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The Christian Mission, Vol. 9, No.

7, July, 1965
Page 5
Donald andMarianne Baughman are the only
personnel. There are four phases to our work:
the establishing of churches, the training of
national ministers, the "Search the Scriptures"
radio braodcast, and the medical program.
Since 1965 ten congregations have been
started and ten evangelists have been trained
to serve them.
by Lawrence Ebak, native evangelist
In the church where I preach we had a
family that was always having trouble. The
man was a Christian but the wife was not. At
one time I was called in to settle a dispute
between them. As I got to this home, I asked
what the trouble was. The man told me, "My
wife is always giving trouble in the home.
She fights me every time I return from the
worship service on Sundays. The reason is
that she is not a Christian and does not know
the love of Christ that brings peace to a home.
I wish she could be taught this love and have
her life renewed in the blood of Christ. To
have peace in the family I have offered her
everything I have, but all in vain. The only
thing left is to try Christ. I think once she
knows Christ and is baptized, we shall have
less or no more trouble. "
"My husband does what I don't like! I
love this man before I married him. If I
didn't I wouldn't have married him. What
causes the trouble is that he goes to work
every day of the week and on Sundays he
leaves me alone in the house, too-. He is sup
posed to remain at home with me, but on Sun
days he goes out telling me that he goes to
church. I don't see any good reason of his
going to church when he brings nothing home
for the family, " said the wife.
"Have you ever been to a church building
for worship service?" I asked.
"No, what for? I don't see why I should.
If I had time I would like to spend it at home
and try to keep my home in good order," she
"Yes, keeping a home in good order is not
bad. If a home is good looking but lacks peace,
what good is there ? Do you know you have two
homes? You are dwelling in one and that is
this one you built. The other one is your heart,
your mind There is someone who will like
to dwell in it. This man is the Man that can
can bring peace in your home. He is Jesus,
the Prince of Peace Without Him there will
be no peace in your life and your home. Have
you prepared a place of Him yet? Do you
know how to? The church can help you pre
pare a home for Christ," I told her.
"You see. wife other husbands and
wives go to church services together. They
both hear what is taught. When they go home
they go with new teachings and ideas that
will help them run their home well and live
a happy life. You do not go to church with
me That is why when I come home I find
you doing things that are contrary to what I
Learned in church; " said the husband. Then
I told them
"Surely, if both of you will be present in
the church every Lord's Day to listen to the
teachings of Christ, that will pave your way
to a peaceful life. Not what man has offered,
or your husband remaining at home will
bring peace to a home. It is the question of
knowing what brings peace, That is knowing
Christ and His teachings Please, Madam,
the Lord has asked me to invite you to the
next worship service on Sunday morning.
He has a personal message for you. Will you
come with your husband?" I asked.
"Well, I think I will try when the day
comes," she answered.
On the Lord's Day she was present in the
worship service. After service she met
others who were interested in her and asked
her to come again I could see her having a
nice time talking to them. As they journeyed
homeward I could see her waving good-bye
to her new friends with a smile.
I made several visits to this home pre
senting the only way to peace. Christ was
preached unto this lady After some weeks
of teaching this lady accepted Christ as her
personal Saviour and was baptized. What a
change of life that followed! A home of sad
ness and sorrows became a home wherein
dwelleth righteousness and peace. They both
knew what their duty was. The duty to know
and fear God, the duty to believe in His Son
and live in His love. Sometimes this is the
(continued on next page)
Page 6 The Christian Mission, Vol. 9, No. 7, July, 1965
(continued from previous page)
very thing we need in our homes, Why not
try Christ!
The Ekuri congregation in the Eastern
Region of Nigeria has gathered rocks for the
construction of the Maternity Home buildings.
There is a perpetually overcrowded hospital
at Obubra, 38 miles from Ekuri. Not many
of the sick of Ekuri ever get there. This is
due to the fact that most of them do not have
money for transportation and many of them
are still convinced of the abilities of their
own "native doctors."
In the other direction from Ekuri, across
the rive at Itigidi, is a Presbyterian hospital
which has been opened for a few years. It is
always full; and, again, many of the mothers
of Ekuri will never make it there. One must
walk 10 miles and then cross the river, per
haps carrying another baby on the back and a
load on the head. This maternity home would
not only serve Ekuri, which is the second
largest town in Obubra Division, but would
serve many other villages lying adjacent to
it. It would be difficult for me to tell you
what it would mean to the people of this area.
As soon as we receive assurance from a
doctor or a qualified nurse that they will
assume this responsibility, we will make an
appeal for funds for building construction
and operation costs.
