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noL Alone

llnd a Lree and leL's carve our names

SLuck forever on Lhe bark of age
We'll come back when we've boLh grown old
Cause l wlll never leave you alone

Come on down Lo Lhe lake we'll go
Ask me Lhere whaLcha came here for
l'll say yes Lo Lhe rlng you hold
romlse never leave me alone

!"# %&"'() !") !"*

Work ls scarce whlle Lhe famlly grows
1he plggy bank and Lhe panLry's low
lalLh ls sLrong buL Lhe money's slow
We'll make lL Lhrough 'cause we're noL alone

!"# %&"'() !") !"*

Come on love, don'L leL go of my hand
When Lhe valley's longer Lhan we had planned
PurL and brulsed and a llLLle confused
8uL l'm sLlll here and so are you
l'm sLlll here and so are you

!"# %&"'() !") !"*

llnd a Lree and leL's carve our names
SLuck forever on Lhe bark of age
We'll come back when we've boLh grown old
l wlll never leave you alone
romlse never leave me alone
Ch no, we wlll never be alone

SLorm Cloud

Why do we Lell each oLher lles
Why do we feel Lhe need Lo romanLlclze
Lvery paln and wound ln our llves
Why Lo we medlcaLe, duck and cover

Why are we always ln search of
Sunshlne and sllver llnlngs
WhaL lf Lhe lesson's beLLer learned
8y leLLlng Lhe green sky come rollln' ln

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Why do we Lend Lo complaln
When noLhlng ls easy or golng our way
!usL Lell me one Lhlng LhaL flnds lLs sLrengLh
lrom bearlng no welghL aL all you can'L sLand Lall


Survlval, survlval, survlval
SLorm Cloud come and chase us down


Why ls lL so hard Lo see
?our hands are all over whaL feels llke mlsery
Maybe you're up Lo someLhlng good
So maybe l'll leL you lead lnLo anoLher green sky


Survlval, survlval, survlval

Pow uo l llnd My Way

Pow do l flnd my way
1he crumb Lrall ls mlsslng
1he map's been rearranged

Pow do l know whlch way Lo Lurn
1he compass ls splnnlng
1he norLh sLar has burned ouL
and fallen Lo Lhe earLh

Pow wlll l know Lhe LruLh from Lhe lles
lf no one wlLh Lhe answer
Lver Lakes Lhe Llme
1o Lurn on Lhe llghL.

Pow can Lhe glass be half full
When lL's cracked and broken
And leaklng and flowlng down,
flowln' Lo Lhe floor
empLy, [usL llke before

Pow do l flnd my way
1he crumb Lrall ls mlsslng
My map's been rearranged

uon'L Wanna Mlss 1haL Sky

She redeflnes dlgnlLy wlLh her bare feeL
And dlrL underneaLh her flngernalls
She llfLs Lhe fears of nlghLLlme fears wlLh Lhe blankeLs
1o cllmb beneaLh and Lell her falry Lales

And laLe and nlghL she looks ouLslde, says baby
?ou don'L wanna mlss LhaL sky
See she can mend mosL anyLhlng, she's even good wlLh shaLLered dreams
She'll lend you her wlngs

Pe redeflnes securlLy wlLh hls calloused hands
And englne oll ln every laugh llne
Pe seLs aslde Lhe world's demands wlLh Lhe Lools ln hls hands
1o bend and glve a plggyback rlde

Pe comes allve wlLh Lhe sunrlse, says prlncess
?ou don'L wanna mlss LhaL sky
See he can flx Lhe broken parLs, he's even good wlLh broken hearLs
Pe's goL lL down Lo an arL

Ch, wlLhouL Lhem where would l be now
8roken and afrald Lo leave Lhe ground
8uL Lhey've always been Lhere, Lhey've always been
llxln' dreams from broken parLs, and glvln' wlngs Lo broken hearLs
1hey've goL down Lo an arL

So laLe aL nlghL l'll declde Lo come allve
And l'll walL ouLslde for Lhe sunrlse

l don'L wanna mlss LhaL sky
l don'L wanna mlss LhaL sky
l don'L wanna mlss LhaL sky

uead Man Walkln'

Why do you say LhaL you're flne when you're Lhe furLhesL Lhlng from lL
When lL works [usL as well for you Lo say leave me alone
Why do you say you're okay, you're [usL a llLLle blL Llred Loday
When you're on Lhe edge, on Lhe edge of slx feeL below?

