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The Luminous Goodess MAÂT

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I.·.P.·.H.·. Guillermo Calvo Soriano, 33º

Maât is the Eternal Norm
that governs the Universe;
Truth of Luminous Life,
Cosmic Harmony, Truth
and Justice and without which
no happiness is possible,
existed before
the Appearance of Humanity
and will continue to exist
after its disappearance.
Is it not the Power of Maât
Stronger than that of darkness?
Useless words insult Maât.

Pharaonic Egypt was the Land of the Wise. For more than
3,000 years, his main concern was the search for spiritual fulfillment
thanks to the implementation of Wisdom, embodied in a goddess,
Maât, Righteousness, straightness, Truth, Precision and Justice,
the Immutable Rule. of the Universe, coherence, solidarity.
It is radically opposed to Isefet, Chaos, disorder, laziness,
Evil in all its forms.
“What a greater joy it is to contemplate the Divine Action!”
the Pyramid Texts proclaim, since it procures the calm
and fulfillment resulting from the Just Act. Living implies
a Capacity for Love, Communion and Fraternity with the Divine
Universe and the Spiritual Creation; and that Life unfolds
in the Region of Light where it is constantly born of itself.
MAÂT Daughter of the primordial Light, RE, is the Principle
that makes objects not disintegrate, that Men live authentically and
that Divine Laws are reflected in Human Laws. Master of Works
of Cosmic Truth and Justice, she is the Golden Rule of the Universe.
Daughter of the Light, MAÂT is
the Harmony of the Cosmos,
the Principle
of all Righteousness.
This “abstract” goddess
is represented in the form
of a woman wearing
an ostrich feather on her head.
To follow the “Way of Maât”
is to attain Wisdom.

Maât, a seated woman holding
the Key of Life. In her head, the
Pilothouse of being,
light as Truth, the Feather
that allows birds to guide
their flight without error.
Truth, Justice and Righteousness
at the same time.
Maât is vaster than Humanity,
she extends as far as the Universe
and lives from the Light.

Thanks to Maât,
the Universe works, and the Stellar,
Solar and Terrestrial Worlds coexist
in coherence.
Without Maât, our Space
would be uninhabitable.
The Universe is not static,
it is in perpetual Mutation,
only this Mutation is stable
and unalterable,
and it is precisely Maât
that keeps the Secret,
just as the Hub of the Wheel
contains the Mystery of Movement.

The God PTAH,
Patron of the Builders,
protected by the Wings
of the Goddess Maât.
Only she can give the Breath of Life
to the Great Architect
who every day recreates
a Harmonious Universe.


Righteousness, Maât, appeared

in the Heart of Divine Light, RE,
Temple of Hibis - Oasis of Khargeh.
Maât is a smiling
but implacable Goddess.
She is the source of all happiness,
as long as she doesn't betray it.
Not seeking the Truth
would prevent me from breathing...
The Light in Heaven
is brought into Harmony
for Pharaoh. For Pharaoh,
it reconciles Duality
into Harmony. For Pharaoh,
Darkness is brought
into Harmony.
Universal Harmony, Maât,
is before Pharaoh
and behind him,
it is what is brought
to Pharaoh, it is what he sees
and what he hears.
The Universal Harmony
belongs to you.
Pyramid Texts, 34
Maât is the Goddess of Justice,
whose name means “the one who
is Straight, the one who Points
the Right Direction.”
She embodies the Universal Rule,
which will survive
the Human Species.

According to the Law of Maât,
a Pharaoh had to be both
a Scientist and a Sage.
Religious Activity is a means
of Acting on the World.
It is indispensable that the Pharaoh
was a Man of Knowledge.
The king will frequently insist
on linking him with this Divinity.
When he feeds, when he thinks,
when he teaches,
Pharaoh is “He Who Lives on Maât»

