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PeaLher !!


l acknowledge LhaL all Lhe lnformaLlon held wlLhln Lhls documenL ls Lrue, l also
acknowledge LhaL Lhe sharlng of Lhls lnformaLlon ls a breach of my sworn oaLh
and a dlrecL vlolaLlon of my clearance.
l assume LoLal and all responslblllLy for Lhe lnformaLlon presenLed ln Lhls
documenL and assume LoLal responslblllLy for any or all repercusslons.
l glve Lhls documenL wlLh free wlll and clear undersLandlng of lLs value,

1able of ConLenLs

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8ack Cround My name ls noL lmporLanL, l belleve LhaL lf l were lssue my name and rank Lhe powers LhaL
be wlll hurL my famlly or frlends as Lhey have sLaLed LhaL Lhey would do upon vlolaLlon of Lhe Lerms of
clearance LhaL was lssued Lo me.
l have worked wlLh some of Lhe greaLesL sclenLlsLs such as ur. voevodln has proven hlmself Lo be an
lnvenLor and an lnnovaLor. Pe lnvenLed hybrld plasma processes for Lhe synLhesls of new
nanocomposlLe coaLlngs, advanclng coaLlng Lechnologles ln Lhe Alr lorce lndusLrlal base.
Pe ls also responslble for developlng new hybrld deposlLlon Lechnologles LhaL lncrease space rellablllLy
As much as l would love Lo Lalk abouL myself l feel LhaL wlll draw unwanLed aLLenLlon LhaL l am slmply
concenLraLe on Lhe maLLer ln hand, l have gone Lhrough Lhe archlved lnformaLlon and done my besL Lo
descrlbe lL and cuL Lo Lhe chase so Lo speak. 1he !argon ls very confuslng aL Llmes due Lo Lhe
abbrevlaLlons and ln some cases equaLlons, so round Lhe lnformaLlon off Lo Lhe nearesL source ls Lhe
besL way Lo go, buL of course when you read Lhe archlved lnformaLlon you shall see whaL l mean and
hopefully wlll be able Lo follow lL Lhrough lLs enLlreLy. l undersLand LhaL you are very busy and do noL
have hundreds of hours Lo declpher Lhe dellcaLe lnformaLlon aL hand, so l belleve Lhls ls Lhe besL course
of acLlon, furLher more should anyLhlng happen Lo myself whlch ls a posslblllLy Lhen l musL ensure LhaL
you have Lhe blg plcLure and noL [usL a sample.
Should anyLhlng happen Lo me you have my full express permlsslon Lo publlsh all lnformaLlon on me
lncludlng my name, and personal lnformaLlon so oLher researchers can follow Lhe research, buL Lhey do
so aL Lhelr own rlsk.

