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#CommsChat Transcript

#CommsChat meets #SoCol: 26 July 2010

6:48 pm CommsChat: The #commschat crew ready in waiting for the special edition #socol session
6:49 pm andrewgerrard: RT @CommsChat: Tonight's session feeling very 'live' with @darika @andrewgerrard
@ShannonBoudjema and @beth_carroll here #commschat
6:49 pm SoCollective: The #commschat crew ready in waiting for the special edition #socol session
6:51 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @andrewgerrard: RT @CommsChat: Tonight's session feeling very 'live' with
@darika @andrewgerrard @ShannonBoudjema and @beth_carroll here #commschat
6:51 pm felixhemsley: Another member of the #SoCol team here, and looking forward to a great
#CommsChat #commschat
6:51 pm CommsChat: Huge #CommsChat starts in about 10 minutes time with some of the speakers from
#SoCol tackling some chunky social media issues...
6:52 pm gypsynits: Huge #CommsChat starts in about 10 minutes time with some of the speakers from
#SoCol tackling some chunky social media issues #CommsChat
6:53 pm AdamVincenzini: RT @CommsChat: Huge #CommsChat starts in about 10 minutes time with some of
the speakers from #SoCol tackling some chunky social media issues...
6:53 pm CommsChat: @felixhemsley whaddup Felix?!? #commschat
6:53 pm sandrulee: RT @CommsChat: Huge #CommsChat starts in abt 10 minutes time with some of the
speakers from #SoCol tackling some chunky social media issues
6:54 pm suebecks: RT @CommsChat: Tonight's session feeling very 'live' with @darika @andrewgerrard
@ShannonBoudjema and @beth_carroll here #commschat
6:54 pm mazherabidi: Ahh #commschat, good to be back!!!
6:55 pm SarahArrow: RT @CommsChat: Huge #CommsChat starts in about 10 minutes time with some of
the speakers from #SoCol tackling some chunky social media i ...
6:55 pm katyhowell: feeling rather buzzy and looking forward to the chat #commschat
6:56 pm Jonk87: If you want to know more about the #socol people check their webste - #commschat
6:56 pm katyhowell: RT @CommsChat: Tonights session feeling very live with @darika @andrewgerrard
@ShannonBoudjema and @beth_carroll here #commschat
6:57 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @Jonk87: If you want to know more about the #socol people check their webste - #commschat
6:57 pm CommsChat: Hey guys, make sure you follow our special guests @darika @andrewgerrard
@katyhowell @ShannonBoudjema and @carveconsulting #commschat
6:57 pm felixhemsley: RT @CommsChat: Make sure you follow our special guests @darika @andrewgerrard
@katyhowell @ShannonBoudjema and @carveconsulting #commschat
6:58 pm CommsChat: We'll be starting in a couple of minutes - if you've just arrived, tell us who you are,
where you are from and what you do... #commschat
6:59 pm CommsChat: Hello :) @AdamVincenzini here in the moderator's seat - looking forward to a good
'un... #commschat
6:59 pm sandrulee: RT @Jonk87: If you want to know more about the #socol people check their webste - #commschat
7:01 pm mazherabidi: Returning with a bang here @AdamVincenzini - might even get #commschat trending
this week!
7:02 pm darika: RT @Jonk87: If you want to know more about the #socol people check their webste - #commschat
7:02 pm CommsChat: @mazherabidi you know it! #commschat
7:03 pm wisdomlondon: evening! with you until the curry arrives and for as long as I can deal with annoying
weeny netbook :) #commschat
7:03 pm barryfurby: @ShannonBoudjema just arrived bk for #socol #commschat :)
7:03 pm Jonk87: I'm Stephen from Newcastle, studying at Sunderland University. Loving social media
and recently published - #commschat
7:03 pm CommsChat: OK, Q1 on the way...standby... #commschat
7:03 pm Florina_B: Hello everyone, Florina here, a recent grad in communication and PR from Bucharest,
Romania #commschat
7:03 pm CommsChat: @wisdomlondon great to have you here! #commschat
7:04 pm CommsChat: Guys, just a reminder please refrain from any personal pitching, thanks :) #commschat
7:04 pm barryfurby: RT @SarahArrow: RT @CommsChat: Huge #CommsChat starts in about 10 minutes
time with some of the speakers from #SoCol tackling some chunky social media i ...
7:04 pm ShannonBoudjema: @barryfurby HAH! ok... now we can start... you're here! #CommsChat
7:05 pm sandrulee: RT @CommsChat: OK, Q1 on the way...standby... #commschat
7:05 pm sandrulee: @Jonk87 oh no! you did it again! :P #commschat
7:05 pm barryfurby: lol RT @CommsChat: Guys, just a reminder please refrain from any personal pitching,
thanks :) #commschat
7:05 pm Beth_Carroll: RT @CommsChat: Make sure you follow our special guests @darika @andrewgerrard
@katyhowell @ShannonBoudjema and @carveconsulting #commschat
7:05 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: Make sure you follow our special guests @darika @andrewgerrard
@katyhowell @ShannonBoudjema and @carveconsulting #commschat
7:06 pm CommsChat: Q1 (from @ShannonBoudjema) When we say Listen (in social media) ? what exactly
do we mean? #commschat
7:06 pm Jonk87: Ok, sorry if that's me. My first time won't happen again :-) #commschat
7:06 pm Dan_Martin: Have we had a question yet? #commschat
7:06 pm AdamVincenzini: RT @CommsChat: Q1 (from @ShannonBoudjema) When we say Listen (in social
media) ? what exactly do we mean? #commschat
7:07 pm CommsChat: @Jonk87 all good :) #commschat
7:07 pm gemmawent: Happy to have stumbled onto the #commschat tonight ... some great people lined up
7:07 pm mazherabidi: Q1 I think that question applied to all media, all comms, everywhere in fact
#commschat #commschat
7:07 pm Dan_Martin: Q1: Monitoring the conversation and responding. #commschat
7:07 pm ShannonBoudjema: Listening in social? what are we listening to exactly? #commschat
7:08 pm darika: @CommsChat I think many agencies mean "monitor the chatter" #commschat
7:08 pm andrewgerrard: .@Beth_Carroll & @AdamVincenzini at the #LikeMinds #LMC ready for the #socol
7:08 pm felixhemsley: Q1 - Identifying how conversions grow, what the drivers are, and how people interact
to better integrate into those discussions? #commschat
7:08 pm CommsChat: RT @ShannonBoudjema: Listening in social? what are we listening to exactly?
7:08 pm CommsChat: RT @katyhowell: Active listening requires humans. Preferably ones with comms
experience and an understanding of the brand #commschat
7:09 pm wisdomlondon: #commschat At best, pick up cues and clues, question, explore, analyse, test.
7:09 pm SuzieLin: Q1 Monitoring and interact. You have to engage and respond to really listen
7:09 pm darika: Yo yo over in #commschat now. It's like a sex chat forum but, erm, without the sex
7:09 pm barryfurby: RT @katyhowell: Active listening requires humans. Preferably ones with comms
experience and an understanding of the brand #commschat
7:09 pm mazherabidi: Q1 SM is a bit of a double edged sword in this regard. It's so easy to participate (jump
in) before understanding the message #commschat
7:09 pm Beth_Carroll: I'm here representing #socol also looking after the @socollective account tonight
7:10 pm gemmawent: We're listening to conversations, opinion, needs, desires ... the things that help us to
understand and engage with relevance #commschat
7:10 pm felixhemsley: Thanks, Beth :) RT @Beth_Carroll: Im here representing #socol also looking after the
@socollective account tonight #commschat
7:10 pm barryfurby: sometimes we forgot that this is about human interaction, not numbers tweets,
mentions #commschat
7:10 pm ShannonBoudjema: @mazherabidi YES! I agree... listening enables you to know who where how why your
customer will engage you. yes? #commschat
7:10 pm darika: RT @katyhowell: Active listening requires humans. Preferably ones with comms
experience and an understanding of the brand >>nice #commschat
7:11 pm Jonk87: Scanning a variety of diff social channels to understand your public's
perceptions/opinions and it's a necessary prt of dialogue. #commschat
7:11 pm ShannonBoudjema: Listening ... = research? this is where the key insights, that big idea... and ultimately
strategy come from... yes? #commschat
7:11 pm sandrulee: i'll go w/ watching, monitoring and engaging to the problems of people... #commschat
7:11 pm Florina_B: @gemmawent for the brand i would add #commschat
7:11 pm felixhemsley: Listening is surely a profiling activity, to understand an environment or a community to
avoid being intrusive or against norms? #commschat
7:11 pm mazherabidi: @ShannonBoudjema Agreed. They're there, they're obviously engaging, so important
to engage in the right way. #commschat
7:11 pm CommsChat: Q1 (part b) - We all seem to agree (listening) important, but is it really the first step?
