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Ragnar Haabjoern

The Eco-cell Project

Higher Degree Research Proposal

Amended Version1.0 Submitted October 2008

The Eco-cell Project:

The Design of an Education for Sustainability Genesis Aid.

PhD by Project

Senior Supervisor: Professor Sue Benn

By Ragnar Haabjoern
Macquarie University
Graduate School of the Environment

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

Table of Contents

Introduction 3-6

Propagation 7-12

1. Literature review 14
1.0 The Current Environment 14

2.0 Educating for Sustainability 15

3.0 Being Critical 17

4.0 Education for Sustainability Framework 19
5.0 Scale 19

6.0 Human Connections to the physical & natural World 21

7.0 Ethics & Values 23

8.0 How Natural Systems Function 25
9.0 Technological & Economic Realtionships to Sustainability 27

10.0 Motivating Environmentally Sustainable Behaviour 29

11.0 Pedagogical Strategies for Intergrating Sustainability 31

2. Research Methodology 33

2.1 Aim 33

2.2 Methods 35-36

2.2.1 Intellectual Rigour 37

2.2.2 Interviews 38

2.2.3 Timeline 39

2.3 Methodology 40
2.3.1 Educational Design Research 44

2.4 Theoretical Perspective 46

2.5 Epistemology 47

3. Close 50

References 51-52
List of tables 54
List of Figures 54

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project


The focus of this proposed PhD by project research is the creation of a new
model for education for sustainability.

More and more scientists, climate change experts and the media are presenting
dramatic and overwhelming worst case scenarios for the future of our planet, planet
Earth. Some of the scenarios involve species extinction, wild and extreme weather
patterns and polar melting. There is currently something wrong with how life is being
conducted on planet Earth. You don’t need to be a climate change expert, or scientist
with Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
(CSIRO) to realise that there is something currently wrong with the planet’s health
and well being.
Tinkering with the ‘Old machine’ will just not do.

“How long can people tinker with the old machine when what is needed is a
new design altogether, for a new age?” (Smyth 1999)

Sustainability, environmental consciousness and green thinking cannot just be

models for, they have to become the norm, the way. A paradigm shift has to occur if
sustainability and the virtues associated with this can come to fruition.

Very successful companies throughout history have employed the technique of

creating a mission statement to guide their organisation to success. Robert Allen
(2002) uses the following phrase in his motivational “How to succeed in Business”
“…The future you see is the future you get!”

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

Boeing the aircraft manufacturer part of one of the most environmentally

damaging industries, the airline industry, employed this vision tactic early in the

1950’s with the following vision statement,

“To become the dominant player in commercial aircraft and bring the world

into the jet age.”

(Burkink, 2005)

Jim Collins in the Harvard business review article, “Building your company’s

vision”, (1996) states that a vision to be effective and powerful must be a “Big Hairy

Audacious Goal (BHAG)”.

“A BHAG is a clear and compelling unifying focal point of effort and a

catalyst for team spirit.” (Collins, 1996)

President John F. Kennedy in 1961 expressed NASA’s (National Aeronautics

and Space Administration) BHAG, “…to put a man on the moon and return him home

safely by the end of the decade.” (Burkink 2005)

The BHAG strategy for this research project will do exactly the opposite of

what President John F. Kennedy wanted to do and that is bring the population’s focus

on planet Earth itself and to the connections that need to be made on metaphysical and

physical levels for a quality future for the Planet and humanity to emerge.

The BHAG for this PhD by project is to totally transform education for

sustainability. To make education for sustainability a priority in all aspects of the

day-to-day procedures, polices, pedagogies and philosophies of a learning

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

establishment so a sustainability paradigm shift can occur. To allow this vision, this

BHAG to become a reality, the research will focus on the production of an education

for sustainability genesis aid, The Eco-cell.

The fundamental stimulus of the Eco-cell has been born from ‘deep ecology’.

Deep ecology was a term coined by the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess in 1972.

Deep ecology seeks to develop ecological wisdom through deep experience, deep

questioning and deep commitment.

“It is a process in which the self remains bound by ‘special responsibilities,

obligations and ethics.”

(Naess, 1993, p. 34)

The framework and design for the Eco-cell will be developed from four research
questions. They will also assist in giving the research direction and focal points.

The Eco-cell project research questions:

(i) How can deep ecology be used to assist education practioners in educating
for sustainability?

(ii) What role can Buddhist philosophy play in assisting the development of
ecological values and ethics of individuals?

(iii) How can systems theory understandings assist with the evolution of
beyond compliance education for sustainability strategies?

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

(iv) How can biomimicry assist with the design of an education for
sustainability framework?

The overall outcome will be a framework for instigating education for

sustainability in any organisation. For the sake of controlling the size of this heuristic

journey the organisation in this instance will be a secondary school in the Victorian

Education System. This research is not boasting to be the ultimate in education for

sustainability, but true to its purpose and design, it is a guide, a deep ecologically

inspired elucidation of what should be at least considered when endeavouring to

initiate education for sustainability into an institution such as a secondary school.

“This is scaffolding, not an edifice.” (Crotty, 1998, p.2)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project


1.0 The Whole: The Eco-cell

(Figure 1 Capra 1996)

Realisation must occur that we need to implement drastic fundamental

changes to society as a whole as we know it and not just in terms of environmental

education. We need to assist earth in being repaired from the damage caused by

humans to their only home. The Eco-cell allows for the education for sustainability to

be the work that re-connects the population back to nature on physical and

metaphysical levels. It gives deep ecology, systems theory and biomimicry a platform

to display what these theories can offer education and beyond.

“It is widely agreed that eduction is the most effective means that society possesses
for confronting the challenges of the future. Indeed, education will shape the world of
tomorrow.” (Tilbury, 2005)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

The Eco-cell is necessary, as many of the proposals for education for

sustainability that are coming to fruition are environmentally based not ecologically

There are light green solutions and dark green solutions.

The Eco-cell will be a substantial sustainability artefact that will benefit the
planet holistically not in a scratch the surface, piece meal fashion. It will live and
breathe ‘dark green’.

The production of the Eco-cell would endeavour to help assist with devising a
set of objectives to consider when implementing any kind of education for
sustainability initiative whether it is organisational structure or curriculum design.

Why a plant cell?

“The cell is only concerned with the conditions necessary for sustaining and

propagating life. It also reminds us that we are inescapably a part of nature: there is

much less difference between the cell of a human and that of a plant than is

commonly understood.”

“…from a biological standpoint, we are not the masters of nature,

nor even its caretakers.

We are part of nature.”

(Robert, 1991 p.2)

The forest is.

We are the forest.

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

It makes good judgment to utilise the design of a plant cell to assist humanity on

being and growing in nature in a less detrimentally impacting fashion. There is no

waste in nature.

The eco-cell and the assigned purposes for the research project are;

Nucleus: Self-Realisation/re-connection/religio
Earth’s citizens are being separated from nature more and more by technology,

by values and by thought. Education for sustainability utilising the plant cell will

assist with making and reinforcing a significant connection to nature.

Cell Membrane: Deep ecology/Ecosophy

Ecosophy is an evolving but consistent philosophy of being, thinking and

acting in the world, which embodies ecological wisdom and harmony. (Harding 2000,

p. 1)

Deep ecology has been described as an environmental movement and a

philosophy. A favourable quality deep ecology possesses for its use in an education

model is that it allows itself to be personally moulded to each individual with some

guiding principles. If followed in its entirety, the ‘Ecological Self’ created should be

able to rise to absolute joy when acting with and for the environment. The flow on of

this is the potential to increase such involvement in the environment that may then

assist a personal evolution, an evolution to a clearer sense of identity that will then

allow for greater commitment to all things ecological. This process may then lead to

extending care to more humans and deepening care for non-humans (Harding, 2000,


Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

Recycling Centre: Self Determination/Ethics/Buddhist Philosophy

The Eco-cell will utilise the philosophy of Buddhism to assist with the

understanding and development of ethics and values that are conducive to

sustainability. Buddhist teachings recognize that all things are interdependent and

conditional upon each other. This is similar to the manner of how an ecosystem

works. The Buddhism and ecological connections will be revealed throughout the

research. The Eco-cell will utilise the Four Noble Truths and the Noble eightfold path.