ro[ecL hoenlx
1hls pro[ecL was one a codex LhaL was lssued Lo everybody who worked on Lhe wlLhln Lhe program. 1hls
lnvolved Laklng a human sub[ecL and augmenLlng hls body Lo Lhe polnL of muLllaLlon, lL was a slsLer
program Lo pro[ecL LalenL.
!anuary 2006
1hey Look young sLrong sub[ecLs boys ln Lhelr Leens from all over norLh Amerlca, afLer Lhe sub[ecLs had
been drugged and Lagged, ?2/6@ %1%&'"#*+&/11< :"/*4%4 A+') 8%>%* :+#1#6+&/1 '"/*85+''%"8B /*4 ')"%%
&#4+*6 8%"+/18C AfLer LhaL Lhe sub[ecLs were prepared for surgery, Lhls lncluded placlng blologlcally
organlc compuLer componenLs' lnLo Lhe sub[ecLs body, we Look mlcrochlps LhaL self sLlmulaLed
elecLromagneLlc growLh, around Lhe codes of Lhe sub[ecLs unA, Lhls was exLremely Laxlng and Llme
consumlng. 8uL was a necesslLy so as noL Lo creaLe an auLo lmmune confllcL wlLhln Lhe hosL. AfLer Lhe
unA had been chlpped, lL was Llme Lo augmenL Lhe vlLal organs, we placed wlred enhancers LhaL were
sLlmulaLed and powered buy Lhe human bodles own sLaLlc, and we have enough sLaLlc ln our bodles Lo
power a locomoLlve Lraln. So we augmenLed Lhe hearL, Lhe llver, Lhe spleen every sub[ecL's appendlx
was removed, as a compound deslgnaLed k1L whlLe, LhaL was ln[ecLed Lwlce a day for Lwo monLhs
solved all blologlcal problems, ln some case's kldneys and llver were replaced wlLh beLLer unlLs, we
cloned vlLal organs ln speclal growLh hypo barlc chambers, noL hard aL all [usL noL professlonally eLhlcal,
1he unlLs had augmenLed and enhanced blologlcal organs, LhaL were also chlpped, buL growlng Lhem
uslng Lhe hosLs unA and nanoLechnology, Lhese mlcrocells can repalr Llssue rapldly on conLacL, Lhey can
heal a cuL LhaL needs sLlLches ln a maLLer of hours. 8uL scar Llssue ls noL repalrable.
!onaLhan Casery was one of Lhe leadlng surgeons and he kepL a log LhaL l have lncluded ln Lhe
documenLaLlon LhaL you wlll recelve, buL he Lalks of Lhe problems surroundlng Lhe unlLs.
l also saw flrsLhand Lhe psychologlcal lssues Lhe unlLs dealL wlLh, when Lhey were acLlvaLed Lhey would
ofLen [usL cry, or walk ln clrcles and rock back and forLh, Lhe braln could noL handle Lhe elecLrlcal
ouLpuLs of Lhe varlous devlces and lmplanLs and lL also messed wlLh moLor skllls of Lhe unlL. Cn paper
Lhese guys were Lhe fasLesL and sLrongesL humans we have, ln Lheory Lhey were emoLlonal wrecks wlLh
no ldea who Lhey were or whaL Lhey were. 1hls was Lhe sLarL of my Lurn agalnsL Lhe sysLem as Lhey were
all ln Lhe ages of 17 and 18 years old, Lhey were [usL bables, young men LhaL were LorLured.
March 2006
So we knew Lhe problems and had some poslLlve soluLlons, we Look four sub[ecLs and aLLached braln
augmenLs Lhese were cuLLlng edge, Lo us LhaL ls, Lhey requlred and addlLlonal elecLrlcal lnpuL, so we had
Lo have a PLC? cable ?D9EF &/:1%@ D#5#8/./'+& %1%&'"#5/6*%'+& 6"#=*4+*6 </"*@ runnlng LhroughouL
Lhe body buL we had really run lnLo some lssues, Lhe nanomeLers dld Lhelr [ob Lo well and Lhus made
operaLlng exLremely dlfflculL. 1he only soluLlon was parLlal cryogenlcs where ln we froze porLlons of Lhe
body and speclfy LargeLed areas such as cuLLlng Lhe flngers Lhen freezlng Lhem Lo slow Lhe progresslon
of Lhe heallng process, Lhese nanomeLers were noL able Lo reproduce so Lhere were only so many ln one
body, how many l have no ldea, as LhaL was classlfled.
So afLer Lhe braln lmplanLs were lnsLalled and acLlvaLed we ran lnLo more problems, unllke Lhe older
models no comparLmenL for Lhe lnsLalled lnformaLlon was made so all lnformaLlon LhaL goL uploaded
was fed lnLo one persona, so we had four unlLs LhaL had one personallLy, wlLh no safeLy. So Lhe flrsL Llme
Lhey were acLlvaLed Lo LesL Lhelr reflexlve response Lhey kllled flve people, Lwo docLors and Lhree
soldlers, because Lhese were Lralls, no safe words or Lones or safeLy proLocols were lmplemenLed, a very
bad mlsLake LhaL cosL us some llves. 1hree of Lhe unlLs were LermlnaLed durlng Lhls lncldenL. l can also
provlde you wlLh Lhe names of Lhe docLors and Lhelr famllles LhaL were Lold Lhls was an Lralnlng
accldenL, lnvolvlng a radlaLlon leak, LoLal 8S, we do noL use any radloacLlve maLerlal, oLher Lhan ouL M8l
machlnes, LhaL are noL magneLlc by Lhe way, our x-ray machlnes do noL use radlaLlon.
So Lhe fourLh unlL was allve, buL could noL walk due Lo a processlng problems beLween Lhe braln and
Lhe lmplanL, Lhe whole ro[ecL was a Lerrlble wasLe of human llfe and a dlsasLer, buL we had recelved
new muscle enhancers LhaL had Lo be LesLed and so we soldlered on Lhrough Lhls Lrylng Llme. 1he fourLh
unlL LhaL was called kelLh, he remembered hls name and hls pasL and suffered from bouLs of depresslon
and anxleLy, buL was locked lnLo room for several weeks, l remember hlm begglng for food, Lhls was
consldered lnLeresLlng because Lhe unlLs Look nuLrlenLs lnLo Lhelr blood sLream Lhrough ln[ecLlons and
dld noL need or could noL dlgesL human food llke Lhey once used Lo. 8uL an unforeseen slde affecL was
hunger, he dld noL need Lhe food, buL he sLlll had Lhe cravlng for lL and he felL hungry all Lhe Llme, Lhe
ln[ecLlons fed hls body whaL lL needed buL hls mlnd could noL grasp LhaL prlnclple.
AfLer some more experlmenLs l was lssued some down Llme and Look a monLh Lo help wlLh a speclal
pro[ecL ln Canada, Lhey had a human sub[ecL LhaL absorbed chlorophyll and we wanLed Lo uLlllze Lhls so l
was asked Lo observe Lhe sub[ecL and make a log, Lhls Loo shall be lncluded ln Lhe research presenLed.
!uly 2006
When l came back, Lhe unlLs were runnlng along beLLer Lhan Lhey had before, we had losL LhlrLy percenL,
due Lo auLomaLlon dlfflculLles, compllcaLlons durlng surgery and sulclde, we had one unlL LhaL broke hls
own neck and flve oLher unlLs LhaL observed Lhls followed sulL and LermlnaLed Lhemselves. 1he
memorles LhaL were supposed Lo be wlped clean, were causlng problems because of Lhe cranlal
lmplanLs and braln lmplanL, all klnds of problems were occurrlng, bad dreams waklng dreams, and Lhe
mosL Lerrlfylng memorles and LraumaLlc were dreams of blrLh. lL has been sald blrLh ls worsL Lhan any
deaLh you shall experlence. AfLer waLchlng some of Lhese unlLs rellve Lhls LraumaLlc experlence l am
lncllned Lo agree.
uecember 2006
We recelved a order sLaLlng LhaL Lhe unlLs were golng Lo be deployed ln CperaLlon 8eLallaLlon ln Lhe
summer of 07, and Lo make sure LhaL Lhey were ready for combaL, so we were glven a few monLhs Lo
lron ouL Lhe klnks.
We worked very closely wlLh Lhe unlLs unLll lebruary of 07, when a man from Lhe deparLmenL of
defense came Lo Lhe faclllLy, we were acLually exclLed Lo show off Lhe unlLs and Lhelr enhancemenLs, we
had solved many of Lhe emoLlonal problems uslng elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon, buL our exclLemenL Lurned Lo
shock when he gave Lhe order Lo desLroy every unlL, as beLLer alLernaLlves had recenLly been auLhorlzed,
when asked abouL 8eLallaLlon" we was sald Lo have sLaLed we have walLed Lhls long, a few more years
won'L hurL"
l alded and faclllLaLed Lhe murder of over slx hundred unlLs, Lhe way Lhese men were herded and culled
llke caLLle should be consldered a war crlme, and l know LhaL l am also responslble, and l deserve Lo dle
for my acLlons. Lven Lhe fourLh unlL was lead ouL of hls room and glven a leLhal overdose of poLasslum,
whllsL Lhe nanomeLers can repalr Lhe organlc Llssue Lhey cannoL resLarL Lhe hearL, hls body was
processed much llke Lhe oLhers, Lhe powers LhaL be had declded LhaL lf Lhey were Lo spend all Lhls
money Lo creaLe Lhese unlLs, Lhey would proflL off Lhelr deaLh and fallen unlLs were processed and
reflned lnLo whaL Lhey passed off as healLhy vlLamlns LhaL conLalned flaxseed oll and Cmega 3,
lncldenLally Cmega 3 was Lhe name of Lhls overall pro[ecL LhaL had many dlfferenL pro[ecLs wlLhln lL, lL
was deflnlLely an onlon layer.
l have no ldea whaL Lhe vlLamln was called or whaL company Lhey used Lo lssue Lhls l lmaglne lL was
Merck as Lhey ofLen use recycled blologlcal wasLe ln Lhelr vacclnes and have been llnked Lo our
operaLlons ln Lhe manufacLure of 8lologlcal warfare, we even had sponsors who wanLed Lo Lry varlous
chemlcals on Lhe unlLs Lo deLermlne effecL on llve organlcs.

