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Jack Galmitz

Vacancies Copyright Jack Galmitz ImPress 2014 New ork! New ork Ill"strations #y $% &aker


The sea of the sea is this place' (ere is the so"rce o) the *ast

an% the tiniest *eine% lea)' It is the shaper o) shapes' It is mine an% it is yo"rs' +e %on,t share it in t"rns! #"t at the same time in the same store' +hich is not a place at all' It has no walls' It tra*els witho"t mo*ing thro"gh the worl%! share% #y the rich an% the poornot meas"re% o"t #y worthiness which it a#hors' It is mine . it is yo"rs'

/e*isions 1'0on1t go )ishing where there are no )ishing signs' 2here may #e hazar%o"s chemicals in the water ta#le that t"rn male )ish into another kin%' 2' 0on1t clim# o*er )ences that #ear No 2respassing signs' $*en i) yo" st"%ie% semiotics' o" may #e a#%"cte% #y alien kin%s'

3' +hen it says &eware o) 0og #eware o) %og4 yo" ne*er know i) it1s tr"e or otherwise' 4' +hen a woman at a %ance says she1ll grant yo"r e*ery wish %on1t call her "p4 yo" may get genital warts that yo" pass on to someone yo" lo*e' 5' 0on1t oppose the social system' It only ties yo" "p' 6' 0on1t %rink to e7cess' o" may ha*e to piss on the s"#way tracks an% get electroc"te% #y soaking the thir% rail' 8' 0on1t tro"#le yo"r mother' 9he will emasc"late yo" when yo" least e7pect it' :' 0on1t tro"#le yo"r )ather' (e may re)"se to stan% #etween yo" an% yo"r mother' ;' 2here is only one Go%' <r! two or three' 0on1t worry' 10' $*eryone is o"t )or themsel*es' =ollow them'

="rther re*isions 1' >lways keep lists' ?emory goes )ast @an% )irstA' 2' I) they can get away with it! they1ll get away with it' Now that the 9"preme Co"rt has gi*en yo" permission #e s"re to carry a g"n' 3' 9hoot )irst' Clint $astwoo% %i% it an% #ecame a star witho"t #eing a#le to speak' 9o %i% Charles &ronson' 2his is a lesson in ci*ics' 4' 2ake yo"r heroes )rom the lowest common %enominators' /emem#er this is a 0emocracy' >n% a)ter the news1 shocks an% scan%als all is always )orgi*en'

5' 0i% yo" cry when Bing Bong was shot %own )rom the $mpire 9tate &"il%ingC I) not! %o not rea% on' 6' 0o yo" remem#er him sitting on a rock with =ay +ray #y his si%e as he looke% at the s"nsetC 0i% yo" )eel his )eelings )or the "n#eara#le #ea"ty o) the worl%C 8' +hose si%e are yo" onC :' +o"l% yo" swer*e yo"r car to a*oi% r"nning o*er a raccoonC ;' +o"l% yo" r"n o*er a r"n o*er raccoonC 10'+o"l% yo" stop yo"r car to remo*e a r"n o*er raccoon )rom the roa%C

2hanks )or the ?emes 2he )irst wor%s I can remem#er "ttering were Dma ma'E > psychotherapist mentione% that the wor% mother was only a part o) a phrase' It was missing a wor%' <kay! so it was mother )"cker' I like% taking long #aths! keeping the water r"nning with the stopper o))! "ntil I1% ret"rne% to in)ancy! a state o) re% wrinkle%' I wo"l% then

%ry when I let the water r"n o"t #y letting the air in the miste% room e*aporate it' +ere the t"#! the water an% the %rying air s"#stit"tes )or yo"r motherC o" mean mother )"ckerC es' es' It is raining to%ay yo" know' It is s"ppose% to rain all %ay' 2hat1s not goo% )or )ishing' +e1ll ha*e to cancel o"r plans to rent a #oat' I crie% like a pregnant sea ro#in' /"##ery so"n%e%' Fa%ies an% Gentleman! the champ is making his way %own the aisle to the ring now )ollowe% #y his trainer an% ento"rage' o" sho"l% see his )ace' It is all %etermination' No e7pression' Fooking neither to the people seate% in the aisles calling o"t his name nor towar%s his opponent alrea%y sha%ow #o7ing in his corner' 2he #oy listene% to the anno"ncer on the lowere% ra%io #eneath his co*ers' It was way past the ho"r when he was s"ppose% to #e sleeping' (e ha% school the ne7t %ay' 2he moon staggere% )or one moment as i) it ha% #een st"nne% an% rolle% #ack e*er so slightly on its heels' 2here was a small re% spot on the )ace o) the moon' > #lee%er' It co"l% mean something important' 2he ?aster o) Ceremonies took the lowere% microphone to his lips an% #egan to intro%"ce the )ighters! the color o) their tr"nks! the corners they were in! an% the )act that this was a twel*e ro"n% title

