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Government of India

Department of posts

Dok Bhowon,SonsodMorg,

All Chief postmoslersGenerol, Dofed: October, 9 2OO?

Afl Postmqsters Generol
Direcfor,poslol TroiningCenlres.
All Generof Monogers Finonce/Director
of Accounts poslol

sub: lmpfemenlolion of Recommendotions

of shri R.s. Notorojo Murti
committee - Revisionof woge strufture
of Gromin Dok sevoks (GDs).
Ihe Deportmentof postsvide Resorution
No. 6-l/
doted 23,dJury
2007set up one-mon committee
under shri R.s.NotorojoMurii to exomine
systemof ExtroDeportmentolPost the
offices ond woge structureof Gromin
Sevoks' The committee submitied Dok
its report oi 2g,noctober, 2oo'.
Government'ofter corefulconsiderotio.n The
of the report hos decided to implement
the Recommendoiions of the committee os detoiledberow:

Allowonce for different cotegoriei

of Gromin Dok Sevoksto be implemented
w.e.f. 1,l .2006isgiven in Annexuref
. The revisedTRCAfor the GDSwiil be fixed
under: ts

"BosicTRCAos on r.r.2006+ 570

increoseos on 1.4.2A04 muftiptiedby o
foctor of 1.74 ond rhen odding 40%
filment os orrived of the 20thstoge of pre-
revisedTRCA ond fixorion oi nexr
obove the stoge in the revised slob
Iime Reloled Continuity Allowonce.,, of

2'1 The Time Reloted c-ontinuity Allowonce

sevoks engoged upto 3l- 12-2005 in respect of Gromin Dok
rt"'ottbe fixed in the correspondingstoge
with effect from 1-1-2006in the respeciive
TRCA slob.The TRCAlo Gromin
Dok Sevoks engoged on or qfter
1-1-2oo6shollbe fixed of the minimum
lhe revised TRCAsrob from the dote -of of
their engogement.

o'owedro GrominDoksevoks workinsos

st.N Cotegory of GDS
o Pre-revised TRCA Revised TRCA 40%fifmenl to
rr r, .rva. rf. n l - n vl r - - l r l or ( n, ; n t
1 . cDS
be ollowed
Sub R s . 2 l 2 5- S 0 -3 1 2 5 Rs.4575 -85-7125
Poslmoster Rs.1250
2. GDS Bronch Rs1280-35- l98O Rs2745 -50- 4245 Rs. 792
(75 pointsworklood)

- t
I GDS Brqnch Rs.I 600 -40- 24OO Rs.3660-TO-
I Poslmoster(more Rs. ?60
, thon 75 points work
I- loqd)
4. GDSMoil delivere/ Rs 1375 -25- 2125 R s3 3 3 0 - 6 0 - S l 3 0
Stomp Rs. 750
vendor (work lood I
up lo 3 hrs 45 mts)
5. GDSMoil deliverer/ Rs1740 -30- 2640 Rs4220-TS- 6470
Slompvendor Rs.936
( work lood more
lhon 3 hrs45 mts)
6. GDSMoil Corrier/ Rs.I 220-20-1600 Rs.2870 -S0-43ZO
Pocker/ Moilmon Rs.640
(work lood up lo 3
hrs45 mlst
7. Rs.1545-25- 2O2O Rs.3635-65-5595
GDSMoil Corrier/ Rs.808
Pocker/ Moilmqn
(work lood more
lhon 3 hrs45 mts)

2 '3 The new slob of Time Reloted coniinuity

Moil Deliverer/Stomp vendor ond Allowonce for GDS
GDS Moil corriers/pockers up io 3 hours
work lood given in AnnexureI is opplicoble
for new entronts to be engoged
from the dote of issueof these ord.rr.
The concerned Appointing Authority
sholl corefully ossess the work of irre post
follen vocont ond if the
Assessedwork lood is up to 3 hrs, the
new TRCAslob should be indicoted
in the notificotion for filling the post.
Thiswill be opplicoble for vocont posts
unfilled for which notificoiion not issued
os yet. The work lood of ihe GDS
Moil Deliverer/GDS Moil corriers/Pockers
will coniinue to be ossessedby
cycle beot formuro wherever the beot
is cycreobre.
2' 4 lllustrotions
for fixotionof lime Reloted continuity
ihe new slobs of Time Reloted continuity Allowonce in
Allowonce ore given in Annexure


