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Carrle Schwlnd

Lngllsh Comp 2
Wlll napler
aper #1

@he goals and asplraLlons of women have been changlng slnce Lhe Llme of hunLlng and
gaLherlng lL was back Lhen LhaL Lhe men were Lasked wlLh Lhe responslblllLy Lo leave Lhe cave Lo go
hunL food Lo supporL Lhelr famllles and Lrlbes @he women conversely were lefL behlnd Lo malnLaln
safeLy of Lhese vlllages and malnLaln all of Lhe oLher lmporLanL Lasks of llvlng ln a cave dusLlng
sweeplng and chlldrearlng were a few of Lhe lmporLanL ones l'm sure @he [ob" of a woman has
remalned much Lhe same Lhrough hlsLory Women were percelved Lo be Lhe weaker of Lhe human race
LhroughouL hlsLory only seen as daughLers wlves Lhen moLhers @hey were expecLed Lo be able Lo carry
on Lhe LradlLlons of Lhelr Llmes by Leachlng Lhelr chlldren as well as manage [usL abouL 100 of Lhe
women's work" of chlld rearlng and keeplng house Women of Llmes pasL were LaughL LhaL Lhelr llves
would lead Lo Lhe followlng Marry young Lo a man belonglng Lo a famlly of good repuLe As soon as
you marry bear as many of hls chlldren as you can no maLLer Lhe damage lL has on your home or your
body and Leach your chlldren LhaL llfe has always and wlll always carry on Lhls way @he problem wlLh
Lhe ma[orlLy of hlsLorlcal LexL however ls Lhe lack of Lhe female perspecLlve no one knows whaL
8oman women or medleval women were Lhlnklng up and dreamlng Lo become no one knows whaL
could have happened Lo Lhe world as we know lL of women were granLed Lhe same rlghLs as men ln
counLrles llke @he unlLed SLaLes before Lhe passlng of Lhe Lqual 8lghLs AmendmenL of 1970 WhaL we
do know ls LhaL ln Lhe conLexL of Loday women for Lhe flrsL Llme are surpasslng Lhelr male counLerparLs
for managemenL [obs and holdlng poslLlons of auLhorlLy ln Lhe workplace We know LhaL Lhe salary gap
ls almosL nonexlsLenL aL Lhls polnL ln hlsLory We know LhaL women as a whole are graduaLlng wlLh posL
secondary degrees more frequenLly Lhan men We musL also begln Lo wonder whaL Lhls change of Lhe
seaL of power ls dolng Lo Lhe esLeem of men ln Lhls generaLlon Women of Loday can be compared Lo
@lgers of our food web Women of our day and Llme have begun Lo be labeled maneaLers Women
LhaL Lhrough all of Lhelr educaLlon and drlvlng Lhemselves Lo Lhe Lop of Lhelr careers flnd Lhemselves
wonderlng how many poor unsuspecLlng man cubs wlll be lefL ravlshed ln Lhelr paLh Pow many Llmes
wlll Lhe female Llger sLalk and hunL down prey [usL for Lhe sheer sporL of lL slmply for Lhe dangerous
Lhrlll of Lhe chase Survlvlng on Lhe problems of pursulng a belng once equal Lo Lhem ln courage
cunnlng and reason women hunL and declmaLe men every day wlLh Lhe end goal belng self reallzaLlon
Lhrough knowlng every human characLerlsLlc she cannoL LoleraLe ln her llfe on Lhe cllmb Colllns Lngllsh
ulcLlonary deflnes as Lo seek ouL and klll or capLure (game or wlld anlmals) for food or
sporL"(Colllns ****) LeL us redeflne Lhe role of Lhe hunLer/ gaLherer and learn abouL Lhe exoLlc
Lhrllllngly leLhal specles of Lhe Llger we call '"Clrlfrlends"
LeLs Lalk abouL women who en[oy maklng pro[ecLs ouL of men l don'L know where Lhe noLlon
of a flxerupper" boyfrlend came from buL lL ls maklng maneaLers ouL of women everywhere @he
baslc problem of hunLlng a man llke Lhls ls Lhe sheer lack of moLlvaLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe man Lo add
anyLhlng buL whlnes Lo Lhe common vaL of conLrlbuLlons Pe slLs on hls couch playlng vldeogames
recanLlng Lhe golden glory days of hls poLhead Leenage years and suddenly he flnds hlmself ln Lhe
cluLches of Lhe shaplng mold you Lo my lmage Lype of Clrlfrlend Pe doesn'L volunLeer Lo change a
Lhlng abouL hlmself yeL succumbs Lo Lhe Clrlfrlends every wlsh (lnlLlally) Somewhere along Lhe hunL
Lrall Lhe Clrlfrlend decldes LhaL Lhe sex ls good enough LhaL she should Lry Lo mold Lhls man lnLo her
personal ken doll because he really ls a greaL guy he [usL needs some pollshlng" She dresses hlm
grooms hlm makes frlends for hlm Lhlnks for hlm Lalks over hlm and generally beglns Lo dlsregard hls
feellngs and seldom oplnlons @hls happens because she has no confldence ln Lhe man hlmself [usL
whaL she Lhlnks he should be When Lhe man ls fed up wlLh her lmperlous suggesLlons he glves up
whlch leads Lhe woman Lo become complacenL and eager Lo pursue a new quarry leavlng Lhe man
