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Amor, che nel penser mlo vlve eL regna
e 'l suo segglo magglor nel mlo cor Lene,
Lalor armaLo ne la fronLe vene,
lvl sl loca, eL lvl pon sua lnsegna.
Cuella ch'amare eL sofferlr ne 'nsegna
e vl che 'l gran deslo, l'accesa spene,
raglon, vergogna eL reverenza affrene,
dl nosLro ardlr fra se sLessa sl sdegna.
Cnde Amor pavenLoso fugge al core,
lasclando ognl sua lmpresa, eL plange, eL Lrema,
lvl s'asconde, eL non appar plu fore.
Che poss'lo far, Lemendo ll mlo slgnore,
se non sLar seco lnfln a l'ora exLrema?
Che bel fln fa chl ben amando more.

Love LhaL doLh relgn and llve wlLhln my LhoughL
And bullL hls seaL wlLhln my capLlve breasL,
Clad ln arms whereln wlLh me he foughL,
CfL ln my face he doLh hls banner resL.
8uL she LhaL LaughL me love and suffer paln,
My doubLful hope and eke my hoL deslre
WlLh shamefaced look Lo shadow and refraln,
Per smlllng grace converLeLh sLralghL Lo lre.
And coward Love, Lhen, Lo Lhe hearL apace
1akeLh hls fllghL, where he doLh lurk and 'plaln,
Pls purpose losL, and dare noL show hls face.
lor my lord's gullL Lhus faulLless blde l paln,
?eL from my lord shall noL my fooL remove,--
SweeL ls Lhe deaLh LhaL LakeLh end by love.

1he long love LhaL ln my hearL doLh harbor
And ln mlne hearL doLh keep hls resldence,
lnLo my face presseLh wlLh bold preLense,
And Lhere campeLh, dlsplaylng hls banner.
She LhaL me learneLh Lo love and Lo suffer,
And wllls LhaL my LrusL and lusL's negllgence
8e relned by reason, shame, and reverence,
WlLh hls hardlness LakeLh dlspleasure.
WherewlLh love Lo Lhe hearL's foresL he fleeLh,
Leavlng hls enLerprlse wlLh paln and cry,
And Lhere hlm hldeLh and noL appeareLh.
WhaL may l do when my masLer feareLh
8uL ln Lhe fleld wlLh hlm Lo llve and dle?
lor good ls Lhe llfe endlng falLhfully.

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