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Sapientia in The 33rd Degree

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I.·.P.·.H.·. Guillermo Calvo Soriano, 33rd

The 33rd Degree
is the Coronation,
the last act of the Scottish Rite
Initiation Drama.
The 33rd Degree is really
the Coronation of the Hermetic
and Templar Symbolism
of High Masonry,
and as such
it must be conceived.

One of the traditional symbols

of Sapientia
was always the Eagle.
“The Supreme Wisdom
presides over
the Works of the Supreme Council
and illuminates it with its rays.” The
notion of Sapientia is entirely
equivalent to the Gnostic Sophia.
The Scottish Rite
is closely linked to Gnosticism
and the achievement of Gnosis.
At the 33rd Degree,
such Gnosis should be fully
and completely attained.
Hence the term SAPIENTIA,
used as one of the Symbolic
words of the Degree.

The Apprentice's Raw Stone here becomes the Philosopher's Stone.
A Stone whose matter, generally despised, after a very long
and arduous work, grants Men the Gold of Sapientia,
more valuable than all Titles and Dignities, profane or Masonic.
“Wisdom” applied both
to technical ability and to knowing
how to do that is typical
of the complete man
in his attitude towards life.
One is not “Wise” at all,
without restrictive limitations,
for knowing a portion
of the surrounding reality,
while ignoring other aspects
of that same reality,
but for possessing
the excellence of Knowledge.
God THOT Dhwty, Djehuti, THOT
translated by the Greeks,
is the God of Knowledge,
Eternal Wisdom
and Sacred Sciences.
He reigns over Intelligence
and over the Intellectual
process in general.
Grand Master creator
of the Hieroglyphs,
Sacred Words revealed
by the Gods.
The model of all
his disciples. Astronomer,
Measure of all Things.
By THOT, the Scribe must be a Man of Knowledge,
one who learns the Formulas of Transfiguration,
and can access a Life in Eternity.
In the House of Life, the Sacred Library contains
“The Powers of Light”, archives composed
of Rituals and works written by THOT,
the God of Knowledge, Serenity, of Light,
and by SECHAT, Goddess of Wisdom.

Thanks to them OSIRIS could revive and the
Science of Resurrection was transmitted to men.
“The House of Life”, an admirable term used to designate
the “Great School”, “the Pure Place” where the Egyptian Sages
learned to discover the Secrets of Life. The House of Life,
an inaccessible place, reserved for the Pharaoh and Scribes and
Ritualists Initiated to the Mysteries of Osiris since the Old Kingdom,
where specialists in Worship and Religious Doctrine, Architects,
Physician, Astronomers, Magicians
and the experts in foreign languages.
Secret rituals, celestial maps, the compilation of Magic Formulas,
the Wisdoms written by the ancients, The Book of the Nile,
the Prophecies, the Wisdoms, the Treatises of Alchemy,
the Calendar of the secret
and public Feasts, the Manuals
of the Ritualists, the List of the
Pharaohs and Annals of Royalty,
the Keys of Interpretation
of Dreams, Sacred Texts direct
emanations of the God of Light
and they perpetuate that Light.
They constitute an authentic
Sacred Language with which
the Creative Force of the Word
is expressed through Sounds,
“Creative Agents of the World”.
Scribe of the Cairo Museum
The Sages of Egypt drew up some “teachings” to open the spirit,
widen the heart, make it a receptacle of Maât,
symbolized by the plinth
on which are the statues to which
the Rites give life and by
the Rector or ruler that makes
the Just capable of happily
crossing the river of existence
to approach the shore of Eternity.
Daughter of Light, MAÂT
is the Harmony of the Cosmos,
the principle of all Righteousness.
She is represented with an ostrich
feather on her head.
To follow the “Way of Maât”
is to achieve Wisdom.

Pharaonic Egypt was the land of the Sages.
For more than three millennia,
his main concern was the search
for spiritual fulfillment thanks
to the implementation of Wisdom,
embodied in a goddess, MAÂT.
MAÂT is rectitude, right, Truth,
Precision and Justice,
the immutable Rule of the Universe,
coherence, solidarity.
She is radically opposed to Isefet, chaos,
disorder, slovenliness, evil in all its forms.

