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Icr Pritcic Circu|ciicn cn|
POwER wORDS lnf/uence l
Change Your words and Change Your L/felll
"Hypnotic Language of Success"
A SpeciaI Workshop for Hypnotique CircIe by
Mr. Pradeep AggarwaI
President, Institute of Mind ControI and DeveIopment, Hyderabad.

Do words Rea//y Have Power? Yes! WOPDS have POWEP

in them. The kind of words you use have tremendous
impact on your attitude, nature and character. Around 20%
of the words we use daily, possess strong emotional
undertones, having either a positive or negative effect on us.
The very words you think and say not only describe your
world but also actually create it. Words have a profound
impact on our lives; in fact, our self-talk (what we talk to
our self in our mind) produces 100 percent of our results.
ln this Hypnotic Language of Success workshop, Pradeep
Aggarwal tells you how to change your words and transform
your and others` life and achieve health, happiness and
Day : Friday - Dec. 16, 2011
T/me : 6.45 .m. to 8.45 .m.
venue: Hote/ Pa/mgrove
P/ease Reg/ster w/th our Comm/ttee Members
Fee : Ps. 100/- for Members.
Ps. 300/- without membership.
Ps. 500/- including membership till March. 2012
Note : This workshop is in addition to our monthly
meeting on 11th December 2011. (Please refer last page)

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5 Ways to Use Your Mind to Achieve Success in Anything!
You can use your mind and the power of visualization to
achieve success and happiness. A promotion? A happy
marriage? Healthy children? Do you think that these dreams
are almost impossible to have? Think again. You can achieve
all these and more with mind power. Your mind holds the
secret to contentment, bliss, happiness and success. A lot of
self-help books, psychologists, New Age teachers and even
motivational speakers have taught that you can achieve your
dreams through mind power. There are many different methods
that you can use to unlock the power of your mind and pave
your own road to success. Here are five effective ways to use
mind power to accomplish and achieve anything.
1. FoIIow the Iaw of attraction. This universal law simply states
that like attracts like. This means that by using your mind
power to think positive thoughts, you attract positive things.
Curb all negative thoughts and feelings from yourself and focus
more on the positive. The positive energy you create because
of this draws positive energy from the people around you and
the rest of the universe.
2. VisuaIization of goaIs can heIp. visualizing means putting
an imprint of what you want to achieve in your mind. Draw
the dream house you want to buy or cut out a photo of your
dream car. Create your own inspiration board" to help your
mind power. Put different photos of your dreams on a
corkboard and put this board in a place where you can always
see it. visualizing also means thinking of all the different ways
with which you can solve problems and achieve your dreams.
3. Don't be a prisoner of your environment or situation.
Just because you can`t afford to go to college or university
doesn`t mean you can`t climb up the corporate ladder or get
a good job. Let your mind power release you from the bonds
of your environment or situation. Think beyond where you
are and be confident in what you can do. Your mind power
can reach much further than any constraints brought about
by economic, health or social situations.
4. BeIieve and you shaII receive. Jesus himself said that
whatever you want, when you ask for in prayer, believe that
you have already received it, and then it will be yours." lmagine
where to put your library of books in your dream house or
write down the countries you want to travel to. These can
make the image of your dreams stronger via mind power.
5. Repeat your dreams and goaIs to yourseIf over and
over. Just like your muscles get stronger if you exercise
regularly, your mind power learns and strengthens through
repetition. Tell yourself over and over than you deserve that
promotion or write down your dreams repetitively in your
journal. This helps bring success and happiness a step closer.
Your goals don`t have to be unreachable dreams. Use these
five different methods to strengthen your mind power to
achieve all you have ever wanted in life.
3 steps to overcome Iimiting beIiefs in your cIients
Limiting beIiefs can be a serious roadbIock to effective
therapy. Learn a tried-and-tested modeI to overcome them,
cIearing the way for rapid change.
Sometimes a client`s limiting beliefs can get in the way of
doing good therapeutic work with them. Someone who can`t
even begin to imagine themselves as a non-smoker, a confident
public speaker, or looking slim and healthy, or who constantly
tells themselves lt`s impossible!" needs your help to clear that
Casebook exampIe: It's reaIIy hard to stop smoking!
A woman came to see me recently to stop smoking. She had
a strongly fixed belief that stopping smoking was going to be
extremely difficult for her, that it was a `huge thing` that she
could barely contemplate doing.
lt would not have been helpful to tell her it can be surprisingly
easy to stop smoking. Telling a client they`re `wrong` or arguing
with them puts them on the defensive, and can actually further
entrench a limiting belief. But l needed to help her get past
this conviction or she would continue having trouble making
the changes she needed.