Solar Station: Communication (Ecological literacy)

Nature is something else then we believe

It has soul, it has freedom,

It has love, it has language

(Tiutchev in Perminov, 1970, p. 54)

Ecological literacy will be defined by the following, resourced from the text,

‘Ecological Literacy: educating our children for a sustainable world’ (Stone and

Barlow Ed. 2005);

Ecological literacy is a goal built on the recognition that:

• The disorder of ecosystems reflects a prior disorder of mind, making it a

central concern to those institutions that purport to improve minds. In

other words, the ecological crisis is in every way a crisis of education.

• The problem, as Wes Jackson once said of agriculture, is one of

education, not merely in education.

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The Eco-cell Project

• All elucidation is environmental education…by what is included or

excluded we teach the young that they are part of or apart from the

natural world.

• The goal is not mastery of subject matter but making connections

between head, hand, heart, and cultivation of the capacity to discern

systems-what Gregory Bateson once called “the pattern that connects.”

(Orr in Stone and Barlow Ed. 2005 p.ix)

Mini Nucleus:

(Figure 2)

Powerhouse: Self-Sufficiency & Cooperation (Permaculture Design principles)

“Lilacs out of
dead land”

(The wasteland T.S. Elliot in Taylor, 1993)

• Zero waste

• Nature wastes nothing

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

• Uses the ultimate power source Solar energy,

• Harmony

• Balance

• Photosynthesis.

A design consideration that will influence throughout the Eco-cell is the cradle

to cradle thinking, developed by McDonough, “What we are trying to do is balance,

ecology, equity and economy.” (Rosenblatt, 1999)

The following is a list of the Permaculture design principals developed by David

Holmgren (2005) that will be used alongside of McDonough’s work.

1. Observe and interact

2. Catch and Store energy
3. Obtain a yield
4. Apply Self-regulation and accept feedback
5. Us and value renewable resources and services
6. Produce no waste
7. Design from patterns to Details
8. Integrate rather than segregate
9. Use small and slow solutions
10. Use and value diversity
11. Use edges and value the marginal
12. Creatively use and Respond to change

Storage Sac: Experiential Learning& Acclimatization (Nature experiences)

We remember experiences.

This section will be influenced heavily by the text Earth education: a new

beginning authored by Steven van Matre (1990) and the Institute for Earth

Education(IEE). In Earth Education (1990) van Matre gives us this illumination of

why acclimatization is critical to the education for sustainability process.

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

“I wanted to convey a feeling of at-homeness with the earth, a feeling similar to

what you have in your own house. You know what I mean, you feel good there; you

understand its moods, its smells, its nooks and crannies.”

(van Matre, 1990 p. 53)

Production Centre: Ecological Self –Autopoetic, Systems theory

The Eco-Cell needs to live. It needs to be ‘Life-making’.

Cell Fluid: Cognition

Cognition is a phenomenon that will permeate throughout the organism.

Cognition is a vital part of the education for sustainability process for it integrates our

mental, emotional and biological activities. Much of the cognition research inspiration

will come from the text, The embodied mind: Cognitive science and human

experience by Varela, Thomson and Rosch (1993). Connection and pattern will be a

continual theme that will run through and bind much of this research. The

aforementioned text and its connection of Buddhism and Cognition will assist with

involving the science with the sacred so they can work together to create deeper

understandings of subjectivity.

“…we propose to build abridge between mind in science and mind in experience

by articulating a dialogue between these two traditions of Western cognitive science

and Buddhist meditative psychology.” (Varela etal, 1993, p.xvii)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

Literature review

1.0 The Current Environment

The world is in distress.

“Mankind <sic> during the last nine thousand years has conducted itself like a
pioneer invading species.”
(Naess, 1989, p.182)

The globe is heating up, pollution is choking our atmosphere, fresh water
availability is diminishing, plant and animal species are being lost and lands are being
irreversibly spoilt and obliterated.

“The scientific evidence is now overwhelming, climate change presents very

serious global risks, and it demands an urgent global response.”
(Stern, 2006)
The stern report will be quoted often throughout the research as it holds with it
much credibility in terms of the scientific, quantitative environmental concerns.

Future generations deserve to have a great world to live in. The transition
needed is in many aspects of our lives, a paradigm shift. This may all come about if
environmental education for sustainable development is pursued intensely. (Fien,
Trainer, 1993)

To create the Eco-cell, firstly there will be a deconstruction of the key terms and
concepts associated with sustainability and the actual design components of the cell
itself. The research process will also be dissected to assist in obtaining clarity with the
inspiration, design and purpose.

“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.”

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

(Pablo Picasso in Tomasko, 1993)

1.1 Educating for Sustainability

Education for sustainability gives direction and gives purpose for an
ecologically conscious citizen to emerge. Many decades have seen environmental
education to be a part of some institutions, small steps have been made, but the health
of the earth has exponentially declined.

Educating for sustainability is a paradigm that needs to be taken on board by

all of earth’s pedagogic institutions. This is an ambitious statement but it holds true to
the BHAG strategy and visioning process that is being employed with the creation of
the Eco cell; think big.

Sustainability in this research endeavour will be defined from its original

understanding, "Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their needs."
(World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987, p.24)

Education for sustainability incorporates a vision for society that is

ecologically sustainable but also socially, economically and politically sustainable.

The Australian Conservation Foundation’s "Tela papers" are a series of scholarly

papers devoted to the exploration of relationships between environment, economy and

society. The pillars of sustainability outlined by the Tela Paper No.8 (Education for

sustainability) (Fien 2000) are grounded in four interdependent systems and will add

structure to the definition selected for the research to be undertaken.

The Pillars of Sustainability

• Biophysical systems that provide the life support systems for all life, human
and non-human;

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

• Economic systems that provide a continuing means of livelihood (jobs and

money) for people;

• Social and cultural systems which provide ways for people to live together
peacefully, equitably and with respect for human rights and dignity; and

• Political systems through which power is exercised fairly and democratically

to make decision about the way social and economic systems use the
biophysical environment.

This research will also utilise Module 1 from UNEP’s (United Nations

Environment Programme) Education for sustainability educational resource to add

structure to the definition of what education for sustainability will engage. In Module

1 R. O’Donoghue from the National Parks Board, South Africa presents an additional,

somewhat more holistic view of sustainability that supports four interrelated

principles of living:

(Figure 3 O’Donoghue, 2000)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

1.2 Being Critical

The research involved with the development of the eco-cell will be critical

social theory fuelled. At these beginning stages of this research endeavour a text that

has surfaced and has provided much insight is Hattam (2004), Awakening-Struggle

(towards a Buddhist Critical Social Theory). In the introduction you get a good

example of what his text is endeavouring to accomplish.

