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Youth Association for a Greater Europe Association des Jeunes pour une Grande Europe !

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WELCOME IN OUR TEAM ! Our values: trust, friendship, equalit , transparen! , pea!e and !ultural understandin"

I# $etails !%n!ernin" v%lunteer &%r':

1. We communicate and work mostly online, using Email, Facebook and Skype. To participate in common online meetings you need to download TeamSpeak 3 (http !!!"page#downloads$. TeamSpeak ser%er &'.1().'(.&1 ***( +assword Strasbourg'(1)

'. E%en though we ha%e regular responsibilities, you may not stick to one particular acti%ity, but contribute with any ideas, connections, initiati%es that you ha%e.

3. To deli%er a high le%el o, organi-ational .uality and achie%e our goals we ha%e to ,ollow the deadlines. /lso, as our acti%ity is %ery creati%e, some challenges re.uire an immediate response.

). 0t is up to you to decide, how much time you can spend on %olunteer work. +lease, take an appropriate amount o, work to be sure that you are able to handle it. 0, you ,eel that you can1t ,inish the work, ask ,or a help, and we will do our best to ,ind someone to support you. 1

II# (%& %ur &%r' &ill )e %r"ani*ed:

1. 2ur organi-ational structure consists o, 3oard (chie, organi-ational team$, 4anagers o, the teams and teams. 3oard together with the 4anagers ,orm 2rgani-ing 5ommittee (25$.

BOARD +resident %f the Ass%!iati%n /i!e0+resident %f the Ass%!iati%n 1eneral !%%rdinat%r %f the f%ru.


Lara ,aute lara#'aute-".ail#!%. Treasurer

Anders Lunds"aard E))esen a#lunds"aard#e))esen-".ail#!%.

/asil 2 '%v v)33)%4-".ail#!%.

Offi!ial representative in Russia

Ale4andre de $%)r nine ale!ded%-".ail#!%.

Anastasia Le)edeva le)edevaad-".ail#!%.



Teams are the ,ollowing

a$ 0T team 6 managing the website, technical support7 b$ +8 team 6 +8, orientated on E9 and 50S citi-ens, connections with 4edia, updates o, the Facebook page and promotion7 c$ Team o, 0nterpreters 6 translation o, all the documents, publications, articles ,rom!into 8ussian, English and French7 d$ Fundraising team 6 writing applications to di,,erent ,oundations and contacting possible sponsors and partners7 e$ Statistics : ;atabases team 6 work with all the databases (%olunteers, participants etc.$7 ,$ 8esearch team 6 internal impro%ements o, structure and processes, analytical and brain< storming work7 g$ Think Tank 6 brainstorming and writing about relations between %arious European countries and 8ussia, cooperation between students ,rom 8ussia and ,rom other European countries7 h$ =ourney o, a book 6 %arious authors ,rom >isbon to ?ladi%ostok will write and pass ,orward stories about their city and country, creating together a book o, the @reater Europe7 i$ 8ussia ,or ,oreigners 6 website, aimed at populari-ation o, Aunknown1 8ussia7 B$ @et to know 8ussia 6 photo eChibition7 k$ 4odel o, ;emocracy 6 role game that will allow European youth to build a ;emocratic society and see ,rom the inside how it works on di,,erent le%els.

'. Each team has its 4anager. 4anager1s responsibilities

a$ To make the team ,ollow the deadlines and pro%ide the result on time7 b$ To organi-e team work7 c$ To take care about the deadlines7 d$ To distribute tasks within the team7 e$ To pro%ide connection between the 25 and the team you manage7 ,$ To pro%ide connection and communication with other teams7 g$ To make reports o, the team1s work and update on the news and achie%ements o, your team7 h$ To be ready to ,inish some tasks i, team members are not able to do that on time.

3. E%ery 1 or ' weeks the summary o, all the 4anagers1 reports is made uni,ied in a report accessible to e%eryone inside the Douth /ssociation ,or a @reater Europe.

). 5hallenges, important ,or e%eryone, as well as key solutions are discussed at the common online meetings. 3

To make general con,erence calls e,,icient we would ask you to prepare a list o, your .uestions, ideas, etc. (i, you ha%e such$ in ad%ance. /lso, don1t wait ,or the neCt con,erence call to ,ind solutions, communicate about challenges you are ,acing with other team members and with your team 4anager.

E. 0t is not obligatory, but will help us to keep the in,ormation ,low in order i, you need to contact anyone concerning the task (e.ually ,rom your team or ,rom anywhere else$, add your 4anager or!and other responsible people to the con%ersation 6 e%en though they may not participate, they need to ,ollow e%erything that is happening in the team

III# Our rules

2nline communication is a big challenge ,or team work. 0n order to a%oid problems, caused by misunderstanding and lack o, traditional means o, communication, we would kindly ask you to ,ollow some simple rules

1. 5heck your emails, F3 messages and publications in our F3 group at least once a day, so that you are a%ailable ,or any re.uests and up to date with the news.

'. 0, you are away ,or se%eral days, need some rest, ha%e eCams and etc., please in,orm your group 4anager about the approCimate time o, your absence.

3. 0, you ,eel that you can1t ,inish the task on time, please ask ,or help in ad%ance, so that other %olunteers are able to do it.

). When you delegate any task or need someone to do something try to eCplain the point as clearly as possible. 0t is always better to ha%e a call, but i, you write a message, make the instruction precise and clear. /lso, ask the addressed person i, he!she has a clear understanding o, what is needed.

E. /ll actions related to partners should be appro%ed by the 3oard.

&. Dou may only represent the association in public i, you ha%e been appro%ed to do so by the 3oard and i, what you say or write doesnFt go against the %alues and goals o, the association. This includes a$ +ublic inter%iews7 b$ Gegotiations with partners7 c$ /rticles published in the name o, the association7 etc. 4

H. 0n order to maintain our reputation, each article, inter%iew or any other public announcement has to be con,irmed by the 3oard be,ore publishing.

I. When you do something that may re,lect the whole organi-ation or has signi,icant in,luence on the result o, our acti%ity, it is always necessary to do a double<check and con,irm your plans with your 4anager or members o, the 3oard.

*. 0n case o, any dispute, the +resident has the ,inal word.

We are ver than'ful f%r %ur desire t% 8%in %ur v%lunteer tea. and happ t% ensure %u that all v%lunteers &ill "et a !ertifi!ate at ne4t ear9s f%ru. .enti%nin" their !%ntri)uti%n, as &ell as redu!ti%n in the parti!ipant9s fee at the :tras)%ur" Meetin"s ;<=>!

Sincerely yours, Youth Association for a Greater Europe Facebook group: https: groups strasbourg!" Facebook page: https: GreaterEurope#fref$ts %kontakte: http: & greater'europe

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