The fixotion of TimeRelotedcontinuity

Allowonce for the incumbents
recruiied before 1-1-2006 will be done
os on 1-l -2006 by the o bove
meihod ond the next Annuol Increose
willbe ollowed ofter completion of
l2 monfhscontinuousservicefrom thot
dote. In respect of those Gromin
Dok sevoks engoged on or ofier I -1-2006,
the fixotionwill be done ot
the minimum of the new TRCAslob
opplicoble os on their dote of
engogement ond next Annuol Increose
sholl be ollowed ofier completion
of one yeor of continuousservicefrom the
dote of fixotion.
4' lf o Gromin Dok sevok hoppens to
be on reove on l-1_2006,the
revised TRCA will be effective from the
doie of rejoining of duty. In cose
of Gromin Dok Sevoks,on put off duiy
os on 1-l -2006,the revised TRCA
will be subject to finol order to be possed
by the DisciplinoryAuthority.

5' DeornessAllowonce(DA) : Deorness Allowonce on bosic TRCAwill
moinioined os CI seporote component ond will be reguloied
of the
following roteswith effect from I .l .2006os sonctioned by the Government.

Period Revised
Roteof DA
. l -01-
I .l .2006 lo 30-6.2006 Nil
1.7.2006 fo 3l - I 2-2006 2%
1.1.2007lo 30-06-200z 6%
1.7.2007 lo 3l - I 2-2007 9%
1.1.2008to 30-06-2008 12%
1.7.2009 to 3l - I 2-2OOB 16%
I . I .2009 to 30-06-2009 22%
From 1-7-2009 27%
6 Olher Allowonces:
Other Allowoncesviz.Office Mointenonce Allowonce,FixedStotionery
Chorge,Boot Allowonce,Cosh Conveyonce Allowonce,Cycle Mointenonce
Allowonce,Combined Duty Allowonce for Bronch Postmoster,Allowonce
Combinotion of duty for Moil Delivery ond Moil Conveyonce ond
Compensotionio Moil Corrierswho ore detoined for exchonge of moils ore
given in Annexureil.

The increose in Olher Allowoncesreferredlo in this Porq will be effeclive

from lhe Dole of issueof lhe Order.

7 ServiceDischoroeBenefifs:
The revisedrotes of Ex-grotiogrotuityond SeveronceAmount is given in
Annexure lll. The increose in the service DischorgeBenefitssholl be effective
from the dote of issueof the order.

I MolernifuGront: Women GDSwill be providedMoternityGront equivolent

to three monthsTRCAwith DA for the birthof two childrenout of the welforefund
of the Deportment.Thiswill toke effectfrom the dote of issue of lhe order

I ProduclivifuLinkedBonus(P[B): Presentcolculotionof the Ex-grotiobonus

by opplyingthe colculotionceilingof Rs.25OO
os BosicTRCA+DA sholl continue
to be odopted tillsuchtime o new schemeisdevisedby the Deportment.

10. Exlro Deporlmenlol Group Insuroncescheme

The present Monthly subscriptionwill be enhonced to Rs.50 per month,
ond increosein the insuroncecover to Rs.50,000, in the event of deoth of
Gromin Dok Sevokwhile in service.The revised subscriptionwitl be etfeclive
from the TRCApoyoble for Jonuory 2O1O


Arreorsof TRCAw.e.f. l.l.2006to 30-09-2OOg

sholl be poid in cosh in two
rJ z_w tv- I I

:lY _*f:1i?]1._1"ry?nr:lode iowordrhebosicmonrhty + DAdrown

cnaaifia inclrrrall^-- !- lL!- r r
I I'1 lhe entire process of fixotion of IRCA in the new
slobs ond
colculotionof the orreorsoccording to the instructions
contoined in thisletter
should be storted immediotelyso ot to ensurepoyment
of firstinstolmentof
orreorsby 3l - I 0-2009.