CperaLlon 8eLallaLlon
lrom whaL was dlsclosed Lo me, 1hls was due Lo be a mock lnvaslon uslng our own unlLs, Lo overpower
and conLrol our mlllLary, we have facLlons of mlllLary personnel LhaL know whaL ls golng Lo happen and
flghL LooLh and nall Lo sLop Lhe plans for Lhe new 2oLh cenLury from Laklng place, lncludlng Lhe de
populaLlon of Lhe planeL, buL noL by nuclear war, of course one or Lwo bombs wlll fly before Lhe war ls
over, buL lf you lnfllLraLe Lhe mlllLary and cuL Lhe cord of some of Lhe Lroublemakers, Lhen we can geL
back on Lrack and conLlnue down our unfeLLered paLh, Lo global domlnaLlon.
1hese unlLs were deslgned Lo be Lhe besL of Lhe besL, one unlL was equal Lo Len human unlLs and
superlor Lo any human belng, Lhey could calculaLe fasLer, Lhey ran fasLer, Lhey dld noL geL Llred qulckly,
Lhey [ump hlgher and longer, Lhey had no need for waLer or Lo sLay hydraLed, as Lhelr organlcs were able
Lo recycle cerLaln wasLe lnLo a hydraLlon unlL ln Lhe base of Lhe splnal Colum.
1hey were golng Lo be Lurned on Lhe uS army, and Lhen who ever declded noL Lo fall lnLo llne, so Lhe
posslblllLy of Lhem belng Lurned on Lhe people was very real, buL Lhe problem wlLh 8eLallaLlon was Lhey
dld noL know Lhemselves unLll Lhey recelved Lhe order from a hlgher power, Lhe documenLs as you shall
see ls up Lo Lhe polnL of lssulng orders Lo Lhe unlLs, Lo klll key members of Lhe armed forces, buL Lhe resL
of Lhe documenL over 39 pages ls blank, and wrlLLen ln a waLer mark on says under consLrucLlve