And why? #commschat
7:11 pm ShannonBoudjema: @darika oh! interesting! @KatyHowell - listening as a marketer/pr person versus
listening as a socialfan... big difference. #commschat
7:11 pm katyhowell: remembering of course that people gather around passions, practices and values - not
demographics #commschat
7:12 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: Q1 (part b) - We all seem to agree (listening) important, but is it
really the first step? And why? #commschat
7:12 pm Florina_B: RT @katyhowell: remembering of course that people gather around passions,
practices and values - not demographics #commschat
7:12 pm CommsChat: Q1 (part b) - We all seem to agree it (listening) is important, but is it really the first
step? And why? #commschat
7:12 pm ShannonBoudjema: @felixhemsley agree. and... the listening feeds the idea... and strategy... ensuring
execution is more than just a FB page. #commschat
7:12 pm Dan_Martin: Oh no. Not two-part questions. They always confuse me! #commschat
7:12 pm ShannonBoudjema: I say no. Lsitening not first step. #commschat
7:13 pm gemmawent: @ShannonBoudjema You need good understanding of your audience to target, but
listening also provides psych/behvioural analysis #commschat
7:13 pm mazherabidi: Q1 I think the first step is getting the purpose of the message right. A message without
something to say is useless. #commschat
7:13 pm CommsChat: @Dan_Martin sorry Dan :/ #commschat
7:13 pm felixhemsley: listening is critical, and should logically be the first step, however should we consider
our own voice is a piece of the puzzle? #commschat
7:13 pm ShannonBoudjema: @Dan_Martin HAH! Sorry mate... #commschat
7:13 pm Jonk87: I hate all the buzz words linked to these answers. It's part of the necessary process of
understanding and then helping. #commschat
7:13 pm ShannonBoudjema: understanding what SoTech can do for your business.. shows you WHAT or WHO to
listen/ research #commschat
7:14 pm TeresaBasich: Hovering. :) #commschat
7:14 pm CommsChat: One more part to Q1 (coming up in a minute or so)... #commschat
7:14 pm NicWirtz: #commschat Listening is part of an ongoing process, it isn't the first or last but a
constant part.
7:14 pm ShannonBoudjema: @Jonk87 explain.... what do you mean by that exactly? #commschat
7:14 pm Dan_Martin: Agree! RT @Jonk87: Hate all buzz words linked to answers. Part of necessary
process of understanding & then helping. #commschat
7:14 pm wisdomlondon: #commschat knowing what you are listening for, who you should be listening to is
7:14 pm mazherabidi: RT @NicWirtz: #commschat Listening is part of an ongoing process, it isnt the first or
last but a constant part. #commschat
7:14 pm barryfurby: @Jonk87 agreed - before you can offer a quality interaction you must be human right?
7:14 pm Beth_Carroll: Yes listen first but it's important to decide what you're listening to #commschat
7:15 pm felixhemsley: @Jonk87 And when you participate you could aid in that understanding whilst
subsequently helping. Where does the balance lie? #commschat
7:15 pm SuzieLin: Q1 (part b) Listening is important but first u need to understand the message &
audience #commschat
7:15 pm Dan_Martin: Sometimes you've got to ask a question before you can start listening #commschat
7:15 pm wisdomlondon: #commschat Remembering influencers of your core market / audience is vital
7:15 pm CommsChat: Q1 (part C), Finally, does the listening portion have a direct influence on results?
Why? #commschat
7:15 pm barryfurby: RT @SuzieLin: Q1 (part b) Listening is important but first u need to understand the
message & audience #commschat
7:15 pm Florina_B: RT @Dan_Martin: Sometimes youve got to ask a question before you can start
listening #commschat
7:15 pm mazherabidi: Do you always have to listen to something first? Sometimes you're initiating the
discussion though. #commschat
7:15 pm Beth_Carroll: RT @CommsChat: Q1 (part C), Finally, does the listening portion have a direct
influence on results? Why? #commschat
7:15 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: Q1 (part C), Finally, does the listening portion have a direct
influence on results? Why? #commschat
7:15 pm katyhowell: @barryfurby and for some brands that is not as obvious as it seems #commschat
7:15 pm felixhemsley: @wisdomlondon Remembering, and also recognising... #commschat
7:16 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @Dan_Martin: Sometimes youve got to ask a question before you can start
listening #commschat
7:16 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @mazherabidi: Do you always have to listen to something first? Sometimes youre
initiating the discussion though. #commschat
7:16 pm AdamVincenzini: RT @CommsChat: Q1 (part C), Finally, does the listening portion have a direct
influence on results? Why? #commschat
7:16 pm sandrulee: Q1c if you manage to give a good response, yes #commschat
7:16 pm andrewgerrard: This is not a chicken or egg issue - Listening & talking are natural processes.
7:16 pm barryfurby: (part c) having researched, listened allows us to set objectives and provided response
7:16 pm ShannonBoudjema: I say absolutely. Listening is 40% of work... getting this right means getting results...
(and I don't mean followers) HAH! #commschat
7:16 pm katyhowell: RT @AdamVincenzini: RT @CommsChat: Q1 (part C), Finally, does the listening
portion have a direct influence on results? Why? #commschat
7:16 pm TeresaBasich: @CommsChat (part c) Only if you use what you "hear". Information coming in is
useless without analysis and action. #commschat
7:17 pm Jonk87: @barryfurby yeah, you definitely need to be human :-) #commschat
7:17 pm Sheldrake: #commschat "results" as in outputs or "results" as in outcomes.... but a yes to both
7:17 pm felixhemsley: Providing answers before listening is unlikely to provide the information
required...unless its a blanket need! #commschat
7:17 pm CommsChat: Some great discussion going on...Q2 coming up soon... #commschat
7:17 pm katyhowell: @andrewgerrard but often need to be taught to businesses #commschat
7:17 pm Dan_Martin: So many brands aren't listening, responding or engaging #commschat
7:17 pm mazherabidi: It depends what you consider a result. A result could be x number of comments, or y
number of click throughs etc... #commschat
7:17 pm SoCollective: RT @andrewgerrard: This is not a chicken or egg issue - Listening & talking are
natural processes. #commschat
7:17 pm Florina_B: I would't say on the results but on how the message is perceived #commschat
7:17 pm ThinkingFox: RT @darika: Listening shouldn't stifle innovation. Henry Ford quote "If I'd asked
people what they wanted, they would've said faster horses.? #commschat
7:17 pm sandrulee: Q1c if you have a good response, you can correct some - thoughts/opinions. listening
gives you an opp to change the situation #commschat
7:17 pm gemmawent: First step in developing a SoMe strat is understanding goals, the market, the
audiences for that business surely? #commschat
7:17 pm NicWirtz: #commschat Social media is generally active, listening is passive but critical to
success. If everyone's engaging who is listening?
7:17 pm garethoconnor: monitoring social media conversation on importance of listening #commschat / via
7:18 pm andrewgerrard: Wow - #geekfest in the #commschat #socol library #commschat
7:18 pm ShannonBoudjema: if listening is so important... why are we seeing Facebook factories churning pages?...
rhetorical... HAH! #commschat
7:18 pm sandrulee: Q1c but if you can't manage that, you can go down as well... #commschat
7:18 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @gemmawent: First step in developing a SoMe strat is understanding goals, the
market, the audiences for that business surely? #commschat
7:18 pm felixhemsley: @Jonk87 Absolutely it does, hence the requirement on all these aspects to consider
on an application by application basis... #commschat
7:18 pm albandali: listening is an important step in community discussion because it helps you
understand the drivers and vernacular of the audience #commschat
7:18 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @Dan_Martin: So many brands arent listening, responding or engaging
7:18 pm CommsChat: SWITCH! Q2 (from @katyhowell): What are the biggest challenges that you face when
implementing a social campaign? #commschat
7:18 pm barryfurby: @darika great example :) #commschat
7:18 pm mazherabidi: @NicWirtz Surely you have to listen in order to engage? Otherwise it's akin to lots of
people shouting above eachother. #commschat
7:18 pm sandrulee: @NicWirtz comm isn't a one way street... you should be listening while engaging...
7:18 pm felixhemsley: @andrewgerrard You love it really, don't you ;) #commschat
7:18 pm ShannonBoudjema: If the customer is center of universe for marketers... then why aren't we listening to
demo/behavioural/social tech/psycho ? #commschat
7:18 pm barryfurby: RT @CommsChat: SWITCH! Q2 (from @katyhowell): What are the biggest challenges
that you face when implementing a social campaign? #commschat
7:19 pm andrewgerrard: @katyhowell That's the weird thing - businesses who profess to know how to
communicate now find it almost an alien concept #commschat
7:19 pm Dan_Martin: Q2: Being a journalist, I'm going to enjoy the answers to this one! #commschat
7:19 pm wisdomlondon: #commschat Listening is an important step to engagement. Which comes back to the
'human' argument...
7:19 pm CommsChat: Q2 (from @katyhowell): What are the biggest challenges that you face when
implementing a social campaign? #commschat
7:19 pm Jonk87: Q2 - little experience but I'll gamble and guess: controlling it. #commschat
7:19 pm Beth_Carroll: Your #socol #commschat panel in action. Keep it coming!
7:19 pm CommsChat: Your #socol #commschat panel in action. Keep it coming!
7:19 pm SoCollective: Your #socol #commschat panel in action. Keep it coming!
