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Ruth Johnson Candidate for

Secretary of State

Web Site


Each question was scored using 1-10 A score of 10 being the highest score.
A scoring of “I” was an incomplete or unanswered question.

A Scored 10 Answer equals, The most through, complete,

thoughtful, specific and responsive answer that demonstrated a
strong level of understanding and commitment to constitutional
conservative ideas.

Answer(s) to Question 1 “What are your reasons for running AND Question
10, “What is your definition of limited government’ ARE THE CANDIDATE’S
Please refer to the M.A.P.S Candidate Questionnaire by clicking the
for the reminder of the questions

Results of M.A.P.S Candidate Questionnaire

for Ruth Johnson Candidate for
Secretary of State

1. What are your reasons for running for office?

This is a critical time for Michigan and a possible turning point for
the Secretary of
State’s office. My proven track record of results, polling results and
experience make me best positioned to win this office for
conservatives this November. My priorities will be ending fraud in
our elections, closing campaign finance disclosure loopholes and
halting any further fee and tax increases in the department.

2. 9

3. 10

4. 10

5. 10

6. 10

7. 10

8. 10

9. 10

10. What is your definition of limited government?

Limited government means to me that laws should be limited to

outlawing that which could cause injury to another. Government
taxation and spending should be greatly reduced and focused on
those things we cannot do as individuals like national defense.

11. 10

12. 10

Grassroots in Michigan

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