Scribe Pesshuper
High Theban Official
Daughter of the Divine Light RE, Companion of Toth,
Maât appears often on the prow of the Solar Barque
as she traverses the Universe, she is the Pilot that indicates
the Good Ptah. Without it no Navigation would be possible,
in this world or in the next. When Maât is in her place,
the country remains firm and Heaven favorable.
Every morning,
the Pharaoh speaks of Maât,
the Goddess of Justice
symbolized by a woman
with a fragile appearance
or by a Feather,
the Rector, who directs
the flight of the birds.
Only she should reign
to maintain the Cohesion
between the Beings.Thanks
to the respect of the Divine
Rule, the Sun would accept
to shine, the Wheat would
grow, the Weak would be
protected from the Strong,
Reciprocity and Solidarity Maât
would be the Daily Laws.
Maât is the Precision, the Truth, the Order of the World, the Rudder
that guides the Ship, the Elbow that measures all things; the verb
Maa means “to lead, direct, pull the rope”, and also “make
Offerings”, since the Offering is the most effective means to oppose
misfortune and disorder. Thanks to this Act, Creation continues.
“Giving Maât, the Universal Harmony, to the Lord of Maât, the
Creator” according to the Ritual Formula, is to allow Life to
Pharaoh Seti I
Pharaonic Spirituality
is centered on the
Consciousness of Maât,
the Universal Rule, and
its application in the World
of Men. The Pharaoh must feed
on Maât and make her live on
Earth, without the Rule, society
was prey to Corruption,
Lies and Misfortune. As Head
of the Government, he continues
to exercise a role of Priestly
Nature, since his High Officials
must “make Maât, the Cosmic
Harmony, reach him”, they have
to respect the Truth
in their relationships so that
the king maintains Justice .
The Righteous Act carried out
in function of Maât must be
restored to its Source, the Light.
Whoever acted only for himself
and in his exclusive interest
would be an actor and not
an agent. The spirituality
of the Pyramid Texts affirms
the indispensable solidarity
of the Pharaoh with the Gods,
the Universe and Maât,
from which Solidarity among
Men derives, guarantor
of the Terrestrial Balance
and founded on a maxim:
“Act for the One Who Acts”.

Great Pharaoh Ramses The Greath

The Pharaoh opens the Doors
of the Holy of Holies
and asks the Divine Power
to Awaken in Peace.
He presents him with
a Statue of Maât,
Symbol of Universal Harmony,
it is the Spiritual Act
par Excellence,
the Supreme Act of Worship.
Pharaoh, and then the Light
is Reborn.

AMUN Maât Pharaoh

Stele of Maât and Amun
Plinth of the Statue
The Sages of Egypt wrote some
«Teachings» to open the Spirit,
widen the Heart,
convert it into a Receptacle
of Maât, symbolized
by the plinth on which
are the Statues to which
the Rites give Life and
by the Rector or Governor
who makes the Just
able to happily cross the River
of Existence to board
the Riverbank of Eternity.
He wakes Maât and Amun
Mérimaat Priest of MAÂT
To Initiated:
“Your Name, Iker, I-kher-neferet,
«He who goes, Bearer of Fulfillment».
indicates that you are Bearer
of a Fulfillment and of the Perfection
of a Work destined to Renew itself
without Ceasing. May your Heart be filled
with Maât so that your Actions are Just.
But it is also necessary to Feed your Ka,
that Vital Energy
that comes from the Other World
and towards which you will return
if you Pass
the Test of the OSIRIS Tribunal”.

Kha Master of Works

“That you Ba,
the Ability of your Spirit
to Move Beyond the Visible,
go seek in the Sun, the Light capable
of Guiding you through the Darkness.
Will you be able to become an Akh,
the Being of Light
that Death cannot reach?”
Behold this Stone, My Son.
“It has the shape of a statue base...
It is one of the Hieroglyphs
used to write the Name of Maât!
Statues are Living Beings, born of Maât.
Go up to this plinth, Iker.
What do you feel?”
- “A Fire springs from this Stone, Royal Kha Scribe
a Fire pours into my Interior. My Gaze... with Baboon Thoth
My gaze is more Penetrating...!” in a Chapel
The famous Tale
«Song of the Harpists» gave
Humans a disillusioned advice:
«Make a Happy Day», means:
«Perform a Perfect Day»,
that is to say, completely fulfill
one's own function in Sacred
and Profane Activities,
do the “happy” day, Bright,
Radiant. They recommend
“following our Heart as long
as we live”; the “Heart” was
equivalent to the Conscience.
Thus, the day we board
the Shores of the Hereafter,
we will have nothing to fear...

The Arpist
Divine Forces;
Carriers of the Invisible,
they traced the Paths of the Heart,
outside of which no Life had meaning.
With them,
he would defend the Cause of Maât,
the Fragile
and Luminous Goddess of Justice.

The Egyptians considered Death,
that bodily extinction, however painful,
only as a secondary event. More serious
is the Second Death, which can Annihilate
Our Being forever if we do not pass
the Test of the Tribunal of the Beyond.
The Court of the Other World
only asks a fundamental question
to those who appear before it:
“Have you Respected and Practiced Maât
during the Time of your Existence?”