7:19 pm gemmawent: @andrewgerrard @katyhowell Agreed ... I've seen a few really struggle with it
7:19 pm CommsChat: RT @Dan_Martin: Q2: Being a journalist, Im going to enjoy the answers to this one! //
Boom ;) #commschat
7:20 pm mazherabidi: Q2 I'd say it's probably defining it's purpose. Anyone can get a message out there,
unless there's a point to it, it's a waste #commschat
7:20 pm ShannonBoudjema: @wisdomlondon is it human arguement...or is it just basic marketing. KNOW thy
customer... #commschat
7:20 pm barryfurby: for me... balancing the transparency with data protection and client exclusivity
7:20 pm Florina_B: I'm guessing getting people connect the message with the brand #commschat
7:20 pm gemmawent: Hang on, glass of wine needed #commschat
7:20 pm NicWirtz: #commschat Famous story of German tractor company, fan says everything's perfect
but he has 20 mods to his tractor.
7:20 pm ShannonBoudjema: human is important. But ... listening is allowing customer to tell you how they want to
be sold. #commschat
7:20 pm barryfurby: again, comes down to being as true to real life as possible #commschat
7:20 pm felixhemsley: Q2 - Profiling and identification, especially in a restricted market. Influencers and
voices are gold dust in campaign efforts... #commschat
7:20 pm CommsChat: RT @Jonk87: Q2 - little experience but Ill gamble and guess: controlling it. //
refreshing dose of honesty...nice one :) #commschat
7:20 pm katyhowell: RT @barryfurby: for me... balancing the transparency with data protection and client
exclusivity , couldn't agree more #commschat
7:20 pm Jonk87: RT @barryfurby: for me... balancing the transparency with data protection and client
exclusivity <<I like what this man is saying #commschat
7:21 pm Dan_Martin: Q2: For a start, I'd say you shouldn't think of the process as a "campaign". It's a
conversation. #commschat
7:21 pm andrewgerrard: Brands that don't listen put themselves at a competitive disadvantage and may
struggle to develop their business #commschat
7:21 pm Florina_B: RT @ShannonBoudjema: human is important. But ... listening is allowing customer to
tell you how they want to be sold. #commschat
7:21 pm Beth_Carroll: Mr #Commschat working his magic #socol
7:21 pm SoCollective: Mr #Commschat working his magic #socol
7:21 pm katyhowell: we find Resourcing is by far the biggest challenge. SM isn?t free; it takes time and real
people #commschat
7:21 pm mazherabidi: RT @Dan_Martin: Q2: For a start, Id say you shouldnt think of the process as a
"campaign". Its a conversation. #commschat
7:21 pm NicWirtz: #commschat Observing can be active but when you're active you're not listening.
7:21 pm CommsChat: We are on Q2 (from @katyhowell): What are the biggest challenges that you face
when implementing a social campaign? #commschat
7:21 pm Jonk87: @CommsChat thanks, someone's got to be honest in this discipline :-) #commschat
7:22 pm felixhemsley: @Beth_Carroll Never seen him so happy ;) #commschat
7:22 pm andrewgerrard: @gemmawent <slurp> #commschat
7:22 pm ShannonBoudjema: biggest challenges? educating clients. separating grown up SoMarketing from the get
rich quick SoMe. Proving results... #commschat
7:22 pm barryfurby: Q2: standing out from the noise, gaining trust to keep a message alive #commschat
7:22 pm crispinheath: #commschat it has to be keeping it relevant to your core audience. Keeping focussed
on objectives but still being confident enough to let go
7:23 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: We are on Q2 (from @katyhowell): What are the biggest
challenges you face when implementing a social campaign? #commschat
7:23 pm barryfurby: RT @ShannonBoudjema: biggest challenges? educating clients. separating grown up
SoMarketing from the get rich quick SoMe. Proving results... #commschat
7:23 pm felixhemsley: Q1 - Setting client expectations, there's no guarantees and scepticism/awareness esp
in B2B is a real challenge... #commschat
7:23 pm CommsChat: RT @barryfurby: Q2: standing out from the noise, gaining trust to keep a message
alive #commschat
7:23 pm Dan_Martin: Q2: I see so many "campaigns" (really hate that word!) which are all about
broadcasting & absolutely no engagement #commschat
7:23 pm andrewgerrard: Challenge: So the Q. for many is "Where do I start?" And the answer is definitely not
"With Facebook & Twitter" #commschat
7:23 pm darika: Q2: Biggest campaign challenge = Budget. If Social Media campaigns had Above The
Line spend, more campaigns would be great #commschat
7:23 pm katyhowell: Understanding consumers is difficult. Latest Gartner research shows motivations for
shopping very different #commschat
7:23 pm Jonk87: RT @NicWirtz: #commschat Observing can be active but when youre active youre not
listening. < I thought observing was listening? #commschat
7:24 pm SuzieLin: Q2 Unrealistic expectations on time and results #commschat
7:24 pm Florina_B: RT @andrewgerrard: Challenge: So the Q. for many is "Where do I start?" And the
answer is definitely not "With Facebook & Twitter #commschat
7:24 pm ScarlettaMedia: RT @gemmawent: First step in developing a SoMe strat is understanding goals, the
market, the audiences for that business surely? #commschat
7:24 pm ShannonBoudjema: biggest challenge? Getting ppl to understand the difference between Grown Up Social
Marketing and Get-Rich-Quick SoMe. #commschat
7:24 pm CommsChat: Lil Tip: Preface your answers with the correspponding Q + Number - helps hugely...
i.e. Q2 - A: #commschat
7:24 pm Florina_B: @Dan_Martin and why do you think that is still happening? #commschat
7:24 pm SoCollective: RT @andrewgerrard: Challenge So the Q. for many is "Where do I start?" And the
answer is definitely not "With Facebook & Twitter" #commschat
7:24 pm brittenwolf: Q2: ROI. Proving the old mantra "spend money, make money" to the c-suite.
7:24 pm Jonk87: RT @SuzieLin: Q2 Unrealistic expectations on time and results < I bet that's a big one
- nice answer. #commschat
7:24 pm RedIdea_: RT @katyhowell: remembering of course that people gather around passions,
practices and values - not demographics #commschat I agree!
7:24 pm ShannonBoudjema: @ScarlettaMedia @GemmaWent - eeeee! So true... that's what I put under the
listening part :P #commschat
7:24 pm mazherabidi: @ShannonBoudjema That's with anything. You get the early grown ups, eventually
spammers take over and muddy the waters. :( #commschat
7:25 pm felixhemsley: So True RT @ShannonBoudjema: Getting ppl to understand the difference between
Grown Up Social Marketing and Get-Rich-Quick SoMe. #commschat
7:25 pm CommsChat: We're about to get internal...standby... #commschat
7:25 pm Florina_B: @CommsChat aye aye captain :) #commschat
7:25 pm Dan_Martin: Q2 You may think it's a one-off "campaign" but you've got an audience so don't
abandon it when client stops paying! #commschat
7:25 pm andrewgerrard: @katyhowell Witness the advebt of so-called "XTreme shoppers"
7:25 pm katyhowell: RT @gemmawent: First step in developing a SoMe strat is understanding goals, the
market, the audiences for that business surely? #commschat
7:25 pm andrewgerrard: @katyhowell Witness the rise of so-called "XTreme shoppers"
7:25 pm CommsChat: Q3 (from @katyhowell) How do you integrate social media internally at your
organisation? #commschat
7:25 pm ShannonBoudjema: Purist SoMe and all it's cliche needs to be laid to rest. Biz needs results, process,
structure, grown ups! #commschat
7:25 pm NicWirtz: #commschat Q2 One of the biggest challenges in emerging markets is lack of client
understanding and unrealistic expectations.
