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Eyes alive with enthusiasm • Happiness is the shadow of thing past.

(Paradise Lost 4-
A rush of embarrassment swept through him
• He wears the rose of youth upon him. (Antony &
Cleopatra 3 : 11 : 20)
Shocked by the directness of the reply
• He, who will not when he may, may not when he will.
His face cracked into an apologetic grin (John of Salisbury)

An endless expanse of blue sky • Heaven lies about us in our infancy. (Wordsworth)
• Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.
Leaves fell and fluttered like snow flakes
The wind moaned through the trees • Heaven is our heritage, Earth but a player's stage. (Thomas
e moon sailed across the sky like a ghostly gallion
• A heaven on earth. (Paradise Lost 4-208)
Pausing for a moment she became aware of her surroundings
• The heart is not a clock, it will not wind again.
(Sacheverell Sitwell)
The warmth of the air wrapped around her like a scarf
• Hector is dead. There is no more to say. (Troilus &
A sudden shiver of excitement shot through her body Cressida 5-10-22)

His once designer clothes looked anything but attractive • Hills whose heads touch heaven. (Othello 1 : 3: 141)
• His time is forever, everywhere his place. (Abraham
Her shocking smile;broken. Cowley)
• An honest man's the noble work of God.
• Adventure is the champagne of life.
• Honest labour bears a lovely face. (Thomas Dekker)
• Ambition should be made of sterner stuff. (Julius Caesar
3:2:97) • How noiseless falls the foot of time. (W. R. Spencer)
• And death shall be no more. death, thou shalt die. (Donne) • Hypocrisy in the homage that vice offers to virtue. (La
• And justify the ways of God of men. (Paradise Lost 1 –
Great Phrases 2
• And nature must obey necessity. (Julius Caesar 4:3:225)
• Absolutely free conscience
• And purer than the purest gold. (Ben Jonson : The
• Absorbingly interesting occupation
Touchstone of Truth)
• Abundantly illustrated book
• Danger comes in silence and in secret. (Isaac Pocock)
• Acoustically indistinct consonants
• Dark with excessive bright. (Paradise Lost : 3 – 380)
• Admittedly difficult task
• A day is miniature eternity. (Emerson: Journals)
• Apparently disconnected facts
• Death be not proud, though some have called thee.
(Donne) • Architecturally successful edifice
• Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. (Pope) • Astonishingly young mind
• Even God can not change the past. (Agathon) • Awfully up-hill work
• Evermore thanks, the exchequer of the poor. (Goethe)
• Badly drawn character
• Excessive scruple is only hidden pride. (Goethe)

Faint heart wins not lady fair. (William James Linton) • Basically irrelevant detail
• The fairest things have the fleetest end. (F. Thomson)
• Biologically important functions
• Faith is love taking the form of aspiration. (William Ellery
• Bitterly contested wars
• Fame is food that dead men eat. (A. Dopson)
• For who would bear the whips and scorns of time. (Hamlet
• Blatantly defied convention
• Friends are born, not made. (Hendry Brooks Adams)
• Brightly coloured flowers
• Easily accomplished task
• Brilliantly written book
• Economically advanced nation
• Carefully ascertained facts
• Economically backward areas
• Carefully chosen examples
• Elegantly dressed person
• Carefully developed theory
• Eminently readable introduction
• Clearly defined pattern
• Eminently respectable figures
• Closely guarded secret
• Emotionally charged sound
• Closely related words
• Entirely unfamiliar country
• Commercially oriented people
• Exceedingly clever man
• Commonly used words
• Extremely attractive girl
• Comparatively recent development
• Extremely grave risks
• Completely different angle
• Extremely popular songs
• Completely illiterate audience Fairly accurate details

• Constantly changing background • Fairly reliable guide

• Constantly recurring themes • Fantastically inspiring place

• Critically edited text • Finely framed speech

• Currently fashionable dress • Flamboyantly handsome man

Dangerously disparaging attributes
• Frequently used word
• Dazzlingly beautiful illuminations
• Fully qualified person
• Dearly loved person
• Fundamentally different approach
• Deeply felt resentment Gaily plumaged birds

• Deeply rooted tradition • Gaudily coloured beaks

• Delightfully chivalrous statement • Generally accepted fact

• Densely populated areas • Genuinely new ideas

• Divinely inspired poetry • Gorgeously created figures

• Eagerly awaited news

• Grammatically different words • Literally translated vernacular expressions
• Logically coherent analysis
• Grievously committed sins
• Logically connected sentences

