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World History Pre-AP **DO NOT WRITE ON THIS QUIZ**

Quiz Chapter – China/Japan MR. DUEZ

Matching: Match each item with the correct statement below. Number your paper from 1-10
and place the letter that matches next to the number on your separate answer sheet.

Mandate of Heaven Confucianism Daoism

Confucius Zen Huang He
Samurai Daimyo Shogunate & Shogun
Qin Shihuangdi Xiongnu Liu Bang
Dowry Li Bo Tang Xuanzang
Uighurs Genghis Khan Kublai Khan

1. The Yellow River. Stretches across China for more than 2,900 miles carrying its
rich yellow silt all the way from Mongolia to the Pacific Ocean. Site of the first
Chinese ancient civilization.
2. Begun during the Zhou dynasty. Believed that the king ruled through divine
authority. Belief that the king must rule with correct Dao, or “Way.” If the king
failed to rule effectively, he could be overthrown and replaced by a new ruler.
3. A system of ideas based on the teachings of Laozi. They do not concern
themselves with underlying meaning of the universe. Rather, tries to set forth
proper forms of behavior for human beings on Earth.
4. Known as the “First Teacher” in China. Born in 551 B.C., his sayings were
recorded in the Analects.
5. His name means, “The First Emperor.” Came to the throne in 246 B.C. at the age
of 13. He unified the Chinese world, created a single monetary system and
ordered an extensive system of roads be built. He also ordered the Great Wall
project be started to protect China.
6. The founder of the Han dynasty. Was a man of peasant origin who became
known by his title, “Han Gaozu” – “Exalted Emperor of Han.” Used Confucian
principles, rather than Legalism, for the creation of a new state philosophy.
7. This emperor is remembered for his devotion to a commoner’s daughter. He
entertained her with hundreds of dancers and musicians in his court. He also
ordered riders to travel thousands of miles to bring her fresh fruit. After the
emperor’s favorite general led a revolt and demanded that someone be held
accountable for the war and strife of the country. For this reason the emperor
invited his true love to hang herself from a nearby tree, although it is said for the
rest of his life, the emperor “washed his face everyday with a mountain of tears.”
8. A popular poet during the Tang Era. His “Quiet Night Thoughts” is probably the
best known poem in China and has been memorized by school children for
9. “Those who serve.” These Japanese warriors resembled the knights of medieval
Europe. Fought on horseback, clad in helmet and armor. They fought according
to a code called, ‘bushido’ (the way of the warrior).
10. Heads of noble Japanese families that controlled vast landed estates.

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