Ounennéfer High Priest of OSIRIS

The Condemned One saw himself
deprived of the Light, he remained dispersed
and prisoner of the Darkness.
But Maât, the Rule was shown to be full of Love
for those who had practiced it in Life;
if he placed it in his Heart,
the Traveler through the Beyond
had nothing to fear,
the Best Destiny is to become a Mummy
in order to Resurrect.
This posture translates the idea of “Die”,
but also that of “Sleep”,
before the Awakening to Eternity.

The Pilgrimage
to Thebes West,
located in front of Luxor,
is a Journey Beyond Time,
Beyond Death
that the Egyptians knew
how to tame and decipher.
In the Tombs we will not find
horror and desolation,
but an Initiatic Teaching,
a Transfigured Life,
the Certainty of Rebirth
if we follow the Path of Maât,
Universal Harmony
and Righteousness
in the Heart of Man.
The Judgment
of the President of the Court, OSIRIS,
was severe;
he tied the Damned to posts,
handed them over to Terrifying Demons
who cut off the Heads with their Knives,
threw them into Lakes of Fire.
The Symbolism of the Imagers
of the Cathedrals and of Dante
was inspired by that of the Valley
through different modes of transmission.

Maât is present in the Valley Tombs,
in the form of a Goddess;
It can be affirmed that it is omnipresent,
because it Inspires the Just Act of the Master Builder,
Guides the Hand of the Painter and the Designer
and keeps the Pharaoh's Heart in Righteousness.
It is often found at the Entrance of the Hypogea.
Is it not? necessary to go through it
to fearlessly enter the Paths of the Beyond?

Maât performs
a Gesture of Veneration.
The sublime beauty
of the Goddess who embodies
the Imperishable Ruler
is remarkable.
A red Band fixes two Feathers
on her Hair.
It alludes to the Double Maât.


To face the Court of the Beyond, we must learn Sacred Texts,

know the Rites, have practiced Harmony on Earth and replace
our Heart of flesh with a Heart-Consciousness,
symbolized by a Scarab. In Hieroglyphics, the same word
means “Scarabeo” and “Transform, Evolve, Become”.
Single Image. Hathor - Maât Temple

It alludes
to the Double Maât,
that of the Double Aspect:
Divine Rule
and Formulated,
Human Rule,
with which the Being
is confronted on
the Day of Judgment in
the «Hall of the Two Maât»

Goddess Maât Initiated Goddess Maât

Hathor - Maât Temple
Deir el - Medinah
“The Devourer”

An existence was considered harmonious

when the Heart of the Being was as light as the Ostrich feather
that symbolized the Rule. If the actions had been negative,
the Heart weighed too much. The Being was then condemned
to the Second Death and “The Devourer” swallowed it.
The Fundamental Maxim
of Egyptian Morality,
formulated in the Tale of the Oasis, is:
Act for Him who Acts.
The Pharaoh is not satisfied
with saying Maât, but he does it,
Works according to Her:
for this reason his Divine Mother ISIS
can breastfeed him
to give him a Supernatural Energy,
while the Enemies of the King
are not «Righteous of Voice».
ISIS brestfeed
the Pharaoh
I have preached and I have practiced Fairness, Maat,
I have Spoken in Truth, I have Transmitted the Just Words.
I have Separated with Equity those who faced each other,
to benefit them with the Love of Humans,
I have saved the Weak
from the power of the Strong,
as much as possible.
I have given Bread to those
who were Hungry,
Water to those who were Thirsty,
a Dress to those who did not have it.
To those who were without a Boat
I have promised that they will reach
the Other Shore. I have given
a Dwelling of Eternity to those
who had no Son
to build it for themselves. “False Door”
of the Mastaba o Sesi - Saqqara
“I have realized Equity for your Lord.
I have satisfied God with what he Loves”.
“I have preached and
repeated Righteousness.
I have formulated
Righteousness and I have
Realized Justice.
I have respected
my Father.
I have benefited from
the Love of my Mother
for the dominion
that she exercised over her”
“I have never uttered bad words against anyone,
because she wanted Fulfillment and the State
of Venerable before Gods and Men, forever”.
Mastaba of Idu - Saqqara
The Houses of Eternity in the Valley of the Kings were placed under
the protection of “the Great Peak of the West, Daughter of Light
with her Name of Maat”. Up there, the Divine Mother revealed
herself, Owner of Births and Transformations, Regent of Beings
in Righteousness, Helper for those who Worship her, Protector for
those who carry her in her Heart. But that Mysterious Sovereign
could not bear lies or greed, and her Love could become Terrible.
In the House of Gold, the Statues that contain the Ka,
the Imperishable Energy, are animated; only the Initiates
who perceive Gold as the Flesh of the Gods have access to it.
Thanks to the Stone of Light, transmitted from Master Builder
to Master Builder, it was possible to Transmute Matter,
travel from Stone to Star and from Star to Stone.”
The Being without
Righteousness does not
enter the Place of the Rule,
the Country of Silence.
Only the Being with
a Right Heart is admitted
on the Barge,
since the Boatman does not
cross Beings
without Righteousness.
How Happy is the one
who lays down!
Hymno to Amun of Leyde