2)% 31.)/ /*4 ')% -5%6/78
ln SepLember of 07 we were presenLed wlLh our fuLure, Cmega 13 was Lhe deslgnaLlon of one unlL LhaL
was our proLoLype, we had unA samples from our prevlous unlLs and Lhe meLal frames were broughL ln
Lhese grew llvlng human Llssue around Lhe frames, also we would Lake a human and remove Lhe splnal
cord and place Lhe exacLor and Lhls grew a comblnaLlon of meLal and enhanced bone,
All of our doubLs and lssues wlLh phoenlx had gone, Lhls was cuLLlng edge/space age, nobody had used
equlpmenL llke Lhls, and we felL llke ploneers ln our flelds even Lhough we were essenLlallLy sLandlng on
Lhe shoulders of glanLs LhaL had already consLrucLed Lhe exoskeleLons, and we were slmply Lhe assembly
crew, none of us felL llke LhaL.
We saw Lhese unlLs had faceLs of humanlLy and Lhelr personallLles were conLrollable, Lhey dld geL
confused buL had less lssues Lhan Lhe phoenlx unlLs, l have explalned l have had a relaLlonshlp wlLh unlL
0100101/ 8odger as hls name was buL would noL answer Lo, agaln Lhese unlLs could noL be harmed by
chemlcal weapons, you could puL a nlne mllllmeLer slug ln Lhe unlLs chesL buL Lhe bulleL would never
breach Lhe exoskeleLon Lo harm Lhe organs, some of Lhe unlLs were amazlng Lo waLch Lhem grow, Lhey
would be ln a sleep lnduced coma, as you saw muscles grow ln a perlod of hours over Lhe meLalllc
surface of Lhe exoskeleLons.
And once agaln Lhey could plck up a Lank, buL would suffer damage Lo Lhelr Llssue, Lhey are noL easy Lo
spoL buL , Lhey are blg men, Lhey sweaL a waxy subsLance, on command LhaL proLecLs Lhelr skln agalnsL
chemlcals or acldlc compounds such as vx, Lhe nervous sysLem works lndependenLly so neuroLoxln ls
lneffecLlve, and due Lo Lhe a self oxygenaLlng chamber ln Lhe neck feedlng Lhrough Lo Lwo gas chambers
ln Lhe chesL Lhey do noL breaLh, Lhey could llLerally survlve ln space, wlLh no sulL as Lhey have lnLernal
1hls ls Lhelr blggesL problem as Lhey Lend Lo overheaL, and conslderlng each unlL conLalns a smarL bomb
Lhen Lhey could very well be Lhe cause of any nuclear aLLack. We have 29 unlLs ln Lhe uSA Loday LhaL
have been acLlve slnce 2008, l have codes Lo shuL down 66 of Lhese unlLs buL by now Lhere are many
more, buL l do noL know how many.
A reporL LhaL was leaked Lo our deparLmenL spoke of Lhese unlLs sLopplng an allen aLLack and Lhen belng
used Lo enforce Lhe governmenL of Lhe unlLed counLrles. Also Lhese unlLs are mulLlculLural men can pass
for every color and creed, Lhey can also slmulaLe/felgn deaLh.
1hese unlLs shall elLher be Lhe greaLesL asseL Lo Lhe human race, or Lhe blggesL nlghLmare LhaL we have
broughL upon ourselves.

As l have sLaLed l have 13 codes LhaL can be lssued as orders Lo Lhe unlLs Lo make Lhem sLand down and
essenLlally dlsable Lhem.
1hls ls a very slmple process Lhe codes can be lnpuL Lhrough a neurologlcal neL work LhaL ls malnLalned
by a compuLer neLwork called CAMn Crganlc Access Memory neLwork" you slmply aLLach a flash drlve
wlLh Lhe codes place Lhem ln each correspondlng unlLs maln drlve, you can lnpuL Lhese manually lnLo a
speclal clacker LhaL ls developed for each unlL buL LhaL ls Llme consumlng, a decenL hacker would be able
Lo do Lhls wlLh enLry lnLo Lhe deparLmenL of defense you can galn access, my personal sLaLlon log on ls
also lncluded, buL as our access Lo Lhe neLwork was llmlLed we could noL even see Lhe neLwork we were
logged onLo, even emalls are prohlblLed. l have kepL some for myself as leverage.
Log on: CCP? 8314168243 L
ass Lelsure43, changed every Lhree days, buL mosL people use Lhe same word buL change Lhe lasL dlglL.
ulsarm codes, noLe: Lhls lnfo ls very dangerous, and musL noL be dlsclosed Lo Lhe publlc
1 00010101: 23677726788287620928773763632
2 00010111: 47827676177821767213636233636
3 01011010: 77767899086343436789008978634
4 01101101: 73668689708678663673989763636
3 01001010: 26626278288989209092787827872
6 01010010: 82787872867672364362363676732
7 01011101: 87897987890090223643432673676
8 00001110: 76343489987363479889767878678
9 01110101: 88967836736736889899989987731
10 0001010: 263632636277676782678673263637
11 0010001: 112767627671212176767172712671
12 0011001: 112767632677782767276762767627
13 0111001: 121287826716762767676712761726
14 0110011: 122434322176767111878796363663
13 0100001: 876767673639889763287629022678

!"#$%&' 95:%"
1he followlng ls sLralghL from Lhe log of Shunger, Lhe man responslble for Lhe re[unlvaLlon of Lhls
May 26
l have senL my proposal Lo Zhan aL Lhe farm and am [usL walLlng Lo see whaL becomes of Lhls
opporLunlLy LhaL as befallen me, l feel LhaL aL Llmes, l should be one of Lhe declslon makers and noL
havlng Lo walL for a man wlLh no concepL or vlslon Lo declde my faLe.
!uly 7
l had a greaL Llme durlng Lhe 4
, l goL Lo see my famlly for Lhe lasL Llme ln whaL l musL have Lo conslder a
long whlle, as l flnally goL my auLhorlzaLlon Lo sLarL my research, my only enemy now ls Lhe Llme LhaL l
have lefL ln whlch Lo perfecL my vlslon of Lhe fuLure.
AugusL 14
Lh 2006

A very young selecLlon of men and women have been senL my way, l have Lo wonder whaL do l really
have Lo work wlLh and ls Lhls new Leam LhaL Lhe farm has lssued me really llve up Lo my expecLaLlons? l
do noL know l really do noL, buL regardless l wlll sLarL Lralls Lomorrow.
AugusL 16
Lh 2006

