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ADHYAYA XXVI Sloka 1 : Of all the Lagnas it is only the Moon's Lagna that is most impo tant fo as!

!e taining the "o!ha apala#effe!t of t ansits$ One o%ght the efo e to !al!%late an& p e&i!t f om the Moon's pla!e to p e&i!t the effe!ts &%e to the t ansits of planets th o%gh the se'e al signs !o%nte& f om that of the Moon$ Sloka ( : D% ing t ansit) the S%n gi'es goo& es%lts *hen he is in the +th , & an& 1-th ho%ses .!o%nte& f om the Moon/) the Moon in the , &)1-th) +th) 0th an& 1st 1 2%pite in the 0th) 3th) (n& an& 4th1 Ma s an& Sat% n in the +th an& , &1 Me !% y in the +th) (n&) 5th) 1-th an& 6th1 all planets in the 11th1 Ven%s in all pla!es othe than the 1-th) 0th an& +th) 7ah% an& 8et% a e simila to the S%n$ Sloka , : 9he S%n is &e!la e& a%spi!io%s *hen he t ansits the 11th) , &) 1-th an& +th) if) at the time) the !o espon&ing Ve&ha pla!es) 'i:$) the 4th) 3th) 5th an& 1(th espe!ti'ely a e not ma e& ;y the t ansit of any of the planets othe than Sat% n$ <o Ve&has) see p$ 6,5 of 2ataka =a i>ata$ Sho%l& Sat% n o!!%py .in t ansit/ these pla!es) Vi:$) 4th)3th) 5th an& 1(th) the effe!t *ill not ;e ;a&) as the e is no Ve&ha ;et*een the fathe an& son an& as Sat% n is the son of the S%n$ ?%t if othe planets t ansit them) they n%llify the goo& effe!t that *o%l& othe *ise ;e !a%se& ;y the S%n's t ansit$ Sloka 5 : 9he Moon *ill p o&%!e goo& effe!t *hen she t ansits the 0th) 1st) +th) 11th) 1-th an& , & if planets othe than Me !% y &o not t ansit the !o espon&ing Ve&ha pla!es) i$e$) (n&) 4th) 1(th) 6th) 5th an& the 3th$ Sloka 4 : Ma s in the , &) 11th an& +th *ill gi'e goo& effe!t if the 1(th) 4th an& 3th pla!es a e espe!ti'ely a e f ee f om the t ansit of othe planets at the time$ 9he same ema k applies to Sat% n) ;%t in this !ase the effe!t *ill not ;e ma e& if the S%n sho%l& t ansit at the time the !o espon&ing Ve&ha pla!es$ Sloka + : Me !% y *ill ;e a%spi!io%s *hen he t ansits the (n&) 5th) +th) 6th) 1-th an& 11th ho%ses p o'i&e& thei !o espon&ing Ve&ha pla!es 'i:$) 4th) , &) 3th) 1st) 6th an& 1(th a e not o!!%pie& ;y any of the planets othe than the Moon$ Sloka 0 : D% ing his t ansit in the (n&) 11th) 3th) 4th an& 0th) 2%pite is goo& if the !o espon&ing Ve&ha pla!es) 'i:$) 1(th) 6th) 1-th) 5th an& , & a e 'oi& of planets$

Sloka 6 : Ven%s *ill gi'e ;a& effe!ts &% ing his t ansits th o%gh 1st) (n&) , &) 5th) 4th) 6th) 3th) 1(th an& 11th) if he is ma e& ;y planets in the !o espon&ing Ve&ha pla!es) 'i:$) 6th) 0th) 1st) 1-th) 3th) 4th) 11th) +th an& , & espe!ti'ely$ Sloka 3 : @hen the S%n t a'e ses th o%gh the 7asi) o!!%pie& ;y the Moon) the pe son !on!e ne& *ill s%ffe fatig%e an& loss of *ealth$ He *ill ;e!ome i itate& an& s%ffe f om &iseases$ He *ill %n&e take a *ea isome >o% ney) @hen ;e t ansits the (n& ho%se) the e *ill ;e a loss of *ealth1 an& the pe son *ill ;e %nhappy$ He *ill ;e &%pe& ;y othe s) an& *ill ;e o;stinate$ In the , & ho%se) a!A%isition of a ne* position) a&'ent of money) happiness) f ee&om f om si!kness an& &est %!tion of enemies *ill ;e the es%lt$ In the 5th ho%se) the S%n *ill !a%se &iseases1 an& the e *ill often a ise impe&iments to the nati'e in the matte of his seB%al en>oyments$ Sloka 1- : Mental agitation) ill#health an& em;a assment in all possi;le *ays *ill ;e the es%lt of the S%n's t ansit in the 4th ho%se$ 9he S%n in the +th ho%se *ill emo'e all &iseases) &est oy enemies) an& &ispel all so o*s an& mental anBieties$ In the 0th ho%se) the e *ill ;e *ea isome t a'elling) &iso &e in the stoma!h an& the an%s$ 9he pe son !on!e ne& *ill f% the s%ffe h%miliation$ D% ing the S%n's t ansit in the 6th ho%se) the nati'e *ill s%ffe f om fea ) an& &iseases$ He *iIl in'ite A%a el$ He *ill in!% eB!essi'e heat$ Sloka 11 : 9he S%n's t ansit in the 3th ho%se *ill !a%se to the nati'e &ange ) h%miliation) sepa ation f om his kith an& kin an& mental &ep ession$ D% ing the S%n's passage th o%gh the 1-th ho%se a 'e y mighty %n&e taking *ill ;e s%!!essf%lly !omplete&$ A ne* position) hono% ) *ealth an& f ee&om f om &iseases *ill ;e the effe!t of the S%n's t ansit in the 11th ho%se$ @hen the S%n passes th o%gh the 1(th ho%se) the e *ill ;e so o*) loss of *ealth) A%a el *ith one's f ien&s an& fe'e $ Sloka 1( : 9he Moon in he t a'els th o%gh the 1( ho%ses !o%nte& f om the 2anma asi *ill gi'e the follo*ing espe!ti'e effe!ts: .1/ &a*ning of fo t%ne) .(/ loss of *ealth) .,/ s%!!ess) .5/ fea ) .4/ so o*) .+/ f ee&om f om &isease) .0/ happiness) .6/ %nto*a & e'ents) .3/ si!kness) .1-/ attainment of one's !he ishe& *ishes) .11/ >oy an& .1(/ eBpen&it% e$ Sloka 1, : @hen Ma s t ansits the 2anma 7asi) the e *ill es%lt &e>e!tion of the min&) sepa ation f om one's elations an& &iseases !a%se& ;y .imp% ity of/ ;loo&) ;ile o heat$ In his passage th o%gh the (n& ho%se) Mats *ill !a%se fea ) hot *o &s) an& loss of *ealth$ In the , & ho%se) the effe!t *in ;e s%!!ess .in e'e ything/ an& happiness th o%gh the attainment of gol&en oyal &ispleas% e an& he *ill s%ffe also f om

o naments$ D% ing his passage in the 5th ho%se) he *ill !a%se loss of position stoma!h &iso &e s s%!h as &ysente y) &ia hoea) et!$) an& so o* th o%gh elations$ Sloka 15 : 9he effe!t of Ma s) t ansit th o%gh the 4th ho%se *ill ;e fe'e ) %nne!essa y &esi es) mental ang%ish !a%se& th o%gh one's son) o A%a el *ith one's elations$ @hen Ma s t ansits the +th ho%se he *ill ; ing a;o%t the te mination of st ife an& the *ith& a*al of enemies) alle'iation of &isease 'i!to y) finan!ial gain an& s%!!ess in all %n&e takings$ Sloka 14 : @hen Ma s t ansits the 0th ho%se) the e *ill a ise mis%n&e stan&ing *ith one's o*n *ife) eye#&isease) stoma!h#a!he an& the like$ In the 6th ho%se) the nati'e *ill s%ffe f om fe'e 1 his ;o&y *ill ;e!ome soile& &%e to anaemia$ He *ill ha'e lost his *ealth an& hono% $ In his t ansit th o%gh the 3th ho%se) Ma s *ill ; ing a;o%t h%miliation th o%gh loss of *ealth) et!$ 9he nati'e's gait *ill ;e!ome eta &e& &%e to ;o&ily *eakness an& *astage in the se'e al !onstit%ent elements of the ;o&y$ Sloka 1+ : @hen Ma s possess th o%gh the 1-th ho%se) the pe son !on!e ne& *ill eithe mis;eha'e .i$e$) his ;eha'io% *ill not ;e a;o'e ;oa &/) o he *ill inhis attempts$ He *ill ha'e eBha%stion$ In the 1(th ho%se$ 9he e *ill ;e finan!ial gain) f ee&om f om si!kness) a&&ition to lan&e& p ope ty p ope ty) et!$ Ma s in his t ansit in the 1(th ho%se *ill ; ing a;o%t loss of *ealth) an& the nati'e *ill s%ffe f om &iseases !a%se& ;y eB!essi'e heat$ Sloka 10 : Me !% y in his t ansit th o%gh the 1( ho%ses e!kone& f om the 2anma 7asi *ill !a%se in thei o &e the follo*ing espe!ti'e effe!ts: .1/ loss of *ealth) .(/ finan!ial gain) .,/ fea f om enemies) .5/ infl%B of money) .4/ A%a el *ith one's *ife an& !hil& en) .+/ s%!!ess) .0/ mis%n&e stan&ings) .6/ a!A%isition of !hil& en) *ealth) et!$) .3/ impe&iments) .1-/ happiness all o%n&) .11/ p ospe ity an& .1(/ fea of h%miliation$ Sloka 16 : D% ing 2%pite Cs t ansit th o%gh the 2anma 7asi) the pe son !on!e ne& may ha'e to lea'e his !o%nt y) in!% hea'y eBpen&it% e an& ;ea ill *ill to*a &s othe s$ @hen 2%pite passes th o%gh the (n& ho%se) the nati'e *ill a!A%i e money an& *ill ha'e &omesti! happiness$ His *o &s *ill ha'e *eight$ In the , & ho%se) loss of position) sepa ation f om one's f ien&s) o;sta!le to ;%siness an& &isease *ith es%lt$ @hen 2%pite t ansits the 5th ho%se) the e *ill ;e so o* th o%gh elations1 the pe son *ill s%ffe h%miliation an& *ill ha'e to app ehen& &ange f om D%a& %pe&s$ Sloka 13 : A!A%isition of !hil& en) f ien&ship *ith the goo& an& oyal fa'o% *ill ma k 2%pite 's passage th o%gh the 4th ho%se$ In the +th ho%se) the nati'e *ill ha'e t o%;le f om his enemies

an& !o%sins$ He *ill also s%ffe f om &iseases$ @hen 2%pite t ansits the 0th ho%se) the pe son *ill t a'el on an a%spi!io%s %n&e taking) *ill ;e happy *ith his *ife an& *ill ;e ;lesse& *ith !hil& en$ In the 6th ho%se) he *ill ha'e fatig%e ;y *ea isome >o% neys) *ill ;e %nl%!ky) s%ffe loss of money an& *ill feel mise a;le$ Sloka (- : D% ing 2%pite 's passage th o%gh the 3th ho%se) the pe son !on!e ne& *ill s%!!ee& in en>oying all p ospe ity$ In the 1-th ho%se) &ange to one's p ospe ity) position an& !hil& en may ;e eBpe!te&$ A!A%isition of !hil& en ne* position) hono% an& the like may ;e eBpe!te& &% ing 2%pite 's t ansit th o%gh the 11th ho%se$ In the 1(th ho%se) the e *ill ;e g ief an& fea !a%se& th o%gh p ope ty$ Sloka (1 : @hen Ven%s t ansits the 2anma asi) he *ill !onfe on the nati'e all kin&s of en>oyments$ He *ill !a%se finan!ial gain *hen in the (n& ho%se1 p ospe ity in the , &1 in! ease of happiness an& f ien&s in the 5th1 a!A%isition of !hil& en in the 4th) mishap in the +th1 t o%;le to *ife in the 0th1 *ealth in the 6th1 happiness in the 3th1 A%a el in the 1-th1 safely in the 11th an& a!A%isition of money in the 1(th$ Sloka (( : D% ing Sat% nCs t ansit th o%gh the 2anma asi) the nati'e *ill s%ffe f om &isease1 he *ill pe fo m f%ne al ites1 in the (n& ho%se he *ill s%ffe loss of *ealth an& !hil& en1 in the , & ho%se) the e *ill ;e a!A%isition of position o employment) se 'ants an& money$ D% ing Sat% nCs t ansit in the 5th ho%se) the e *ill ;e loss of *ife) elation an& *ealth$ In his t ansit th o%gh the 4th ho%se) *ealth *ill &e!line) the e *ill ;e loss of !hil& en an& the nati'eCs min& *ill ;e!ome !onf%se&$ In the +th) Sat% n !a%ses happiness all o%n&$ In the 0th) the nati'e's *ife *ill s%ffe 1 &ange &% ing t a'el may ;e app ehen&e&$ In the 6th ho%se) the e *ill ;e loss of !hil& en) !attle) f ien&s an& *ealth$ 9he nati'e *ill also s%ffe f om &isease$ Sloka (, : In his passage th o%gh the 3th ho%se) Sat% n *ill ; ing a;o%t loss in finan!e$ 9he e *ill ;e many o;sta!les fo the nati'e's &oing any goo& a!tion$ A elati'e *ho is eA%al to the fathe *ill &ie$ 9he e *ill ;e pe pet%al so o*$ In his t ansit th o%gh the 1-th ho%se) Sat% n *ill# make the nati'e &o a sinf%l &ee&$ 9he e *ill ;e loss of hono% $ 9he pe son may s%ffe f om &isease$ Sat% n in the 11th ho%se !onfe s all kin&s of happiness an& *ealth on the nati'e) *ho *ill also e!ei'e %niA%e hono% $ @hen Sat% n is in the 14th ho%se) the nati'e *ill ;e *ea ie& ;y ;eing engage& in a *o thless an& f %itless ;%siness$ He *ill ;e o;;e& of his money ;y his enemies$ His *ife an& sons *ill s%ffe f om si!kness$ Sloka (5 1 9he follo*ing a e the effe!ts in thei o &e !a%se& ;y 7ah% &% ing his t ansit th o%gh the 1( ho%ses !o%nte& f om the 2anma asi .1/ si!kness o &eath) .(/ loss of *ealth) .,/