7:25 pm barryfurby: @CommsChat rubber glove? sorry... #commschat
7:26 pm felixhemsley: Very true, a big mistake RT @Dan_Martin: Q2 You may think its a one-off "campaign"
but youve got an audience so dont abandon it! #commschat
7:26 pm Beth_Carroll: RT @CommsChat: Q3 (from @katyhowell) How do you integrate social media
internally at your organisation? #commschat
7:26 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: Q3 (from @katyhowell) How do you integrate social media
internally at your organisation? #commschat
7:26 pm Dan_Martin: Q3 Depends on the size of the organisation #commschat
7:26 pm AdamVincenzini: RT @CommsChat: Q3 (from @katyhowell) How do you integrate social media
internally at your organisation? #commschat
7:26 pm barryfurby: Q3: closed private networks are social too #commschat
7:26 pm Beth_Carroll: @barryfurby Always lowering the tone #commschat
7:26 pm andrewgerrard: "But I want to sell widgets - how does having a Twitter account help me sell more
widgets" #commschat
7:26 pm CommsChat: Yup! RT @Dan_Martin: Q2 You may think its a one-off "campaign" but youve got an
audience so dont abandon it! #commschat
7:26 pm katyhowell: RT @barryfurby: Q3: closed private networks are social too #commschat
7:27 pm mazherabidi: Q3: Work on 5C's. Clarity, consistency, completeness, control and being concise. Use
those as your guidelines. #commschat
7:27 pm Jonk87: @ShannonBoudjema it's not the only cliche that needs laid to rest. All those buzz
words for social listening need to go as well #commschat
7:27 pm crispinheath: Q2: A resourcing appropriately in order to respond effectively an in a timely fashion
7:27 pm ShannonBoudjema: Q3: Chief Social Officer? like a CIO or CEO? Great question. I think the (near) future
is social biz. #commschat
7:27 pm andrewgerrard: On internal integration, you need stakeholder and senior management buy-in. This is
critical to develop programmes & culture. #commschat
7:27 pm Dan_Martin: Q3 One of biggest socmed failures is setting up Twitter account before event & then
doing nothing when event starts #commschat
7:27 pm NicWirtz: @Jonk87 Ha, observing/listening crossover. Point is difficult to be active and passive
simultaneously. #commschat
7:27 pm jodykoehler: Q3 With very small steps... most of the time #commschat
7:27 pm gemmawent: Q3 A: Start at the top, without that buy-in you've got a hard task on your hands
7:28 pm ShannonBoudjema: @Jonk87 Agree. Let's banish Listening... it's good ol' research... #Chumps :P
7:28 pm Dan_Martin: That last answer should have been to Q2 #commschat
7:28 pm SuzieLin: RT @mazherabidi: Q3: Work on 5Cs. Clarity, consistency, completeness, control and
being concise. Use those as your guidelines. #commschat
7:28 pm felixhemsley: RT @Dan_Martin: Q3 One of biggest SoMe failures is setting up Twitter account
before event & then doing nothing when event starts #commschat
7:28 pm andrewgerrard: Your lawyers are now your best friend #commschat
7:28 pm ShannonBoudjema: @Dan_Martin so lack of education? Not knowing that SoTech enables inside, outisde
and for business. #commschat
7:28 pm CommsChat: @jodykoehler Hey Jody #commschat
7:28 pm katyhowell: RT @mazherabidi: Q3: Work on 5Cs. Clarity, consistency, completeness, control and
being concise. Use those as your guidelines. #commschat
7:29 pm NicWirtz: #commschat Q3 Most organisations already have internal mailing lists, there's your
starting point.
7:29 pm ShannonBoudjema: @mazherabidi @AndrewGerrard - yep, yep - that's right... education. understanding
first what SoTech can do for business #commschat
7:29 pm albandali: Q3 - I was listening to the Xerox CMO yday where she said that they shared info on
new products with emplys to share over SM #commschat
7:29 pm Dan_Martin: @ShannonBoudjema @Jonk87 I disagree. It's a conversation. During a conversation,
you listen. #commschat
7:29 pm barryfurby: Q3: Carefully... remember #SpinVox #commschat
7:29 pm darika: It would be great to see people staying on topic and not just saying Q1, Q2, etc and
attaching to random statements?? #commschat
7:29 pm benayers: @katyhowell agree but it can be lonely! #commschat
7:29 pm jodykoehler: Q2 Managing a real relationship without SHOUTING (read broadcasting) all the time
7:29 pm andrewgerrard: Policies and guidelines are must haves, but you need internal advocacy to develop
true integration #commschat
7:29 pm BernieJMitchell: Very glad to be able to catch tonight! #commschat
7:29 pm gemmawent: Q2 A: assuming it's a quick fix, not fully understanding the work required to get results
(hate the word campaign too) #commschat
7:29 pm NicWirtz: #commschat Q3 After that intranet, some companies encourage blogging. Need to
show advantages to execs.
7:30 pm ShannonBoudjema: SoMe just forces marketing to do what it always claimed. be customer centric.
7:30 pm Florina_B: RT @jodykoehler: Q2 Managing a real relationship without SHOUTING (read
broadcasting) all the time #commschat
7:30 pm CommsChat: @darika is gunning for incorrect uses of question have been warned!!!
7:30 pm Dan_Martin: @ShannonBoudjema More often that not it's done as a token gesture. "We need to be
doing this Twitter thing." #CommsChat
7:30 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @CommsChat: @darika is gunning for incorrect uses of question
have been warned!!! #commschat
7:30 pm NicWirtz: RT @Dan_Martin: Q3 One of biggest socmed failures is setting up Twitter account b4
event & then doing nothing when event starts #commschat
7:30 pm SuzieLin: Q3 It's good to start with SM policies internally and move forward from there
7:31 pm charliesaidthat: Goodness me - just a half hour late for #commschat and no way I can catch up...
7:31 pm Beth_Carroll: RT @CommsChat: @darika is gunning for incorrect uses of question
have been warned!!! #commschat
7:31 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: @darika is gunning for incorrect uses of question
have been warned!!! #commschat
7:31 pm andrewgerrard: #Fight in the #commschat #socol library! :-O #commschat
7:31 pm CommsChat: It's almost time for some B2B action...a few minutes away... #commschat
7:31 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @andrewgerrard: #Fight in the #commschat #socol library! :-O Gloves are off!
7:32 pm barryfurby: RT @felixhemsley: I've used SoMe internally for bringing a dispersed base of people
together in what should be a shared interest. Amazing results. #commschat
7:32 pm charliesaidthat: RT @ShannonBoudjema: biggest challenges? educating clients. separating grown up
SoMarketing from the get rich quick SoMe. Proving results... #commschat
7:32 pm JonnyStark: @katyhowell you're involved in the #commschat eh. @Beth_Carroll get you involved
perchance? ;)
7:32 pm crispinheath: Q3 Need a staff community used to social tools. If your org isn't naturally collaborative
need to break down barriers = training #commschat
7:33 pm andrewgerrard: Policies are a deliverable. They are not an objective or a SoMe strategy #commschat
7:33 pm ShannonBoudjema: FF 6months. Clients are jaded. Demanding to know what �$ got them. We say? We
did the C's. We Built FB pg? NO! #commschat
7:33 pm Beth_Carroll: @darika answering your questions #commschat #socol
7:33 pm CommsChat: @darika answering your questions #commschat #socol
7:33 pm SoCollective: @darika answering your questions #commschat #socol
7:33 pm CommsChat: Q4 coming up... #commschat
7:33 pm katyhowell: @JonnyStark indeed! #commschat
7:33 pm Florina_B: @andrewgerrard some companies still fight the tech barriers #commschat
7:33 pm felixhemsley: RT @crispinheath: Q3 If your org isn't naturally collaborative need to break down
barriers = training >> Ongoing Education... #commschat
7:33 pm Beth_Carroll: It's not true! RT @andrewgerrard: #Fight in the #commschat #socol library! :-O
7:34 pm gemmawent: Yup RT @andrewgerrard: Policies are a deliverable. They are not an objective or a
SoMe strategy #commschat
7:34 pm gypsynits: Heavy rains... Loosing connectivity gonna miss the chat :@( #commschat
7:34 pm andrewgerrard: If you want your business to be social, develop your human resources - both internal
AND external. #commschat
7:34 pm CommsChat: Switch! Q4: What role does social media play in B2B? #commschat
7:34 pm ScarlettaMedia: RT @crispinheath: Q3 If your org isnt naturally collaborative need to break down
barriers = training >>Agree #commschat
7:34 pm katyhowell: RT @crispinheath: Q3 If your org isnt naturally collaborative need to break down
barriers = training >> Ongoing Education... #commschat
7:34 pm mazherabidi: RT @CommsChat: Switch! Q4: What role does social media play in B2B?
7:34 pm Dan_Martin: Q2(c): Having too many agencies involved in one "campaign". Leads to confusion and
very slow responses! #commschat
7:34 pm SuzieLin: RT @CommsChat: Switch! Q4: What role does social media play in B2B?
