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Sam’s Eighth Annual End of the Year Spiel Wow, another year is at its end and another group of seniors has struggled the last few steps to make it to the finish line. (Remember seniors, this is OUR little secret). Some of them needed a kick in the butt; others glided past without even sweating. No matter, this race isn’t to determine a “winner”. This race is just to prepare you for whatever comes next, So seniors, go to school, or boot camp, or work and make a success of your life. You must work hard to earn your dreams. You've seen to this point that the things you carn are worth far more than the things simply given to you. So in the words of Tom Hanks at the end of Saving Private Ryan, “Bam it. Barn this.” As for you underclassmen, you still have a few laps to go in your race. There are obstacles ahead that you can’t yet see and routes to success that you can’t yet imagine. This year has been fun and exciting for me. 1 hope you have shared in the joy. I know you would love to be able to skip past this time in ‘your life and just be a grown up, but you have to go through this to get there. When you do finally reach grown up status, you'll look back at these days fondly. It’s time to say goodbye to some of you for the : summer and others of you I may never see again in my life, so it’s alittle sad, What we have shared this year is gone now. Sure some of us will get together again in a couple of short months, but we'll never have the same personality here again, The same goes for every moment in your life, Once you’ve experienced it, it's gone. So savor every moment. Go through life with your eyes wide open: Goodbye for now and stay safe. [hope you seniors wont be complete strangers in the future. Sam

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