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Maths B Notes 3 – Integration

Q5 [K&P] D/C Lev. Simple Integration, GC Calculator

Algebraic. To find where the line cuts the X-axis;
Q10[K&P]C/B Lev. Area between curves, full SHIFT +G-SOLVEROOT
algebraic working and intersect finding This can also be found by going EQUA in the
Q14[K&P] B/A Lev. Area between curves. menu,  POLYNOMIAL2 DEGREEAnd
Q15[M&P]D/C Lev. Integration punching in formula.
Q20. [M&P] A/B Lev. Integration, Trigonometry. To find where the line intersects;
Rules: pff as if I’m typing them all up. They’ll be To work out despair using RUN mode:
on the formula sheet anyway, so don’t panic. OPTNCALCdespair.dx

Trig Rules:
Exercises to Practice:
Sine integrates to Cos;
Cos integrates to –Sine; Ex. 8A Is on basic Integration to brush up your
-Cos integrates to Sine. skills. Pg 253.
Ex 8B Is basic definite integral stuff. Finding area
from a curve to the x-axis. Pg 259.
Area cannot be negative...
Ex 8C. Areas between two curves.
Ex 8D. More area between two curves.
Ex 8E. Applications of definite integration, M&P
Q5 – Simple Integration
stuff. Pg277.
Chances are this will be one of the simple ones
where you just need to find the area between
Q14 – Area between curves
the x-axis and the curve. But if it’s like this
bitchcake of a graph, then you’re going to have Remember for this one you don’t need to worry if
to work out each area separately and then add it is below the curve or not – it will not become
it together because the lower half will be negative. Example below – I scanned my book
negative. rather than inserting a ridiculishious number of
symbols. Just remember that you can put both
the formulas in the one equation. There’s not
much of this stuff on the test, but I’d still practice
one question of between curves and x-axis stuff so
you can remember the process easy.

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