“A book as dialogue invokes the idea of a pedagogical space, a place for hybridity or

double consciousness, a borderland that nurtures the possibility of mutual

reinvention.” (Hattam, 2004, p.v)

The outcome of this proposed research is to reinvent what education with a

sustainable purpose should look like, to combat the ecologically and socially dire

situation the planet is in. Immediately, Hattam (2004) is creating and opening the

doors of possibility and creating an environment through text where ideas and insights

can be developed through collaboration between Eastern and Western traditions of

thinking and being. The introduction instigates a personal connection and the

formulation of the beginnings of a heuristic journey, all of which is very heartening

when combated so frequently by dogmatic set in stone doctrines. Hattam’s (2004)

perspective of what the theory’s function is includes;

“Critical theory is represented as a post-Kantian hermeneutic of suspicion that is

committed to struggling for a more socially just society”. (Hattam, 2004, p.v)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

The use of critical theory will provide an ethico-political snapshot of where

the Eco-cell is propagating from and what is nourishing its evolution. The aptness of

the text is also reinforced by its use of Buddhism and how the two, critical social

theory and the religion/technology of self/science of mind can be of mutual benefit,

precisely what is needed for the genesis of the eco-cell to transpire.

The other aspects of critical theory that will be embraced to manage with the

development of the Eco-cell’s purpose of creating a sustainable and just society that is

emancipated, equitable, and enlightened include:

• That all thought is fundamentally meditated by power relations that are social

in nature and historically constituted;

• That facts can never be isolated from the domain of values or removed from

ideological inscription;

• That the relationship between concept and object, and between signifier and

signified, is never stable and is often mediated by the social relations of

capitalist production and consumption;

• That language is central to the formation of the subjectivity, that is, both

conscious and unconscious awareness;

• That certain groups in any society are privileged over others, constituting an

oppression that is most forceful when subordinates accept their social status as

natural, necessary or inevitable;

• That oppression has many faces, and concern for only one form of oppression

at the expense of others can be counterproductive because of the connections

between them;

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

• That mainstream research practices are generally implicate, albeit often

unwittingly, in the reproduction of systems of class, race and gender


(Kincheloe and McLaren, 1994, p. 139-40, in Crotty, 1998 p.157)

1.3 Education for Sustainability Framework

The Boston-based national ‘not-for-profit’ organisation ‘Second Nature’ have

created an education for sustainbilty framework outlining the following critical

sustainability themes that will be utilised in directing this heuristic journey.

• 1.3.1 Scale

Sustainability is about time. It is about trying to envision a future with the

action of the present and making certain that that action is not an adverse one. In his

work Ancient Wisdom, Modern Times, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, enforces

this stipulation to time, “All we can do is use the present well” (Lama, 1999).

The world renowned, environmental activist and scientist Dr. David Suzuki in

his book, ‘Wisdom of the elders’ explains, “Time can reveal, by extrapolation, the

future forms and destinies of things. Time is, in some sense, the warp and weft of the

whole cosmic tapestry; and the human imagination, with its culturally sanctioned

freedoms and restraints, is its weaver (Suzuki, 1997, p.142).”

Utilising the wisdom of the elders will help break the linear barrier of time

shown here as a Newtonian straight train track (Fig 4.) with a beginning and an end.

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

Infinite time allows people to move more freely though the past, present and future to

assist with their actions of the now.

(Figure 4 Hawking 2001 p.32)

Time bonds people to their past. It is also embedded deeply as a reminder to the

influence it can have to the present. Stretching time can aid in visionary dreams,

BHAG’s, shamanic journeys and other such rapturous, linear-time defying

experiences. The circular time model gives freedom that all time is connected and

can be travelled to throughout actions in a myriad of directions and possibilities. Time

in this research project will be influenced by Stephen Hawking’s (2001) vision of

space and time, an infinite twisting and turning connected journey.

(Figure 5 hawking 2001 p.33)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

A permaculture design principle, that highlights the native concept of circular

time to assist with designing of agricultural systems that work in natural harmony

with the environment, and aid with creating a permanent culture (a sustained

population) is presented here as another influential design consideration for the eco


(Figure 6 Holmgren, 2002)

• 1.3.2 Human Connections to the physical and Natural World

Deep ecology was a term coined by Arne Naess in the early 1970’s. Deep
ecology seeks to develop ecological wisdom through deep experience, deep
questioning and deep commitment. In the ultimate handbook on deep ecology,
‘Ecology, Community and Lifestyle, written by Naess in (1989), Naess describes
deep ecology as being a process in which the self remains bound by ‘special
responsibilities, obligations and ethics (Naess, 1989, p.34).

Together as an interrelated system, the aforementioned principles are

concerned with the connections a human can make with the environment. These
underlying principles are themselves connected from an all-encompassing system,
Naess calls, Ecosophy. It is an evolving but consistent philosophy of being, thinking
and acting in the world, which embodies ecological wisdom and harmony (Harding,
2000, p.1).

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

Ecosophy is a constructivist paradigm. It allows the partaker to become one

with nature and see how their ‘Self’ fits in. It allows for a personalisation of the
ecosophy, a development of a personal ultimate premise of norms that will help in
allowing ‘Self’s’ to live wisely in the world. This ability to interact, and to design a
personalised influence in the world empowers the ‘Self’ with tackling issues and to
put these tools into practice.

Ecosophy T is Naess’s personal model (Figure 6). It is named ‘T’ after

Tvergastein, his mountain hut located in Hallingsvartet, Norway. Mountains had been
a muse in all sense of the word for Naess. Mountains are a source for inspiration, a
place to be active in the environment.
Ecosophy T

(Figure 7, Sessions, 1985, p.12)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

This normative derivational system, an additional part of the deep ecology

structure places actual application of practical consequences attached to your own

personal principals and actions. (Naess 1989)

The fundamental outcome of the Ecosophy T system is that there is a universal

right to self-unfolding and the correlative intrinsic value of every life form on this
planet. Ecosophy ties together all life and all nature and assists with the unfolding of
potentialities as a right not a privilege. Ecosophy T will be a framework used to assist
in the development of the Eco-cell.

• 1.3.3 Ethics and Values

Daniel Henning in his (2002) text, ‘Buddhism and Deep Ecology’, describes

deep ecology and deep spirituality as philosophic sisters. Throughout this research the

philosophic sister, spirituality will be used from the definition supplied by His

Holiness the Dalai Lama, “Spirituality I take to be concerned with those qualities of

the human spirit – such as love and compassion, patience, tolerance, forgiveness,

contentment, a sense of responsibility, a sense of harmony-which brings happiness to

both self and others.” (Lama, 1999, p.23)

In a recent problem solving activity at a Future sustainability leadership course

there was a recurring theme that surfaced, was that the general populus are insecure.
Why are humans insecure?

What makes people happy?
What defines quality of life?

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

Buddhism as a focus aims to rid suffering and for a being to reach

enlightenment, Nirvana. Happiness, pure happiness.

The basic principles of Buddhism can be summed up in the three signs of

Being, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold path or Middle Way to

The First Noble truth: The existence of impermanence

The Second Noble Truth: The Arising of Suffering because of craving
The Third Noble Truth: The cessation of suffering
The Fourth Noble truth: The Middle Way or the noble eightfold Path
1. Right Understanding
2. Right Thought
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration
Table 1, His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Henning also lists the following as general environmental ethics/values that

are commonly associated with Buddhism:
• Compassion • Humility
• Loving kindness • Gratitude/thankfulness
• Effort/responsibility • Non-self
• Equanimity • Mindfulness
• Charity • Interrelatedness/interbeing

(Table 2, Henning, 2002)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

The sure thing with Buddhism is the belief of impermanence. Change is

inevitable. Therefore Buddhist philosophy will also assist the research as a change

agent for a sustainable future.

• 1.3.4 How Natural Systems Function

The biological framework for the Eco-cell is supplied from the text, ‘Web of

Life’, by Fritjof Capra (1997). It gives a diagram of the basic components of a plant

cell, ‘the simplest living system we know’.

