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Road Belch Disrupts

Nabbed With Stolen Check Higher Swimming Pool Fee Ray, Superior Gas
(Button 'Satin CilUrn
Friday Eveniirg, Ftbrunrx 5, 1954
Captured afler a two-block the payee and discovered the
chase through downtown Tucson check had been stolen. In the
yesterciayaftcrnoon, a 42-year-old meantime, Allen had fled.
Advocated For Noncity People , SUPERIOR —UP)— Natural gas
service to Sonora and Ray was
disrupted for three hours yester- 10th Avenue Laiick"'
transient was remanded to Pima I Police \i-ere first alerted to the
county today for attempting to ! theft by Lee Hamner, operator of • A recommendation that the city give thought to day as a result of the upheaval Transfer Okayed
cash a S191 checrk he allegedly ! a service station at 2-111 N. Camp- charging noncity residents a higher fee for use of municipal | on state highway 117 Wednesday.
stole from a north side service bell ave. Hamner reported that j swimming pools than that assessed-Tucson inhabitants was j . The line break needed a re- The city received word today.,v
station a short time earlier. ', someone grabbed two endorsed j made to the mayor and council today by City Mgr. J. I placement of 300 feet of pipe line, (from Rep. Harold A. Patten
Identifying himself as George checks from his desk and took j Luther Davis. j G a s r w a s cut off from about 800- a house of representatives com-'
Allen, a Providence (R.I.) truck off In a taxi yesterday morning,| D a v i s ' recommendation was a nominal entry ree to offset this j 'or ;
driver who "just got off a truck" When Myerson called to report; contained in a letter suggesting cost." 'the road and attempting to pre-j o f lands
necessary for extension.,'
the council's finance committee H also pointed out an car "vent more rock from sliding clown ot South.10th avenue,
here yesterday, the defendant was Allen's attempt to cash one of j might want to study the ''ecrea- decision should be made on the mountainside. lllc
rf transfer, previously ar-
captured by Patrolman Travis F. the checks, police immediately | tkm department's activities' in whether the city will continue to ranged with Indian affairs of(i->.
White after lie tried to elude the related the two incidents. advance of butlgrt time and "be- operate the Shrine pool at 2900 cials, involves properly near .
fore the extensive summer sea- \ii. Broadway. by a 15-page summary, prepared south cjty limits. A telegram
officer by running through the I IX CITY COUKT this morning, } Davis -recommended that if the by Lcveluss Gardner, recreation jtrom Patten reported the transfer
Clawson Realty Co. offices, 253 N. ! Allen pleaded innocent to charges j sonal program starts."
Stone ave. ! of vagrancy and possession of •' "The most important (recrea- pool is operated again this sum- director, covering salary expend!- had been approved bv' the Indian'
tional) project is the swimming mer the lease w i t h the club be lures for general recreational ac-- and insular affairs subcommittee.*
White had pursued Allen, at stolen property. Trial was ton- renegotiated. Uvitics and for swimming and! . The H..S. senate approved the'
first on his three-wheeled motor- jtatively set for Apr. 1. On • the progranT.' 1 Davis wrote.
cycle .and then afoot, after Abe felony charge, forgery, he was •'IT SEISMS that the six swim- • Davis' letter was accompanied wading pools. ' transfer last year.
Myerson flagged the patrolman ordered held for prosecution in ming pools and four wading
arid reported Allen had attempt- county courts.
ed to purchase clothing with the Police were trying to trace a
check at the White House de- billfold in Allen's possession
partment store. 42 W. Congress which contained identification of
it. jjohti Btirt McElhannon. Allen
pools would be adequate for the
city residents were it not for
their use by county residents .out-j
[side of the city who do not sup-
port the swimming activity b.v
Dress up the Kids for the
MYETISOX, operator o f t h e claimed he found it with the two taxation and who do not have •,
store, became suspicious when checks inside, near a telephone pools provided for them by the!
Allen presented the endorsed booth at a downtown service sta- county. ' |
check. »The store executive called tion. "The 1933 season showed an
increase of 50 per cent over the.
1952 attendance—122,1SS over!
76.555. -' j -. <cvr.? ntfi-ff

