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Lxerc|se 22

1he resL room ls an acomodaLlon for cusLomers

lL ls provlded Lo accommodaLe cusLomers
2 1he earLhquake was a calamlLous evenL
1he earLhquake was a calamlLy
3 Je en[oy Lhe colleglaLe ball games
Je en[oy Lhe ball games aL collage
4 e ls a combaLlve Lype of person
e ls always ready for combaL
3 9lease prepare a compllaLlon of Lhe facLs
9lease complle Lhe facLs
6 an you dlfferenLlaLe beLween Lhem ?
an you see how Lhey dlffere?
7 l llke her dlrecLness
l llke her dlrecL manner
8 Je flnd hls good humor envlable
Je envy hls good humor
9 Je do noL wanL corrupLlon ln govermenL
Je do noL wanL a corrupL govermenL
l admlre Lhe fluldlLy wlLh wlsh he speaks
l admlre hls fluld way of speaklng
er deaLh was grlevous Lo me
er deaLh caused me Lo grleve
2lLs exparaLlon daLe ls uecember 3 23
ls wlll explre on uecember 3 23
3ohn MaurlLz ls a perfecLlonlsL
ohn MaurlLz wanLs Lo be prefecL
4e has manlacal laugh
e laugh llke a manlac
31he raln foresLwas noL peneLrable
Je cannoL neLra Lhe raln foresL
6ow many years was hls mayoralLy
ow many years was he mayoral
7oe was our mosL rellable employee
oe was Lhe employee we on mosL
8Je are greaLful LhaL we cannoL aLLend
Je regreL LhaL we cannoL aLLend
91elevlslon has helped Lo popularlze fooLball
1elevlson has helped Lo make fooLball
21he ldea was only LheoreLlcal
1he ldea was only a

Lxerclse 23

No Nouns Verbs Ad[ect|ve
AccomodaLlon AccomodaLe
2 Agree agreeable
3 8eauLy 8eauLlful
4 ombaL ombaL
3 reaLe reaLlve
6 ueclslon ueclde
7 ulrecLor ulrecLlve
8 Lmploy Lmploylng
9 CovermenL Covern
lnformaLlon lnformaLlve
lmpresslon lmpress
2 leglslaLe LeglslaLlve
3 9aymneL 9ayable
4 9eneLraLe 9eneLrable
3 9ossesslon 9osses

Lxerclse 23
1hey are anLlalchollsL
1hey dlsllke Lhe use of alcohol
2 Cur dlfference are lrreconclble
Je can our dlfference
3 ls ldea are unalLrable
e wlll hls ldeas
4 uld he make a malad[usLmenL Lo marrlage ?
uld he Lo marrlage ?
3 er handwrlLlng ls llleglble
er handwrlLlng ls
6 1he paLlenL ls semlconsclous
1he paLlenL
7 er requlres rehosplLallzLlon
e musL go Lo Lhe
8 Jlll you do posLgraduaLe sLudy
Jlll you sLudy you ?
9 1he rule ls nonappllcable here
1he rule cannoL
Je Look an lnLerconlnenLal fllghL
Je Look a fllghL ?
1he dlfference ls lndlsLlngulshable
Cne can Lhe dlfference
2 CuLer space ls llllmlLable
1here ls Lo ouLer space
3 1he machlne ls semlauLomaLlc
1he machlne ls
4 Je Look an lnLersLaLe bus Lrlp
Je Look a bus Lrlp s
3 was hls problem mlslnLerpreLaLlon ?
uld he ?
6 1he curLalns are semlLransparenL
1he curLalns are
7 e ls an lmpoLenL leader
e ls a leader
8 1hey are anLllmperlallsLs
1hey acLlvlLles
9 ls polnL of vlew ls llllberal
ls polnLof vlew ls
2 er halr loss ls lrremedlable
1here ls for her halr loss

Lxerclse 26
1he professor dld noL mean Lo bore Lhe class owever hls lecLure was very borlng
1he whole class was bored
2 All naLlons ln Lhe world have Lrled Lo develop Lhelr own counLry for more Lhan four
decades owever Lhe ma[orlLy of naLlons are sLlll counLrles Cnly a few are
caLegorlzed as counLrles
3 1he Leacher hoped Lo lnLeresL her sLudenLs ln Lngllsh grammar er audlence ls
always by hls [okes
4 8ob ope ls pald a hlgh salary Lo amuse people ls audlance ls always by hls
3 1he lawyer Lrled Lo convlnce Lhe [ury She gave many reasons 1he [ury
was flnally
6 ohn Llred Lo frlghLen hls younger broLher lmmy e puL on a horrldlooklng mask
LhaL was so LhaL lmmy was so and crled all nlghL
7 1he Clrl ScouL Leader had noL lnLended Lo Llre Lhe glrls 1he mounLaln was so hlgh
however LhaL Lhe cllmb was very Jhen Lhey reached Lhe Lop some of
Lhe glrls were very
Lxecrlse 28
a JhaL ls a ttoosfotmotloo ?
b ls fotmolo relaLed Lo Lhls sLem ?
c JhaL does fotmolote mean ?
d JhaL does noofotm mean ?
2 dlc dlcL
a JhaL ls a teJlntloo ?
b ow ls Jlntotot relaLed Lo hls sLem ?
c JhaL ls an eJlnt ?
d JhaL ls a noottoJlntloo ?
3 duc ducL
a JhaL does Lhe nooJontot of an orchesLra do ?
b JhaL ls loJontlve reasonlng ?
c ls Lhe word Joke relaLed Lo Lhls sLem ?
d JhaL ls an opoeJont used for ?
4 forL
a JhaL ls Lhe meanlng of fottlfy ?
b ls nomfott relaLed Lo Lhls sLem ?
c JhaL does fottltoJe mean ?
d ls forLune relaLed Lo Lhls Lerm ?
3 man manu
a JhaL ls mooool labor ?
b JhaL ls Lhe elemenL of manufacLure ? ow has Lhe meanlng change ?
c JhaL a mooosntlt ?
d ls moooovet relaLed Lo Lhls Lerm ?

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