7:35 pm CommsChat: Rumour: Jerry Springer to appear at #SoCol #commschat
7:35 pm Beth_Carroll: @JonnyStark Good to see you weighing in Jonny. Hope you're enjoying it
#commschat #socol
7:35 pm albandali: Q3 - Also, another use of internal SM is the rise in online collaboration environments
such as shareworkz 2.0 for virtual teams #commschat
7:35 pm Dan_Martin: Q2(c): I could give specific examples but I won't! ;o) #commschat
7:35 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @CommsChat: Rumour: Jerry Springer to appear at #SoCol - that's right. This
warrants a smackdown at #MAPmad debate. #commschat
7:35 pm katyhowell: Q4 There is a natural fit between the intensity of relationships required for B2B and the
way professionals connect online #commschat
7:35 pm mazherabidi: B2B are ultimately still 2 people in a business relationship. They can interact in exactly
the same way as B2C can #commschat
7:35 pm CommsChat: Q4: What role does social media play in B2B? #commschat
7:35 pm Florina_B: @Dan_Martin that happens to big brand who have more than one agency dealing
7:35 pm Dan_Martin: Thought we weren't allowed to pitch! RT @CommsChat: Rumour: Jerry Springer to
appear at #SoCol #commschat
7:35 pm felixhemsley: Q4 People still do business with people. Those relationships exist in all aspects of
business... #commschat
7:36 pm darika: RT @CommsChat: Rumour: Jerry Springer to appear at #SoCol ->we can neither
confirm or deny (Madonna is apparently here right now) #commschat
7:36 pm Beth_Carroll: RT @CommsChat: Rumour: Jerry Springer to appear at #SoCol #commschat
7:36 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: Rumour: Jerry Springer to appear at #SoCol #commschat
7:36 pm barryfurby: Q4: Giving a brand a presence in the market place, sharing knowledge, expertise and
creating a point of contact to initiate conv. #commschat
7:36 pm DannyWhatmough: RT @crispinheath: Q3 If your org isnt naturally collaborative need to break down
barriers=training -> freedom v impt 2 #commschat #commschat
7:36 pm DannyWhatmough: RT @CommsChat: Q4: What role does social media play in B2B? #commschat
7:36 pm Beth_Carroll: RT @CommsChat: Q4: What role does social media play in B2B? #commschat
7:36 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: Q4: What role does social media play in B2B? #commschat
7:36 pm andrewgerrard: Do NOT force your people to do this - allow them to develop their own
communications in comfort. Nurture them. #commschat
7:36 pm Dan_Martin: Q4: Social media in B2B is often about building your reputation as an expert in your
particular field #commschat
7:36 pm ShannonBoudjema: Madonna IS here right now. Papps are on sight! #commschat
7:36 pm CommsChat: @DannyWhatmough Hey Danny!! #commschat
7:37 pm SuzieLin: RT @CommsChat: Rumour: Jerry Springer to appear at #SoCol #commschat
7:37 pm andrewgerrard: Business people are also consumers - target them through their familiar social
channels #commschat
7:37 pm AmandaFClark: RT @andrewgerrard: If you want your business to be social, develop your human
resources - both internal AND external. #commschat
7:37 pm felixhemsley: Q4 - B2B org find their int. propoerty their biggest asset. Positioning is everything, and
SoMe gives that opportunity to so many #commschat
7:37 pm ShannonBoudjema: Q4: drives sales, reduce costs of business... build networks of ppl who want to
work/sell/refer each other! #commschat
7:37 pm NicWirtz: #commschat Q4 Social Media makes research easier, can get references, see if
companies are a good fit, look at ongoing projects.
7:37 pm richard_baker: loving that #commschat is going so well!
7:37 pm nickobeano: RT @CommsChat: Q4: What role does social media play in B2B? #commschat >>>>
Good question
7:37 pm Florina_B: RT @andrewgerrard: Business people are also consumers - target them through their
familiar social channels #commschat
7:37 pm DannyWhatmough: Q4 - that's a tough one for 140 characters!! It can do pretty much anything you want
depending on what the community is! #commschat
7:37 pm darika: Q4: The fact we've gone quiet shows how consumer focussed SoMe Marketing is right
now. Huge biz opp for smart b2b peeps ;-) #commschat
7:37 pm RedIdea_: Q4: Social media in B2B is often about building your reputation as an expert in your
particular field #commschat
7:37 pm katyhowell: Q4 There is also an opportunity to tap into social search. Driving attention and
recommendation at the same time #commschat
7:38 pm Beth_Carroll: Q4 Why does the role have to change? Still talking to people, just have to establish
the right tone #commschat #socol
7:38 pm Dan_Martin: Hmm, think there might be some in-jokes that some of us don't know about
7:38 pm SuzieLin: Q4 Building relationships, loyalty, driving sales #commschat
7:38 pm felixhemsley: @nickobeano Hey Beany. Welcome to the #commschat
7:38 pm Beth_Carroll: True story! RT @ShannonBoudjema: Madonna IS here right now. Papps are on sight!
7:38 pm ShannonBoudjema: @RedIdea_ and driving sales, reducing costs, building network of ppl who want to
buy/refer/sell to each other... yes? ;) #commschat
7:38 pm andrewgerrard: Business relationships are - "Business". Being "personal" _is_ important but it comes
2nd & B2B SM marketers must act accordingly #commschat
7:38 pm crispinheath: @DannyWhatmough v true, but people sometimes need to realise they can be freer
than the stricturs of their company allows #commschat
7:38 pm barryfurby: Q4 another resource to find quality leads to chase up in real life #B2B #commschat
7:39 pm DannyWhatmough: Ppl get very worried about b2b sm, but the truth is the principals are the same:
community, content and engagement... #commschat
7:39 pm mazherabidi: If you consider SM as a conversation between 2 people (which it is), B2B/B2C rules
are very similar #commschat
7:39 pm jodykoehler: Q4 If it would be theatre, social media would play the exciting role of 'Opportunity'
7:39 pm Jonk87: RT @SuzieLin: Q4 Building relationships, loyalty, driving sales. < I like this. Also
transparency issues - bad Facebook photos. #commschat
7:39 pm CommsChat: Q5: How can businesses use social media to add value to their existing business
relationships? #commschat
7:39 pm JonnyStark: @Beth_Carroll just trying to disseminate all the info. Acting as a voyeur on this one!
#commschat #socol
7:39 pm andrewgerrard: Still a perception by many B2B that SM is irrelevant to them. #commschat
7:39 pm DannyWhatmough: @RedIdea_ that only works if you've actually got a community to talk to! #commschat
7:39 pm Beth_Carroll: Seconded RT @DannyWhatmough: Ppl get very worried about b2b sm, but the
principals are the same: community, content & engagement #commschat
7:39 pm wisdomlondon: #commschat Q4: SM for B2B is increasingly vital, BUT it is only one channel of many.
It's not *everything*.
7:40 pm felixhemsley: @andrewgerrard But does that have an effect on t much questioned "Broadcast/Sales
Comms Model". Does it fit in SoMe? I believe so #commschat
7:40 pm ShannonBoudjema: @andrewgerrard @JodyKoehler - Discover the B2B pain.... figure out how you can
solve it... personal/prof. all applies #commschat
7:40 pm barryfurby: @DannyWhatmough nice post, much like B2C, different audience #commschat
7:40 pm CommsChat: RT @CommsChat: Q5: How can businesses use social media to add value to their
existing business relationships? #commschat
7:40 pm mazherabidi: Every form of comms is about knowing your audience. Too much SM is just throwing a
message out there without considering this. #commschat
7:40 pm priteshpatel9: RT @Dan_Martin: Q4: Social media in B2B is often about building your reputation as
an expert in your particular field #commschat
7:40 pm Florina_B: RT @CommsChat: Q5: How can businesses use social media to add value to their
existing business relationships? #commschat
7:40 pm DannyWhatmough: @crispinheath yes, depends if impetus is from below or above #commschat
7:40 pm SuzieLin: RT @CommsChat: Q5: How can businesses use social media to add value to their
existing business relationships? #commschat
7:40 pm suebecks: Q5: Ask what their customers want #commschat
7:40 pm katyhowell: @andrewgerrard it needs roadmapping for B2B to make departments feel safe and
manage expectations #commschat
7:40 pm sandrulee: RT @DannyWhatmough: Ppl get very worried about b2b sm, but the truth is the
principals r the same: community, content& engagement #commschat
7:41 pm ShannonBoudjema: Q5: 1st understand what SoTech can do. 2nd Research 3rd key insights 4th strategy
and execution. 5th technology #commschat
7:41 pm felixhemsley: Q5 - SoMe offers an opportunity to maintain and expand those relationships through
introductions on a global scale not seen B4 #commschat
7:41 pm Jonk87: Q5 - they can build a relationship with their stakeholders so when they need to
communicate a message peeps are ready to listen. #commschat
7:41 pm albandali: RT @wisdomlondon: #commschat Q4: SM for B2B is increasingly vital, BUT it is only
one channel of many. It's not *everything*.
7:41 pm andrewgerrard: Social media _can_ supplement AND complement existing business communications
and relationships. Need to find the paths for it #commschat
7:41 pm gemmawent: Q4 Gives businesses opp to engage in ways they couldnt before, sorts wheat from the
chaff through transparency & WOM #commschat
7:41 pm CommsChat: (FYI - #CommsChat crew keen on burgers post chat) #commschat
7:41 pm crispinheath: Q4: A: In B2B core topic and keyword mentions can be more important than brand
mentions in listening programmes #commschat
7:41 pm Beth_Carroll: @JonnyStark It's always quite an intense flow of conversation! Hope you're enjoying it
#commschat #socol
7:41 pm Dan_Martin: @DannyWhatmough @RedIdea_ I think that was my tweet originally. I said 'often'.
Yes, you need a community. #commschat
7:41 pm salleeann: Q4) social media can sometimes allow B2B comms to be a bit playful / informal
7:41 pm darika: RT @DannyWhatmough: Ppl get very worried about b2b sm, but the truth is the
principals are the same: community, content and engagement... #commschat
7:41 pm mazherabidi: SM allows the members of the DMU's on both sides to build more personal
relationships. Ultimately, ppl buy off ppl. #commschat
7:42 pm ShannonBoudjema: Q5: Big Picture Answer? SoMe can work on your biz. Work inside your biz. Work for
you/stakeholders #commschat
7:42 pm felixhemsley: @salleeann And does that in-turn make them more real and thus meaningful/long
standing? #commschat
7:42 pm JonnyStark: @DannyWhatmough it's just the spaces you target are different. Though that does
obviously affect the way you engage too #commschat
7:42 pm Beth_Carroll: Burger RT @CommsChat: (FYI - #CommsChat crew keen on burgers post chat)
#commschat #socol
7:42 pm andrewgerrard: @katyhowell Case studies are key e.g.