(Figure 8, Capra, 1997, p.158)

The plant cell can be used to assist with the exploration of the workings of an

autopoetic network. A plant cell’s being and doing are inseparable and it lives, and

lives part of a living system (Capra 1997). The inspiration for using a plant cell

structure as a design consideration comes from Biomimicry: innovation inspired by

nature, Janine Benyus, (1997).

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The Eco-cell Project

“In short, living things have done everything we want to do, without guzzling fossil

fuel, polluting the planet, or mortgaging their future. What better models could there

be ?” (Benyus, 1997, p.2)

Biomimicry will breathe life into this education for sustainability model. It

will allow it to evolve, adapt, grow and multiply. The principles of ecology that will

be an underpinning for the research have come from, The Hidden Connections: a

science for sustainable living (Capra, 2002, p. 231).

(Figure 9, Capra, 2002)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

From a Critical social perspective Benyus (1997) gives a great statement to

why Biomimicry can assist humans.

“So our connection strengthens, our understandings develop and our decision

processes are not so ‘Homo industrialis’ based so we can live sanely and sustainably

on the Earth?” (Benyus, 1997).

What becomes apparent is that already through this brief heuristic journey of
education for sustainability, connections are being developed between various authors
and patterns and systems are emerging with concepts, such as,

Deep ecology  Buddhism

BuddhismSystems Theory

Systems Theory Biomimicry

Biomimicry  Chaos and Complexity Theory

The Eco-cell's goal will be to elucidate these connections and to create an

environment for them to flourish in the realm of education for sustainability.

• 1.3.5 Technological and Economic Relationships to Sustainability

There is a realm of reality where often morals, ethics and values, are seen not as
qualities to nurture, but are seen as signs of weakness, things to get rid of if success in
this realm is to be achieved.

“A friend recently said that running a business with a conscience is like driving

with the brakes on.” (Hawken, 1993, p.59)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

To be socially critical, today’s heroes are the ones with the pay packet, and the

materialistic lifestyle to match it. This is the cause of much of the great stress that is

occurring to the natural environment and stress to the individual involved.

“A recent profile in a business magazine of a prototypical “successful

executive” described his <sic> modus operandi as taking no prisoners, having the

hands-on quality of Attila the Hun, and as not suffering fools gladly but shooting

them on sight.” (Hawken, 1993, p.124)

The aforementioned description sounds similar to the current set of values that

are being asked to be developed in the Victorian high schools today. In these neo-

liberal times where entrepreneurism is a sign of ultimate success and the bottom line

is apparently the only true figure of a quality of life, the new Victorian Essential

Learning Standards (VELS), is hoping to assist in developing the rich country not the

clever country. The VELS have less than ten percent of there outcomes specifically

environmentally based.

The neo-liberalist theme is being exploited also by professional development

providers who are catching on to the Victorian Government’s focus on vocation and

the value in indicating by the positivist quantitative not qualitative. (Figure 9)

(Figure 10, Department of Education, Edtimes, 2007)

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The Eco-cell Project

The quadruple bottom line approach to economics, that utilises the four pillars

of sustainability has made way from some great positive developments across the

globe. Companies utilising this accounting approach on most occasions are

performing better than companies who just report on the single bottom line,

economics. If this does not give weight to the argument of making quadruple bottom

line reporting mandatory for all businesses and corporations, and to use this model for

education for sustainability then what is?

“Any ecological model of commerce must not only mimic nature in recognising

that waste equals food, running off current solar income, and protecting diversity, but

it must also have firmly and clearly in place feedback that allows it to recalibrate

constantly and quickly adjust its costs, supply and demand.” (Hawken, 1993, p.190)

• 1.3.6 Motivating Environmentally Sustainable Behaviour

“We must rage and struggle until new values come out of the travail”.
(Bourne, 1977, p. 345 in Crotty, 1998, p.62)

Caring and having empathy for the environment and for others is learned not

from words but from actions, the meaningful interactions we have, the transcendental

connections and experiences. This is compatible with deep ecology as it is sometimes

described as being ‘Love in Action’. The environment provides the setting for ‘love

in action’ to occur to assist with the development of ethical, moral and spiritual traits.

The individual’s overall state of heart and mind, when that is wholesome, it follows

that our actions themselves will be ethically wholesome. (Lama, 1999, p.31)

Compassion and love are the source of inner and external peace; they are fundamental

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to the continued survival of our species. (Lama, 1999, p,189) This section will be

fundamental for the research proposed.

In holistic massage curse, intentions play a big role. The masseur must have a

mind ready to do the job of caring for their recipient of their care. The power of the

intention will be pivotal in the overall outcome of the session. Therefore if teachers

are themselves, seeking to end suffering, to be happy and to educate for sustainability

for earth’s sake then this will have a somewhat critical mass affect on the learners

involved. Is that not a perception of reality, more constructive and beneficial then a

linear, materialistic, Newtonian perception of reality?

An excerpt form the Dalai Lama’s experience with children:

“Meeting the young also reminds me that children constitute humanity’s most

precious resource. Given that their moral outlook is largely shaped by their

upbringing, it is essential we educate them responsibly.” (Lama, 1999, p.187)

The suggestions inferred by the Dalai Lama include showing children that the

basic human values are important. Motivation or in Tibetan, ‘Kun long’ is a key

ingredient. Kun Long: is motivation from the depths, it is what drives or inspires

actions. The individual’s overall state of heart and mind, when that is wholesome, it

follows that our actions themselves will be ethically wholesome. (Lama, 1999, p.31)

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• 1.3.7 Pedagogical Strategies for integrating sustainability.

Engage, equip and enable is the fundamental underpinnings of the

Myriver program organised by Ozgreen, an environmental education non-government

organisation. This rather unique environmental education experience will be used as

a benchmark of how beyond compliance education for sustainability can be modelled.

The program itself is steeped with deep ecological principles. The moulding of

caring and having empathy for the environment with positive action outcomes is easy

to write on paper, but to make it living and breathing entity is a work of fine art. By

giving the students the opportunity to use professional water testing equipment and

have their results really mean something, clearly demonstrates how physical and

metaphysical connections to the students’ immediate environment can occur through

experience. This connection is something that cannot be replicated by just showing a

video, or making a diorama for a school project.

In the realm of educational theory the process is not just haphazardly

undertaken but utilises constructivist pedagogy where the participants are actively

reconstructing their knowledge and then are becoming transformed physically and

spiritually by experiencing this.

The stage two program which is a natural off shoot of the Myriver program is

the environmental leadership program called, Youthlead. Through truthful

communication it allows environmentally conscious citizens to become empowered

and to trust their own hearts and paths. Another positive aspect to the program is the

chance to work as a team to achieve the collective goals, which are a healthy planet

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and a quality life. Howard Gardner, an expert education practioner, and developer of

the multiple intelligence theory, recently has highlighted the ‘naturalist’ intelligence

in some individuals. The Youthlead program allows for these ‘naturalist’ individuals

with an inner yearning to protect nature to come together and connect more deeply

with like-minded individuals and themselves. Youthlead focuses on letting the

individual shine, and then come up with their own way of assisting a planet in need.

The space created by the Ozgreen staff and Youth to Youth mentors (Past

Youthleader’s) gives strength and support to these special people who are so willing

to break free from the anthropocentrism that is so prevalent into today’s modem

world. Even when confronted with such horrific environmental problems such as

Climate Change and the poisoning of our fresh water supplies, they care and they act.

Just like on the sporting field, if a group of individuals are brought together, given

some direction, have had their special inner gifts brought to the surface, been grouped

together to work collaboratively on a single mission, success can be achieved. And

that is what the Youthlead program does.

