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Metabolisme energy

-Food energy is changed into body energy and cycled throught the body to do its work -The body uses most of energy intake for basal metabolic work needs -A balance between intake of food energy and output of body work maintains life and health -States of being underweight and overweight reflect degrees of body energy imbalance

Human energy system

Basic energy needs
Voluntary work and exercise: Physical action Involuntary body work: the greatest energy output : vital processes as circulation, respiration, digestion, and absorbtion Sources of fuel : carbohydrate fat protein

Measurement of energy
Unit of measure : kilocalory ( kcalory, kcal) Food energy :carbohydrat : 4 kcal/g protein : 4 kcal/g fat : 9 kcal/g alcohol : 7 kcal/g

Energy balance
External energy cycle : plants transform the sun radiation into stored chemical energy ( carbohydrate, some fat), animals eat plants and transform plant energy into animal food energy. Internal energy system :
Chemical energy in many new metabolic products made. Electric energy in brain and nerve tissue Mechanical energy in muscle contraction Thermal energy in the heat to keep our body warm

Energy intake
The main source o energy for all body work is food, backed up by stored energy in body tissue Sources of food energy: the three energy nutrients in ood keep our body supplied with fuel. Sources of stored energy: sleep, fasting, extreme stress of starvation the body draws from its stores energy

Glycogen : 12 to 48 h,reserve of glycogen exists in liver and muscles and is quickly depleted if not replenished by daily food intake. Example ; glycogen stores maintain normal blood glucose levels for body functions during sleep hours, our first meal breakfast has significant function for energy intake. Adipose tissue :added energy resoursce Muscle mass : only during longer periods of fasting or starvation does the body turn this tissues for energy

Energy output
Body function work, regulation of body temperature, processes of tissue growth and repair metabolism Basal metabolism, physical activity, eating

Basal metabolism
All internal working activities of the body at rest.(BEE: basal energy expenditure, REE: rest energy expenditure,RMR : resting metabolic rate) Measuring BMR : indirect calorimetry, thyroid function tests Daily BMR calculated as follows: 1kcal x kg body weight x 24 hrs Harris Benedict : women : BEE = 655 + 9,56 x weight (kg) + 1,85 x height (cm) 4,86 x age Men : BEE= 66,5 + 13,8 x weight (kg) + 5 x height (cm) 6,76 x age

Factor influencing BMR : Lean body mass : greater metabolic activity than fat and bones growth periods: GH stimulated cell metabolism and raises BMR 15%20% : pregnancy: 20%-25%, lactation body temperature:

Physycal activity Effect of eating : thermic effect of food (TEF): 5-10 % Total energy requirement : BMR, physical activity,TEF To maintain daily energy balance food energy intake must match body energy output.

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