We are in need of a battery operated
transistor tape recorder. Approximately $98.
$6000 is needed to purchase land in Ebute
Metta and $6000 is needed to purchase land
in Bariga.
Sunday school literature, particularly
children's papers with pictures to see and
articles to color.
Our most important need is more mis
sionaries to help us evangelize Africa's
most heavily populated country.
Our second tour of four years ends Jan.
1966. At the present time there is no one
to replace us. There is housing available
for two families and there must be someone
to maintain the mission property and provide
supervision to the evangelists. If you are
interested in coming to the mission field,
write to us at:
Donald D. Baughman
Box 46
Otta, Nigeria, West Africa
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Carol Scarbrough
3546 S. Ewing Avenue
Dallas 16, Texas
The Christian Mission, Vol. 9, No. 7, July, 1965
A wedding reception at Ebute Metta.
Mrs. Marianne Baughman in the center with glasses.
Four little blondes are the Baughman girls.
Don Baughman broadcasting "Search the Scriptures
The Christian Mission, Vol. 9, No. 7, July, 1965
Tosi's second birthday party.
She is seated in the center of the
first row on the bench.
The church at Egan,
Two Christian men at Egvm Tedo
Don and Mrs. Marianne Baughman, withbheir four girls, expect to legin
furlough from their second term of seriice in Nigeria beginning in January
1966, At present they may he contacted on the field at Box 46, Otta,
Nigeria, West Africa; or^orwarding Agent Darol Scarhrough, 243 Mizell,
Duncanville, Texas 75200,
^ cutlinej_,!}Baughman Family in Nigeria/i(With Chimt
3 Mrs. Marianne and Don^--^-'^^''^
^Jujpy 10, Jane 6, Lisa 8, and Eulh 11,
{ July 21, 196^
Please complete and mail io Harrold McFarland, Box 14656, Long Beach, California 90814
Address ^OX A6 Address 2^3 Mlzell
9 19E5
City Otta State"l5Hl5-Nation'TL_El%ity DUnCanvllleg,,,, TexaS Code
Where were you horn? ColUTTlbUS Chip
Day, .Year,
High .Srhnnl ^QUth High SchOOl City
College Cincinnati Bible Spminarv city Cincinnati
One year at CBS
"Se"fffinary~of Graduate wort" Ijln.^UlstlCS SchOOl City NortHSn
Degrees and Dates AB 195^ -CBS
State Obi
State Okla
When and Where >Southwood Church of Ch^Ast ColumbUS State Ohl,
.Single Spouse's Name,
Ruth Carol
s Place of Birth
/ Cincinnati, Ohio
Judith Ann
tt t(
April 24
Lisa Annette Yaba, Nigeria, W. Africa Sept. 18
Jane Suzanne
tl If H
15 '59
Where? What? When?
Latiriei-^omes .Cburch of Christ ^ colored ) Teaching^ Cam^iL- ^505 *52
Church of Christ
Alpine, Indiana Minister
Falrvlew Christian Chuf^
Ewing, Kentucky Minister
Church Of Christ
Center Square,Ind. Minister
^ ^ J*
List of terms of missionary service:
Starting Harp Q/2Q/56 Furlough Harp XI/I8/6O Mission InrarTf^nO't'ta , Nlp'Srla, W. AfrlCfl
Second rprmll/30/6l Furlough Harp JSH 66 Mission InrarinnOt^'ta , Nl/7eria W. Africa
Third rprm Furlough Hare Mission Irtraftnn
Fourth fprm Furlough Harp Mtstinn inrarmn
Fifth term. Furlough date. .fdission location
Additional Information. This information is of great value in preparing your news for publication in Horizons.
Keep second copy for your own reference.
Dear Cobles:
As you can see, your prayers have pre
vailed and we are going to Nigeria. Now
we need your prayers for our visas and
travel funds to come through as well as the
rest of the support we need. We believe
that God will provide and help us to do
His will. We do continue to pray for you
folks and the help you need. We will con
tinue our Faith Promise to you as we can
think of no better place than G.B.M. for
Christian dollars. God bless you both, yours
in Him, Lester and Donna DeMay.
for November, 1965, of the Lester LeMay's,
P. 0. Box 17175, Hillbrow, Johannesburg,
South Africa. Forwarding Agent: Rodney
Allee, P. 0. Box 6, Fairfield, Ohio, 45014,
"Redeeming the time, because the days
are Evil." Eph. 5:16
How much is a four year foundation of
radio broadcasting worth? How much is
the continuance of a Bible Correspondence
Course worth? How much is a year of phy
sical discomfort worth? How much is a
clear conscience before God worth?
