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Famous dishes Hunan cuisine.

Translation to English.
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Chinese Pinyin English description

!"#$%& zou3 you2 dou4 chi3 kou4 rou4 Streaky bacon shreds first boiled and fried, seasoned with soy sauce,
fermented sauce and rice wine, and steamed.
'()& hong2 wei1 fang1 rou4 Streaky bacon with candy sugar. Bacon with crisscross slashes braised
in a mixture of ginger, rice wine, candy sugar, onion. Served in flavourful
broth remains.
*+,& ku3 gua1 niang4 rou4 Bitter melon stuffed with ground pork, prawns and mushrooms
'-,& hong2 jiao1 niang4 rou4 Red peppers stuffed with pork, prawns.
./01 la4 wei4 he2 zheng1 Mix of: smoked salted pork, carp fish and chicken steamed.
23&4 zhen1 zhu1 rou4 wan2 Pearl Rice Balls with meat. Balls of glutinous rice stuffed with pork and
ham. Traditional recipe may include a little bit of prawns and
5)67 huo3 fang1 dong1 gu1 Steamed ham with winter mushrooms. Once cooked, a mixture of
chicken and meat consommé is poured over.
89:& ji2 shou3 suan1 rou4 Jishou acid pork. Pork meat conserved for 15 days in a marinade made
of cornstarch and salt, and stir-fried with chillies.
;<=>? nai3 tang1 sheng1 ti2 jin1 Pork tendon stewed, served in a creamy soup (soup made by boiling for
long hours chicken, pork and pig feet).
:@AB suan1 la4 du4 jian1 Sweet & Spicy pork belly
'(C& hong2 wei1 niu2 rou4 Stewed beef in a soy sauce.
'DC>? hong2 shao1 niu2 ti2 jin1 Braised beef tendons with a sauce (soy, ginger)
EFGH fa1 si1 bai3 ye4 Stir fried pork belly shreds with bamboo shoots
'-.& hong2 jiao1 la4 rou4 Braised beef with chillies
'(I>J hong2 wei1 yang2 ti2 hua1 Braised lamb leg cuts in a brown sauce (thick soy sauce)
'(KLMN hong2 wei1 jia3 yu2 qun2 zhua3 Braised turtle meat in a thick soy sauce
:@OLF suan1 la4 you2 yu2 si1 Sweet and sour squid shreds
5PLQ hou3 ba3 yu2 juan3 Fried mandarin fish rolls
RSTL zi3 cai4 cuan1 yu2 Stir fried carp fillets with seaweed
UVW yuan1 yang5 li3 Two-colour Carp. Carp fried coated in egg white. One side of the fish is
garnished with a combination of fried bamboo, mushrooms, ginger,
green soy and ham and the other side with tomato and onion sauce.
XFYL yin2 si1 ji4 yu2 Soup made of crucian carp and shredded turnips
Z1[\ fen3 zheng1 bai2 shan4 Steamed eel sliced coated in rice flour. Sometimes accompanied by
ginger-vinegar sauce.
'(L] hong2 wei1 yu2 chi4 Stewed shark fins with sauce
^_` dong1 an1 ji1 Probably the most famous dish outside of Hunan. Dong'an Chicken.
Chicken strips stir fried with mushrooms, dried red chillies, ginger, onions
and peppercorns
Z1` fen3 zhen1 ji1 Steamed chicken with rice
a@b` ma2 la4 zi5 ji1 Peppery and hot fried chicken. Changsha dish.
:@`c suan1 la4 ji1 ding1 Spicy and sour chicken cubes
:@def suan1 la4 da4 zhuan3 wan1 Spicy and sour chicken wings
g<hPi qing1 tang1 chai2 ba3 ya1 Steamed duck.
Duck pieces steamed with ham and bamboo shoots. At the end of
preparation the dish is seasoned with chicken broth.
J7jkl hua1 gu1 wu2 huang2 dan4 Steamed Egg white with stir-fried mushrooms.
mnol tang2 cu4 pi2 dan4 Sweet and sour thousand years egg. Duck eggs that have been
preserved for a period of a few months.
a@pc ma2 la4 tu4 ding1 Fried diced rabbit meat in a spicy & peppery sauce
qmrs bing1 tang2 xiang1 lian2 Lotus Seeds in rock sugar syrup
qmtu bing1 tang2 pi2 pa5 Medlar fruits in rock sugar syrup
5vw# huo3 tui3 can2 dou4 Stir fried green beans with ham
,67 niang4 dong1 gu1 Steamed mushrooms stuffed with prawns
xy#z4 jiao1 liu1 dou4 fu5 wan2 Fried tofu balls
J7D{| hua1 gu1 shao1 ling2 jiao3 Stir-fried water chestnut with mushrooms
"@6}B you2 la4 dong1 sun3 jian1 Stir-fried spicy bamboo shoots
~•€F+ gan1 bei4 hui4 si1 gua1 Stir-fried Luffa (gourd) with dry clams
•‚ƒ„ liang2 ban4 xiang1 chun1 Boiled Chinese cedar
…F:@< wen2 si1 suan1 la4 tang1 Spicy and sour soup made of tofu and chicken coagulated blood
5v6+< huo3 tui1 dong1 gua1 tang1 Clear soup made of pumpkin and ham

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