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How to create a custom HTML module

1. Go to the 'Administration Control Panel'.

2. In the 'Extensions' menu...

1 - How to create a custom HTML module

3. on 'Module Manager'.

4. This is a list including the installed Joomla! modules. Since you want to create a new
module click on the 'New' button.

2 - How to create a custom HTML module

5. Choose 'Custom HTML'.

6. Go to next page.

7. Choose a title for your HTML module.

3 - How to create a custom HTML module

8. The output of the module is the text (HTML code) that will be displayed on your page. In
this simple example we will use the text 'Hello Joomla!'.

9. You can edit the HTML code directly by clicking on the 'HTML' button in the toolbar.

10. A new window appears.

11. Add some HTML code.

<p>Hello <strong>Joomla!</strong></p>
<p><img src="
%20Horz%20Color%20Thumbnail.png" border="0" alt="Joomla!" /></p>

4 - How to create a custom HTML module

12. Click on 'Update'.

13. You can see the final result in the editor.

14. Save your work...

5 - How to create a custom HTML module

15. ...and look at your front page.

That was easy, wasn't it? You can try to edit the HTML code directly or just use the toolbar. If you
want to edit the preferences of your module go to the 'Module Manager', select your module and
click on 'Edit' instead of 'New'. You can also click on the link directly. Changing the position of a
module is very easy, too. Just try it! :)

© 2007 Eduard Urbach

6 - How to create a custom HTML module

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