor "uoniam leo. - ) get the &est part &ecause )$m the lion. (7haedrus)
'"ui dentes inspicere donati - oo#ing a gift horse in the mouth (0t. Jerome)
'rrare est humanum. - To err is human.
'sse "uam !ideri. - To &e 8good9% rather than to seem. (0allust% descri&ing Cato the :ounger)
'st modus in re&us. - There$s a fine line in things. (1orace)
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Dicta 1odierna
't tu% (rute2 - '!en *ou% (rutus2 (0ha#espeare)
'5 nihilo nihil fit. - <othing comes from nothing. (ucretius)
4acilis descensus A!erno. - 'as* is the descent to 1ell. (3ergil)
4acilius est multa facere "uam diu. - )t$s easier to do man* different things than one thing for a
long time.
4acito ali"uid operis% ut semper te dia&olus in!eniat occupatum. - Do some -or# so the de!il
al-a*s finds *ou &us*. (0t. Jerome)
4acta non !er&a - Deeds not -ords
4ama% malum "ua non aliud !elocius ullum. - =umor% the s-iftest of all e!ils. (3ergil)
4ata o&stant. - The 4ates stand in the -a* ()t /ust -asn$t meant to &e.)
4estina lente. - >a#e haste slo-l*.
4iat lu5? - et there &e light?
4inis coronat opus. - The end cro-ns the -or#.
4lamma fumo est pro5ima. - ,here there$s smo#e there$s fire.
4orsan et haec olim meminisse iu!a&it. - 7erhaps one da* remem&ering e!en this -ill &e pleasant.
4ortis (4ortes) 4ortuna iu!at. - 4ortune helps the &ra!e.
4raus latet in generali&us. - 'rror lur#s in generalities.
6audeamus igitur% iu!enes dum sumus. - et us therefore re/oice% -hile -e are *oung.
6loria !irtutem tan"uam um&ra se"uitur. - Adulation follo-s !irtue li#e a shado-. (Cicero)
1ominem te memento. - =emem&er *ou$re onl* human.
1umanius est deridere !itam "uam deplorare. - )t is more ci!ili.ed to laugh at life than to cr*
a&out it. (0eneca)
)d est genus hominum. - 0uch is human#ind. (Terence)
)gnorantia legis neminem e5cusat. - )gnorance of the la- e5cuses no one.
)mum nolo% summum ne"ueo@ "uiesco. - ) don$t -ant to &e the -orst% ) can$t &e the &est% so ) /ust
ta#e it eas*.
infra dignitatem - &elo- one$s dignit*
in flagrante delicto - caught red-handed (-hile the crime is &
)n hoc signo !inces. - )n this sign *ou -ill con"uer.
)n medio tutissimus i&is - The middle road is the safest. (+!id)
)n utrum"ue paratus. - =ead* for either e!ent.
)psa scientia potestas est. - Ano-ledge itself is po-er. (4rancis (acon)
)uris praecepta sunt haecB honeste !i!ere% alterum non laedere% suum cui"ue tri&uere - These are
the guiding principles of la-B to li!e honestl*% not to in/ure another% to grant to each his
o-n (Corpus )uris Ci!ilis)
)ustitia omni&us - Justice for all
a&or omnia !incit. - ,or# con"uers all.
asci!a est no&is pagina% !ita pro&a. - >* -riting is le-d% &ut m* life is not. (>artial)
e!e fit "uod &ene fertur onus. - A &urden that is carried -ell &ecomes light.
usisti satis% edisti satis at"ue &i&istiB tempus a&ire ti&i est - :ou$!e pla*ed enough% eaten enough%
and drun# enoughB it$s time for *ou to go. (1orace)
magnum opus - a masterpiece
>ea mihi conscientia pluris est "uam omnium sermo. - >* conscience means more to me than
-hat people -ill sa*. (Cicero)
>emento mori. - =emem&er that -e are d*ing.
>ea culpa% mea culpa% mea ma5ima culpa - >* fault% m* fault alone
>edice% cura te ipsum. - 7h*sician% heal th*self.
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Dicta 1odierna
>endacem memorem esse oportere. - A liar should ha!e a good memor*. (Duintilian)
>ens sana in corpore sano - A sound mind in a sound &od*
>ilitat omnis amans. - '!er* lo!er is a -arrior. (+!id)
>orituri te salutant. - Those a&out to die salute *ou.
mos maiorum - the custom of our ancestors
ne "uid nimis - nothing to e5cess
<e sutor ultra crepidam. - The shoema#er should stic# to shoes. (EA man$s got to #no- his
<ec scire fas est omnia. - +ne can$t #no- e!er*thing.