happiness) .5/ so o*) .4/ finan!ial loss .+/ happiness) .0/ loss) 6/ &ange to life) .3/ loss) .1-/ gain .11/ happiness an& .l(/ eBpen&it% e$ Sloka (4 : Ma s an& the S%n p o&%!e effe!t .&% ing thei passage/ *hen they a e in the initial 1&eg ees o fig% e &e!anate of a sign$ 2%pite an& Ven%s ;e!ome effe!ti'e *hen they a e in the mi&&le po tion of a sign .(n& &e!anate/ *hile the Moon an& Sat% n ;eat f %it *hen in the last po tion$ Me !% y an& 7ah% p o&%!e effe!t th o%gho%t thei passage$ Sloka (+ : D a* se'en lines ho i:ontally .f om *est to east/ an& o'e them & a* se'en line 'e ti!ally$ 9he (6 eBt emities o points e!kone& f om the no th#east a e ;e asso te& to the (6 sta s .in!l%&ing A;hi>it/ !o%nte& f om 8 ittika .as sho*n In the neBt page/$ If the sta o!!%pie& ;y the S%n at the time happens to ;e the Ve&ha aste ism to the natal sta ) &ange to life has to ;e app ehen&e&1 if to the .A&hana Eakshat a) 13th f om a 2anmanakshat a/) the e *ill ;e fea an& anBiety1 if to the .1-th 2anmanakshat a/) loss of *ealth *ill ;e the es%lt Sho%l& ho*e'e the S%n in the a;o'e position ;e also asso!iate& *ith a malefi!) &eath alone has to ;e eBpe!te&$ Sloka (0 : If any one of the th ee aste isms efe e& to a;o'e ;e th%s ma e& ;y the o!!%pation of othe malefi!s .othe #than the S%n/) &eath may happen1 if ;y ;enefi!s) the e *ill ;e no &ange to life$ F'e y thing sho%l& ;e >%&ge& simila ly$ Sloka (6 : If the 13th) 1-th) , &) 1st) the (, &) the 4th o the 0th .all e!kone& f om the 2anmata a/ a e affli!te& ;e malefi!s &% ing thei t ansit) the e *ill ;e &ange to life$ ?%t if the planet ;e ;enefi!) fail% e in ;%siness *ill ;e the only es%lt$ <o A&hana) 8a ma ksha) Vainasika) et!$) see 2atakapa i>ata p$ +(4$ Sloka (3 : 9he th ee aste ism .'i:$) 2anma) An%>anma) 9 i>anma) 1st) 1-th) an& 13th falling on a &ay i&enti!al *ith the S%n's Sank amana .S%n's ent y into a ne* 7asi/ o at a time *hen any of the othe planets t ansit f om one 7asi to anothe ) o *hen the e is an e!lipse) planeta y *a " ahay%&&ha o a fall of meteo s Glkanipata o othe %neBpe!te& o!!% en!e) &eath o a simila %nto*a & e'ent sho%l& ;e eBpe!te&$ Glka &enotes the 1-th sta f om the one go'e ne& ;y the S%n .'i&e 8alap akasika#Hh$ XXXIlI# 11+) 9an>o e F&ition/$ ?%t ?ala;ha& a says it is the (1st sta !o%nte& f om that o!!%pie& ;y the S%n$ See notes on S1$ 56 Inf a$ Sloka ,- : A planet yiel&ing %nfa'o a;le es%lt *hen aspe!te& ;y a ;enefi!) o the one that

gi'es goo& es%lts if aspe!te& ;y a malefi!) ;oth ;e!ome 'oi& of effe!t$ 9he same *ill ;e the !ase if they a e aspe!te& ;y thei espe!ti'e inimi!al planets$

Sloka ,1 : A planet in an %nto*a & ?ha'a) if he is in eBaltation o S*ashet a *ill not &o any ha m$ If in s%!h fa'o% a;le position) he sho%l& also o!!%py a fa'o% a;le ?ha'a) he *ill gi'e f%ll ;enefi!ial es%lts .effe!t/ to the nati'e &% ing his t ansit in that ?ha'a$ Sloka ,( : =lanets in thei t ansit th o%gh fa'o% a;le pla!es .ho%ses *he ein they sho%l& gi'e goo& effe!ts/ ;e!ome 'oi& of effe!t if they happen to ;e at the time in thei &ep ession o inimi!al ho%ses o ;e in an e!lipse& state$ ?%t if the ho%ses t ansite& ;e also %nfa'o% a;le) they gi'e ;a& effe!ts an& that in too an agg a'ate& fo m$ Sloka ,, : Sat% n) the S%n) Ma s an& 2%pite *hen they t ansit the 1(th) 6th) o the 1st) .!o%nte& f om the Moon's pla!e/ ; ing a;o%t &ange to life itself) a fall f om one's position an& loss of *ealth$ Sloka ,5 : 9he Moon in the 6th) Ma s in the 0th 7ah% in the 3th) Ven%s in the +th) 2%pite in the , & the S%n in the 4th) Sat% n in the 1st an& Me !% y in the 5th) ; ing a;o%t loss of hono% an& *ealth) an& &ange to life also) if all the !on&itions eBist$ In the follo*ing siB slokas) the a%tho &es! i;es ho* the (0 sta s . e!kone& f om the 2anmanakshat a a e &ist i;%te& among the se'e al lim;s of the nati'e !on!e ne& &% ing t ansits of ea!h of the planets f om the S%n on*a &s an& thei effe!ts a e also state&$ Sloka ,4 : D% ing the S%n's t ansit) the (0 sta s e!kone& f om the 2anmanakshat a *ill ;e &ist i;%te& th%s: .a/ 1st sta #fa!e1 .;/ (n&) , &) 5th) an& 4th hea&1 .!/ +th) 0th) 6th an& 3th # ; east .!hest/1 .&/ 1-th) 11th) 1(th an& 1,th# ight han&1 .e/ 15th) 14th) 1+th) 10th) 16th an& 13th# t*o feet) .f/ (-th (1st) ((n& an& (, &#left han&1 .g/ (5th an& (4th#the t*o eyes1 .h/ (+th an& (0th# o gans of gene ation1 @hen the S%n t ansits th o%gh these lim;s) the effe!t *ill ;e .a/ &est %!tion) .;/ infl%B of *ealth) .!/ s%!!ess) .&/ finan!ial gain) .e/ loss of *ealth) .f/ ;o&ily illness) .g/ gain an& .h/ &ange to life espe!ti'ely$ Sloka ,+ : MOOE Eo$ of sta s ( , ( ( 7e!kone& f om the natal sta 1st an& (n& , & 5th) 4th) +th 0th) 6th 3th) 1-th =a ti!%la lim; &*elt <a!e Hea& ?a!k 9*o eyes Fffe!t FB!ee&ing fea Safely S%;&%ing of enemies <inan!ial gain

4 , + ,

11th) 1(th) 1,th) 15th) 14th 1+th) 10th) 16th) 13th) (-th) (1st) ((n&) (, &) (5th (4th) (+th) (0th Sloka ,0#,6 : MOOE

Hhest Left han& ( feet 7ight han&

Mental happiness D%a el "oing to a fo eign pla!e <inan!ial gain

Eo$ of sta s ( + , 5 ( 5 5 (

7e!kone& f om the natal sta 1st an& (n& , & 5th) 4th) +th) 0th) 6th 3th) 1-th) 11th 1(th) 1,th) 15th) 14th 1+th) 10th 16th) 13th) (-th) (1st ((n&) (, &) (5th) (4th (+th) (0th

=a ti!%la lim; &*elt <a!e 9*o feet Hhest Lest han& Hea& <a!e 7ight han& 9he t*o eyes

Fffe!t Death .&ange to life/ D%a el S%!!ess =en% y "ain FB!essi'e fea Happiness "oing to a fo eign pla!e

MF7HG7Y) 2G=I9F7 AED VFEGS Eo$ of sta s 1 , + 4 ( 6 7e!kone& f om the natal sta 1st (n&) , & 5th) 4th) +th 0th) 6th) 3th) 1-th) 11th) 1(th 1,th) 15th) 14th) 1+th) 10th 16th) 13th (-th) (1st) ((n&) (, &) (5th) (4th) (+th) (0th) =a ti!%la lim; &*elt Hea& <a!e 9he t*o han&s ?elly "ene ating o gans 9*o feet Fffe!t So o* o g ief "ain Something %nto*a & In!oming of m%!h money Loss Hono% ) fame

Sloka ,3#5- : SA9G7E) 7AHG AED 8F9G Eo$ of 7e!kone& f om the natal =a ti!%la lim; &*elt Fffe!t sta s sta 1 1S9 <a!e " ief 5 (n&)) , &) 5th) 4th 7ight han& Happiness , +th) 0th) 6th 7ight leg 9 a'el , 3th) 1-th) 11th Left leg Loss th th th th 5 1( ) 1, ) 15 ) 14 Left han& "ain 4 1+th) 10th) 16th) 13th) (-th ?elly SeB%al en>oyment , (1st) ((n&) (, & Hea& Happiness ( (5th) (4th Fyes Happiness ( (+th) (0th ?a!k Dange to life Sloka 51 : =lanets passing th o%gh 7asis !ontaining mo e ;enefi! &ots in the Ashtaka'a ga p o&%!e goo& effe!t al*ays$ F'en *hen s%!h 7asis happen to ;e the 1(th) +th o 6th) the effe!t *ill ;e goo& an& ;enefi!ial$ Sloka 5(#55 : 9he 1(th aste ism !o%nte& f om that o!!%pie& ;y the S%n at the time) the , & f om that of Ma s) the +th f om that of 2%pite ) an& the 6th f om that of Sat% n a e te me& o fo *a & Lattas$ 9he 4th sta e!kone& f om that of Ven%s) the 0th f om that of Me !% y1 the 3th f om that of 7ah% an& the ((n& f om that of the Moon a e !alle& o ea Lattas$ If) *hen th%s !o%nting) the 2anmanakshat a# natal sta happens to !ome as the Latta sta ) the e *ill ;e si!kness an& ang%ish$

Sloka 54#5+ : D% ing the S%n's Latta the e *ill ;e the %in of e'e y ;%siness$ Mise y *ill es%lt &% ing the Latta of 7ah% an& 8et%$ In the Latta of 2%pite ) &eath) %in of elations an& a so t of gene al fea o inse!% ity may o!!% $ 9he e *ill ;e A%a el in the Latta of Ven%s$ In Me !% y's Latta*ill o!!% loss of position of simila %nto*a & e'ent$ A g eat loss *ill ma k the Moon's Latta$ 9h%s the sepa ate effe!ts of the Latta ha'e ;een &es! i;e&$ Sloka 50 : @hen t*o o mo e Lattas syn!h onise) the !%m%lati'e effe!t *ill p opo tionately in! ease in intensity ;eing t*i!e' o th i!e an& one o%ght only to p e&i!t e'il as the o%t!ome of the !om;ination$ Sloka 56 : 9he Ve&has p ono%n!e& as a%spi!io%s in the Sa 'ato;ha a!haka ; ing happiness) *hile those &e!la e& as e'il p o&%!e only mise y$ One sho%l& note this also *hile !onsi&e ing the effe!t !a%se& ;y t ansit .of a planet/$ 9he follo*ing Slokas ega &ing Sa 'ato;ha& a!hak a a e eBt a!te& f om othe *o ks an& *ill ;e fo%n& %sef%l: Mant es*a a makes of the Lattas an& Sa 'ato;ha& a as ;oth ha'e a ;ea ing on the Ve&has$ 9he Lattas a e of t*o kin&s .1/ I<o *a &I o p% o Lattas an& .(/ I7ea J o = ishta Lattas$ 9he Lattas of the S%n) Ma s) 2%pite an& Sat% n ;elong to the fo me !lass$ 9he est ;elong to the latte $ 9h%s) if the S%n sho%l& o!!%py at any time) say the aste ism 'M%la' his Latta Sta .*hi!h is the 1(th f om M%la/ *ill ;e 8 ittika$ S%ppose at that time) Ven%s o!!%pies S a'ana 1 his Latta Sta *hi!h is the 4th f om S a'ana *ill ;e 2yeshta 1 the !o%nting in this !ase ;eing ma&e f om S a'ana in the e'e se &i e!tion as it is a 7ea Latta$ He e %n&e is gi'en a f ee en&e ing in Fnglish of the Slokas eBt a!te& f om Ho a atna on Sa 'ato;ha& a in pp$ ,+6#,0, s%p a$ I shall no* &es! i;e the Sa 'ato;ha& a!hak a *hi!h has ;e!ome famo%s an& se 'es as a light fo the th ee *o l&s an& *hi!h inf%ses imme&iately a settle& ;elief an& !onfi&en!e in the min& of the %se $ D a* ten lines 'e ti!ally an& othe ten lines ! oss*ise o'e the same$ Yo% *ill ha'e 61 sA%a es$ @ ite in the eg%la o &e the 1+ 'o*els f om on*a &s in the !o ne sA%a es !ommen!ing f om the o%tmost !o ne in the Eo th#east) th%s filling %p in otation the 5 !o ne s of ea!h of the 5 sets of sA%a es$ <ill %p the (6 'a!ant sA%a es of the o%te most !o ne ;eginning f om the Eo th#east ;y the (6 aste isms *ith 8 ittika) so that ea!h si&e *ill !ontain 0 aste isms$ 9he 4 'a!ant sA%a es of ea!h si&e of the neBt inne o* may ;e fille& ;y an& in the Fast) ;y if an& in the So%th) an& in the @est) an& in the Eo th$ 9he e no* emain 1( sA%a es) , on ea!h si&e in the neBt inne o*$ 9hese may ;e allotte& to$ the 1( 7asis ;eginning *ith V isha;ha f om the Fast in eg%la o &e $ 9he 4 inne sA%a es still emaining 'a!ant may ;e allotte& to the 4 g o%ps of 9ithis Ean&a) ?ha& a) 2aya) 7ikta an& =%ma as sho*n in the Hhak a$ 9he 0 *eek#&ays may also ;e ente e& in the sA%a es th%s: 9%es&ay an& S%n&ay in the sA%a e !ontaining the Ean&a g o%p1 @e&nes&ay an& Mon&ay in the ?ha& a g o%p1 9h% s&ay in the 2aya g o%p1 < i&ay in the 7ikta an& Sat% &ay in the =% na$ Sat% n) the S%n) 7ah%) 8et% an& Ma s a e malefi!$ 9he est a e ;enefi!$ Me !% y is a malefi! *hen asso!iate& *ith malefi!s$ So also is the *aning Moon$ In *hi!he'e aste ism a planet may ;e posite&) the e Ve&has a ise fo the same ;y its aspe!t#one in the left) one in the f ont an& one in the ight$ In the t*o si&es#*hethe in the ight of left#the Ve&ha may ;e *ith a sta ) a !onsonant) a 7asi o 'o*el an& not *ith othe s$ <o it has ;een !lea ly state& in 7a>a'i>aya th%s:

