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Beginner A1+
Name : ___________________________________________________________
School :___________________________________________________________
I. Read and match !
5 sixty-five
17 a hundred
43 seventeen
55 seventy-seven
100 five
21 ninety-eiht
77 t!enty-one
"0 fifty-five
3# eihty
$5 forty-three
#" thirty-nine
II. Circle the correct item.
1% &o! old __________________ '
a( she is )( are she c( is she
2% *s this __________ coffee'
a( you )( yours c( your
3% ___________ is +evin' ,t !or-%
a( .here )( .hat c( .ho
4% * ____________ from the /S,% * am from 0acedonia%
a( am not )( am c( are
5% __________ is this 1ac-et'
a( .hich )( .hose c( .ho
$% 2his car is ___________%
a( hers )( her c( she
III. Fill in: am/am not ; is / isn `t ; are /aren `t.
1% She __________ 3ra4ilian% She is S5anish%
2% Sandra and 2im ___________ ood students%
3% .e ______________ sisters% .e are cousins%
4% * _________ a teacher%
5% &e _______ my )est friend%
$% _________ these your children'
IV. Choose the correct item.
1% 0y sister is a teacher% She !or-s in a __________________ %
a( hos5ital )( hotel c( school%
2% * can )uy veeta)les in ___________________ %
a( in a reenrocer 6s )( in a chemist 6s c( in a )utcher 6s %
3% .e have ot an attractive ____________ )y the see%
a( -itchen )( villa c( arae%
4% &e travels all over the !orld% &e flies aero 5lanes% &e is _______________%
a( vet )( re5orter c( 5ilot%
V. Underline the correct word in bold.
1% *s this your/you )i-e'
2. I/My name is Susan%
3% Their/They house is very ex5ensive%
4% He/His car is very fast%
5% 2his is our / we school%
$% She/Her !eddin is in 7un%
7%You/Your )irthday is on 0onday%
VI. Complete the table.
more ex5ensive
VII. Fill in was, were, wasn`t , or weren`t.
1% * ___________ at the 5arty last niht%
2% ___________ you in S5ain last summer holiday'- No8 * ___________ % * ________
*n 9reece%
3% 0y 5arents _____________ at home yesterday8 they____________ at the cinema%
4% 0y )rother ____________ sic-8 so he ____________ at !or-%
5% .here __________ the children yesterday' 2hey ___________ at school%
VIII. Write sentences or their intentions!
1% She:ta-e do for !al-%
2% 2hey:o fishin%
3% *:)uy ne! 1um5er%
4% &e:)e late for school%
I!. Use will or won `t to ma"e predictions abo#t the #t#re.
1% *n 2050 5eo5le ____________ o to holiday on 0ars%
2% *n the future 5u5ils _____________ o to school8 they ___________ study !ith
internet at home%
3% *n the future cars _____________ use 5etrol% ;ars _________ use !ater%
4% <eo5le ______________ do any house!or-% , ro)ot !ill do it for them%
!. $#t the words in the correct order.
1% &istory:"%30 o6cloc-:at:on:have:al!ays:0ondays%
2% lon:She:hours:doesn6t:often:!or-%
!I. $#t these sentences into pl#ral!
1% 2his is my child% =
2% *s this my lass' =
3% , shee5 is !hite% =
!II. %nswer these &#estions!
1% .hat 6s your name' =
2% .here are you from' =
3% &o! old are you' =
4% .here do you !or-' =
5% ,re you married' =
$% &ave you ot children' =
7% >o you live in a house or in a flat' =
"% .hat 6s your favorite food' =
#% >id you !atch the ?ui4 @.ho !ants to )e a millionaireA last niht' =
10% .hat are you oin to do this !ee-end' =
11% ;an you drive a car' =
12% .hat !ill you do in the summer' =

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