The Ozgreen team using, trust exercises, visioning activities, strategic

questioning, play, fun and environmental connection experiences allow a person on

the Youth lead journey to have trust in themselves. Trust that they can make a

difference, that they are very important in the grand scheme of life and that they are

supported on this journey. The support comes through the friends they make at the

program and the connections to the facilitators themselves the Ozgreen team who give

so much energy, care and understanding throughout the process.

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2. Research methodology

2.1 Aim

The aim of this research is to re-connect earth’s citizens back to nature.

Through doing this, the goal is the eventual emergence of an ‘Ecological Self’.

To be an ecologically credible research inquiry for sustainability, it must walk

the talk.

“We make the road by walking.”

(Horton etal)

This is why the approach for conducting the research will be ecologically

based; it will be green itself. A green paradigm. Lincoln and Guba (1985), describe a

paradigm is a systematic set of beliefs, together with their accompanying methods.

Crotty (1998) would say, “a green epistemology.”

‘Green is dynamic and comparative, never absolute or idealistic.’

(Naess, 1989, p. 161)

The research will quite openly use Crotty’s (1998) basic elements of research

from the text, the foundations of social research as a main design feature;

• Methods

• Methodology

• Theoretical perspective

• Epistemology

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Crotty (1998) also has an organic adaptability in its basic elements that

permits the researcher to use their own insights and devise their own individual

approach to the research process. The purpose of selecting these elements is to ensure

the soundness of the research and make its outcomes convincing (Crotty, 1998, p.6).

This research is a story of an Education for sustainability journey. The artefact

intended to be created through the research process is deeply inspired by biomimicry.

Biomimicry will not only assist the artefacts design, but also the project itself through

helping with the selection of methodological criteria.

Biomimicry is also a guiding research question:

(v) How can Biomimicry assist with the design of an education for

sustainability framework?

Benyus, in her text Biomimicry (1997), brings to light the canon of nature’s

laws, strategies, and principles that resonate throughout her text and that will

proliferate thought this research project:

• Nature runs on sunlight. • Nature banks on diversity.

• Nature uses only the energy it • Nature demands local

needs. expertise.

• Nature fits form to function. • Nature curbs excesses from

• Nature recycles everything. within.

• Nature rewards cooperation. • Nature taps the power of

limits. (Table 2)

The standout design feature to be employed for methodological consideration is that

nature fits form to function.

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2.2 Methods

A qualitative inquiry will be prescribed. Research cannot be just a figure; a

percentage and a bar graph it. Research needs to be insightful. Quantitative research

alone will not be able to handle the issues at hand with educating for sustainability.

“What you can’t measure still exists!”

(Wals, 1990)

The Eco-cell project will hold true to the case study qualitative tradition of

inquiry, one of five distinguished by Creswell (2005). A case study is used when

trying to fulfil the following objectives:

• To gain in-depth understanding replete with:

o Meaning for the subject

o Process Focused

o Discovery rather than confirmation driven

To add strength to the research design boundary, the other case study

characteristic to be acknowledged is that it is an intrinsic case study analysis, as

specific to the definition prescribed by Stake (1995, p.5), as there is an intrinsic

interest in the case.

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Correct deep questioning, gathering of data and thoughtful heuristic direction

will develop an understanding of tangible and less tangible aspects of human

behaviour such as values, assumptions, beliefs and philosophies. If an all

encompassing engrossing effort is applied, then the outcome should be an authentic

and reasonably complete representation of the deeper meanings involved with

educating for sustainability.

The research questions have been selected to assist in the creation of the artefact;

they will guide the research and ensure that the research is maintained as a bounded


(vi) How can deep ecology be used to assist education practioners in educating
for sustainability?

(vii) What role can Buddhist philosophy play in assisting the development of
ecological values and ethics of individuals?

(viii) How can systems theory understandings assist with the evolution of
beyond compliance education for sustainability strategies?

(ix) How can biomimicry assist with the design of an education for
sustainability framework?

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In the German language there is a word for analysing the inner and outer

perspective of human behaviour, it is ‘verstehen’ (Patton, 2002, p.52). As Buddhism

is sometimes describe as a vehicle to assist with exploring a person’s ‘inner space’,

and ecology is the study of the outside world, ‘outer space’, then verstehen is a

qualitative methodological tool to be fully considered as it fits with the overall

research journey being mapped out.

• 2.2.1 Intellectual Rigour

To maintain a high level of credibility for the research, the key strategy to be

employed is, Triangulation; a strategy that has connections with gestalt theory.

Three lines are just that:   .

It is when they come together as a whole, the triangle , is when they become the

strongest simple geometrical shape known.

This concept will be employed throughout the research to demonstrate strength

and validity with the research presented from its various sources,

• Text

• Journal article

• Document

• Interview

• Policy Document

• Research method

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The next stage of the triangulation would be to show the strength from three different

sources of research information. (i.e.)

Interview Journal Article

Policy Document

(Figure 11: Triangulation)

• 2.2.2 Interviews

The interview strategy to be employed will support the qualitative paradigm

selected by utilising the non-directive interviewing technique. This is in harmony with

the overall essence of the research project to maintain rich and thick data as well as

maintaining the emergent, organic nature of the research journey.

The following interviewees are to be utilised, as authorities in their fields of


Interviewee Role Expertise

Sue Lennox CEO of Ozgreen Environmental Education
Col Lennox CEO of Ozgreen Environmental Education
Dr Jeff Su Business development Environmental Education
Manager Gould Group Holistic Counseling
Jason Alexander Executive Director Experiential learning
Earthwatch Institute
John Seed Founder of the Council of Deep ecology
All beings
Dr. Kathleen Sullivan Nuclear Researcher Disarmament education
(Table 3.)

The interview portion of the research will be dependant on acquiring ethics approval

from RMIT University ethics committee.

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• 2.2.3 Timeline

This PhD project will be guided by the following time plan:

• Commencement: 1 February 2007

• Produce a project proposal: due June 2007

• Ethics application: Jan 2008

• First Review: June 2007

• First Review Amendments Oct 2007

• Student Conference Work in Progress presentation Nov 2007

• Carry out research/Interviews: throughout 2007-2008

• Draft and revise chapters: one every 2 months from Feb to Dec 2008

• Chapter 1: due end of March 2008

• Chapter 2: due end of May 2008

• Chapter 3: due end of July 2008

• Chapter 4: due end of September 2008

• Conclusion: due end of October 2008

• Introduction: due end of November 2008

• Revisions: Jan to April 2009

• Final editing and proofreading: May 2009

• Submit thesis for 2nd Review: 1 June 2009

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2.3 Methodology

The Eco-cell gives a pattern and a structure to the elements, themes and

components of education for sustainbilty, and through this analysis, a clearer ultimate

pattern will emerge, the Eco-cell artefact itself. Capra (1997) also states that to

understand a pattern fully, we must map a configuration of relationships. Therefore

the elements, themes and components of the Eco-cell will be connected and will

constitute a whole, a system.

The description of an ecosystem given by (Christopherson, 1997), “an

ecosystem is a self-sustaining association of plants, animals, and the physical

environment in which they live.”

Here the research that emerges is that through utilising parts in a

configuration, creates a pattern that then emerges as an Eco-cell that allows the

pattern to be an organisation. Utilising biomimicry, the organisation then can grow

into a pattern of life, of sustaining life, an organism.

Case study as described by Sturman (1997) in (Keeves, 1997) is a generic

term for the investigation of an individual, group, or phenomenon. For this research

project the phenoenmon to be investigated will be sustainability, and how to achieve

it through education.

Sturman (1997) in (Keeves, 1997) makes a point of highlighting that to be

able to generalize from the outcome of partaking in the research journey, there needs

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to be a requirement fulfilled: an in-depth investigation of the interdependencies of

parts and of the patterns that emerge.