So this is what l said:
"Abso/ute/yl Mak/ng a s/gn/f/cant //fe change |||e /ree|ng
jo0rse|/ /rom |ha| smo||ng pa||ern can seem overwhe/m/ng at
f/rst. /|s a o|| |||e |he overwhe|m peop|e /ee| when s|ar||ng a
new joo or mov|ng |o a new area. Everj|h|ng /ee|s a o||
0n/am|||ar, and jo0 m|gh| have do0o|s aoo0| whe|her you'//
make a success of /t, and se|||e |n proper|j.
And |ha| 0ncer|a|n|j |s norma|, and as |ong as jo0 g/ve yourse/f
a chance to acc//mat/se |o |he new env|ronmen|, |o s|ar| |o
no||ce a|| |he oene/||s |ha| come as jo0 /|nd jo0r /ee|, |hen
oe/ore |ong jo0|| no||ce jo0 fee/ at home w/th the change,
and you can bare/y remember what you were worry/ng
She immediately relaxed and began to smile. Once she had
a way to set that limiting belief aside through `giving herself a
chance`, she could much more easily engage with the session.
Three steps to surmount Iimiting beIief:
3 questions that wiII enIist your smoker's personaI autonomy
O Agree with it
l started out by saying Absolutely!", putting myself in a position
where l`m on her side, and l go on to describe how it`s
completely normal to feel that way.
O Reframe the beIief as a perception - not a reaIity
lnstead of agreeing that stopping smoking is really difficult,
l`m actually agreeing that it seems overwhelming", thereby
reminding her that it`s a perception, not a reality. You could
also use talk about how it looks daunting" or feels impossible
at first".
O Give universaI exampIes of perception change
l talked about how people put doubts and worries behind
them when starting a new job, or moving, but you can use
whatever examples will work best with your individual client
for example learning to drive, or having a baby. When you
flesh these out a bit with some detail, it gives people time to
take them in fully and respond.
Of course, that wasn`t the end of it. We also homed in on
accessing her strengths, reinforcing her self-belief, and breaking
up the smoking pattern. But having a graceful way to invite
someone to suspend an initial limiting belief is a key therapeutic
tool that will make you a more effective therapist
Innovation UnpIugged
Learn/ng and /nnovat/on go hand /n hand. The arrogance
of success /s to th/nk that what you d/d yesterday w/// be
suff/c/ent for tomorrow." -w////am Po//ard
Did you know that at most companies, executives don`t feel
personally responsible for being innovative? Strangely, they
tend to feel that they are personally responsible for /ac||||a||ng
innovation, which is entirely different from actually com|ng 0p
w||h the grand concepts that have created unique new business
models and products.
So, what makes innovators different? Are innovators born or
made? Studies of identical twins separated at birth have shown
that our ability to think creatively comes one-third from
genetics, and two-thirds of the innovation skill set comes
through learning.
According to a six-year study conducted by Harvard Business
Peview authors, there are five habits that reveal the
underpinnings of creative thinking. These habits are embraced
by innovators such as Jeff Bezos of, Herb
Kelleher of Southwest Airlines and Peter Thiel of PayPal. Would
you like to share in the secret? Here we go:
The Top Five Habits of Innovators
1. Associating
The ability to successfully connect seemingly unrelated
questions, problems, or ideas from different fields.
2. Questioning
Constantly asking questions that challenge common wisdom.
3. Observing
Scrutinizing common phenomena-looking out for common
behaviors and figuring out how things could be done
4. Experimenting
Actively trying out new ideas by creating prototypes and
launching pilots. (Think of Edison who said, l haven`t failed.
l`ve simply found 10,000 ways that do not work.").
5. Networking
Devoting time and energy to finding and testing new ideas
through a network of individuals and organizations.
And what motivates innovators? According to one study,
innovators actively desire to change the status quo, and they
regularly take risks to make change happen. So, what are
you waiting for? Start your innovation education today !
SeIf DiscipIine - By Mark TyrreII
"SeIf discIipIine means doing some things whiIst not doing
others" - Miss Nixie
Self discipline is not a new idea. There is an old story about
a man who went to a tattooist because he had always wanted
a tattoo of a lion on his back. The tattooist started to sketch
the tail into the man`s torso: `Ouch! What are you doing?`
asked the man. `l`m doing the lion`s tail` replied the tattooist.
`Well then for goodness sake let`s have a lion without a tail!`
said the man, wincing in pain.
