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ANLJARy. 1939
TO T H I S -

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Please send free 16 page book "The Air You Breathe" and data on your courses.
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The Five Best Months are Here

January, February, March, April, and
May are the most beautiful months in the
desert, according to most of our readers.
Then the air is snappy but mild, the sun-
shine is comfortably warm, the sunsets
are incomparable, the water holes are
brimming, and the vast fields of wild-
flowers present their fragrance and vivid
To get the most from these months you should
have the Desert Magazine at your side as you travel.
It will open new vistas, introduce you to interesting
people, picturesque camping spots, significant devel-
Here is the solution to that belated Christmas
Gift problem: three one-year subscriptions to the
Desert Magazine (including your own) for $5.00.
Your friends will appreciate the thoughtfulness that
gives a year of release in the desert's wide open
Single subscription $2.50. Back copies of first
14 editions available at 25c each; first year file with
binder $3.50.


m fl G n z 1 n E

Civic groups in the desert area are
invited to use this column for announc-
ing fairs, rodeos, conventions and other
events which have more than local in-
terest. Copy must reach the Desert Mag-
azine by the 5th of the month preced-
ing publication. There is no charge for
these announcements.
DEC. 29 to JAN. 2—Sun carnival
Volume 2 JANUARY. 1939 Number 3
at El Paso, Texas.
DEC. 31, JAN. 1-2—Sierra club COVER Horned Toad
of California to spend weekend Photo b y Claire a n d Ralph Proctor, Phoenix, Ariz.
exploring Split Mountain can-
yon in Vallecito mountains, in- CALENDAR J a n u a r y Events on the Desert 1
cluding trip to Elephant trees. PHOTOGRAPHY Prize w i n n i n g pictures 2
W. E. Andrews, leader. LEGEND S i p a p u — a Hopi folk tale
JAN. 1—New Year dances in vari- By HARRY C. JAMES 3
ous New Mexico Indian pueblos. LIVING Letter from W a r God Springs
JAN. 2—Charles Wakefield Cad- By EVERETT RUESS 5
man to assist in directing the POETRY STARS OVER MOJAVE a n d other p o e m s . . . 6
opera SHANEWLS, to be given
PERSONALITY Bob Arnold—Friend of the N a v a j o s
by university glee clubs at Tuc-
CAMERA ART "Feel" of the Desert
JAN. 6 — Installation of Indian
Photo b y W M . M. PENNINGTON 9
governors in New Mexico pu- REPTILES Desert Reptiles a r e His Friends
JAN. 14-15—Riverside chapter of
MYSTERY Lost Ship of the Desert
Sierra club to visit Painted can-
yon and Salton Sea mud geysers.
JAN. 14-15—Annual state conven- ADVENTURE W e Climbed the Falls on S a n Jacinto
tion of Arizona Lions clubs at
Phoenix. RECREATION Riders of the Desert
JAN. 20-21-22 - - Annual buffalo
hunt in Houserock canyon, nor- HOBBIES So You W a n t to Collect G e m s !
thern Coconino county, Arizona. By JOHN W. HILTON 20
Permits to be issued for 14 buf- WRITERS Contributors to this edition 22
falo this year. Applications must FICTION Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley
reach State Game Warden Will- By LON GARRISON 22
iam H. Sawtelle by January 15.
MINING N e w s notes on recent d e v e l o p m e n t s 23
JAN. 21-22—Sierra club to camp HOMES
at Rattlesnake canyon near Twen- Suggestions for desert architecture 24
tynine Palms, California, and hike NEWS Here a n d There on the Desert 26
to Fortynine Palms. WEATHER Desert t e m p e r a t u r e s during N o v e m b e r . . . . 27
JAN. 23—St. Ildephonsus Day to PRIZES A n n o u n c e m e n t for a m a t e u r p h o t o g r a p h e r s . . . 28
be observed at San Ildefonso,
New Mexico. TRAVEL Road information from Death Valley 29
JAN. 25-26 — National W o o l LANDMARK Prize a n n o u n c e m e n t for J a n u a r y 31
Growers Association, San Ange- PLACE NAMES Compiled b y TRACY M. SCOTT 32
lo, Texas. BOOKS Reviewing publications of the Southwest . . . 34
JAN. 29-30 — R o d e o at Casa
Grande, Arizona. COMMENT Just Between You a n d Me, b y the Editor . . . 36
JAN. 29-30—Third Annual Rodeo LETTERS C o m m e n t from Desert M a g a z i n e r e a d e r s . . . 37
at Palm Springs, California.
JAN. 31-FEB. 1--Arizona Cattle The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Publishing Company, 597
State Street, El Centro, California. Entered as second class matter Oeteber 11, 1937 at the
Growers Association meets at post office at El Centro, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1938 by
Safford, Arizona. the Desert Publishing Company. Permission to reproduce contents must be secured from
Continuous through fall and winter: the editor in writing;. Subscription rate $2.50 per year in U. S. A. or possessions. Single
copy 25 cents.
series of public art exhibits in Fine Arts RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor
building, University of New Mexico, TAZEWELL H. LAMB, Associate Editor
Albuquerque. Featured are paintings by J. WILSON McKENNEY, Business Manager
representative New Mexico artists. Manuscripts and photographs submitted must be accompanied by full return postage.
The Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for damage or loss of manuscripts or photo,
Ralph Douglass, director. graphs although due care will be exercised for their safety. Subscribers should send notice
of change of address to the circulation department by the fifth of the month preceding issue.

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 1
3288 Sierra Way
San Bernardino, California
Awarded first prize in the No-
vember photograph contest of
the Desert Magazine. The sur-
veyor is Bertrum W. Shaw em-
ployed in the engineering de-
partment of the Southern Cali-
fornia Gas Company. The pic-
ture was taken in the glare of a
midday desert sun with a 35
mm Wirgin camera, f4.5 lens at
fl6, 1/25 second, K-2 filter.

o/ Menlt
In addition to the prize win-
ners, the following photogra-
phers submitted prints of more
than usual quality in the No-
vember contest:
R. Frederick Heckman, Laguna
Beach, California, "Sentinel of
Painted Canyon."
Harry W. Dacquet, Los Angeles,
California, "Clouds and Shad-
Chas. S. Webber, San Leandro,
California, "Wupatki National

1106 West 165 Street
Los Angeles, California
Second prize winning picture
in the November contest. Taken
in the Joshua Tree national
monument of Southern Califor-
nia with a Welta camera, f8 at
1/50 second.
This is one of a collection of Hopi legends gath-
ered durina camping trips through Grand Canyon
country of northern Arizona.
Around the campfires at old Oraibi, along the
rim of the great Canyon itself, and down in the
bottom of the gorge, I have listened to Tewaquap-
tewa, the old chief of Oraibi, to Poli and Anthony
Neumkewa, to Jim Kewanuwatewa and other Hopi
tell these stories of the olden days.
"Once Upon a Time" is a favorite way to begin
the legends of the white man. HALIKSAI is the
"Once Upon a Time" of the Hopi.

(The journey up from the underworld)

As told to HARRY C. JAMES

I I ALIKSAI! Many, many snows ago, when our grand-

/ / fathers' grandfathers played among the willows that
' / bordered the winding streams, all the people lived in
the center of the earth. As the years went by quarrels had
broken out among them and they had grown discontented.
Game was scarce. The crops failed. The people grumbled
more and more and grew restless for a change, saying over Chief Teuaquapteiva and the Author
and over: "It was not always thus." The chiefs counseled to-
gether in vain attempts to make the lives of their people more We will send a messenger to view this unknown world. Time
happy. has come for action and to put behind us empty words!"
With the passing of time the troubles grew greater and The old man sat down and long the chiefs deliberated, but
greater. Wars between the good and the bad people were as this seemed the only escape from their troubles they final-
almost continuous. Husbands and wives watched their chil- ly agreed to do as the old chief suggested. They gathered
dren die of strange sicknesses. Warriors returned with naught water and clay and with sacred songs and prayers they fash-
save wounds to show for their efforts on the war trail. ioned the mixture into the image of a little bird called Motsni,
Finally, the oldest and wisest of the chiefs, in a desperate which by means of their magic powers they brought to life.
effort to regain their lost happiness, called a council of all the Immediately the bird asked the council: "What do you
good people. Among the people sitting around the council wish of me?"
fire were the Earth Mother, whom we call Spider Woman, The old chief answered the bird's query. "We are not
and the twin little war-gods, Pookonghoya and Baloongwa- happy here. Our people are sick and they are constantly
hoya. As the council fire lit up the faces of the gloomy as- quarreling. We want you to fly up and up, high beyond our
sembly, the old chief stood up and said: sun, and search for an entrance to the upper world."
"For many moons we have gathered together talking and At once the little bird spread its wings and sped away into
planning. But our talk was as the wind that moans at dusk,— the darkness.
empty sounds. Our people die day by day. Our enemies grow While they awaited the messenger's return the chiefs dis-
stronger and stronger. Game is harder and harder to get. cussed what should be done with the bad people, for they
"Long have I prayed for a way and I have searched the realized that if their enemies were to escape with them their
whole underworld for a better place to live. At last in one of troubles would continue. Finally, the councillors decided to
my wanderings I heard footsteps overhead and my heart was cause a great flood and to create huge serpents which would
filled with gladness for I knew my prayers were answered— devour all who were not drowned.
a sign was sent me. Motsni, the bird messenger, returned at last, quite ex-
"Always have we wailed like women instead of acting like hausted, to report that it had been too weak and small to find
warriors. We have been blind to our own magic powers and an opening in the upper world.
we have complained instead of acting. If there is another Again the chiefs took counsel, saying: "We must create a
world above, it cannot be more unfriendly to us than our own. stronger bird." Once more they used their magic powers and

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9
' -4KL

Spider Woman and the little War Gods, Pookonghoya and Baloongaivhoya. This
concept of the arrival of the Hopi from the center of the earth ivhere living con-
ditions had become unbearable, was painted by Mootzka, a Hopi Indian boy.

this time they created a mocking bird, strong of wing and little war-gods then grasped the tops of the trees to steady
unafraid. As before, they watched the bird take wing and them for the people who followed.
speed away. When Spider Woman reached the new world she sat down
Ever higher and higher flew the Mocking Bird in his search to watch the joyous people enter into this beautiful land.
for the opening. At last, just as the faithful bird was about The Mocking Bird perched beside her and burst into song
to give up in despair, it spied a tiny opening. Up through the after song as the people emerged. In their gratitude to the
opening it flew and found itself in what is known to us as bird for the service it had rendered and in their happiness
the Grand Canyon. over the future, the people remembered that song, and even
It returned at once to the chiefs and told them of the beau- now you will hear it sung in times of joy.
tiful land that awaited them above and the delighted men As each one came into the great Canyon that reached high
made preparations to leave. They sent the Crier Chief through- above the opening, the same bird gave to him his place in
out the underworld to announce: "Attention, all people of the world and the language he was to speak. To one he
good heart! In four days time we leave this underworld for would say: "You shall be a Navajo and speak that language."
a happier land. Let the women prepare food for the journey." To another he would say: "You are to be a Hopi and speak
On the fourth day all the people gathered under the open- the language of the Hopi." Not only to the Indians did the
ing and once again the chiefs had recourse to their magic. bird give places and languages, but to each and every tribe
Songs were sung over a pine seed and as the people watched in the world, including all the white men.
the seed sprouted and grew quickly upward until a huge As clan after clan emerged from the underworld, the bird
pine tree towered up through the opening to the upperworld. grew tired and finally it could sing no longer. Reluctantly,
Then the wise men tested it, but they found it was not strong those who were still climbing had to turn back to live for-
enough to bear the weight of all the people. The ceremony evermore in the world below.
was repeated and another pine tree grew beside the first. How- The opening to underworld we call "Sipapu" and to this
ever, this tree did not quite reach the opening. Singing more day it remains hidden in some remote spot of this Grand
sacred songs, they planted a strong seed and then a great Canyon. In all our kivas, the underground ceremonial rooms,
sunflower. When the last-named found that it could not reach and in all the dance plazas of our villages you will find small
high enough it hung its head in shame and since that time shrines fashioned of flat rocks representing Sipapu and which
all sunflowers droop with the thought that they could not remind us constantly of the day our ancestors came up from
serve our ancestors because of weakness. the underworld.
At last Spider Woman and the two little war-gods of the
Hopi people, Pookonghoya and Baloongawhoya, climbed the Ju Other Hopi legends from Harry C. James' note- ^\
pine trees and the reed and so were the first to reach the Tj book will appear in future numbers of the Desert J)
opening into the Grand Canyon and the upperworld. The V Magazine. J



"t. II,

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J-ettet fitom Wat

Everett Ruess, artist and poet, vagabond of the trail, vanished in the desert wilderness of
southeastern Utah in November, 1934, as told by Hugh Lacy in the Desert Magazine of last
September. His fate remains a mystery to this day. But the dream which impelled this young
man to forsake civilization for the solitude of remote canyons and arid plateaus has been
preserved in the letters written to family and friends. Through the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Ruess of Los Angeles, parents of Everett, the Desert Magazine is privileged to repro-
duce some of these letters. The first one, printed in this number, was written to Everett's friend,
Bill Jacobs of Hollywood, June 12, 1934:

Navajo Mountain, Utah son why I distrust ever returning to the

, \ EAR BILL: cities. Here I wander in beauty and per-
7 / A high wind is roaring in the fection. There one walks in the midst of
^^ tops of the tall pines. The moon ugliness and mistakes . . .
is just rising on the rim of the desert, Here I take my belongings with me.
far below. Stars gleam through the pine The picturesque gear of packing, and my
boughs, and through the filmy clouds gorgeous Navajo saddle-blankets, make a
that move across the night sky. Graceful, place my own. But when I go, I leave no
slim-trunked aspens reach u p w a r d trace.
through the towering pines. Their slen- The post where I last got my supplies
der, curving branches are white in the is a costly place to trade. The owner has
firelight, and an occasional downward to haul his stuff 350 miles by truck, over
breeze flickers their pale green leaves. the worst of roads. In this remote place
The beauty of this place is perfect of he never sees a tourist, and seldom a
its kind; I could ask for nothing more. dime crosses his counter in a year. All
A little spring trickles down under asp- his business is trade, in wool, sheepskins,
ens and white fir. By day the marshy and blankets. Gallup, New Mexico, is
hollow is aswarm with gorgeous butter- the nearest place where he can dispose
flies; tiger and zebra swallowtails, the of them. He has been offered seventeen
anglewings, the mourning-cloak, and cents a pound for the wool which cost
This photograph taken two years be- him twenty if he will haul it to New
others. There are a hundred delightful
places to sit and dream, friendly rocks to fore Everett vanished in the Utah Mexico.
lean against, springy beds of pine need- wilderness. The beauty of this country is becoming
les to lie on and look up at the sky or flowers with blossoms in their lips, and a part of me. I feel more detached from
the tall smooth tree trunks, with spirals look at me with their lustrous, large life and somehow gentler. Except for
of branches and their tufted foliage. brown eyes, cocking their furry ears and passing flurries, it has become impossible
switching their tails at their fat sides— for me to censure anyone . . .
Two small bands of handsome bay Meanwhile I have used my body merci-
then who that knew them could help
horses, each with a bell-mare, water here. lessly, seldom giving way to it until
loving them?
Often I hear from opposite directions the forced, so that I should not wonder if it
deep-toned music of their bells, against I had to laugh a few mornings ago on
the desert, when tracking the two foolish- will turn traitor to me sometime. Anyway
the sharper tinkle of the burro bell. No as Omar says, "If the soul can naked on
human comes to break the dreamy soli- looking pals, I saw their trail leading up
to an abandoned hogan and heard a snort the air of heaven ride, wer't not a shame
tude. Far below, the tawny desert, seamed for him in this clay carcass to abide?"
with canyons, throbs in the savage desert and scuffle inside. With all the spacious
desert around them, they had chosen to That is a big "if," but may the time
sun. But here it is lofty and cool. never come when I have to minister to
bed down in that little hogan, which
It is hard not to be sentimental about just comfortably contained the two of my body.
my burros; they are such droll, friendly them! . . . Now the aspen trunks are tall and
creatures. On the trail, particularly when . . . Now the moon swings clear of the white in the moonlight. A wind croons
they do the wrong tiling in a tight place, tree tops. The wind is in the pine trees; in the pines. The mountain sleeps.
I am often impatient with them. But what other sound is like it? Peace to you,
when they stand up to their knees in wild- The perfection of this place is one rea- EVERETT.

