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 Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide
staple food. There are many species of wheat which together make up the genus
 The most widely grown is common wheat (T. aestivum).
 All cereals including wheat belongs to family Gramineae and wheat is the major
cereal grown all over India.
 Wheat ranks 2 nd in production followed by rice.
 According to botanical classification wheat is grouped in 3 species
1] Triticum Aestivum-common wheat-
2] Triticum Durum-
3] Triticum Dicoccum
Total area of production
1] Triticum Aestivum -87%
2] Triticum Durum -12%
3] Triticum Dicoccum -1%

 U.P.,Punjab,M.P.,Bihar,maharashtra,rajasthan,etc.
 n this region wheat is grown in spring i.e. october-november and harvested in
 Yield of wheat is 25 qt/ha variable according to type and area of cultivation

 In various research centres research on wheat is carried out with objective of

 To improve the yield of production
 To improve the quality
 To develop disease and paste resistant variety

1] T.Astivum;- grown in north india under irrigation
i] kalyansona ii] moti iii] heena iv] girija v] sonalika vi] sherbati

2] T.Durum;- perticularly grown in maharashtra and central India including karnatka-i)

malvika ii) N-59
3] T. Dicoccum;- NP-20 grown in hilly areas of south part

UTILIZATION: About 90% of wheat is used for chapati preparation and 10% for
different baker products


1] IARI :- Indian Agriculture Research Institute, Delhi ( subcenters at Ludhinaya and
Pantnagar )
2] CFTRI :- Central Food Technological Research Institute.

Wheat Milling & Baking Technology (FPT-249) Prof. Kelapure N.N.

Chapter 2

wheat production is directly related to food supply more than 35% of worlds
population survive on wheat and wheat quality is strongly influenced by
1] Genetic factors
2] Environmental factors

wheat quality is judged by suitability of wheat for particular end product

Quality of wheat depends upon number of factors starting from growth to end product
wheat passes through the chain before it is actually used or consumed.

A} Quality of wheat varied according to factors ( grower-processor-consumer), they

have their own considerations

1] Growers Consideration:-
grower consider the wheat is of good quality when
when it mature easily and earlier
It should give high yield
It should have good market value
It should have good color and appearance

2] Processors Consideration:-
Fit for storage
It should give maximum amount of flow
Should be suitable for perticular end product
Big and uniform size
It should be free from admixture ( dirt,dust,stone,)
moisture content of wheat should be less than 14%
Protein content of wheat should be suitable for end product.

3] consumers consideration
It should have a good appearance
It should have a reasonable price
It should have high test weight
should have nutritional value


1] Botanical criteria
2] Subjective criteria
3] Objective Criteria

1] Botanical Criteria
 Different species and varieties are different in their quality charecterstics there are
15 species of wheat out of which 3 are important
i) T. Astivum :- called common wheat and used for preparation of chapati and bread
ii) T. Durum :- called hard wheat and used for prepartion of samolina, macroni,
noodles, and vermicelli

Wheat Milling & Baking Technology (FPT-249) Prof. Kelapure N.N.

iii) T. Dicoccum :- called soft wheat and used for preparation of biscuits, cake and
 Hard wheat has hard texture and high protein content, soft wheat has soft texture
and less protein content,
 About 10-13% protein content is require for chapati preparation

2] subjective criteria
 Its important while purchasing wheat- appearance, size, shape, color, cost, damage
by insect, % impurities, sprouting.
 These characteristic are primarily considered by experienced buyer to develope a
scence of judging quality.
 This method is not generally used when deciding quality of wheat when its used
for bakery or pasta products.

3] Objective criteria
 This method includes physico-chemical and nutritional charecterstics of wheat,
 this method is very precise & accurate.
 Different standard grades of wheat are decided when measuring the quality of


1) Density of wheat
 It is simplest method to decide the quality of wheat.
 when the grains are matured having low moisture content and uniform kernel size
then density is more and the resultant flour is more.

