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NHS Hack Day is a weekend event which brings together patients, public, health professionals, designers and software

developers to solve the problems of those

working in and receiving care within the NHS. In

January 2014 the first NHS Hack Day in Wales took place in the Hadyn Ellis Building in the School of Medicine. The Hack Day aims to build
processes and open-source software.

NHS Hack Day Cardiff

Dr Anne Marie Cunningham, Academic Lead for eLearning, School of Medicine, community between participants and to show the value of alternative procurement Cardiff University

Over 100 people attended the two day event. They

were recruited through online and offline networks. On Saturday morning 16 ideas were pitched, mainly by health professionals and students from across the UK. Teams then self-organised to address the problems described in the pitches and worked together over the following day to address them. On Sunday afternoon 12 solutions were presented and judged by a panel representing Cardiff University, the NHS, patients and the private sector

With thanks to :

The overall prize was given to the Cardiff iCards project which used visualtracking software on an iPad to test visual acuity in children. This was delivered by students from Cardiff University School of Engineering, developers from the private sector, with doctors from Cardiff and Birmingham. A prize for biggest impact for clinicians was awarded to Clever Early Warning Score (ClEWS). This project was lead by the youngest

attendee,16 year-old Neena Dugar, who worked with a team to develop an app which automatically took patient monitoring data from a device when a patients barcode was scanned. The event had wide participation and produced solutions which LHBs and other bodies are interested in developing further. There is also potential in developing the hack day model to develop coproduction in other areas of the public sector.

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