Great Scribe
“Great is the Rule, Maât,
Enduring its Efficacy.
It has not been disturbed
since the Times of OSIRIS.
When the End comes,
the Rule remains.
He Who Obeys the Rule
Will Last,
but there will be no Grave
for the Greedy”.

“A way of acting without
Righteousness will not reach port.
Praised be you, Harmony
of the Universe, Maât, Sovereign
of the North Wind! You open the Nose
of the Living, you offer the Wind
endlessly to the one who sails
in your Boat… Allow me to enter
in the Paradisiacal Fields,
reach the Field of Offerings
and receive Food, every day,
at all the Offering Tables
of the City of Pilar.
May my Heart move through
the Underground Kingdom,
may the Good Path be opened to me”.
Stele of Horemheb
Stele of Horemheb
British Museum
British Museum
Ptolemy VIII

King Ptolemy VIII

Ointment offering
to the gods
Amun-Re and Maât
170 - 116 a. C.
Karnak Est Temple

Amun-Re Maât
“I was a Righteous and Just Man, exempt from disloyalty,
who placed God in his Heart, knowing his power. I arrived at
this City of Eternity, after having acted Well on Earth.
I did not provoke affliction, no reproach was made to me.
My Name was not pronounced in any negative circumstance,
with respect to a Vice whatever it was”.
The Practice of Maât translates
as “Justness of Voice”,
being the Just Word inseparable
from the Just Act. This Formulation
of Righteousness animates what seemed
inert and triggers the Offering Process,
Link between Gods and Men,
between the Invisible and the Visible.
The Pyramid Texts insistently develop
Seti I
the Theme of the Omnipotence
offers Maât
of the Creative Word: the Divine Light
Speaks, there is a
“Great and Perfect Word”
that allows one to become
a Being of Light
and Ascend towards God.
Pharaoh Offers Maât to Ptah

At last the Supreme Offering

arrived, that of Maât,
the Immortal Rule of Life.
You live from It,
said the King to the Divinity.
She Enlivens you
with her Perfume,
Feeds you with her Dew. Your
Eyes are the Rule,
your whole Being is the Rule.
The Pharaoh fraternally
kissed the Power,
closed the Doors of the Naos,
closed the bolt
and placed a Clay Seal.
God PTAH MAÂT Pharaoh

Venerating the Power of Light and respecting the Rule of Maât
teaches Man Righteousness and tries to separate him from
his selfishness and vanity. We must Commune with the Light and
make the Offerings rise towards Maât, Coherence of the Universe.
Like every day, the Divine Power had awakened and the goddess
Maât had been able to say to the King: «You live in me,
the perfume of my Dew Enlivens you, your Eyes are Maât».
Maât is the Sovereign of the
Brotherhood of the Divinities.
She is a Daughter of RE, of the
Divine Light, whose Immortal
Essence she transmits. She is the
Immutable Rule of the Universe,
the Ideal of the Wise, the Truth
and Righteousness that no error
can ever stain. Every Pharaoh
has the obligation to respect Maât
in her action and to make
her Live. Otherwise, Civilization
would be in danger. When Maât
does not reign over Egypt,
the country is doomed
to Decadence and Misfortune.
Maât is the Eternal Order.
The Egyptian Name of Deir el-Medineh was Set Maât, «the Place
of Maât», the Place where Maât was practiced, the Rule
that Governs All Universes. Maât is the highest expression
of Egyptian Spirituality; Living off Maât and making her live,
the Pharaoh allows Egypt to stay in touch with the Divine
and prosper. The People of the Artisans is placed under the
protection of this Rule that Everyone had to apply in their Work.
Egypt is not of
this World.
Directed by Maât, it
is adapted
to the Plan of Work
conceived at the
Beginning of Time,
her Rule was
the daily food
of the Hearts
and the Spirits.