2) 1000 kernel weight

 It decides soundness of grains if the weight is between 28-35 gm when wheat is
hard then weight is more than 35 gm
( The overall visual quality of a sample of grain is called the degree of
soundness.These grading factors include mildew, frost or heat stress, and green or
immature.The sample compare with standard sample)

3) Hardness of grain
It can be measured by hardness tester, Hardness is important to decide the milling
quality of wheat hard wheat yield more flour with less starch damage.

4) % Impurities
It affects the quality of wheat, impurities include dirt,dust,stones,weed-seed,etc


1) Moisture Content
 It is important character to decide quality of wheat desirable moisture content of
wheat is about 14%.
 If moisture content is more than 14% growth of microorganism or attack of
insects and rodents that will reduce the quality of wheat.

Wheat Milling & Baking Technology (FPT-249) Prof. Kelapure N.N.

 If moisture content is less than 14% then there is formation of cracks on surface
and broken grains are formed successive handling and storage.

2) Protein Content
 12-13% protein is used for preparation of bread
 10-13 % protein is used for preparation of chapati
 Less than 10 % protein is used for preparation of cake,cookies

3) starch Damage
 It happens during milling, when the wheat is converted to the flour starch damage
is important it controls the absorption of water during preparation of dough.
 If the starch is more damaged the absorption will be more and swelling is more
this will gelatinize partly or completely.
 while baking or leavening of product starch is hydrolyzed by amylase and
converted into maltose.
 Therefor moderate amount of starch damage is beneficial but excessive is
4) Crude Fibers
Its concentrated in bran layer and most of crude fibers are removed during
milling3333and refining, content of crude fibers influences colour of flour.
If crude fiber is more then ash content is more from nutritional point of view Whole
wheat flour is preferred.

5) Minerals
 These are also concentrated in bran layer
 The mineral content of endosperm is very less
 It is 0-3 % and increases from inner to outer layer

6) Enzymes
 2 types of enzymes are present in wheat
 amylases :- act on starch & convert in sugar
 Proteases :- Convert protein to amino acid


A) Classification according to texture of endosperm as

1) Vitreous Wheat
The wheat is translucent and appear dark against the strong light and endosperm is
e.g. T.Durum used for macaroni

2) Mealy Wheat
It is opaque and appear light endosperm is starchy or chalky.
e.g. Bread wheat - T.Aestivum
Mealy grains have low density than vitreous.

Wheat Milling & Baking Technology (FPT-249) Prof. Kelapure N.N.

B) Classification according to baking quality or baking strength

1) Strong Wheat
 It produces large loaf volume, good crumb structure and good keeping quality
 Such a wheat have high protein so that good for preparation of bread.

2) Weak wheat
 It contains low protein and forms small loaf volume with coarse grain.
 It is unsuitable for bread making but good for the biscuits and cake.

C) Classification on basis of colour of wheat

1) White Wheat
Which yield the flour of excellent white color

2) Yellow wheat
Which is associated with dryness and dullness

3) Red Wheat
Which is having characterstic hardness producing flour having reddish colour and
tough gluten.

D) Classification of wheat according to hardness

1) Hard Wheat
 The protein content is high
 Fragmentation of endosperm tends to occur along with the lines of cell boundry
 It yields coarse gritty flour which have high protein content
 Strong elastic dough can be made required for bread preparation
 It has excellent gas holding capacity and water absorption capacity
 It also has good tolerance conditions w.r.t mixing, fermentation and temperature
 The bread prepared with hard wheat flour will be of good volume & texture
 The flour of hard wheat when rubbed between thumb and forefinger a more or less
sandy structure can be felt

2) Soft wheat
 It contain low protein amount
 Soft wheat endosperm fractured in a random way it yield very fine flour with
lower protein
 It has lower water absorption capacity and low tolerance to the
mixing,fermentation and temperature
 It is used in preparation of cake, pastries and cookies
 The flour of soft wheat when rubbed between thumb and forefingure the flour has
wooly feel

Wheat Milling & Baking Technology (FPT-249) Prof. Kelapure N.N.