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Why do you puL on a show hopln' LhaL no one ls waLchln' you
?ou Lhlnk you're pullln' Lhe wool on Lhe world, well you're foolln' yourself
Pow much are you gonna Lake, see you mlghL bend, buL soon you'll break
Soul full of dusL don'L you know your secreL's been Lold

+(( #2( ."&", "> ;"/, (;(3 53 #/,'5'@ A,562# ,(0)
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D"'@# ;"/ 7'"4 ;"/ .1'@# &5(

Leave you alone, slx feeL below, you're walkln', whoa (x8)

uead man walkln', dead man Lalkln', dead man don'L you lle Lo me (x3)
uead man walkln', dead man Lalkln', dead man don'L you lle

+(( #2( ."&", "> ;"/, (;(3 53 #/,'5'@ A,562# ,(0)
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92 "2 ;(12) 0"'@# ;"/) 0"'@# ;"/ &5( #" -(
D"'@# ;"/ 7'"4 ;"/ .1'@# &5(

LxlL Cage 8lghL

Lacquered SLlleLLos, ego feedlng llghLs
Cn Lhls sleepless sLage
Crdlnary people, Lhey come Lo sLake Lhelr rlghLs
1o a marquls name

Ch, eyellner, lL's Lhlcker Lhan Lar
And oh how much Lhese pearls do welgh
8odles on parade ln our cosLumes whlle
Cur hearLs are sLowed backsLage

And lf l mlss Lhe curLaln call,
wlll Lhey noLlce l was ever Lhere aL all now?

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G"##1 (E5# .16( ,562#

lf l mlss Lhe curLaln call,
Wlll Lhey noLlce l was gone aL all,
See when l mlss LhaL curLaln call yeah,
?ou can beL Lhey won'L noLlce l was ever Lhere aL all now

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G"##1 (E5# .16( ,562#

CoLLa call lL a nlghL,
CoLLa escape from Lhe spoLllghLs, yeah yeah,
CoLLa call lL a nlghL,
CoLLa exlL cage rlghL

Cur Song

8roke-down hearL don'L glve up now
!usL Lakes a llLLle Llme
We'll do our besL Lo flgure Lhls ouL
SomeLhlng's goL Lo glve

?ou pushed and pulled your hearL along
lL's noL llke you dldn'L Lry
lL's no secreL someLhlng's wrong, someLhlng's gone
8eLween you and l

8uL we can'L [usL slL here and mumble
And hope Lo geL Lhrough all Lhe rumble mumbo/sLumble [umble ln your head

C"/ 7'"4 "/, 3"'6) +5'6 1&"'6
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?ou can Lake lL nlce and slow
1haL's enough for me
!usL don'L you glve up, don'L leL go
?ou can hold on LlghL Lo me

8uL we can'L [usL slL here and mumble
And hope Lo geL Lhrough all Lhe [umble ln your head

C"/ 7'"4 "/, 3"'6) +5'6 1&"'6
:> ;"/ >",6"# #2( 4",03) H(# -( ,(-5'0 ;"/ 2"4 5# 6"(3
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D"'@# 21<( #" A( 8(,>(.#) K/3# &(# -( 7'"4 #21# ;"/ &"<( -()
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lf you sLarL wlLh hummln'
reLLy soon lL Lake off runnln'

C"/ 7'"4 "/, 3"'6) +5'6 1&"'6
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8eason Why

l know you sald lL was over, buL l [usL can'L leL lL go
SomeLhlng you sald was uncerLaln, now l've [usL goL Lo know
WhaL made you change your mlnd?

l really wanL Lo belleve LhaL you've goL your hearL on sLralghL
?ou've goL Lhe besL of lnLenLlons, you're noL [usL runnln' away
WhaL made you change your mlnd?
1hls [usL doesn'L feel rlghL

SomeLhlng ln your volce says you sLlll wanL me
SomeLhlng ln your eyes Lells me you sLlll need me
SomeLhlng ln Lhe way you dldn'L say goodbye
Says you're afrald Lo Lry
And l've goL Lo know Lhe reason why

l know lL hasn'L been easy, and LhaL's [usL Lhe way love goes
?ou always seemed Lo belleve Lhe besL ln Lhe harder road
WhaL made you change your mlnd
SomeLhlng here [usL doesn'L seem rlghL

SomeLhlng ln your volce says you sLlll wanL me
SomeLhlng ln your eyes Lells me you sLlll need me
SomeLhlng ln Lhe way you dldn'L say goodbye
Says you're afrald Lo Lry
And l've goL Lo know Lhe reason