In Tucson . .. It's The El Con "Consideration should be given !

to requiring a higher charge f o r ' Tucson's Largest and Most Complete
Music CocJettnls
use by noncity residents, in the
case of pools'where no charge Is I
made, consideration should be i
Piano music night- In our lovely new
given tor providing for a charge':
for county residents. The m e - j
T e r r a c e lounge chanf'.'S of the raise would be to i si/.PS
ly in our Terrace
Cocktail Lounge.
with B e a u t i f u l
—Southern Pacific Pholo "aise all swimming rates, b u t ;
provide for a reduction to city
sunken bar. residents who register at a re-
With the oil can 35 years ago was Donald Lyons of
Berkeley, Calif, (also shown in inset at throttle of an quired location."
DAVIS' LETTER also pointed
3244 f. SPEEDWAY . 45 N. SIXTH AVE.
army locomotive in Korea), Donald, when a boy, took out thy city could save $2,392 a! 1 Rlk. Vlvst of (51 Ranrho Near Sears
year bv not providing scorekeep-j en TUPS, and Thurs. 'til 9:00 Open Friday 'til 9:00
In our new
his ailing toy locomotive down to the Southern Pacific
roundhouse for repairs. Engineer Billy Jones did the (?rs for ball games "or it could
Terrace Dining piovicle scorekeepers and charge CHILDREN'S STORE
fixin'. Today Donald is 20, piloting trains in Korea for
Room, the 712th railway operating battalion. And Engineer
Jones has retired and turned himself to miniature rail-
roading. Running through his orchard at his Los Gatos
Special Attention Given to Private Parties and Social (Calif.) home, he has a live-steam scale model of the
Organizations. Daylight streamliner he used to operate.
Now On European Plan Toastmasters Plan Convention.
District Toastmaster Interna-
tional officials met last night in
there are 09 chapters located in
Arizona at the present t.lme.
9 to 5:30
Phoenix to decide the date] and The Tucson groups are the Sa-
guaco club, Tucson Toctst.master,s
place of their a n n u a l convention club 32, and Tucson club 1155. Re-
and speech contest. spective presidents of the local
After the 'meeting it was an- groups are', William J. Walker,
nounced some 200 Toastmasters Paul E, Stech and E. G. Troutman,
and their guests are expected to
attend the a n n u a l slate-wide TV Color Adapter
East Broadway Phone 5-2611
speech conclave to be held May S
at the \Vestwarcl Ho hotel, Phoe-
nix. According to Fred Collins,
Invented; 'It Works'
BETHESDA, Mel.—(IP)—A 24-
February Sale!
Phoenix district vice-president, year-old inventor last night
demonstrated a television at-
tachment to produce color pic-
tures on present black and


_«„.,.-,.. —TT^**^^ ~* — slUSltU!.
white self.
The device was shown to re-
porter's at Airtronic Research,
inc., where the inventor Robert
r , ^

N f
Something a little better—from Shearman's—costs no more, off times less, and at
February Sale Time, its yours at substantial saving!
&&&• P. Benjamin, is a junior elec- „ , ° everything—but about one-third of our three floors—is reduced for (bis event.
tronics engineer. Federal.Com- Reductions are from 10% to 40%, some items reduced even more.
m u n i c a t i o n s Commissioner
George E. Sterling said he had Everything is from our regular stock. '•
seen the adaptor "and it works."
Joseph Butler, president of
the small research company,
said the a t t a c h m e n t could be
built for 550 to $100 for 16-inch
Furniture by

IAMO Here's- the Leading Manufacturers

Such as

from sv biggest KLING

automatic washer
in years! HIBRITEN


diamond engage- li-site fishtail s e t t i n g
mrnt rinc in 14 K natural i
<-tnt! matching or while 150
wedding band. gold
Living Room
$1.00 weekly ifJ.Tj weekly
CJub chairs, occasional chairs, lounge chairs,
love seats and several sofas—all at outstand-
ing prices.
A popular French Provincial suite in warm genuine birch tones comprised
of twin beds; chest; night stand and a lovely, graceful triple dresser
and mirror.
The New 1954

MAYTAG Originally $615 . . . Now,

' i t lirilliuut diamonds in
'Blazing bridal ductte
UCllR .. . .
AUTOMATIC WASHER This and other complete bedroom suites in cherry, mahogany,
a fishtail Gleaming C^"B1"^S Automatic Wafer Level 'pine and. solid oaks as well as many odd bedroom pieces are
« fishtail
mounting of
14K gold
$2.50 weekly
smooth 14K
white or natural
gold mountings 75
3.,)0 «cekly
• . Control
Save Up to 50% More
Water with Maytagf
now grouped to show you great values.