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9
Steubenville, Ohio Globe, Arizona
(Written for Desert Magazine) I live in a town called UGLY!
You who live where long miles sweep— No ordered streets attest its pride,
Where the western sun Or flower bordered lawns.
Glints on mesquite, brush and sage Itsshacks and shanties cling precariously
When the day is done— To sides of steep ravines
Know the light of western stars. Or burrow crooked footings in the rocky
Love their silver gleam, walls
YOU can LIVE its loveliness, Along the winding washes of the town.
I can only—dream. Only the morning glory vines,
I, who live a-top a hill, Running in not over scraggly roofs
Watch the setting sun, Speak of the love for flowers that seldom
Through a rim of locust trees, bloom
And the shadows run And find scant substance in a barren soil.
Lengthening, down a wooded slope
To the river's edge, Staid Mo^aoe- Yet I have seen . . .
Deserted smelter chimneys,
Where grow brambles rank and deep. BY MAUDE CLEO GILLETTE Sturdily gaunt and high,
Like a giant hedge. Warming their naked length
But I dream of canyons deep, I watched the flaming sun go down; Against a flaming sky . . .
Gypsy-colored trails, And cringing mongrel homes,
Cactus-bloom and cereus, Saw old FUNERAL squint, then frown
Poverty stricken and old,
When the sunset pales— As I picked the CACTI out of my Their tattered windows shining
Long for sound of clumping hoofs boot, With a wealth of sunset gold . . .
By a sun-dried stream. And ditched the stuff I thought was I have seen dawn come slowly
You can ride your cares away, On tangled peaks that might
I can only—dream. loot. Have been creation stirring
It may be I'll never tread In the mournful wail of the singing In the gray and formless light . . .
Shifting desert sand, Have seen the round moon glowing
Never hear a coyote cry sand, In an ecstacy of pride
In the desert-land . . . . I heard a BANSHEE close at hand, As she poured her eerie magic
Snuggled in my eastern hills. And hope forever lost to me, On the jagged mountain side.
Funny—it would seem— I sat me down on a dune to dee.
That I yearn and long for you And I have felt flow through my soul
Of my desert dream. Lo! out of the east, a little star The peace of ageless rocks,
Cactus-bloom will keep it sweet, The faith of trees,
True in every part—
Flashed a message, "Oh there you are! The strength that only hills can give.
Keep my dream of sand and sage Pick up your pack, don't forget your
Ever in my heart. hat, I live in a town called UGLY . but
I live!
One more ridge, and you're a mon,
at that."
Winslow, Arizona BY EVA CARPENTER IVERSEN Temecula, California
They said my lungs were carrying me to death, Lone Pine, California Across the wastes of desert sand
And urged me west to gain a brief respite. A miner sat by his cabin door A pale moon, with her spectral light,
They did not know that soul and heart Lazily eyeing a hunk of ore; Comes to the old deserted town
Had lost the will or wish to fight. And sometimes he'd smile, and sometimes To 'waken there the shades of night.
cuss, Atotter with its memories,
And then, through clear, cold air The old saloon stands in despair;
I saw the stars almost within my hand. And sometimes he ruminated thus:
Windows, that once were warm and bright,
I felt the strong, relentless sun of day "When Bill and me first hit these hills Look out with blank and vacant stare.
Or saw it blotted out by clouds of sand. We wuz two fool kids out after thrills. Temptation's tinkling tunes once swayed
I learned the beauty of the cactus blooms I reckon we found 'em. Seems as if In rhythm, boots and slippered feet;
So quiet among their sharp forbidding thorns. We prospected every gorge and cliff. Eyes spoke to eyes when parted lips,
I heard the sudden roar of waters in the wash. And we had to have whatever it takes With hurried breath, were warm and sweet.
I felt the bracing chill of desert morns. To battle the mountains, desert, and snakes. Ambition's anxious footsteps sped
After years of adventurin' we settled down Along this silent dust-strewn street—
I saw mesquite and catsclaw swayed by whirl- Some fifty mile frum the ni'est town. Greed's grasping fingers beckoning
ing winds. Adventure's light and careless feet.
I heard the coyote bark, the wild cat cry; "Then a blast misfired in the mine one day
And blowed my ole pard Bill away. Love lingers where a slanting ray
And I made friends with little horned toads, Of moonlight, on a cabin floor,
I buried him out on the Panamint floor
And watched the snakes go slithering by. But always he seems to stand at my door. Has found a long forgotten doll
How soon I learned that distant hills, I reckon I'm gettin' too ole to roam. Still sleeping by a long-closed door.
Against the glory of setting sun, Bill lived here and the place is home. Where gold was God no spires stand
Could cure a mind grown sick with worldly And this is my last request and will— But down in desert's distance rise
ills Just plant me out in the wilds with Bill." Tall summits where, in reverence,
And feed a starving soul when day was done. They pierce the silent storm-scarred, skies.
I saw the giant saguaro still and strong,
And flash of birds across the sky. CREED OF THE DESERT
I felt the dry, health-giving air, BY JUNE LE MERT PAXTON DUSK ON THE DESERT
And knew it was not time to die.
No strident noise the peace BY H E L E N M C M A H A N
to mar, Pond Creek, Oklahoma

CACTUS No air defiled by man-made Swiftly, sable-vested shadows

car. Borne on night's majestic wings,
BY T. V. WOODSON Touch the grey abysmal canyons
No time marked off by
Long Beach, California While the moon rides high and flings
With obstinate unfriendliness it bristles,
calendar, Argent glory on the sage brush
Repelling your approach with all its thistles, No structure raised to hide a And the dunes of drifted sand,
Until in an apologetic hour star. Bringing chaste unworldly beauty
To the arid desert land.
It humbly begs your pardon with a flower.


Bob Arnold was a modest little
man—a half-caste. But his heart
was as big as all outdoors and
he had a generous share of that
greatest of all human assets—
understanding. M r s . W h i t e
Mountain Smith wrote this story
about Bob early last fall. He
died in November, before it
reached the printers. His death
was mourned by Indian and
white man alike—they were all
his friends because Arnold was
one of those rare souls to whom
creed and color and race meant
nothing. The picture at the left
was taken a few weeks before
his death. On the right is the
shrine he built on the rocky
bank of an arroyo at Fort

£ol> -fltnold
— Tttien

the A/avajo

ESERT wind twisted a Chindee the brisk little old man who stopped be- ernment has work for you boys. Dozens
whirlwind around and around, side him. of young fellows your age are helping to
and the sullen thoughts of the "Just get home, son? Great, isn't it, to build dams for irrigation and for the
Navajo boy leaning against the old log smell the sage again, and be back where sheep. Dozens more are working on soil
building at Fort Defiance in northern you were born. Old as I am, I still wish erosion control and erecting windmills.
Arizona went around just as aimlessly. There's plenty of work here among your
I could be back in India now and then!''
own people, at better pay than you'll get
Now that eight years of schooling at "I don't see anything good about be- off the reservation. This is your home. In-
Phoenix were ended; now that he had ing here." side of a month you won't want to
carried the ball across the goal for the leave!"
"Well, let's sit down and talk about
last time while the crowd roared; now
it," suggested the 92-year-old counselor. Albert had listened with strained in-
that the blaring band of which he was Together they sat on the log step, Robert
leader had marched at the head of the terest. "How can I get one of those
Arnold, the world-weary old half-caste jobs?" The old man told him where to
last parade, he was dumped back here on who had sailed the Seven Seas and ask for employment and watched him
the reservation to get along as best he tramped every continent, and Albert start for Window Rock. How many,
could. He hated the place. He hated the Sombrero, discouraged Navajo school many boys had come home, lost in their
hogan and his family living in it; he boy. own country, strangers in their own land,
hated the bleating smelly sheep; he hated "What did you learn while you were to find just such help and encouragement
the mutton stew and the bread baked on in school? What did they teach you to from Robert Arnold.
a hot rock. Most of all he hated the gov- do?" Two months later Albert was happy
ernment that had whitewashed him for "To farm and mend farm machinery. and contented. He was driving a truck
eight years, and then in one swift hour Lots of good that'll do me here. I'm go- for the soil conservation supervisor, and
turned him back again into an Indian, a ing to the railroad to get a job." in the meantime he had brought four of
stranger in his own land. He scowled at "There's a job for you here. The gov- his discontented friends to Fort Defiance

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9
for help. Robert's home, almost crude in had inspected me thoroughly with clear around the world. When he returned to
its simplicity, was always open to these bright blue eyes. I've never seen more London he was baptized into the Catholic
lads. Robert's food was shared, and if character or dignity in any face, and I faith by Cardinal Newman and confirmed
there wasn't always enough to fill healthy was grateful when he smiled and ex- by Cardinal Manning. He lived up to his
young stomachs, still it was shared while tended his hand. If he had not approved faith and 30 years ago gave the first dol-
troubles and triumphs were discussed. of me there would have been none of the lar and laid the first stone for the Catho-
The little cottage at Fort Defiance has be- hours filled with breathless tales of ad-
lic church serving Indians and white
come an unofficial club room for returned venture in far places; of northern lights
alike at Fort Defiance. Erected near the
school boys. and southern seas; of revolutions and re-
church, on a cliff overhanging the little
The life of this self-appointed mentor ligious wars; of illustrious names re- river is a shrine of which Robert is very
of Navajo lads has been such a high ad- membered only in history's pages. There proud. But when it was first unveiled
venture in strange places that it sounds would never have been the pleasant hoursand the gleaming white figure of the Vir-
like a story of Sinbad the Sailor. spent with a kindly gentleman, made gin Mary burst upon the sight of the
Kipling's warning that "East is east, mellow and wise by time. Navajos, they lashed their ponies to a
and West is west, and never the twain run and looked back fearfully over their
shall meet," came 42 years after Robert Childhood in India shoulders! They are used to it now, how-
Guian Arnold was born at Delhi, India, Sometimes we spoke of his childhood ever, and it doesn't affect them in any
of an English father and an East Indian in India and then I heard of soldiers in way. To most of them it's just another
mother. Two years after the birth of her an alien land feeding a little motherless queer fancy of the invading whites.
son the young mother died. boy raisins and candy until he had a per-
petual stomachache; and I lived the ter- But before Robert Arnold ever heard
Small half-caste Robert was turned ror of natives when a man-eating tiger of the Navajo people he played his part
over by his distraught father to a native lurked near the village. I thrilled to the well in other corners of the world. It
ayah. Each morning the ayah took the sight of stately elephants going to the must have been fun helping to make his-
child out to watch the sun rise over the river to drink and bathe at sunset, and tory as he did in those days. For instance
stately Himalayas, and taught him to I shared the excitement of a small boy there was the convoying of the ship carry-
kneel at the cry of the muezzin. Today, being lifted in the trunk of a gentle ele- ing Louis Napoleon and Eugenie to their
in his 92nd year he still remembers and phant and passed to its driver. exile in England in 1871.
repeats the Mohammedan call to prayer.
For my benefit Robert bridged the dec-
At Window Rock, heart of the Navajo ades and touched lightly on the high Companions Die in Boat
nation, adventures ended, hardships spots of his career. Childhood passed too England was making great effort at
passed, and the hot wild blood of young quickly in the eastern land, and when, that time to colonize South Africa and
manhood cooled by almost a century's after 21 years of soldiering in foreign Robert took service with the Castle line.
passage, Robert Arnold has come at last lands, the father was invalided home, he Gales lashed the vessel on their second
to the place where he hopes to spend took with him the son of his native wife, trip and for ten days they were at the
what little time is left to him. took this boy, born in the drenching sun- mercy of the storm. With 17 others Rob-
light of India, back to foggy London. ert took to an open boat and when they
Father to Homeless Boys
The father knew that death was not were picked up two weeks later nine of
His influence on the Navajo boys who far off and he wrote to a former close his companions were dead of hunger and
return to their reservation homes after comrade in the 13th Fusileers asking exposure. One would have thought the
years of absence, cannot be estimated. him to look after the boy. The greater sea's allure might have dimmed after
What is more desolate than a young In- part of his old regiment had been wiped such an experience, but it was the one
dian homesick for a home that he has cut in the Sepoy Mutiny. That letter was trade Arnold knew and he shipped with
been trained to despise? Pseudo-whites, addressed to a dead man. the White Star line. He was aboard the
these boys are returned to the reserva- The orphan lad was friendless until Croma when it was rammed and sunk off
tion with the smug explanation: "We the Masonic lodge stretched out a help- the coast of Wales and he swam to shore.
have fitted you to appreciate the finer ing hand and placed him in the famous The Mediterranean knew him for a time
things of life and to elevate your people old Christ Church Blue Coat Home and then China Seas beckoned. In 1883
and to better their living conditions." school. A seaman's widow had direct he sailed on the German Lloyd ship,
Their own people do not sympathize charge of young Robert and he still re- Elba. Nine hours later a British collier,
with their changed viewpoint; they hesi- members how hunger kept him awake the Sunderland, rammed the Elba and
tate to talk to government employees, but under her roof. He twinkles and tells 800 people lost their lives on the two
they can always find friendship and help how the penny she gave him each Sunday ships. Robert Arnold was picked up by a
in the little cottage of Robert Arnold. for the poor box never reached that des- trawler.
With his deep understanding of alone- tination. He always spent it for candy.
ness and bewilderment, taught by his In all these adventurous years Ameri-
own years of orphanhood in a strange It was a stern school and punishment can soil had never been touched by Rob-
land, he seems to know just how to reach meant that a hundred lines of Caesar ert. One night in London he saw some
the confidence of the Indian boys. Middle must be mastered. There Robert laid the toughs attack a stranger and he went to
aged men, who were once boys in his foundation for the splendid fund of the rescue. He found that he had saved
care, speak of him as one would of a be- knowledge he has acquired. He is a stu- Capt. Edwin White, U. S. Naval Attache
loved father. Chee Dodge, wise old dent of Caesar and Cicero; a master of at the American Embassy. James Russell
leader of his people, wishes there were a the Iliad and Odyssey. One might say Lowell was then the American Ambassa-
thousand "Bob" Arnolds on the reserva- that his manners are Victorian, but he is dor to the Court of St. James, and be-
tion. "He is a very wise man. He has deeply content to spend his last years tween them they persuaded Robert to
never been heard to speak unkindly, and among the Navajo people! leave the sea. As an orderly he followed
no one would want to say unkind things When Robert was 15 he was called White to Belgrade and later to the
about him!" before the school board to select his vo- United States. Here, armed with a letter
cation and he asked to be taught naviga- of introduction to Richard Washbourne
When I met Arnold in the dim old tion. The following year he was signed Child, he applied for his citizenship
document room of historic Fort Defiance, as an apprentice to the P & O line and
he stood very straight and still until he for eight years faced and fought the seas Continued on page 33


REBELLION Photo by Wm. M. Penninglon

red oh th
Not every mood of the desert is benign—or at least not every mood of
every desert-dweller is admirable. In this petulant face you can detect the dis-
content that breeds rebellion.
Twenty-five years ago this son of defiant old Be-Zhosie (Desert Magazine
for December, 1937) committed the act which launched the notorious Beautiful
Mountain rebellion. He took the wife of another Indian—although he already
had one wife to bear his burdens and his children.
The episode might have passed unnoticed, had the injured husband not
complained to the Navajo agent at Shiprock, New Mexico. Indian police
sought the wife-stealer and when he eluded them they brought the two women
to the agency pending his capture and trial.
The fugitive and his father attacked the agency in an attempted rescue—
and the Beautiful Mountain rebellion was started.

f A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9
Is the bite of a Gila monster deadly? So many conflicting answers
have been given to this question that the average person is all at sea
as to the truth. Charley Evans of Phoenix, Arizona, who is qualified by
many years of experience with the reptiles to express an authoritative
opinion, says the answer is both yes and no. In the accompanying ar-
ticle he tells what he has found out about Gilas and other crawling
denizens of the desert country.