#o"t' (e mentione% their weights to s"#stantiate that they )ell within the perimeters o) the %i*ision they were in' 2he re)eree calle% the )ighters to the center stage o) the ring an% tol% them the r"les o) the )ight! what they were not allowe% to %o an% then )inishe% #y asking them )or a clean )ight an% to shake han%s #e)ore they went to their corners an% waite% )or #ell to come o"t )ighting' I was ne7t on line to ha*e my hair c"t' +hen the #ar#er remo*e% the smock )rom the patron an% )inishe% one last %"sting o) his sho"l%ers! I #egan to get "p to take the seat' Instea%! the #ar#er calle% a man who ha% come into the shop long a)ter me' I got "p o"t o) the leather chair an% in a h")) storme% o"t o) the shop an% ne7t %oor to my )ather1s %ry cleaning store' I wo"l% not #e console% when a short while later the owner o) the #ar#er shop entere% my )ather1s store an% aske% him why I ha% le)t' (e knew *ery well an% I ha% my pri%e e*en at )i*e' 2he law o) the #ar#er shop was )irst come )irst ser*e an% this #reach o) the law was a #reach o) male society' 2hey! the #ar#er an% my )ather! trie% to coa7 me with the promise o) an electric stim"lation all o*er my scalp an% neck a)ter the hairc"t! #"t I hel% my gro"n%' 2his was no small matter' It was in #lack an% white' 2he man #eing hel% #y one arm was so thin he looke% like he li*e% on rice gr"el )or years' (is hair stoo% o"t sti))ly an% his )ace wince%' 2he man hol%ing him! an o))icer o) some kin%! took the g"n he hel% an% shot the man in his temple an% the man1s hea% mo*e% with the impact' +e all were as shocke% as i) we were on the street o) 9aigon when we witnesse% it' 2he N&C anno"ncer in)orme% "s it was the Chie) o) Police Ng"yn Ng c Foan who ha% e7ec"te% a Viet Cong' +e shook thro"gh the nation #ro"ght into the war like that' +e wo"l% go into the pharmacy now e*ery weeken% an% #"y #ottles o) /o#it"ssin >C' 2he pharmacist co"l% not "n%erstan% why so many teenage #oys wo"l% ha*e a co"gh at the same time an% e*ery weeken%' /o#it"ssin >C containe% co%eine an% we wo"l% %rink the whole #ottle at once an% get stone% o"t so that we co"l% #arely stan%' It was e"phoric' I once %rank %own two #ottles at one time

an% smoke% some hashish' 2hat night we went to see Cream per)orm li*e )or the )irst time in New ork' Ginger &aker looke% like a go%' I was so stone% I went into the woman1s #athroom to piss' I only notice% a)terwar%s #eca"se there were no men there' +e li*e% on the si7teenth )loor o) an apartment #"il%ing' +e were #oth yo"ng an% poor an% not really in lo*e' >t least! she was not in lo*e' +e %i%n1t ha*e screens )or the win%ows' 2wo things happene%4 )irst! a pigeon )lew in the open win%ow an% I was so )rightene% #y the agitate% #eating o) the wings that I li)te% a chair )rom the corner o) the room an% p"t it on top o) my hea% )or protection' It ha% to %o with something I ha% once hear% a#o"t #ats getting in yo"r hair an% #eing "na#le to get them o"t' ?y girl)rien% la"ghe% hysterically as i) my action was the )"nniest thing she ha% e*er seen' 9econ%ly! I was calle% %own to the %ra)t #oar% )or possi#le in%"ction into the army' I ha% a letter with me )rom my )amily %octor! who was a +orl% +ar II *eteran! stating that I was "n)it )or %"ty #ase% "pon %r"g a%%iction an% alcoholism' 2hey ha% so many yo"ng men there that %ay that I ha% to come #ack the ne7t %ay' 2hat night! %"ring a nightmare! I act"ally shat in my paGamas in the #e%' +hen my girl)rien% )o"n% o"t that I ha% literally ha% the shit scare% o"t o) me! she )o"n% this the )"nniest thing she ha% e*er seen in her li)e' 0i% I mention that #eca"se we ha% no screens! o"r cat trie% to G"mp )rom the open win%ow to the #alcony on a rainy night an% m"st ha*e slippe% %"e to the slickness o) the rain on steel an% )ell to his %eath si7teen stories #elow' 2he s"perinten%ent acc"se% me o) ha*ing thrown the cat o)) the roo)' I nearly hit the roo) an% tol% him he m"st #e o"t o) his min% i) he tho"ght I was that sort o) person' I ne*er )orgot what we %i% to that cat )or the rest o) my li)e! long a)ter my girl)rien% le)t an% marrie% an% ha% a )amily an% grew ol%'