Khâ, Scribe of the Offering Table of Ramsés II

Chapel of the God THOT 1279 - 1213 a. C. Dynasty XIX
Inside the Pyramid of Unas, an open book above our heads,
the Cosmos. The Stars let through the Light of Principle,
which teaches the Way of the resplendent and immortal Wisdom.
It seems impossible to perceive the values ​of the pharaonic
spirituality that knows the secret paths in heaven and the bases
of its civilization if we ignore the content of the Pyramid Texts.
We can access the thought
of the founding Sages, among whom
is Imhotep, and we will participate in
the creative impulse of a Golden Age,
Conqueror of Death ...
Through all times, Imhotep continued
to be the model of the Egyptian Sage.
An architect, writer, statesman,
magician, astrologer, physician,
alchemist, he practiced
all the Sacred Sciences
with equal Mastery and embodied,
to the highest degree,
the Law of Harmony
that made the Age of the Pyramids
a Golden Age without equal.
You have sought the Wisdom that is not acquired with a belief, but
with the Knowledge of the Universe, and the realization of the
Master of Wisdom, Work.
of perfect intentions
and just commandments,
he acts with rectitude, be consistent
and calm, have a firm character capable
of supporting both misfortune
and happiness, an attentive heart
and a language capable of deciding.
The objective of this “Wisdom”
is to reach the imakh,
“the state of Blessed, of Venerable”,
which is Communion with the Light.
Your first duty is to prepare
your Abode of Eternity,
where you are going to live
In the Valley of The Kings
outside of time ...
In the murals of the Tombs, everyday life is discovered,
the days and festivals of the brilliant
Theban society, the universe of work,
but also the stillness of a life beyond
death. Serene, beautiful, eternally young,
illuminated by an inner Light, they are
beings that forever occupy the walls
of their abode of Eternity. How can we
not think of the magnificent text where
the Wise Man thus evokes his forthcoming
ending: «Death appears before
my eyes today like a perfume of incense,
like calm after the storm, like the return
to the country after a long journey,
like health for the sick,
like protecting a tent on a stormy day ... »
Scribe Pesshuper
High Officer Theban
“Man is mud and straw, writes the Sage Amenemope. God
is the Head of the Quarry. Every day he tears down and builds”.
The House of Life recognizes this alternation of construction
and destruction, studies the Message of the Celestial Architect
and allows Man to overcome the duality of day and night. It teaches
the Path of the Heart, assimilated to Consciousness,
a path that Divine Direction takes in an absolutely Natural Way.
The ACACIA is associated with Knowledge, Light and Truth.
ACACIA is the symbol of the true Initiation to a New Life,
the inexhaustible Life that is permanently reborn victorious
from Death. The Adept must revive the dead Wisdom in him,
revive the corpse again and return it to full Life,
being the holder of the virtues of the Human Spirit.
The Message of Peace and Harmony
of the oldest Wisdom in the world
is still very topical. The Egyptian Sage
is defined as “one who knows reality,
myths and rites”; A man with
an alert heart, he is able to satisfy God
and the gods because his life rests
on Knowledge and not on faith.
Some of his daily duties consist of doing
what is Right, seeking the best in things,
not shying away from responsibilities
and respecting those
who are greater than oneself.

Khonsirdis Priest
The term sebayt, “teaching”, is formed from the root seba,
whose other meanings are “the door” and “the star”. These texts
are effectively doors that give Knowledge the fundamental elements
of Wisdom,
as well as stars
destined to guide us
along the Path of Life.
The Pharaoh belongs
to the most illustrious
lineage. Wisdom
has been his food for
centuries and centuries.
The teachings of
the Egyptian Sages
are the most profound
and subtle.
Naoforos with
Chapel of OSIRIS
The Louvre Scribe
The Scribes full of Wisdom, from
the time that came after the Gods,
and whose prophecies were fulfilled,
their Names last forever ... They did not
plan to leave behind their backs as heirs
children of their flesh, who would retain
their Name: they adopted the Books
and The Teachings they wrote,
they made the Books their Priest,
their Teachings are their Pyramids,
the Scribe's palette and the pen,
their well-loved Son, the Tablet, his wife.

The Sages predicted the future, what came out of their mouth
was realized, it is discovered that one thing is a proverb, it is found
in their writings ... Precisely when they have disappeared, their
magical power reaches those who read their writings. Hieratic Papyri
Let us revere and acclaim the God of Knowledge, THOT,
the plumb line that embodies Equity
in the heart of the Balance.
It removes evil and welcomes man
away from inharmonious actions.
He is the Judge who weighs
the words, who calms the storms,
who gives peace, the acting Scribe
who preserves the roll of the Secret,
punishes the criminal, welcomes
the obedient man, the one with
an effective arm, the Wise man
in full Ennead, the who brings back
what was forgotten, who advises
the lost, who preserves the moment,
who describes the hours of the night,
who whose words last Eternally.
Faraoh Horemheb
THOT, Lord of Wisdom,
Knowledge and Sacred Sciences
was “Three Times Great”,
“Three Times Very Great”,
as Great King, Great Sage
and Great Priest.
Assimilated to the Greek
HERMES, he embodied
the hidden Wisdom,
without which existence
had no meaning and human
society became unlivable.