Rep tile5
•flte iti*


/ ^ H A R L E Y EVANS probably knows

I snakes and other reptiles as well
as any person in the desert country.
His collection includes many species but
the Chuckawalla lizard is his favorite.
The Chuckawalla is a comical and
harmless little beast, neutral in color and
purposeless in life. Trapped and held, he
inflates his body like a toy balloon. This
little trick enables him to resist being
pulled out of crevices in the rocks where
he makes his home. Pull on him when
he is thus wedged in a crack and Mr.
Chuckawalla will sacrifice tail or limb if
necessary to escape capture.
Evans lives on the desert near Phoenix,
Arizona, his establishment identified by
the startling legend on a huge sign: "I
Raise the Dead!" Actually he is a taxi-
dermist and his work is devoted to re-
storing to life-like appearance the ani-
mal, bird and reptile specimens brought
:o his workshop.
His reptile collection is his hobby. In
his odd rock garden he has king snakes,
red racers, tiger rattlers, blacktails, bull
snakes, lithe iguanas and Gila monsters.
Although he is fond of the Chuckawalla,
he has an intimate acquaintance with rat-
tlesnakes and Gila monsters.
He believes the Gila is deadly if it re-
tains its hold long enough, which it is
sure ts do if given an opportunity. But
Charley Evans with one of his pet Chuckawallas. When frightened they inflate if the jaws of the monster are pried loose
themselves like a toy balloon. They are not very pretty—but they're harmless. immediately the flow of blood acts as a


wash to cleanse the wound and the ven- cated in downtown Phoenix. He secured
om's effect is minimized. Evans has been VENOM OF THE GILA a few reptiles and put them in the win-
bitten several times by Gila monsters, but dows. But his collection kept growing
The venom of the Gila mon- and it was necessary to find a larger home
suffered no ill effects from their bites. ster is secreted in glands in the for his pets and so he moved out to the
No physician was called. The only treat- jaws near the base of the teeth suburbs along Highway 80.
ment was the application of iodine. and is released with the saliva.
This explains the difference be- "Snakes prefer to be their own butch-
The experience of Tom Reap of Casa ers—they seldom eat animals already
Grande, Arizona, was a different story. tween the instantaneous pois-
oning which accompanies the killed. They are light eaters—otherwise
One of the reptiles with which he was Mrs. Evans and I would find it quite a
bite of the rattlesnake, and the
playing, seized his thumb. It was several slower injection of the venom chore to provide mice and gophers for
seconds before he could get a pair of from the Gila after it has fas- them." Mrs. Evans is chief assistant at
pliers and twist the monster away from tened its teeth into its victim. the gardens.
its death-grip. Reap died within two Separated from the rattlers is a pit
hours, after intense suffering. The Gila The Gila generally is a slug-
gish reptile, does not strike, where there are many orange and black
retained it grip only about 60 seconds, Gila monsters, sprawling on the ground
and Reap was unconscious within three and never molests human be-
or lazily seeking the shady spots. They
minutes after he was released. ings unless it is cornered or
are hearty eaters and have a special pre-
annoyed. When attacked it ference for eggs. Evans keeps a pen
In Evans' pens are reptiles of all ages, opens its jaws and awaits the
from baby snakes which have yet to see of white Leghorns as a source of food for
opportunity to seize its enemy them. Once a week two eggs are fed to
their first summer, to veterans which have and then hangs on with bull- each of the 50 monsters in the pen.
knocked off the index to their age by dog determination.
lashing their rattles against the stones in In shallower pits he keeps Chucka-
the pit, or lost them in combat with fel- wallas, iguanas and tortoises, the latter
low-captives. The number of rattles is demanding a different type of food, pre-
never a sure guide to the age of a snake. with a stick and the infuriated rattler ferring melons, lettuce and fresh vege-
had exhausted most of its venom supply tables.
Most of his snakes are natives of the in striking at the wood. Finally it caught Evans seldom removes the fangs from
Arizona desert. A few came from Mexico, him on the arm. He was sick for a few his rattlers. They do not live so long if
Texas and Florida. He does not hire hours but recovered. this is done, he says. He handles them
hunters because he has a constant source with caution and has never been bitten.
of supply from persons who capture the Many persons who are bitten recover,
reptiles along the roadside and on hiking their chances being especially good if To Charley Evans snakes are friends,
trips. They bring him poisonous rattlers they slash the point where the fangs have and a source of legitimate profit. A long
and harmless lizards, and get paid accord- entered, suck the wound, apply a tourni- time ago he adopted the policy of tell-
ing to the supply in Evans' pits. quet and get a doctor. Prospectors and ing his visitors only the truth about the
reptiles and their habits. He has little
surveyors on the desert generally carry a
Years ago, before his collection was regard for would-be naturalists who
special kit for treating snake bites. supply the public with strange fantasies
well known, he engaged snake hunters.
Only one of these, a Mexican, ever was A student of living animals all his life, about the life and habits of desert rep-
bitten. He had been teasing the snake Evans' taxidermy shop formerly was lo- tiles.

The bite of a Gila monster is not deadly if the jaws

pried loose from their victim immediately.

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 11
lad Slup—Qad a*, fiction!
Fabled ship of the Southern California desert! Is it is the story told in later years of a young muleteer who
pure myth, or is there a basis of fact for the oft-re- was a member of the Juan Bautista de Anza expedition
peated story that somewhere beneath the shifting sands across the Southern California desert in 1775. Two or
of the Cahuilla basin is buried an ancient hulk in three days after the Anza party crossed the river at Yuma
which a rich treasure aivaits the finder? the young mule driver was sent out to scout the sandy
Many versions of the lost ship legend have been wastes of the desert in search of water. He came one eve-
given. One of these is the story told by Fierro Blanco ning upon the decayed hulk of an ancient sailing vessel
in his book "THE JOURNEY OF THE FLAME." partially buried in the sand and when he went down into
Blanco's novel is a strange mixture of fact and fiction. the hold to explore the interior of the ship he found many
Historical records would indicate that his version of chests. Breaking one of them open he discovered that it
the lost pearl ship belongs in the category of fiction. was full of pearls. He filled his pockets with them and
instead of rejoining the Anza party headed for the Pacific
Another "lost ship" story ivas ivritten by Florence ocean which he knew was beyond the mountains to the
Haines Apponyi and appeared in "THE GOLDEN west.
ERA" in San Diego, 1885. This appears to be an
authentic record—but since the element of lost treas- After many days of hardship he reached the mission
ure is missing, it lacks the glamour of the Blanco settlement at San Diego and sought to enlist the interest
of one ef the Spanish soldiers stationed there. The soldier
was willing enough to join him, but while they were mak-
These two versions are given on this page. A neiv ing secret preparations for their departure a revolt among
lost ship story, printed for the first time in the Des- the Indians and the killing of one of the padres upset
ert Magazine, appears on the next page. The reader their plans. Finally the young muleteer secured a horse
will find all three stories interesting—and may draw and several days' food and returned alone to the desert to
his own conclusions as to their authenticity. recover the fortune he had discovered. He made friends
f\ I 0 1 . In the year 1615 Juan De Iturbe, with some of the mountain Indians and from their camp
IJ6>GL?l>l> ^*'t4>4jt> after a successful season of pearl made many journeys down into the desert—but never
fishing and bartering with the In- could re-locate the old ship. Following his death in later
dians along the coast of the Gulf of California sailed north years the story became another legend of lost treasure in
in the hope of finding the fabled Straits of Anian through the desert.
which he could pass to the Atlantic ocean without the P f\ (91 . Briefly, the story is to the
necessity of returning on the long route around the Horn.
In the hold of his ship were many chests of pearls. JLG> lJUfy &Vl4/p> effect that in 1862 Joshua
Talbot was one of a small
Reaching the head of the gulf he found a channel ex- party of gold seekers bound for the mines near La Paz,
tending inland between two ranges of mountains. He Arizona. The outfit ordered a small skiff built in Los An-
passed through this channel without difficulty and entered geles. The boat was 21 feet long and rigged with a single
an inland sea so vast that northern shore was not visible. mast for sailing. According to records brought to light by
He sailed around the western shoreline, but a day or Arthur Woodward, curator of history in the Los Angeles
two later while his ship was anchored overnight near the museum, such a craft was turned out in the workshop of
entrance to a great arroyo, the waters subsided and the Perry & Woodworth late in May, 1862.
craft was grounded on a sandbar. Before the vessel could Commenting on the use of this craft, the Los Angeles
be released a cloudburst came down from the western Star of May 31, 1862 said: "It was built for one of the
range and poured a flood of water and debris into the sea. companies starting for the mines, to be used in crossing
While the debris made navigation difficult at first, the the river. The Colorado now is greatly swollen from the
vessel floated clear and soon was out in deep water again. heavy rains in the mountains, and there is no ferry estab-
lished at the mines; it is a provident forethought to go
Continuing his journey, Iturbe eventually came to the prepared to cross the stream without loss of time or ob-
northwestern shore, but could find no passage beyond. struction."
Several weeks were spent in seeking an outlet, and also
in hunting and fishing to supply provisions for the re- The boat was put on wheels and two wagon loads of
turn trip to Spain. provisions were sent along with it. Enroute across the
desert the teams gave out and the men were forced to
Finally, he gave up the quest for a water route to the abandon the craft.
north and turned the ship southward again. There he dis-
covered that the channel from which he had entered the Within 10 years the ship had become a legend. In 1870
sea had disappeared and sandbars blocked the way in every Indians reported having seen the boat and the location
direction. He and his crew were trapped in a landlocked was given as 40 miles north of the San Bernardino-Yuma
sea. road, and about 30 miles west of Dos Palmas.
In 1870 a party of men headed by Charles Clusker
From a high mountain he had seen a wide channel of went out to salvage the vessel and what valuables it con-
water some distance east of the sea, and he sailed north tained. Local newspapers reported the men had found it
along the eastern shore seeking a way into this channel, but 50 miles or more from Dos Palmas in a region of boiling
the waters were falling rapidly and it finally was necessary mud springs. Clusker returned to secure equipment for
to abandon the vessel. reaching the boat—but none of the newspapers of the
The sequel to this version of the loss of Iturbe's ship, day contained any further reference to the expedition.


The legend of the lost ship of the Colorado des-

J2o5t SAi)ip ert persists. Here is a new version from an unex-

pected source. When this manuscript reached the
office of the Desert Magazine a note of inquiry was
sent to Mr. Niehuis, the author, to learn whether
the story was pure fiction, based on the old legend

the 'Peiett of the lost pearl ship, or an authentic report from

living characters. He replied that while Jim Tucker
recently passed away, his wife Petra was still living
at the time this story was written and would vouch
By CHARLES C. NIEHUIS for its truth.

(7 IM TUCKER has gone now. He eyes twinkled under shaggy eyebrows. "I'm Petra's second husband," Jim
jL went on his last "prospecting trip" His voice boomed and rumbled in his continued, after he had shifted his chew
^ 7 over on the other side of the Great massive chest like the distant blast of into his cheek.
Divide. He left here his wife Petra, a dynamite in a prospector's hole. "Her first husband was Santiago Socia,
Mexican woman who had been his com- "Charlie, I'll tell you a good one. You a high class Mexican from Los Angeles.
panion on trips into the mountains and won't believe it, but it's the truth any- He killed a man there, and had to leave
over the desert for nearly 40 years. way." Then he hesitated. in a hurry—afraid they'd lynch him, be-
I can still see Jim as he sat on the "Shall I tell him about the ship, cause it was an American he shot. He hid
edge of his bed at the Arizona Pioneers' Petra?" he asked the small dark woman in the hills, and finally worked his way
Home near Prescott and told me the with snow white hair, who rocked stead- down into Mexico. Petra followed him
strange story which I am going to repeat ily in the corner. as soon as she found out where he was
as accurately as memory will permit. "Si, no le hace," she murmured, then hiding. So they lived in Tecate, Baja
A grizzled beard of a week's growth turned to flash, "But, don't tell him California, and Santiago was working in
was on his face. He sat erect — broad where, Jim!" a field, harvesting grain. One day a peon
shoulders and straight back that the I sat silent, neither urging nor dis- came up to him, looking for work." Jim's
weight of 79 years could not bend. Blue couraging them. rumbling voice ceased a moment as the

Indian legend goes back to the time when the basin now gulf when the lake reached a level high enough to overflow
known as Imperial and Coachella valleys was filled with a the silt dike on the south. Th accompanying sketch by Nor-
great clear water lake—Lake Cahuilla—into which the Colo- ton Allen suggests the approximate shoreline of the ancient
rado river poured its flood waters at periodic intervals. An sea, with present day place names given for the surrounding
outfloiv channel probably carried excess waters south to the mountain ranges.

