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Roi Chinn Candidate for District

13 State Senate

Web Site


Each question was scored using 1-10 A score of 10 being the highest score.
A scoring of “I” was an incomplete or unanswered question.

A Scored 10 Answer equals, The most through, complete,

thoughtful, specific and responsive answer that demonstrated a
strong level of understanding and commitment to constitutional
conservative ideas.

Answer(s) to Question 1 “What are your reasons for running AND Question
10, “What is your definition of limited government’ ARE THE CANDIDATE’S
Please refer to the M.A.P.S Candidate Questionnaire by clicking the
for the reminder of the questions

Results of M.A.P.S Candidate Questionnaire

for Roi Chinn Candidate for District 13 State Senate

1. What are your reasons for running for office?

I am running because I believe the people of Michigan deserve

better jobs, better education and better lives. My leadership in
Lansing will help to usher in an environment that will enable high-
skills, high-productivity and high-profitability. I’m running because
the problems of the past and the problems that plague us today and
the serious challenges the face Michigan cannot be solved by the
professional politicians in Lansing. Our state leaders have not led
they have mislead and this failure to lead has driven us to higher
taxes, fewer jobs, lower pay and a lower standard of education for
our students. That’s why starting August 3rd, with the voters
support and God willing all that changes.

2. 5

3. 10

4. 8

5. 1

6. 1
*candidate is self identified as Michigan Fair Tax supporter

7. 1

8. 9

9. 10

10. What is your definition of limited government?

The mantra of “limited government” is outdated and no longer

relevant and must be modified. Today a more meaningful and
measureable policy is required such as transparent, effective,
efficient, and accountable government…now that’s something we
the people can see, understand and measure! Secondly, what
should be remembered is we are a government “of the people, by
the people and for the people”

11. 3

12. 10

Grassroots in Michigan

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