The standout words used by Sturman (1997), parts and patterns are of paramount

importance with the approach that is to be taken with this qualitative analysis. The

term ‘part’ presents itself in another methodological underpinning of this research,

Gestalt theory.

“The whole is more then the sum of its parts.”

(Naess, 1989, p.6)

The following is an elucidation to assist with the basics of this theory that was

born from concrete investigations in psychology, logic, and epistemology. There are

wholes, the behaviour of which is not determined by their individual elements, but

where the part-processes are themselves established by the intrinsic nature of the

whole. It is the hope of Gestalt theory to determine the nature of such wholes

(Wertheimer, 1924, p1).

‘A tree experienced spontaneously is always part of totality, a gestalt.’

(Naess, 1989, p.66)

The second of Sturmann’s case study terms to consider is patterns.

“From the systems point of view, the understanding of life begins with the

understanding of pattern.” (Capra, 1997)

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Systems theory will play a major role in the development of this project.

Capra makes a point of explaining that patterns cannot be measured or weighed; they

must be mapped. The Eco-cell is used as a means and an end.

In Patton (2002) holistic has been explained utilising the following metaphor

which is quite apt for the proposed research.

“The interdependence of flora, fauna, and the physical environment in

ecological systems offers another metaphor for what it means to think and analyse


(Patton, 2002, p.59)

As stated previously in this design proposal the artefact to be created the Eco-cell

is to have organic properties, so the qualitative research should also embody this

design feature and the theme of inquiry that allows for this according to Patton (2002)

is, emergent design flexibility. This theme also fits well with the research question

that utilises Buddhist philosophy, as a main principle associated with this eastern

philosophy is that the only certain thing that exists in the universe is change itself.

The characteristics of this reliable design strategy according to Patton (2002) are:

• Openness to adapting inquiry as understanding deepens and /or situations


• The researcher avoids getting locked into rigid designs that eliminate

• Pursues new paths of discovery as they emerge.

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The other qualitative design element chosen to assist with the Eco-cell project

includes the utilisation of a systems perspective and systems theory.

o Important in dealing with and understanding real-word complexities,

viewing things as whole entities embedded in context and still larger


o Some approaches to systems research lead directly to and depend

heavily on qualitative inquiry

o A systems orientation can be very helpful in framing questions and,

later, making sense out of qualitative data.

(Patton, 2002, p.120)

From the aforementioned points elucidated by Patton (2002), connections can

be made with systems and Gestalt. Furthermore there is a connection that is created

with holistic thinking.

“Holistic thinking is central to a systems perspective.”

(Patton, 2002, p.120)

The next connection to take into research design consideration is Chaos and

Complexity theory: non-linear dynamics.

“The concepts of system and complexity are often closely related.”

(Patton, 2002, p121)

A connector extraordinaire of the Eco-cell’s endeavour of bringing together

eastern philosophy, systems theory, gestalt and biology is none other than one of the

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pioneers of quantum thinking and theory, Erwin Schroedinger. In the following prose

from his book, ‘My view of the world’, he records his search for finding connection

between east and west, science and mysticism and inner and outer space.

“This life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of this entire existence,

but is in a certain sense the “whole”; only this whole is not so constituted that it can

be surveyed in one single glance. This as we know, is what the Brahmins express in

that sacred, mystic formula which is yet really so simple and so clear: ‘Tat Tvam Asi’,

this is you. Or again, in such words as “I am in the east and in the west. I am below

and above, I am this whole world.”

(Schroedinger in Bernstein, 1968, p.178)

• 2.3.1 Educational design research

The no holds barred approach comes with it a risky design approach, but

through truly letting go of constrictive methodological dogma then originality and

creativity will get more of an opportunity to emerge. Needless to say the

aforementioned research methods will be utilised as a guide to stay on course as well

as the use of a more recent addition to research design; Educational Design Research.

It is a relatively new approach to conducting research in education. It is hoped

that as well as assisting with the rigor and guidance of the Eco-cell artefact creation

that utilising this style of research will add trustworthiness in the academic realm to

be a legitimate form of research design.

Educational Research Design can be abridged to being,

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“A series of approaches, with the intent of producing new theories, artefacts, and

practices that account for potentially impact learning and teaching in naturalistic


(Van den Akker, 2006)

The major characteristics of this research design that will aide this particular research

include the following:

• Interventionist: The research aims at designing an intervention in the real


• Iterative: The research incorporates a cyclic approach of design, evaluation

and revision

• Process Orientated: a black box model of input-output measurement is

avoided; focus is on understanding and improving interventions.

• Utility- orientated: the merit of a design is measured, in part, by its

practicality for users in real contexts.

• Theory-orientated: the design is based upon theoretical propositions.

(Van den Akker, 2006)

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2.4 Theoretical perspective

The theoretical perspective is, as described by Crotty (1998) our particular

view of the human world and social life within that world, wherein such assumptions

are grounded. This research will utilise critical theory as a means to liberate. Critical

theory seeks to contribute toward the development of a form of social organization

that overcomes antagonistic divisions between labour and leisure, reason and passion,

pleasure and productivity, and individual happiness and social responsibility.

“Liberation involves practices of freedom as an affirmation of the personal as


(Hattam, 2004,

Critical theory emphasises that particular sets of meanings, because they have

come into being in and out of the give-and-take of social existence, exist to serve

hegemonic interests. Each set of meanings supports particular power structures, resits

moves towards greater equity, and harbours oppression, manipulation and other

modes of injustice and unfreedom. (Crotty, 1998, p.59-60)

The removal of Neo Liberalism the extreme, ruthless relative of capitalism is

an outcome of this education for sustainability exploration. The proposed research

will venture to identify where neo-liberalism is directing some government policy,

many business decisions and is even infiltrating curriculum design. The abolishment

of neo liberalism is a theme that imbues much of the passion and inspiration for this

research undertaking. Critical theory will be utilised as a tool to contribute toward the

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transformation and supersession of capitalism and in this research’s case, neo

liberalism in the interest of enabling enlightenment and emancipation for all, abiotic

and biotic. (Nowlan 2001)

It is not just a heuristic journey to learn about other cases or about some

general problem. (Stake, 1995, p.5)

The eco-cell cannot just be a research journey it needs to be active, a change


2.5 Epistemology

Epistemology is concerned with providing a philosophical grounding deciding

what kinds of knowledge are possible and how we can ensure that they are both

adequate and legitimate. It is a way of looking at the world and making sense of it.

(Crotty, 1998, p. 8)

“But, if epistemology means reflection on the possibility, nature, and content of

numerous kinds of knowledge, then, I shall contend, it will remain a central part of


(Hacking, 1980, p.580)

The selected Epistemology and variations will enable the creation of a

reflection space and time for this heuristic journey. Constructivism will be the main

theory of knowledge that will direct this research.

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Constructivism specifically is the view that all knowledge, and therefore all

meaningful reality as such, is contingent upon human practices, being constructed in

and out of interaction between human beings and their world, and developed and

transmitted within an essentially social context. (Crotty, 1998, p.42)

“What constructionism drives home unambiguously is that there is no true or valid

interpretation. There are useful interpretations, to be sure, and these stand over against

interpretations that appear to serve no useful purpose.”

(Crotty, 1998, p.47)

Constructionism takes the object very seriously. It is open to the world. Theodore

Adorno refers to the process involved as ‘exact fantasy’ (In Crotty, 1998, Adorno,

1977, p.131). So with the aim of this research of creating a green consciousness, a

‘greener’ awareness, then a eco-aware citizen’s constructed meanings of the world,

their ontology will also be ecologically connected for the purpose of this research.

