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Atascocita High School

AVID Application
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Application for 2010-2011
(Please print entire application)

Student Name: _______________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

Phone Number _______________________________________________________________

Email Address ________________________________________________________________

Current School Attending ______________________________ Current Grade Level _______

Mother’s Highest Level of Education if known - (circle one)

High School Some College College Graduate

Father’s Highest Level of Education if known – (circle one)

High School Some College College Graduate

With whom do you live – (circle one)

Mother Father Both Parents Other – Guardian

How many children in your family, including you? ___________

Two Teacher Recommendation Signatures: 1. ______________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________
By signing below you…
• Agree to help support your child in his/her attempt to pursue the dream of going to college.
• Willing to support your child as they take advanced classes.
• Are able to attend at least one informational meeting about AVID.
• Can help to ensure that your child is studying 1-2 hours per school night and keeping an organized binder
and planner.

YES NO Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________

As an AVID student you must pursue enrollment in a rigorous and challenging curriculum by taking advanced
classes. You will also be required to maintain passing grades, to always put forth your best effort and to be a role
model at Atascocita High School. As a part of the AVID class you are willing to help other AVID students to achieve
the same goals and dreams that you share. Are you willing to follow these guidelines?

YES NO Student Signature _________________________________________________

Advancement Via Individual Determination

Atascocita High School
AVID Application
**Please complete the Written Interview questions on the back of this page. It is required.
AVID Application for 2010-2011 – Continued:
This is your written interview for AVID. It is not optional. It must be answered completely to be considered
for placement in AVID. You write the answers below and on the back of this page, may attach a lined sheet
of paper to write your answers, or you may type your answers and print a copy to submit with this

1. Why would you like to be in AVID?

2. What are your strengths both personally and academically and what weaknesses would you like to improve?
3. What honors, Pre-AP, AP/Dual Credit classes are you currently taking or would like to take while in AVID?

Advancement Via Individual Determination

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