Thedetoiled inslruclions ore given in AnnexureV for

strict observonce.
with regord to the poyment of orreorr,Lnundertoking
in the prescribedformot
( Annexurevl) should be obtoined from eoch
Gromin Dok Sevok ond kept on
record before disbursementof the firstinstorment
of Arreors.
12' The Circle Poslol Accounls office sholl cqrry
oul cenl percenl
verificolion of fixolion of TRCA consequenl
on revision. The enlire
process of verificotionshoutd be completed
by 3l-03-2olo
Thisissueswith ihe concurrenceof Integroted Finonce
wlng vide iheir
Advice in Dy.No. 223/rA/09/csdoted ,9-ro-2009

Hindiversionwillfollow. J\*tl*"r^ct
(A K Shormo)
Dy. Direcfor Generol (Estt)
Copv fonrqrded lo :

o M
ExecutiveAssistontto Secreto
PS to Member (p)/Uember(T)i
/Member (PLI)/Member (O)
The JS& FA/SecretorypSB
Chief GenerolMonoger plt/Cm
All the DDGs in Directorote
TheDDG (PAF)Directorote for rssueof necessoryinstructions
to circle P.A .Osfor conductino 100%checking of fixoiion of
TRCA by g I -03-2010
All the Directorsof postol troininq Centres
Director PSCI Ghoziobod
GDS/BGT/PAP/PE.t/pA section/pi
The Director posiolTroiningcentre l, ysor@
orders in the website
All re ry1qd Federotionsond unions
Guord file

Asst. Director Generol(Estt)

Governmentof Indio

S . N o Cofegory of ExislingTRCA Revised TRCA Work Work lood in

GDS w.e.f. 0l -01 -2006 lood in hours
I GDS Sub Rs2
. 125-50-3125 Rs.4575-85-7125
Poslmosler 4 - 5 hours
2 GDS Brqnch R s 1 2 8 0 - 3 5 - 1 9 8 0 Rs 2745-50-4245 75 poinls
Poslmosler Up lo 3 hours
New TRCAslob Rs3200-60-5000 87.5 More thon 3
points hours up to 3
Rs 1600-40-2400 R s 3660-70-5760 r 0 0
Up to 4 hours.
N e w TR C Asl ob R s 4 l l 5 - 7 5 - 6 3 6 5 112.5 More lhon
poinls 4 hoursup lo
4 hour 30 min
ffi R s . 4 5 7 5 - 8 5 - 7 1 2U
5 pto 125 More thon
poinls 4.hrs 30 min
3 G D SM o i l
up lo 5 hours
N e w TR C Asl ob Rs 2665-50-4165
deliverer/ Forwork up lo
Slomp 3 hrs for new
vendor entronts
@ Rs 3330-60-S130 For Work
lood Up to 3
hours 45
Rs 1740-30-2640 4220-75-6470 More thon 3
hours 45
minules up to
5 hours
4 GD S M o i l New TRCAslob Rs 2295-45-3695 For work up
lo 3 hrs for
Mq i l mo n
new enlronfs
Rs 1220-20-1600 Rs 2870-50-4370
More thon 3
hrs up to 3
hrs 45 min
Rs 1545-25-2020 Rs 3635-65-5585
More thon 3
hours 45
minules up to
5 hours.

(K.RomesworqRoo) ' ,

Annexure- ll

Governmenlof Indio

Deportmeni of posts

Subject Other Allowonces.*

Noture of Existing Allowonce RevisedAllowonces

Office Ks.JU per month for GDS Sub Ks. tuu per
month for GDSSub
Postmoster/Bronch postmoster Postmoster postmoster
Allowonce /Bronch
Fixed Ks.tu r.M ror GDSSub postmoster/ Ks. '25 p.m.
Stotionery for GDS Sub
Bronch Postmoster ond Rs.5 p.M Postmoster /Bronch postmoster
Chorge for other cotegories of GDS ond Rs. l0 p.M for other
cotegories of GDS (like GDSMoil
Deliverer/Stomp vendor ond Moil
C o r r i e r. _ , c- -l n_i.n, n , i 7 rv {v ar rl i r rvav^r,y rveY r\ n rL
Boot R s .l 0 p e r m o n i h Actuol cr'offio