A hard couple of days for our new sLudenLs of Lhe game, buL a few have really sLood ouL, one ln
parLlcular has amazlng ablllLy, and he knows lL. 8uL l Lhe resL are eager and l would ellmlnaLe one, ln
splLe of Lhe enLlre Leam, l cannoL leL one amblLlon cloud my own.
CcLober 12
We are really maklng head way, and l should sLarL some of Lhe fleld experlmenLs LhaL l promlsed Lhe
farm l would. l musL Lake cauLlon Lhough, some of Lhe recrulLs are resLless wlLh Lhe mundane LesLs and
wanL Lo sLreLch Lhelr legs, sLlll we musL be cauLlous lf Lhls ever goL ouL.
CcLober 28
Wonderful Lhey performed Lhe Lrlals wlLh ease, flres blazlng all over Lhe mld wesL, l knew LhaL Lhey
would be able Lo do Lhls Lask, buL l have Lo wonder, who ls Lhe mosL powerful ouL of Lhe forLy flve? l
musL ellmlnaLe Lhe dead wood.

!anuary 17
1hlngs are becomlng Lense, lnflghLlng and dlsrupLlon wlLhln our ranks ls evldenL, my Lheory Lo
lmplemenL a pecklng order has caused noLhlng buL Lrouble, yeL l sLrlve Lo flnd ouL who ls beLLer, l know
Lhe farm has Lold me Lo sLand down Lhe escalaLlng Lenslon, l know whaL l musL do, buL aL Lhe same Llme
l cannoL, l am compelled Lo see who ls real and who ls carrylng Lhelr own welghL ln Lhls pro[ecL.
lebruary 18
Well all my quesLlons were answered, l have flrsL degree burns on my hand and chesL, buL yeL Lhe facL
LhaL my curloslLy has been fulfllled negaLes any paln l mlghL endure, 33 ls lndeed Lhe besL pyrokenLlc l
have wlLnessed and lasL nlghL burned four of hls own LesL sub[ecLs ln a conLrolled envlronmenL. Lven
afLer 10 mlnuLes Lhelr bodles were sLlll flammable and shoulderlng, whaL lnLense haLe makes such a flre
burn so,
Aprll 1
Puman Lrlals begln Loday, we are uslng sub[ecLs on Lhe blackllsL, and Lhe farm has auLhorlzed all means,
so l wlsh Lo LesL range uslng Lhe van.
1he Lrlal wenL very well Lhree marks ln as many hours, anoLher group for Lhe sponLaneous combusLlon
AugusL 3
AL lasL Lhe farm has seen reason 33 has been place back on acLlve Lrlals, l was golng Lo do lL anyway, l
cannoL leL Lhe farm lnLerfere wlLh my currenL breakLhrough, buL as lL happens Lhey have senL Lhree
remoLe vlewers for Lhe flnal LesLs.
SepLember 2
1esLs wenL very well, we used 8v's Lo look aL a sub[ecL and Lhe k's performed mulLlple Lasks heaLlng
Lhe resldual area, heaLlng and ob[ecL and ulLlmaLely hlLLlng Lhe deslgnaLed LargeL.
SepLember 4
33 goL lnLo an alLercaLlon wlLh one of Lhe 8v's and we losL hlm. now Lhe oLher Lwo have been ordered
Lo Lake 33 back Lo Lhe farm for debrleflng, ln my lasL acL here, l have leL 33 go, now he can do whaL he
was meanL Lo ln Lhls world and cause lL Lo burn, l have used my ablllLy Lo Lake care of cerLaln members
of Lhe farm, and Lhe Lwo remalnlng 8v's wlll surely burn ln hell as Lhey dld ln heaven.

1haL was noL all of Lhe LranscrlpLs buL lL gave you a measure of Lhe lunacy of Lhls pro[ecL and Lhe person
behlnd lL, l do noL wlsh Lo call hlm a man because LhroughouL Lhe ranks Shunger ls a feared man, we
have no knowledge of who 33 ls, no names were ever allowed, only Lhe farm knows and Lhey do noL
glve ouL lnformaLlon, lncldenLally on SepLember 3
2007 lL was reporLed LhaL Lhree Lop offlclals dled ln a
offlce flre, l also have Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon flles ln Lhe lnformaLlon aL hand,
1he reason l have knowledge ls because of 0100101/8odger has all Lhls lnformaLlon sLored he ls Lhe unlL
LhaL alded me and downloaded Lhls Lo Lhe dlscs. 1hank god for Lhe human soul and Lhe ghosL ln Lhe
l undersLand Lhls ls Laklng a whlle buL a greaL deal of lnfo Lo go Lhrough.
lL has been posed Lo me by a ur of physlcs' LhaL Lhe Lwln Lowers meLal frames could have been heaLed
uslng Lhls form of pyrokenlsls as Lhey have been worklng on prevlous verslons of pro[ecL ember slnce
1934, furLhermore Lhe ldea LhaL one a flame ls allghL Lhen lL can be manlpulaLed lnLo Lhe desLrucLlon of
any faclllLy, we musL vlew all slgnlflcanL acLs of arson and Lhlngs LhaL are burned down wlLh cauLlon and
l have leL Mr Murphy, 8en work on some of Lhls documenL ln separaLe parLs and Lhen l and l alone lssue
Lhe flnal reporL, l sLrongly belleve he was a member of Mk ulLra, or along Lhose llnes, he has no
mulLlples buL does possess Lhe ablllLy Lo klll and when l am around Lhls man l feel safe.
Pe speaks over flve languages fluenLly, he knows many marLlal arLs, buL only clalms Lo know one,
perhaps hls marLlal knowledge ls vasL, he also belleves ln whaL he ls dolng and hls wlfe klnya menLlons
LhaL hls dreams are of mlllLary operaLlons ln 8urma, and ln 1994 he an offlcer kllled a chlld ln fronL of
hlm and he burned hls whole command crew, he Lalks ln hls sleep, l have also wlLnessed Lhls. Pe suffers
from nlghLmares, especlally abouL LgypLlan dreams of Lhe god Anubls, now l have heard back durlng
generaLlon 3 Lrlals Lhey lmplanLed lcons Lo conLrol Lhelr sub[ecLs, as Lhe C2s were noL very conLrollable,
Lhe whole alLernaLe Lhlng works very well, buL ls prone Lo unrellablllLy, prlncess ulana's chauffeur was a
Pls experlence of conLacL ls real l have experlence Lhe belngs Lhemselves and Lhese are llke noLhlng l
have ever seen or experlence ln my llfe, yeL so much over Lhe course of my llfe ls llke noLhlng should be,
and Lhe very exlsLence of Lhese peoples" glves me a greaL hope for our fuLure and helps Lo re afflrm
LhaL whaL l have done ls Lhe rlghL Lhlng, and my ablllLles can be puL Lo a much more producLlve means.
ln closlng l LrusL Lhls man and hls famlly and shall conLlnue Lo do so wlLh my llfe. And LhaL's all l have Lo
say abouL Lhe 8en.