Next the artist set about on the Lion`s whiskers. `Ouch!` cried
the man, `What`s that?` `The whiskers!` said the tatooist, getting
increasingly irritated. `Well let`s have a lion without whiskers!`
moaned his customer.
The tattooist then set about doing the Lion`s back. `No that
hurts too!` shouted the man. At this, the tattooist finally lost
patience with the man`s lack of self discipline. Throwing down
his tools and the man out of his shop he shouted, `How can
you expect to get what you want without a little discomfort?`
SeIf discipIine gets you what you want
One meaning of this story may be to show how handicapped
you are if you base your decisions p0re|j on your comfort
level. lf we don`t develop the capacity for self discipline we
deprive ourselves of not only greater likelihood of success,
but also larger and lasting satisfactions.
Knowing we can discipline ourselves over and above what
feels comfortable increases self confidence. We need to be
stretched as much as we need comfort and rest.
"Don| have a w|shoone where jo0r oac|oone sho0|d oe!
Depression and seIf discipIine
Over recent decades rates of depression have sky-rocketed
but during World War ll, depression and suicide rates dwindled
almost to zero.
Winston Churchill could only offer the British people `blood,
sweat and tears` but victory was the greater goal for the whole
nation, and so the discomfort it brought could be borne. There
was no concept of not working because you didn`t feel like
it, and rationing imposed discipline even upon eating patterns.
TV discipIine
Tv shows such as `Brat Camp`, `Career Boot Camp` and
`Faking lt` have demonstrated the incredible changes in ability
and self esteem that can come about from short periods of
imposed `self` discipline. On these shows, personal preferences
are set aside in pursuit of a longer term goal. They
demonstrate that exercising the `muscle` of self discipline hurts
at first but pays dividends once it`s in shape.
Long term benefits over short term preferences
We know that the quickest way to raise serotonin levels in a
depressed individual (a neurotransmitter involved in mood
elevation, emotion control and the ability to feel satisfied) is to
get them moving - the quicker and longer they move, the
more serotonin they produce.
However exercise is the last thing a depressed person feels
like doing. This is where the capacity to put aside short term
preferences for long term benefits comes into its own.
(Someone who is deeply depressed may need to recover from
the depression a little through relaxation and proper rest before
they begin to gain energy through exercise.)
Increase your capacity
Like any capacity the more we use self discipline, the stronger
it gets. lmagine your own life for a few moments if what you
did was dictated entirely by whether you felt like doing it or
not! What exactly wo0|d you do? And more importantly what
wouldn`t you do?
The more we do things we don`t want to do, the more we
are able to do: lt is the exercised muscle that lifts the weight!"
We are bombarded by commercials tempting us with beautiful
products without indication of the effort, dedication, self
discipline and time - l want it and l want it now!" - required
to purchase such products. (Neither do the commercials, quite
naturally, show us taking the product for granted after only a
few weeks and ceasing to be satisfied by it.)
Getting something is usually short term satisfaction compared
to the inner rewards of the effort applied in acquiring it.
We are told not to `overdo it!` but how do we know what
`over doing it` is if we have never used self discipline to push
ourselves? The best candidate for psychotherapy is someone
who is willing to work with the therapist, to try new things and
be active in their own recovery. Otherwise, like the man who
wanted a tattoo they will not end up with what they want.
Pant over, l`m off to make that phone call l have been putting
off. Honest.
How to avoid burnout when treating
depressed peopIe
Depressed cIients can hypnotize you into feeIing as
depressed as they do - here are 3 key ways to protect
Depression is infectious. At one time it was thought to be
inherited - although no gene has ever been discovered for it.
(1) And it`s no longer considered to be caused by `brain
chemistry`, although it does cause chemical alterations while it
lasts. Now when l say `infectious`, l mean social infection. We
can be infected with attitudes as surely as with microbes. Just
think how low self-esteem can spread throughout whole
departments in a place of work!
lf you work with lots of depressed people you need to protect
yourself from being infected by it. Here`s a few smart ways to
avoid burnout. After all, you can`t help someone who`s
drowning if you get pulled in too!
1. Focus on process not content
lt`s easy to get sucked into the negativity and hopelessness of
a depressed person`s world view. The details of their lives are
important, of course. up to a point. But to stay out of the
`quicksand of despair` ourselves we need to focus on the
larger processes that are going on and not so much on the
despairing detail. Look at what a person is do|ng not just
what they are saj|ng.