The social world and natural world are not to be seen, then as distinct worlds existing

side by side. They are one human world. We are born each of us, into an already

interpreted world and it is at once natural and social. (Crotty, 1998 p.57)

If, ontology is the study of conceptions of reality and the nature of being, then

the concept of reality in itself must be defined to dismiss any ambiguities. In the

beginning stages of this research the discovery of Bhaskar’s meta-Reality, born from

the multi-disciplinary philosophy of critical realism, creates an avenue of further

investigation as it appears to support the use of critical social theory.

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“The philosophy of meta-Reality describes the way in which this very world

nevertheless depends upon, that is, is ultimately sustained by and exists only in virtue

of the free, loving, creative, intelligent energy and activity and activity of non-dual

states of our being and phases of our activity.”

(Bhaskar, 2002, p.vii)

The link highlighted by an outcome of critical social theory of emancipation

and enlightenment. With the eco-connection in mind, the eco-self is developed and

values that stem from this understanding will turn in to positive action in about and

for the environment. This structure of reality and self is the key to combating the neo-

liberalist view of the world, and will ultimately allow for a paradigm shift, through

business, through education, through culture. The BHAG will come to fruition.

The Eco-cell is about the development of an ecological self, but through this

hopefully, there is an influence throughout society, so paradigm shift can occur.

“Understanding of trees is not something we come to individually ‘in the course of

our practical life’. (Crotty, 1998, p.56) Social reality is, therefore, a function of shared

meanings; it is constructed, sustained and reproduced through social life.”

(Greenwood ,1994, p.85 in Crotty, 1998)

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3. Close

The research is a system itself, it is dynamic, organic and interdisciplinary. The

Eco-cell needs this and more to thrive and survive.

“The image of an organism puts knowledge into ‘live relationships,’ emphasizing a

fecundity that spawns new disciplines.”
(Klein 1985)

Sustainability is a relatively new discipline that brings with it a sense of

urgency attached to it, that makes it a challenging discipline to embark upon. The

research conducted through the creation of the Eco-cell will show innovation and an

advance in education for sustainability thinking, but what should be apparent is that it

is not a haphazardly constructed ensemble of theories, but the birth of a much needed

artefact for a beyond compliance education for sustainability design.

The outcome of this research journey will be the production of an education

for sustainability artefact: the Eco-cell. A tool that when utilised can assist an

education institution and many other types of organisations in understanding what

sustainability is and what must be considered if ‘real’ change is to occur for a quality

future for humanity on planet Earth.

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project


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sustainable development. Agenda 21. Brazil, UNCED.

van den Akker, J., K. Gravemeijer, et al. (2006). Educational Design Research.
London, Routledge.

van Matre, S. (1990). Earth Education. West Virginia.

Varela, F. J., E. Thompson, et al. (1991). The embodied mind: cognitive science and
human experience. Massachusetts, MIT Press.

Wals, A. (1990). "What you can't measure still exists." Environmental

Communicator(Nov-Dec): 12.

World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our Common Future.

Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

List of Tables

Table 1.
Ethics And Values

Table 2.
Nature’s laws, strategies, and principles

Table 3.

List of Figures

Figure 1. Plant Cell

Figure 2. Four Pillars of sustainability

Figure 3. Four interrelated principles of living

Figure 4. Newtonian Time

Figure 5. Infinite Time and Space

Figure 6. Permaculture design principle

Figure 7. Ecosophy T

Figure 8. Basic Components of A Plant Cell

Figure 9. Principles of Ecology

Figure 10. Lane Clark Professional Development Advertisement

Figure 11. Triangulation

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The Eco-cell Project

PhD by Thesis

The Eco Cell Stage 1:

Preliminary investigation

Research management aid

Thesis Research Navigation
Ragnar Haabjoern 9610731w

Mind Map Stage 1

The Tony Buzan’s Mind Map strategy was utilised to assist with creating a more lucid
PhD thesis expedition. Early experience from the PhD proposal indicated the ease to
which one can get easily mislead by tangents and emerging ideas. Having used the
mind Map with the structure of Fran Peavey’s Strategic Questioning process has
produced the following initial stage of inquiry.

The strategy to be further employed form this initial Mind Map Stage will be to Mind
Map each aspect produced. Progressing in this manner will create a portal of depth
analysis whilst maintaining consistency in research and structure. This technique is
Fractal inspired.

“The most striking property of ‘fractal’ shapes is that their characteristic patterns are
found repeatedly at descending scale, so their parts, at any scale, are similar in shape
to the whole.”
From Web of Life, Capra, F (1999)

The consistent investigation structure utilised in the Mind Map Stage 1 is the 4 pillars
of sustainability: Environmental, Economic, Social/Cultural and Political.
* Will call pillars but really say that they are part of an inter-connecting web that
makes Sustainability

Mind Map Stage 1

The next Stage will be to apply a classification structure to the titles. I envisage
utilising Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus system.
Wittgenstein’s system comprises of short statements, numbered 1, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12,
etc., through to 7, intended to be such that 1.1 is a comment on or elaboration of 1,
1.11 and 1.12 comments on 1.1, and so forth.

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

Focus Part 1: Defining Terms

Research Question

Explanation of research question

“How can deep ecology enhance education for sustainability?”

1. Define Deep Ecology

Who, what, where, when, how & why

a) WHO

Ecology, community lifestyle Reading Study
Nature based philosophy
Forming Self connections to the environment
Ecology, Community Lifestyle Expand (Book)
Ecosophy T Themes (Introduce Expand later)
Action etc

How has Norway given birth to Deep Ecology?
Naess-Norway- History of Norwegian Philosophy
History of Norwegian Deep Ecology
Mountains Expand ‘Thinking like a mountain’

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The Eco-cell Project

Rachel Carson – Brief history of environmentalism
Nature connections throughout history
St Francis Assisi
Dee Ecology Time History
Brief social critical snapshot at Deep Ecology’s birth

e) HOW:
How does deep ecology work?
Self -reliseriv
Ecological Self
Ecosophy T
Development of your Own
Deep ecology Platform??? This can fit somewhere

f) WHY?
Why do we need an ecological self in the 21st century and beyond???
Biocentrism/ humans connected to nature
Expand using 4 pillars
Biodiversity…caring far, less impact, lifestyle choice

Community/ Sense of & connecting to

What do we value?
Values associated with making money, job Security? Maislow,
Jason Clark flowchart
Breaking the industrial growth society

What is the platform???
Economics- Liberal system has failed
Thinking about sustainability no matter what portfolio would
be the optimum

2. Define Enhance
Etymology and a description of what the meaning for my research will in compass
- Ami’s Quote
- Email from Kathryn’s Richard about not going in and changing
everything but agreeing and then making suggestions
- Shambala Warrior

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3. Define sustainability

4. Define Education for Sustainability

Purpose of conducting this PhD Thesis Investigation what is it?

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Focus Part 2.

1. Unique philosophical Contribution

i. History of philosophy

ii. What is a Philosopher?

iii. Why I wish to have a courtship with Wisdom?

2. Social Critical Snapshot

NB: Will employ structure from ‘Rust Belt Kids to be academically correct

A. Introduce 4 pillars of sustainability

Expand 4 pillars
• Environmental
• Social/Cultural
• Economic
• Political

(i) Environmental

(There is an underpinning environmental aspect that is fuelling this research0 it is

worth expanding this)
Expand 4 pillars
Tipping Point

Climate Change

Jim Hensen /NASA data

Twisted: The distorted mathematics of greenhouse

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The Eco-cell Project

(ii) Social/Cultural
Change is needed

Power of the individual

Education system currently

Detail how it is failing across the board
Get global stats on Teacher pay and funding for

Brainstormed topics to consider

Climate Change and mental health

Australian Psychological association fact Sheet
Shutdown by individuals
Overwhelm (issue to big to act on)
Sophia’s Email (Snapshot of Mental health issues with
Australian kids)

Green Washing
Marketing issues (Matt Perry Republic of everyone)
(Interview Opportunity)

Green purchasing
Green power


Student developments in school

What is the product of Australia’s education system? What are we churning
Jobs?? Resilience??? Quality of life???