7:42 pm wisdomlondon: #commschat Q4: and - bit this is not just B2B - its GOT to be integrated... never
approached in a SM vacuum!
7:43 pm suebecks: Q5: Acknowledge customer responses and what you are going to do as a result
7:43 pm DannyWhatmough: @Dan_Martin yep, the community part is vital; thought leadership has always been
key for b2b, but two way dialogue is new #commschat
7:43 pm katyhowell: @andrewgerrard lovely thanks #commschat
7:43 pm jodykoehler: Q5 Enhancing relationships with mutual benefits which makes it's easier to
communicate two ways #commschat
7:43 pm peteyoung: 1) Understand who their customers are 2) Understand what channels their audience
occupy 3) Plan like you other media channels #commschat
7:43 pm albandali: @felixhemsley of course, i think b2b relationships tend to be more personable in
nature because of longer sales cycles involved #commschat
7:43 pm barryfurby: Q5 B2B happens between individuals right, SoMe allows them relationships to flourish
7:44 pm felixhemsley: RT @Dan_Martin Q5 - yep, the community part is vital; thought leadership has always
been key for b2b, but two way dialogue is new #commschat
7:44 pm Florina_B: RT @barryfurby: Q5 B2B happens between individuals right, SoMe allows them
relationships to flourish #commschat
7:44 pm mazherabidi: @barryfurby Exactly - B2B is still 2 ppl buying off on another. They just happen to be
at work #commschat
7:44 pm barryfurby: it doesn't have to be brand 'a' talking to brand 'b', me talking to you can lead to a
business relationship #commschat
7:44 pm andrewgerrard: Ahhhh - we're all kissed and made-up now ;-) #commschat
7:44 pm DannyWhatmough: @JonnyStark what do you mean by spaces? I'd argue that any campaign-b2b OR
b2c-needs to find the *right* spaces for its audience #commschat
7:45 pm felixhemsley: @albandali That's a great view. The buyers are less fickle and susceptible to
consumer messaging, that's a big differentiator. #commschat
7:45 pm ShannonBoudjema: Isn't SoMe just the enforcer of companies being forced to put customers first! We
barked about it pre SOMe. Now we're doing it! #commschat
7:45 pm mazherabidi: RT @barryfurby: it doesnt have to be brand a talking to brand b, me talking to you can
lead to a business relationship #commschat
7:45 pm SuzieLin: Q5 Utilize it to build on the relationships #commschat
7:45 pm salleeann: Q5) Develop stronger relationships, build brand loyalty, share knowledge and
expertise #b2bsocialmedia #commschat
7:45 pm Florina_B: @barryfurby it's people management #commschat
7:45 pm suebecks: Q5: B2B Forget for a moment and close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a customer.
What would you want? #commschat
7:46 pm DannyWhatmough: RT @Dan_Martin: RT @mazherabidi: @barryfurby Exactly - B2B is still 2 ppl buying
off on another. They just happen to be at work #commschat
7:46 pm crispinheath: RT @mazherabidi: Every form of comms is about knowing your audience. Too much
SM is just throwing a message out there without considering this. #commschat
7:46 pm CommsChat: A couple of questions left after this one... #CommsChat
7:46 pm rubylup: @charliesaidthat yep I arrived late too and struggling to catch up :( have to read the
write up I think #commschat
7:46 pm andrewgerrard: BTW Don't turn your SM over completely to an agency. Work with best-of-breed
expertise to develop relevant & effective strategies #commschat
7:46 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: A couple of questions left after this one... #CommsChat
7:47 pm darika: @rubylup @charliesaidthat Stick with it. New question coming up... #commschat
7:47 pm Florina_B: @suebecks to listen, respond, engage and be human #commschat
7:47 pm ShannonBoudjema: @andrewgerrard We need a check list - what to ask when looking for an agency...
Pareto's law? 80% are chumps. 20% are amazing. #commschat
7:47 pm andrewgerrard: Senior management buy-in is still one of the biggest hurdles B2B marketers face, but
there is a shift from caution to curiosity #commschat
7:47 pm CommsChat: Q6 on the way... #CommsChat
7:48 pm Florina_B: @andrewgerrard right on spot! #commschat
7:48 pm crispinheath: @andrewgerrard here here #commschat
7:48 pm katyhowell: Q5 worth remembering that social media can be a distraction - see Maslow's hierarchy
of internet #commschat
7:48 pm Dan_Martin: Lots of small firms do it all themselves & do it well. RT @andrewgerrard Dont turn SM
over completely to an agency. #commschat
7:48 pm Dan_Martin: This conversation isn't just about large corporates #commschat
7:49 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @Dan_Martin: Lots of small firms do it all themselves - well. RT @andrewgerrard
Dont turn SM over completely to an agency. #commschat
7:49 pm AdParker: RT @Florina_B: Listening brings relevance and thus increases the influence of the
message #commschat
7:50 pm Florina_B: @Dan_Martin well, yes but when it come to the official representatives, they do it
poorly #commschat
7:50 pm Dan_Martin: When agencies get involved, it can complicate things! #commschat
7:50 pm DannyWhatmough: @Dan_Martin @andrewgerrard Indeed, the "agency" needs to take a very different
role in SM: #commschat
7:50 pm barryfurby: @Dan_Martin we've spent practically zero on marketing, social has been invaluable :)
#startup #commschat
7:50 pm katyhowell: @andrewgerrard are you suggesting the slew of social media gurus as an alternative?
7:50 pm mazherabidi: Sm via agcy defeats purpose of individual interacting. Imagine if Richard Branson or
similar's twitter was agcy. no credibility #commschat
7:50 pm tobyparkins: RT @andrewgerrard: BTW Don't turn your SM over completely to an agency. Work
with best-of-breed expertise to develop relevant & effective strategies #commschat
7:51 pm CommsChat: Q6 (from @Darika): Social Media and Marketing, PR and Advertising - What's wrong?
7:51 pm katyhowell: @Dan_Martin or enhance them #commschat
7:51 pm Jonk87: RT @katyhowell: Q5 see Maslows hierarchy of internet <<internet
users requires pictures of cats <<< rubbish #commschat
7:51 pm Dan_Martin: @Florina_B ALL small businesses do it poorly? #CommsChat
7:51 pm Florina_B: they need integration #commschat
7:52 pm Dan_Martin: RT @barryfurby: @Dan_Martin we've spent practically zero on marketing, social has
been invaluable :) #startup #commschat
7:52 pm rhmedia1: RT @RedIdea_: Q4: Social media in B2B is often about building your reputation as an
expert in your particular field #commschat
7:52 pm JonnyStark: @DannyWhatmough I agree! Was more saying that people seem to try and adopt the
same engagement strat to everywhere #commschat
7:52 pm mazherabidi: @ShannonBoudjema Because those are the "business" getting a message out. SM is
(often) an individual getting message out #commschat
7:52 pm Jonk87: I don't buy into Maslow's table of user's internet needs. #commschat
7:54 pm felixhemsley: @mazherabidi But individuals are what comprise a business. Surely? People talk to
people, not barnds... #commschat
7:54 pm katyhowell: @Jonk87 it is funny - humour thingy #commschat
7:54 pm Dan_Martin: @Florina_B Yes but I was making the point that you don't necessarily need an agency
7:54 pm DannyWhatmough: @JonnyStark ah I see, yes, in furious agreement ;) #commschat
7:54 pm mazherabidi: @ShannonBoudjema We'll take this offline. Can't fit this into 140 chars! #commschat
7:54 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @barryfurby: Q6: theres so much disparity in peoples true Furby!
Pareto's law again. 80% chumps. 20% Amazing. #commschat
7:54 pm andrewgerrard: @katyhowell Horses for courses #commschat
7:54 pm Florina_B: (Student perspective) Comms discipline today don't have a well defined purpose, their
lines are blurry #commschat
7:54 pm bikespoke: RT @Dan_Martin: @Florina_B Yes but I was making the point that you don't
necessarily need an agency #CommsChat
7:55 pm jodykoehler: Q6 They now have to work together. Yikes! #commschat
7:55 pm DannyWhatmough: Q5: Integration is the big secret to social media success that marketers are only just
beginning to realise (Old Spice etc.) #commschat
7:55 pm ShannonBoudjema: @mazherabidi Wd love to... please... let's good legwork for #MAPmad ;)) #commschat
7:55 pm Florina_B: @Dan_Martin yes and I agree, a company needs and should know to do that by
herself #commschat
7:55 pm ShannonBoudjema: @DannyWhatmough Integration and.... Content. yes? #commschat
7:55 pm mazherabidi: @felixhemsley Agree. But if individuals are in tune with the business (hopefully)
they're all on the same page... #commschat
7:55 pm crispinheath: Q6 A. none is mutually exclusive. The brief responses I am delivering this yr are
fundamentally diff from last yr #integration #commschat
7:56 pm metzger49: Q6 an obsession with having a social media 'offering' is leading agencies to resort to
meaningless jargon #commschat
7:56 pm wisdomlondon: #commschat Q6: Lot of energy spent trying to define the disciplines now they are
changing / overlapping. More energy on integrating needed!