Allowonce the
Bootmon subject to o moximum
of Rs. 50 per month for
Conveyonce of Moil
Cosh Ks.tu per occoston plus Busfores R s 50 . per month
Conveyonce for conveyonce of cosh from
Allowonce Bronch office to Account office.
Cycle Rs.30 per month provided the Rs.60 per month for
Mointenonce Gromin Dok Sevok trovels o Deliverer/Mail GDS n4oil
Corrier who use
Allowonce distonce of l0 kmsper doy. their own cycle for dischorge of
(c.M.A) Duty. Present Minimum Distonce
Condition of lO kms for gront of
cycle mointenonce Allowonce.
c o m b i n e d l * r r o op e r m o @ l. postmosters
Duty .GDS. Bronch
j deliveryor conveyonce or both. I perrormtng
I delivery or
Allowonce I conveyonce
J duties or both will
(cDA) forI
Bronch I O. poid Rs.5OOp.M. for eoch
I j item of work seporotely.
Postmosters. I
| 2, lf the Bronch postmosteris
I performing delivery of the BO
villoge only, it will be restrictedto
Rs.250 P.M

3. BPM exchonging Moils of Bus

stond or of Roilwoy Stotionswill
be compensotedof ihe rote of Rs.
250 P.M.

Allowonces Rs. 75 per month for GDS Moil GDS MD/MC ottoched with the
for Deliverer/Moil Corrier for odditionolduty of onother post,
combinotion performingodditionolduiy. revisedrote of Allowonce will be
of duties for of the rote of Rs.25 per doy
Moil subject to o Moximum of Rs.625
Delivery/Moil P.M.
Compensotion R s . 3 / - p e r h o u r s u b j e c t t o o Rs. 6/- per hour subjeci to o
to Moil Moximum of Rs.6 per doy. M o x i m u mo f R s .1 2 p e r d o y
Corriers who subjectto existingconditions.
ore detoined
for exchonge
of moils.

(-) Effeclivefrom lhe dote of lssue of the orders onlv.

(K.Romesworo Roo)
No.6-l 't09-PE.ll
Governmenfof Indio
Ministrvof Communicolions& lT
Deportment of Posts


Nolure of Presenl Benefils Revised Benefils.

Ex-grotio Gronted of the rote of holf months Continuonce of the existing
Grotuity bosic TRCA drown immediotely formulo for gront of Ex-grotio
before dischorge of service for Grotuity subject to o Moximum
eoch completed yeor of service of Rs.60,000.
subject to o moximum of Rs.I B,OOO
or I 6.5 months bosic TRCA lost
drown whichever is less.Minimum
lqIyLCeprescribedis I 5 yeiors.
Severonce A Lump sum severonce omount of Severonce Amount shollbe poid
Amount Rs.30,000/-is poid on dischorge of the rote of Rs.1500 for every
provided o GDS hos completed completed yeor of service
20 yeors of continuous service. ln subject to o Moximum of Rs.
cose of o GDS cornpleting 15 60000with reduction in Minimum
yeors of servicebut lessthon 20 eligibilityperiod to t 0 yeors.
yeors of continuous service the
severonce omount poid is Rs.

(K.Romesworo Roo)
Annexure lV (A )
N o .6 - l / 2 0 0 9 - p E . t l
Government of Indio.

Deporlment of posts

Cotegory of GDS P re-revi sedIR C A RevisedTRCA

yv.e.f. 0l -0.l-2006
G D Ss u b P o s i m o s t e r Rs.2125-50-3125 R s .4 5 7 5 -58- t i 2 5
A s s u m i n gB o s i c T R C A o s o n l - 1 - 2 0 0 6
5 % i n c re o s e w i th e ff ect tro,
Rs. 121
2 4 2 5 o s o n 0 l -0 4 -2 0 0 4ond 5% i ncreose on R s.242sl
Iotol ( 1+2
D e o r n e s sA l l o w o n c e@ z4 %o n R s . 2 5 9o6s o n r - r - 2 0 %
Add fitment
T o t o(l 3 + 4 + 5
Fixqlion in the new slob

I R C A f i x e d o s o n t - l - 2 0 o 6i n
B 5 - 2215 ( i nt h e n e x to b o v e s t o g eo f R s . 5 5 6ozr r i v e do t
S l . n o . 6o b o v e
T o t o lT R C Aw i t h A n n u o l i n c r e o s eo n l _ j _ 2 0 0 7
= Rs.5Z65
Rs.5680-00+ Rs.BS
T o t o lT R C Aw i t h A n n u o l i n c r e o s e o n l _ l _ 2 0 0 8
= Rs.5B5O
Rs 5265-00+ Rs.B5
T o t o lT R C Aw i t h A n n u o l i n c r e o s e o n l _ l _ 2 0 0 g
= Rs.5935
Rs.5850-00+ Rs.B5


l' In re s p e c t o f G ro mi n Dok S evoks w orki ng from

o dote pri or to j -4-2004, s%
inc r e o s e i s to b e o l l o w e d o n thei r bosi c TR C A drow n
os on 1-4-2004onl y w hi l e fi xi ng
ihe TRCA in the new slob.