2he trees rise scaly lim#s tr"nks no s"rprise yet glimpse% the eyes aspire to know lost relati*es risen what they are why not otherwise they make winter a nake% sky train ties clatter "n%er tons o) spee%ing sc"lpte% steel electri)ie% an% still their sprea% is sing"larly magni)icent e*ery time

Noises (e1s gone into the so"n% an% silence he was so m"ch' Now rain %rops on )i*e stones in the gar%en where they were place% G"st so the win% wo"l% ri%e their h"mpe% #ones' (e le)t %"ration o) rain on stone to itsel)' Is that a whip snappe% or a ta"t #ow string re*er#eratingC It is an echoing so"n%' Clay pots in the gar%en' 9ome cracke%' 9ome with holes' Cacti an% #lossoming wee%s in most are sto"t an% )lip the water %rops #ack to the air to ret"rn again to the stones an% sacks nearly %ecompose% to )i#ers o) sisal or G"te' 2here are #am#oo plants sprea% close to the m"% wall o) the ho"se' <ne was c"t %own an% in it a )l"te was )o"n%' It is the color o) his #ones an% will #e playe% later on i) the win% remains! tho"gh it %oesn1t ha*e to #e the same as #e)ore'

9omeone is making a %"go"t canoe with woo%en mallet an% woo%en go"ge' Perhaps to cross o*er in! tho"gh this is in %o"#t! there #eing no place else' Perhaps it1s to make hollow perc"ssi*e so"n%s o) %i))ering %epths' 2he so"n% is more like that' 2hink they1re #"il%ing stairs )rom the knocking that he is hears' > whetstone a #la%e crosses H"ietly to an e%ge' 2hen the simple scraping o) spare pieces o) woo% o"t o) which emerges a man an% the )l"te #lown with the win% o) the lips an% the win%' +ater )alls )rom the g"tter into a #asin or a t"# le)t )or that p"rpose near the #am#oo an% the m"%' 2here are %ancers mo*ing o"twar% with their arms hel% to their si%es )reely on ro"gh soles on a woo%en )loor' It so"n%s like scraping "ntil they stop an% stare o"t at nothing there' 9"%%enly there is what so"n%s like a two han%le% saw #eing whippe% in the win% then sw"ng' 2hen an "nsettling o) the water in the #asin the soppe% earth g"lps' ?ay#e! it1s G"st chil%ren po"n%ing pegs into holes4 he wo"l% ha*e like% that' Is that an electric *iolin scratching the trellis o) rosesC No! it m"st #e a newspaper page ca"ght an% #lowing In the he%ges'

9ome o) the 2hings /ee%s grow thick an% wil% along the em#ankment o) the railroa% tracks as i) they ri%e the rails like men %i% once who wrote songs o) their e7perience' /ee%s themsel*es were once writing instr"ments4 the tan stems sharp as a point %ippe% in pigment scrawle% on papyr"s the &ook o) the 0ea% so it is sai%' It1s not har% to #elie*e looking at their pl"me% hea%s wagging in the wintry s"n! the scratching so"n% they make in the sta##ing win%' In the s"mmer an% )all they sprea% aro"n% the #en% an% %isappear with those anointe% hea%s G"st as %o the empty trains an% their co"ple% cars' In the %ark they ser*e as a trail )or tho"san%s o) )ire)lies that seem tie% in a lengthene% cor% o) "ncon%itional lo*e' 2ho"gh some wo"l% say they are rank an% grow in swamps an% waste places they seem with their #lossome% hea%s most elegant an% most appropriate to ha*e ser*e% to write hieroglyphs an% ancient %oc"ments' It1s not har% at all to see them as earth1s penmanship! o) what it means to #e e7cellent an% to rise a#o*e

the cr"ste% earth an% its chthonic shapeless m"%'