For example: Are they too `all or nothing`, too `black and
white`, in their thinking? Are they minimizing and skating over
the positives in their lives while magnifying and dwelling on
the negatives? ls their thought circular and lacking solution
focus? Look at the patterns and think objectively and
strategically as well as empathically to stay free of the
`depressive trance`.
2. Meet your own needs!
Burnout happens when we continually `give` without getting
what we need ourselves. Everybody (including therapists)
O a sense of safety and security
O attention giving it and getting it
O friendships: fun, love, and physical and emotional intimacy
O a sense of control and autonomy
O a sense of being part of a wider community
O mind and body health relaxation, rest, exercise and
O a sense of purpose and meaning
O self-esteem
O a sense of status
Trying to work with seriously needy clients without ensuring
that your own needs are met is like setting out on a long
journey with an empty fuel tank. Your clients are seeing you
because they are having problems getting |he|r needs met.
When you purposefully get your own needs met (for the
greater part) o0|s|de of your work context, you create `spare
capacity` within yourself to stay fresh and effective for you
clients. You`ll also enjoy your work more.
3. Don't be everybody's therapist
Even Superman is sometimes just plain old Clark Kent. People
sometimes expect me to want to talk `deeply and meaningfully`
when l`m out socially, or else constantly regale me with their
problems. Sometimes l don`t mind, but there are limits and
you need to set them. Of course, we all want to be there for
our friends and family but people can come to see you as
`therapist` first and `person` second. Gently remind people
(especially if you`re not that familiar with them) that it might
be a good idea to book a session with you, as here and now
(at Jim`s barbecue) is perhaps not the best time to talk about
this and anyway you`re in the process of re-charging your
`therapeutic batteries`
When l was a kid, my Mum liked to make breakfast food for
dinner every now & then & l remember one night in particular
when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.
On that evening so long ago, my Mum placed a plate of
eggs, sausage, and extremely burned biscuits in front of my
dad. l remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!
Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mum
and ask me how my day was at school. l don`t remember
what l told him that night, but l do remember hearing my
Mum apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And l`ll
never forget what he said:
"Honey, I Iove burned biscuits."
Later that night, l went to kiss Daddy good night and l asked
him if he really liked his biscuits burned.
He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your momma put in
a long hard day at work today and she`s real tired.
And besides... A burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"
You know, life is full of imperfect things... And imperfect people.
l`m not the best at hardly anything, and l forget birthdays and
anniversaries just like everyone else.
What l`ve learned over the years is that learning to accept
each others faults and choosing to celebrate each other`s
differences, is one of the most important keys to creating a
healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.
So...please pass me a biscuit. And yes, the burned one will
do just fine!
And please pass this along to someone who has enriched
your life...l just did!
Life is too short to wake up with regrets... Love the people
who treat you right and have compassion for the ones who
How to be Witty - By Mukta Gaikwad
Being witty is all about using your knowledge with intelligence.
Here's how to be the life of the party and of every place that
you go to! Pead on to learn how to be witty and funny...
True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing, so
said Socrates. You may know nothing, but using your existing
brainpower effectively will make you witty. Being witty is all
about using your intelligence to make an indelible impression
on the crowd. lt's about saying the right thing at the right
time and especially at the right place. One incorrectly placed
witty remark and you'll lose the ground forever. To be witty,
you will need to know the snappy famous one liners and the
subtlety with which you need to retort. You also need to know
when your listener is not understanding your wittiness,
otherwise you may get labeled as an insensitive snob. Thus,
being witty and charming, is all about using you knowledge
with intelligence. Let's see how to be witty.
How to be Witty and Funny
Being a Listener
Effective listening skills go a long way in making you the
wittiest of them all! lf you listen with a keen ear, you'd be in
a better position for making powerful comebacks. Like l
remember this guy (a complete stranger and a secret admirer!!)
who asked me, my name. l replied, 'Your Worst Nightmare', to
which his comeback was 'Baby, l am the Devil. Nightmares
are my sweetest dreams!!' Seriously, this is by far the best
and the wittiest example if you want to know how to be witty
and charming!! lt's slightly cheesy and didn't work (for me),
but you've got to give this guy due credit for coming up with
an unforgettable rejoinder.
Judging the Mood
To know how to be witty in conversation, you've got to know
the mood of the person and the situation. You definitely can't
be witty at someone's funeral, no matter how much you hate
the dead person. So, you can use your wit in casual
conversations with your friends, amongst colleagues and in
jocund family gatherings. Using funny witty short sayings, at
such occasions, (obviously at the right time) is the best way
of casting a good impression.