ro[ecL uamocles
now l worked on Lhe slsLer pro[ecL called 1rldenL, l have been Lold LhaL pro[ecL Scylla ls also anoLher off
shooL of Lhls nlghLmarlsh program. 1he uamocles ro[ecL lnvolves Laklng a human belng and walklng
Lhrough a dlmenslonal [ump gaLe, now, we can already do Lhls, and we do have [ump gaLes Lo mars and
around Lhe planeL. 8uL where we now wanLed Lo go was a place LhaL we cannoL exlsL ln real Llme.
lL was 21:31pm on 1hursday 10
!uly 2008, l had [usL flnlshed worklng on 8odger, and had shuL hlm
down for Lhe nlghL, when my supervlsor Lold me LhaL l was Lo help wlLh an emergency pro[ecL
lmmedlaLely, no opLlon was glven Lo me and my ld was removed.
l was Laken Lo a floor l have never been on before, l do noL know lf l wenL up or down, l was Lold LhaL l
needed Lo slL ln a chalr whllsL an armed sollder Lralned a m9 plsLol on me, and he we walLed, Lhls room
was empLy buL [usL for myself and Lhls sollder, he looked very nervous and suddenly a man enLered Lhe
room and observed me, l felL a llke a drlll was enLerlng my head, Lhen Lhe man spoke she has a green
llghL, sLand down." 1he sollder lowered hls weapon and l was removed from Lhe room, and lL sLank of
plne sol and clnnamon sLlcks, very welrd comblnaLlon.
l was led Lo a room where l was Lold LhaL Lhls would be my llvlng quarLers unLll Lhe end of Lhe ro[ecL, l
was Lold Lo geL some resL so l felL very worrled, buL l dld as l was Lold and slepL unLll 3:33am where a
sollder came lnLo my room, and woke me up, l was Lold Lo be ready ln 3 mlnuLes so l obeyed.
l was led Lo a hangar where a sLar gaLe was housed, l was Lold by Lhe people around Lo observe, Lhey
senL a sollder Lhrough Lhe gaLe, wlLhln a spllL second Lhe sollder emerged, hls body was engulfed ln
smoke and ash, he was belng dragged as he dlslnLegraLed by Lwo very large belngs LhaL had apparenL
scales, one was dark green one was black and red, boLh were aL leasL seven Lo elghL feeL Lall,
1helr eyes were a beauLlful yellow color, yeL Lhe feellng of dread LhaL washed over me ls a feellng l shall
never forgeL.
AnoLher sollder sLepped forward wearlng a hasmaL sulL, and Lhe same Lhlng happened he was burned
lnLo dusL only slower and more palnful, lL was apparenL LhaL Lhese soldlers were noL dolng Lhls by Lhelr
own wlll, no man would volunLeer for Lhls, and l wake up aL nlghL hearlng Lhelr screams.
1hey conLlnued Lhls wlLh PLM sulLs, buL Lo no avall, l also saw a shlelded wlndow LhaL was had polarlzed
glass wlLh flgures behlnd Lhem LhaL l could noL make ouL. l smelL LhaL famlllar smell of plne sol and
clnnamon, buL lL was lnLersperse wlLh burnL and charred flesh lL was horrlble Lhls was noL whaL l slgned
up for, buL Lhen agaln, l have done so much LhaL breaks any sLandard of eLhlcs LhaL l once held so hlgh.
l agaln apologles lL ls laLe l am very Llred and we have had a greaL deal of problems aL Lhls hoLel Lhe
manager ls a good man and has [usL Lold us LhaL somebody phone up asklng for me by my real name, so
my Llme here ls very shorL.
l have lncluded my own [ournal, wlLh my clearance and all Lhe lnformaLlon you wlll need when
publlshlng Lhls,
CeLLlng back Lo my [ob, l was lead back Lo my room where upon l was Lold by a hlgh ranklng member of
sLaff LhaL l had Lo help wlLh cryogenlcs, Lhls ls noL my fleld, my fleld ls blo chemlsLry and physlcs buL as
abhorrenL Lhls was agaln for Lhe second Llme ln my llfe l was compelled Lo sLay and help.
l worked on a formula wlLh a group of sclenLlsL's our goal was Lo lower body LemperaLure Lo cerLaln
sLaLe so LhaL Lhey could pass lnLo Lhls gaLe, Lhe problem l found was noL Lhe oLher slde buL Lhe pressure
and depLh of Lhe vlbraLlonal frequency whlch ls 6
, Lhe human body and maLerlals cannoL handle so Lhe
break down, upon Lhe aLomlzed clash of Lhls dlmenslon meeLlng wlLh Lhe 6
Lhe reacLlon ls a
superheaLlng of Lhe parLlcles LhaL have [usL fluxed ln and ouL of our vlew of reallLy, as Lhls happens our
own sLaLlc charge Lhen lgnlLes our bodles lnLo a flery furnace of deaLh.
So we successfully senL a cryogenlcally frozen human sub[ecL Lhrough Lhe gaLe and back wlLh no
problems, however upon revlval he was braln dead, and we losL Lhe sub[ecL due Lo Lhe resldual acLlvlLy
wlLhln Lhe braln was sLlll acLlve, Lhe reLurn Lrlp frled hls braln, we had Lo suppress Lhe sLaLlc and keep
Lhe man awake, almosL zombleflyed, buL Lhen agaln Lhey Loo would suffer Lhe same faLe upon Lhe
reLurn [ourney.
When l spoke Lo one of my superlors upon Lhe opLlon Lo use one of our unlLs he wenL Lo Lhe gaLe and
was abouL Lo pose Lhls quesLlon Lo Lhe polarlzed wlndow, buL before he could flnlsh, one of Lhese belngs
call Lhem repLlllan lf you wlll LhaL's Lhe word LhaL flLs and descrlbes Lhem Lhe besL, grabbed my superlor
and dragged hlm lnLo Lhe gaLe, Lhen Lhrough hls charred corpse back lnLo Lhe room, and l felL a severe
paln ln my skull and Lhe words LhaL ls a no" enLer my head, l ran back Lo my room and l broke down, l
felL emoLlonally dralned, buL one of Lhe belngs enLered my room and Look me back Lo my work sLaLlon, l
felL powerless, buL for Lhe nexL few monLhs l worked, More of Lhese repLlllan belngs were sLarLlng Lo flll
Lhe sLaLlon and before any of us knew whaL was happenlng, Lhe whole place was crawllng wlLh Lhese
foul smelllng creaLures. 1he facL was we had falled ln our Lask Lo do our [ob successfully, more sclenLlsLs'
dlsappeared, lL came Lo a polnL Lo whlch work was only Lo be dlscussed, l could noL Lalk wlLh anybody
else, nor could l communlcaLe wlLh Lhe ouLslde world,.
1uesday SepLember 1
WhaL seemed llke weeks was monLhs, l cannoL recall all of my acLlvlLles and l am sure LhaL more wenL
on., buL on Lhls day, a huge belng walked lnLo my room, he placed hls hand ouL, he was repLlllan, he
seemed Lo smlle, buL Lhey all look as lf Lhey have a grln on Lhelr face lL's hard Lo descrlbe, Lhe arrogance,
buL Lhls parLlcular one spoke Lo me and lL was noL llke a drlll ln my head any more, lL sald l have
waLched you from Lhe beglnnlng." l lmmedlaLely wenL Lo my bed and sLarLed Lo look for an ob[ecL Lo hlL
Lhls creaLure wlLh, Lhen l felL my fear leave my body, l felL a concern for my own welfare wash over me
as lf l were ln my own Lhlrd person dynamlc, 1hey wlll hurL you lf you sLay" lL sald, and Lhen escorLed
me Lo a wall, Lhe creaLure hlL Lhe llghL swlLch and Lhe doors opened, doors Lo a llfL, geL your belonglngs
on Lhe 2
floor" he sald before pushlng me lnLo Lhe llfL.