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 13
old man shifted his suspenders off his
shoulders, dropping them to his waist.
"Santiago had almost finished, and
told the beggar—what was his name?"
Jim asked, turning to Petra.
The dark woman ceased her rocking,
put down a bit of embroidery, pressed
finger tips to the bridge of her nose,
thinking, searching that age-dimmed
page of memory.
"Yo pienso—Leonardo, Jim. Si, it was
"Well, Charlie, you know how Mexi- , • "

cans are—they rolled 'cigareets', and sat

on their heels in the shade of a mesquite
tree and talked it over."
The mention of cigarettes started a
chain of reflexes in Jim, and he fished
in his breast pocket for papers and his
sack of "smoking." The brown paper
"cigareet" was soon rolled, and Jim lit it
without removing the chew of tobacco
he already had in his mouth.
Petra laughed when she saw my look
of astonishment.
"Jim, he like the tobacco, no?"
Then with cigarette between thumb
and finger, Jim leaned forward and put
his elbow on his knee.
Santiago Makes a Journey
"Well, the beggar told Santiago he
had a map from a padre in California
that showed where Indians had hid some
ollas filled with gold dust when the
Spanish stampeded them. The ollas was
supposed to be hidden in the mountains
just across the line north from Tecate."
"Santiago was like Jim," Petra inter-
rupted, "you say, 'Come, Santiago, I
know where there is gold,' and he go, Perta is groiving old—but her memory still is clear and there is no doubt in her
right now. mind as to the truth of the story that is repeated in these pages of the Desert
"The peon, he tell Santiago he have Magazine.
to take two other men along, who he live
with." tillas on a comal; what you call 'comal' " We was looking for the ollas of
She paused, and linger tips went to in English, Jim?" gold in every canyon where the map
her forehead again. Tucker paused in the rolling of his show, but we could not find them. Then
"Ah, I remember, the peon, he was third cigarette, and turned to me. —one day—in one canyon, we find—a
Leonardo, and the two men who go "A 'comal' is an iron, or a flat stone ship! A big boat, in the sand!'
along, was Loreto Alvarez, who had the that Mexicans bake tortillas on. It is flat "Then I say, 'Santiago, you tease me!'
horses, and Juan Morales and his little and big around." Jim circled his arms "He say, 'No, Petra, it is the truth of
boy, about 12, I think—and his name to illustrate. God. I find a ship and stand on the
was Juan, too." Petra continued, not looking at Jim front. It is ten feet high, and the back it
I was astounded at the old lady's mem- or me, as she spoke of Santiago, her first is buried in the sand!'
ory, and prodded further, "How long husband. 'But, the comal,' I say.
ago was all this?" "Santiago he finally get up, and come 'The comals was big round iron
She turned to Jim, and they spoke in outside the tent. I have a fire under a cot- things on the sides. Bright and not
Spanish, and I caught only words that tonwood tree, and was baking the tor- rusted; not like any metal I have seen be-
meant years, towns, people; then at tillas on the comal. fore.' "
length: "He not say anything at first, then he Petra paused, then extended her arm.
"It was 1892," Jim boomed through a say, 'Petra, if I had a chisel on our trip, Her other hand measured it at the
cloud of smoke. I could get a nice comal for you—better shoulder, and she said, "Santiago, he do
"Santiago, he furnish the money," she one than that one.' this, and say, 'This big, Petra.' "
continued, "and one day they go, and I "I laugh, and say to him, 'Ah, Santi-
She again described the sight as Santi-
not see Santiago for almost two months. ago, where you find iron for comal in ago saw it. A narrow box canyon with
It was late one night when he come the mountains?'
high sheer walls, and a sandy bottom;
back and come into the tent. He say "He say, 'I tell you something and, partially buried there, a boat of an-
nothing to me, but go to sleep right strange. You will say I am crazy, that I cient appearance—an open boat but big,
away. lose my water and get thirsty, and see
"I get up early and was making tor- dreams, but it is the truth. Continued on page 2.5


Two botanists and two rock-climbers teamed up
for a day of exploration on the rugged desert
slopes of San Jacinto peak in Southern California
—and found a precipitous gorge where a crystal
stream cascades down over a series of magnifi-
cent falls. Although this scenic retreat is close by
one of the main highways, it is a place seldom
reached by visitors.

the rail* on
San Qacinto

>n am not quite sure whether this little journey into one
( / of the out-of-the-way canyons in the desert coun-
—"* try should be classed as a botanical excursion or a
climbing adventure. It involved some of the elements of both,
and was doubly interesting because science and exploration
make a happy pair of teammates.
The scientific men in our party were Dr. E. M. Harvey of
the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Don Admiral,
Palm Springs naturalist. Dr. Harvey's hobby is taxonomy. At
one time he was associated with Dr. D. T. McDougal at the
Carnegie Desert Laboratory at Tucson.
Willard R. Hillery of Cathedral City, California, and I
were the other two members of the quartet, and since neither Climbers pause at the lop of one oj the falls to view the
of us ever has achieved anything worth mentioning in the desert landscape below. Left to right, Dr. E. M. Harvey,
field of science, our roles simply were those of a couple of Willard R. Hillery and Don Admiral.
rough-and-ready rock-climbers who like to explore the des-
ert canyons. Leaving the river bottom the road climbs the gradual
Don Admiral had been telling us about the scenic water- slope of the fan which leads back to the mouth of the can-
falls which cascade down the precipitous north face of San yon. The road is rough and rocky in places and requires
Jacinto peak, and so we started out in an early morning late careful driving, but presents no serious difficulties.
in October to see the falls, and climb to the top of them if Our motor trip ended at the locked gate of the enclosure
possible. where the intake gatekeeper lives. The waters of Snow creek
From Palm Springs we took the main highway toward Los are controlled by the Palm Springs Water company and the
Angeles. We crossed Whitewater river and the Southern Southern Pacific Land company, and from this point are
Pacific tracks and then turned left on the abandoned road piped to the desert below where they serve the domestic
which runs along the railroad right-of-way. needs of a growing population.
In less than a mile we turned left again, recrossed the Our objective was not Snow creek, but a little known can-
tracks and rolled across the sandy floor of the Whitewater yon which forks to the left. We wanted to explore Falls creek,
arroyo toward the base of San Jacinto. We were on the road which tumbles down a steep gorge from the pine-clad heights
to Snow Creek canyon, that great gash in the north slope of of San Jacinto east of Snow creek.
San Jac which extends from the floor of the desert almost to We followed the trail eastward from the intake—but the
the summit. trail soon came to an abrupt end, and from there it was
Snow creek formerly was the site of a state fish hatchery, every fellow for himself, over and around a jumbled mass
but the project was abandoned in 1932 due partly to the fact of boulders which can be traversed safely only with rubber-
that prior water rights on Snow creek left an inadequate sup- soled shoes.
ply of water for the trout tanks, and partly because of the This was a leisurely trip—it couldn't be otherwise with a
cloudburst hazards in this canyon. couple of those botany fellows along. Dr. Harvey and Don

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 IS
Admiral were meeting old friends among that settled the matter until later in the
the rocks—friends with strange Latin PLANT LIFE ZONES day when we met a fisherman coming
names which meant nothing to Bill Hill- IN CALIFORNIA from higher up the stream with 10
ery and me. To us, a goatnut bush is a speckled beauties in his creel.
goatnut bush—but to Doc and Don it is [ The Lower Sonoran We scrambled along the boulder-
a Simmondsia calijornica. 1—Colorado desert, 0 to strewn creek bed for a mile and a half
From our scientific companions I 500 feet. while the botanists talked their strange
learned about the life zones encountered 2—Mojave desert, 1000 to jargon. And then we came to the first
on the rock slopes of old San Jac. It 5000 feet. major waterfall • - a gorgeous white
seems that on the side of that mountain 3—Valley Sonoran (San spray dropping 150 feet over an almost
one can travel all the way from central Joaquin), 10 to 500 feet. vertical wall of granite. It is a lovely
Mexico to the arctic circle. From the sea- II The Upper Sonoran, 1000 to spot. In a more accessible place these
5000 feet. falls would be a lure for hundreds of
level floor of Coachella valley to the
1—Lower foothill belt. visitors every month.
cairn at the top of San Jacinto the climb
is 10,805 feet and the distance by trail— 2—Chaparral belt. But we could not pause long to ad-
if there was a trail - - is less than 10 III The Transition, 2000 to 4000 mire the beauty of this retreat for there
miles. But along that route are found feet. were other falls beyond, and immediately
the life zones of plants normally grow- 1—Arid transition. ahead of us was the problem of detour-
ing over a range of 2,000 miles. 2—Sierra transition. ing the steep slopes to reach the top of
3—Redwood transition. the waterfall.
During the entire trip up Falls creek IV The Canadian, 5000 to 7000 It was a climb that called for the use
we encountered only one small shrub feet. of both hands and feet, but we found
which Dr. Harvey could not call by sci- V The Hudsonian, 7000 to 9000 good toeholds and the ascent was made
entific name. I want to remark in passing feet. without difficulty. Reaching the top it
that on any trip to the desert the pleas- was but a few hundred yards until we
VI The Boreal (True Alpine)
ure is doubled if there is in the party a were blocked by another sheer wall over
geologist or botanist or gernologist or 9000 to 14,500 feet.
Plant specimens of all these which the water was pouring into a pool
zoologist to discuss the significance of almost large enough to be called a moun-
the things seen along the way. zones are f o u n d along the
10,805-foot climb from the des- tain lake.
While the gradient of the lower can- ert floor at sea level to the sum- Our measurements were made with an
yon is not steep, the water splashes over mit of San Jacinto peak. altimeter and are therefore only approxi-
the boulders in a never-ending series of mate, but this second major fall, was
miniature waterfalls and clear crystal higher than the first, probably 175 feet.
pools—always a delight to the hiker. tied the fish problem by suggesting to Moss and ferns decorated its glistening
Don Admiral searched the pools for a Don that the only species of trout in granite face.
glimpse of trout. Dr. Harvey finally set- these waters is Salmo non-existus. And Another detour was necessary but na-


EL. 10,805 FT.



ture had been kind and the climb to the
top was made through a heavy mat of
wild grapevines which furnished good
handholds where the going was steep.
Then we came to the daddy of all the
Falls creek cascades—a magnificent drop
of 350 feet. As the water struck project-
ing rocks on its way down the cliff it
broke into cloud-like sprays that floated
off and faded against the blue sky.
Countless ages of downpour over the
rocky wall have eroded a deep-set cove
in the canyon. From where we stood at
the bottom it appeared that the stream
was coming over the bare-faced top of a
mountain. We were eager to climb that
wall and see what lay beyond.
The top of these falls was the goal of
our day's excursion—and it was quite
evident the last 350 feet would be the
hardest. For our detour we selected a
steep chute. It was fairly easy climbing
at the start, but as we made our way up-
ward we found slopes of decomposed
granite that offered uncertain footing. It
was one of those treadmill slopes where
you lift your foot 12 inches upward in
the loose gravel—and if you slide back
only 11 inches you are lucky.
At one point we used our rope for
added security, but the greater part of
the ascent involved more hard work than
Eventually we reached the top and
found ourselves on a rolling plateau—a
sort of bench with the canyon dropping
away sharply to the desert on one side,
and above our heads the almost vertical
walls of upper San Jacinto mountain.
It was lunch time and we sat down on
the smooth granite slabs at the top of
the falls and enjoyed the scenery as we
ate our sandwiches.
Our altimeter registered 3150 feet—
less than one-third the way to the top
of San Jacinto. I have a high respect for
those Sierra club boys and other moun-
taineers who have made the climb from This is one of the many smaller cascades which tumble down the north slopes
Whitewater to the summit in a single of San Jacinto peak.
day. !
At the bottom of the first of the three down into the watershed of the east fork would want to hurry when there were a
major falls our altimeter read 2250 feet. of Snow creek. An old trail follows couple of botanists along, exclaiming
Falls creek wastes no time getting down along the crest of the canyon. The path over their discoveries like prospectors
over the intervening 900 feet. evidently has been little used in recent finding gold nuggets? Bill Hillery and I
years and is in a bad state of repair— enjoyed it, even if we couldn't under-
On the distant horizon beyond San but old trails always have a fascination stand the words. Bill and I were just a
Gorgonio pass the bald-headed peak of for the explorer in the desert country be- couple of dumbheads during the scien-
old Grayback was the outstanding land- cause many of those found in this region tific part of the expedition, but we took
mark. Across the desert below we could were first trod by the moccasined feet of the lead when the time came to climb
follow the route of the Colorado river prehistoric Indians. those rock faces around the falls. We
aqueduct and the main highway. Thous-
had the men-of-brains groggy and hang-
ands of motorists roll along over that We followed the trail back to the in-
ing on the ropes when the job called for
paved road, unaware of the scenic gran- take. According to Don Admiral, our brawn-without-brains.
deur of the deep canyon recesses in the trip had taken us up through Lower
mountain slopes between them and the Sonoran and Upper Sonoran life zones If you like the rugged scenery of the
top of San Jacinto. and into the chaparral or transitional canyons found on the rim of the desert,
area. and do not mind a day of vigorous tramp-
Leaving the stream above the upper ing and climbing, Falls creek canyon
falls for the return trip we crossed over We had covered five miles in seven offers a thrilling reward for the effort
a low ridge to the west and dropped hours — an easy day's hike, but who it will cost to scale those granite boulders.

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 17

• * ;

By ANTHONY BURKE at the Southern California desert resort many months ago.
Map by BEE NICOLL Plans began to take definite form in September when invita-
tions were mailed to congenial friends of the saddle in all
^. / ROM the shelter of San Jacinto peak into one of the parts of the country.
I weirdest lands under a desert sun rode a happy troop The response was immediate. And so the Vaqueros were
of men this fall—los Vaqueros del Desierto. They left organized. Sam Buckingham was elected president; Warren
behind them the luxuries of the colorful city of Palm Springs B. Pinney became treasurer, and Frank Bennett secretary. An
to face the "rigors" of a five-day trek into the mysterious executive committee was named to arrange campsites, food
lands lying to the north. supplies, and solve the problem of providing water for man
The idea was born among members of the riding fraternity and animal on a desert where waterholes are sparse.