THOT - HERMES carries a ribbon topped by the Wings of Hermes

between which a small Lotus Leaf emerges, Symbol of THOT.
Some Sages tried to convey
their message in the Greek
language through the Hermetics:
Rituals, Hymns to the gods
and revelations of their nature,
praise to the Sacred Royalty,
treatises on Philosophy, Alchemy,
Magic and Astrology,
in which the Spiritual Master,
THOT - HERMES, gives
his Teachings to a Disciple,
Asclepios (or Aesculapius),
that is to say to IMHOTEP …

In Egypt, “the only country where the gods dwell” was where the
most influential of the Wisdoms was expressed. Pythagoras, Plato
and even Moses received the Teachings of the Initiates
in the Sciences of THOT - HERMES. Appearance a
t once philosophical and theological, speculative and mystical,
in the sense of a search for a Geometric Order of the Universe.

Pitágoras Platón Moisés

ATENEA and hers Her brother
APOLLO hers symbolize
the sensible psychic functions,
born from the Vision
of the ultimate Ideals:
The Supreme Truth (ZEUS) and
the Perfect Sublimity (HERA).
ATHENA symbolizes spiritual
Combativity, which must always
be in suspense, since no Perfection
is acquired forever.
Under the protection
of ATHENA, everything that is
most appreciated in civilized
Athens flourishes:
Wisdom, Intelligence
ATHENA Αθηνά and the Noble Art of Living.
APOLLO is the god of Wisdom, explicitly and peacefully.
The fullness of knowledge, the presumption of knowing, belongs
only to the Divinatory Art; and this art is a gift from APOLLO.

He knew the Present,

the Future and the Past.
APOLLO is more than
a tutelary God of Ecstatics,
he is a Knower
of the Occult and the Future.
The Visions, gift par excellence
of APOLLO, given by God incite
to Think and incline to Meditation
and ultimately propel
the individual along
the Path of Wisdom.
The Apollonian Tripod, symbol of the drives, base of Harmony rests
on two Eagle wings, its handles welded to the Cup are shaped like
a Circle. APOLLO seated and bent with his Bow and his Lyre in his
hand, crosses Space. His Wings indicate the Elevation of the Spirit,
the Circles the Sun and Perfection, the 3 of the Tripod a Divine
Manifestation, the Cup the receptacle of Celestial Communications,

APOLLO the Arc and the Arrows

the Sun and the Rays of him,
the Lyre the Harmony.
It is the image of a wonderful
and calm Flight towards
Ecstasy and Perfection above
Earthly Thoughts and Desires,
Symbol of the Sun God,
of the Delphic Oracles,
Vatican Hydria of Apollonian Contemplation
and Wisdom.
The Apollonian Lesson par excellence is expressed
in the famous Delphic Formula “Know yourself”, but in the others ...
Intelligence, Knowledge, Knowledge are considered the Divine
Models established by the Gods, first by APOLLO.
The Apollonian Serenity becomes
the Emblem of the SPIRITUAL PERFECTION that we long for ...

DIONISOS shows life as Wisdom,
without giving up his vital
whirlwind: there is the secret.
In Greece, a god is born from an
enthusiastic contemplation of life,
of a fragment of life that it is
intended to immobilize.
And this is already, in itself,
DIONISOS was born from
a contemplation of the entire life,
in its immense breadth.
preside over the Mysteries,
liturgical signs during which
the piety of the Initiates is exalted,
strengthened by the revelation
Deméter of the divine character of the Soul.
In DIONISOS, Wisdom is the sum of his being, Wisdom
is the fully real impossibility that resides in him, not a thing that
he grants to others, that he transmits outside himself eagerness
to get the most out of life with all its consequences,
extremism and the simultaneity of contradiction,
all point to the unspeakable experience of totality.
Reasoned knowledge and Wisdom, natural philosophy and science
belong to this “physical eye” capable of possessing the World.

Afrodita who dominates Ares

is the conquering Love
of all things,
the driving force
of the conversion of the soul
driven by the desire for Beauty.

