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Exercises for Level 3

Bus driver helps a girl - level 3

12-11-2013 14:00

1. Read the following sentences. Then watch the video for level 3 and choose the
correct one.

a. The bus driver wanted to stop a girl from jumping off a tree to her death.
b. The bus driver wanted to stop a girl from jumping off a bridge to her death.

a. The bus driver was driving a bus full of elementary school children.
b. The bus driver was driving a bus full of high school teenagers.

a. The bus driver talked to the girl for a few seconds and then she jumped.
b. The bus driver talked to the girl for a few seconds and then she climbed to safety.

a. The bus driver and two more drivers talked to the girl until the police and ambulance arrived.
b. The bus driver and two more drivers talked to the girl until she jumped.

a. When the bus driver got back on his bus, he received a phone call.
b. When the bus driver got back on his bus, he received a standing ovation.

2. Watch the video again and underline correct answers to these questions:

Where did this happen? in New York, in New Jersey, in Washington

How did the driver address the girl? Mary, Madam, girl

Who did he receive the standing ovation from? his wife, students on the bus, the police

3. Read the text for level 3and find synonyms for these expressions:
a video ____________________________

a motorway ____________________________

a fast car with medical people aboard ____________________________

a very short period of time ____________________________

Bus driver helps a girl - level 3
12-11-2013 14:00

1. Read the following sentences. Then watch the video for level 3 and choose the
correct one.

a. The bus driver wanted to stop a girl from jumping off a tree to her death.
b. The bus driver wanted to stop a girl from jumping off a bridge to her death.

a. The bus driver was driving a bus full of elementary school children.
b. The bus driver was driving a bus full of high school teenagers.

a. The bus driver talked to the girl for a few seconds and then she jumped.
b. The bus driver talked to the girl for a few seconds and then she climbed to safety.

a. The bus driver and two more drivers talked to the girl until the police and ambulance arrived.
b. The bus driver and two more drivers talked to the girl until she jumped.

a. When the bus driver got back on his bus, he received a phone call.
b. When the bus driver got back on his bus, he received a standing ovation.

2. Watch the video again and underline correct answers to these questions:

Where did this happen? New York, New Jersey, Washington

How did the driver address the girl? Mary, Madam, girl

Who did he receive the standing ovation from? his wife, students on the bus, police

3. Read the text for level 3 and find there synonyms to these expressions:
a video footage

a motorway an expressway

a fast car with medical people aboard an ambulance

a very short period of time a moment

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