ravaged ln her paLh back wlLh hls xbox and bong wonderlng why he boughL all of Lhose new cloLhes
A dlfferenL varleLy of men LhaL Clrlfrlends hunL are Lhose LhaL do Loo much @hey fall all over
Lhemselves accommodaLlng every wlsh and whlm of Lhe Clrlfrlend ln hopes LhaL she won'L eaL hlm afLer
maLlng Pe volunLarlly adapLs hls llfe Lo hers lgnorlng frlends former favorlLes goals and asplraLlons
showerlng her wlLh glfLs and affecLlon LhaL he belleves she requlres of hlm lrom her perspecLlve Lhls
Lype of prey ls fun ln Lhe beglnnlng LeL's call hlm Lhe Cood uog Pe ls someLhlng she can use Lo easlly
have Lhe largesL zebra ln Lhe herd aL her beckon call She can chase hlm and play hunLlng games llke
seelng how many Llmes she can make hlm change hls mlnd abouL Lhe rlghL sporLs car Lo buy LhaL
compllmenLs her eye color" buL [usL as wlLh Lhls prey's polar opposlLe Lhe llxerupper Lhe Clrlfrlend
qulckly flnds herself bored @here ls noLhlng more Lo chase She can have whaLever she wanLs and Lhe
LasLe of Lhls sLale pursulL for domlnance leads her Lo her nexL game @he Cood uog ls llLerally desLroyed
WhaL Lhe Clrlfrlend doesn'L know ls LhaL he belng such a good dog depended on her pralse and
scraLches behlnd Lhe ear Lo such a serlous degree LhaL wlLhouL her he ls lefL quesLlonlng every declslon
he has ever made for hlmself @he flrsL Clrlfrlend dlsemboweled hls mascullnlLy and lefL hlm needlng
anoLher Clrlfrlend looklng for a llxer upper Lo come repalr hlm oor guy
Women are also naLurally drawn Lo men LhaL radlaLe confldence and charlsma @he ma[orlLy of
men from Lhe ages of 2333 have reason wlLhln Lhelr llves Lo exude such confldence ln Lhem yeL few
flnd Lhe lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon Lo use lL Women of Loday see LhaL confldence as sexy and fulfllllng LeL's
call Lhls Lype of guy Lhe SLrong and SLeady" Clrlfrlends Lruly [usL wanL Lo be able Lo counL on Lhelr
parLner Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe relaLlonshlp equally ln a number of areas @here musL be equal
commlLmenLs of Llme declslon maklng dlsh washlng conversaLlon sLarLlng compromlslng and money
Lo Lhe common vaL of conLrlbuLlons AfLer all aren'L Lhese Lhe Lqual 8lghLs we foughL so long for? @hls
makes Lhe woman feel secure ln Lhe noLlon LhaL she lsn'L belng Laken for granLed for her own
confldence and charlsma and belng played for Lhe glrl who ls Loo nlce or canL say no" Lo her
slgnlflcanL oLher AfLer all Lhe only Lhlng more fearsome ln Lhe whole [ungle Lhan Lhe Clrlfrlend ls Lhe
Llon LhaL can roar back aL Lhe Clrlfrlend when she geLs mouLhy @hls puLs Lhe 2 specles on equal fooLlng
from whlch Lo grow lnLo a relaLlonshlp @here wlll be caLflghLs dlsplays of domlnance and baLLles over
LerrlLory buL evenLually Lhe Clrlfrlend reallzes LhaL for her Lo noL be such a maneaLer she needs a man
LhaL really would eaL her flrsL She musL meeL her maLch ln Lhe SLrong and SLeady @hls balance of
power can make for a few serlously Lerrlfylng momenLs where boLh beasLs are ready Lo klll Lhelr prey
yeL Lhey boLh reallze LhaL wlLhouL each oLher Lhere ls no more dangerous beasL ln Lhe [ungle Lo be
enLerLalned by @hey are happy and collecLlve ln Lhelr complacency @hls confldence ln all aspecLs of
her llfe may Lhen reLurn her way of Lhlnklng somewhaL Lo Lhe woman of hlsLory @he Wlfe MoLher and
arLner LhaL makes lL posslble for her whole herd Lo Lhlnk and dream and propel Lhemselves Lo Lhe Lop
of Lhe food chaln
ln Lhe shorL sLory by lrank SLockLon enLlLled @he Lady or Lhe @lger"(SLockLon ****) a man ls
senLenced Lo elLher lnsLanL (percelved) [oy or lnsLanL deaLh ln Lhe courL of a Savage of a klng @he
punlshed musL choose one of Lwo doors Lo deLermlne hls faLe of elLher lnsLanL deaLh by a gruesome and
hungry Llger or lnsLanL maLrlmony wlLh a falr lady from hls vlllage ?es Lhe lady would be charmlng and
beauLlful and anxlous Lo fulflll hls deslres ln a wlfe buL one ls lefL Lo wonder whlch a more Lerrlfylng
faLe ls ls lL beLLer Lo be lnsLanLly mauled and puL ouL of your mlsery by a real hungry [ungle caL or ls lL
beLLer Lo spend Lhe resL of your days belng drug around by your now Wlfe (a Llger ln her own regard) as
her play Loy her prlze Lo be perpeLually sLalked for Lhe resL of your days WlLh Lhe ladles of my
generaLlon many men of Loday would surely choose Lhe 8easL Lhan have Lo sLand up Lo @he Clrlfrlend

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