2' F o r G ro mi n D o k s e v o k s w ho j oi ned servi ce betw een

2-4-2004ond 3l -12-2005
5% in c re o s e i s to b e o l l o w e d o n the mi ni mum of pre-revi sed
Ti me R el oted conti nui ty
Allowonce in which they were oppointed while fixing
the TRCA in the new stob.

3' T h o s eG r o m i n D o k s e v o k s e n t e r e d i n s e r v i c e o f t e r l - l - 2 0 0 6
TRCA is to be
f ix ed o f th e mi n i mu m o f n e w TR C A sl ob. They w i l l
noi be ol l ow ed the benefi t of 5
7" increose ond fitment in fixolion.

4' G r o m i n D o k s e v o k s w o r k i n g o s o n 3 1 - 1 2 - 2 0 0 5t,h e i r T R C A w i l l
be fixed on t-t-
2006 o s p e r th e o b o v e me th od, ond next onnuol i ncreose
w i l l be ol l ow ed ofter
c o m p l e t i o n o f o n e y e o r ' s c o n t i n u o u ss e r v i c e i . e . ,o n 1 - 1 - 2 0 0 7 ,
i - 1 - 2 o o 8 1 - 1 - 2 O Oogn d
so on.

5' ln respect of Gromin Dok Sevcks newly oppointed on

orofter l-1-2l}6,their
TRCA will be fixed of ihe minimum of new rRCA slob
ond the next onnuol increose
s h o l ib e o l l o w e d o f t e r c o m p l e t i o n o f o n e y e o r ' s c o n t i n u o u s
service, from the dote
of their engogement.

6. T h e s o m e p ri n c i p l e s h o l l b e odopted for the fi xoti on o f T R C A i n n e w s l o b s

for ot h e r c o te g o ri e s o f G ro mi n D ok S evoks.

(K.Romesworo Roo) r \
Assl. Director Generol (Estt)
- 9-
Annexure lV (B)

Government of Indio.

Deportmenf of posts

twe 1-4- 4
Cotegoryof GDS Pre-revisedTRCA RevisedTRCA
w.e.f. 0l-01-2006
GDS BronchPostmoster R s .l 2 8 0 - 3 5 - 1 9 8 0 Rs.2745-50-4245
with work lood of 75
pointsossumingDote of
Joiningos 1-2-2001

AssumingBosic TRCAos on 1-1-2006 Rs.I 420

5% increose (BosicTRCAos on j-4-2004
ond 5% increoseon Rs.l3B5
Totol ( I +2 R s .I 4 8 9
L Allowonce
J c u lr l 5 5 A iOwOnCe g
@ /14% on
4 y oo Rs.l
n R s .| 4 B g o s o n I _I _
a8g R s .I 1 0 2
Add fitment Rs. 792
T o t o( lA + 4 + s

Fixolionin lhe new slob

TRCAfixed os on I - I -2006of tfre next Rs.3395

obove stoge in the slob of Rs.2745-50-4245
(inihe next obove stoge of Rs.33B3 orrivedot
S l . n o .o6b o v e )
TotolTRCAwith Annuol increoseon l-1-2007 Rs.3395+ Rs.50 = Rs.3445
TotoT l R C Aw i t h A n n u o l i n c r e o s eo n l - l - = Rs.3495
Rs.3445+ Rs.5O
TotolIRCAwith Annuol increoseon l-l = Rs.3545
Rs.3495+ Rs.50


l. In respect of GrominDok sevoksworking from o dote priorto l-4-2004,

5% increose is to be ollowed on iheir bosic TRCA drown os on 1-4-2004only
while fixingthe TRCAin the new slob,

2. For GrominDok Sevokswho joined servicebetween 2-4-2004ond 3l_

12-2005 5% increose is to be ollowed on the minimum of pre-revisedTime
RelotedcontinuityAllowonce in which they were oppointed while fixing the
TRCAin the new slob.