7:56 pm bikespoke: @Dan_Martin #commschat You point is like an interior designer and and architect, the
second feels market being encroched upon.
7:56 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @metzger49: Q6 an obsession with having a social media offering is leading
agencies to resort to meaningless jargon - AMEN! #commschat
7:56 pm DannyWhatmough: @ShannonBoudjema yes, taking the best bits from various channels and making them
work tactically and strategically #commschat
7:56 pm Dan_Martin: RT @metzger49 Q6 obsession with having a social media offering is leading agencies
to resort to meaningless jargon #commschat
7:56 pm bikespoke: RT @mazherabidi: @felixhemsley Agree. But if individuals are in tune with the
business (hopefully) they're all on the same page... #commschat
7:56 pm felixhemsley: @mazherabidi Exactly, so a need for the internal education before the external
messaging is allowed. It's synergistic... #commschat
7:56 pm barryfurby: Q6: Integration - this means across the business online AND offline #commschat
7:57 pm CommsChat: Come on guys, don't hold back...what is messed up in @darika and
@ShannonBoudjema out... #commschat
7:57 pm darika: @crispinheath different in what way? why? #commschat
7:57 pm Dan_Martin: @bikespoke Which point are you referring to? #CommsChat
7:57 pm felixhemsley: Here here! RT @metzger49: Q6 an obsession with having a social media offering is
leading agencies to resort to meaningless jargon #commschat
7:57 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @felixhemsley: @mazherabidi Exactly, need for internal education before the
external messaging is allowed. Its synergistic... #commschat
7:57 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @CommsChat: Come on guys, dont hold back...what is messed up in
@darika and @ShannonBoudjema out... PLEASE! HAH! ;) #commschat
7:57 pm DannyWhatmough: @CommsChat @darika @ShannonBoudjema why do you think it is messed up?
7:57 pm katyhowell: Q6 Old Spice is a good eg: objectives and metrics are muddled - they weren?t
integrated from the outset #commschat
7:58 pm Dan_Martin: Q6: Many PRs think tweeting at a journalist means the story will be written!
7:58 pm Florina_B: Everyone is resorting to social media like is a magic giny that will sort the problems
like that #commschat
7:58 pm andrewgerrard: Is there a perception that SoMe is somehow different? We may think this is a
revolution, but social comms. is nothing new #commschat
7:58 pm Jonk87: RT RT RT: Q6 an obsession with having a social media offering is leading agencies to
resort to meaningless jargon #commschat
7:58 pm felixhemsley: @CommsChat A lack of widespread understanding and appropriate adoption.
Everyone...including most of us believe we know best...! #commschat
7:58 pm sandrulee: @CommsChat Q6 i think it is that each discipline takes ownership of that... and tries to
exclude the other... #commschat
7:58 pm barryfurby: Q6 If we tell everyone its the next BIG thing, forever, it'll never be a channel that
integrates seamlessly into MAP #commschat
7:58 pm darika: @metzger49 Isn't the jargon just a smoke screen for not really knowing what they're
doing? #commschat
7:58 pm ShannonBoudjema: Q6: what about our own industry? It's free? It's a facebook page? ROI is followers...
#BrokenSoMe - yes? #commschat
7:58 pm CommsChat: Before I forget, #CommsChat participants are privvy to a special #SoCol offer: get a
33% discount by using the code SOCOL33 2nite #commschat
7:58 pm tobyparkins: Haven't agencies always developed meaningless jargon to "differentiate"?
7:58 pm felixhemsley: And that's the worrying truth of it RT @Dan_Martin: Q6: Many PRs think tweeting at a
journalist means the story will be written! #commschat
7:58 pm SuzieLin: Yep RT @Jonk87: RT RT RT: Q6 an obsession with having a social media offering is
leading agencies to resort to meaningless jargon #commschat
7:58 pm gemmawent: Q6 No integration, we're seeing some great examples but many still try to shoehorn
into 1 discipline (to protect budgets perhaps) #commschat
7:59 pm katyhowell: @Jonk87 not all of them! #commschat
7:59 pm barryfurby: RT @CommsChat: Before I forget, #CommsChat participants are privvy to a special
#SoCol offer: get a 33% discount by using the code SOCOL33 2nite #commschat
7:59 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @gemmawent: Q6 No integration, great examples but many still try to shoehorn
into 1 discipline (to protect budgets perhaps) #commschat
7:59 pm CommsChat: Social Collective - a forward thinking social media event - more info at #SoCol #commschat
7:59 pm darika: @Dan_Martin You don't really believe that, right? #commschat
7:59 pm mazherabidi: RT @Jonk87: RT: Q6 an obsession with having a social media offering is leading
agencies to resort to meaningless jargon #commschat
7:59 pm DannyWhatmough: @Dan_Martin many PRs think *that* is social media marketing/PR! #commschat
7:59 pm bikespoke: @Dan_Martin The when do need an agency point. #commschat
7:59 pm Jonk87: @katyhowell Of course not all. #commschat
8:00 pm ShannonBoudjema: #CommsChat participants - special #SoCol offer: 33% discount by using the code
SOCOL33 2nite #commschat
8:00 pm CommsChat: Almost time to say goodbye...full transcript will be available at tomorrow morning #commschat
8:00 pm Dan_Martin: @darika I have examples! #CommsChat
8:00 pm Beth_Carroll: RT @CommsChat: #CommsChat participants are privvy to a special #SoCol offer: get
a 33% discount by using the code SOCOL33 2nite #commschat
8:00 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: #CommsChat participants are privvy to a special #SoCol offer: get
a 33% discount by using the code SOCOL33 2nite #commschat
8:00 pm SuzieLin: RT @CommsChat: Almost time to say goodbye...full transcript will be available at tomorrow morning #commschat
8:00 pm Florina_B: @CommsChat Now I really I'm disappointed of not living in London for this great
events #commschat
8:00 pm Dan_Martin: @bikespoke Perhaps but much of the chat tonight has been from a big business
perspective #CommsChat
8:01 pm CommsChat: Guys, can we give all our special guests a big thank you...they have been awesome!!
8:01 pm wisdomlondon: @bikespoke absolutely - they are way out of step with the reality #commschat
8:01 pm SuzieLin: @Jonk87 Thanks for the RT's and a great chat today! #commschat
8:01 pm sandrulee: @Florina_B join the club!!!! i'll be at the other end of the world by that time...
8:01 pm MissRachelle: We are suffering from a blur of terms in SM- the same thing happened to PR- people
react rather than respond (think Nestle) #commschat
8:01 pm Dan_Martin: Thanks all #commschat
8:01 pm salleeann: Q6) that each try to *own* social media rather than share it #commschat
8:01 pm barryfurby: an epic #commschat
8:01 pm CommsChat: We are off to eat burgers and drink beer / wine - more #CommsChat fun next
week...thanks again for taking part! ^AV #commschat
8:02 pm jodykoehler: Oh my lord! ;-) RT @Dan_Martin: @darika I have examples! #CommsChat
8:02 pm Jonk87: Really enjoyed tonight's #commschat - particually comments from @Dan_Martin and
@Felixhemsley @SuzieLin @sundrulee see you guys #commschat
8:02 pm Beth_Carroll: Big thanks out to the #SoCol speakers tonight for taking part in #CommsChat
8:02 pm SoCollective: Big thanks out to the #SoCol speakers tonight for taking part in #CommsChat
8:02 pm andrewgerrard: #Sheeple - People who just "follow" and repeat/retweet just for the sake of it /via
@ShannonBoudjema #commschat
8:02 pm salleeann: RT @ShannonBoudjema: #CommsChat participants - special #SoCol offer: 33%
discount by using the code SOCOL33 2nite #commschat
8:02 pm ShannonBoudjema: Thank you everyone! Great chatter... and lots of good content for #MAPmad at #SoCol
cc: @Darika #commschat
8:02 pm rubylup: Yay cant wait to read it - sorry I missed it! RT @CommsChat: full transcript available at tomorrow #commschat
8:02 pm Florina_B: Hats off to our lovely guests and also to all who engaged :) #commschat
8:02 pm jodykoehler: It has been amazing. Thanks all #commschat
8:02 pm mazherabidi: thanks all mods and guests. great chat today #commschat
8:02 pm darika: @DannyWhatmough not to be a cop out but so much is broke we're giving a whole
speaker slot to the discussion. Tonight is research #commschat
8:03 pm ShannonBoudjema: @mazherabidi shannon at perfectlysocial dot com - let's keep chatting! ;) #commschat
8:03 pm metzger49: @darika also the over-use by all of certain words and phrases eg. 'community' and
'engagement' has rendered them meaningless #commschat
8:03 pm felixhemsley: @Jonk87 Thanks mate. Come and join us whenever you like on the #SoCol tag :)
8:03 pm Dan_Martin: @jodykoehler @darika I'm not kidding but don't worry, my naming and shaming list
hasn't been written...yet! #CommsChat
8:03 pm ClaireatWaves: RT @CommsChat: Guys, can we give all our special guests a big thank you
#commschat <<had to watch intermittently but yeah!
