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EMIL AND THE DETECTIVES » ERICH KASTNER Simplified and brought within the teabulary of New Method Reader 3 » E, M. ATTWOOD asta by Richard Kennedy LONGMANS 4%, Grorenor Set, London Wt. Auacaed company, branches and representatives ‘Mroghoat the wold re publ ti ein 1950 Mass. Jonathon Cape Lt Naw imprein. November 1959| ‘New impreion apn 140 New ipreion Apt 196 Naw inpreons une Septnbe 1953 New inpresim htey 1964 ‘New impenins*March, Mey July 1965 New inprenon ApJ 1966 New impraioe Janay 1957 A detective i «person who helps the police to find out and catch anyone who has done something against the law. All words outside the vocabulary of New Method Reader 3 are either explained or pictured in the book. Chapter One AA. “Now, Emil” sai his mother, “hurry up and gctyoureitready. Tee put your best clothes out on Sourbed. Dres yourefsand wellhave our dinner.” "es, Mother™ “Now, let me see. Ts there anything ele? Your ashe chs are in your ese The lowers ae for your aunt? TH give you the money for vour ftaldmoherwhen yo vehnbed eating, Now go B. "Yes," said Mrs, Fisher to her neighbour, Mes. Marin en mi had et the rom, ny ans up to the city for two of three weeks. At first fre did not want to go, but what can he do here while his school is closed? My sister has asked us n and again to visit fier. T'can’t go, because Te so much work to do. Emil has never been away before, bat he's old enough to travel alone nov Beside, his grandmother is going to mect him atthe “He is sure to like it there,” said Mrs. Martin “All boys do. He'll have a good time secing the sights. Good-bye, Mrs. Fisher. T'must go now.” cae back ith ie bab and hi feat on. He was hungry, and ate a big. ea Sometimes he Tooked at hs mother a if he thought thatshe might not ke him to eat to much when he was gong away from er for the fst ne

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