<ec !er&um !er&o cura&is reddere fidus interpres. - As a faithful translator *ou should not render
-ord for -ord.
<ec !itia nostra nec remedia pati possumus. - 8,e$!e reached the point that9 -e can endure
neither our faults or the cure for them. (i!*)
<emo est li&er "ui corpori ser!it. - <o one is free -ho is a sla!e to his &od*. (0eneca)
<emo me impune lacessit. - <o one hurts me -ithout pa*ing for it.
<escire autem ante"uam natus sis "uid acciderit% id est semper esse puerum. - <ot to #no- -hat
happened &efore *ou -ere &orn is al-a*s to &e a child. (Cicero)
<ihil est a& omni parte &eatum. - <othing is good in e!er* -a*. ('!er* sil!er lining has its cloud.)
<il desperandum. - Don$t despair.
<il nimium studeo% Caesar% ti&i !elle placere. - )$m in no great hurr* to please *ou% Caesar.
<olo "uod cupio statim tenere nec !ictoria mi placet parata. - ) don$t -ant to achie!e m* goal too
"uic#l* and ) don$t li#e an eas* !ictor*.
<on amo te% 0a&idi% nec possum dicere "uare@ hoc tantum possum dicere% non amo te. - ) don$t
li#e *ou% 0a&idius% and ) can$t sa* -h*@ all ) can sa* is ) don$t li#e *ou.
<on &ene olet "ui &ene semper olet. - <o one smells good -ho al-a*s smells good.
non compos mentis - not of sound mind
<on omne "uod licet honestum est. - <ot e!er*thing that is permitted is honora&le (Just &ecause
there$s no la- against it doesn$t ma#e it right).
<on omnes "ui ha&ent citharam sunt citharoedi. - <ot e!er*one -ho has a l*re is a l*re pla*er.
<on omnia possumus omnes. - ,e all can$t do e!er*thing.
<on semper ea sunt "uae !identur. - Things are not al-a*s -hat the* seem.
<osce te ipsum. (6ree#B 6nothi seauton) - Ano- th*self.
<ullum magnum ingenium sine mi5tura dementiae fuit. - There has &een no great intellect -ithout
a &it of insanit*. (0eneca)
<ullum saeculum magnis ingeniis clausum est. - <o age is closed to great intellects. (0eneca)
<unc pueri in scholis ludunt% iu!enes ridentur in foro. - Toda* children pla* games in school%
8tomorro-9 the* -ill &e laughed at in the forum (in the real -orld).
+ saeculum insipiens et infacetum? - ,hat a sill* and -itless age 8-e li!e in9? (Catullus)
+ tempora? + mores? - + the times% + the customs? (Cicero)
+di et amo% "uare id faciam% fortasse re"uiris. <escio% sed fieri sentio et e5crucior. - ) hate her and
lo!e her. ,h* ) do this perhaps *ou as#. ) don$t #no-% &ut ) can feel it and )$m in agon*.
+di profanum !ulgus et arceo. - ) hate the common cro-d and ) a!oid them. (1orace)
+mne tulit punctum "ui miscuit utile dulci. - :ou$ll ma#e *ou point more con!incingl* &* mi5ing
in a spoonful of sugar. (1orace)
+tium sine litteris mors est. - eisure -ithout literature is death.
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Dicta 1odierna
7anem et circenses. - 8All the people -ant is9 free food and entertainment. (Ju!enal)
7ar!a le!es capiunt animos. - ittle things capti!ate little minds. (+!id)
7erfer et o&dura@ dolor hic ti&i proderit olim. - 0tic# to it and hand in there@ this trou&le -ill one
da* &e a &lessing.
7iscem natare doces. - :ou$re teaching a fish ho- to s-im. (preaching to the con!erted)
7ossunt "uia posse !identur. - The* can &ecause the* thin# the* can. (3ergil)
7raemonitus praemunitus. - 4ore-arned is forearmed.
7uto deus fio. - ) thin# )$m &ecoming a god. (said to &e the d*ing -ords of 3espasian)
Duae fuerant !itia mores sunt. - Things -hich had &een !ices are no- e!er*da* customs. (0eneca)
Duae nocent docent. - Things that hurt *ou teach *ou.
Duando"ue &onus dormitat 1omerus. - 0ometimes e!en good 1omer misses a &eat.
Dui dedit &eneficium taceat@ narret "ui accepit. - ,hoe!er does a good deed should &e "uiet
a&out it@ let the one -ho &enefited from the good deed tal# a&out it.