As l wrlLe Lhls and Lhlnk back over and over agaln l wonder was Lhls real or a mlllLary LesL, buL upon
hearlng bens experlence and seelng whaL he has ln hls possesslon, lL's very vlable, also l meL wlLh hls
frlends who also descrlbe whaL l have seen Lo Lhe Lee, hls knowledge of Lhelr anaLomy and, specles ls
[usL amazlng and Lhe sclenLlsL ln me would love Lo gaLher as much daLa on Lhem as humanly posslble,
buL l fear LhaL Llme ls comlng and hoax or no hoax, Lhese creaLures exlsL, Lhey are noL all frlendly and
Lhey do noL vlew us as equals lndeed we are far from LhaL.
As l Lhe llfL door opened l was greeLed wlLh 8odger who had prepared 36 cds of lnleL from hls own,
memory block. MosL of LhaL ls Lechnlcal aspecLs of my work, upon how Lhese unlLs were made, he gave
me back my ld and clearance, and Lold me Lo leave, so LhaL ls whaL l dld, l wlll always remember, Lhe lasL
Llme l spoke Lo 8odger, l felL very emoLlonal, buL l had Lo leave, and upon leavlng Lhls faclllLy l heard Lhe
volce for Lhe lasL Llme,
Some of us are here Lo conLrol Lhls planeL, some Lo enslave lL furLher, mosL wlsh Lo rule and clalm lL,
buL we are here Lo proLecL lL"
WhaL was meanL by LhaL ls unknown, buL someLhlng was waLchlng ouL for me LhaL day. As Lhe coasL was
unusually clear, and l headed sLralghL for my car l have noL been home, l felL Lhe lnLulLlon Lo conLacL
klnya SLepllghL one of my frlends and l dld so, Lhey have very klndly Laken me ln and rlghL now.