These are some of the questions we had
to answer in order to make the following
announcement: "The LeMay's will be stay
ing in Nigeria during 1966, relieving the
Don Baughman family during their fur
lough. The LeMays expect to return to
the U.S.A. in December, 1966. "
Seeking God's will in a decision has
never been an easy task, but closed and
open doors have a way of speaking. The
needs of South Africa had made us feel a
few months ago that we should stay here.
But the greater needs of Nigeria, coupled
with the realization that our financial sup
port was not sufficient for an effective work
here, left us with two choices: (1) Return
now to the states to prepare for the future,
or (2) Act on faith that God will supply the
financial needs for a year in Nigeria, and
accept the call to go there.
We would be untrue to God's calling to
bypass our Brother in Nigeria in his pres
ent need, to seek only our ovm needs.
Therefore we are committing ourselves and
all our resources to this course. We realize
fully that our resources are insufficient and
so we are trusting God to fill up that which
we lack in His own way and through His
To pray for all our passage now would
be about $500.00 cheaper than taking it as
two separate trips (one to Nigeria and
then on to the States in December, 1966); it
would also be cheaper because of Eric's
turning 2 in Aug. of 1966, and thus raising
from a 10% to a 50% fare. Therefore it not
only would be an economical use of God's
money to buy tickets for the whole trip to
the states, stopping over in Nigeria for the
needed time, but would also simplify visa
procedures. So, your gift at God's leading
NOW could make a further appeal for travel
funds necessary.
Africa needs the gospel Now, not tomor
row. We rejoice that several families are
due to arrive on the South African field in
1966, and thus help the situation here. They
are needed. But, Don Baughman needs to
be in the U.S. recruiting additional help
ers for Nigeria in 1966. We can help him.
if you can help us. May God help us all to
do His will completely!
The following letter of appeal and expla
nation was written by Don Baughman for
printing in our News Letter to tell of the
need in Nigeria in 1966 " Even
though the Lester LeMay family got a
taste of the hot and humid Nigerian cli
mate late in 1964, they have agreed to
return to itand the many other difficul
ties of life in Nigeriato relieve me for
the year. And how they are needed!
Lester will take over the care of the ten
churches that have been established since
1956. He will take the responsibility of the
production of the "Search The Scriptures"
radio program that has been broadcast
since 1961 (sponsored by the Gospel Broad
casting Mission, Coble's). Donna will as
sist in this program through her singing
talent. She will also supervise the clerical
work of the correspondence course.
It will not only be helpful for the LeMays
to replace me, but it %vill be necessary as
I have no other replacement. As far back
as 1955, Roy Goldsberry and I planned
against just a situation; that is, someone
needing to go on leave and having no one
to replace him. We did this by planning to
do our foreign evangelism in the same
place (Nigeria), so that we could replace
each other. But sometime ago, because of
his health, Bro. Goldsberry was forced to
leave Nigeria permanently. It was he who
contacted the LeMays to give their serv
ices here. If they had not volunteered, the
chui'ches here would have undergone a
period of pronounced duress. As it is, their
presence here will be a strengthening and a
renewal for the church leaders and mem
This is a mission of mercy. We in Ni
geria have no right to demand something
of the LeMays. They have seen our need
and have made their decision to help us.
It was not an easy decision in the making,
and it will be no less difficult in the doing.
They have two small children, and their
care will be much more difficult in this
hot and humid cUmate. Lester will be alone
in his work for the entire year. There are
no other Church of Christ Christian Church
missionaries in this country. In their home
they will have no modem conveniences.
They will have to purify their own water,
read by the light of kerosene lamps, and
grow a portion of their food. They will be
forced to take prophylactic doses of an
anti-malarial every week they are here
(and even a few weeks before their arrival
and for several months after their de
parture). They will have no T.V., washing
machine, telephone or fan. In some fields,
perhaps, these handicaps would be counter
balanced by the abundance of the Christian
harvest. This is not true in Nigeria. There
is a strong Muslem and pagan influence, and
each Christian and each church are brought
to maturity with painstaking labor and slow
ness. No sense of personal gain could bring
the LeMays to face the difficulties that Ni
geria will present. Their courage stems
from their love and from their desire to
bring His mercy to people.
Lester and Donna will need your sup
port for the year. Their courage can be
infinitely strengthened through knowledge
that you are concerned about them and
are praying for them.