A =lanet posite& in 8 ittika may ha'e Ve&ha *ith the follo*ing) 'i:$) .1/ ?ha ani1 .(/ the 'o*el) .,/ V isha;ha1 .5/ Ean&a1 .4/ ?ha& a1 .+/ 9%la1 .0/ the !onsonant a1 .6/ Visaka an& S a'ana$ Simila ly a planet statione& in 7ohini *ill ha'e Ve&ha *ith .1/ the 'o*el) .(/ As*ini) .,/ the !onsonant) .5/ Mith%na) .4/ the 'o*el) .+/ 8anya) .0/ the !onsonant .6/ S*ati an& .3/ A;hi>>t$ In the same *ay) a planet is A%a te e& in M igasi as may ha'e Ve&ha *ith .1/ 8ataka) .(/ the !onsonant) .,/ Simha) .5/ the !onsonant) .4/ Hhitt a) .+/ 7e'ati) .0/ the !onsonant ) .6/ the 'o*el o an& .3/ Gtta asha&ha$ @hen a planet is et og a&e in motion) the aspe!t is to*a &s the ight$ It is on the left *hen the motion is &i e!t .s*ift/$ @hen it is mean one) it is to*a &s the f ont$ 9his is *ith efe en!e to the fi'e) planets f om Ma s on*a &s$ In the !ase of 7ah% an& 8et%) *hi!h a e al*ays et og a&e) the Ve&ha *ill ;e on the ight) an& in the !ase of the S%n an& the Moon *hi!h mo'e &i e!t .an& ha'e no et og a&e motion/) the Ve&ha *ill ;e on the left$ O*ing to the e ;eing no %nifo mity in motion among the othe planets) the e kin&'s of Ve&has ha'e ;een mentione&) Malefi!s *hen et og a&e) *ill !a%se intense e'il if they a e in Ve&ha position) *hile ;enefi!s *ill &o immense goo&$ Malefi!s an& ;enefi!s *hen in api& motion pa take of the nat% e of the planets they a e asso!iate& *ith$ @hen the fo% aste isms A & a) Hasta) =% 'a#sha&ha an& Gtta a;ha& apa&a *hi!h o!!%py the fo% !ent al positions of the o%te most ;o &e a e passe& o'e .t ansite&/ ;y a planet) the follo*ing fo% t iplets1 'i:$) a e espe!ti'ely hit .ha'e Ve&ha/$ In the !ase of the pai s if one lette of any pai ;e hit .has Ve&ha/) the othe also sho%l& ;e !onsi&e e& as hit$ A Sa%mya Ve&ha is one that is !a%se& ;e ;enefi!$ If the e Ve&ha in one of the pai s of simila 'o*els$) the othe 'o*el of the pai sho%l& also ;e !onsi&e e& as ;it the same ema k sho%l& ;e ma&e in the !ase of the An%s*a a an& Visa ga .'o*elsK$ @hen a planet in t ansits is in the last o the fi st A%a te of t*o aste isms .fo ming the >%n!t% e/ in any of the fo% !o ne s of the sA%a e) the e is the Ve&ha of the fo% 'o*els) an& in eg%la o &e !ommen!ing *ith that 'o*el inte 'ening at the =a ti!%la >%n!t% e o!!%pie& ;y the planet$ 9he effe!ts a ising f om these <i'e a e: agitation o eB!itement f om the fi st) fea f om the se!on&) loss f om the thi &) &isease f om the fo% th an& &eath f om the fifth$ @hen the Ve&ha is *ith an aste ism) the e is !onf%sion1 *hen *ith a lette ) loss1 *ith a 'o*el) si!kness1 an& a 'e y g eat o;sta!le) *hen) *ith a 9ithi o 7asi$ @hen the e a e fi'e Ve&has sim%ltaneo%sly) the in&i'i&%al *ill not li'e$ A single Ve&ha *ill engen&e fea in ;attle1 t*o Ve&has) loss of money1 th ee) some a;sta!1e1 an& fo% ) &eath$ 2%st as malefi!s p o&%!e e'il) ;enefi!s !a%se goo&$ ?enefi!s asso!iate& *ith malefi!s p o&%!e only e'il effe!ts$ In the S%n's Ve&ha the e mis%n&e stan&ing in that of Ma s) loss of *ealth1 in that of Sat% n) t o%;le th o%gh si!kness1 in those of1 7ah% an& 8et%) o;sta!les$ In the Moon's the e *ill ;e miBe& effe!ts1 in that of Ven%s) seB%al en>oyment1 in that of Me !% y) in elligen!e1 in that of 2%pite ) an all o%n& goo& effe!t$ @hen the planet !a%sing the Ve&ha is et og a&e) the effe!t is t*o#fol&1 it is th i!e *hen he is in eBaltation1 *hen his motion is api& .&i e!t/) the %s%al .nat% al/ effe!t1 an& *hen in &ep ession) the effe!t is only half$ Any 9ithi) 7asi o Amsa o Eakshat a hit ;y a malefi! sho%l& ;e s! %p%lo%sly a'oi&e& in all a%spi!io%s %n&e takings$ A ma iage !ele; ate& &% ing a Ve&ha *ill not p o'e p ospe o%s1 any >o% ney %n&e taken *ill not p o'e p ospe o%s1 any t eatment gi'en to a patient *ill not en& in !% e1 an& any ;%siness sta te& *ill not ;e s%!!essf%l$ If a Ve&ha !a%se& ;y a malefi! sho%l& o!!% &% ing the time of si!kness) it *ill !%lminate in &eath if the motion ;e et og a&e$ if the

motion ;e &i e!t) the si!kness *ill soon s%;si&e$ If the e ;e Ve&ha !a%se& ;y a malefi! in oneCs o*n *eek &ay .of ;i th/) the pe son *ill not ha'e pea!e of min& an& he *ill s%ffe f om mental pain$ D% ing the t ansit of the S%n in the th ee 7asis V isha;ha) Mith%na an& 8ataka in the Fast .see Hhak a/) the &i e!tion is !onsi&e e& as 'set' *hile the emaining th ee as eBisting .o 'isi;le/$ 9he 'o*els an& in the Eo th#Fast sho%l& ;e !onsi&e e& as ;elonging to the Fast1 the 'o*els) ap& in the So%th#Fast) to the So%th1 an& to the @est1 it to the Eo th$ In the pa ti!%la &i e!tion in *hi!h the S%n is staying fo th ee months) all the aste isms) 'o*els) !onsonants) 7asis an& 9ithis in that &i e!tion sho%l& ;e &eeme& as 'set'$ @hen an aste ism is set an& the e is Ve&ha) si!kness *ill ;e the es%lt$ @hen a !onsonant is) set) the e is loss$ @hen a 'o*el is set) the e is so o*$ @hen a 7asi is set) the e is o;sta!le1 *hen a 9ithi is set an& the e is Ve&ha) fea *ill a ise$ @hen all the fi'e a e in the LsetC &i e!tion an& the e is Ve&h) &eath *ill s% ely es%lt$ 9o*a &s the &i e!tion &eeme& as 'set') >o% ney) 'fight) &is!%ssion) fiBing of a ne* &oo o gate fo a pala!e an %ppe sto eys sho%l& not ;e %n&e taken$ Any othe simila a%spi!io%s a!tion sho%l& not ;e &one$ @hoe'e has his initial lette sit%ate& in the set &i e!tion sho%l& !onsi&e himself as &estine& %nfo t%nate) fo the time$ =eople *hose initial lette s a e in the 'set' &i e!tion sho%l&) if they &esi e s%!!ess) shim a poeti!al !ontest) a fo t) a ;attle .!onsisting of elephants) ho ses) !ha iots) infant y) et!$/) in that pa ti!%la A%a te $ In the !ase of an aste ism sit%ate& in any of the othe ' isen' &i e!tions) if the e sn-%l& ;e a Ve&ha) the e *ill ;e g o*th$ If the Ve&ha ;e *ith a !onsonant) gain *ill ;e the es%lt1 if *ith a 'o*el) the e *ill ;e happiness1 if *ith a 7asi) the e *ill ;e s%!!ess1 if *ith a 9ithi) the e is l%st e1 if *ith all the fi'e) a position is se!% e&$ @hen the e a e Ve&has !a%se& ;y malefi!s on ;oth the ight an& left si&es *ith !onsonants) 9ithis) 'o*els 7asis an& Aste isms at any time) the pe son !on!e ne& *ill s% ely meet *ith his &eath$ @hen at the time of a malefi! Ve&ha the e is a fatef%l Gpag aha .see neBt th ee Slokas of this note/ syn!h oni:ing) &eath is s% e to happen to him eithe th o%gh si!kness o at ;attle$ 9he fifth sta e!kone& f om the one o!!%pie& ;y the S%n is te me& Vi&y%nm%kha$ 9he 6th is !alle& S%la an& the 15th) Sannipata) the 16th is kno*n as 8et%) the (1st is Glka) the ((n& is &esignate& 8ampa) the (, & is kno*n as Va> aka) an& the (5th is te me& Ei ghata$ 9hese eight a e kno*n as the Gpag ahas an& a e e!ogni:e& as !a%sing o;sta!les to) all %n&e takings *hen at the time planets t ansit thei espe!ti'e pla!es$ As!e tain if the e is Ve&ha *ith any of the follo*ing aste isms: .1/ 2anma;ha .(/ 8a ma/) .,/ A&hanana/) .5/ Vinasa/1 .4/ Sam%&ayika) .+/ Sanghatika) .0/ 2ati .6/ Desa an& .3/ A;hisheka an& p e&i!t goo& o ;a& effe!ts a!!o &ing as the Ve&ha p o&%!e& is ;y a ;enefi! o a malefi! as the !ase may ;e$ 9he sta in *hi!h the Moan is at the time of ;i th of a pe son is kno*n as 2anama;ha o 2anama ksha$ 9he 1-th the e f om is !alle& 8a ma;ha o 8a ma ksha$ 9he 13th is &esignate& as A&hana) the (, & is te me& Vinasana o Vainasika the 16th sta is style& Sam%&ayika) the 1+th aste ism is kno*n as Sanghatika) the (+th) (0th an& (6th a e kno*n as 2ati) Desa an& A;hisheka espe!ti'ely$ If the 2anma ksha) the 8a ma ksha) the A&hana ksha an& the Vinasa ksha ;e ea!h o!!%lte& ;y malefi! planets) &eath) so o*) a;sen!e f om one's pla!e an& A%a el *ith one's o*n elations *ill espe!ti'ely es%lt$

@hen the e is in the Sam%&ayika Eakshat a) e'il o something %nto*a & *ill a ise$ 9he e *ill ;e loss *hen the Ve&ha is in the Sanghatika Eakshat a$ Dest %!tion of the family *ill ;e the effe!t *hen the Ve&ha is in the 2ati o the (+th sta f om the 2anma ksha$ In the (6th sta ) the Ve&ha *ill !a%se imp isonment$ @hen the o!!%ltation is ;y a malefi! in the aste ism kno*n as Desa) the pe son !on!e ne& *ill ;e eBpelle& f om his !o%nt y$ ?%t if the Ve&ha in the a;o'e !ases ;e ;y ;enefi!s) the es%lts *ill ;e all a%spi!io%s$ Sho%l& the Ve&has *ith the Gpag ahas .see s%p a/ also o!!% sim%ltaneo%sly) the es%lt *ill ;e &eath an& nothing sho t of that$ @hen at the time of a ;attle) the e is a Ve&ha/ !a%se& ;y one) t*o) th ee) fo% o fi'e malefi!s) the !o espon&ing effe!ts *ill ';e fea ) fail% e) killing .;loo&#she&/) &eath an& ignominy espe!ti'ely$ @hen the Moon happens to ;e in a Ve&ha sim%ltaneo%sly *ith a 9ithi o Eakshat a) a 'o*el) a 7asi an& a !onsonant on any &ay) that &ay *ill p o'e a%spi!io%s o othe *ise a!!o &ing as the planet !a%sing the Ve&ha is ;enefi! o malefi!$ @hile the %se of the Sa 'ato;ha& a Hhak a an& the light it may th o* on the h%man !y!le of life on the pe son !on!e ne& has f%lly ;een eBplaine& in pages ,3+#,30 s%p a) the te!hniA%e an& the pointe s to s%!h &e&%!tions .of es%lts/ ha'e not ha& f%ll eBplanation to make the same ;oth han&y an& %sef%l fo easy efe en!e$ 9he same has ;een eBplaine& ;elo*$ 9he e a e 11( lette s .o so%n&s/ ;elonging to the (6 aste isms at the ate of one lette ) fo ea!h Eakshat a pa&a$ 9hese a e mentione& fo ea&y efe en!e$ =e sons *hose names ;egin *ith any one of these lette s ha'e got a ;ea ing on the !o espon&ing Eakshat a pa&a an& >%&ge& a!!o &ingly$ Sloka 53 : If planets sho%l& ;e ;a&ly sit%ate& *hethe &ining thei Dasa) ?h%kti) Ashtaka'a ga o t ansit) one o%ght to in'oke ;y p aye s an& in!antations ag eea;le to the !on!e ne& planets an& pe fo m Shantis o p opitiato y ites fo a'e ting the e'il othe *ise th eatening) ;y &oing 'i t%o%s a!tions) o;se 'ing eligio%s 'o*s) making gifts an& &oing p ope a&o ations$ Sloka 4- : =lanets a e al*ays fa'o% a;le to one *ho is ha mless .*ho &oes not in>% e othe s/) *ho posessess self !ont ol) *ho has ea ne& *ealth th o%gh 'i t%o%s means an& *ho is al*ays o;se 'ing eligio%s &is!ipline$ 9h%s en&s the (+th A&hyaya on M9 ansits of =lanetsJ in the *o k =hala&eepika !ompose& ;y Mantes*a a$