8:03 pm sandrulee: thanks everyone! great chat again tonight as usual! see you next week again
hopefully! #commschat
8:03 pm andrewgerrard: Are we done already? #commschat
8:03 pm suebecks: RT @CommsChat: Almost time to say goodbye...full transcript will be available at tomorrow morning #commschat
8:03 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @darika: @DannyWhatmough not to be a cop out but so much is broke were
giving a whole speaker slot to the discussion. #commschat
8:03 pm CommsChat: Signing off, night all :) ^AV #commschat
8:03 pm felixhemsley: Thanks for a great #CommsChat, remember participants are privvy to a #SoCol offer:
get a 33% discount using code SOCOL33 2nite #commschat
8:03 pm metzger49: thanks all, sorry late joining. Will play a full part next week #commschat
8:04 pm Florina_B: @andrewgerrard didn't know where the time has gone #commschat
8:04 pm bikespoke: If we are in a word of change agents, knowledge is the key to set yourself free.
8:04 pm gemmawent: Good chat all, now back to creating a facebook page for a new client (I am, of course,
joking) #commschat
8:04 pm albandali: Q6 - I think industry professionals are waiting for metrics like ROI for SM. maybe
something like Return On Engagement? #commschat
8:04 pm ShannonBoudjema: Email your thoughts on broken SoMe - shannon at perfectlysocial dot com - for
#MAPmad at #SoCol xoxo cc: @Darika #commschat
8:04 pm andrewgerrard: Thanks everybody for a great #socol #commschat
8:04 pm katyhowell: thanks everyone, my first comms chat - terrifying and brilliant at the same time. next
time I will wear my glasses #commschat
8:05 pm deakaz: Looks like I'm a bit late for #commschat
8:05 pm salleeann: Thanks #commschat look forward to reading the transcript
8:05 pm mazherabidi: same time next week guys! can't wait @AdamVincenzini, you've pulled another
blinder. #commschat
8:05 pm darika: @gemmawent You so rule :-) Was just saying how much I'm loving your tweets
8:05 pm CommsChat: If you can't wait until tomorrow for the official transcript, visit: for all the action #commschat
8:05 pm andrewgerrard: @gemmawent & don't forget to link their status updates to Twitter & LinkedIn
8:06 pm SoCollective: Thanks so much for taking part in the #socol special #commschat tonight. Great stuff!
8:06 pm Dan_Martin: @Jonk87 Thankyou Stephen. Much appreciated #CommsChat
8:06 pm SuzieLin: Great chat today & looking forward to the next one. Thank you everyone! #commschat
8:06 pm crispinheath: @darika none of the responses are a pr solution or an advertising solution etc. all are
a comms solution. #commschat
8:06 pm bikespoke: Thanks Everyone! #commschat
8:07 pm ShannonBoudjema: RT @katyhowell: thx - 1st comms chat - terrifying and brilliant at the same time. next
time I will wear my glasses - HAHAHA! ;) #commschat
8:07 pm SoCollective: RT @CommsChat: Can't wait until tomorrow for the official transcript, visit: for all the action #commschat
8:07 pm Florina_B: Great to take part for this amazing #socol edition, really great peeps here, looking
forward to the next one, thanks #commschat
8:07 pm darika: @Dan_Martin @jodykoehler I'm guessing you saw my thoughts on name and shame
then? #commschat
8:07 pm mazherabidi: @katyhowell It gets more hectic every week! #commschat
8:08 pm gemmawent: @andrewgerrard Naturally ;) #commschat
8:08 pm barryfurby: RT @SoCollective: Thanks so much for taking part in the #socol special #commschat
tonight. Great stuff!
8:08 pm samphill: RT @katyhowell: Q5 worth remembering that social media can be a distraction - see
Maslow's hierarchy of internet #commschat
8:08 pm darika: Thanks all. Loved it <3 #commschat
8:09 pm barryfurby: RT @katyhowell: thanks everyone, my first comms chat - terrifying and brilliant at the
same time. next time I will wear my glasses #commschat
8:10 pm crispinheath: #commschat well that was great. Cheers all I think that's helped to kick start the brain
8:11 pm rubylup: @felixhemsley yeah theres a transcript on #commschat site in the morning. will wait
eagerly to read it and see exactly what I missed out on
8:11 pm katyhowell: @ShannonBoudjema it went by in a blur! #commschat
8:12 pm mazherabidi: @rubylup It was a blinder today, gets bigger and better every time... #commschat
8:19 pm suebecks: WOW! 1st timer & in awe at pace! Cutoff between responses to Qs would help +
periodic reminders of Qs are my newbie suggestions. #commschat
8:20 pm SimonLewisOMJ: RT @SoCollective: Can't wait until tomorrow for the official #commschat transcript,
visit: for all the action
8:23 pm barryfurby: @suebecks logging into will help, but agreed, it is fast paced :)
8:25 pm AdamVincenzini: Big thanks out to @beth_Carroll for arranging to have our fab guests take part in
#commschat tonight
8:25 pm barryfurby: wish I was in LDN catching those burgers and beers post- #commschat
8:26 pm mazherabidi: RT @barryfurby: wish I was in LDN catching those burgers and beers post-
8:26 pm barryfurby: Thanks @AdamVincenzini for allowing #SoCol the opportunity to take part in the
wonderful #CommsChat :)
8:27 pm suebecks: @barryfurby Did do that thanks. Great experience and so hope can make Social
Collective in September! #commschat
8:27 pm felixhemsley: Here here, thanks bud RT @barryfurby: Thanks @AdamVincenzini for allowing
#SoCol the opportunity to take part in the wonderful #CommsChat :)
8:27 pm barryfurby: @mazherabidi thanks, and same to you - a great place to learn and form opinion
8:28 pm ARWalsh4: Oh no! Missed the big #commschat today bcI was out to lunch! The time diff in the
USA doesn't help either. :( I'll read the transcript!
8:28 pm SimonLewisOMJ: @AdamVincenzini @Beth_Carroll congrats to you both on #commschat tonight.
Fantastic effort from observation. #socol is proud
8:28 pm BernieJMitchell: 2nd that! RT @barryfurby: an epic #commschat
8:33 pm mazherabidi: Love how the list of tweeps I follow gets an injection of quality every Monday night
thanks to #commschat
8:34 pm Beth_Carroll: #SoCol #CommsChat after party off to a good start!
8:34 pm CommsChat: #SoCol #CommsChat after party off to a good start!
8:34 pm SoCollective: #SoCol #CommsChat after party off to a good start!
8:35 pm Florina_B: @mazherabidi all great things and tweeps gather up on Mondays ;) #commschat
8:35 pm SoCollective: RT @barryfurby: Thanks @AdamVincenzini for allowing #SoCol the opportunity to
take part in the wonderful #CommsChat :)
8:38 pm felixhemsley: RT @GemmaWent: If you liked #commschat tonight, get yourself to #SoCol for more.
8:40 pm MarkOfRespect: RT @felixhemsley: RT @GemmaWent: If you liked #commschat tonight, get yourself
to #SoCol for more.
8:41 pm onlymarketing: RT @felixhemsley: RT @GemmaWent: If you liked #commschat tonight, get yourself
to #SoCol for more.
8:41 pm SimonLewisOMJ: RT @felixhemsley: RT @GemmaWent: If you liked #commschat tonight, get yourself
to #SoCol for more.
8:43 pm DannyWhatmough: @darika er? I do, hence interested to see why you think its broken... U asked the
question during #commschat but didnt explain what's broken
8:53 pm Beth_Carroll: RT @GemmaWent: If you liked #commschat tonight, get yourself to #SoCol for more.
8:53 pm SoCollective: RT @GemmaWent: If you liked #commschat tonight, get yourself to #SoCol for more.
8:58 pm CarolVerity: RT @SimonLewisOMJ: RT @felixhemsley: RT @GemmaWent: If you liked
#commschat tonight, get yourself to #SoCol for more.
9:14 pm andrewgerrard: @SbuxMel Aww, you should've - #commschat is for anyone who wants to join in.
Thanks for the kind thought though. Much appreciated.
9:25 pm andrewgerrard: @ygourven & yet there are many pursuing SM tactics, tools & channels as strategy
with little business integration cc. @GemmaWent #commschat
9:37 pm andrewgerrard: @joannejacobs Thanks. BTW were your ears burning earlier? I was having a chat with
@adamvincenzini after #commschat. np - all good ;-)
10:03 wisdomlondon: @bikespoke will do! Nice to meet you via #commschat - look forward to more
11:18 vulpineevents: @Dan_Martin learnt a lot from your #commschat, really insightful. I shall now correct
pm some of the mistakes we have made Thanks Dan.
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