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Kali Yuga - The Dark Times??

By A. True Ott, PhD June 21, 2010

For the record, I am a Christian. I do not personally believe that “star charts” and/or
numerology determine an individual’s destiny, nor does “planetary alignment” determine
what will, or will not happen on planet earth. However, non-Christians (as well as anti-
Christians) such as Satanists, Talmudic Jews, Freemasons, and practitioners of
witchcraft (WICCA) apparently place great confidence in such “heavenly signs and
wonders”. “As Above, So Below” is their mantra. They believe that what happens in the
night sky (above) MUST DICTATE what happens on earth (below).

I feel the need to echo the words of C.S. Lewis: “There are two equal and opposite
errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their
existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in
them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors...” (Quoted from “The
Screwtape Letters”)

I submit that if a Christian is to protect his home and family, the plan of the enemy of
Christ must be analyzed and exposed. As my Bible exhorts: “And do not participate in
the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them” (Ephesians 5:11).

Last week, on Wednesday June 16, 2010 – I received a number of phone calls and
messages regarding my paper titled “MIRACL ILLUMINATION” which was posted on
my website: I was notified that the FBI was investigating a possible
security breach at Tampa Florida’s MacDill Air Force Base, and wanted to know where I
received my information. Wednesday evening, there happened to be a fatal shooting at
MacDill – where an FBI agent shot and killed a 61-year-old serviceman. In case you
don’t know, MacDill AFB is the location of Central Command – where the entire war in
Iraq and Afghanistan is computer-controlled. Also, if indeed a “deuterium-fluoride
chemical laser weapon” was deployed against the BP Deepwater Horizon rig, Central
Command at MacDill in Tampa would have a record of it. No wonder the FBI was so
busy last Wednesday night at MacDill.

On Thursday, June 17, I received a very short and cryptic e-mail – with no return
address nor sending loop data. I thought it was sent by mistake – yet my computer
crashed and my website went down hours after opening the post. Then, amazingly, it
disappeared from my inbox after I cut and pasted it to MS Word on the advice of a
friend in Washington D.C. Here is the post:

ABOVE TOP SECRET: Operation Swift Fox to commence.

Then, strangely enough, Thursday evening I received a short visit from two
gentlemen who claimed to be from the Air Force’s CID (Hill AFB contingent). Basically,
they advised me to stop broadcasting secret information on my radio shows – that I was
“hurting my country” and I was being “irresponsible as a journalist”. They warned me
that “people could be hurt” before leaving without even a handshake.

All this past weekend, I have meditated and pondered over the events of the last 72
hours. What was the string of numbers placed in the e-mail? Was it a code of some
sort – or just computer gibberish tied to some embedded virus in the e-mail?

Last night, (Sunday), I had a dream of sorts. In this dream I found myself
eavesdropping on a high-level Illuminati meeting. They were discussing something
called “Operation Blackjack” which was officially to be renamed “Operation Swift Fox”.
They were saying that journalists at the London Telegraph had broken their codes, and
had figured out that “BlackJack” was to commence on June 21, 2010 – 21 being
“blackjack” in the card game, and that 6-21-2010 was encoded in their astrology and
embodied two “blackjacks” (2010 is also 21 when zeros are removed)!

Today, I thought I would investigate my “dream” and google up “Operation BlackJack”

Sure enough, the London Telegraph had a website dedicated to this “fictional” false flag
operation. Intrigued, I spent two hours going over each and every page. Then I found
this page on the Telegraph’s website:

The “ID Card” had a weird string of numbers similar to my mysterious e-mail! Could
this be a binary code of some sort I wondered? I began to search online for binary
codes, and came up with something called a Hexadecimal system after doing a word
search for “binary codes”. According to Wikipedia hexadecimal codes can be used by
computer hackers and others at the NSA to encrypt coded messages across
cyberspace. I found there is even an online program that can convert the “HEX”
numbers into the English words, and vice verse. See the website www.string-

Ok, now this is getting VERY interesting. When one goes to the website above, and
types in the “ID Card” string of numbers, one gets the secret message: “this is not
simply entertainment”. Of course it’s not. Why would the Telegraph waste so much
time, money and energy on an entertaining spoof?