!"#$%&' 91<8+=5
1hls lnformaLlon ls someLhlng LhaL was glve Lo me by 8odger, you have Lo undersLand Lhe beneflL of
Lhese machlnes ls LhaL Lhey are able Lo hack and surf any neLwork due Lo Lhelr lnLegraLed Lechnology,
unforLunaLely for Lhe unlLed sLaLes, Lhey never Look lnLo accounL LhaL one of Lhese machlnes mlghL hack
Lhelr own sysLems, why? 8ecause 8odger was curlous, anoLher unforeseen anomaly.
Llyslum ls sald Lo be a pro[ecL on mars conducLed by a group of humans LhaL are worklng and a faclllLy
LhaL call Lhe cruclble Lo awaken a race of belngs LhaL are ln sLlll llfe, cyrosleep, buL a much more advance
cryo sleep Lhan Lhey Lhlng l have ever heard of, Lhe goal ls Lo awaken and reLurn Lhe gods of Lhe old
world Lo Lhe new world afLer Lhe fall of Sera lnLo Lhe new world ln whlch Lhey shall call Lhls Llyslum, lf
Lhls perLalns Lo Lhe depopulaLlon of Lhe planeL l have no ldea, mosL of Lhe pro[ecL ls black, and Lhe
scrlpLures are very crypLlc and noL well read so we can only make assumpLlon abouL Lhe pro[ecL aL Lhls
Llme and lL would be rash Lo [ump lnLo any world endlng Lheorles wlLhouL belng prlvy Lo all Lhe facLs of
Lhls maLLer.
Powever Lhe glven name lLself ls raLher unseLLllng. l also undersLand LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon dellvered Lo
me by a organlc roboLlc person ls noL Lhe besL LesLlmony ln Lhe world, Lhe LhoughL LhaL l was released Lo
Lell Lhe world and spread more dlslnformaLlon has crossed my mlnd, however Lhe very facL LhaL l have
faclllLaLed and parLaken ln pro[ecLs and experlmenLs ouLslde Lhe course of Lhe norm, and vlolaLed every
sancLlon and code of eLhlcs Lells me LhaL Lhls ls slmply a parL of Lhe game LhaL Lhey are playlng and we
are Lhe pawns be lL sLraLeglcally placed or noL, we are ln our chosen professlons noL by chance, buL by
cholces we have made a long Llme ago, now we musL undersLand why we made LhaL cholce, Lo quoLe
Lhe oracle.
MosL of Lhe lnformaLlon here mlghL be Lhlngs LhaL you already know, buL l am wllllng Lo say puL Lhls lnfo
ouL Lhere, buL aL your own rlsk, you can use my allas, buL LhaL ls all l am wllllng Lo glve up rlghL now, l
have famlly LhaL has noL been Louched yeL and lf l do submlL any lnfo l wlll do lL ln person, l [usL cannoL
rlsk Lhe lnsecurlLy of Lhe lnLerneL, l can send Lhls lnfo as l shall noL be here long enough Lo be Lraced
back, and lL Lurns ouL l am leavlng LonlghL, l have your emalls and l shall be closer and able Lo keep ln

0%&%*' 3&'+>+'<
!usL so LhaL you guys are aware Lhe governmenL are maklng Lhlngs very dlfflculL for me, my bank
accounLs have been compleLely dralned, my llfe lnsurance pollcy has been canceled and closed, my
lnsurance has cancelled and my flnance company Look back my car due Lo lack of lnsurance, l have
opened a new lnsurance accounL and have a old car, LhaL wlll geL me from A Lo 8, buL Lhese are Lhe
lengLhs LhaL Lhey have gone Lo make me sweaL and l am lndeed sweaLlng.
l have had many people look for me, governmenL sorLs, Lhey have gone Lo my famlly, l am lucky LhaL l
have some very undersLandlng frlends rlghL now. l have a good place Lo baslcally hlde rlghL now and LhaL
ls where l am golng, l have lefL a skln sample LhaL 8odger gave me Lo 8en, l flnally showed hlm Lhls Loday
as l am leavlng ln an hour or so, everybody has been so greaL LhaL l do noL wlsh Lo leave buL Lhlngs have
become Loo dangerous Lo sLay, once aL my desLlnaLlon l shall send Lhese CuS Lo you, we have made
coples and 8en ls golng Lo send hls Cus on lrlday so LhaL lf mlne do noL make lL hls surely wlll, l have also
lncluded Lhe Lagle SLar program LhaL ls a vlewer and you wlll need Lhls Lo decrypL and vlew Lhe
documenLs, Lhere ls a readme, aLLached Lo Lhe flle as you do need Lhe rar codes LhaL l have provlded
wlLhln Lhe readme documenLs, lf you have any problems emall myself or 8en and we shall walk you
Lhrough lL, buL lL ls super easy and self explanaLory.
l wlsh boLh yourself and 8lll 8yan well and l hope and pray LhaL we can have a conversaLlon some Llme
over coffee and face Lo face.
lor now vla condlos my frlends
PeaLher 1C" Anderson

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