- l 0-
3. ThoseGrominDok Sevoksentered in service ofter l-l-2006 TRCAis to
be fixed ot the minimum of new TRCA slob.They will nol be ollowed the
benefif of 5 7" increose ond filmenl in fixotion.

4. Gromin Dok Sevoksworking os on 3l-12-2005,their TRCA will be fixed

on 1-1-2006os per the obove method, ond next onnuol increosewill
ollowed ofter completion of one yeor's continuousservice i.e.,on l-l-2007,
1-2008 1-1-2009 o nd so on.

5. ln respect of GrominDok Sevoksnewly oppointed on or ofier I - I -

2006'their TRCA will be fixed of the minimum of new TRCA slob ond the
next onnuol increosesholl be ollowed ofter completion of one yeor,s
continuousservice,from ihe dote of their engogement.

6. The some principleshollbe o{opted for the fixotion of TRCA in new

slobsfor other cotegoriesof GromintDokSevoks.
K r\ tt-- /__
Asst. Direclor Generol (Esfi)

ll -
Annexure lV(C)

N o .6 - l n 0 9 - P E . t l
Governmentof lndiq.

Deportment of Posts

OF TRCAlN NEWSIABin respect of

Sevok joined beiween I -4-2004ond t -t -2006

Coiegory of GDS Prer-revisedTRCA, R e v i s e dT R C A

w.e.f . 0l -0 1-2006
GDS BronchPostmoster Rs.I 600-40-2400 Rs.3660-70-57
with work lood of more
thon Z5 pointsossuming
Dote of Joiningqs I -T-
Assuming Bosic TRCA os on 1-j-2006 R s I. 6 4 0
2 5% increoseon minimumof f OOO Rs. B0
3 Totol ( I +2) Rs.I 220
4 Deorness Allowonce @ l,{Toon Rs.lZ2Oos on I _I Rs.I 2/3
5 R s .9 6 0
6 T o t o( l3 + + + 5 ; Rs.3953
Fixolion in fhe new slob

TRCAfixed os on l-l-2006of the next Rs.40l0

obove stogein the slobof Rs.Rs.3660-lO-Sl60
(inthe next obove stoge of Rs.3953
os orrived
TotolTRCAwith Annuol increose on l-1-2007 = Rs.40BO
R s .4 0 1 0+ 9 5 . 7 9
TotolTRCAwith Annuol increose on l'-l _2OOB R s .4 0 8 0+ R s . z =
OR s . 4 t 5 0
T o t oT
l R C Aw i t h A n n u o l i n c r e o s e o n I - l _ 2 0 0 9 R s .4 l 5 0 + R s . 7 =
0 Rs.4220


l. ln respect of Gromin Dok Sevoksworking from o dote priorto l-4-2004,

5% increose is to be ollowed on their bosic TRCA drown os on 1-4-2oo4only
while fixing the TRCAin the new slob.

2. For GrominDok Sevokswhc joined servicebetween 2-4-2004ond 3l-

12-2005 5% increose is to be ollowed on the minimum of pre-revisedTime
Relotedcontinuiiy Allowonce in which they were oppointedwhile fixing the
TRCAin the new slob.

3. ThoseGromin Dok Sevoksentered in service ofter 1-l-2006 TRCAis to

be fixed of the minimum of new TRCA slob.They will not be ollowed the
benefil of 5 % increose ond fitment lfi fixotion.

4' Gromin Dok sevoks working os on 31-12-2005, their TRCA will be fixed
on 1-l-2006 os per ihe obove method, ond next
onnuol increosewill be
ollowed ofter completion of one yeor's continuousservice
i.e.,on l-j-2007,j-
l-2008 1-1-2009ond so on.

! ln respect of GrominDok sevoks newly oppointed

on or ofter l- l-
2006'their TRCA will be fixed of the minimum of new
TRCA slob ond the
next onnuol increoseshollbe ollowed ofter completion
of one yeor,s
continuousservice,from the dote of their engogement.

6' The some principleshollbe odopted for the fixotion

of TRCA in new
slobs for other cotegories of Gromin Dok sevoks.
. rh ,
t \ '/bu )A'
v .--J
r,,::,::?*:5 ir:fl


_ N o .6 - l 1 2 0 0 9 - p E . t l
. Government of tndio.

