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A counLenance more ln sorrow Lhan ln angerLlLeral meanlng a person or Lhlng LhaL ls vlewed more

wlLh sadness Lhan wlLh anger

A uanlel come Lo [udgemenL Someone who makes a wlse [udgmenL abouL someLhlng LhaL has
prevlously proven dlfflculL Lo resolve
A dlsh flL for Lhe gods An offerlng of hlgh quallLy
A fools paradlseA sLaLe of happlness based on false hope
A foregone concluslonA declslon made before Lhe evldence for lL ls known An lnevlLable
A horse a horse my klngdom for a horse
A mlnlsLerlng angel shall my slsLer be
A plague on boLh your houses
A rose by any oLher name would smell as sweeL
A sea change
A sorry slghL
Age cannoL wlLher her nor cusLom sLale her lnflnlLe varleLy
Alas poor ?orlck! l knew hlm PoraLlo
All corners of Lhe world
All one Lo me
All LhaL gllLLers ls noL gold / All LhaL gllsLers ls noL gold
All Lhe worlds a sLage and all Lhe men and women merely players
Alls well LhaL ends well
An lllfavoured Lhlng slr buL mlne own
And shlnlng mornlng face creeplng llke a snall unwllllngly Lo school
And Lhereby hangs a Lale
As cold as any sLone
As dead as a doornall
As good luck would have lL
As merry as Lhe day ls long
As pure as Lhe drlven snow
AL one fell swoop
8ag and baggage
8easL wlLh Lwo backs
8eware Lhe ldes of March
8low wlnds and crack your cheeks
8revlLy ls Lhe soul of wlL
8uL screw your courage Lo Lhe sLlcklngplace
8uL for my own parL lL was Creek Lo me
Come Lhe Lhree corners of Lhe world ln arms
Come whaL come may
Comparlsons are odorous
Cry havoc and leL sllp Lhe dogs of war
uash Lo pleces
ulscreLlon ls Lhe beLLer parL of valour
uouble double Loll and Lrouble flre burn and cauldron bubble
LaLen ouL of house and home
LL Lu 8ruLe
Lven aL Lhe Lurnlng of Lhe Llde
Lxceedlngly well read
Lye of newL and Loe of frog wool of baL and Longue of dog
lalr play
lancy free
lle foh and fum l smell Lhe blood of a 8rlLlsh man
llghL flre wlLh flre
lor ever and a day
lrallLy Lhy name ls woman
loul play
lrlends 8omans CounLrymen lend me your ears
Cood men and Lrue
Cood rlddance
Creen eyed monsLer
Park hark! Lhe lark aL heavens gaLe slngs
Pe wlll glve Lhe uevll hls due
PearLs conLenL
Plgh Llme
Pls beard was as whlLe as snow
PolsL by your own peLard
Pousehold words
Pow sharper Lhan a serpenLs LooLh lL ls Lo have a Lhankless chlld
l bear a charmed llfe
l have noL slepL one wlnk
l see you sLand llke greyhounds ln Lhe sllps
l wlll wear my hearL upon my sleeve
lf muslc be Lhe food of love play on
ln a plckle
ln my mlnds eye PoraLlo
ln sLlLches
ln Lhe Lwlnkllng of an eye
ls Lhls a dagger whlch l see before me?
lL beggard all descrlpLlon
lL ls meaL and drlnk Lo me
Lay lL on wlLh a Lrowel
Lle low
Llke Lhe ulckens
Love ls bllnd
Make your halr sLand on end
Mens evll manners llve ln brass Lhelr vlrLues we wrlLe ln waLer
Mllk of human klndness
Mlsery acqualnLs a man wlLh sLrange bedfellows
More fool you
More honoured ln Lhe breach Lhan ln Lhe observance
Much Ado abouL noLhlng
My salad days
nelLher a borrower nor a lender be
nlghL owl
no more cakes and ale?
now ls Lhe wlnLer of our dlsconLenL
C 8omeo 8omeo! wherefore arL Lhou 8omeo
Cff wlLh hls head
Ch LhaL way madness lles
Cnce more unLo Lhe breach dear frlends once more
CuL of Lhe [aws of deaLh
ound of flesh
rlmrose paLh
8hyme nor reason
Salad days
Sans LeeLh sans eyes sans LasLe sans everyLhlng
Screw your courage Lo Lhe sLlcklng place
Send hlm packlng
SeL your LeeLh on edge
Shall l compare Lhee Lo a summers day?
ShorL shrlfL
Shuffle off Lhls morLal coll
SmooLh runs Lhe waLer where Lhe brook ls deep
Some are born greaL some achleve greaLness and some have greaLness LhrusL upon em
SomeLhlng ls roLLen ln Lhe sLaLe of uenmark
SLar crossed lovers
SLlffen Lhe slnews
SLony hearLed
Such sLuff as dreams are made on
1he course of Lrue love never dld run smooLh
1he crack of doom
1he uevll lncarnaLe
1he game ls afooL
1he game ls up
1he quallLy of mercy ls noL sLralned
1he Cueens Lngllsh
1he sllngs and arrows of ouLrageous forLune
1he smallesL worm wlll Lurn belng Lrodden on
1heres meLhod ln my madness
1hereby hangs a Lale
1hls ls Lhe shorL and Lhe long of lL
1hls ls very mldsummer madness
1hls preclous sLone seL ln Lhe sllver sea Lhls scepLered lsle
1hough Lhls be madness yeL Lhere ls meLhod ln lL
1hus far lnLo Lhe bowels of Lhe land
1o be or noL Lo be LhaL ls Lhe quesLlon
1o glld reflned gold Lo palnL Lhe llly
1o sleep perchance Lo dream ay Lheres Lhe rub
1oo much of a good Lhlng
1ruLh wlll ouL
under Lhe greenwood Lree
uneasy lles Lhe head LhaL wears a crown
up ln arms
vanlsh lnLo Lhln alr
We few we happy few we band of broLhers
We have seen beLLer days
Wear your hearL on your sleeve
WhaL a plece of work ls man
WhaLs ln a name? 1haL whlch we call a rose by any oLher name would smell as sweeL
When sorrows come Lhey come noL slngle sples buL ln baLLallons
Where Lhe bee sucks Lhere suck l
Whlle you llve Lell LruLh and shame Lhe uevll!
Who wooed ln hasLe and means Lo wed aL lelsure
Wlld goose chase
Woe ls me

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