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The biography of prophet Mohammed (peace be upon

him) in one page

His light was first given birth, but even though he was
given birth in the world in the last. In less than 1400
years ago, he was born in Makkah on 12th Rabbil Awwal
on the Monday at the morning time in the year 570 CE.
He belonged to the family of Quraysh and prophet Ismail
(A.S.). The names of his ancestors up to four generations
are as follows. Hazrat Mohammed (peace be upon him)
bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutalb bin Hashim bin Abd Munaf.
His mothers name is Bibi Amana bint Wahab. He was not
given an education by another person except Allah. At
the age of 40 years, he was given prophet hood by Allah.
During the time of prophet hood, angel Gabriel used to
visit him occasionally and used to bring for him Quranic
verses. So in this way Quran was revealed to him during
the period of 23 years.

During the period of 12th years of the prophet hood on

the 27th Rajab on the night of Monday he was blessed
with ascension and it means during this night Allah has
called him with bodily on the Borraq (lightning horse) and
he was taken from Makkah to Baitul Maqdis (The Dome of
the Rock) and from there he was taken to the seven skies

and from there he was taken to the final destination as

per command and desire of Allah.

He was shown there in the skies heaven and hell and

other places and on the same night he was sent back to
Makkah and this night journey is called as an ascension in
the books of the history and Islamic knowledge. After his
coming back from there, he was engaged in Makkah for a
period of 13 years in teaching and preaching mission of
Islam religion there. After that, as per the command of
Allah, he was migrated to Madina and which is known
Hijra (migration) in the Islamic books. After living in
Madina for a period of ten years he has left this mortal
world on 12th Rabbil Awwal on the Monday at the age of
63 years. His mausoleum is in Madina which is visited by
Muslims from all over the Muslim world and other
countries. His grave is in Madina which is famous even
today for the fulfillment of desire and wishes of the
persons who visit his grave. To keep his love in heart and
to love him more than ones own life, wealth and sons,
which are the basis of faith and sending of Darud
(blessing) on him is the cause of the perfection of the
-----------------------------Translated by

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

Hyderabad, India

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