Our Country specifies it here. The Unseen has chosen the Kingdom
of him, and we Reverence him as our most valuable Treasure. When
OSIRIS Resurrects, the Eye becomes Complete, nothing is Lacking.
So, Egypt Go and Create. Otherwise, she remains blind and sterile.
In the Temple of Deir al-Madina, dating from the Ptolemaic Period,
built in the 3rd century BC, in honor of the goddesses Hathor and
Maât, Sovereigns of Heavenly Joy and Harmony of the World,
Imhotep, the Master of Works of Saqqara, and Amenhotep,
Son of Hapu, of Luxor, were also venerated.
“To access
the State
of Luminous
the Perishable
into Eternal,
the Materials
that will form
a New and
“Be the Craftsman Who Gives Life. Your Hand will Know
the Designs of God and your Mouth will Pronounce the Formulas of
Transfiguration. You will move then like a Star in the Womb of your
Mother, the Sky; You will shine like Gold and carry out the Work.
Remember that Maât is Fertilizing Light for those who practice it”.
Dr Guillermo Calvo
Valley of The Kings

“You will need many years to penetrate the Secrets of Egypt;

Learn to Serve Maât, the Goddess of Truth and Justice,
and your Existence will be Luminous”.
May I see the Truth before the Lord of Totality.
May I Offer Righteousness to the Lord of the Universe
to the Lord of Life,
I will act in accordance with his Precepts”.
Texts from The Coffings, ch. 534
“You who enter the Temple of Ptah
and leave It… You would love Life,
you would forget Death.
I have put Justice, Maât, in her place,
knowing that this was God's Desire”.

Statue of Tja-ba-neb-dedenimu
“I know the Joy formulating
Righteousness, because I know
that it is Luminous,
for those who Practice it on Earth,
from Birth to Death.
It is a Solid Wall for those
who Pronounce it, on the Day
that Appears before the Brotherhood
of the Court of the Other World,
who judges the Miserable,
strips each one naked,
punishes the Guilty
and decapitates his Soul.
Priest I have conducted
my Existence with Righteousness”.
“Listen to me,
you who are going to Exist:
Practice Righteousness
every day, it is a grain
that nobody gets enough of.
You will thus go through
Existence with Sweetness
of Heart until the moment
you go to the Beautiful West.
Your Soul will have
the Power to Enter and Exit,
just like the Lords of Eternity
who endure
with their Ancestors”.

Stela of Beky
Egiptian Museum of Torino
Scribe Ramosis
“You are in the Sacred Territory
of the Great and Noble
Tomb of Millions of Years
in the West of Thebes.
Here, Queen Maât,
in her Bright Place.
Be honest, do not lie
and speak with the Heart;
otherwise, She will separate you
from the Place of Truth.
The Rule
is the Expression of Maât,
Daughter of the Divine Light,
Principle of All Harmony
and Creative Word”.
Scribe Ramosis
“Here we discover the Daily Life,
the Days and the Feasts of the brilliant
Theban Society, the Universe of Work,
but also the stillness of a Life Beyond Death.
Serene, Beautiful, Eternally Young,
Illuminated by an inner Light,
they are Beings who forever occupy
the Walls of their Abode of Eternity.
How not to think of the magnificent text
where the Wise Man evokes his Next End:
«Death appears before my eyes today like
a perfume of incense,
like the calm after the storm,
like the return to the country
after a long trip, like health for the sick,
like the protection
of a tent on a stormy day…”
“Make Beautiful your Position in the West,
splendid your House in the City of the Dead.
Thanks to Righteousness and the Just Way of Acting,
there can Rest the Heart of a Being.”
The Square of the Roman
Architects and Master Builders
of the Middle Ages
is the exact reproduction
of the Square
of the Goddess Maât,
Guarantor of Harmony
and with which Pythagoras
made his Angle of Equity.

“Be Aware that Eternity
is Approaching”.
Practicing Equity
is the Vital Breath”.
Tale of the Man from the Oasis
“Righteousness is for Eternity.
It descends to the Underground
Kingdom with those who practice
it. He is placed in the Tomb,
he joins the Earth, but his Name
is not blotted out, the Good
he did is Remembered.
That is the Rule,
according to the Divine Words”.
Tale of the Man from the Oasis
“How should
we behave to escape
a fatal fate?
Keep silent, listen
to «the Great Word»,
calm down,
dominate the tumult,
recognize the presence
of the Light
and join the Sacred
dimension of Life,
the Path of Maât”.
Bibliograpy - La Pièrre de Lumière 4 vol - Christian Jacq, Paris, 2001-2002
- La Tradition Primordiale de l´Égypte Ancienne - Christian Jacq, Paris, 1999

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