Afrodita Ares
Zeus Hera

Reason, pious and stimulating dialogue converge in this peak

of being that Zeus conceives with his legitimate wife, Hera.
Zeus, Master of the Sovereign Good in his universal goodness,
symbol of the harmonious order of the Cosmos on which the earth
must take care of practicing Justice, to restore to the World
its original Harmony desired by the Creator of all things.
The Soul is liberated by progressing along the scale of being whose
learning of Wisdom, Initiation to the Mysteries and the preparation
for the definitive Death, lived as a Rite of Initiation that will promote
its escape, are the ladder to which it is You can access in this life,
but especially in the Hereafter, to enjoy the Mysteries of the World.
The Kabbalist can know
the sapiential ideas referred
to this structure: they are the
“thirty-two forms of Wisdom”,
the Ten Sephiroth, which lead
to Creation, and the twenty-two
letters of the Alphabet,
visible representations
of the Divine Laws
that govern the World.
This pleasure is reserved for the Soul of the Wise Man,
of the Initiate, who, having conquered death, will consecrate
in lasting happiness the wonderful spectacle of these Secrets,
after having triumphantly united with the Celestial Spheres,
the Kingdom of Universal Harmony, and, continuing his Journey
beyond the Empyrean, he will reach the Origin of all things.
No man possesses Wisdom. The practice of our Art will make us
and our Brothers Men well-founded. Forget about yourself
and think only of transmitting your experience. When Temples
have been erected in the greatest countries on earth, there will
no longer be borders between the Souls in love with the Light.
It seeks incessantly the Wisdom, which was created before
the origins, before the sea, the rivers and the springs were born,
before the mountains rose, before the days separated from
the nights, before the Light came out. chaos and the Heavens were
firmly established. With Wisdom, God measures the Universe
and with it he founded the Earth, thanks to it he traces the paths
that the Astros travel. Without it, you won't build anything ...
Be on earth the little flame
that illuminates the darkness
in which thousands
of creatures are found ...
Be like the beneficent water
that quenches the thirst
of those who cross the desert
of existence, thirsty
for affection and love ...
those who seek us,
hungry for understanding and
encouragement ...
Try to serve and love,
to have the joy of having
passed through the earth,
distributing good to all men
Wisdom is in the air.
Don't jump to conclusions.
Practice patience. Let go
of the need to conflict a bit.
Instead, be an observer,
when you are calm and
observe Human Nature,
you develop Compassion
because you see all the ways
that the internal opponent
takes over someone's
And Compassion
is the basis of Wisdom ...
The Great Jewel
of the Order
The Grand Decoration
of the Order

A richer, more complete and profound symbol could hardly have

been elaborated than this, a true symbolic synthesis of Scottishism.
“The Grand Decoration of the Order”, Majora Insignia Ordinis,
is engraved on a Teutonic Cross. It is a nine-pointed Star,
formed by the Triple Triangle, three equilateral Golden Triangles,
intertwined one on top of the other. And at the points of the Star,
each of the letters of the word SAPIENTIA.
From the bottom of the left loop
to the upper right
a Sword extends,
and in the opposite direction
the hand of Justice.
In the center is
the Blue Shield of the Order,
in which there is an Eagle,
to the right of the Shield
is a Golden scale and to the left,
a Golden Sword
resting on a Square.
Around the entire Shield there is
a blue flag, with the Latin words
The Great Jewel of the Order «Ordo ab Chao» in Gold Letters.
or The Great Decoration
Flag or ribbon that
is inside a double circle,
by two Golden Serpents,
each one with the end
of the tail in its mouth.

Nine of the small triangles formed by the intersection of the main

and the most immediate to the blue ribbon, are red in color
and in each one there is one of the letters that make up the word
Prisca Theologica
in which Religion (Piety) and
Natural Philosophy (Reason),
Mystical Speculations (Love)
and Justice, in the sense
of Universal Harmony,
spoke with a single voice
in a poetic language, a true
“Theology Poetics ”
revealed by the songs
of the Prophets and Poets
of the origins
under the auspices of Truth,
Beauty and Sovereign
Goodness combined.
Turn on the Light of Wisdom
and Goodness,
which are your inner Light.
Dedicate a moment a day
to meditation;
Thus the Enlightened Man will not
find darkness in his path.
The Light that you radiate
illuminates all who are near.
Go inside yourself and listen
to the Voice of Consciousness, the
silent Voice of G. · .A. · .D. · .U. ·.
that speaks from within you ...

This is the path of pure Wisdom and Knowledge, which leads
to Purification, Enlightenment and Perfection. The Purification
will be acquired with the help of dialectics and philosophy,
the Illumination granted by the Mosaic and Christian Mysteries,
but also the theologies of the first ages, that is, the Initiations
to the Mysteries, which, by successive Degrees, allowed the access
to the Secrets of Nature by the modes of natural Philosophy and,
granted the famous Epopteia, the internal vision
of divine things through the Light of Theology.