PflLlff CLUB
^Pc—j*^.- —« S^r-s-^ «


Such a trek involves a thousand and one details—enter- bath—but most of them returned to Palm Springs carrying
tainment for the evenings, lighting equipment, firewood, cook the grime and beards of five days away from a tiled bath-
stove and portable tables and chairs. Seven trucks were kept room,
rolling. N o cavalry division ever was better served. This was the first trek of los Vaqueros del Desierto—but
Stage coaches and a four-horse covered wagon joined the the success of the event made certain the fulfillment of the
cross country procession through the Joshua forests. Not all plan of its sponsors, that it should be an annual event,
the Vaqueros were seasoned riders—there were lawyers and Officers and riders who contributed to success of the trek
doctors, innkeepers, industrialists and movie stars. Cushioned are officially listed as follows:
buckboards were provided for those unaccustomed to long F L PRESIDENTE Sam J. Buckingham
hours in saddle leather. Yet there was one member of the Check Book Boss—Treasurer Warren Pinney
party, who had never been astride a horse before, who rode Round-up Boss—Secretary Frank Benneit
the entire 85 miles. Camp Boss—Silverware Col. Cliff Meade
„ ., . . . . . , , , T-. i o • .1 i Buckboard Boss—Transportation Travis Rogers
t r o m their initial rendezvous at Palm Springs they rode T n u | Guide *_ Frank Bo|ert
through the Devil's Garden and on toward the fantastic Corral Boss—Registration Dr. Bacon Cliffton
wonderland of rocks which the government has set aside as Straw Boss—Identification Bob Ransom
the Joshua Tree national monument. Tack Boss Lee Bergen
From the floor of the desert they rode to a mile-high mesa lop ^tmglet"j " Earl Coffman
. . . i i i Pony Express Rider George Roberson
- p a s t isolated palm oases through rocky canyons, among Medicine M a n - O / W D0f/Or Dr Jas. Oliver
grotesque Joshua trees and up into the juniper and pinon Horse Doctor Alvah Hicks
pine. And when night came they slept beneath the desert Chow and Java Professor Jack Petras
stars. Beverage Baron Harry Sperb
_,. ,ii -i r i Mule Skinner Pat Patterson
They sang as they rode—a congenial group of men who Bull rhiowet-Publicity Tony Burke
treasured the opportunity for a recess from stuffy offices and Hay Fever Champ Charlie Farrell
crowded pavements. And when they came to the evening Water Boy W. Parker Lyon
campsite, tired but happy, they found a steaming meal of Investigator John Pyles
D e a n of
well-cooked chow, prepared by Jack Petras, awaiting them. Wimmen Don Lake

Some of fhe hardier souls braved the chill of a sponge Continued on page 31

Scene of the last night's camp at Thousand Palms canyon—Photo by Chuck Abbott

i . m.

*£»* ' Hi a *.

So If on Want to Collect
Many inquiries have come to the Desert Magazine from readers who
want to know how and where to start collecting gem stones and minerals as
a hobby. Because of this widespread interest, John W. Hilton, collector and
lapidarist of many years' experience, was asked to write an article for
beginners. For those who do not know one stone from another, the accom-
panying text will suggest a starting place. Gem collecting, like any other hobby
calls for enthusiasm and effort—but for those who are willing to give the time
and energy this pastime offers a rich reward in indoor entertainment and
outdoor recreation.

were just rocks to me," reasons for collecting minerals is their

'd a visitor the other day, beauty. The stone age man who first
"until I began reading the picked up a rock for any other purpose
Desert Magazine. Now I think it would than self-defense probably did so because
be interesting to collect them, but I don't it was pretty. This admiration for beauty
know where to start." in specimens persists, regardless of how
It is for people like this I have pre- specialized or scientific the collector may
pared this article, and for dozens of become. I have seen professors of min-
others who have written or called at my eralogy who have handled rare speci-
gem shop with questions as to how to go mens all their lives, dig into their purse
about starting a collection. to buy a crystal as common as pyrite of
"Why stop at gems?" asked one pros- iron simply because it was an exception-
pective collector. "You seem to have all ally beautiful piece.
kinds of minerals in your collections." I have met a number of collectors who
The answer is that there is no reason we gathered rocks for their beauty, and noth-
should stop with gems. We merely start ing else. "I care nothing about the scien-
with the more precious types of minerals tific classification or the chemistry of my
because the idea of collecting them has specimens, I merely gather them for the
a greater appeal for the novice. rare artistry of their color and form,"
Mineral collecting is a large field with one such collector told me.
many interesting variations. No matter Human curiosity being what it is, this
how hard the collector tries to specialize, type of collector sooner or later does ac-
sooner or later he will find himself quire some scientific knowledge of his
bringing home an interesting fossil when specimens. Eventually he is on the band
he went out to find copper ores, or carry- wagon with the rest of us, boring or in-
ing back some pretty calcite crystals when teresting his friends—as the case may be
it was agate he was seeking. —with a full history of each specimen in
The field is so broad, however, that his possession.
the real collector eventually will special- As a start, I recommend to every as-
ize in a particular class of stones. The Lodestone—a magnetic iron found piring collector a good handbook bn
natural interests of the person and the on the Colorado desert of Southern minerals and semi-precious stones. There
opportunities for collecting will govern California. Original discovery of this are many such books and the names of
this decision. stone by the Chinese led to the in- a few are suggested in connection with
Advanced hobbyists may specialize in vention of the compass. this article.
the chemistry of stones. Those with a lik- The next step is to secure a "hardness"
ing of mathematics will be fascinated by variation known in diamond crystals— set, consisting of small pieces of minerals
the crystalline structure of minerals. Many all at a cost of less than a single carat of that range in degree of hardness from
crystalized minerals form beautiful groups marketable material. These small capsules one to ten. Any good handbook will tell
while others are found as single or model are easy to catalog, and the entire col- how to use this set in testing stones. To
crystals. lection with microscope and index can be assist in becoming acquainted with color
I know one collector who has made a carried in a light trunk. and general appearance of the more com-
life-long hobby of collecting tiny model Other collectors specialize in the opti- mon specimens, small sample boxes of
crystals of the earth's minerals. His cal properties of minerals, or in the minerals may be obtained ranging in cost
specimens range in size from that of a fluorescent and phosphorescent minerals. from 35 cents to several dollars. These
pinhead to a crystal that will fill a medi- But all of this is for the advanced are available from supply houses and fre-
cine capsule. These small specimens when collector, and we are interested just now quently are on sale in curio stores.
viewed through a low power microscope in the person who hardly knows one After materials have been secured for
often are more interesting and beautiful stone from another—but who would like determining color and hardness, the col-
than the larger crystals. The small size to gain an elementary knowledge of how lector will want to secure a "streak plate,"
enables the collector to obtain many rari- to identify the more common gem min- which is nothing more than an ordinary
ties at little cost. erals. slab of rough white porcelain. The
For instance, he has practically every One of the most primitive and lasting "streak" is determined by scratching the


mineral specimen across this plate. Some This photograph shows the double on the desert or visit it frequently have
minerals leave no streak while others refractive type of calcite known as a decided advantage over collectors to
leave a mark of an entirely different color Iceland spar. A piece of string pho- whom the desert is not accessible. There
from that of the specimen. This is an im- tographed through the calcite crys- are not many of the important minerals
portant test in identifying many of the tal becomes two images. known to man which are not found
metallic minerals. somewhere in the desert Southwest.
Both the hardness sets and streak plates I want to stress the matter of good
may be purchased quite reasonably from BOOKS AND SUPPLIES
Many books and magazines are avail- sportsmanship in the gathering of min-
firms which supply collectors and schools
with such materials.
able relating to the subject of gems and eral specimens. After all, there are thou-
gem-cutting. The list is too long to be sands of us who are interested in collect-
A small magnifying glass adds much given here, but the following are cited
as authoritative publications: ing and we should be considerate of our
interest to a field trip, and a collector Gems—How to Know and Cut Them,
should also have a light prospector's pick fellow hobbyists. The first rule of a good
bv Horace L. Thomson, published by collector is not to waste or destroy. If
and a specimen bag. In the bag should be Graphic Press, 4314 Sunset Blvd., Los
a supply of soft paper for wrapping the Angeles. each selects only what he wants for his
Handbook for the Amateur Lapidary, own collection, and perhaps a few speci-
rocks. An old collector once told me "a by J. Harry Howard, 504 Crescent Ave.,
mineral worth picking up is worth wrap- Greenville. S. C. mens for exchange, there will always be
ping up." Nature spent millions of years The Pacific Mineralogist, semi-annual plenty for others who will follow. The
forming these specimens, and it is publication of the Los Angeles Min- breaking up of rocks out of mere curiosi-
eralogical Society, 6731 Arbutus Ave.,
thoughtless of man to risk spoiling their Huntington Park, Calif. ty or without thought of taking them
beauty for lack of a little wrapping paper. The Mineralogist, published monthly along comes in the same category with
at Portland, Oregon. the shooting of game and leaving it.
After the prospective collector has as- For lapidary and collector's equip-
sembled his equipment, the next ques- ment the following concerns are known Another important thing to keep in
tion is where to go. Perhaps I am prej- to be reliable:
The Johns Co., maker of the Johns mind is the rights of owners of private
udiced in favor of the desert because I
Gem Cutter, Sappington, St. Louis property. Many mine dumps and ore bins
have enjoyed so many happy and profit- county, Mo.
able field trips in the desert country— may be wonderful sources of mineral
Southwest Gem & Jewelry Co., 321
but I do recommend it as the finest area W. 5th St., Los Angeles, Calif. specimens if the collector respects the
for mineral and gem collecting. W . A. Felker, maker of home lapi- rights of the mine owners. Miners gener-
dary units, 3321 Emerald St., Torrance, ally are a friendly lot and if approached
If the beginner can accompany an ex- California.
Ward's Natural Science Establish- in the right way will allow collecting on
perienced collector on the first trip or ment, Rochester, N . Y. their property. If they take an unfriendly
two, this will give him - - or her, for
attitude, more than likely it is because
women become no less enthusiastic col-
lectors than men—the "feel" of the col- they have had previous experience with
will find he is observing many things not
lecting art, and help train the eyes to see seen by the casual hiker.
and recognize good specimens. Soon he We who are fortunate enough to live Continued on page 28

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 21
tke, . . .
Sez Hard
It was while he was working at his Rock Shorty
trade in the Arizona Pioneers' Home at of
Prescott, Arizona, that CHAS. C. NIE-
HUIS became acquainted with Petra and
]im Tucker and was told the strange Death
story which appears in this number of
the Desert Magazine.
Niehuis earns his living as a barber,
but when the day's work is done at th.2 By LON GARRISON
shop devotes his time to his hobbies— "Well, anyhow," commented
historical research, photography and Hard Rock Shorty, "these here des-
writing. His manuscripts have appeared ert alum water springs'll outdraw
in Arizona Magazine (now out of publi- anythin' I ever seen, right down to
cation), Arizona Highway Magazine, an' includin' them birdseed poul-
Sports Afield and the American Baptist tices my Maw used to plaster on
publications. me."
• • • Hard Rock tipped back in his
HUGH LACY, whose story of the Ev- chair on the porch and produced
erett Ruess mystery in the September an ancient, well caked fumigator
number of the Desert Magazine was one that once-upon-a-time was a pipe.
of the most unusual and fascinating fea- Now it was just something that
tures yet published in these pages, is a looked like it had been a pipe and
comparative youngster in the field of smelled worse than fertilizer. He
• El Capitan...the stuffed it full of ground hay that
gleaming streamliner that writing. He is 22 years old, was born at he kept loose in his pocket, and
Bisbee, Arizona, but now makes his how he lit it without getting his
puts new thrills into Santa
home in Whittier where he has a wife whiskers involved remained a per-
Fe economy travel!
and two-year-old daughter. Despite his petual mystery.
• With speed of the youth he has had a varied experience—
laborer, shipping clerk, grocery boy, "Why, lemme tell you about
swiftest deluxe trains, El what happened to Gene Bank's
Capitan's time between Los salesman and amateur and professional horse over in the Panamints last
Angeles and Chicago is just
boxer at various times. year. He got bit by a sidewinder in
39% hours. He is now WPA Senior Editor in Los the leg—the horse, not Gene—an'
Angeles. the durn leg swole up 'til it looked
• Money is saved. like it was on wrong end up.
The fares on this rapid It was through Lacy's friendship for Wouldn't go d o w n , neither.
Streamliner are only $44.50 the Ruess family in Los Angeles that the Gene'd one o' them alum water
Everett Ruess letters, the first one of springs up in Fried Egg Canyon on
one-way, and only $75.00
which appears in this number of the his ranch, an' he just led the ol'
for the round trip. horse over there an' soaked the
Desert Magazine, have been made avail-
able for publication. Mr. and Mrs. Ruess swole up leg in the alum water.
NEW BEAUTY A N D COMFORT The leg went down like a punctured
have been unwilling at any time to cap-
El Capitan carries the most balloon, but Gene'd went at it a
italize the mysterious disappearance of
bit too vigorous like, an' didn't
modern of all stainless steel their son, but they still cling to the hope stop soakin' in time so that leg got
Chair Cars; spacious dress- that Everett may be alive, and they con- to be a bit shorter'n the others.
ing rooms; expansive car win- sented to the publication of the letters Gene had quite a time tryin' to get
dows; new cushion softness with two thoughts in mind—one that 'em squared up, splashin water a
of the chair's upholstery. they might bring to light some additional little on this leg, an' then on
information about their missing son, and that'n, an' he never did get 'em
Fred Harvey Tavern Diner. the other, that from Everett's experience just right. The horse ain't got much
Special Cars for women and other young people may gain some en- more legs left'n one o' them Ger-
children; the Courier-Nurse couragement in the pursuit of the arts man weenie dawgs, an' still limps a
for friendly aid to all.
which meant so much to their son. bit on odd corners—but Gene did
get rid o' that swellin."
DEDICATED TO SERVICE AND Everett's mother, Stella Knight Ruess,
is an artist of unusual versatility. She
does blockprints, bookplates, Christmas
ines and icons has been widely exhibited.
SANTA FE TICKET OFFICES cards, carving, modeling and is a writer Christopher G. Ruess, Everett's father,
AND TRAVEL BUREAUX and poet. Her books include Poems in is a California pioneer in probation work
149 No. Central Ave., PHOENIX Trees. Los Angeles in Blockprint, and a and formerly was chief probation officer
5th Ave. & B St., and Santa Fe
Station, SAN DIEGO. 743 S. Hill biography William Henry Knight, Cali- at Oakland. He is a Harvard graduate
St., LOS ANGELES. 601 Market
St. & 44-4th St. SAN FRANCISCO fornia Pioneer, has recently been pub- and is now a member of the Los Angeles
lished. Her collection of Madonna figur- probation department.



Salt Lake City, Utah . . . Washington, D. C. . .