• Happily chosen term • Logically fallacious inferences

• Hardly audible sound • Loosely flowing garments

• Hastily summoned meeting • Marvellously engineered road system

• Heavily bearded person • Mechanically woven carpet

• Highly developed feeling • Mentally disturbed people

• Highly disciplined community • Mentally retarded children

• Highly emotional speeches • Moderately priced book

• Highly readable narrative • Mortally wounded man

• Highly sophisticated equipment • Mutually exclusive categories

• Historically correct usage • Mutually intelligible dialects

• Historically related family of languages • Nationally televised programme

• Honestly earned money • Naturally unstressed words

• Hugely impressive system • Neatly furnished house

• Immensely complicated affairs • Negatively charged particle

• Immensely suggestive book • Negatively prefixed words

• Increasingly inelegant expressions • Newly appointed minister

• Increasingly popular subject • Newly constituted board

• Inexpressibly beautiful measure • Newly discovered languages

• Infinitely productive artist • Newly married man

• Infinitely small quantities • Newly constructed buildings

• Infinitely variable world • Newly published titles

• Infinitely varied world • Normally constituted man

• Insipidly pious woman • Noticeably defective speech

• Intellectually mature person • Noticeably handsome face

• Intensely interesting experience • adistically cruel man

• Intensely private life • Seemingly contradictory facets (of one's personality)

• Intensely subjective poet • Seemingly little things

• Internationally known scientist • Seemingly worthless people

• Juridically free peasants • Semantically peculiar etymology

• Keenly analytical ear • Semantically (very) interesting words

• Lavishly illustrated pages • Singularly fortunate youth

• Lavishly produced publications • Slightly different meaning

• Lawfully constituted authority • Smartly dressed woman

• Legally wedded wife • Socially acceptable qualities

• Lexicologically interesting polysemy • Socially adaptive behaviour

• Linguistically enlightened editors • Socially distinct societies

• Socially distinguished ladies • Vaguely defined term
• Socially useful productive work • Vastly increased power
• Sparsely populated areas • Verbally defined concepts
• Specially designed building • Vividly attractive pictures
• Specially shaped pipe • Wholly subjective affair
• Specially written example • Widely separated countries
• Spiritually elevating influence • Wildly imaginative mind
• Spiritually highest realities • Wonderfully rich appearance
• Splendidly successful book
• Places
• Strictly limited interest - Gave way to a soaring, majestic network of thick-set vines, high
• Strictly scientific words archway and domed ceilings.

• Strikingly beautiful places - Streaks of gay sunlight darted through the open window.
- It was a palatial home, with high, cool rooms, floors of stone and
• Strongly developed taste
marble, and elaborately carved furniture with rich upholstery.
• Strongly marked face People
• Strongly rooted envy - A smart gentleman dresses in a flowing brown cloak and a brown
• Strongly worded resolution bejewelled hat.

• Suddenly recollected emotion - Her hair was tied into a neat and precise bun that not a single strand
of hair was out of place.
• Superbly sculptured features
- He was a fine figure of a man, with very yellow hair and narrow,
• Surprisingly subtle discrimination haughty eyes.

• Syllogistically expressed agreement - They were dressed in dazzling white robes with gold embroidery.

• Symbolically significant work Feelings

• Systematically organised survey - There was a song in every heart, cheerfulness in every face and a
spring in every step.
• Tacitly accepted values
- Exhilaration bubbled up inside her like soda water.
• Thickly populated city
- Her heart thumped wildly when the audience exploded with loud
• Thinly populated area cheers and claps. She grinned happily under the glory of the
• Thoroughly dishonest man
- Disbelieve was written all over their horrified faces.
• Thoroughly learned system
- His face evidenced the struggle between shame and defiance in his
• Thoughtfully prepared material heart.
• Totally different spirit - He looked straight ahead , white-faced, tight-lipped, his expression
a mask of suppressed rage.
• Totally unexpected result
• Tremendously popular form
• . An oppressive heat hung in the sky
Trying to show the scotching sun is giving pressure
• Traitorously corrupted youth
2. an angelic smile plastered on his face
• Truly good man An unnatural smile
• Unimaginably beautiful gardens
3. His skin felt like a page of Braille
• Uniquely great events A skin with plenty of raised dots probably rashes