Deportment of posts
The responsibiliiy
for Fixotionof lime Reloted
new slobs of TRCAopproved continuity Allowonce in the
with effect from j-j-2006 rests
superintendent of Post offices with Divisionol
under iheir jurisdiction' In /RMi units
- for oil Gromin Dok sevoks
respect of Gromin Dcrk working
independent units like Gozetted Sevoks working in
Postmoster,the fixotion sho, Hos in cr,orge lr senior postmoster/chief
be o"n. tv the sr. pM/chief pM.

?, Ihe respective Authorities

:[[?::," "Ins]lI?, y.::s;

fi:' ":l ry:
t'l;",, :?i
Time reloted continuity
fix the

::i":.?;: li',H:,-y:,:::;.1
:: . iiSo'oo,,#;'Ji.J",,i:i!.,1i,.
ff:ll Z:l;r?_:^!,in'1*1:n,i'
;5lLJr:.ffiiln ;q'i"'o,' .??*J;;i""1,il3
# "J"il8iftlJ"".;:'fr:
the onnucrl inr-ron.oc , rn *a
Disbursino Officers f (\r workins
^, ,+ rr^
rL ^
il;. li [,"J"n]'"
v\l tv
?11^?l:lrjr'lgven in orreors. O btoinino undertokings
Annexure_Vl) fr
I equisite t nt of
voks t I n o h Grr CItn Dok
Guor n ihe tvtston )ffi
nen which

3' The Divisionolsuperintendent,

for this purp-os-e'- sholl consiitute o speciol cell
the Drowol ond Disbursing if required
orreors -similorly
froml-l_2006ro 30-0e-zoos officers sholl drow the
olso ofter odjustment of TRCA
of ;;.;.;;ilil ond drown srotemenr
including_DA orr6odypoid ond ond
the orreors qld orronge theii p"vr.i't' work out 40%of
before31-10-2009 . Thuentire exerciseshouldbe
ond [oy,n.nt of firslinstolment compreted
of 4o%of orreorsensured.
4' The Divisionolsuperintendent-will
of Bronch postmosterdoing orronge to communicote the
Deliveryor conrieyonce work nomes
of revised combined Duty Allowonce. or both ond srobs
in ottoched villogessholl be poid Ihe Bronch postmostersooing
ot Rs.5oo pM TheBpMs exchonging
of ihe Accouni office or of Bo Bog
o tronsit orri.u shollbe eligiblefor
Allowonce of Rs' 5oo PM' comoined Duty
core must be token tC tix the
Allowonceot Rs'250 P'M' where combined
the gFN4is doing derivery in th; post Duty
only' similorly'the revised combined viroge
Duty Allowtnce of Rs.250 p.M
postmosters exchonsins is io be
MoitswithBusor Rood poinr or or

5. The Regionol Director of postol
services/postmosierGenerols while
inspecting the Divisionoloffice sholl
corry out verificotion of iO% fixotion
TRCAcoses. of

6' Ihe circle PostolAccounis office sholl

co'y out ceni percent verificotion
of fixoiionof TRCAconsequenton revision
by 3r-03-20lo.Discreponcyif ony got
settled on ihe spot. ExcessArreors due to
wrong fixotion shollbe listed ond
reported to Regionol Director of
Postol servLes/postmosierGenerol/chief
Postmoster Generol concerneo.

r(Rv /A

(K.Romerrhfiif -

- 15
N o .6 -l n 0 9 -p E . t l
Governmenlof Indio.

Deporlmenl of posls

I . . . . . . . G r o m i nD o k Sevqk Sub
Poslmosler/Bronch Poslmosfer/Moil Deliverer/Stomp
pocker/Moil Mqn/Mqil corrier(*)hereby vendor/Moif
underloke thot ony excess
poyment fhot moy be found to hove
been mqde crso resull of
incorrect fixotion of Time Reloled continuity Allowonce
poymenl delecled or qny excess
in the light of discrepon.i.r-" noticed
subsequenlly will be refunded by .. lo lhe Governmenl eifher by
odjuslmenl ogoinst furure poymenfs due to me or

Plqce :
Signolure :

Dole Nome (tn Blockletfers)


BronchOffice/Sub office:

Heod office:

ub Division:

(*) slrikeoul whichever is not opplicoble.


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