Hh$ 10$ 9he Fffe!ts of Ashtak Va g The following are the Ashtak Varg places in the several Ashtak Vargas of Srya and other Grahas: Benefic dots from Lagn, Srya etc sho!ld "e marked on the gro!nd #nowadays on paper$ and added together The %asha effects arising o!t of the &' ()*is sho!ld "e determined for the several Grahas +n the %ashas of the Grahas, which contain no "enefic dots, or, which are placed in fall, or in an enemy,s Bhava will "ring a"o!t diseases, financial loss, grief etc +f there are one, two, or three dots only, predict loss of money, grains and cattle -ith fo!r dots, the effects are medi!m, i e not "ad and not good Sho!ld there "e five dots, all desires will "e f!lfilled The res!lts relating to a Grah in own Bhava, in e.altation Bhava, or in /pachaya Bhava sho!ld "e ded!ced, as told a"ove The res!lts arising o!t of "enefic dots #in each Ashtak Varg$ sho!ld "e !nderstood, as mentioned earlier The goods delivered "e good Bhavas will "e of twofold a!spicio!s Sho!ld it "e otherwise, the res!lts are also otherwise +n s!ch manner, the res!lts of the &' Bhavas commencing from Lagn sho!ld "e ded!ced The physical growth, possessing lim"s, or otherwise sho!ld "e known from Lagn Tr!thf!lness, pr!dence and wealth are to "e known from the second Bhava 0ne,s voice, strength, co!rage and co1"orn sho!ld "e

estimated from the third Bhava 0ne,s comforts #happiness$, relatives, mental disposition and mother sho!ld "e assessed from the fo!rth Bhava 0ne,s nat!re, e.tent of mental cali"re and sons are to "e known from the fifth Bhava The Bhava helps to know a"o!t one,s co!sins, enemies, wo!nds etc The seventh Bhava sho!ld "e cons!lted in respect of one,s progenic a"ility, marital s!ccess etc The eighth Bhava reveals diseases, death etc The ninth Bhava is called Bhagya Sthan #l!ck$, G!r! Sthan #elders and preceptors$ and %harm Sthan #virt!es$ The tenth Bhava speaks of one,s profession, living, co!rage, prowess, learning and fame #seen and heard$ 0ne,s wealth, monetary gains etc sho!ld "e known from the eleventh Bhava The twelfth Bhava is known, as the Bhava of e.penses and sins This is how a wise 2yotishi sho!ld assess the twelve Bhavas -hichever Bhavas are occ!pied "y malefics, will yield !npleasant res!lts Benefics ca!se fr!ition of the Bhavas they occ!py Grahas of mi.ed disposition will give mi.ed res!lts 3ven tho!gh a Grah is "ad "y nat!re, sho!ld it "e in a friendly, or e.alted ()*i, only a!spicio!s res!lts will "e felt Similarly "enefics in inimical Bhavas, or in fall, will t!rn "ad and give "ad effects 0nly after assessing the effects, as a"ove, one sho!ld predict the vario!s events 0ne,s own a"ility to infl!ence #the matter in the world$ and a"o!t his father sho!ld "e known from Srya 4is mind, the e.tent of wisdom and a"o!t his mother sho!ld "e known from 5andr 6angal r!les "rother, Sattva G!n and landed property Awareness, speech, act and wisdom are !nder B!dh 4is physical so!ndness, wisdom, sons and wealth are governed "y G!r! 7!kr governs his marriage #and that, which he is "o!nd to perform in his family$ and the pleas!res o!t of marriage and conveyances 4is longevity, means of livelihood and death are governed "y 7ani Sho!ld the Grahas "e devoid of strength at "irth, the effects they generate will "e e8!ally weak This does not, however, apply to 7ani The reverse holds good in his case The effects revealed "y the vario!s Bhavas will "e in proportion to the "enefic dots in the Bhavas occ!pied "y them The res!lts of the %ashas cannot "e estimated witho!t s!ch Ashtak Varg 9!ndalis Take the Ashtak Varg 9!ndali of Srya and find o!t the "enefic dots The ()*i, which is ninth from the ()*i occ!pied "y Srya is related to one,s father The Shodhya :ind sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the said fig!re of "enefic dots and the res!ltant fig!re sho!ld "e divided "y '; -hen 7ani transits the partic!lar asterism, as denoted "y the remainder in the a"ove process will ca!se death of the native,s father The stars in 9on position to the earlier mentioned star will also f!nction similarly +t sho!ld "e a 5hidra %asha to ca!se s!ch an effect The transit of 7ani in the <th ()*i from 5andr ()*i may also ca!se the native lose his father =or this, either %asha of Srya, or 5andr sho!ld also "e in sim!ltaneo!s operation >ote the lord of the >avamsh holding the ?th lord +n the %asha of the said >avamsh lord, the native,s father may die Alternatively, death of father can occ!r in the %asha of the lord of the fo!rth Bhava >ote the owner of the eighth Bhava from the ninth Bhava #i e Bandh! Bhava$ -hen s!ch %asha of a Grah posited in Lagn, the native shall and at no time later than that, perform the last rites of his father The native,s mother has the same fate #of passing away$ in the %asha of the <th lord posited in the eleventh Bhava, or in Lagn +t has special effect, if this co!nting is done from 5andr ()*i Th!s, wo!ld the native complete the o"se8!ies of his father #and mother$, if any !ndone Sho!ld one "e "orn in the @rd Bhava of the father,s Lagn, he will inherit paternal money 0ne "orn in a Lagn, which is tenth from that of the father, will ac8!ire s!ch 8!alities, which are e8!al to his father,s 3ven, if the lord of s!ch ()*i occ!pies Lagn, the native will "e s!perior to the father >ote the ()*i, which has no Bind!s in Srya,s Ashtak Varg The month indicated "y the partic!lar ()*i sho!ld "e avoided for negotiating marriage and other s!ch a!spicio!s f!nctions S!ch months corresponding to the ()*is witho!t Bind!s may give rise to disp!tes, tiredness, grief etc 0ne sho!ld act after knowing s!ch effects The Shodhya :ind of Srya,s Ashtak Varg sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the n!m"er of "enefic dots in (andhr Bhava and divided "y &' The death of the native may take place in the month co!nted from 6esh, or its 9on, as represented "y the remainder +f 5andr is in transit in a ()*i, witho!t "enefic dots, in her Ashtak Varg, s!ch >akshatras sho!ld "e avoided for good events -hen 5andr transits the >akshatras in the Ath from the natal position, or its 9onas, she will ca!se worry, sickness and grief

The Shodhya :ind sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the n!m"er of dots in the ?th Bhava from the natal 5andr and divided "y '; The remainder represents the asterism, in which 7ani,s transit proves !nfavo!ra"le to the mother 3ven the 9on stars may ca!se the event Sho!ld there "e %asha 5hidra at that time, the event may take place Sho!ld 7ani "e in the ?th from natal 5andr, or give a %rishti to it #from the ;th, or the &Bth$, at a time "efore noon, it indicates death of the native, or travel to a distant place >ote the >avamshas occ!pied "y the lords of the ?th and the Ath from 5andr Srya,s transit in a 9on from there indicates mother,s death in that partic!lar month The same is to "e ded!cted from Lagn of the father The iss!es related to one,s mother sho!ld "e eval!ated in the same way, as done for the father Brother,s wealth etc , are to "e !nderstood from the Ashtak Varg of 6angal Sho!ld 6angal "e weak, one ac8!ires learning with diffic!lty +n the Ashtak Varg of B!dh red!ctions sho!ld "e made #as s!ggested$ The ()*i indicated "y the remainder, when transited "y 7ani will g!ide a"o!t loss of sons, friends and s!ch other events witho!t any do!"t The n!m"ers of iss!es one can have sho!ld "e g!essed from the Ashtak Varg of G!r! >ote the "enefic dots in the Cth from G!r! and eliminate the dots contri"!ted "y Grahas posited in enemy,s Bhava and in fall The net dots there after will reveal the n!m"er of iss!es possi"le Again, the n!m"er of >avamshas passed "y G!r!, or the lord of :!tr Bhava >ote the dots in total in the Ashtak Varg of G!r! The dots in the ()*is occ!pied "y malefics sho!ld not "e considered The "alance left o!t e8!als the n!m"er of iss!es, while the dots in the Vyaya, (andhr and :!tr Bhava, if occ!pied "y malefics, will indicate the n!m"er of children to die :!tr Bhava from Lagn and the Cth Bhava from G!r! sho!ld have more than @ dots in the Ashtak Varg of G!r! 0therwise, one will "e iss!eless 4owever, if these Bhavas are receiving %rishtis from, or are occ!pied "y their lords, this r!le does not apply and the native will have children -ith these g!idelines the 8!estion of iss!es can "e answered Sho!ld the 9!ndali "e indicative of children "eing o"tained, it will happen accordingly The r!les for destr!ction of family, i e iss!elessness, are separately detailed >ote the "enefic dots #in Sarvastha Varg$ of 7!kr contri"!ted "y vario!s Grahas Then, the 9on red!ction sho!ld "e done #as per r!le e.plained already$ and after that 3kadhipathya red!ction #for the Grahas owing two ()*is each e.cept for Srya and 5andr$ sho!ld "e made Time for o"taining lands, wife and wealth sho!ld "e predicted according to the ()*is having "enefic dots -ife in partic!lar sho!ld "e ascertained from D!vati Bhava with reference to the position of 7!kr #at "irth$ The ()*i occ!pied "y the lord of the >avamsh, in which D!vati,s lord is posited will denote 5andr ()*i of the native,s wife +t may also correspond to the e.altation, or own Bhava of D!vati,s lord Some (ishis mention, that the ninth Bhava co!nted from 5andr, or from Lagn may indicate the 2anm ()*i of the wife The wise sho!ld s!ita"ly !nderstand the iss!e Sho!ld the 2anm ()*i of the wife "e other than the ones mentioned a"ove, it is indicative of no progeny #This is a very important cl!e to match the horoscopes, when iss!es are felt to "e an essential o!tcome to follow marriage$ The dots in D!vati and in %harm Bhava will indicate the n!m"er of women one will attain This is tre"led in the case of ()*i and do!"le in the >avamsh 0ne will se.!ally gain low class women, if 7!kr is in a >avamsh of 7ani, or in s!ch ()*i, or in a malefic,s company The person will violate the marital "onds in regard to se.!al !nion, if 7!kr is in a ()*i of >avamsh of 6angal, or y!ti with, or %rishti to 6angal Sho!ld D!vati Bhava in >avamsh "e that of 7ani, or 6angal #i e 9ark, Simh, Vrisha"h, or T!la rising in the >avamsh 9!ndali$ the native,s wife will "e a prostit!te, or at least an ad!lteress This is do!"tless 0ne will "e displaced thro!gh a woman, if 5andr occ!pies D!vati, or Vyaya Bhava, at the same time in the Amsh of a malefic Grah, while 7!kr is y!ti with a malefic The female of the native will "e representative of the >avamsh occ!pied "y 7!kr, in comple.ion, appearance and disposition, or the >avamsh occ!pied "y the lord, or the <th, or the ;th will also give s!ch cl!es 0ne sho!ld assess the strength and weakness of s!ch positions and predict a"o!t the wife of the native The Ashtak Varg of 7ani sho!ld "e prepared "y inserting the a!spicio!s dots in all the &' ()*is Add the dots in the ()*is "etween Lagn and 7ani on one hand, "etween 7ani and Lagn on the other hand These two fig!res will reveal the age, at which the s!"Eect will have diseases and grief -hen these two are totalled, it indicates the possi"le year of death The red!ctions s!ggested sho!ld "e done to arrive at the Shodhya :ind of 7ani,s Ashtak Varg This sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the n!m"er of dots in (andhr Bhava and "e divided "y '; The 8!otient will represent the

longevity of the native in years =rom the remainder, one can work o!r the months, days, Ghatikas etc Sho!ld there "e %asha 5hidra at the time so arrived, death is certain The ()*is, which have no dots in 7ani,s Ashtak Varg are prod!ctive of destr!ction The Shodhya :ind mentioned in S F< sho!ld "e divided "y &' -hen 5andr transits the ()*i represented "y the remainder, death of the native will take place A diagram sho!ld "e made "y p!tting the vario!s "enefic dots together in their respective ()*is #i e Sarvashta Varg 9!ndali$ and ascertaining from the rising degree the "ad, good and ne!tral #i e not "ad, "!t not good$ one sho!ld know the res!lts of the %ashas and s!ggest s!ita"le time for Eo!rney, marriage etc The effects of vario!s kinds may "e known thro!gh the Sarvashtak Varg etc 0therwise, it is not possi"le to ascertain good and "ad of the effects The ()*is, which have @B, or more dots are capa"le of giving good res!lts, while the ones having 'C1@B dots are medi!m in effects The ()*is, or Bhavas with very little n!m"er of dots will yield very harmf!l res!lts All other ()*is are good and a!spicio!s acts sho!ld "e performed #when related Grahas travel in s!ch ()*is$ 0ne sho!ld choose s!ch ()*is, which have more "enefic dots for a!spicio!s acts Sho!ld Lagn have more dots than Vyaya Bhava, one will enEoy life and "e wealthy +f it is otherwise, pen!ry will do!"tlessly res!lt /p to @B his life will have medi!m good, afterwards it will "e indeed good The wise 2yotishi sho!ld assess the effects of the Bhavas from Lagn thro!gh Vyaya Bhava The more the "enefic dots, it is good +f the dots are less, it will only inflict afflictions Barring Ari, (andhr and Vyaya Bhava, the res!lts for other Bhavas sho!ld "e ded!cted in the a"ove manner =rom 6een to 6ith!n, it is called first 9handa #or division$, while the second 9handa starts form Vrischik and ends with 9!m"h =rom 9ark to T!la, it is the third 9handa These 9handas are to "e kept separately, as f!nctions relating to age will have to "e effected at appropriate times -hichever 9handa has more "enefic dots will give a!spicio!s res!lts, while the one with least n!m"er of dots will give ina!spicio!s res!lts 0nly after noting this, the %asha res!lts sho!ld "e declared #+f a %asha lord is in a 9handa with!m dots, good res!lts follow$ The 9handa with more malefics will give malefic res!lts, while the one with "enefics will give "enefic res!lts +f "oth malefics and "enefics are these, mi.ed res!lts will "e felt 0nly after e.amining the @ 9handas the %asha res!lts sho!ld "e declared The total n!m"er of dots from Lagn to the ()*i occ!pied "y 7ani sho!ld "e added together and m!ltiplied "y ; and divided "y '; The remainder reveals the year, which will ca!se grief and sickness to the native The same proced!re sho!ld "e applied for the positions, as !nder: & from 7ani to LagnG ' from 6angal to LagnG @ from Lagn to 6angal +n s!ch years, as revealed "y the remainders, diffic!lties, like grief, tiredness and diseases will s!rely follow Add the >avamshas of 7ani and Lagn The year represented "y this fig!re will ca!se h!rt "y weapon +n the way e.plained a"ove process add the >avamshas of (ah! and Lagn on the one hand and 6angal and Lagn on the other hand The years indicated th!s will ca!se some accident, wo!nd "y weapons, tiredness, grief etc Th!s, >avamsh arrived similarly "etween an a!spicio!s Grah and Lagn will give good res!lts like, sons, wealth, happiness etc in partic!lar years witho!t any do!"t >ote in what n!m"er of >avamsh the Ath lord is placed This fig!re sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the "enefic dots in (andhr Bhava #Sarvashtak Varg 9!ndali$ and divided "y &' -hen Srya in Gochara to!ches the Bhava represented "y the remainder, the death of the native may take place, or he will "e attacked "y diseases Similar res!lts sho!ld "e g!essed from :itr! Sthan and 6atr! Sthan #%harm and Bandh! Bhava$ for father and mother, respectively Add the "enefic dots in the &' ()*is, commencing from left to right and gro!p them in fo!r, according to the fo!r directions There will "e good from s!ch direction indicated "y the gro!p with the!m n!m"er of dots A "enefic in s!ch position will make the effects intensive 0ne sho!ld always avoid s!ch direction with less dots 5onstr!ction of a cattle shed, dealing in lands, agric!lt!re etc , if done in a good ()*i, will prove "eneficial Any money invested, or deposited in an ina!spicio!s ()*i will only vanish #These are to indicate Srya,s travel in s!ch ()*is with more, or less dots in the Ashtak Varg 9!ndali$ +n the direction indicated "y the lord of %han Bhava, there will "e gain of wealth +n (andhr,s lord,s direction, there is "ad l!ck only The wise Siddhasena dealt with Ashtak Varg in greater length and + have presented this "riefly Thus ends the 17th Ch. entitled Effects of Ashtak Varg in Horashara of Prithuyasas, son of Varah ihira.