• Universally acknowledged truth The notorious warden stumbles over the answer after
• Unspeakably bad taste the accidental harmony.
• Utterly different languages
• Utterly insignificant person
waiting for the sun to come out of hiding. It's as
lonely as a new student waiting to make friends.
Clouds slowly start to pull apart as the sun peeks
around the corner. The creaky fence is a gate to the
1.clear blue sky turning gray field of trees below. Barbwire sits ready to remind
2. a personifation for the smell of a freshly baked apple pie.
3. a similie for the taste of fried chicken any one who comes close enough to stay away. All
4. a metaphor for wine the rickety braches rock like a new born baby snug
a grey frown clouding the sky in the arms of its mother gently swaying in a
2. the aroma of the pie leaping into the air, tickling your nose rocking chair. The sad tree waits as a single rain
and making your mouth water. drop trickles down the long healthy trunk. The sky
3. like spicy heaven in batter
4. red (or white) velvet
darkens and is ready for the storm coming its way.
It thunders and booms and the dead grass lay
The sky was the bluest of blues and there was a faint fragrant motionless soaked. But the little tree still stands
permeating from the beautiful flowers that had bloomed that
Spring.......the temperature had mellowed out and there was a alone.
soft breeze blowing and it made for a very romantic -- Kassidy
A Winter's Day
The Majestic Night
On a cold, winter day, I walked to the park wearing
a grey trench coat. People passed and I could see The moon shone brightly, like a candle illuminating
they were merry, for Christmas was on its way. As I a pitch black room. I lowered my gaze and set it on
reached the park, I saw kids throwing snowballs the tall oak tree. It was either dead, or if it was
and making snowmen while other people were ice winter, "sleeping". Its leafless branches extended
skating and laughing. As I watched all of this, I was toward the sky like a frail cobweb blowing in the
thinking of my Christmas past, throwing snowballs wind. I shuddered, the moon was an orange, it was
with my sister, opening presents on Christmas Day, strangely full, (if it were an orange it would burst
and me in my youth laughing and enjoying the with ripeness), and deep in color. It looked like a
thought of my family together. Soon those happy marmalade kind of yellow, with a tint of red in it. It
times were over so I left the park leaving behind all cast an evil glow across the sky. The sky was even
my memories with the knowledge that this, too, stranger; it was dull and cloudy, the clouds were
would soon be a memory! plump, (and rather squashed looking) apples. (Or
-- Jeffrey that's what they looked like). And had a mix of
fiery red, black, and blue. It was eerie, yet
majestically beautiful. I stood transfixed for a
cotton candy clouds moment, sighed and started to walk off, dead leaves
The clouds are like cotton candy swirling around suffocating between my feet.
ever so gently in a bowl. Moving calmly in the -- Elizabeth
wind, and moving further away from the trees and
the sun. I hear the big, giants rustling in the cool, Drop
calm breeze. Looking at the sun setting is so bright
and yellow. I can't look away. Soon, the shading When you glance down you can see a pond with
covers the dark brown ground, and the cloud is a water that is as clear as glass. It just showered a
peach just beginning to ripen. The sunset is like a rhythmical rain. A constant "drip drop" tells you
tiger beginning to pounce on its prey. When I look that water droplets, clear and circular just fell to the
at the trees they almost disappear into the night sky. Earth. A leaf of pine green has an aqua drop that
-- Sierra quickly falls down into the pond, like a ball
bouncing off of the surface with a quiet splash. The
bronze colored fish frantically scatter to the edges
The Lost Tree of the circular pool of water when the drop hits the
The tree is a person standing alone in the darkness surface. The cool refreshing water ripples as slowly
as a Rollie-Polly. The ripples are soldiers slowly 134 girls.
dying in a war. -- Tessa
-- Connie
joyfully, I dipped my foot into the cool, clear ocean
Sandy Beach on that scorching hot day. The sun was beating
down on me as the crystal blue water pulled the
The sparkly sea splashes up onto the sandy beach.
golden sand from between my toes.
The sand spreads across the beach like million of
As the wave tumbled closer, I stood up on the
tiny grains of salt, covered by shells the sea
surfboard and fearfully rode toward the safety of
randomly washed up over the years. One is striped
the shore.
like a zebra with blue. Another one is a sunset
-- Breanna
colored pink, orange and cream. Small sticks are
scattered forming many barriers against the
different shells. The sea is a bag of sunflower seeds The astonishing city of Paris, France gratifies your
with its salty aroma. I take one last glance and dreams of an amazing destination for an
slowly walk back to the car awaiting the next time I intermission. Paris is a sensational place for a
visit the beach. vacation at night because you can see all of the
-- Alice breath taking sites that may intrigue you in the late
night moon. One of the most noteworthy
THE MOON destinations within Paris happens to be the Eiffel
Tower. The Eiffel Tower exemplifies your
A white orb, an illuminant tear in the grand tapestry
expedition to Paris because the glare of its lights
of black around it. It sits perched like a hawk,
can be seen shining miles away. If you decide to
staring through a blank, transparent window of fog
voyage to the pinnacle of the tower you will be
that it is caged around, keeping its true celestial
unquestionably flabbergasted. Not to mention, at
splendor from the thousands of spectators, sleeping
the peak you will most likely be dreadfully
under the shadow of light it casts. Its radiance,
exhausted because of the long weary expedition to
creeps around the blanket of mist that keeps it
the pinnacle. Finally, at the very top of the tower it
captivated from the land below it. It lies in the
will seem as though citizens are having dams
center of the sky, as a blanket of wonder tucks it in.
shatter within them as everyone wavers in fright
High in the sky it sits the center of attention to the
and tiny children weep because of the elevation. All
bright gray and surrounding air. A silver quarter,
in all if you're looking for a luxurious destination
falling through a dusty desk of black and gray. In
for a celebration or an anniversary look no further
the center, the moon, and all around it, fog with he
than Paris!
depth of space around it.
-- Alec

She sits, waiting anxiously, ready for anything. Her

heart beats, waiting for the results. Cheering voices
surround her, as she is waiting for the awards. After
her hard day of work, strain, and concentration she
hears, 4th. . . 3rd. . .2nd. . . then, a huge relief, 1st
prize, her name is called. The grin on her face was
lightning everyone's faces, for their teammate had
won. The coaches hug her, her teammates cheer
loudly, it is the happiest day of her life, now there
is only one thing to do, go home, and keep working
without forgetting the wonderful day when she beat

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