The new 1054 Maytag saves

more water than any other
agitator-type equipped with
water level control . . , u(> to
5(1% more! Maytag's revolu-
Dining Room
TKA&E&. 1 Never An Interest or tionary n e w Water Level
Control Is ...
An example of value — A Morganton "Cherry Pine" grouping consisting
of a large pedestal extension table opening to 98 inches, a buffet with
• COMIMJSTELY A U T O - that deep, full length linen drawer you've dreamed of and a set of six
graceful, comfortable chairs",
Carrying Charge MA TIC—No waiting while
tub fills.
• AUTOMATIC, for b o t h
wash and rinse water.
Both wash and r i n s e
water use the same low
level ol water—automati-
Odds & Ends All Originally $618 , . . Now,

cally. "• Occasional tables, mirrors, game tables,

• COMPE15TELY SELEC- lamps to* 'fit every room — Now you can There are other combinations in solid, stout T'eudal Oak,
T1VK—Can be set for any add ..that finishing touch and still save at cherry, jruitwood and pine—indropleaf aiid extension.styles,
water level. with and without side pieces, The prices are attractive, loo—
See Maytag today of
up to.55% off on some.''

Cecil Caverns W. R. FURNITURE COMPANY Inc.

Phene 3-20.45
325 E. Congress '537 North Sixth Avenue Phone 3-8691
STONE at BROADWAY 4044 E. Speedway "Whtr* Goorf Fwrnifur* Is Nol Expentivt"
Road Belch Disrupts
Nabbed With Stolen Check Higher Swimming Pool Fee Ray, Superior Gas
(Button 'Satin CilUrn
Friday Eveniirg, Ftbrunrx 5, 1954
Captured afler a two-block the payee and discovered the
chase through downtown Tucson check had been stolen. In the
yesterciayaftcrnoon, a 42-year-old meantime, Allen had fled.
Advocated For Noncity People , SUPERIOR —UP)— Natural gas
service to Sonora and Ray was
disrupted for three hours yester- 10th Avenue Laiick"'
transient was remanded to Pima I Police \i-ere first alerted to the
county today for attempting to ! theft by Lee Hamner, operator of • A recommendation that the city give thought to day as a result of the upheaval Transfer Okayed
cash a S191 checrk he allegedly ! a service station at 2-111 N. Camp- charging noncity residents a higher fee for use of municipal | on state highway 117 Wednesday.
stole from a north side service bell ave. Hamner reported that j swimming pools than that assessed-Tucson inhabitants was j . The line break needed a re- The city received word today.,v
station a short time earlier. ', someone grabbed two endorsed j made to the mayor and council today by City Mgr. J. I placement of 300 feet of pipe line, (from Rep. Harold A. Patten
Identifying himself as George checks from his desk and took j Luther Davis. j G a s r w a s cut off from about 800- a house of representatives com-'
Allen, a Providence (R.I.) truck off In a taxi yesterday morning,| D a v i s ' recommendation was a nominal entry ree to offset this j 'or ;
driver who "just got off a truck" When Myerson called to report; contained in a letter suggesting cost." 'the road and attempting to pre-j o f lands
necessary for extension.,'
the council's finance committee H also pointed out an car "vent more rock from sliding clown ot South.10th avenue,
here yesterday, the defendant was Allen's attempt to cash one of j might want to study the ''ecrea- decision should be made on the mountainside. lllc
rf transfer, previously ar-
captured by Patrolman Travis F. the checks, police immediately | tkm department's activities' in whether the city will continue to ranged with Indian affairs of(i->.
White after lie tried to elude the related the two incidents. advance of butlgrt time and "be- operate the Shrine pool at 2900 cials, involves properly near .
fore the extensive summer sea- \ii. Broadway. by a 15-page summary, prepared south cjty limits. A telegram
officer by running through the I IX CITY COUKT this morning, } Davis -recommended that if the by Lcveluss Gardner, recreation jtrom Patten reported the transfer
Clawson Realty Co. offices, 253 N. ! Allen pleaded innocent to charges j sonal program starts."
Stone ave. ! of vagrancy and possession of •' "The most important (recrea- pool is operated again this sum- director, covering salary expend!- had been approved bv' the Indian'
tional) project is the swimming mer the lease w i t h the club be lures for general recreational ac-- and insular affairs subcommittee.*
White had pursued Allen, at stolen property. Trial was ton- renegotiated. Uvitics and for swimming and! . The H..S. senate approved the'
first on his three-wheeled motor- jtatively set for Apr. 1. On • the progranT.' 1 Davis wrote.
cycle .and then afoot, after Abe felony charge, forgery, he was •'IT SEISMS that the six swim- • Davis' letter was accompanied wading pools. ' transfer last year.
Myerson flagged the patrolman ordered held for prosecution in ming pools and four wading
arid reported Allen had attempt- county courts.
ed to purchase clothing with the Police were trying to trace a
check at the White House de- billfold in Allen's possession
partment store. 42 W. Congress which contained identification of
it. jjohti Btirt McElhannon. Allen
pools would be adequate for the
city residents were it not for
their use by county residents .out-j
[side of the city who do not sup-
port the swimming activity b.v
Dress up the Kids for the
MYETISOX, operator o f t h e claimed he found it with the two taxation and who do not have •,
store, became suspicious when checks inside, near a telephone pools provided for them by the!
Allen presented the endorsed booth at a downtown service sta- county. ' |
check. »The store executive called tion. "The 1933 season showed an
increase of 50 per cent over the.
1952 attendance—122,1SS over!
76.555. -' j -. <cvr.? ntfi-ff