=ailing &iology 9he was serio"s as serio"s as a woman in a white coat

can get o"tsi%e o) a hospital when she looke% me straight in my %ilate% eyes an% sai% yo" are amongst a select )ew who can help h"mankin% an% yo" ha*e no e7c"se to throw that away to get high . step asi%e an% re)"se to %issect that )etal pig preser*e% in )ormal%ehy%e4 we %on1t a#ort li*ing things )or the )"n o) it- learning to s"rgically c"t it witho"t se*ering an artery is important . may some%ay sa*e a h"man li)e . that may pro*e critical' I wasn1t torn' I )elt scorn' 2here m"st ha*e #een thirty st"%ents or more an% all those piglets large eno"gh to ha*e li*e% ha% they not #een sacri)ice% to science' I tol% her tying it with a string ma%e it look cr"ci)ie% an% I co"l%n1t #ring mysel) to c"t that skin that looke% like a h"man1s4 an% the girl I was in lo*e with was in the class an% I ma%e her la"gh an% that was really all I wante%' I s"ppose I was immat"re an% wil%' I wasn,t contemplating what co"l% happen i) all the pigs an% all those kin% were le)t ali*e4 we,% en% "p competitors )or )oo% o) the same kin% an% then we,% ha*e to kill h"ge animals! h"lking an% )eral! t"ske% an% hi%%en in mo"ntains'

2he Primiti*e 2hey sai% I co"l%n1t paint an% may#e they were right' I spent my whole li)e in Paris yet saw G"ngles o) the night' 2hey sai% I was a primiti*e' +ell! what1s wrong with that' 2he l"sh )ron%s o) the #otanical gar%ens

>n% the #ig cats in the zoo sat on their ha"nches looking at a n"%e recline% on a re% *el*et sette who listene% to e7otic #ir%s sing an% a man play a )l"te his way' I saw h"ge #"rsting #l"e )lowers that were the color o) the sky an% a moon o) %ay #right eno"gh to light the woman1s #reasts an% eyes' I might not ha*e ha% m"ch sa*oir )aire yet those who )ollowe% a)ter me I 0ela"nay! Ban%insky! &raH"e! an% >pollinaire I learne% )rom me to trans)orm whate*er they see'

It (appene% 2here @=or JeanICla"%eA I think there is no reason to #elie*e in reason' <therwise! why wo"l% the %"sty hill in season gi*e )orth an "n%ergro"n% system o) grass! or 40!000 eggs #e g"ar%e% #y the male #ass an% the )ish )ry o) the #roo% swarm eat water )leas that are there to swallow as they ne*er cease repro%"cing whether thro"gh parthenogenesis or se7'

2hey look like #ir%s with one eye an% the te7t says they1ll %o anything to s"r*i*e harsh con%itions! e*en eat #acteria' 2hat1s #eyon% reason s"ch am#ition' +hence the lakes! pon%s! reser*oirs! an% streamsC +hy wo"l% o7ygen an% two parts hy%rogen team "p an% #ecome waterC It1s a )act an% a )antasy at once' +hy %o all #o%ies o) water ret"rn to the sea )rom where they pres"ma#ly #egan to #eC +hy are there pollen sacks )ille% on the %ri)ting #eeC

Jntitle% I
(e looke% at the can*as' It was small4 :710 7 1'5' It was white! "nprime%! an% he co"l% %o whate*er he wante% on it' 2his is what he wante%' 2o #e a#le to %eci%e! make choices! make s"r)aces o) shapes an% colors coinci%e or colli%e witho"t intr"sion )rom the worl% o"tsi%e him' (e wante% to #elie*e that pri*acy e7iste%! not G"st in law an% print! #"t in a place that he ha% *isite% an% co"l% always *isit' ?ay#e! he was cornere%' 2his small #lank space his only reco"rse! 2he #r"sh strokes his ill"sion o) actions' $*en these were alrea%y %eci%e% #y those who ha% gone #e)ore them! #y those

