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Language luncLlon

1here are a number of formulas used when asklng for lnformaLlon ln Lngllsh Pere are some of Lhe
mosL common
O ould you Lell me?
O o you know?
O o you happen Lo know?
O d llke Lo know
O ould you flnd ouL?
O m lnLeresLed ln
O m looklng for
1hese Lwo forms are used for asklng for lnformaLlon on Lhe Lelephone
O m calllng Lo flnd ouL
O m calllng abouL

Formula Question Word Example Finish
Could you tell me when the next train leaves?
Do you know how much that vase costs?
Do you happen to know where Tom lives?
I'd like to know what you think about the new project.
Could you tell me when the next train leaves?
Could you find out when she is going to arrive?
Formula Gerund (-ing) Example Finish
I'm interested in buying a boat
Formula Noun Example Finish
I'm looking for inIormation on holidays in Spain.
Formula used only on the
Example Finish
I'm calling to find out... iI Ilight AZ098 will leave on time
Formula used only on the telphone Noun Example Finish
I'm calling about... the oIIer published in today's newspaper.

1here are a number of formulas used when complalnlng ln Lngllsh Ls lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL
a dlrecL complalnL or crlLlclsm ln Lngllsh can sound rude or aggresslve Ls besL Lo menLlon a problem
ln an lndlrecL manner Pere are some of Lhe mosL common
O m sorry Lo have Lo say Lhls buL
O m sorry Lo boLher you buL
O ,aybe you forgoL Lo
O Lhlnk you mlghL have forgoLLen Lo
O Lxcuse me lf m ouL of llne buL
O 1here may have been a mlsundersLandlng abouL
O onL geL me wrong buL Lhlnk we should

Formula Example Finish
I'm sorry to have to say this but I think we need to take another approach.
I'm sorry to bother you, but I think you need to reIine this layout.
Maybe you forgot to include his name and number.
I think you might have forgotten to Iinish the report on time.
Excuse me if I'm out of line, but your work has not been adequate lately.
There may have been a misunderstanding
what I expected Irom you.
Don't get me wrong, but I think we should concentrate on the Smith account Ior the

1here are a number of ways Lo glve lmpreclse lnformaLlon ln Lngllsh Pere are some of Lhe
mosL common
O 1here are about 600 people worklng ln Lhls company
O 1here are approx|mate|y 600 people worklng ln Lhls company
O 1here are a |arge number of sLudenLs lnLeresLed ln Laklng hls course
O ,anagemenL predlcLs up to 30 growLh for Lhe comlng year
O Ls |nd of a boLLle opener whlch can also be used Lo peel vegeLables
O Ls Lhe type of place you can go Lo relax for a week or so
O 1heyre Lhe sort of people LhaL llke golng bowllng on SaLurday evenlngs
O ts d|ff|cu|t to say but d guess LhaL lLs used for cleanlng house
O m not rea||y sure but th|n Lhey en[oy hlklng ln Lhe mounLalns

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