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Baptist History Timeline Assignment

1525 First Anabaptist Baptism, Jan 21,: 12.

1616- Henry Jacob and his congregation establish the church that would become known as the
Jacob-Lathrop-Jessey Church (JLJ Church).
1638/1639 First Baptist Church of America,: 30.
1644- The issuing of the First London Baptist Confession
1677- Drawing up of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith by William Collins and
Nehemiah Cox
1689- William III passes the Act of Toleration, giving religious freedom to Trinitarian Protestant
1696- William Screven forms the First Baptist Church of Charleston, the mother church of most
Southern Baptist tradition.
1707- A number of churches in New Jersey and Delaware form the Philadelphia Association.
1730–1755- The First Great Awakening
1742- Philadelphia Confession of Faith
1751- Sandy Creek Church is established by Shubal Sterns.
1764- The College in the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (now
called Brown University) is founded, becoming the first Baptist college in America devoted to
the education of ministers.
1770- Dan Taylor establishes the New Connexion of General Baptists, a church that mixed
Classical Christology, evangelical Arminianism, and Methodist zeal for evangelism.
1775 First African-American preacher ordained,: 98.
1775-1783- The American Revolutionary War
1783 Potentially first Baptist Missionary,: 98.
1790–1840- Second Great Awakening
1813- Joseph Ivimey founds the General Union (latter renamed to the Baptist Union)
1817- Triennial Convention approves plans for the construction of Columbian College.
1833- New Hampshire Confession
1834- Free Will Baptist Confession
1859 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,
1861-1865- The American Civil War
1881- Sophia Parkard and Harrier Giles found the Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary.
1895- The Baptist Missionary Convention in Alabama, the American National Baptist
Convention in St. Louis, and the National Baptist Education Convention merge together to
become the National Baptist Convention (NBC).
1896, Southern Baptist Convention Resolution Against Beverage Alcohol: 201
1905- Formation of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA)
1908- Northern Baptist Convention was constituted.
1908- The formation of the Federal Council of Churches (FCC)
1914-1918- World War 1
1917- The Executive Committee (EC) is formed by the SBC to represent their interests between
annual meetings.
1917- The SBC founds the Baptist Bible Institute in New Orleans, being the first direct act of the
SBC as an institution.
1925- Southern Baptists adopt the Baptist Faith and Message
1929- The Cooperative Program begins within the SBC.
1939-1945- World War 2
1944- Establishment of the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (GGBTS)
1950- Northern Baptists adopt the name American Baptist Convention (ABC)
1957- Establishment of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS)
1991- Daniel Vestal forms the Corporate Baptist Fellowship (CBF), which becomes the largest
network of moderate Southern Baptists.
1995- Southern Baptists corporately repent of their past racist acts and origins.

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