Silver lining for tin cans is recommended
Skier and Skater
Employing 150 men, the Tooele, Utah • 33 Styles of Skis
copper smelter of the International Smelting by the U. S. bureau of standards as offering
and Refining company has reopened. The important new commercial use for the • 36 Styles of Shoes
smelter had been closed since June. A lead white metal. A thin coat of silver, says a • 20 Books on Skiing and
furnace of the American Smelting and Re- bulletin from the bureau, increases resist-
ance to corrosion, improves preservation of Skating
fining company at Murray, Utah, has been
reopened, employing 300 men. It has been canned foods. The new lining may also • 32 Styles of Bindings
closed since May. have germicidal value. With cash provided • Hirsch-Weis Ski
by silver producers, bureau experts are
• • • testing silver for use in alloys for airplane
Reno, Nevada . . . castings. • Ski Carriers for Autos
Confidence in the maintenance of pre- • • • We rent skis and ski shoes,
vailing prices by leading domestic metals Silver City, New Mexico . . . put on bindings and edges
was expressed by leaders in the nation's and do repairing.
mining industry, says Director Jay Carpen- Reinstatement of 71 employes discharged
by the Nevada Consolidated Copper cor- Wholesale & Retail
ter of the Mackay school of mines, in a re-
view of the American Congress of Mining poration at its mine workings here has been MAIL ORDERS FILLED
Engineers. Foreign rearmament is using the ordered by the national labor relations
lion's share of the present copper supply, board. Back pay, or amount lost through VAN DEGRIFTS, INC.
Carpenter says, with domestic consumption discharge, is also recommended for the re- SKI HUT
slowly increasing. Believing that maximum instated men, in a report by Examiner 607 WEST 7TH STREET
production would be poor policy, major op- Joseph Kiernan, who presided at a hearing
erators are said to have agreed to limited last summer here, and who charges the com-
pany with attempting to interfere with Phone VANDYKE 6275 Los ANGELES
• • • union activities.
Goldfield, Nevada . . .
Law to protect the badger, the prospect- Winnemucca, Nevada . . .
or's best friend, is proposed by A. J. Coss, Donald C. Gillies has been elected presi-
Winnemucca mining man. Coss said that 16 dent of the American Institute of Mining MRS. A. S. C. FORBES
or 17 mines in Nevada have been discovered and Metallurgical engineers. His genius for Manufacturer of
with the assistance of badgers. He believes organization and administration and a
a bill should be introduced in the state leg-
islature providing a penalty for harming
one of them. "First thing a prospector does
Scotch sense of the value of profits are
credited with his rapid rise in the mining
Ch,urch Bells
when he examines the country with an eye
world. His first job was pushing slag pots AND CALIF. MISSION SOUVENIRS
in a Montana smelter. Then he was an as-
to finding a mine, is to look at the dirt sayer, mining engineer, chief engineer, gen- 335 W . 31st S T R E E T
dug out by the badgers, to see if there is eral superintendent and manager for all the RICHMOND 4732
any quartz in it," says Coss. properties of Senator William A. Clark. LOS ANGELES
• • • Now he is vice president of Republic Steel,
Globe, Arizona . . . at Cleveland. In Nevada he is especially
remembered for his operations in Tonopah
Mine workers are included in interstate and Goldfield boom days. Before Going
commerce or in the production of goods for
interstate commerce and therefore most of To Bed
the mining industry comes under the pro-
visions of the federal wage-hour law, Wes-
Tucson, Arizona . . . TAKE
ley O. Ash, a regional director of the labor Samples of ores and their associated
department's wage and hour division, told rocks from more than 200 of the world's
the American Mining congress. Small mines
selling products in crude form to processing
plants in the same state will be subject to
famous mines make up a collection in the
school of mines and engineering at the uni-
versity of Arizona. Platinum, gold, silver,
the law, he declared.
• • •
copper, iron, molybdenum, cobalt, tin, nickel
and other ores have been collected from all BRQM0 SELTZER
Phoenix, Arizona . . .
Arizona's Small Mine Operators associa-
the mining states in the U. S., provinces in
Canada, South American countries, Mexico,
Alaska, Philippine Islands, Russia, Japan,
i. -
tion is working on a completely new state
mining code to be presented to the 14th
Korea, Germany, Spain, Austria, Australia,
south Africa and Newfoundland. In no
HEADACHE Settles Stomach
legislature. Hope is that a law similar to other mining school in the world is there a Soothes Nerves
the federal code will be enacted to facilitate comparable display, it is claimed.
locating and operating mining properties on
state lands. It is proposed to provide a tax
in lieu of assessment work, much higher Big Pine, California . . .
than the tax on grazing land, "to discour-
age holding of non-mineral lands and to
bar holding mineral lands in idleness." The
Displaying a gold nugget worth $160,
Harry Mornway came to town on election
day from his claims in Marble canyon. The
proposed code will be submitted to the 46
councils of the association before it is sent
to the legislature.
find is largest reported from that district,
although several other nuggets have been
and Qem
discovered there. Increased activity is ex- JOHN W. HILTON, Owner.
• • • pected on placers in the vicinity, with ar-
rival of spring. Featuring gem-cutting in our en-
Tonopah, Nevada . . . larged plant. We sell lapidary
Manhattan Gold Dredging company has • • •
equipment and materials, give ad-
placed in commission a mammoth dredger vice and aid to amateurs.
at the Donald and Cole-Kirchen placers in Las Vegas, Nevada . . .
Fred Low, instructor.
Manhattan Gulch, Nye county. Largest ever On the Nevada desert near Pahute springs
built in Nevada, the unit is said to have a surveyors found a boulder weighing nearly U. S. 99 HIGHWAY
capacity of 350,000 cubic yards of gravel a ton. It assayed $270 gold and 200 ounces ACROSS FROM VALERIE JEAN DATE
per month. The dredge is said to have cost of silver. Searchers are trying to locate the SHOP. P. O. ADDRESS, THERMAL, CALIF.
S75O,OOO. ledge from which the rock broke loose.

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 23
Broad and simple lines make
this home harmonize with its
background . . . . rugged con- Nestled on the sunny slope of a semi-desert mountain, this ten-room modern
struction makes it comfortable home of Architect Kenneth A. Gordon embodies many features of interest to
for desert living. the desert dweller planning new construction. The home pictured is an early
California-Spanish ranch house design. Walls are of concrete adobe-size
blocks, topped by red tile roof. The porch floor is made of hand-shaped Mexi-
can tile, while the tile floor in the dining room is of San Salvador design.
Redwood beamed ceiling is used
in living room and dining room,
while eucalyptus logs serve as raft-
ers on the porch.
The house has simple lines, the
roof line repeating the profile of the
hills. Native vegetation is used in
landscaping and large boulders
break monotony of the yard. Boul-
ders were also used to make an in-
formal wall around the exposed
sides of the property.
The Gordon home is at an eleva-
tion of 1200 feet, overlooking a can-
yon. This type of structure will fit ad-
mirably into the architectural vogue
of Palm Springs, Tucson, and other
fast-growing resort communities of
the desert southwest.
The long porch is protected by
wings of the house and opens on a
fountain in the patio. The broad and
simple lines harmonize with the
western spirit and the construction
assures comfort in desert climate.
Continued jrom page 14
with round metal disks on its sides. riding in the mountains in the Estados,
Complete Building Service
I was bursting with questions, and and I was with him. We was up high,
Jim laughed when he saw me jerk for- and could see more mountains, 15, maybe From original cost estimates to
ward with eagerness. 20 miles away, and he stop and say, installation of kitchen appliances
"It's a good story, eh?'' he roared with 'Petra, I am a poor man, now, and maybe we offer complete home building
a grin. some time I die before you, and leave service in Imperial Valley.
"You bet it is! But why didn't they you nothing. You get a good man, and
come back here. You go to those moun- Our services include planning,
report it, or claim the ship?"
tains,' and he point, 'the ship, it is there. estimating, supervision, insula-
"Well, Charlie, Petra's told me the
It is worth more than the gold in the tion, plumbing, electrical, roof-
story many times, and I asked all those
questions, too. Santiago was the only one ollas! ing, and supplying all types of
'The sand is blowing in there, Petra, building material and labor.
of the men who realized he had found
something. The others were only inter- and will cover the ship soon, in few See us first about your new
ested in the gold in the ollas, which they years. So, look for writing on the wall of home. We can help you arrange
didn't find. Santiago couldn't go back to the canyon—high up. Too high to reach easy-pay FHA terms.
claim the find, because the ship was in from the ground, and too far down to
the United States, and he'd have had to reach from the top! It is not Indian writ-
file in Los Angeles—and he was still
steering clear of that place."
ing, nor English, but some strange writ-
ing which must be made by the man of
Sones Lumber Co-
the strange ship. Look for it.' EL CENTRO, CALIF.
"Didn't any of them ever go back?"
"Petra claims they all died, of one "So, when Santiago is gone, after
some time I do get a good man," here
thing or another, and none of them ever
got back." she turned and looked at Jim a moment, YOU NEED
with her hands folded in her lap.
Here Petra began speaking swiftly in AUTOMATIC
Spanish. Jim started translating, for my "But, he don't believe my story for
benefit, so Petra changed to English
long time. Now it is too late, we are too
I, too, looked at Jim. He lit his brown
"One time, my husband, Santiago was
paper cigarette, and drew deeply. Words RIGHT N O W
came out with the pale smoke. Crisp, cold nights and chilly mornings
"We went to San Diego once, Charlie, are still ahead. Trouble-free oil heat
TYLER AGENCY and I stopped in a station to get gas, and
got to talking. I asked the fellow if he
will keep your home comfortably warm
all day and evening — during every
waking hour. Oil heat is inexpensive—
W. H. Tyler, Jr. J. W. Tyler knew if there was much placer gold in you can have conditioned heat in your
Complete Insurance Service - Realtors the hills. He said, 'I don't know if there present and future home easily and eco-
Phone 660 520 Main St. nomically. There is
is any gold up there, but there's supposed
to be a ship up there in some canyon.' H. C. LITTLE or HAMMER-BRAY
oil heating equipment designed to meet
"We were in the right place too, just your requirements. For more detailed
In the Center of Downtown north of Tecate. information, write today to
"Did anyone else ever find it?" I "The Desert Distributor"
"A fellow in Phoenix told me he saw
a newspaper account in a coast paper, 1045 VENICE BLVD. LOS ANGELES
FOURTH AND or See Your Local Dealer:
where a prospector, who had been in the
SPRING STS. hills had come to town. The first place CHAS. C. ELROD
DOWNTOWN he hit was a bootleggin' joint, and he got 430 Grove Avenue
drunk. He told a story about finding a PRESCOTT, ARIZONA
ship in the mountains, and of course got V. H. WATTLES
laughed at. Then as he was on his way to 2726 Main Street
the courthouse to file a claim he got hit RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA
by a street car, and killed instantly. They B & A OIL CO.
always get killed, or die some way, don't Imperial & Vencil
they, Charlie? Kinda queer, in a way
ain't it?" JAMES BARNES
119 Third Street
I could feel a spell of mental indiges- CALEXICO, CALIFORNIA
tion coming on, and I must have shown CHAS. G. GREEN
it. 153 Main Street
"Don't believe it, do you, eh?" Jim BRAWLEY, CALIFORNIA
Right in the center of activities.. queried, leaning toward me. "Well, NEVADA NATIONAL ICE CO.
. . . . a quiet, comfortable hotel
home . . 200 rooms * j oc
neither do I, sometimes! Then, again— LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH, N E V .

From S2 with from • 1 but, say, Charlie, I told this story to a WILLISTON & IRELAND
Private Bath ' prospector once. Was trying to get him KINGMAN, ARIZONA
interested enough to go with me to look ARNOLD C. McCOY
for it. And, you know what he told me?
Angelus De Anza He said 'Jim, if you ever tell that story
H O T E L to a burro, he'll kick your brains out!'" CLIFTON, ARIZONA

ANUARY, 1 9 3 9 25
CORONET -tfete and iltete
size) ARIZONA Yuma . . .
Tucson . . . What to do with 1,000,000 acres of land
in the Castle Dome, Kofa and Cabeza Prieta
Arizona Pioneers society heard Father
mountain districts of Yuma county? That's
Bonaventure Oblasser, veteran Indian mis-
The WORLD'S the issue with clashing proposals from fed-
sionary priest, offer to lead the Marcos de
Smallest eral and state agencies. A. A. Nichol, in
Niza centennial parade next year, dressed
CAMERA charge of wild-life work for the national
as the priest who arrived in Arizona in
for fine park service, wants the area set aside for
1539. Father Bonaventure said he would be
photography dwindling herds of Arizona desert bighorn
followed in the parade by a group of Papa-
sheep. He says 700 bighorns are left now
go Indians dressed in gee strings, the cus-
in the state, while there were nearly 4,000
tomary garb of their ancestors of 400 years
in 1913- Department of the interior has
. . 'snaps' friends, relatives, people, children at ago. J. A. Rockfellow of Tombstone told
designated the land as grazing area. The
play, pets, in their intimate moments—unobtru- the pioneers of a Scotsman who pulled his
sively—and without their knowledge . . Entire- governor of Arizona, opposed to giving
own teeth, and presented to the society the
ly new in design and construction, the CORO- supervision of any more state lands to fed-
NET is a precise instrument with a fine Taylor - forceps used by the hero of his tale.
Hobson Lens, Jnstant Shutter, a Safety-catch
eral government has launched a counter of-
to prevent accidental exposures and a clear, Santa Claus . . . fensive to withdraw national park lands
luminous Optical View-finder . . . In every
Between Kingman and Boulder dam, from U. S. control and turn them over to
detail of its construction, a unique excellence
distinguishes this marvelous little camera where there was no town for 80 miles, Mrs. the state.
which you will be proud to own. The highly Santa Claus has established this new com-
corrected lens produces needle-sharp negatives Bisbee . . .
that enlarge beautifully . . . Made in England's munity. She has built a toy town for chil-
most important camera factory, the CORONET dren and expects Jim Farley to add Santa A huge white cross, 60 by 11.2 feet, with
is a rugged and substantial instrument encased Claus to the list of postoffices. There's a a 12-foot statue of the Spanish priest Marcos
in beautiful Bakelite . . . Known by thousands
as "The Tom Thumb of Cameras," the Midget "Christmas stocking" filling station, a Toy- de Niza and a kneeling Indian before him,
is the world's finest 16mm town Tavern, and Cinderella's doll-house will be erected on the new Bisbee-Fort
Miniature Camera as well as
the smallest.
.85 has been completed recently. Mrs. Ninon
Talbott is the founder of the community
Huachuca highway near Palominas, if the
project approved here is carried out. The lo
i Postpaid
MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE and she is happy to find that tourists on cation is near the spot where historians say
Price, if ordered now, includes 20c Extra on their way to Boulder dam are delighted
I rolls of special fine-grain film C.O.D. Orders the priest entered Arizona, first white man
with her idea. "I am building up the char-
Dept. 158 to touch the soil of the state. Advocates of
acter of Mrs. Santa Claus," says Mrs. Tal-
The WHITESTONE COMPANY bott. "She seems to have been neglected up the memorial say it will be the greatest
WHITESTONE, L. I. NEW YORK to this time. I have started a gift shop and monument of its type in all Arizona. Work
coffee shop, but the town of Santa Claus is is scheduled to start at once, following a
primarily a toy town for children. W e will meeting of local citizens and state highway
have a postoffice soon." officials.
Bouse . . .
Seventeen-months-old Kay Donovan wan-
dered away from home and when her CALIFORNIA
ON THE BORDER grandmother found the child Kay had a
two-foot rattlesnake in her arms. When Indio . . .
. . . if you wish to combine the the grandparent separated baby and snake, Riverside county has bought several
the child made a dive for the reptile. Grand- acres of land at Avenue 66 and Jackson
healthful relaxation of mild dad killed the snake, which had four rat- street for park purposes. The site contains
tles. The baby had not been bitten. rocks with prehistoric pictographs and offi-
winter climate with the languid
Window Rock . . . cials will now be able to protect these in-
hospitality of Old Mexico, come Thousands of Navajo Indians journeyed scriptions against mutilation.
through cold and snow from the far-flung
corners of their vast reservation to witness Blythe . . .

installation of their new tribal council of 72 Lee Harden, farmer, killed and ate a
members. First election employing white young rabbit. Ten days later Harden devel-
man's ballot on the reservation was held oped symptoms of what he thought was
weeks ago. Votes were of different colors, influenza. His physician said Harden was a
the color voted denoting the favored candi- victim of tularemia, blamed the rabbit. The
Colorful cantinas a n d historic date. When Jake Morgan took the gavel as farmer's hands were scratched when he
new chairman and the old council was dis- skinned the rabbit, infection in that way
points of interest . . . modern solved, radio microphones, hanging over the entering the man's blood stream. Tularemia
hostelries a n d accommodations heads of moccasined, long-haired old men is usually accompanied by high fever, ach-
for motor tourists . . . and the and younger tribesmen garbed in modern ing body. Recovery in this case is expected.
cost of living in this interesting raiment, carried the proceedings to outly- Doctors warn against any contact at all with
ing hogans. Dashue Cla Chischillige, Ship- rabbits in this district. Palo Verde valley
and exciting environment is rock, N . M., councilmen, in a speech said:
only a fraction of costs in other has had five tularemia cases in the past two
"We pray and sing every day to get rich. years, all traced to rabbits, which carry the
desert resorts. We should study the white man's stock, his disease.
herding and his breeding methods."
Come to Calexico this winter jor Mojave . . • El Centro . . .
a new and different vacation. In the recent statewide election a full set Desert grapefruit growers from Salt River
of officials was named to preside at the and Yuma valleys in Arizona, Imperial and
voting in Keohan's ranch precinct. Al- Coachella valleys in California, have elected
though two judges and a clerk were duly B. A. Harrigan, Imperial's agricultural
appointed to take care of the 16 voters reg- commissioner, as piesident of the board of
Chamber of Commerce istered there, when final returns were tabu-
lated it was found that no one in the pre-
trustees to market their crop. Ike Pearson
of Brawley is statistician for the organiza-
CALEXICO. CALIFORNIA cinct, including the officials, had cast a tion. Spread between field and retail price
vote. prompted the plan thus inaugurated.