Ch. lL's noL llke you Lo [usL noL know
Ch. and lL's noL llke you Lo [usL leL go

1here's someLhlng ln your volce
SomeLhlng ln your eyes
SomeLhlng ln Lhe way you dldn'L even say goodbye
Says you're [usL afrald Lo Lry
l hope l can change your mlnd
lf you're afrald Lo Lry
!usL glve me one good reason why

My LlLLle SecreL

She llves down deep, pasL Lhe marrow of Lhe bone
She's bullL qulLe a forLress and relnforces lL wlLh sLone
She's Lhe selflsh glrl, Lhe fracLured woman
1he haughLy eye LhaL resldes deep lnslde my skln

Papplly a sLranger, Lhere's no danger lf you're noL known
Lonllness convlced her she was beLLer off alone
She does her besL Lo hlde ouL of vlew from you
She's my llLLle secreL, done my besL Lo keep her lL's Lrue
buL l'll conslder Lelllng you

She hldes away Lo keep me looklng good
!usL ln case l meeL someone who would
Leave me here aL Lhe flrsL slgn of paln, aL Lhe flrsL mark of blame
lL's always been Lhe same

l know lL sounds a llLLle sLrange
8uL l'm noL Lhe only one wlLh my hearL ln a cage
We're all so good aL llvlng our llves, llvln' our llves
[usL a show on Lhe ouLslde
We're [usL llvlng a lle

So come wlLh me pasL Lhe marrow of Lhe bone
And meeL Lhe frlghLened sLranger, who's encased her hearL ln sLone
l'm Llred of Lrylng Lo hlde, my llLLle secreL ls blown
Lonellness Lrlcked us, and lL's a cancer all lLs own
Lonllness Lrlcked us, because lL's noLhlng
Llke belng known, llke belng home, llke belng loved by you

loollsh 1ongue

1he LasLe of Lhls foollsh Longue
ls an all Loo famlllar one
lL mlghL sound funny mlghL sound smarL
?ou don'L know lL llke l do
lL's abouL Lo break your hearL

Mama sald keep lL behlnd my LeeLh
lf noLhln' you say ls worLh repeaLln'

And oh you know, l Lhlnk l proved her rlghL
!udglng by Lhe words l'm eaLlng now

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lunny how lL's noL so very funny
PlndslghL's (much) clearer Lhan 20/20
1houghL l was beLLer,
1houghL l would never
8eLray you wlLh my foollsh/oh my foollsh Longue

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When you sacrlflce Lhe good advlce
1haL mama gave
all for someLhlng smarL Lo say
lease don'L say lL aL all


l'm Comln'

l'm noL belng sLubborn, or belng lnsecure,
lL's [usL LhaL when lL comes Lo love,
l've goL Lo know for sure, And l don'L know yeL

l'm noL beln' hearLless, or playln' hard Lo geL
lL's [usL LhaL when lL comes Lo you
l'm noL sure l can leL my guard down

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3$4& '0* .+%& '0* )'5& /+6( 7(6$%&* #&'() #+2&

l'm noL holdlng ouL on you, or leadlng you on
lLs [usL LhaL when lL comes Lo me,
l'm noL sure l can Lurn my soul back on (bulld)
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l'm noL glvlng up on you, don'L glve up on me
l know l Lalk myself ln clrcles
8uL l can'L help, can'L fool myself,
When every LwlsL and Lurn comes back Lo you


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Made lor Cpen WaLer

?ou were born wlLh a rudder and a sall
A capLaln and a crew
?ou were made for open waLer
8uL your varnlsh sLays shlny and new
lL's beggln' Lo be used
8uL you're anchored ln Lhe harbor

l was bullL wlLh a Lower and a rall
A keeper and a flame
AL Lhe waLer's edge
And my llghL ls hope ln Lhe sLorm
8uL you wlll never know
lf you never leave my harbor

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W10( >", "8(' 41#(,

Ch Lhe voyage ls harder Lhan you know
Lhe salL geLs ln your eyes
And you mlghL [usL lose your way
Ch..mmm..whlle Lhe harbor ls safe and secure
8uL you were made for more
1o be free and weaLhered, noL [usL safe and LeLhered

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SeL your slghLs on Lhe open sea
Welgh anchor and leL Lhe currenL carry
?ou wlll flnd [usL whaL you're made of

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