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Veechar by Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen

The beings of deep and profound understanding, oceans of wisdom, sing of Him;
the Yogis and wandering hermits meditate on Him.

(Sri Ang 1389, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji)

The uniqueness of everything beautiful in this world lies in its depths. The
vegetation that appears to be covered with gorgeous flowers, or the huge trees
whose branches reach out to the skies, have their roots firmly established deep
in the ground. However, a tree that argues against letting his roots go into
ground's depths shall not be able to grow tall and touch the sky either.

Tall buildings have their foundations embedded in the depths of the earth. High
rising ocean waves, who possess the capacity to engulf biggest of lighthouses,
have got pearls in its depths. Similarly, the taller the mountain, the colder its
peak; however, seekers are also aware that treasures like gold, silver,
diamonds, all lie in its bosom. Beauty appears to lie in the heights and the
vastness, but in reality, the secrets of true beauty can only be found in the

The same rule applies to human beings too: The external beauty that becomes
the source of attraction for many actually comes from the depths of one’s own
self. It is an absolute truth that those human beings, who have not plunged into
these depths of the self, remain deprived of peace, contentment, knowledge,
and countless other divine qualities. On taking the plunge however, the first
treasure discovered is contentment. That who is discontent with what he has
got clearly shows he has not taken the first steps on the journey inwards, and
as such, is very hard for him to become as vast as the ocean.

All the great Avtars, prophets, philosophers and thinkers could achieve the
wisdom only by going into the depths of their existence.

Just as there are countless stones on the mountains and waves on the ocean’s
surface, while the real treasures lie in their depths; similarly, anger and hatred
are on the surface of human beings, but everyone possesses peace, compassion,
politeness, and other countless divine attributes deep within. Therefore, those
who plunge into the depths of their existence are called ‘Gehar Gambhir’, and it
is only these people who can possess the vastness of the oceans and mountains.
Those who do not take the plunge, however, remain arrogant, restless, narrow-
minded and cunning, and these cause all sorts of pains and sufferings in their

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