When I typed in the mysterious string from the e-mail:


I received this result:

Target Dates 6/21/2010 Solstice 6/26/2010 GRAND CROSS. Apparently, then,

“Operation Swift Fox” (aka Operation Blackjack) is to commence between the summer
solstice of June 21, and Saturday, June 26, 2010.

What is amazing is the capitalization of the words GRAND CROSS!! Also, keep in
mind that Hex is a Greek word meaning 6. It also is tied to the “hexagram” which is how
Satanists “cast their spells”. Cerberus and Pegasus International are two multi-national
military-industrial corporations involved in this “operation” – both of which utilize
mythical Greek icons for their names!! (Cerberus is the three-headed dog that guards
the gates of Hell!!)

The hexagram is also referred to as the “Seal of Solomon” is said to be one of the most
powerful symbols in the Occult. Oddly enough, it is the symbol of modern Israel!!


But what is “the GRAND CROSS” and what about the dates on this encrypted
message? What I found next literally made my blood run cold. Doing a simple online
search for “the Grand Cross” led me to this astrology website. This is what I found on
the website

“There will be a series of Grand Crosses in the summer of 2010 –one of which occurs a few days after the
solstice, (June 21, 2010) with seven planets participating. The square between Uranus and Pluto will form
the backdrop, with Jupiter coupled with Uranus in early Aries and a Moon conjunction with Pluto in
Capricorn adding a late-breaking note of immediacy. Saturn in late Virgo will form the third corner, and
the Sun and Mercury, in Cancer, will form the fourth. This will give the solstice period — already
considered a sacred portal for many spiritual thinkers, ancient and modern — the quality of a bulls-eye.
Two years later, the Grand Cross of June 2012 will feature the ongoing square between Uranus and Pluto
now joined by the Quarter Moon; meanwhile Neptune will have entered Pisces, and will be forming an
exact mutable T-square with Jupiter, reinforced by the lunar nodes. By 2014 the two outer-planet
overlords will have made their way to the middle degrees of the cardinal signs, paralleling a square
between Mars and Jupiter in Libra and Cancer respectively; with a Moon-Pluto conjunction on April
20th again providing the grace note.”

“Students of the Mayan calendar may recognize this timing as lining up with the dates singled out at the
Harmonic Convergence in 1987 by Jose Arguelles. 6 The ancient Mezo-Americans numbered among
many indigenous traditions that foresaw the period we are now in as the end of a great cycle in human
evolution and the beginning of another. The visionaries of prehistoric India referred to this era as the Kali
Yuga: the Dark Times.”

And then on yet another astrology website:

• The June 26, 2010 eclipse: The lunar eclipse at 4° + Capricorn conjoins Pluto and activates a
grand cross involving the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, the Moon, and Saturn. These are all
within 5° of the four cardinal points. This will be a very important event, for better or worse,
with a huge impact on global events.
• August 6-7, 2010: A cardinal grand cross is formed, involving Jupiter-Uranus in Aries, Pluto
in Capricorn, the Moon in early Cancer, and Venus joining Mars and Saturn in early Libra. The
Sun at 15° Leo makes stressful aspects to the entire grand cross. Calm and balance will be
needed to deal with the relentless stressful aspects.

Partial Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon June 26 04:50 Capricorn
Rapid global institutional changes 7:38 am 4:38 am

On yet another website, the “Moon-Pluto conjunction on April 20, 2010” is described as
a “time of great ecological upheaval and disaster for the Earth”. Of course, this is the
date when the DeepWater Horizon was attacked and the “oil volcano” began erupting.
Is all of this just a mere coincidence??

As bizarre as it may be, the Ashkenazi Jews (aka Nazis) also have a very powerful
occult symbol called the swastika. It is the symbol for “the Grand Cross”. The
“swastika” or “grand twisted cross” is of ancient origin. It represents the four winds,
four seasons and four points of the compass. The swastika below shows the elements
or forces turning against nature and out of harmony. The swastika has been used not
only by the Nazis but also by Hindus and various Satanic and occultic groups.

Swastika (Twisted Grand Cross)

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