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Pantone uncoated (below)

Logo over stacked tagline
Logo next to stacked tagline
Logo alone
Minimum allowed sizes
Pantone uncoated (below)
Pantone uncoated (below)
4 color process (below)
4 color process (below)
4 color process (below)
Black (below)
Black (below)
Black (below)
White (below)
White (below)
White (below)
Annies Logo Purple:
Pantone: 268C, GOE Medium Purple U
CMYK: C82, M100, K12
RGB: R82, G43, B133
Hexadecimal: 522b85
Annies Logo Gray:
Pantone: Cool Gray 9 U
RGB: R130, G131, B134
Hexadecimal: 828386
Color specifications:
Note: Symbols such as

, , and are never to appear as less than 5 pt. in size. If, in the event
of reducing art to fit a space the symbol appears too small, that symbol must be reset to the
minimum 5 pt. type size.
A art, pantone uncoated (below)
Pantone uncoated (below)
4 color process (below)
Black (below)
White (below)
Annies official logo, created 8/12
(You must be familiar with the DRG corporate logo
standards before any usage attempt.)
Learn to Crochet
Instructor Ellen Gormley
In this online video class youll learn:
All about yarns, crochet hooks and basic notions
How to hold the yarn and crochet hook
Basic stitches, including chain, slip stitch, single
crochet, half double crochet, double crochet,
treble crochet, shells, clusters and post stitches
How to work in rows and rounds
How to increase and decrease
How to crochet a basic motif for creating a
baby blanket or afghan
CDV01 Learn to Crochet
Learn to Crochet
exclusive crochet
projects included
as part of the class
Easy Striped
5 sc rows and 5 sc sts =
1 inches
Check gauge to save time.
Pattern Notes
Weave in loose ends as
work progresses.
Join rnds with a sl st unless
otherwise stated.
Rnd 1: With MC, ch 50,
using care not to twist ch,
sl st to join to form a ring,
ch 1, sc in each ch around,
join in beg sc. (50 sc)
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first
dc throughout), fpdc around
next st, [dc in next st, fpdc
around next st] rep around,
join in top of beg ch-3.
Rnds 312: Rep Rnd 2.
Rnd 13: Ch 3, 2 dc in next
st, [dc in next st, 2 dc in
next st] rep around, join in
top of beg ch-3.
Rnd 14: Ch 3, dc in each
st around, join in top of
beg ch-3.
Rnds 15 & 16: Rep Rnd
14. At the end of Rnd 16,
do not fasten off.
Row 1: Ch 31, sc in 2nd ch
from hook, sc in each rem
ch across, sl st in next 2 dc
of Rnd 16, turn. (30 sc)
Row 2: Ch 1, sk 2 sl sts, sc
in each sc across, turn.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in each sc
across, sl st in each of next
2 sts of Rnd 16, turn.
Rows 4 & 5: Rep Rows 2
and 3.
Row 6: Ch 1, sk 2 sl sts, sc
in each of next 2 sc, ch 15
loosely, sk next 15 sc (leg
opening), sc in each of next
13 sc, turn.
Row 7: Ch 1, sc in each
of next 13 sc, sc in each of
next 15 chs, sc in next 2 sc,
sl st in next 2 sts of Rnd
16, turn.
Row 8: Rep Row 2.
Row 9: Ch 1, 2 sc in
first sc, sc in each rem sc
across, sl st in next 2 sts of
Rnd 16, turn. (31 sc)
Row 10: Rep Row 2.
Rows 1130: Rep Rows 9
and 10. (41 sc)
Row 31: Rep Row 9.
(42 sc)
Rows 3245: Rep Rows 2
and 3.
Row 46: Rep Row 2.
Row 47: Ch 1, sc dec over
next 2 sc, sc in each rem sc
across, sl st in next 2 sts of
Rnd 16, turn. (41 sc)
Row 48: Rep Row 2.
Rows 4968: Rep Rows 47
and 48. (31 sc)
Row 69: Rep Row 3.
Row 70: Rep Row 2.
Row 71: Ch 1, sc in each
of next 13 sc, ch 15 loose-
ly, sk next 15 sc, sc in next
2 sc, sk last sc, sl st in next
2 sts of Rnd 16, turn.
Row 72: Ch 1, sk 2 sl sts,
sc in next 2 sc, sc in each
of next 15 chs, sc in next
13 sc, turn. (30 sc)
Row 73: Rep Row 3.
Row 74: Rep Row 2.
Row 75: Ch 1, sc in each
sc across, sl st in 3rd ch of
ch-3 of Rnd 16, turn.
Row 76: Ch 1, holding Row
75 to opposite side of foun-
dation ch of Row 1, sl st in
each st across, fasten off.
Collar trim
Rnd 1: With neck opening
facing away, attach CC in
opposite side of founda-
tion ch of collar, ch 1, beg
in same st as beg ch-1, [sc
in next st, 2 sc in each of
next 3 sts, sc in next st]
rep around, join in beg sc,
fasten off.
(Make 2)
Rnd 1: Attach MC with sl
st in leg opening, ch 1, work
32 sc evenly sp around, join
in beg sc. (32 sc)
Rnd 2: Ch 1, [sc dec over
next 2 sc, sc in next 14 sc]
twice, join in beg sc. (30 sc)
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in each sc
around, join in beg sc.
Rnds 4 & 5: Rep Rnd 3.
Rnd 6: Ch 1, [sc in next 4
sc, sc dec over next 2 sc] 5
times, join in beg sc. (25 sc)
Rnds 710: Rep Rnd 3.
At the end of Rnd 10, fas-
ten off.
Rnd 11: Attach CC, ch 1,
sc in each st around, join in
beg sc. (25 sc)
Rnd 12: Ch 1, [sc in next
sc, 2 dc in each of next 3
sc, sc in next sc] 5 times,
join in beg sc, fasten off.
Body trim
Rnd 1 (RS): Attach CC
in side edge of Row 75 of
body, ch 1, sc in same row,
sc in side edge of each row
around, join in beg sc.
(75 sc)
Rnd 2: Ch 1, reverse sc in
each sc around, join in beg
sc, fasten off.
Canine Comfort
Dog Sweater
By Connie Folse
Skill Level: Beginner
Length: 13
2 inches
Chest: 14 inches unstretched
3-ply sport weight yarn: 9 oz MC, 3 oz CC
Size E/4 crochet hook or size needed to
obtain gauge
Tapestry needle
ake your furry friend for a
walkin style! Your dog will
look absolutely precious in
his new dog togs, plus hell stay
nice and warm!
From Crochet Gifts to Go book, Pages 70 and 71, Copyright 2001
From Crochet Gifts to Go book, Pages 70 and 71, Copyright 2001 From Crochet Gifts to Go book, Pages 70 and 71, Copyright 2001
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Lots to Love

Cute as Pie
5 Doll Clothes

Made using size

10 crochet cotton

7 complete sets

Intermediate skill

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