Hh$ ++$ AshtakaVa g &1? 6aitreya said: H0 Venera"le SageI Do! have descri"ed many kinds of effects, relating to the Grahas and Bhavas, after incorporating the views of many sages and Acharyas, "!t it is not possi"le to say with certainty, if a partic!lar effect is 8!ite correct, after considering the contradictions in the effects "y the movements of the vario!s Grahas As "eca!se of sinf!l deeds, committed "y people in 9aliy!ga, their minds have "ecome "l!nt, "e kind eno!gh to descri"e a method, which wo!ld ena"le even the shallow minded persons to ascertain their happiness and sorrows and determine their longevity on the "asis of the positions of the Grahas in transit J C1F The sage replied: H0 BrahminI Do! have p!t a very intelligent 8!estion + will now descri"e the Shastra for the "enefit of all, the Shastra, in which there will "e no contradictions in E!dging the effects of happiness and sorrows and for determination of the longevity Do! now listen to me caref!lly ;1&& +f the &' Bhavas, incl!ding Lagn, are occ!pied "y, or aspected "y "enefic Grahas, they yield a!spicio!s res!lts, according to their characteristics, "!t this happens, where the Grahas concerned are in their e.altation (ashi, own (ashi, or posited in a "enefic Bhava There will "e no good effects, if s!ch Grahas are in depression, or posited in an ina!spicio!s Bhava Similarly the Bhavas, associated with, or aspected "y malefics in depression, or posited in malefic Bhavas, yield adverse res!lts, according to their characteristics +f s!ch Grahas "e in their e.altation (ashi, the effects will not "e adverse This is how the general effects have "een descri"ed "y the %aivaEnas + have only repeated those effects The main p!rposes of this 2yotish Shastra are to determine the longevity and Eoys and sorrows of the people, "!t "eca!se the movements of the Grahas are so s!"tle, even sages, like Vashista and Brihaspati, have not "een a"le to "e 8!ite definite in this respect Then how can a common man, partic!larly in 9aliy!ga, do so &' There are two divisions, or parts of the 2yotish Shastra, namely general and partic!lar + have already dealt with the general part + now come to the other part, which deals with this s!"Eect in partic!lar &@1&C As the effects of the twelve Bhavas are E!dged from Lagn and 5andr, effects of the twelve Bhavas and the vario!s Grahas are E!dged in the same manner Therefore the ina!spicio!s places from the seven Grahas, named, as 9aran, "eginning from Srya and Lagn #total A$, sho!ld "e marked "y dots #Bind!s$ and a!spicio!s places, named, as Sthan, "y small vertical lines #(ekhas$ and on the "asis of their assessment sho!ld the E!dgment of the horoscope and predictions "e made J >otes The a"ove arrangement is known, as AshtakaVarg The meaning of AshtakaVarg is literally the gro!p of eight things +n other words it is the com"ination of the good and "ad positions of a Grah with reference to the seven Grahas and Lagn So it is the com"ination of the "enefic and malefic marks #the (ekhas and the Bind!s$ in a planet,s chart with reference to the position of the eight Grahas #here Lagn is to "e treated, as a Grah$ &F =ive Grahas in &st, 'nd, Ath, @rd and the &'th Bhavas from Srya are 9aranprad #dot significators$ Similarly fo!r Grahas in the ;th and ?th, three Grahas in the Fth and <th, si. Grahas in the Cth, ' Grahas in the &Bth and one Grah in the &&th are dot significators &;1&< Th!s Lagn, 5andr, G!r!, 7!kr and B!dh in the &st, 'nd and Ath from SryaG Srya, 6angal, 7ani, 5andr and G!r! in the &'thG B!dh, 5andr, 7!kr, G!r! in the ?thG Lagn, 5andr, 7!kr in the <thG Srya, 7ani and 6angal in the FthG Lagn, B!dh, G!r! and 5andr in the ;thG 7!kr in the &&thG Srya, 7ani, 7!kr, G!r! and 6angal in the @rdG G!r! and 7!kr in the &BthG Srya, 7ani, 5andr, Lagn 6angal and 7!kr in the Cth are 9aranprad, or dot indicators 'B1'' +n 5andr,s AshtakaVarg F Grahas in the <th and the 'nd, C Grahas in the ?th, Ath and the &st, one Grah in the &Bth and the @rd, ? Grahas in the Cth, @ Grahas in the Fth and the ;th and &st, eight in the &'th are 9aranprad Th!s Lagn, Srya, 6angal, 7ani and 7!kr, these five in the &stG Lagn, B!dh, Srya, 5andr, 7ani and 7!kr, these F in the 'ndG G!r! in the @rdG Srya, 7ani, 5andr, Lagn and 6angal, these C in the ?thG 7!kr, B!dh, G!r!, these @ in the FthG 6angal, Lagn and 7ani, these @ in the ;thG 6angal, Lagn, 7ani, 7!kr and 5andr, these five in the AthG Lagn, Srya, 6angal, 7ani, B!dh and G!r!, these F in the <thG 7ani only in the &BthG none in the &&thG all the eight in the &'th from their own places are 9aranprad These Grahas in the other Bhavas are (ekhaprad #line significators$ '@1'; +n the AshtakaVarg of 6angal F Grahas in the &'th, ?th and ;th, C Grahas in the Cth, F Grahas in the 'nd, ; Grahas in the <th, C Grahas in the &st and Ath, ? Grahas in the @rd, @ Grahas in the &Bth and ' Grahas in the Fth are 9aranprad +n the &&th no Grah is 9aranprad +n other words all the Grahas in the &&th from their own

places are (ekhaprad Th!s Srya, 5andr, B!dh, G!r! and 7!kr, these five in the &stG Lagn, Srya, 5andr, B!dh, G!r! and 7ani, these F in the 'ndG 7!kr, 6angal, G!r! and 7ani, these ? in the @rdG Srya, 5andr, B!dh, G!r!, 7!kr and Lagn, these F in the ?thG 5andr, 6angal, G!r!, 7!kr and Lagn, these C in the CthG 6angal and 7ani, these ' in the FthG B!dh, 5andr, Srya, 7!kr, G!r! and Lagn, these F in the ;thG B!dh, 5andr, Srya, Lagn and G!r!, these five in the AthG Srya, 5andr, 6angal, B!dh, G!r!, 7!kr and Lagn, these ; in the <thG 7!kr, 5andr and B!dh, these @ in the &BthG none in the &&thG Srya, 7ani, B!dh, 5andr, Lagn and 6angal, these F in the &'th from their own places are 9aranprad 'A1@B +n the AshtakaVarg of B!dh @ Grahas in the &st, 'nd, ?th, &Bth, Fth and <th, ' Grahas in the Ath, F Grahas in the @rd and the ;th, none in the &&th, C Grahas in the Cth and &'th are 9aranprad Th!s Srya, 5andr and G!r!, these @ in the &stG G!r!, Srya and B!dh, these @ in the 'ndG Lagn, Srya, 6angal, 7ani, 5andr and G!r!, these F in the @rdG B!dh, Srya and G!r!, these @ in the ?thG G!r!, 6angal, 5andr, 7ani and Lagn, these C in the CthG 7!kr, 7ani and 6angal, these @ in the FthG B!dh, 5andr, Lagn, Srya, 7!kr and G!r!, these F in the ;thG B!dh and Srya, these ' in the AthG G!r!, 5andr and Lagn, these @ in the <thG Srya, G!r! and 7!kr, these @ in the &BthG none in the &&thG Lagn, 5andr, 6angal, 7ani and 7!kr these C in the &'th from their own places are 9aranprad @&1@? +n the AshtakaVarg of G!r! one Grah in the 'nd and &&th, ' Grahas in the &Bth, ; Grahas in the &'th, ? Grahas in the Fth, C Grahas in the Ath and @rd, @ Grahas in the remaining Bhavas are 9aranprad Th!s 7!kr, 5andr and 7ani, these @ in the &stG 7ani in the 'nd and &&thG Lagn, 6angal, 5andr, B!dh and 7!kr, these C in the @rdG Srya, G!r! and 6angal, these @ in the CthG 7!kr, 7ani and 5andr, these @ in the ?thG B!dh, 7!kr and 7ani, these @ in the ;thG G!r!, 6angal, Srya and 5andr, these ? in the FthG all e.cept 7ani, these ; in the &'thG 5andr and 7ani, these ' in the &BthG 7ani, 6angal and G!r!, these @ in the <thG Lagn, 7ani, 7!kr, 5andr and B!dh, these C in the Ath from their own places are 9aranprad @C1@A +n the AshtakaVarg of 7!kr ' Grahas in the Cth, Ath and @rd, C Grahas in the &st, 'nd, &'th, &Bth, A Grahas in the ;th, F Grahas in the Fth, one in the <th, @ in the ?th, none in the &&th are 9aranpradas Th!s Srya, 6angal, B!dh, G!r! and 7ani, these C in the &st and the 'ndG all the A Grahas in the ;thG G!r! and Srya, these ' in the @rdG Srya and 6angal, these ' in the CthG Srya in <thG Srya, B!dh and G!r!, these @ in the ?thG 6angal and B!dh, these ' in the AthG 7!kr, Srya, 5andr, 7ani, Lagn and G!r!, these F in the FthG none in the &&thG Lagn, 7ani, B!dh, 7!kr and G!r!, these C in the &'thG Lagn, 6angal, B!dh, 5andr, Srya, these C in the &Bth from their own places are 9aranpradas @<1?' +n the AshtakaVarg of 7ani ; Grahas in the 'nd, ;th, <th, F Grahas in the Ath, Lagn and ?th, ? Grahas in the &Bth, @rd and &'th, one Grah in the Fth, C Grahas in the Cth, none in the &&th are 9aranpradas Th!s 5andr, 6angal, B!dh, G!r!, 7!kr and 7ani, these F in the ?th and the &stG 5andr, 6angal, B!dh, G!r!, 7!kr, 7ani and Lagn, these ; in the 'nd and the ;thG Srya, 5andr, 6angal, G!r!, 7!kr, 7ani and Lagn, these ; in the <thG 5andr, G!r!, 7!kr and 7ani, these ? in the &BthG G!r!, Srya, B!dh and 7!kr, these ? in the @rdG Srya in the FthG Lagn, 5andr, 7ani, Srya, these ? in the &'thG 7!kr, Srya, 5andr, B!dh and Lagn, these C in the CthG 5andr, 6angal, G!r!, 7!kr, 7ani and Lagn, these F in the AthG none in the &&th from their own places are 9aranpradas The remaining places are (ekhapradas and are a!spicio!s ?@1?C The sage said >ow + will descri"e the a!spicio!s Bhavas for the "enefit of the Acharyas +n the AshtakaVarg of Srya: 7ani, 6angal and Srya in the 'nd, Ath and &stG G!r! and B!dh in the CthG B!dh, 5andr and Lagn in the @rdG Lagn, Srya, 7ani and 6angal in the ?thG Lagn, Srya, 7ani, 6angal, B!dh and 5andr in the &BthG Srya, 5andr, 6angal, B!dh, G!r!, 7ani and Lagn in the &&thG Lagn, 7!kr and B!dh in the &'thG Lagn, 7!kr, B!dh, G!r! and 5andr in the FthG Srya, 6angal, 7ani and 7!kr in the ;thG Srya, 6angal, 7ani, B!dh and G!r! in the <th from their own places are (ekhapradas ?F1?A +n the AshtakaVarg of 5andr: B!dh, 5andr and G!r! in the &stG G!r! and 6angal in the 'ndG B!dh, Srya, 5andr, 6angal, 7ani, 7!kr and Lagn in the @rdG G!r!, 7!kr and B!dh in the ?thG 6angal, B!dh, 7!kr and 7ani in the CthG Srya, 5andr, 6angal, 7ani and Lagn in the FthG Srya, 5andr, G!r!, B!dh and 7!kr in the ;thG Srya, B!dh and G!r! in the AthG 7!kr and 5andr in the <thG Srya, B!dh, G!r!, 7!kr, 5andr, Lagn and 6angal in the &Bth and all the A Grahas in the &&th from their own places are (ekhapradas >o Grah is (ekhaprad in the &'th ?<1CB +n the AshtakaVarg of 6angal: Lagn, 7ani and 6angal in the &stG 6angal in the 'ndG Lagn, B!dh, 5andr and Srya in the @rdG 7ani and 6angal in the ?thG B!dh and Srya in the CthG B!dh, 5andr, G!r!, Srya, Lagn and 7!kr in the FthG 7ani and 6angal in the ;thG 7ani, 6angal and 7!kr in the AthG 7ani in the <thG 6angal, Srya, G!r!, 7ani and Lagn in &BthG all in the &&th and G!r! and 7!kr in the &'th from their own places are (ekhapradas

