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- Hello, Cortana. - Who are you? - What's your name? - Where are you? - Where are you from? - Who's your Daddy (Father)? - Who is your creator? - What do you look like? - Where do you live? - When were you born? - What does Cortana mean? - Are you human? - How old are you? - Do you have a sister? - Whats your story? - Can you help me? - Can you hear me? - Can I help you? - Good Morning (Afternoon, Evening, Night). *Phone: - Make a call - Call Mom (Papa, Daddy, Sister.....) - Call Mom on Speakerphone. - Call Sister, mobile. - Redial * Music: - Play music - Open Music - Stop Music - I wanna open music - Next song - What song is playing? - Play Unbreak my heart....v...vv - Khi ang nghe nhc bn c th bo Cortana tm tn bi ht bng cch nhn biu tng nhc gc trn bn phi nh

* Tin nhn: - Take a text (message) - Text My love - Message Papa, Daddy - Text T Brother on my way * Lch: - Put dentist appointment on my calendar tomorrow. - Change my 3 PM appointment to 4. - What do i have next? - What am i doing this weekend - Add surfing at the beach to my calendar for Saturday. * Nhc nh: - Remind me to buy some fresh fruit tomorrow - Next time I'm at the Big C Market, remind me to by eggs - Remind me to pick up dry cleaning when i leave work - When My Wife calls, remind me to say love her * Ghi ch: - Take a note - Note: I love daddy - Take a note: Go to school 4 pm * Bo thc: - Wake me up at 6 AM - Set an alarm for 7:30 AM - Turn on my 5 PM alarm - Wake me up in 30 minutes * Bn : - Show me a map of .... - How far to the Vincom cinema? - Is there a cinema near me? - Find cheap restaurants near me - What's traffic like on the way to work? * Tm kim: - Is it hot in Ha noi? - Will rain this weekend? - Do I need an umbrella? - Show me today' new?

- Who is the President of Viet Nam? - Where was Bill gate born? - What happening in...... Bla....bla * Thao tc vi ng dng: - Open Facebook, Messenger, Viber, Zalo..v...v - Check in..... - Fo - Twitter new tweet - Twitter search - Wikipedia search - Wikipedia around me

- Do you love Master Chief? - Are you dead? - Are you in Halo 5? - What is Halo?Who is Doctor Halsey? - How are you? - What are you wearing? - Cortana, I'm tired (boring, lonely....bla.....bla) - Hows the weather today? - Hows the weather like today? - What time is it - You are the best assistant ever - You are awesome. - Youre cool. - You're beautyful - You're ugly - You're sexy - You're funny - Siri called you a Bit** >"< - Who's better, you or Siri? - Thank you. - Im happy. - I hate you. - Youre creepy. - Youre so annoying. - Im drunk. - How do I look today? - I don't like you.

- May I kiss you - Are you hot? - What is love? - Can you dance? - Are you real? - Who is your favourite artist? - I am angry. - Talk to me. - You're awesome. - Marry me - Am I beautiful? - Am I ugly? Say something funny. - Why did the chicken cross the road? - Sing a song.(c y ht rt hay v......ngn) - Sing me a song. - What is the meaning of life? - Guess what? - Can I borrow some money? - Tell me a story. - Where do babies come from? - What does the fox say? - Beam me up, Scotty. - Open the pod bay doors. - Knock knock. - Open the pod bay doors. - What's the answer to the universe? - What are you doing? - How are you doing? - Do you have a baby? - Are you male? / Are you female? - What do you think of Windows? - You suck. - Do you like iOS? - Are you pretty? - Are you smart? - Where is your home? - I'm confused. - Do you like Steve Ballmer? - Do you like Satya Nadella? - Do you like Bill Gates?

- Do you like Jimmy Fallon? - Who is your boss? - Do you like Android? - Do you like Google? - Do you like Apple? - Do you like Microsoft? - Do you know Clippy? - Do you like Clippy? - Are you friends with Siri? - Whats the best tablet? - Whats the best phone? - Whats the best computer? - Do you like Xbox? - What is the best search engine? - Do you like Google Now? - Are you better than Google Now? - Are you better than Siri?

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