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Business Meeting 2 Agenda

1) Name our company

Current Ideas:

Selah Records, Covenant Christian Records, Midwest Christian Music (MCM)

Final Name:



2) Update each other on research done

Clayton: 3 Ways to earn money: Physical Copies, Streaming, Giving people the right to use our

music. 2 ways local churches can help us: 1 give charity 2 point us to future artists

Find pricing of giving people the right to use our songs

Alex: Most streaming needs distributers,

Must find a distributer, Must find the price for Audio Studio Equipment, Hiring Someone to

produce the Music (Commission based pay (Arshia))

Dawson: $5 on ads for most social media for a day, makes 1,835 a year, 9125 for 5 years

Who will we market to first? SBC or More? Advertising through Contest, Concerts, “American

Idol but for Christian Music”

Nathan: A bunch of research

Legality of Logos,


Generic Statement of Faith on our website “People know more about what we hate than what we


1: God’s Nature: Trinity, Sovereignty, Christs Divinity (Col. 2)

2. Soteriology: Saved by Faith

3. Scripture: Sufficiency of Scripture

4. Worship: Ascribe to God the attributes that are due to Him, Grounded in the Bible

“Worship should promote projection and reflection”

Accept /=/ Believe, 3 Confessions we affirm/accept

Contract: Must be an active church member

3) Discuss our company’s vision, mission, values, strategies, and goals.

Vision: To publish music to that is doctrinally sound, Christ centered, God honoring worship for

the glory of God and the benefit of the Church.

Mission: To produce, publish, and distribute Christian music from talented and devoted Christian

artists to share music that reflects our biblical values.


1) Worship grounded in Biblical Truth: Sound Doctrine

2) Worship for the glory of God: God-Centered Worship

3) We are committed to serving our clients in a loving and God honoring way:


4) We want to serve the local church

Strategies: Investors, Advertising Campaigns, Fundraising, Government Loans, Production:

sheet music and recording. “Start small and work up”

4) Conduct a SWOT analysis of our company

Strengths: We are unique in doctrinally sound worship songs compared to other Christian record

labels. We are focused on the local church unlike others labels. We want to foster new names

and faces to the market.

Weaknesses: We are independent and are not related to any previous company. We are uncertain

of our financial future. No investors, no money. We need to hire someone for music production

and website production immediately.

Opportunities: We have a large market of new musicians and a lot of potential for growth. There

are a lot of churches who s

Threats: Uncertain on money. Legal threats. Cancel Culture. The Prince of the Power of the Air.

5) Further Business Discussion


 Find how to legally start the business

 Find out how the copyrights, printing, CCLI rights are acquired

 Figure out how to legally publish music

 How do we support the artists we publish?


 Joel and Dawson will work on logos

 Website Research- Alex and Dawson

 Rough Draft for 4 Biblical Statements by Tim

 Outreach/Advertising Events


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