C&1C' +n the AshtakaVarg of B!dh: Lagn, 7ani, 6angal, 7!kr and B!dh in the &stG Lagn, 6angal, 5andr, 7!kr and 7ani in the 'ndG 7!kr and B!dh in the @rdG Lagn, 5andr, 7ani, 7!kr and 6angal in the ?thG B!dh, 7ani and 7!kr in the CthG G!r!, B!dh, Srya, 5andr and Lagn in the FthG 6angal and 7ani in the ;thG 6angal, 7ani, Lagn, 5andr, 7!kr and G!r! in the AthG 7ani, 6angal, Srya, B!dh and 7!kr in the <thG Lagn, 7ani, 6angal, B!dh and 5andr in the &BthG all in the &&th and G!r!, B!dh and Srya in the &'th from their own places are (ekhapradas C@1CC +n the AshtakaVarg of G!r!: Lagn, 6angal, Srya and B!dh in the &st and ?thG G!r!, Lagn, 6angal, Srya, B!dh, 5andr and 7!kr in the 'ndG 7ani, G!r! and Srya in the @rdG 7!kr, 5andr, Lagn, B!dh and 7ani in the CthG 7!kr, Lagn, B!dh and 7ani in the FthG Lagn, 6angal, G!r!, Srya and 5andr in the ;thG G!r!, Srya and 6angal in the AthG 7!kr, Srya, Lagn, 5andr and B!dh in the <thG G!r!, B!dh, 6angal, Srya, 7!kr and Lagn in the &BthG all e.cept 7ani in the &&th and 7ani in the &'th from their own places are (ekhapradas CF1CA +n the AshtakaVarg of 7!kr: Lagn, 7!kr and 5andr in the &stG Lagn, 7!kr and 5andr in the 'ndG Lagn, 7!kr, 5andr, B!dh, 7ani and 6angal in the @rdG Lagn, 7!kr, 5andr, 7ani and 6angal in the ?thG Lagn, B!dh, 5andr, G!r!, 7ani and 7!kr in the CthG B!dh and 6angal in the FthG none in the ;thG 7!kr, Srya, 5andr, G!r!, Lagn and 7ani in the AthG all e.cept Srya in the <thG 7!kr, G!r! and 7ani in the &BthG all in the &&thG 6angal, 5andr and Srya in the &'th from their own places are (ekhapradas C<1FB +n the AshtakaVarg of 7ani: Srya and Lagn in the &stG Srya in the 'ndG Lagn, 5andr, 6angal and 7ani in the @rdG Lagn and Srya in the ?thG G!r!, 7ani and 6angal in the CthG all e.cept Srya in the FthG Srya in the ;thG Srya and B!dh in the AthG B!dh in the <thG Srya, 6angal, Lagn and B!dh in the &BthG all in the &&thG 6angal, B!dh, G!r! and 7!kr in the &'th from their own places are (ekhapradas F&1F? +n the AshtakaVarg of Lagn @ Grahas in the &st and ?th, ' Grahas in the @rd, C Grahas in the 'nd, F Grahas in the Cth, Ath, <th and &'th, one Grah in the &Bth, &&th and Fth and all e.cept G!r! in the ;th are 9aranpradas Th!s Lagn, Srya and 5andr in the &stG Lagn, 6angal, 5andr, Srya and 7ani in the 'ndG G!r! and B!dh in the @rdG Lagn, 5andr, 6angal, B!dh, 7ani and Srya in the CthG Lagn, 5andr and 6angal in the ?thG 7!kr in the FthG all e.cept G!r! in the ;thG Lagn, Srya, 5andr, 6angal, G!r! and 7ani in the AthG Lagn, Srya, 5andr, 6angal, B!dh and 7ani in the <thG 7!kr in the &Bth and &&thG Lagn, 6angal, B!dh, G!r!, 7!kr and 7ani in the &'th from their own places are 9aranpradas FC1FA +n the AshtakaVarg of Lagn: 7ani, B!dh, 7!kr, G!r! and 6angal in the &stG B!dh, G!r! and 7!kr in the 'ndG Lagn, Srya, 5andr, 6angal, 7!kr and 7ani in @rdG Srya, B!dh, G!r!, 7!kr and 7ani in the ?thG G!r! and 7!kr in the CthG all e.cept 7!kr in the FthG G!r! in the ;thG B!dh and 7!kr in the AthG G!r! and 7!kr in the <thG all e.cept 7!kr in the &BthG all e.cept 7!kr in the &&th and Srya and 5andr in the &'th from their own places are (ekhapradas F< +n the charts of AshtakaVarg 9aran is signified "y a Bind!, or dot #B$ and Sthan "y a (ekhapradas, or line #&$ 9aran is ina!spicio!s, while Sthan is a!spicio!s ;B1;' To identify the a!spicio!s and ina!spicio!s Bhavas in the AshtakaVarg a chart sho!ld "e prepared with &? horiKontal lines and ten vertical lines The form of the chart so prepared will consist of &&; apartments +n this chart in the first line incorporates the names of the seven Grahas and Lagn +n the first col!mn write the n!m"ers of all the &' Bhavas After this mark dots !nder the Grah and against the 9aranprad Bhavas By doing so the 9aranprad Bhavas of all the A Grahas, incl!ding Lagn, will "ecome known clearly and whenever the AshtakaVarg Grah will pass in transit the dot1marked Bhavas, he will yield !nfavo!ra"le res!lts +n his transit to other Bhavas he wo!ld give favo!ra"le effects The following ta"le shows the dots in the AshtakaVarg of Srya Hh$ +0$ 9 ikon Sho&hana in the AshtakaVa g &1' The sage said 0 BrahminI After preparing the AshtakaVarg of all the Grahas, incl!ding Lagn, Trikon Shodhana has to "e done for each (ashi A Trikon is made of three (ashis e8!idistant from each other Th!s 6esh, Simh and %han!, Vrisha"h, 9anya and 6akar, 6ith!n, T!l and 9!m"h, 9ark, Vrischik and 6een form the Trikonas of the (ashis @1C The Trikon Shodhana #rectification$ sho!ld "e done "y writing the (ekhas in the AshtakaVargas of Srya etc !nder the (ashis 6esh etc Amongst the Trikon (ashis the (ashi, which has lesser n!m"er of (ekhas, sho!ld "e allotted (ekhas, arrived at "y ded!cting its n!m"er of (ekhas from the greater n!m"er of (ekhas of the three Trikon (ashis >o Trikon Shodhana is necessary, if any of the Trikon (ashis has no (ekha Shodhana sho!ld "e done, if all the three of them have e8!al n!m"er of (ekhas, that is a Kero sho!ld "e written against all of them Thereafter 3kadhipatya Shodhana sho!ld "e done in the same manner, descri"ed

later #=or Shodhana of the AshtakaVarg of a Grah the first thing to "e done is to see, in which (ashi the Grah is posited Beginning from that (ashi, the names of the &' (ashis sho!ld "e written and then the names of the Grahas, posited in them, sho!ld "e mentioned against them Thereafter the (ekhas, gained "y that (ashi, sho!ld "e written "elow them and the n!m"er, achieved after Shodhana, "elow it$ Hh$ +6$ Fka&hipatya Sho&hana in the AshtakaVa g &1C 3kadhipatya Shodhana is done after writing the n!m"ers for (ashis, arrived at "y Trikon Shodhana 3kadhipatya Shodhana is done, if "oth the two (ashis, owned "y a Grah, have gained a n!m"er after Trikon Shodhana 3kadhipatya Shodhana is not to "e done, if one (ashi has got a n!m"er and the other is "ereft of any n!m"er The following are the r!les for 3kadhipatya Shodhana +f "oth the (ashis are witho!t a Grah and the Trikon Shodhana n!m"ers are different, "oth sho!ld "e given the smaller n!m"er +f "oth the (ashis are with Grahas, no Shodhana is to "e done +f amongst the two (ashis one is with a Grah and a smaller Trikon rectified n!m"er and the other is witho!t Grah with a "igger n!m"er, ded!ct the smaller n!m"er from the "igger n!m"er and the n!m"er of the (ashi with Grah sho!ld "e kept !nchanged +f the (ashi with the Grah has a "igger n!m"er than that of the (ashi witho!t Grah, the Shodhana sho!ld "e done of the n!m"er of the (ashi witho!t Grah and the n!m"er of the (ashi with Grah sho!ld "e kept !nchanged +f "oth the (ashis are witho!t Grahas and possess the same n!m"ers, Shodhana of "oth the n!m"ers sho!ld "e done and the rectified n!m"ers sho!ld "e red!ced to Kero +f one (ashi is with Grah and the other is witho!t any Grah, the n!m"er of the latter sho!ld "e red!ced to Kero Srya and 5andr own one (ashi only, their n!m"ers sho!ld "e kept !nchanged F After doing 3kadhipatya Shodhana, :inda Sadhana sho!ld "e taken in hand Hh$ +3$ =in&a Sa&hana in the AshtakaVa g &1? The Sage said 0 BrahminI After completing the Trikon and 3kadhipatya Shodhana in the AshtakaVargas of all the Grahas, the rectified n!m"er sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the meas!re of the (ashi +f there "e any Grah in any (ashi, the rectified n!m"er sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the meas!re of the Grah also Then, after m!ltiplying the rectified n!m"er of each (ashi, the prod!cts sho!ld "e added !p The total so arrived at will "e :inda of that Grah The m!ltiples of (ashis are &B for Vrisha"h and Simh, A for 6ith!n and Vrischik, ; for 6esh and T!l, F for 6akar and 9anya The m!ltipliers of the remaining (ashis are the same, as their n!m"ers #(ashiman 5hakr 6esh ;, Vris &B, 6ith A, 9ark ?, Simh &B, 9any F, T!la ;, Vrsk A, %han <, 6aka C, 9!m" &&, 6ina &'$ The m!ltipliers of Grahas are &B for G!r!, @ for 6angal, ; for 7!kr, F for B!dh, Srya, 5andr and 7ani #Grahman 5hakr Srya C, 5andr C, 6angal A, B!dh C, G!r! &B, 7!kr ;, 7ani C$ Hh$ 0-$ Fffe!ts of the AshtakaVa g &1F The matters to "e considered from Srya and other Grahas are, as follows Srya 1 the so!l #Atma$, nat!re, physical strength, Eoys and sorrows and father 5andr 1 mind, wisdom, Eoy and mother 6angal 1 co1 "orns, strength, 8!alities and land B!dh 1 "!siness dealings, livelihood and friends G!r! 1 no!rishment of the "ody, learning, son #children$, wealth and property 7!kr 1 marriage, enEoyments, conveyance, prostit!tion and se.!al interco!rse with women 7ani 1 longevity, so!rce of maintenance, grief, danger, losses and death The following proced!re sho!ld "e adopted to ascertain the effects of a ho!se 6!ltiply the n!m"er of (ekhas with the Dog :inda #(ashi :inda pl!s Grah :inda$, connected with the AshtakaVarg of that Grah and divide the prod!ct "y '; The remainder will denote the n!m"er of the >akshatr %!ring the transit of 7ani in that >akshatr the Bhava concerned will "e harmed ;1< The <th ho!se from Srya at the time of "irth deals with father The (ekhas of that (ashi, as marked in Srya,s AshtakaVarg, sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the Dog :inda and the prod!ct "e divided "y '; The remainder will denote the n!m"er of >akshatr The father will "e in distress, or he will otherwise s!ffer, when 7ani in transit passes thro!gh the >akshatr 3ven, when 7ani passes in transit the Trikon >akshatras, father, or relatives, like father, may die, or s!ffer >otes By dividing the '; >akshatras in three e8!al parts, the &st, &Bth and &<th fall in Trikon from each other Srya is :itra9arak #significator of father$ Therefore all a"o!t father is ascertained from the Srya,s AshtakaVarg

