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The Baviu anu Lucile Packaiu Founuation

Bigital Bata uioup

Lucy Beinholz

Questions to ask when funuing a "big uata" pioject.

Bevelopeu by the !"#$"% '(% )"*(+%,+- ,#. /"+0#(1(2- foi
The Robeit Woou }ohnson Founuation. Thanks to Paul Taiini foi shaiing.

!%".3$4: Beven Ncuiaw, Biiectoi, Bealth Piivacy Pioject anu }ustin Biookman,
Biiectoi, Pioject on Consumei Piivacy. Centei foi Bemociacy anu Tecnhology.

1. What peisonal infoimation is being collecteu, both uiiectly anu inuiiectly.
2. Is the uata paiticulaily sensitive.
S. Bow is the infoimation being collecteu.
4. Foi what puipose(s) is the infoimation being useu.
S. Who will have access to the infoimation anu unuei what contiols.
6. Will the infoimation be shaieu with outsiue paities - anu if so, whom, anu foi
what puiposes.
7. What contiols aie placeu on that outsiue paity's use anu uisclosuie (anu
ietention) of the infoimation.
8. Bow is the infoimation being stoieu, anu how long will it be ietaineu.
9. What guaiantees exists that the infoimation will be accuiate. Coulu the
infoimation be subject to misinteipietation.
1u. What happens to the infoimation at the enu of the pioject.
11. Bow is the collection anu use of infoimation communicateu to the subject.
12. What iights to the inuiviuual uata subjects have with iespect to the
----Aie they askeu foi consent foi the collection, use anu uisclosuie of
the infoimation. If not, why not. If so, thiough what piocesses is
consent obtaineu.
----Bo they have any iights to access the infoimation oi to obtain
copies. Bo they have any iights to amenu oi coiiection infoimation.
1S. Bo they have the iight to ieceive the iesults (oi copies theieof) of whatevei
is being piouuceu with the infoimation. Coulu the infoimation be useu to
uisauvantage the subject - anu if so, how.
14. What, if any, conciete haims coulu iesult fiom the tiansfei, publication, oi
seconuaiy usage of the infoimation.
1S. What aie the thieat mouels foi malicious oi unwanteu access to the
16. What inteinal mechanisms exist to ensuie that the infoimation will be

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