who ha% charge% geometric a#straction was painting! the most "nlike representing nat"re' et! e*en in this art o) two %imensions! he co"l%n1t help #"t notice that the ill"sion o) %epth ha% crept into the works o) those who practice% it an% was #eginning to "s"rp the p"rity o) *ertical an% horizontal an% the primary colors' >s one artist sai%4 DI cannot lea*e the gri%' It esta#lishes clarity )or "s' I stan% "pright an% my eyes are perpen%ic"lar to that'E In these wor%s he )o"n% his own sentiments' IN0$K4 > Poem A >nal @3A >nnals @21A >"ral @1A >"t"mn @15A >"7iliary @4A B &ali @10A &ellicose @18A &ent @30A &altimore @24A C Canal @7iA Cra)t @140A C"lt"re @48A D 0ental =ricati*e @iiA 0estr"ction @13A F =eral @1A =ist @100A =og @iiiA =ort"ne @2;A G Glan% @:A Goo% @5A Graph @44A H (al) @6:A (aik" @77A J Joc"lar @101A J"g"lar @55A

E $ar @:A $*en @54A $7cess @12A

I In%ecisi*e @36A In%octrinate @83A

K Bire @77iiA Bite @5A Bill @122A M ?" @77iiiA ?"gger @1A

0isem#o%y @33A

("nger @40A ?"r%er @151A

into )iel%s' hol% ing #ack ocean s' a p"r ple )eath er re assem# les

In Praise o) +oo%
lightning' str"ck' splinter e% tree' #lon%e woo%' o)) a #ranch )ell' #ro"ght %own the park swings' women in kimonos walk in threes'

>mazing Grace @ =or (awkeye Pete $ganA

rails' the yellow %og' the length o) the roa%' %ry' lea*es' m"lch' the man1s o%% smell' may#e %eath' the )amily gi*es thanks )or what it is a#o"t to recei*e' the yellow %og' rails' the o%% smell' s"nset' property' h"man skin' m"lch' may#e %eath' 2he earth wet' green spro"ts o) no one knows what yet' the yellow %og' property' line' the stranger1s smell' other towns' o%%' rails' the smell' hay' wells' wagon wheels' please pass the potatoes' the peas' go%' the o%% smell' the man1s #lack s"it' hat' shoes' may ha*e ma%e the sign o) the cross' many )orehea%s' may#e release% )rom Gail' the yellow %og' trails' reaches the soy )iel%' acres' acres' acres' wi%e lea*es' sprinklers' may#e a clerical collar' may#e kille% a man' grace' homema%e peach co##ler'

/ain on ?e
where %i% it come )romC )rom the sea! I s"ppose' why s"ppose thatC It has )ins an% no )eet' scales' I listene% to archie shepp1 s sa7 screaming )rom a stoop in 9an =rancisco' "p an% %own the scales' playing witho"t )eet I )i7e% meas"re' +hen the piece en%e% it was )in! #"t not )inishe% in a )ormal )ashion' so pres"mpt"o"s! I sai%' how %i% it get into the li*ing room )rom the seaC thro"gh the tap waterC she looke% o"t the win%ow at the lashing rain' were those )lying )ishC cats came o"t )rom "n%er cars to in*estigate' things were thrashing on the street' I think they1re )irecrackers she sai%' someone set o)) a mat' will yo" marry me she sai%' on one con%ition' yo" rain on me whene*er I come in' okay'

&y #y (on%a
%ri*ing' her han%s on the wheel as i) they were #"ilt in #y (on%a' )oc"sing on the #ig pict"re' not what is %irectly in )ront o) her' )reH"ently checks her si%e *iew an% rear mirrors' knows what1s aro"n%' In%"lges hersel) with a C0' a"techre' %epresses the gas hesitantly' as i) it were a li*e thing' we #egin to clim# the mo"ntain roa%' I tr"st her eno"gh to look o"t the win%ow' or I %on1t care i) we %ie' we1re together' chassis an% wheels' the %oor locks open an% close #y the remote on her car keys' we1re like that' only we each ha*e the keys' we1re #oth the %oor locks' I ask her to ha*e the car painte%' orange' or green' #"t only the sha%es &?+ once ma%e' this is one thing she won1t gi*e in to' the rock le%ges on the passenger1s si%e' %eep colors' )iss"res' )ract"res' a sense o) intimacy' her )ace has %imin"ti*e )eat"res' s"nken cheek#ones' long )ree hair' she says wait till we reach the peak an% park' we1ll )in% a pri*ate place with %eep "n%ergrowth' %o it like wol*erines' this time'

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