Needles . . . Boulder City . . . Albuquerque . . .
Reclamation Bureau engineers are laying Boulder dam recreational area drew 564,- President Roosevelt has endorsed reques;:
out routes for construction roads to Bulls- 800 visitors during the travel year ended for $200,000 federal appropriation to pro-
head canyon damsite on the Colorado rivet- September 30, 1938. California sent 218,039, mote New Mexico's Coronado Cuarto Cen-
north of Needles. Arizona and Nevada ap- almost half of the total, with Nevada in tennial, scheduled for 1940. Participation
proaches are being studied. On both sides second place, represented by 58,852 per- of all Latin-American nations in the cele-
of the river, this area is the roughest of sons; Arizona third with 38,491 and Utah bration will be urged, on suggestion of
mountain country. It will be a tough job to fourth with 26,699. Most of the other sight- U. S. state department. Call for internation
build roads over which materials and ma- seers came from the middle western states. al conferences of educators, historians, an-
chinery can be hauled to the damsite. It is The army of travelers came in 185,400 ve- thropologists and scientists was sent to the
estimated that construction of this project hicles; 3,042 by airplane; in 11 special Pan-American conference at Lima in De-
would irrigate 200,000 acres of mesa land. trains carrying 2,510 persons, and 16,150 cember.
H. P. Bunger, Reclamation engineer, is, in- arrived at the dam by stage.
vestigating possibilities of new irrigation Silver Peak . . . UTAH
projects on the lower Colorado in the Cibola Twenty-eight leading citizens here faced Ogden . . .
area, between Palo Verde and Picacho, and trial on a charge of "stealing" the local
in the Chuckawalla district. Richard H. Rutledge of this city has been
high school from its legal location on the appointed director of the division of graz-
desert south of town. On Hallowe'en the ing, commissioned by Secretary Ickes to suc-
Banning . . . building was moved to the center of the ceed Farrington R. Carpenter, resigned after
Mighty blasts have ripped away the last village. School board members swore to the four years' service. Rutledge took up his
remaining granite barrier in 13-mile San complaints. The defendants were fined $1. new duties November 15. For the past 18
Jacinto tunnel of the Metropolitan district each, Justice of the Peace Thomas Whyte years he has been in charge of the inter-
aqueduct. Drilling crews working from holding them guilty of disturbing the peace. mountain region of the forest service, with
east and west portals of the big hole pierc- "Theft" of the building was outgrowth of headquarters here.
ing the towering mountain clambered a quarrel between Silver Peak residents and
through the opening, celebrated "holing certain county school trustees. Grateful par- Cedar City . . .
through." From Parker dam on the Colo- ents of high school students gave a banquet Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Radford, Bakers-
rado, across sun-scorched desert and under to the 28. field, Cal., were patients in a local hospital,
high peaks, 1 billion gallons of water will following their honeymoon in the Southern
be delivered daily to 13 cities, nearly 300 Reno . . . Utah Dixie national forest. They received
miles from the river. Behind Parker dam a Supt. E. R. Sans of the Charles Sheldon treatment for severely frozen feet. Lost in
lake has been created 60 feet deep. Great refuge, wildlife domain in northwestern Ne- a blizzard, the honeymooners trudged two
pumps are now sending water from the vada, used an airplane to take a census of days through a blinding snowstorm before
river to Gene Wash reservoir, first of the antelope in the 600,000-acre district. Re- they found shelter in unoccupied Duck
long series of lifts necessary to supply the sult: Sans estimates there are now 3,000 creek ranger station. Two days later forest
cities of the coastal plain. antelope, three times as many as when the service crews rescued them with a snow
U. S. biological survey assumed jurisdiction tractor. Doctors said amputation of several
Furnace Creek . . . over the refuge in 1931. It will be several toes might be necessary.
During 12 months ended September 30, years before hunters will be permitted to
kill any of the antelope, he says. Kamas . . .
Death Valley national monument was visited Winterton Brothers of Kamas ran away
by 58,320 people, according to a report Las Vegas . . . from all other exhibitors at the Western
by Superintendent T. R. Goodwin. The fig- U. S. Coast and Geodetic survey intends Livestock show in Los Angeles in collection
ures represent an increase of 19-3 per cent to find out how the earth's crust is standing of cash from sales and prizes. They took
over the preceding year, and a jump of 548 up under the weight of dam-made lakes. $6,000, said they would use the money to
per cent above the 9,000 visitors for 1933 Studies will be made in the neighborhood of liquidate a mortgage and buy a general
when the national park service took on the Boulder and Parker dams on the Colorado store here.
area. In five years first class highways have river. In addition, engineers will visit ap-
been built, approaching the valley from all proximately 150 stations scattered through
directions; the park service has surfaced the west and southwest.
roads to all points of major attraction; re-
creational opportunities, camping and hotel
• • •
facilities have been provided. In 4,854 cars NOVEMBER REPORT FROM
people traveled to Death Valley last year Albuquerque . . . , U. S. BUREAU AT PHOENIX
from forty-eight states, the District of When the Republicans made up their
Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii and the Phili- Temperatures— Degrees
county ticket in Rio Arriba they had no can- Mean for month 56.0
ppines ; from England, Canada, Mexico, didate for surveyor, so they wrote down the
Africa, China, Panama, Japan, New Zea- Normal for November 59.7
name "John Doe." This name went on the High on November 1 79.
land, Germany, Argentina. France, Australia, ballot and John came within 243 votes of
Holland and Austria. In the year, 87 air- Low on November 13 31.
being elected. Rain— Inches
planes landed at Furnace Creek airport.
With completion of a new road from Beatty, Santa Fe . . . Total for month T.
New Mexico livestock owners complain Normal for November 0.70
Indio . . . that the government is giving too much of Weather—
Los Angeles newspapers recently reported the state back to the Indians. Floyd Lee, Days clear 25
discovery of specimens of the elephant tree, chairman of the N. M. wool growers associ- Days partly cloudy 4
or "tree of death" by John W. Hilton in a ation, told the state tax commission that Days cloudy 1
canyon near Thermal. Cahuilla Indians are the livestock industry faces a crisis because G. K. GREENING, Meteorologist.
said to believe this tree is deadly poison, Uncle Sam has made "vast purchases" of FROM YUMA BUREAU
useful for disposing of their enemies. The land for the red man. He wanted a 20 per Temperatures— Degrees
Desert Magazine (November 1937) pub- cent slash in tax valuations on grazing Mean for month 59-0
lished an article, accompanied by a sketch land. Normal for November 62.4
map giving the location of elephant trees Lordsburg . . . High on November 7 81.
near Fish creek wash. These trees were lo- First wholesale cattle rustling case in Low on November 21 40.
cated and identified by Dr. E. M. Harvey of Hidalgo county in 40 years has attracted Rain— Inches
the U. S. Department or' Agriculture, and wide interest in western New Mexico and Total for month None
Don Admiral, Palm Springs naturalist in eastern Arizona. Four men are accused. Sixty-nine year average for November.. 0.29
January 1937. Witnesses testified a herd of 52 was stolen Weather-
in New Mexico, driven into Arizona and Days clear 27
offered for sale. It was alleged that brands Days partly cloudy 2
were changed by cutting away hair with Days cloudy 1
NEVADA scissors, applying a tooth brush dipped in Sunshine 96 per cent (301 hours out of
Tonopah acid, to burn on new symbols. Pioneer cat- possible 314 hours).
tlemen and veteran peace officers were wit- COLORADO RIVER—November discharge at
Proclamation has been issued by the office nesses, told of trailing the herd across parts Grand Canyon 500,000 acre feet. Estimated
of Indian affairs establishing 3,721.48 acres of two states; later trailed shod saddle storage December 1 behind Boulder dam
in Nye county as reservation for use of horses to the ranch where the accused men 22,550,000 acre feet; behind Parker dam
landless Shoshone Indians resident in were arrested. The defendants were held to 482.000 acre feet.
southern Nevada. answer after a preliminary hearing. JAMES H. GORDON, Meteorologist.

JANUARY, 19 3 9 27
So You Want to Collect Gems!
Continued from page 21
greedy or careless collectors. At any being found constantly and no one per-
rate, it should be remembered that the son can identify all of them.
removal, without permission, of ore from Several years ago a chemist in Los An-
a bona fide mining claim constitutes lar- geles came upon a specimen of gray
ceny in most western states. limestone which exhibited some unusual
A complete lapidary shop in one
small machine. So far I have discussed only one meth- properties. Laboratory experiments dis-
Send for circular or come und see it. od of acquiring mineral specimens — closed that this limestone could be made
W. A. FELKER that of actual field collecting. Since none the basis of a commercial process which
3321 EMERALD ST. TORRANCE, CALIF. of us can hope to visit all the interesting would be worth a fortune. When he got
mineral localities in the world it is only in touch with the friend who had given
by purchase or exchange that we can him the specimen, however, it was learned
HANDBOOK FOR THE make our collections well balanced. that the rock was from an old collection
AMATEUR LAPIDARY which had not been labeled as to locality.
A 140-page handbook graving complete and
Mineral dealers offer two main types A search for this deposit of limestone
practical instructions for constructing and of specimens. The cheaper grades are for was carried on for a period of years. Re-
operating a home lapidary shop. Well illu-
strated. $2.00 postpaid. Order from author. comparison and study, and the better wards were offered for information as to
J. HARRY HOWARD grades are for permanent addition to the
504 Crescent Ave., Greenville, S. C. the location of the deposit and a free
testing service was established to en-
One of the most interesting phases of courage prospectors to send in specimens
THE JOHNS mineral collecting is the exchanging of which might be identical with the origi-
specimens. There are thousands of per- nal. Considerable money was spent on

Gem Cutter sons with this same hobby scattered over the project but the property never was
the earth, and they are glad to exchange located and the process was lost to man-
specimens, especially from the desert. kind—all for lack of a label. I merely
A complete, portable gem cutting out-
fit for that rock and mineral collector Their addresses can be obtained through am emphasizing the importance of mark-
in the family who would like to turn naturalists' directories and hobby and ing your specimens at the time they are
his collection of rough specimens into mineral magazines. Membership in one found.
a beautiful array of cabochon and of the mineral clubs or societies provides
faceted gems. In exchanging with others, it has been
an excellent opportunity for exchanges.
my experience that good specimens prop-
Nearly every city of any importance has
An INEXPENSIVE Gift one or more of these societies.
erly labeled and packed will bring back
For a Grand Profitable Hobby good specimens in return. Remember that
In preparing specimens for exchange when you send a geode, a garnet or a
Used Everywhere
they should always be carefully labeled crystal of calcite you are sending a bit
Send for free folder or send 25c for both as to variety and locality. The lo- of the very desert itself—and we do not
20-page interesting, illustrated instruc-
tion booklet describing the Johns Gem cation from which the mineral comes is want to distribute inferior or damaged
Cutter and the fascinating art of gem especially important for it often helps in samples of our desert domain over the
cutting. accurate classification. New minerals are rest of the earth.
The Johns Company, Dept. EL


. .

Each month the Desert Magazine offers prizes for the best desert
pictures submitted by amateur photographers. This contest permits a
wide range of subjects—personalities, desert plant a n d animal life,
landscapes, scenic canyons a n d rock formations, in fact a n y subject
that belongs to the desert country.
For the prize winning picture a n award of $5.00 is made, and for
J \\W» . . the second $3.00. Following are the rules governing the contest:
6J& v* i&dzMcaAcmnq 1—Pictures submitted in the January For non-prize-winning pictures accepted
^Jr> i'pm Ayr noil wfi' contest must be received at the Desert for publication $1.00 will be paid for each
Magazine office by January 20. print.
f 4 HEALTH CENTER 2—Not more than four prints may be
submitted by one person in one month. Winners of the January contest will be
I ,W' • C/ttrance to announced and the pictures published in
3—Winners will be required to furnish
I / JoshuaTree National Monument either good glossy enlargements or the or- the March number of the magazine. Ad-
•/ / iginal negatives if requested. dress all entries to:
1,1/ 5 0 ^ 1 2 Jwenfyninc Palm:
4—Prints must be in black and white,
21/4x31/4 or larger.
5—Pictures will be returned only when DESERT MAGAZINE,
postage is enclosed. El Centro, California.
is '- f • .'. •


Jbeatk VaJJef *1>uwel 2>aia
As a guide to motorists who may be planning trips into
the Death Valley national monument of California during the
winter season the following information was given by the
national park service as of December 6:
From Southern California: via U. S. 66 to Barstow, U. S.
91 to Baker and State route 127 to Death Valley. Or, via
U. S. 6 through Mojave to Lone Pine, thence on State Route
190 to Death Valley. Alternative entrances from U. S. 6 are
provided by way of Trona or Olancha; the Trona route has
25 miles of unsurfaced road and the Olancha route has 19
miles of unsurfaced road; both are well maintained.
From Northern California via U. S. 99 to Bakersfield, U.
S. 466 or State route 178 to junction with U. S. 6, thence
by way of Trona, Olancha or Lone Pine. Or, via Reno, Ne-
vada, thence by U. S. 395 or State (Nevada) routes 3 and 5. Pool owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Joe Brown
(Sally Eilers) of Beverly Hills
From Las Vegas, entrance can be made by either Beatty or
Death Valley Junction over all paved roads. Bask in the warm sunshine and plunge in the
Furnace creek road - - An unauthorized and misleading clear cool water of your own luxurious swim-
bulletin has been circulated representing this road as being in ming pool. America's leading designers and
bad condition. On the contrary this road is oiled and in ex- builders of distinctive swimming pools and
cellent condition for the entire distance between Death Val- championship tennis courts guarantee their
ley Junction and the floor of Death Valley. Between Death filtration plant to keep water crystal clear and
Valley Junction and the monument boundary there is a new pure as a mountain spring the year 'round.
road under construction which in no way interferes with
traffic on the present road. Within the monument there are
several short stretches of gravel on the road, but these patches BAINBRIDGE-DODGE, Inc.
are well maintained and are in excellent condition. Formerly L. A. CLINE, INC.