In Tucson . .. It's The El Con "Consideration should be given !

to requiring a higher charge f o r ' Tucson's Largest and Most Complete
Music CocJettnls
use by noncity residents, in the
case of pools'where no charge Is I
made, consideration should be i
Piano music night- In our lovely new
given tor providing for a charge':
for county residents. The m e - j
T e r r a c e lounge chanf'.'S of the raise would be to i si/.PS
ly in our Terrace
Cocktail Lounge.
with B e a u t i f u l
—Southern Pacific Pholo "aise all swimming rates, b u t ;
provide for a reduction to city
sunken bar. residents who register at a re-
With the oil can 35 years ago was Donald Lyons of
Berkeley, Calif, (also shown in inset at throttle of an quired location."
DAVIS' LETTER also pointed
3244 f. SPEEDWAY . 45 N. SIXTH AVE.
army locomotive in Korea), Donald, when a boy, took out thy city could save $2,392 a! 1 Rlk. Vlvst of (51 Ranrho Near Sears
year bv not providing scorekeep-j en TUPS, and Thurs. 'til 9:00 Open Friday 'til 9:00
In our new
his ailing toy locomotive down to the Southern Pacific
roundhouse for repairs. Engineer Billy Jones did the (?rs for ball games "or it could
Terrace Dining piovicle scorekeepers and charge CHILDREN'S STORE
fixin'. Today Donald is 20, piloting trains in Korea for
Room, the 712th railway operating battalion. And Engineer
Jones has retired and turned himself to miniature rail-
roading. Running through his orchard at his Los Gatos
Special Attention Given to Private Parties and Social (Calif.) home, he has a live-steam scale model of the
Organizations. Daylight streamliner he used to operate.
Now On European Plan Toastmasters Plan Convention.
District Toastmaster Interna-
tional officials met last night in
there are 09 chapters located in
Arizona at the present t.lme.
9 to 5:30
Phoenix to decide the date] and The Tucson groups are the Sa-
guaco club, Tucson Toctst.master,s
place of their a n n u a l convention club 32, and Tucson club 1155. Re-
and speech contest. spective presidents of the local
After the 'meeting it was an- groups are', William J. Walker,
nounced some 200 Toastmasters Paul E, Stech and E. G. Troutman,
and their guests are expected to
attend the a n n u a l slate-wide TV Color Adapter
East Broadway Phone 5-2611
speech conclave to be held May S
at the \Vestwarcl Ho hotel, Phoe-
nix. According to Fred Collins,
Invented; 'It Works'
BETHESDA, Mel.—(IP)—A 24-
February Sale!
Phoenix district vice-president, year-old inventor last night
demonstrated a television at-
tachment to produce color pic-
tures on present black and