Language SkiIIs
To know how to be witty and funny, you will have to be well
versed with witty one liners and catchy phrases. Pun, a simple
figure of speech we learned way back in school, will be of
great use now. With an artistic play of words and with
continuous practice of the same, you will grow better and
better at being witty.
No Offense Meant
Your wittiness can be taken as a offense by somebody. There
is a fine but distinct line between being witty and being
offensive. As the adage goes, 'think twice, before you speak',
trust me, you really need to. Witty remarks can turn out to be
sarcastic sayings about life. Thus, you need to work on your
voice modulation and intonation, while making witty retorts.
Also, you need to know where to stop. lf people around you
aren't smiling, then you need to tell them, you meant no
offense in a polite manner and stop your act.
Generate Interest
To be witty, you need to be good at making (participative)
conversations. Try your hand at a few conversation starters, to
know how to start them in the first place. One trick that always
works for starting conversations is to talk about movies or
books, as you'll always find people who like either option or
both. The person with whom you are making a conversation,
should be interested in what you are saying. So, to be witty
and funny, you need to be interesting too. Pead more on
how to be funny.
Finally, the answer for how to be witty is not try too hard to
be witty. Trying too hard would only make you seem needy
and attention seeking. So, these were a few tips to be witty
and funny. l hope after all the time it took me to explain you
this, you make some good use of it!! Let me know...
Whatever you`re thinking about is literally like planning a
future event. When you`re worrying, you are planning.
When you are appreciating, you are planning... What are
you planning?" - Esther Abraham-Hicks
Whatever the present moment contains, accept is as if you
had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make
it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will
miraculously transform your whole life." - Eckhart Tolle
Discover Secrets of Money, WeaIth Creation
& Abundance in I LOVE MONEY Workshop
By Shri Suresh Padmanabhan
Author of lnternational Best Seller l LOvE MONEY and ANBE
Trusted by more than 40,000 participants worldwide since 1998
ln this experiential workshop you will learn
How to Attract Money easily without Stress or Tension Powerful
strategies to lncrease your savings & create wealth Proven
ways to come out of Debt, Pecover Stuck Money Understand
how to program your sub-conscious mind to attract Money
Create Multiple lncome Streams and lncrease profits in Business
Amazing Spiritual Secrets of Money from lndia, Tibet Plus!
Money Meditations, Money Mudras, Money Mantras, Zen
Techni ques, Connecti ng to The Uni versal Abundance,
Experiencing the Energy of Money, The Ultimate Spiritual
Secrets of Prosperity and Abundance and much more.
DATE : 17 Dec (Sat) & 18 Dec (Sun) 2011
VENUE : Hotel Deccan Plaza
SPEClAL Early Bird Offers till 10 Dec 2011
100% MONEY BACK GUAPANTEE if you are not satisfied
in the workshop.
To join call Pavi Padmanabhan, 98414 38486
Dr Maharaja, 98411 18294
"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain
place on the floor. t's to enjoy each step along the way.
- Wayne Dyer
If undelivered, please return to :
Mr. J. Umedmal Bafna, Old #2, New #3, Akbar Sahib Street,
Triplicane, Chennai - 600 005. Mobile : 98415 34999
Pearl Offset Printers, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 600 024.
: 2483 3090, 89 39 90 13 45, 46, 47
HypnoIique Circle {Hadras)
cordiall inviIes all iIs members and guesIs for Ihe monIhl meeIing on
Sunda, Ihe 11
December 211 aI
HoIel Palmgrove, Kodambakkam High Road, Chennai ~ 34.
2.29 pm : WeIcome Address
2.35 pm : SeIf In(tro)duction by Members and Guests
2.50 pm : Intra PersonaI InteIIigence - Mr. S. RamaIingam, PsychoIogist
3.30 pm : Managing Emotions - Mr. G Ganesan
4.00 pm : Tea
4.20 pm : Emotions and Rising BIood - Dr T M PerumaI
4.40 pm : IQ vs EQ - Major V V Narayanan
5.00 pm : Inter PersonaI and Intra PersonaI InteIIigence
Muthiah Ramanathan
5.45 pm : Mass ReIaxation
Pradeep Aggarwal`s
For Self lmprovement
Workshop in Chennai Dec. 17th & 18th 2011 at QuaIity Inn Sabari,
29, TirumaIai PiIIai Rd.,T'Nagar, Chennai 600017.
Register with: Institute of Mind ControI and
DeveIopment, Sai Homes Apartment, FIat No.503,
6-1-68/1, Saifabad LakdikapooI Hyderabad - 500 004.
Phone : 040-66620294 / 040-66620295 / 040-66620295 MobiIe : 09963910339

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