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l1uL each verb ln brackeLs lnLo an approprlaLe

a)WhaL's Lhe maLLer??ou(hurL)your ankle?Pow(do)
b)Sam(noL recelve)Lhe parcel Lhe lasL Llme l(speak)
Lo hlm
c)l hope LhaL by Lhe end of Lhe monLh l(do) all Lhe

21urn Lhe followlng senLences lnLo Lhe passlve
a)Someone lefL Lhe phone off Lhe hook all nlghL
b)1hey haven'L packed Lhe boxes yeL
c)1hey are dellverlng our new furnlLure on Monday
araphrase Lhe underllned clause uslng an
lnflnlLlve consLrucLlon
a)Lven faLher recognlzed LhaL Lhe LranslaLlon was
4)8ewrlLe each senLence so LhaL lL conLalns a
sulLable modal verb and Lhe meanlng remalns Lhe
a)lL's [usL noL posslble for Lhe caL Lo have opened
Lhe frldge!
b)School unlform wasn'L compulsory aL my school

ll1ranslaLe lnLo Lngllsh
uoamna se lnLrerupsevorblse prea mulL"SLlu ca ll
sunLeLl prleLenlde vreme ce aLl venlL alclnu a
cauLaLo nlmenl ln acesLe ulLlme paLru zlle sl sunL sl
eu lngrl[oraLa"uoamna a mal spus caLeva cuvlnLe
pe care nu leam mal auzlLApol sa reLras sl nol am
ramas slngurl pe corldorul lnLunecaLZoe sa repezlL
sl a apasaL pe sonerleSLrlga caLeva cuvlnLe de
uracuvlnLele pe care loana l le spusese cu caLeva
zlle lnalnLeCcLavlanrezemaL de pereLese gandea
la o soluLle1rebule sa lnLram ln casaspuseoaLe a
lasaL aragazul sau radloul aprlns sau mal sLlu eu
ce"uLea da foc bloculul"urla Zoe"oLolesLe
LeLoLul se va rezolva ln caLeva mlnuLeno sa sara ln
aer nlcl aparLamenLulnlcl nol"

lll1ranslaLe lnLo 8omanlan
l hope she's well"SLreLher heslLaLed"noshe's noL
welll'm sorry Lo have Lo Lell you"
Ah"sald Chad"l musL have had Lhe lnsLlncL of lLAll
Lhe more reason Lhen LhaL we should sLarL sLralghL
off"Chad had dropped on Lhe sofaPe kepL
observlng hls companlon's Lhlngshe mlghL have
been [udglng how qulckly Lhey could be
packedSLreLher had ln hls hand hls Lelegramwhlch
he had kepL Lhere afLer aLLachlng hls waLchand he
now offered lL Lo Chadwho decllned Lo Lake
lL"1hanksl had raLher noL?our correspondence
wlLh moLher ls your own affalr"

lv8ead Lhe LexL below and answer each quesLlon ln
no more Lhan 43 llnes
Lee Parvey Cswald!l kennedy's assasslnwas an
unrellable and emoLlonally unsLable guylf Lhe
Mafla or Lhe ClA leaders declded Lo klll Lhe
resldenL of Lhe uS wouldn'L Lhey use a very
professlonal klllersomeone ln whom Lhey had Lhe
hlghesL confldence?8uL leL's assume LhaL Lhe ClA or
Lhe Mob declded Lo klll kennedy and LhaL Cswald
should do Lhe [oblL sLlll doesn'L make any
senseAfLer Cswald shoL kennedy and lefL Lhe
bulldlngone of Lwo Lhlngs would have
happenedLhe less probable of whlch ls LhaL a car
would have been walLlng for hlm Lo help hlm
escape1he consplraLors cerLalnly wouldn'L wanL
Lhelr klller Lo be arresLed and lnLerrogaLed8uL Lhe
more llkely Lhlng ls LhaL Lhe car would have drlven
Cswald Lo hls deaLhlnsLeadwe know LhaL Cswald
was ouL on Lhe sLreeL wlLh $1 ln hls
pockeLsaLLempLlng Lo caLch a bus
1WhaL ls known abouL Cswald's acLlons afLer he
lefL Lhe bulldlng from whlch he had shoL Lhe
2WhaL facLs conLradlcL Lhe ldea LhaL Lhere was a
consplracy behlnd Lhe assasslnaLlon of Lhe

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