_«„.,.-,.. —TT^**^^ ~* — slUSltU!.
white self.
The device was shown to re-
porter's at Airtronic Research,
inc., where the inventor Robert
r , ^

N f
Something a little better—from Shearman's—costs no more, off times less, and at
February Sale Time, its yours at substantial saving!
&&&• P. Benjamin, is a junior elec- „ , ° everything—but about one-third of our three floors—is reduced for (bis event.
tronics engineer. Federal.Com- Reductions are from 10% to 40%, some items reduced even more.
m u n i c a t i o n s Commissioner
George E. Sterling said he had Everything is from our regular stock. '•
seen the adaptor "and it works."
Joseph Butler, president of
the small research company,
said the a t t a c h m e n t could be
built for 550 to $100 for 16-inch
Furniture by

IAMO Here's- the Leading Manufacturers

Such as

from sv biggest KLING

automatic washer
in years! HIBRITEN


diamond engage- li-site fishtail s e t t i n g
mrnt rinc in 14 K natural i
<-tnt! matching or while 150
wedding band. gold
Living Room
$1.00 weekly ifJ.Tj weekly
CJub chairs, occasional chairs, lounge chairs,
love seats and several sofas—all at outstand-
ing prices.
A popular French Provincial suite in warm genuine birch tones comprised
of twin beds; chest; night stand and a lovely, graceful triple dresser
and mirror.
The New 1954

MAYTAG Originally $615 . . . Now,

' i t lirilliuut diamonds in
'Blazing bridal ductte
UCllR .. . .
AUTOMATIC WASHER This and other complete bedroom suites in cherry, mahogany,
a fishtail Gleaming C^"B1"^S Automatic Wafer Level 'pine and. solid oaks as well as many odd bedroom pieces are
« fishtail
mounting of
14K gold
$2.50 weekly
smooth 14K
white or natural
gold mountings 75
3.,)0 «cekly
• . Control
Save Up to 50% More
Water with Maytagf
now grouped to show you great values.

The new 1054 Maytag saves

more water than any other
agitator-type equipped with
water level control . . , u(> to
5(1% more! Maytag's revolu-
Dining Room
TKA&E&. 1 Never An Interest or tionary n e w Water Level
Control Is ...
An example of value — A Morganton "Cherry Pine" grouping consisting
of a large pedestal extension table opening to 98 inches, a buffet with
• COMIMJSTELY A U T O - that deep, full length linen drawer you've dreamed of and a set of six
graceful, comfortable chairs",
Carrying Charge MA TIC—No waiting while
tub fills.
• AUTOMATIC, for b o t h
wash and rinse water.
Both wash and r i n s e
water use the same low
level ol water—automati-
Odds & Ends All Originally $618 , . . Now,

cally. "• Occasional tables, mirrors, game tables,

• COMPE15TELY SELEC- lamps to* 'fit every room — Now you can There are other combinations in solid, stout T'eudal Oak,
T1VK—Can be set for any add ..that finishing touch and still save at cherry, jruitwood and pine—indropleaf aiid extension.styles,
water level. with and without side pieces, The prices are attractive, loo—
See Maytag today of
up to.55% off on some.''

Cecil Caverns W. R. FURNITURE COMPANY Inc.

Phene 3-20.45
325 E. Congress '537 North Sixth Avenue Phone 3-8691
STONE at BROADWAY 4044 E. Speedway "Whtr* Goorf Fwrnifur* Is Nol Expentivt"

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