Industrial growth society

(iii) Economic
“No economy on a dead planet!” Greens Postcard
Global Financial Crisis
Industrial Growth Society
Peak oil
True cost externalities

Key research documents

Ecology of commerce and natural capitalism

AGSM new manger program: First time climate change came up as an


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(iv) Political
“Garnaut Report, (History of issue in politics)
Howard denial
No its own portfolio

Might have to take headings from Murray Darling Example

Education for sustainability (political directives)
Influences on curriculum’s and strategies around Australia
Specifically talk about Victoria (My experience)

B. Personal Research Experience: Murray-Darling Basin

Murray/Darling Basin Example of environmental disaster) (Extension of

environmental pillar)
(Will use the MDB as a focus for my understandings as I have not only researched but
also experienced)

Expand Using 4 pillars

i. Environmental
Scientific research
- Wentworth Group
- Wilderness Society

ii. Social/Cultural

-Farmers Suicide rates

History of Australia

iii. Economic
Australia’s Food Bowl

iv. Political
Minister of the Murray (Karlene Maywald) Possible interview
Penny Wong
Peter Garrett
Water Allocations
Government Strategy

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What is it?
Explain using Strategic question, deep ecology and education

Purpose of Vision (In sustainability) Kind of Introduction to why it will be utilised for
the PhD

Broad and then give examples

Expand 4 pillars
Environmental (Note: PRESENT Last)
East Timor- Bare mountain story-National Park

I have a dream- Martin Luther King

Projections- Market trends
Boeing story

JFK – Space Race

Then get into 3 benefits of utilising Visioning as a technique to be used in conjunction

with deep ecology for enhancing education for sustainability

1. Imagination
2. Creativity/innovation
3. Goal Setting

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The Eco-cell Project

Vision Part A:

1. Imagaination

Power of imagination
Einstein quotes:
“New ways of thinking”
“Imagination is more important than knowledge”

Non-local intelligence – Gardner existential intelligence

Quantum Psychology

Check Earth Education van Matre

Wisdom of the Elders Suzuki

2. Creativity/Innovation

How something new is created???? (Research)

Chaos theory

3. Goal Setting

What use is there making a choice/ a decision if you have not thought about what
the consequence are!!! This is what is sustainability is about ----- enough for
everyone and everything forever!!!
Permaculture design quote “Sins of the fathers – 7th generation)

Personal Development
Introduce Spiral – Work small achieve move outwards, connect with deep
ecology and action

Carbon emission Targets

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Vision Part B:
Another mind Map Branch/Chapter
Split—Inner and Outer


What is it?
a) Looking within for true self
b) Looking within for answers to something
c) Visioning peace to do this work (Its an important consideration) Combating
Burden Overwhelm horror, Sadness, Despair

How do we do a), b), c),

In three settings
(i) Self
(ii) Group
(iii) Organisation

Why is it important when talking about deep ecology and education for

In terms of
(i), (ii) And (iii)


The purpose of this research is to develop a new design for education for
sustainability that will hopefully assist the planet Expand 4 pillars

Talk about how education is such an important fabric of society and is largely taken
for granted.

What does education do??

Intro Brief

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

What will education for sustainbilty utilising deep ecology do??/


Ecotopia Sections
(Elucidate external vision)
Distil the essence of ecotopia’s
Using Expand 4 pillars

External vision of what education for sustainability looks like utilising deep ecology
using Boston not for profit environmental organisation themes Second nature.

- Scale
- Human connections to the physical and natural world
- Ethics and Values
- How natural systems Function
a. System theory
b. Principles of ecology
c. Networks
d. Cycles
e. Solar Energy
f. Partnership
g. Diversity
h. Dynamic balance

- Technological & Economic relationships to sustainability

- Motivating Environmental sustainable behaviour
- Pedagogical Strategies for integrating Sustainability

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

So if that’s the vision of education for sustainability enhanced by deep
ecology, what needs to change??? What needs to happen?? /

Discuss change
Chaos Theory

“The ultimate change is that we are living in an anthropocentric world…”

If there was more biocentrism…the earth always being thought of First!, in our
thinking and actions there is a strong possibility that the environmental crisis we are
in could be undone. “ It is impossible but we must try!”


SENSING the World Differently

Processing our interactions with the world (existential intelligence, Deeper thinking,
deep feeling)

Quantum physics
What do you see?

A commodity? A life support system? A habitat ? A poem

*Use Wisdom of the elders

‘Real Seeing’ CC

Dadiri – Indigenous listening to the land
Pauline Oliveros
Strategic Questioning/Deep listening/ Being fully present/ Being
Compassionate listening with your heart
Psychiatric training? Listening to a patient

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The Eco-cell Project


Emotional Intelligence
“Empathy with nature to assist with transformation to eco-direct action warrior!”

Why is this important?

Cite examples from Naess, Spinoza and Macy.

d. Behaviour Change
Sensing the world differently can have transformative aspects – behaviour change

This behaviour change will be long lasting SUSTAINGE

(* Doug Mackenzie-Mohr)
Transformative education (Scale)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

What deep ecologically inspired actions will enhance education for sustainability?

In the Introduction briefly comment on the Five Areas:

Explain why they have been selected and there connection with Deep Ecology
(Connect this also with the Deep ecology platform, Ecosophy???



Free air life

Appreciate Nature
Quiet Time (Resting the mind for clearer thought)
Deep Ecology and Buddhism
Sense of place

2. RELIGIO (To Connect)

The work that reconnects

Introduce deep Ecology Connections
Detail my experience
Detail benefits
Platform (Macy) How to do it?
How it can benefit four pillars of sustainability.
How it can enhance education for sustainability.


A section to detail Biomimicry: Innovation inspired by Nature, Cradle to

Cradle: Design philosophy of McDonough

The Power of Art

- Howard Gardner’s Project Zero work
- My Experience – National Gathering
- Benefits – 4 Pillars of Sustainability
- How it can help Education for sustainability
- Connect value of art to deep ecology

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School version of ‘The work that reconnects’

Connect with Australian Psychological association
What is currently happening in Schools? Fitzroy High Pastoral care team,
Stuart Stuart Chaplain of Chaffey Secondary College

Connect Personal Development with deep ecology

Then detail Personal Development/Deep Ecology/ EFS

How this can benefit 4 Pillars of sustainability


What is it?
Who are the major players? Capra, World Examples, Australia examples

- Connect with deep Ecology
- Connect with deep Ecology and Education for sustainability
- Connect with Sustainability Pillars
(How it can benefit and address issues concerning 4 Pillars)

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project

• Structure using Strategic question
(Focus- what has the PhD produced?)
(Vision – BHAG)
(Change – The actual Eco-cell)
(Action – Create online curriculum tool and Professional development sessions with

Return to The research question

How can deep ecology enhance education for sustainability?

Would Naess be proud with this ECOSOPHY???

Use the 4 pillars to show if the Summary was put into practice what benefits this
would have for 4 pillars.

Re-visit Strategic Question

What am I prepared to do??
What is the Next Step??
Post Doctoral Work
Professional Development Training and Online Curriculum Tool- The

Ragnar Haabjoern
The Eco-cell Project


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