It can be describe best with following headlines

1) Pericarp ( Epidermis,Hypodermis,Cross cells and Tube Cells)

2) Seed Coat ( Testa and Hyaline Layer)
3) Aleurone Layer ( ( Bran and Endosperm)
4) Germ

1) Pericarp
It contains 3 layers
1) Epidermis:- Its outermost layer of pericarp & contains 3 walled long rectangular
2) Cross cells :- It consists of cross cells, its middle layer of pericarp
3) Tube cells :- these cells are like tubes and inner most part of pericarp
pericarp is thin and papery.
in mature grains outer layer is easily split off during cleaning, conditioning and
2) seed coat:-
It consists of testa and hyaline layer
i) Testa
it may be single or double layered consisting of cells. Its thin outermost layer of seed
ii) Hyaline Layer
Its inner layer of seed coat. It consists of a pigments which are responsible for colour
of wheat grain
3) Aleurone layer
 Its consists of single layer of thick walled cubical cells
 It consists of sucrose and raffinose

Wheat Milling & Baking Technology (FPT-249) Prof. Kelapure N.N.

 Thick layer is rich in nicotinic acid and phytic acid ( Antinutritional compounds
decreasing the value of minerals and protein)
 Its rich in bound phosphrous i.e. phytic acid phosphrous
 peicarp, seed coat, and aleurone layer combinely forms Bran

a) Bran
It surrounds endospem, it forms loose covering over germ and endosperm
its rich in crude fiber, minerals, and vitamins
it contains no starch but less amount of protein and fat

b) Endosperm
its adjusant to aleurone layer
it consists of cubical and elongated cells
it contains starch and proteins
endosperm contains low level of fibers and minerals
endosperm cell wall contains pentosans

4) Germ
 Its rich in fat consists of scutellum, plumule and radicle
 scutellum mobiles and stores food material in the endosperm, it transfer to embryo
when grain germinate
 Its rich in fat and low in protein, minerals, fibers

1) Pericarp - 7.4 to 9.5 %
2) Aleurone layer - 6.4 to 7 %
3) Endosperm - 8.1 to 8.4 %
4) Germ - 2.5 to 3 %


Chemical composition of wheat varies widely being influenced by Environment, soil
and variety.

1) Carbohydrates
 Among the carbohydrates of wheat particularly all the starch is in the Endosperm
While soluble sugars are found in Germ.
 Bran contains cellulose and hemi cellulose

2) Proteins

 Protein of wheat divided into two groups

 Gluten protein and Non gluten protein
 Two group of proteins differ in their solubility, chemical composition and role in
dough formation.
 Non gluten proteins are mainly albumin and globulin
 Non gluten proteins contains high amount of lysine, arginin and tryptophan and
low level of glutamin and prolin
 Gluten proteins are Gliadin and glutenin

Wheat Milling & Baking Technology (FPT-249) Prof. Kelapure N.N.

 Gluten Proteins are rich in Glutamic acid mainly as glutamine and proline but
have lower content of basic amino acids and tryptophan and low level of glutamin and
 Germ and bran proteins are have higher content of essential amino acids and
more balanced amino acids compposition than endosperm , thus biological value of
endosperm protein is lower than whole wheat protein.

3) Lipids
 Total lipid content of Indian wheat varies from 0.97 to 2.28% , lipid content of
endosperm(1-2%) is less than bran (5-6%) or germ (8-15%) protein is lower than
whole wheat protein.
 Wheat germ oil is produced commercially I.e. rich in vit E and also rich in
Essential Fatty acids.

4) Vitamins
 Whole wheat is good source of vitamin B1 (thiamin) and B3 (nicotinic acid) but
poor in riboflavin (B2).
 Vitamins are not uniformly distributed in the grain much saturated in aleurone
layer and bran therefore Refined Wheat flour lack in this Vitamin.

5) Minerals
 Wheat is good source of minerals, It contains significant amount of
Fe,P,Mg,Mn,Cu & Zn
 Mineral content mainly distributed in outer layers and embryo so during milling
most minerals passed to the by product.

Wheat Milling & Baking Technology (FPT-249) Prof. Kelapure N.N.

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