&B1&& +f the AshtakaVarg (ekha n!m"er is m!ltiplied "y the Dog :inda and the prod!ct is divided "y &', the remainder will denote the (ashi, thro!gh which, or thro!gh the (ashis in Trikon to it, the transit of 7ani will ca!se harm, or !nfavo!ra"le effects to father %eath of the father may occ!r, if the %asa prevailing at that time "e !nfavo!ra"le +f the %asa "e favo!ra"le, father will face only adverse effects #&'1&C Arishta to =ather$ &'1&? The death of the father may "e e.pected, if (ah!, 7ani, or 6angal are in the ?th from Srya at the time of transit of 7ani thro!gh any of the a"ove three (ashis #Trikon (ashis$ The death of the father will come to pass "y s!ch transit, if at that time 7ani, associated, or aspected "y a malefic, "e in the <th from Lagn, or 5andr andLor the %asa of the Lord of the ?th from Lagn "e in operation The death does not take place, if a favo!ra"le %asa "e in force at the time of 7ani,s transit This sho!ld "e kept in mind "y the 2yotishis, while making predictions &C +f the (ashi of Lagn of the native "e the Ath (ashi from Lagn of the father, or, if the Lord of the Ath from father,s Lagn "e in Lagn of the native, he takes over all the responsi"ilities of his father after the latter,s death &F1&A The father enEoys happiness in the %asa of the Lord of the ?th from Lagn The native is o"edient to his father, if the Lord of the ?th "e in Lagn, or the &&th, or in the &&th, or &Bth from 5andr +f the "irth "e in the @rd (ashi from Lagn, or 5andr of the father, the native makes proper !se of the wealth, inherited from his father +f the "irth "e in the &Bth (ashi from Lagn, or 5andr of the father, the native will inherit all the good 8!alities of his father +f the Lord of the &Bth "e in Lagn, the native will "e more disting!ished than his father &<1'B >o a!spicio!s f!nctions, like marriage etc , sho!ld "e performed in the month of (ashis #that is, when Srya transits that (ashi$, which has more n!m"er of dots in Srya,s AshtakaVarg The same applies to the Samvatsar of that (ashi #that is, when the mean G!r! transits that (ashi$ A!spicio!s f!nctions sho!ld "e performed, when Srya, or the mean G!r! transits the (ashi, which has more (ekhas in Srya,s AshtakaVarg '&1'@ +n the same manner no a!spicio!s f!nctions sho!ld "e performed d!ring the transit of 5andr in the (ashi, which has larger n!m"er of dots in 5andr,s AshtakaVarg 5onsideration, regarding mother, ho!se and village, sho!ld "e done from the ?th Bhava from 5andr Therefore m!ltiply the n!m"er of (ekhas in the AshtakaVarg of 5andr "y the Dog :inda of that AshtakaVarg and divide the prod!ct "y '; The death of, or distress to mother may "e e.pected, when 7ani passes in transit thro!gh the >akshatr, denoted "y the remainder Then divide the prod!ct "y &' The death of the mother may occ!r, when 7ani transits the (ashi, denoted "y the remainder %istress to mother may "e predicted, when 7ani transits the >akshatras, or (ashis in Trikon to >akshatr and (ashi, indicated a"ove '?1'; 5onsideration of "rothers #co1"orns$, valo!r and patience is done from 6angal,s AshtakaVarg +f the n!m"er of (ekha is larger in any (ashi after Trikon Shodhana, there will "e gains of land, happiness from wife and great happiness to "rother, when 6angal passes thro!gh that (ashi in transit +f 6angal "e weak, the "rothers will "e short lived There will "e distress to "rothers, when 6angal transits a (ashi witho!t (ekhas 4ere also the Dog :inda of 6angal sho!ld "e m!ltiplied "y the n!m"er of (ekhas in the AshtakaVarg and the prod!ct "e divided separately "y '; and &' The remainders will denote the >akshatr and (ashi The "rother will s!ffer, whenever 7ani transits that >akshatr, or (ashi #or the Trikon >akshatras, or (ashis$ 'A1'< 5onsideration in regard to family, maternal !ncle and friends sho!ld "e done from the ?th Bhava from B!dh The family etc will enEoy happiness d!ring the transit of B!dh,s AshtakaVarg After performing Trikon and 3kadhipatya Shodhana in B!dh,s AshtakaVarg, the happiness, or distress of the family sho!ld "e predicted from the transit of 7ani thro!gh the res!ltant >akshatr and (ashi #and those in Trikon to them$ @B1@@ All a"o!t knowledge, religio!s inclinations of the native and son #progeny$ is to "e ascertained from the Cth Bhava from G!r! +f the (ekhas in the Cth Bhava from G!r! are larger in n!m"er in the AshtakaVarg, there will "e great happiness in respect of progeny +f the dots are larger in n!m"er, the happiness in respect of progeny will "e meagre The n!m"er of children are e8!al to the n!m"er of (ekhas in the Cth Bhava #from G!r!$, provided it is not the (ashi of de"ilitation of G!r!, or his enemy,s (ashi +n that case the n!m"er of children will "e very limited The n!m"er of children is also e8!al to the n!m"er of >avams, in which the Lord of the Cth from G!r! is posited 6!ltiply the Dog :inda of G!r! "y the n!m"er of (ekhas in the AshtakaVarg and divide the prod!ct separately "y '; and &' The remainders will denote the >akshatr and (ashi Transit of 7ani thro!gh that >akshatr and its Trikon >akshatras and of that (ashi and its Trikon (ashis will "e ina!spitio!s %!ring that period the knowledge, learning and religio!s activities of the native will also "e adversely affected

@?1@F There will "e gain of wealth, land and happiness and marriage, whenever 7!kr passes in transit thro!gh the (ashis, which have larger n!m"er of (ekhas in the AshtakaVarg of 7!kr These gains will "e from the directions of the ;th (ashi from 7!kr and of its Trikon (ashis The effects sho!ld "e E!dged in the manner, already e.plained earlier, after m!ltiplying the (ekhas in the ;th Bhava from 7!kr "y the Dog :inda @;1?B The Ath Bhava from 7ani signifies death, as well as longevity Assessment a"o!t longevity sho!ld "e made from that Bhava thro!gh the AshtakaVarg Therefore predict distress to the native in the year, e8!al to the n!m"er of (ekhas in the AshtakaVarg from Lagn !p to 7ani The year, e8!al to the n!m"er of (ekhas from 7ani !p to Lagn, will also "e of distress +f in the year, e8!al to the total of the a"ove (ekhas, Arishta %asa "e also in operation, there can "e possi"ility of death of the native ?&1?' 6!ltiply the Dog :inda "y the n!m"er of (ekhas in the AshtakaVarg and divide the prod!ct "y '; The death of the native will take place, when 7ani passes in transit thro!gh the >akshatr, denoted "y the remainder, or its Trikon >akshatras Again, divide the prod!ct "y &' The native will face danger of death, when 7ani passes in transit thro!gh the (ashi, denoted "y the remainder, or thro!gh its Trikon (ashis ?@1?? The res!lts will "e favo!ra"le, when 7ani passes in transit thro!gh (ashis, which have larger n!m"er of (ekhas in 7ani,s AshtakaVarg 7ani,s transit thro!gh (ashis, which have larger n!m"er of dots, will prod!ce only evil effects Hh$ 01$ Dete mination of Longe'ity th o%gh the AshtakaVa g &1? The sage said + will now descri"e the method of determining longevity from the AshtakaVarg =or this p!rpose the AshtakaVargas of Lagn and all the Grahas have to "e st!died The (ekhas in all the (ashis have "een allotted specific spans of life The (ashi, which has no (ekhas, has "een allotted ' days, that with one (ekha gets lM days, one day for (ashi with ' (ekhas, half day for (ashi with @ (ekhas, ;M days for (ashi with ? (ekhas, ' years for (ashi with C (ekhas, ? years for (ashi with F (ekhas, F years for (ashi with ; (ekhas and A years for (ashi with A (ekhas +n this manner the spans of life sho!ld "e worked from (ekhas in all the AshtakaVargas 4alf of the s!m total of all will "e the longevity, "ased on AshtakaVarg Hh$ 0($ Agg egational AshtakaVa gas &1' The sage said 0 BrahminI -rite down a (ashi 9!ndali with &' Bhavas, incl!ding Lagn Then insert the total of the (ekhas in all the AshtakaVargas of the Grahas in the (ashi concerned The AshtakaVarg with s!ch (ekhas is called the Sam!day AshtakaVarg, or the aggregational AshtakaVarg =rom this sho!ld "e E!dged good and adverse effects of the (ashi 9!ndali @1C +n the aggregational AshtakaVarg the (ashi, which has more than @B (ekhas, gives favo!ra"le effects, that, having "etween 'C and @B (ekhas, prod!ces medi!m effects and that (ashi, who has less than 'C (ekhas, yields adverse effects A!spicio!s f!nctions, like marriage etc , sho!ld "e performed, when the Grah, on whose "asis the time and date of f!nctions are performed, moves into the (ashi with favo!ra"le effects The (ashi, which is prod!ctive of adverse effects sho!ld "e avoided for these p!rposes =or e.ample, the strength of 5andr #5andraBal$ is generally accepta"le for all a!spicio!s f!nctions Therefore a!spicio!s f!nctions sho!ld "e performed, or started, when 5andr is in the (ashi with!m n!m"er of (ekhas The Grah in the (ashi with favo!ra"le n!m"er of (ekhas prod!ces a!spicio!s effects and the Grah in the (ashi with !nfavo!ra"le n!m"er of (ekhas yields evil res!lts F1FM Amongst the &' Bhavas more than @B (ekhas advance the effects of a Bhava, "etween 'C and @B (ekhas prod!ce medi!m effects and the effects of the Bhava, which contains less than 'C (ekhas, get damaged >otes =rom the a"ove r!les it can "e interpreted, that, if there are less than 'C (ekhas in Fth, Ath and &'th Bhava, their effects "ecome favo!ra"le The effects will "ecome adverse, if these Bhavas contain more than 'C (ekhas ;1A +f in a (ashi 9!ndali there are larger n!m"er of (ekhas in the &&th than those in &Bth and there are smaller n!m"er of (ekhas in the &'th than those in the &&th and Lagn contains largest n!m"er of (ekhas, the native will "e wealthy and will enEoy all kinds of comforts and l!.!ry <1&B %ivide the &' Bhavas in @ sections There will "e s!fferings and distress in that part of the life, which is represented "y the section of the (ashi 9!ndali with more malefics There will "e happiness etc , in the part of the life, represented "y the section of the (ashi 9!ndali, containing more "enefics There will "e mi.ed res!lts in that area of life, when the relative section of the (ashi 9!ndali has e8!al n!m"er of "enefics and

malefics The Bhavas from Lagn !p to the ?th signify childhood, those from Cth to Ath yo!th and those from the <th to &'th represent old age &&1'A There will "e danger of death in the month of the (ashi #period of Srya,s transit in that (ashi$, which has ;, or less than ; (ekhas in the Sam!daya AshtakaVarg To ward off this evil effect 'B Tolas of gold and ' heaps of sesame seeds, resem"ling the shape of a mo!ntain, sho!ld "e given in charity N possi"ility of death N, N A T!ladan of camphor is recommended to o"tain relief from this evil effect N danger of snakes N, N < A chariot with ; horses sho!ld "e given in charity N N danger from weapons N, which contains &B N An armo!r together with VaEra sho!ld "e given in charity to ward off N N danger of disgrace for no ca!se N, N && An idol of the moon, made of &B Tolas of gold, sho!ld "e given in charity N N danger of death from drowning N, N &' Land f!ll of crops sho!ld "e given in charity N N danger of death from wild and violent animals N, in which there are &@ N A Shaligram Shila sho!ld "e given in charity N N danger of death N, N &? A Varah 6!rti, made of gold, sho!ld "e given in charity N N danger of the wrath of the king N, N &C An elephant sho!ld "e given in charity N N danger of Arishta #calamity, disaster, or misfort!ne$ N, N &F A 9alpa Vriksha, made of gold, sho!ld "e given in charity N N danger from diseases N, that has &; N A cow and Eaggery sho!ld "e given in charity N N danger of conflict N, N &A A cow, Eewels, land and gold sho!ld "e given in charity N N possi"ility of "anishment from the homeland N, which has &< N =amily deity sho!ld "e worshipped N N loss of intelligence N, N 'B Goddess Saraswati sho!ld "e worshipped N N distress from diseases N, that has '& N A heap of grains, shaped, like a mo!ntain, sho!ld "e given in charity N N distress to kinsmen N, N '' Gold sho!ld "e given in charity N The native will "e in distress N, N '@ An idol of the s!n, made of ; Tolas of gold, sho!ld "e given in charity N N death of the kinsmen N, N '? &B cows sho!ld "e given in charity N N loss of wisdom N, N 'C Goddess Saraswati sho!ld "e worshipped N N loss of wealth N, N 'F Gold sho!ld "e given in charity N N loss of wealth N, N '; Sri S!kta 2apa sho!ld "e performed N N losses in several ways N, N 'A 4avana of Srya sho!ld "e performed N N an.ieties all1ro!nd N, N '< GhO, clothes and gold sho!ld "e given in charity N N gains of wealth and grains etc N, N @B '< There will "e all1ro!nd increase in wealth, happiness in respect of children and enEoyments in the Samvatsar, month and >akshatr of the (ashi, which has more than @B (ekhas N increase in wealth, property, children and good rep!tation, if the (ashi has more than ?B (ekhas @B1@& The (ashi, which is a!spicio!s in AshtakaVarg Sam!daya, is considered a!spicio!s for all a!spicio!s f!nctions 5onse8!ently the a!spicio!sness of AshtakaVarg sho!ld "e got checked "efore performing any f!nction, like marriage etc +f a (ashi is not a!spicio!s in AshtakaVarg, then its a!spicio!sness sho!ld "e checked from transit effects +t is not necessary to check transit effects, if a (ashi is a!spicio!s in AshtakaVarg Th!s the a!spicio!sness of the (ashi in the AshtakaVarg sho!ld "e considered, as paramo!nt

Hh$ 4,$ AshtakaVa ga & +n order to eval!ate the a!spicio!s and ina!spicio!s effects in day1to1day life d!e to planetary transits, Davanacharyas have e.plained AshtakaVarga #which are detailed "elow$ ' T43 S/>PS AS4TA9AVA(GA The S!n contri"!tes "enefic dots in his Ashtaka Varga, as !nder =rom his own self in the &st, 'nd, ?th, ;th, Ath, <th, &Bth and &&th SignsG from 6ars and Sat!rn in similar SignsG from the 6oon in the @rd, Fth, &Bth and &&th SignsG from 2!piter in the C th, Fth, <th and &&th SignsG from Ven!s in the Fth, ;th and &'th SignsG from 6erc!ry in the @ rd, Cth, Fth, <th, &Bth, &&th and &'th Signs and from the Ascendant in the @ rd, ?th, Fth, &Bth, &&th and &'th Signs @ T43 600>PS AS4TA9A VA(GA The 6oon contri"!tes "enefic points in her AshtakaVarga, as !nder +n the @rd, Fth, ;th, Ath, &Bth and &&th Signs from the S!nG in the & st, @rd, Fth, ;th, &Bth and &&th Signs from her positionG in the 'nd, @rd, Cth, Fth, <th, &Bth and &&th Signs co!nted from 6arsG in the &st, @rd, ?th, Cth, ;th, Ath, &Bth and &&th Signs co!nted from 6erc!ryG in the & st, ?th, ;th, Ath, &Bth, &&th and &'th Signs from 2!piterG in the @rd, ?th, Cth, ;th, <th, &Bth and &&th Signs co!nted from Ven!sG in the @rd, Cth, Fth and &&th Signs from Sat!rn and in the @ rd, Fth, &Bth and &&th Signs co!nted from the ascending Sign ? T43 AS4TA9AVA(GA 0= 6A(S 6ars in his AshtakaVarga drops a!spicio!s points in the vario!s Signs from the vario!s planets and Ascendant, as denoted "elow =rom the S!n in the @ rd, Cth, Fth, &Bth and &&th SignsG from the 6oon in the @rd, Fth and &&th SignsG from his own position in the &st, 'nd, ?th, ;th Ath, &Bth and &&th SignsG from 6erc!ry in the @ rd, Cth, Fth and &&th SignsG from 2!piter in the F th, &Bth, &&th and &'th SignsG from