Source of the Life of the World and promise of its future

transformation, the Mundi Spirit animates us. For the Renaissance
Neoplatonists influenced by Egyptian Hermeticism, it represents
the magical power capable of ensuring, for those who dominate it,
the redemption of the Soul. It will take us back to the idea
of the Sovereign Good in this World, the Sun, the origin and end
of all things, because, for the heirs of Ficino,
“Magic Knowledge also leads to Salvation”.
Under the veil of allegory,
let us remember
the messages of theologians
such as
Zoroastro, Hermes, Moisés,
Orfeo, Homero, Pitágoras,
who taught an ancient
Sacred Philosophy.
This awakening of a common,
original revelation,
embracing the Egyptian,
Chaldean, Hebrew
and Greco-Latin traditions,
and culminating in the worship
of a unique God, which makes
Neoplatonism reborn,
convinced of this revelation,
which adopted
the universal language of poetry
and music sublimated
by the Harmony of the Laws
of Numbers sung
by Pitágoras and Platón,
as the source of all Wisdom. Wisdom
Mercy and Reason, Love and Justice, unite in a Universal Wisdom.
It proclaims the Solidarity of the Soul with all the degrees of being
and projects its destiny in the Celestial Paths of a Cosmology,
which is also an eschatology, in which all the Stages of the World
come in Sympathy and Consonance.
Wisdom of the Origins, placed under the Sign of Concord and of
a search for Universal Harmony, which we aspire to as Humanists.
Wisdom that foreshadows the Happiness to come, that only death,
perceived as a passage, a step of the being to cross,
a flight from the Soul, will allow us to fully experience it.

Seven Sages reiterate the praise of Wisdom. Philosopher: Pitagoras,

Sócrates, Platón, Diógenes, Legisladores: Bias, Solon, Periander,
represent the distinction of moral and political values bequeathed
by Greek culture. 7 Sages echo a Hellenistic tradition
that attributed to a group of “Seven Wise Men” the prayers written
in Gold in the Temple of Apollo Pythius in Delphi, prayers revealed
by the god of Wisdom for these inspired spirits:
“Nothing in too much”,“Know yourself ”, “ You are ”.
It is the challenge of Knowledge for Men: To become Angels,
to reach very high peaks of the most sacred Theology,
to become hungry gods, of this stay on earth,
of the Nectar of Eternity, and, even if mortal,
to receive the Gift of Immortality.
It will be awarded to those
who will endeavor to travel
this Path that leads
from Purification
to Enlightenment and
the Perfection of Contemplation,
accentuated by
the Four Socratic Furies
that transform
the Sage into a demigod,
into a true Hero of this World.
“Living force” of the Soul and Spirit
that communicates with the Universe.
Doubt is this mirror
into which it is transformed:
mirror of the earth, mediating power
that reflects the intelligence
and ardor of the Sun,
reflects Heaven, which collects all the gifts
to transfigure the Soul of the one
who now lives in the heart of the
By entrusting his Soul to this web of symbols, the most Orphic
and powerful figure is Love, the winner of chaos and want.
The Magician and Theurgist calls upon the diligence
of the White Eagle, the Solar Eagle, who knows
the Celestial Paths back to Happiness;
he will elevate it to the Tabernacle of God in this World, the Sun.
Hermeticism, late Platonismo and Prisca Theologica,
relying on the Philosophy of Love, contributed to nurturing
a poetic Philosophy of Nature and a vision of Universal Life
in a Divine World of the entire Universe,
while the gods of Greece and Hymns to the Sun
seem to be reborn, transfigured.
Hermetic expressions
are everywhere in the field
of religious inspiration
or world views, in poetry as well
as in philosophy.
Hermeticism increased
the taste for Mystery
and Occultism
and magical operative techniques
that make Man laugh at things.
Wisdom Builds a House
Sovereign Grand Inspector General 33rd
Hector Farfan Stamp Sovereign Grand Inspector General 33rd
delivers The Great Jewel Sapientia
to I.·.P.·.H.·. Guillermo Calvo Soriano, 33rd
the Sages of Heliopolis
taught, what the oldest Book
of the World reveals:
The Life
before Life and Death ...
-British Museum. Images Collection, 2018
-Jorge Norberto Cornejo - Manual del
Gr.·. 33° Sob Gr Insp Gral.·.REAA.Bs.As.
-Rituales e Instrucciones para Sob. Gr.
Insp Gral. Roma, 1988.
-Mircea Eliade-Histoire des Croyances
et des Idees Religieuses. Paris, 1976
-Grandes Constituciones Congreso
Escocés de Lausana, 1875
-Thuileur des Trente-trois Degrés
de l´Ecossisme du REAA. Paris, 1813.

God RA

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