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Dear Sir:

It is without a doubt that the entire continent of Africa is in great peril and has existed in this state of
extreme danger for many centuries. The mother of humanity has endured the most harsh of conditions
imaginable. She had to watch her husband be murder right before here eyes. Then she saw her sons and
daughters forcefully taken from between her bosom and carried away to a foreign land where they
would live a life of slavery and cruelty the likes of which had never been experienced on the earth
before. And if all of this wasn't already enough; she then began to be raped by every stranger that saw
her beauty from afar. Each one of them would steal more and more of her possessions until there was
nothing left but poverty, hunger, and disease for her children that remained with her. Her tears run
longer then the Nile River itself. Her pain is greater then the highest peak of Kilimanjaro. She has been
pierced through the heart with a dagger sharper then the great Horn of Africa. And now she lay, for all
the world to see, on what looks like her final death bed!

We, her children, who have finally matured enough to see the wrong and injustice that has been
repeatedly done to her (some by our own brothers and sisters); are filled with anger and vengeance. We
cry foul and we want, and will accept nothing but – JUSTICE! But! Justice, its idea and concept, means
different things to different people. So, while our mother is suffering on her death bed; we can't even
agree on the proper remedy to cure her. Some of us went off to the lands of those that rape our mother,
and became educated in the schools and universities of the rapist. So, when they return to their mother's
side; they don't want her to die, but they don't want her to get well either: Because they have learned
how to exploit their brothers and sisters for their own gain. And their idea and concept of justice is to
rule over what's left of their mother's wealth by keeping the rest of her sons and daughters face
permanently pushed down in the mud. Others have accepted the religion of those who helped to kill off
our spiritual Father, and now they have accepted, as their father, the white father of these murderers. In
their mind's eye; they don't even see themselves as black anymore. Many of them hate the color of their
blackness, and have done unspeakable things to their skin to appear less black. For them; our mother is
an evil bad woman, and she needs to die, so their white adulterous and murderous father can take
ownership of all her children, and these will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. Others feel that by
immolating the lying governments of the murderers, which shines like a beacon of purity while, at the
same time, uses trickery and treachery to force it's will on other nations; will be the cure for our
motherland. Still others, of us, are filled with so much anger that they have shut down all their
reasoning capacity and all day long they cry – war – War – WAR!

All of our mother's children shout the same words of justice and unification, but for each, the idea and
the concept is different. So, when they all gather around the same table; they each insist on their
remedy as the cure for our mother, and that's when the shouting begins and never is a cure agreed upon.

Dear honorable sir, forgive me if my cynicism has offended you, as I truly respect your heart felt desire
to see the unification of all our mother's children, but I no longer believe that a resolution for the cure
of our motherland can be achieve by the efforts of human hands alone: For it is clear to me, at least,
that the children are suffering from a much worse condition then the patient that is our mother. And I'm
reminded of the proverb, “Physician heal thyself.”

If the children are terminally ill; how, then, can they heal their mother's sickness? Shouldn't they first
seek a cure that will heal their mind, body, and soul! Then, once we are better, we can then focus on
helping to be a part of the solution for our motherland!

The cure that will heal us all has now been discovered. It may not be the solution that most of us want
to hear or believe for that matter, but it is the only solution that will return us back to our rightful
position of world leaders, and our mother back to being the world capitol once again. And, as I have
stated on more then one occasion, I have always been willing to travel anywhere in the world to share
this cure with any group that has made at least the minimum effort of reading the letters, that I have written. This puts us on even terms, so I can speak freely
without limitation and hesitation in presenting the answers we all truly seek.