Dui desiderat pacem praeparet &ellum. - ,hoe!er -ants peace should prepare for -ar. (3egetius)
Dui non est hodie% cras minus aptus erit. - 1e -ho is not prepared toda* -ill &e less so tomorro-.
Dui timide rogat docet negare. - 1e -ho as#s timidl* encourages re/ection.
Duid ad aeternum2 - ,hat$s its significance in the light of eternit*2
"uid pro "uo - something for something
Duis custodiet ipsos custodes2 - ,ho$ll -atch the -atchmen2 (Ju!enal)
Duo me% (acche% rapis% tui plenum2 - (acchus% to -hat lengths do *ou drag me -hen )$!e had m*
fill of *ou2 (cr. E,his#e* *ou$re the de!il% *ou$re leading me astra*...E)
"uod erat demonstrandum - that -hich -as to &e pro!ed
Duot homines tot sententiae. - There are as man* opinions as there are people. (Terence)
rara a!is - rare &ird (unusual/eccentric person)
=es age% tute eris. - 0ta* &us*% *ou$ll &e +A (ad!ice to the lo!elorn).
=es est magna tacere. - )t$s a great thing to &e a&le to #eep one$s mouth shut.
=es ipsa lo"uitur. - The matter spea#s for itself.
=ident stolidi !er&a atina. - 4ools laugh at the atin language. (from +!id)
0aepe grandis natui sene5 nullum aliud ha&et argumentum "uo se pro&et diu !i5isse praeter
aetatem. - +ften an old man has no proof of his long life e5cept for his age.
0erit ar&ores "uae saeclo prosint alteri. - 1e plants trees to &enefit future generations.
ses"uipedalia !er&a - -ords a foot and a half long (hifalutin tal#)
0i foret in terris% rideret Democritus. - )f he -ere here toda*% Democritus -ould laugh.
0ic transit gloria mundi. - Thus passes the glor* of the -orld.
simple5 munditiis - simple in its elegance (1orace)
sine ira et studio - 8to report the facts9 -ithout spite or pre/udice (Tacitus)
sine "ua non - something indispensa&le
0i post fata !enit gloria% non propero. - )f glor* comes onl* after death% )$m in no hurr* 8to &e
0pectatum !eniunt% !eniunt spectentur ut ipsae. - The* come to see and the* come to &e seen.
0tultum est timere "uod !itare non potes. - )t$s foolish to fear -hat *ou can$t a!oid.
su& rosa - Eunder the rose%E i.e.% secret
0um "uod eris% fui "uod es. - ) am -hat *ou -ill &e% ) ha!e &een -hat *ou are. (epitaph)
0umma sedes non capit duos. - The top spot doesn$t hold t-o.
0uum cui"ue. - To each his o-n.
Taciturnitas stulto homini pro sapientia est. - 0ilence for a fool is ta#en as -isdom.
tarde sed tute - slo-l* &ut surel*
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Dicta 1odierna
Tempus fugit. - Time flies.
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentis. - ) fear 6ree#s% especiall* -hen &earing gifts. (3ergil)
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito. - Don$t *ou gi!e in to *our misfortunes% &ut on the
contrar* go on that much more determined. (3ergil)
Htinam tam facile !era in!enire possem "uam falsa con!incere. - )f onl* ) could find -hat$s true as
easil* as ) can dispro!e -hat$s false. (Cicero)
3ae !ictis? - ,oe to the !an"uished? (Too &ad for the losers?) (i!*)
3eni% !idi% !ici. - ) came% ) sa-% ) con"uered. (attri&uted to Caesar)
3ideo &ar&am et pallium% philosophum nondum !ideo. - ) see the &eard and cloa#% &u* ) don$t *et
see a philosopher.(Ethe si..le -ithout the stea#E)
3itanda est impro&a siren Desidia. - +ne must a!oid that shameful temptress 0loth. (1orace)
3i!e !ale"ue? - i!e and &e -ell? (cf. Ei!e long and prosper?E)
!olens et potens - -illing and a&le
't ceteraB
>eum est propositum in ta&erna mori
3inum sit appositum morientis ori
Ht dicant cum !enerint angelorum chori
Deus sit propitius huic potatori. (from the Carmina (urana)
6audeamus igitur% iu!enes dum sumus (C5)
7ost iucundam iu!entutem% post molestam senectutem
<os ha&e&it humus% nos ha&e&it humus. (6audeamus )gitur or De (re!itate 3itae)
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