Natural Bridge road—slightly rough but easily passable.
Dante's View—rough in spots but easily passable.
20 Mule Team canyon—good condition.
Salt Pools road—rough but easily passable.
Titus canyon—reopened December 10.
Badwater and eastside road—rough in spots but easily
Ubehebe crater road—all paved except 3 miles.
Grapevine canyon and Bonnie Claire road—unsurfaced but
in good condition.
Scotty castle road—all paved except 3 miles.
Ideal fall weather prevails, with warm sunny days and cool
clear nights.
All modern camping facilities are available in Death Val-
ley. The national park service maintains the Texas Spring
public campground near Furnace creek; water, tables and
restrooms are available without charge. Firewood, however,
must be purchased, or obtained before entering the monu-
ment, for it is prohibited to cut or disturb trees or other
plantlife in national parks and monuments.
At the Furnace creek auto camp, campsites for trailers are
available with electric outlets, toilet and bath facilities, for
nominal charge.
Furnace creek Inn—American plan hotel, from $9.50
single. 1000 TECHNICIANS \'
Stovepipe Well Hotel—Hotel and cabins, restaurant, from Modern EQUIPMENT /
$3-00 single.
Furnace creek auto camp—cabins, restaurant, store, from A Spirit of SERVICE \/
$2.00 single.
Accommodations are also available in the nearby localities
of Death Valley Junction, Beatty, Nevada, Panamint Springs NEVADA - C A L I F O R N I A ELEOTRIG
ind Owens Valley points.

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 29
Located in the Joshua Tree National
SPLIT ROCK Monument of Southern California.
Edith M. Brininstool of Pasadena,
California is the winner of the prize offered by the Desert Magazine in No-
vember for the best identification and description of this desert landmark.
The winning entry is printed below.

<IThere's no place
i real California
' Ranch for an exhilara-
ting Winter Vacation.
^ Thrill to adventure of the
Southwest—riding the range
...swimming, tennis, hiking,
camping, hunting, golf, sun-
bathing in the dry, warm
I desert.
*I Or complete quiet in the
seclusion of a date grove.
•I Individual cottages of one,
two, three or four rooms...
with appointments of the
finest hotel, but true to the
color of the ranch country.
Select, friendly clientele.

Write for illustrated booklet

and rates to Deft. D

in the Coachella Valley-
near Palm Springs
{Mailing address: Garnet, Calif.}
By EDITH M. BRININSTOOL Palms toward Cottonwood Springs and
The Southern California landmark, Mecca. At the Riverside county line, 9.3
pictured in the November issue of the miles from Twentynine Palms take the
Desert Magazine, is Split Rock. It stands right fork leading toward Keys Ranch,
in the area known as the Wonderland of Quail Springs, etc. About two miles from
Rocks, in the newly created Joshua Tree this junction a sign points toward Split
national monument near Twentynine Rock on the right. The Rock is a half

[R palms, San Bernardino county, California.

Split Rock gets its name from the cleft
in the top of the rock, plainly visible in
mile away at the end of the road.
Nearest point where it can be reached
by railroad, is the Southern Pacific route,
PLAYGROUND the picture. It is well known in that sec-
tion and is a special point of interest and
a popular scenic resort.
from the Palm Springs station, 50 miles
from Twentynine Palms.
warm SUNSHINE . . balmy There is a cave below the rock, and
in it are markings said to be of Indian
AIR . . outdoor FREEDOM origin. It is known to have been used by
the Indians. Many relics of Indian oc-
In the heart of luxuriant Imper- cupancy have been found in this region,
ial Valley, Brawley basks in de- Regulations governing the lease and sale of
lightfully mild winter climate . . which contains miles of mountainous public lands under the Izac five-acre tract bill
no snow or sleet, no icy winds or rocky formations, fantastic and beautiful, are being drafted but will not be completed
frozen fingers. including caves, inaccessible canyons, until some time in 1939, according to the
Vacationing this winter is not towering precipices, pools and water statement of Thomas C. Havell, technical ad-
expensive at Brawley. Modern visor for the General Land Office at Wash-
holes. ington. Havell and A. C. Horton, district
hotels and auto courts offer com-
fortable hospitality at moderate This landmark is reached from Los cadastral engineer for the Land office, were in
rates. Angeles by going to San Bernardino, fol- the desert area in December securing addition-
And there are many interesting lowing U. S. highway 99 through Red- al data as to available lands and water supply.
things to do and see around lands, Beaumont, Banning, to Twenty- "It is our understanding that the law is de-
Brawley . . . golf . . . desert
nine Palms junction, which is about two signed primarily for those who seek homes
trips . . . basking in warm sun-
miles beyond the Whitewater bridge. and recreational opportunities on the desert,
shine. For more information,
rather than as a source of livelihood," said
WRITE THE There the road turns north through the
Havell, "and we are trying to design the regu-
"Devil's Playground," up a winding can-
BRAUULEY CHAMBER yon to Morongo Valley, through forests
lations accordingly."
Copies of the new rules will be available
of Joshua trees to Twentynine Palms, 45
OF COmfTlERCE miles from the junction.
at the office of the Desert Magazine as soon
as they are issued and the information will be
Brawley, Calif. Take the road south from Twentynine passed along to the readers without delay.


Cliff Dwellings in Arizona rind Uout Ln the SUN
Join America's most distinguished
Who can identify this picture? winter colony in the sunshine of
the desert at THE DESERT INN.
Under Management you'll find new health in the
Nellie N. Coffmtin dry warmth of the desert. Private
Earl Cojfman
George Roberson 35-acre s^rdens. Luxurious bun-
galow accommodations. Diet kit-
chen. Swimming pool, tennis
courts, golf and riding. Outdoor
school for children.
Address Suite 30 for "Sands of
Time" booklet.


IJOTHING thrills an owner,

Prize Contest for January Swim /[/ and nothing draws guests
to an estate. Dude Ranch, or
There are many ancient Indian ruins in Arizona, some of
them within the jurisdiction of national parks and monu- U/intet Hotel, like a crystal-clear, ever-
inviting plunge. Let Paddock
ments, and others protected only by state or local authorities. design an all-season pool ex-
For the Landmark Contest this month the Desert Maga- ON YOUR DESERT, TEXAS, pressly lor your particular
CALIFORNIA, OR FLORIDA climate. Entire construction is
zine has selected one of the best known of these ancient handled by the Paddock organ-
ruins. Many visitors have viewed the above cliff dwellings ization, nation's leading pool
from the spot where this picture was taken. GLASS-ENCLOSED LUXURY! builders, with single-company
They are located within the boundaries of Arizona, and economies.
have been named for certain characteristics which distinguish
them from other ancient dwellings.
To the reader who sends in the best descriptive article of
not over 400 words identifying this spot and giving all avail-
able information as to location relative to towns and high-
ways, geology, legend and historical data a prize of $5.00
will be paid.
Entries should be addressed to Landmarks Editor, Desert
Magazine, El Centra, California. The contest closes January
20, 1939, and the winning answer will be published in the
March number of the magazine.
• • •
Continued from page 19
Cashier Chuck Abbott •ly Hills "movie colony"
Tin-typers—Photographers Gilbert Morgan, Frank Bogert
Howard Staples
Impresarios—Entertainment Committee

Raffle Racketeer
Judge of Kangaroo Kouit
Prosecuting Attorney
Attorney for Defense
Anthony Burke,
Robert Ransom, Frank Bogert
Hal Kelly
Mayor Phil Boyd
Warren Pinney
Stuart Salisbury
Clarence Beesemeyer
• Send lor new
brochure with un-
retouched natural
color photo 01
Paddock Pool and
Jailer Ivon Parker lations o 1 out-
MAESTRO OF CEREMONIES LEWIS STONE standing design. 1029 North Sycamore Avenue, Los Angeles • Box 5003, Dallas

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 3 9 31
ffentually. why not now VISIT

Compiled by TRACY M. SCOTT
"J'he Valley of life"
For the historical data contained in this department, the Desert Magazine is indebted to
STOVE PIPE WELLS the research work done by Miss Scott; to the late Will C. Barnes, author of "Arizona
HOTEL,.-" LODGES Place Names;" to Frances Rosser Brown of New Mexico and to Hugh O'Neil of
no. Death ValltH Jpmction,toli£ Ogden, Utah.
Lot Anuttei Office 6°* * tyring it. Q
n!!ni\~ VAniikt •• 2937 ^
ARIZONA square, was laid out by the Mormons. Mt.
ASHURST LAKE Coconino county San Bernardino, ele. 10,000 ft., used by
Northeast of Mormon lake. After Will- U. S. surveyors as starting point for land
iam Ashurst, pioneer cattleman, father of surveys, both as base line and meridian.
Senator Ashurst. In 1900 Mr. Ashurst was
prospecting in the Grand Canyon above
Please send me free, "Lure of Death Valley" Bright Angel creek. Accidentally caught NEW MEXICO
under a dislodged boulder he was unable ROSWELL Chaves county
Name to release himself, and died. When found, First settled about 1865 by supporters of
he had written his last messages in a small the Confederacy from Kentucky and
Street note book which lay by his side. He was Missouri who came west rather than sur-
buried on the rim of the canyon. render. (Dills) Vann Smith, first post-
City State AUBREY (Peak and landing) master, named the town for his father, Ros-
(Please print name and address) Mohave county well Smith. Site of the Bottomless lake
Landing is at mouth of Bill Williams state park. Eight miles southeast is the
Fork. Important early day stop for Colo- largest artesian well in the world, flowing
rado river steamers, 250 miles above Yuma. 9,100 gallons of water a minute. Old-timers
Named for Francois Xavier Aubrey, known say Chaves county bears the name of Amado
as the "Skimmer of the Plains." In 1850 he Chaves, a Spaniard who took up a claim in
VANDYKE 2937 rode horseback from Santa Fe, New Mexi- the early days about 13 miles east of Ros-
co, to Independence, Mo., on a wager of well on the Pecos river and for many years
$1,000 he could do it in eight days. He fin- maintained the most dependable crossing
ished three hours less than that time, kill- on the Pecos. By others the name is some-
CHRISTINA V. FORSYTH ing several horses on the ride, which he re- times credited to Col. Francisco Chaves, a
607 S. SPR.NG ST. LOS ANGELES peated later on a faster schedule. Historians Spanish-American politician and at one
agree Aubrey was killed at Santa Fe "in a time superintendent of public instruction of
for better reservations — travel information personal encounter with Major Weight- New Mexico, who had a hand in forming
man.'" Name was also given to a spring, Chaves county when it was carved out of
valley and cliffs in Coconino county, as Lincoln county.

well as a station on the Santa Fe in Yavapai
C R O S S county. Spelling of the rr station was RATON (rah tone')
County seat. Sp. for "rat."
Colfax county
changed to Audrey.
Located 30 minutes drive from Palm First railroad in Arizona was built UD
Springs, eight miles from Highway 99, in Chase creek between Clifton and Metcalf. NEVADA
Mission Canyon on the edge of the Colo-
rado desert.
The first locomotive ever operated in Ari- ORMSBY county
One of California's newer guest ranches zona was over this 20-inch gauge line in Named to honor Major Wm. M. Ormsby
offering American Plan accommodations in 1880. After Chase, an early prospector. a pioneer who was killed at Pyramid lake
unique stone cottages all with private bath. Creek rises above the town of Granville, in 1860 when his forces were defeated by
Rates are reasonable, ranging from $5 daily flows southeast, enters San Francisco river Indians. County established November 25,
and $30 weekly, per person.
at Clifton. 1861, smallest in Nevada, oniy 172 sq.
Write for full details and reservations. miles.
COLUMBUS Esmeralda county
I. R. HOLLIDAY, Mgr. CALIFORNIA Organized in 1864 by Mexican miners
Star Route, Whitewater California who named their claim in honor of the ex-
LONE PINE Inyo county plorer. By 1870 the town had a population
Established in 1859 by the Hill party of more than 1,000. Five miles to the south
prospecting the Iowa silver mine. the Pacific Borax company began operations
JURUPA (hoo roo' pah) Riverside county in 1872.
Means a watering place; a place of UNIONVILLE Humboldt county
?/ Tahquitz friendship. Rancho by that name granted in Originally laid out about a mile up can-
yon by Capt. Hugo Pfersdorf, J. C. Hannan
1838 to Juan Bandini, and became the site
PALM 5 P R. I N O S CALIFORNIA of Riverside, founded in 1870 and first and Indian associates, looking for new
known as Jurupa. mines. Pfersdorf, hoping to cash in on his
real estate venture, kept the price of town
KEARSARGE Inyo county lots so high that a rival town-founder. Chris
...your heaacfuarlers ivni Peak named in 1864 by northern sympa- Lark, set up a new community at the site
thizers after the engagement between the of present Unionville in 1860. Majority of
you cotne lo federal ship Kearsarge and the Confederate new settlers were southerners and the place
Alabama. Nearby Alabama Hills were was named Dixie, but in a year the majority
PALM SPRINGS named by Southern loyalists to commemor-
ate the same naval battle.
SAN BERNARDINO (ber nahr dee'no)
were Federals and the name was changed
to Unionville. In 1870 became the county
illis winler City and county
St. Barnardinos was founder of Monte de
Piedad, an institution of municipal pawn- UTAH
An hotel of quiet charm. Excellent cui-
sine in Azure Room, Outdoor Dining shops for the poor. Padre Garces visited the PAROWAN (pahr o wahn) Iron county
Grill and "The Buckboard" in the district in 1776 and called the vicinity San Formerly Parvan. Indian tribal and pueb-
"Saddle Bar X " Cocktail Lounge Jose. In 1810 Padre Francisco Dumetz re- lo name. Present town established 1850.
named it San Bernardino de Sienna, from KAYSVILLE Davis county
T E N N I S COURT BADMINTON May 20, feast day of the saint. Indians had Named after Wm. Kay, Mormon bishop
PING PONG . . . . HORSEBACK RIDING previously called the valley Guachama, and early settler (1850). Incorporated Feb-
SWIMMING POOL meaning (according to Drury) "plenty to ruary 13, 1868 and was a flourishing town
eat." The county has an area of 20,175 sq. in 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lipps miles; largest county in the world; 20
times the size of Rhode Island. Rancho de
NEPHI fuab county
Settled in 1851 by Timothy B. Foote,
MANAGING OWNERS San Bernardino was granted to the Lugos named for a character in the Book of Mor-
in 1842. In 1853, the townsite, 1 mile mon. Incorporated March 6, 1852.


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