Ven!s in the Fth, Ath, &&th and &'th SignsG from Sat!rn in the &st, ?th, ;th, Ath, <th, &Bth and &&th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the &st, @rd, Fth, &Bth and &&th Signs C T43 AS4TA9AVA(GA 0= 63(5/(D A!spicio!s points are contri"!ted "y 6erc!ry in his AshtakaVarga, as !nder: =rom the S!n in the Cth, Fth, <th, &&th and &'th SignsG from the 6oon in the 'nd, ?th, Fth, Ath, &Bth and &&th SignsG from 6ars and Sat!rn in the & st, 'nd, ?th, ;th, Ath, <th, &Bth and &'th Signs, from his own self in the &st, @rd, Cth, Fth, <th, &Bth, &&th and &'th SignsG from 2!piter in the Fth, Ath, &&th and &'th SignsG from Ven!s in &st, 'nd, @rd, ?th, Cth, Ath, <th and &&th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the & st, 'nd, ?th, Fth, Ath, &Bth and &&th Signs F T43 AS4TA9AVA(GA 0= 2/:+T3( 2!piterPs AshtakaVarga gains a!spicio!s points, as !nder =rom the S!n in the &st, 'nd, @rd, ?th, ;th, Ath, <th, &Bth and &&th SignsG from the 6oon in the 'nd, Cth ;th, <th and &&th SignsG from 6ars in the &st, 'nd, ?th, ;th, Ath &Bth and &&th SignsG from 6erc!ry in the &st, 'nd, ?th, Cth, Fth, <th, &Bth and &&th SignsG from his own self in the &st, 'nd, @rd, ?th, ;th, Ath, &Bth and &&th SignsG from Ven!s in the 'nd, Cth, Fth, <th, &Bth, &&th SignsG from Sat!rn in the @rd, Cth, Fth and &'th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the &st, 'nd, ?th, Cth, Fth, ;th, <th, &Bth and &&th Signs ; T43 AS4TA9AVA(GA 0= V3>/S 6ark "enefic dots in the following places =rom the S!n in the Ath, &&th and &'th SignsG from the 6oon in the &st, 'nd, @rd, ?th, Cth, Ath, <th, &&th and &'th SignsG from 6ars in the @rd, ?th, Fth, <th, &&th and &'th SignsG from 6erc!ry in the @ rd, Cth, Fth, <th and &&th SignsG from 2!piter in the Cth Ath, <th, &Bth and &&th SignsG from his own self in the & st, 'nd, @rd, ?th, Cth, Ath, <th, &Bth and &&th SignsG from Sat!rn in the @ rd, ?th, Cth, Ath, <th, &Bth and &&th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the & st, 'nd, @rd, ?th, Cth, Ath, <th and &&th Signs This is called the AshtakaVarga of Ven!s A T43 AS4TA9AVA(GA 0= SAT/(> Sat!rnPs AshtakaVarga is prepared "y inserting "enefic dots in places, as denoted "elow =rom the S!n in the & st, 'nd, ?th, ;th, Ath, &Bth and &&th SignsG from the 6oon in the @rd, Fth and &&th 4o!sesG from 6ars in the @rd, Cth, Fth, &Bth &&th and &'th SignsG from 6erc!ry in the Fth, Ath, <th, &Bth, &&th and &'th SignsG from 2!piter in the Cth, Fth, &&th and &'th SignsG from Ven!s in the Fth, &&th and &'th SignsG from his own self in the @ rd, Cth, Fth and &&th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the &st, @rd, ?th, &Bth and &&th Signs <1&B The places mentioned a"ove are a!spicio!s for the vario!s planets and the others are ina!spicio!s :lanets transiting Signs with more "enefic dots will reveal a!spicio!s res!lts, while ina!spicio!s res!lts will come to pass in case of transits in Signs with less "enefic dots Benefic res!lts will "e predominant, if these Signs happen to "e e.altation, own, friendly etc and malefic effects will "e ordinary Similarly in de"ilitationLinimical Signs, malefic res!lts will "e more and "enefic effects will "e ordinary +n giving transit effects, the S!n and 6ars will "e effective, while in the "eginning of the Sign, 2!piter and Ven!s, while in the middle of the Sign and lastly Sat!rn and the 6oon, while in the end of the Sign 6erc!ry is effective in his transit thro!gh the whole Sign Th!s ends the C@rd 5h entitled HAS4TA9AVA(GAJ in 9alyana VarmaPs Saravali Hh$ 45$ Fffe!ts Of AshtakaVa ga & %raw &@ horiKontal lines intersected "y < parallel #horiKontally$ lines #th!s getting <F s8!ares$ noting the names of the &' Signs from Aries onwards in a rightward manner and the names of the ; planets and Ascendant in the left hand side vertical col!mns 6ark the "enefic dots for each planetsP AshtakaVarga and malefic points #where "enefic points are a"sent$, as per the positions told earlier ' G3>3(AL 3==35TS +f a planet is associated with A Bind!sin the Sign occ!pied "y it, even an ordinary person will "ecome a kingG with ; Bind!sf!lfillment of all desiresG with F Bind!sfame and financial gainsG with C Bind!s happiness and friendshipG with ? Bind!s eradication and miseryG with @ Bind!sloss of moneyG with ' Bind!sworriesG with & Bind!"odily emaciation and with the complete a"sence of Bind!s there will "e evils at all times @ 3==35TS 0= T43 S/>PS A V The association of the S!n with partic!lar n!m"er of Bind!s #a!spicio!s points$ in the Sign occ!pied "y him will lead to respective effects, th!sG with A Bind!swealth from the kingG ; Bind!stranscendental "ea!ty, happiness and richesG F Bind!sincrease of valo!r and fameG C Bind!sinfl!. of moneyG ? Bind!s neither gainf!l nor losingG @ Bind!sfatig!e d!e to #fre8!ent$ travels #or diffic!lties on acco!nt of travels, proneness to accidents and the like$G ' Bind!sfear of diseasesG & Bind!diffic!ltiesG and a"sence of Bind!sdeath #or tro!"les of a very severe nat!re$ ? 3==35TS 0= T43 600>PS A V >ote the Bind!s in the Sign occ!pied "y the 6oon +f she "e associated with A Bind!s, the native will enEoy affl!ence and pleas!resG ; Bind!s financial gains thro!gh ro"es, food, scented articles etc , F Bind!sac8!aintance with the virt!o!sG C Bind!sac8!isition of co!rage and intelligence d!e to association with Brahmins #or the learned$G ? Bind!se8!ili"ri!m of happiness and griefG @

Bind!senmity with relativesG ' Bind!sseparation from kith and kin and deprival of wealthG & Bind! evils and a"sence of a!spicio!s pointsgrief and diffic!lties following e.citement C 3==35TS 0= T43 A V 0= 6A(S +f 6ars "e associated with vario!s "enefic points, as denoted "elow in the Sign tenanted "y him, the res!lts d!e will "e: A Bind!s ac8!isition of wealth and land and victory over foesG ; Bind!s increase of fort!nes and splendo!rG F Bind!sroyal favo!rsG C Bind!sincrease of fameG ? Bind!se8!ality of wealth and calamityG @ Bind!sseparation from co1"orn and conE!gal partnerG ' Bind!stro!"les from king, fire and "ilio!s disordersG & Bind!!lcer and stomachial diseases and a"sence of Bind!s diseases of the eye and diffic!lties compara"le to death F 3==35TS 0= 63(5/(DPS A V The effects of 6erc!ryPs association with vario!s a!spicio!s points in the Sign occ!pied "y him will "e: A Bind!shono!r from the r!lerG ; Bind!swealth, knowledge and happinessG F Bind!ss!ccess in all !ndertakingsG C Bind!snew ac8!aintancesG ? Bind!s !nemploymentG @ Bind!smental worries on acco!nt of financial lossesG ' Bind!senmity with wife, children and friends ca!sing loss of co!rage and wisdomG & Bind!evils of all kinds and a"sence of Bind!s will "ring a"o!t death ; 3==35TS 0= 2/:+T3(PS A V Based on the n!m"er of a!spicio!s points, the Sign occ!pied "y 2!piter will prod!ce the following effects: A Bind!sspotless fame, happiness and growth of wealthG ; Bind!sfort!nes and happinessG F Bind!sac8!isition of ro"es, conveyances, gold etc G C Bind!s destr!ction of enemies and s!ccess in !ndertakingsG ? Bind!s no loss, no gainG @ Bind!sloss of hearing, sight and masc!line vigo!rG ' Bind!sinc!rring royal wrathG & Bind!distress d!e to diseases and a"sence of Bind!sdestr!ction of relatives, wealth and progeny A 3==35TS 0= A V 0= V3>/S The association of Ven!s with vario!s n!m"er of Bind!s will generate the !nder mentioned effects: A Bind!senEoyments of all kinds and ac8!isition of ro"es, wife, scents, food, drinks etc G ; Bind!s plentif!lness of ornaments and pearlsG F Bind!sac8!isition of a girl of choiceG C Bind!sassociation with friendsG ? Bind!s e8!ality of ina!spicio!s and a!spicio!s res!ltsG @ Bind!s enmity with people of his comm!nity and senior mem"ers of the villageG ' Bind!sdisplacementG & Bind!phlegmatic disorders and a"sence of Bind!s"ecoming a synonym of all kinds of evils < 3==35TS 0= SAT/(>PS A V +f Sat!rn is associated with a certain n!m"er of Bind!s, the effects d!e will "e: A Bind!s lordship over villages, towns and peopleG ; Bind!s ac8!isition of female servants, asses and elephantsG F Bind!s gains from thieves, h!nters and Army headsG C Bind!sadvent of wealth, corn and happinessG ? Bind!shappiness ca!sed "y association with othersG @ Bind!s destr!ction of progeny, wife, attendants and moneyG ' Bind!simprisonment, emotions and diseasesG & Bind!La"sence of Bind!sloss of wealth, family etc &B1&' 6ay the astrologers "e pleased with the Science of Astrology th!s descri"ed "y 9alyana Varma Ancestors, like :a!lasa, Vasishta, (omasa, Davana, Badarayana, Sakthi, Atri, BharadwaEa, Viswamitra, G!na, Agnikesa, Garga, :arashara, 2eevasarma and a host of others have a!thored ela"orate te.ts on astrology The science of astrology th!s deals with the good and "ad in stock for an individ!al with 5hitrag!pta #the official record keeper of Damathe God of %eathnoting down the virt!es and vices of mankind$ Th!s ends the C?th 5h entitled H3==35TS 0= AS4TA9AVA(GAJ in 9alyana VarmaPs Saravali

&C&1&C'$ +n the S!n,s AQRakavarga chart he prod!ces "eneficent infl!ences on ho!ses &, ', ?, ;, A, <, &B and && co!nted from his own position 4e is good in these ho!ses co!nted from the positions of 6ars and Sat!rn also 4e is good in F, ; and &' from Ven!sG 4e is good in C, F, < and && places from 2!piterG 4e is good in @, F, &B and && from the 6oonG 4e is good in @, C, F, <, &B, && and &' places co!nted from 6erc!ry and lastly, he is good in @, ?, F, &B, && and &' places from the Ascendant &C@1&C?$The 6oon is "eneficial in places &, @, F, ;, &B and && from himselfG +n @, F, ;, A, &B and && places from the S!nG +n places ', @, C, F, <, &B and && from 6arsG +n &, @, ?, C, ;, A, &B and && from 6erc!ryG

+n &, ', ?, ;, A, &B and && places from 2!piterG +n @, ?, C, ;, <, &B and && places from Ven!sG +n @, C, F and && places from Sat!rn and +n @, F, &B and && places from the Ascendant &CC1&CF$6ars is good in &, ', ?, ;, A, &B and && from himselfG +n @, C, F,&B and && places from the S!nG +n @, F and && places from the 6oonG +n @, C, F and && places from 6erc!ryG +n F, &B, && and &' places from 2!piterG +n F, A, && and &' places from Ven!sG +n &, ?, ;, A, <, &B and && places from Sat!rnG Lastly, +n @, F, &B and && places from the Ascendant &C;1&CA$ 6erc!ry is "eneficial in &, @, C, F, <, &B, && and &' from himselfG +n C, F, <, && and &' places from the S!nG +n ', ?, F, A, &B and && places from the 6oonG +n &, ', ?, ;, A, <, &B and && places from 6ars and Sat!rnG +n F, A, && and &' places from 2!piterG +n &, ', @, ?, C, A, < and && places from Ven!sG and +n &, ', ?, F, A, &B and && places from the Lagna &C<1&FB$2!piter is "eneficial in &, ', @, ?, ;, A, &B and && places from himselfG +n &, ', @, ?, ;, A, <, &B and && places from the S!nG +n ', C, ;, < and && places from the 6oonG +n &, ', ?, ;, A, &B and && places from 6arsG +n &, ', ?, C, F, <, &B and && places from 6erc!ryG +n @, C, F, and &' places from Sat!rnG +n ', C, F, ;, <, &B and && places from Ven!sG and finally, +n &, ', ?, C, F, ;, <, &B and && places from the Lagna &F&1&F'$Ven!s is "eneficial in &, ', @, ?, C, A, < &B and && places from himself +n A, && and &' places from the S!n +n &, ', @, ?, C, A, <, && and &' places from the 6oon +n @, C, F, <, && and &' from 6arsG +n @, C, F, < and && places from 6erc!ryG

+n C, A, < &B and && places from 2!piterG +n @, ?, C, A, <, &B and && places from Sat!rnG and finally, +n &, ', @, ?, C, A, <, && and &' places from the Lagna &F@1&F?$ Sat!rn is a!spicio!s in @, C, F and && places from himselfG +n &, ', ?, ;, A, &B and && places from the S!nG +n @, F and && places from the 6oonG +n @, C, F, &B, && and &' places from 6arsG +n F, A, <, &B, && and &' places from 6erc!ryG +n C, F, && and &' places from 2!piterG +n F, && and &' places from Ven!sG finally, +n &, @, ?, F, &B and && places from the Lagna &FC$ +n the a"ove "eneficial ho!ses mentioned in the AQRakavarga charts of the planets, p!t vertical lines and in others mere dots +f these ho!ses that contain "enefic lines happen to "e a!spicio!s, when co!nted form one,s natal sign i e , (STi, and also to "e owned "y a "enefic, friendly planet or the planet concerned or to "e the planet,s e.altation, the res!lt m!st "e wholly favo!ra"le, and in others it will "e !nfavo!ra"le #F?a$ >otes: According to previo!s calc!lations for p!tting "enefic lines in AQRakavarga chart for each planet, we have to view the different ho!ses containing "enefic dots from the point of the planet concerned =or e.ample, the S!n is good in transit in the @rd, Fth, &Bth and &&th from one,s natal 6oon #(STi$ &FF$ The effects of "enefic lines from & to A contained in a (STi, are in order #&$hardship #'$ loss of wealth #@$ tro!"le #?$ moderate effects #C$ ac8!isition of wealth and happiness #F$ infl!. of money #;$ happiness and #A$ accomplishment of one,s am"itions &F;$ The seven planets "eginning with the S!n represent seven relations in order #&$ =ather #'$ 6other #@$ 3nemy #?$ =riend #C$ "rother #F$ -ife and #;$ Servant -hen the Ascendant, its Lord, the 6oon and S!n are well placed the native will "e "lessed with wealth, fame and sec!rity

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