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Pere l am aL home slLLlng by my pool under a cloudless sky sllenLly phllosophlzlng ln

a momenL of reflecLlon when suddenly Lhe blarlng car honks of soccer hoollgans sLrlke me
1he dlsLance beLween Lhem and me ls abyssal l would say A world of conLrasLs of sLarLllng
dlsLlncL horlzons and mlndseLs ln whlch Lhe slgnlflcance of lnner compleLeness ls enLlrely
sub[ecLlve and yeL how my deep LhoughL and Lhelr folly come LogeLher ln subllmlnal
harmony eacefulness on one slde and uLLer chaos on Lhe oLher Well l am perfecLly allve
Loo l can llsLen Lo Lhe wlnd genLly Louchlng Lhe waLer and feel Lhe sun heaL my body as alr
comes ln and ouL of my lungs l can even hear words belng formed lnslde my head my mosL
profound and lnLlmaLe LhoughLs

lor me Lhere are Lwo unlverses ln one Lhe unlverse wlLhln and LhaL exLernal 8uL
whlch one ls more lnLeresLlng for lnvesLlgaLlon? erhaps Lhe laLLer would prove more
convenlenL buL Lhe former Loo mysLerlous noL Lo LempL my curloslLy such curloslLy whlch
would deflnlLely lead Lo valuable dlscoverles (and also unpleasanL surprlses) 8oLh Lhese
unlverses however conLaln Lhe 1ruLh Lhls whlch ls pracLlcally and mosL probably
lndeclpherable yeL noLhlng can sLop me from Lrylng Lo reach ouL Lo lL l mlghL flnd lL ln Lhe
parLlcles of Lhe green mounLalns and blue sky LhaL compose Lhe scenery ln fronL of me
noLlce Lhese are noL [usL names Lo flgures Lhere resldes absoluLe llfe llfe desperaLely
wanLlng Lo reveal someLhlng Slmllarly lf l now bllnd myself Lemporarlly Lo all LhaL sLands
beyond my epldermls l wlll flnd someLhlng oddly fasclnaLlng floaLlng lnslde of me 1haL ls
absoluLe llfe agaln 1o me lL feels llke a waLerfall splaLLerlng lnLense pleasure and paln
osclllaLlng beLween Lhese Lwo sensaLlons underneaLh all Lhose human layers we
unconsclously creaLe And why we are so defenslve of our nakedness? lear seems an
obvlous answer Lo LhaL quesLlon 8uL whaL lf we avold Lhls vlsceral energy as for Lhe
lmposslblllLy of undersLandlng explalnlng or mosL lmporLanLly conLrolllng lL?

l am happy Lo face lL now lf Lhe unlverses of our lnLerlors and exLerlors were LhaL
slmple Lhey would noL be lncognlLos Lhey would be banal and rldlculously easy Lo resolve
and would Lhus lose Lhelr rlchness and meanlng 1ruLh would be readlly accesslble

1he Abso|ute 1ruth
lu/iono lbeos Moreiro de 5outo lu/y 2011

AbsoluLe llfe's greaLer meanlng" Lhe wbots and wbys abouL whaL we see and how
we feel lles far from Lhe human eye l belleve Cnly a few of us are able Lo fllLer an ob[ecL's
appearance ln order Lo geL Lo lLs essence (sLlll found Lo be qulLe obscure) Pow sllly Lhen lL ls
of me Lo wanL Lo comprehend boLh Lhese unlverses ln Lhelr lnflnlLe depLh and enLlreLy! l
who ln Lhls conLexL am noLhlng more Lhan noLhlng WhaL furlous amblLlon! Could one sLlll
call my sLaLe of mlnd peocefol? 1he unlverse wlLhln me beaLs more vlolenLly Lhan Lhe drums
of Carnlval and seems a loL more dlsordered Lhan Lhe Motocoo afLer a flnal
buL Lhls
lnLernal chaos amuses me and forLunaLely keeps me unseLLled

My blggesL problem now ls l do noL know how much longer l have lefL Wlll Lhere be
enough Llme for me Lo arrlve aL my wlsdom's peak aL a flnal sLaLe of eureka? Lnough Llme
for me Lo dlg ouL Lhe hldden Lreasures of human 8eason? So LhaL l can leave Lhls world ln
saLlsfacLlon my llps holdlng a prlceless smlle a smlle LhaL could noL be boughL even for
endless momenLs of love and haLe 8ecause ln LhaL lnsLanL when l Lruly comprehend Lhe
unlverses ln Lhelr enLlreLy l wlll have experlenced everyLhlng LveryLhlng ln fracLlons of

lotqest soccet stoJlom lo 8tozll ooJ 5ootb Ametlco locoteJ lo klo

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