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Plate = New Symbol for Healthy Eating

Goodbye, pyramid. Hello, plate.

The Food Guide Pyramid was the model for healthy eating in the United States. Maybe you had to memorize its rainbow stripes in s hool.

!ut the US"#, the agen y in harge of nutrition, has swit hed to a new symbol$ a olorful plate % alled MyPlate % with some of the same messages$

&at a 'ariety of foods.

&at less of some foods and more of others.

What's your favorite category on the Food Guide Plate

"airy Fruits (egetables Grains Protein )ther$

(ote(iew *esults The pyramid had si+ 'erti al stripes to represent the fi'e food groups plus oils. The plate features four se tions ,'egetables, fruits, grains, and protein- plus a side order of dairy in blue.

The big message is that fruits and 'egetables ta.e up half the plate, with the 'egetable portion being a little bigger than the fruit se tion.

#nd /ust li.e the pyramid where stripes were different widths, the plate has been di'ided so that the grain se tion is bigger than the protein se tion. 0hy1 !e ause nutrition e+perts re ommend you eat more 'egetables than fruit and more grains than protein foods.

The di'ided plate also aims to dis ourage super2big portions, whi h an ause weight gain.

What's a Grain !gain

3ou .now what fruits and 'egetables are, but here4s a reminder about what4s in luded in the three other food groups$ protein, grains, and dairy$

Protein$ !eef5 poultry5 fish5 eggs5 nuts and seeds5 and beans and peas li.e bla . beans, split peas, lentils, and e'en tofu and 'eggie burgers. Protein builds up, maintains, and repla es the tissues in your body.

Grains$ !read, ereal, ri e, tortillas, and pasta. 0hole2grain produ ts su h as whole2wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown ri e are re ommended be ause they ha'e more fiber and help you feel full.

"airy$ Mil., yogurt, heese, and fortified soy mil.. 0ith MyPlate, the dairy ir le ould be a up of mil., but you also an get your dairy ser'ings from yogurt or heese. 6hoose low2fat or nonfat dairy most of the time.

First "ady "i#es the Plate

First 7ady Mi helle )bama introdu ed the plate and said she will use it with her family, whi h in ludes the )bamas4 two daughters, Sasha and Malia. Mrs. )bama, who started the 7et4s Mo'e ampaign to help .ids get healthier, said the pyramid /ust wasn4t easy enough for parents and .ids to follow. The plate is simple and useful.

89 an4t help but loo. at my own plate a little differently,8 she said. 80e4re implementing this in our household.8

The plate an be used for, lun h, and dinner. That may ma.e you wonder$ "o 9 really ha'e to eat 'egetables with brea.fast1 The answer is no, but aim to eat a 'ariety of food groups at ea h meal. #nd if your doesn4t in lude a 'eggie, onsider a 'egetable at sna . time. ,3es, healthy, portion2 ontrolled sna .s are still ):.-

The plate also shows how to balan e your food groups. There4s a reason the protein se tion is smaller$ 3ou don4t need as mu h from that group. &ating more fruits and 'egetables will help you eat fewer alories o'erall, whi h helps you .eep a healthy weight. &ating fruits and 'eggies also gi'es you lots of 'itamins andminerals. &+pe t to hear more about the MyPlate. The US"# promises new online tools to help people learn how to apply it to their e'eryday li'es at 6hooseMyPlate.go'. ;Please note$ !y li .ing on this lin., you will be lea'ing our site.< *e'iewed by$ Mary 7. Ga'in, M" "ate re'iewed$ =une >?@@

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