Will you be able to add your financial
support to your prayer support? They do
not have all the promised support that
they need. If you have supported them dur
ing the year in South Africa, won't you re
new your promise for one more year? It
is paradoxical, but in order to help, they
must first be helped. Much of the financial
support that they need to help the people
in Nigeria lies within your power. I know
that they can depend upon you."
signed Don Baughman
We are sorry that we have had to leave
out from this issue several news items re
garding the broadcasts. These items we
hope to include in our January - February
Dear Brother and Sister Coble:
By this short letter I would like to share
with you and dear supporters of the Gospel
Broadcasting Mission some victories
through the Radio ministry.
In the past months we received many
letters from Poland, Czechoslovakia and
other European countries from listeners of
our Polish Broadcast. Those letters tell us
about victories for Christ. In many places
where people never heard about the new
Testament Christianity now regularly every
Monday meet together for the special serv
ice at short wave radio receivers. They try
to write every simple word which they hear.
They try. to learn songs which they hear
and then write to us for Christian litera
ture, Bibles and for the words of explana
tion. Every week many packages with
Christian literature in Polish and Russian
languages are sent to listeners by first
class mail (it is the only way of sending
literature at the present time)
Many people are baptized into Christ be
cause of radio ministry which is followed
by native Polish preachers who received
addresses from us and this way the new
Testament churches are established. Not
long ago we received the following news:
In a remote village of the southeastern
section of Poland, very close to the Russian
border, three families were regular listen
ers of Polish broadcasts. After they wrote
to us we asked a Polish preacher to visit
them and to preach to them in person,
which was done. Those families were
visited by our native preacher and re
sponded to the Gospel invitation. In order
to baptize them, permission from the
police department must be obtained and
it was done, but when people of the village
found out about this they came together
with a priest and did bodily harm to one
of those families. In this way they sent them
to hospital and in addition to that they
were accused of being spies because they
listen "American broadcasts." During the
trial, the accused asked the judge if he
has a short wave radio. When he received
a positive answer he asked the judge to
delay the pronouncement of the sentence
and to listen next Monday to that "Ameri
can broadcast" which they are listening
for many weeks and for which they are
accused of being spies.
The judge agreed and next Monday he
tuned his radio at 6:30 p.m. to Monte
Carlo and to his amazement he heard
simple gospel, good news of salvation in
his own Polish language, Christian song
with a great message. The following day
the accused were cleared from the unjust
But it does not mean that now they are
free. The mob and priest make their lives
miserable. Many times we have to send
letters to them through other people. They
mail their letters from another city. They
suffer for Christ but they are happy that
they know the truth which is making them
free from denominationalism and super
stition in which they lived before. Thanks
to the Gospel Broadcast Mission every
Monday the gospel of Christ reaches many
souls in many countries and we are very
happy to do our part by producing Polish
programs and to do the follow-up work
and to build the church of Christ. Yours,
Paul Bajko.
November 12, 1965
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Coble:
Is Thanksgiving Day almost here? Thank
you for reminding us since the day, as
such, does not mean anything here in Italy.
For Christians, however, each day should
be a day of Thanksgiving.
We have supplied many Bibles to our
listeners and while it is expensive it is
worth it in order to get God's Word into
their hands.
When we reach the spot shown in the en
closed picture, on our way to Germany to
record the programs or to visit people along
the way who have had contact with us,
there is always a decision to make. This
decision must be made either going or re
208 South Guilford Street
turning and that is, what is the road that
will give us the most opportunity to speak
for the Lord. It seems that there are al
ways these decisions to make at almost
every turn in the road, not only in the
work for the radio ministry but also for
the Italian field.
Since, with the radio ministry we are
reaching thousands and thousands of po-
tential contacts for the Lord, it is always
a matter of prayer what to do with the
time and money at our disposal, since both
are limited.
This picture is a good illustration of the
Christian life. The round sign on the left
with the white bar through it, here in
Europe, means "one way only." The other
sign with the arrow points the way that
you are required to go around the pretty
little flower garden in the middle of this
street in Brunnen, Switzerland. After you
have followed the arrow and made the
proper turn you are going the right way.
One of the things that prohibits many peo
ple here in Switzerland from following the
"right way" is that missionary work, as
such, is not allowed. However, we have peo
ple in Switzerland studying the Scriptures
with us and we are thankful that through
the mail there is the possibility of winning
some. It is not always easy to know which
road to take but praying for the Lord's
guidance and following His leading we can
continue to point people to the only way that
leads to God and their salvation.
May God bless you ever.
In Him,
Charles & Mary Frances
(Second Class Moil)

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