So Sir, my most humble response to the challenge you have put before me is: I'm willing to do
whatever it takes to help awaken our people from their long sleep from true knowledge, which is our


By David L. Horne, Ph.D

After thousands of conferences, Ndabas, roundtable discussions, forums and meetings
talking about the need to unify for positive action, action is now upon us. From January,
2010 to December, 2010, the DECADE OF THE DIASPORA has now been formally
announced in OUR WEEKLY in California by the Sixth Region Diasporan Caucus/PADU.
The unity and partnership of African descendant folks now has a specific time frame in
which to focus the highest levels of its creativity, innovation, hard work and goal-directed
energy to accomplish the United States of Africa, aka, Union of African States, in an all-
out progressive assault. Failure is not and will not be an option. Why that raison d’etre ?
African descendants have flailed away in individual pursuits towards the restoration of
dignity, esteem and respect in over 70 countries for a long time. Although there have been
notable successes---the election of President Barack Obama, for example, or the release of
Nelson Mandela, the ascendancy of Barbados, and the creation of the Central American
Black Organization, the continuing attempt to organize the European Diaspora under a
common set of principles, among others---Black folks in general are still at the bottom of
most measures of power, leverage and significance in the world. As Marcus Garvey and
many others have said, until Africa is unified as a force to be reckoned with, Black folks
wherever they are will remain disregarded and dispossessed. In order to be truly free,
Africa must be operationally united. In order for Africans living in other parts of the world
to be truly respected in affiliation with Africa’s transformation, the Diaspora must
substantially help push this tremendous rock back up the hill. The Diaspora cannot share in
the harvest without fully participating in the tillage and labor.
The DECADE OF THE DIASPORA is the time period in which African folk here, there
and across the globe will rise to the challenge of bringing themselves back from obscurity,
and within which the Diaspora will demonstrate clearly that it is indeed the 6th Region of
Africa and the missing piece of the necessary puzzle to bring all the king’s horses and all
the king’s men and women back together again.
During this period, the Diaspora will substantially unify itself internally, so that it can
more effectively help continental Africa unify itself totally. That work has already begun in
earnest and has begun to bear fruit. PADU, the Pan African Diaspora Union, is a
partnership between the SRDC (Sixth Region Diasporan Caucus), WADU (World African
Diaspora Union, through an MOU), the UNIA-ACL (Universal Negro Improvement
Association-African Communities League), CABO (Central American Black
Organization), African Diaspora Union-Europe, and other such groups, and the list is
growing. This coalition of equals brings together a formidable reference point for other
Diasporan groups to come together, work together, and actually get significant things done.
Wherever Black folks live, love, lay and lose, there are efforts, projects, ideas and events
they can participate in, lead, coordinate, announce, and provide credibility to and for that
will help achieve the goal of African unification. No one person or group can, will, nor
should do it all. This is a collective effort of cumulative micro successes. Together it will
all work to bring all Africa and Africans together.
The DECADE OF THE DIASPORA is for a better world, an improved set of opportunities
to get it right. During this time, African descendant children should be re-acquainted with
books, good reading and writing skills and other academic prowess. Barbados and others
have already shown how to do that, and there are sporadic reference models of getting it
right in other topical areas scattered all over the Diaspora. Those in the Diaspora with
insight, vision and heart must bring those models into public view. Speeches, sermons,
student activism, community organizing and other dynamism must be focused on work for
a purpose—an African purpose-- not just putting in the time to help it pass. Reparations
activists must understand that their work is intimately tied to the fate of 21st century Pan
Africanism. There will be no reparations victory without African leverage calculated in the
Part of the philosophy and long-time definition of Pan Africanism is that African people
deserve to be free, successful and self-determinative. African people are worthy. The
DECADE OF THE DIASPORA is to demonstrate that worthiness in more than 360
degrees of achievements. The DECADE OF THE DIASPORA will give the African
Experience, in all of its different versions and dimensions, a complete face-lift, make-over
and paradigm shift. It will solidify UBUNTU, the foundation African belief in enhancing
and preserving humanity as the principal objective in any relationship or engagement, as a
healing and merging agent for the world.
Actually, the sole remaining question is what will you do to participate positively in the
DECADE OF THE DIASPORA? And, when will you get started? It is not coming, it is

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